Hritôrreoit Daily Dhipntrfy \umi-t Ι 1!>H Publish, il 1 \ ci> M tcriuitiii 1 ui p >uncl.i> l>> IlI NDi i^ON l)M'\llll (I) l\i .il 1 »1' \ ou:i^ >trfrt I i !■ λ Ν! I I I ! 1 1 HUNl s a. - AI' ν . -I -M Kli'l ION l'KU I - I ijjlili· -.i ru t!> iti ad* .;iiiv Γι ι L<S1 We Forget Conoicss shall make so law respecting an estab lishment of religion, or prohibiting the tree exer cise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech or oi the press. —U- 5 CocAiruo·· • · Britain's Crisis • ·ιρ· ■ ά er fr· ,nj !* M..·.· .-•■eciiMy. il ' -id li peo upply had ■. ι ' i. , · r! !1 iit efforts : i ·:·»· United State ; ci : icd f to η ake great headway against the submarine ι:,ι η are μ tin- North Atlantic sea lanes. Vet in 'he face "f the e fa' '.■·■■ 1 do.c|iipp.cuts. t'oiiM! ons pas.-es ■ conscription measure for we·: en Whether th. t mean- · : ί·π 1 ' r.· pressed into the 1 ' ! sonn'thinu el ι .. ■ ■ It resent a ! ■ i" · " ■ ' ,t will have 11 < >■'. ! ■ ι ■' ■ , ■· ■ . η ε; Λ mené: ι η id · - 1 .· ;., : : - nient. What. ' · ·>. .,-d m spite 1.1 ( .. ρ··,* >··ι· ί> Russi, and -till!'.; ·i ι · dolVn-o i> Africa, it ■' I'ning enough thai the part ■ ·f the· v. ■ Ί(Ι " ' nyd aga r. Nazi tyranny li. - a iong way to ; yet. The correspondent warn recei ' h spoke was more gloomy in his point blank a- .··1 ion thai Hitlvr could ι vade tin- British Isles an\ day h· wished if he were willing to pay th. prire. li·' eoiild have done it last yea or this year, in this man's opinion The journalist offered another an. still moif disconcerting opinion tha the German attack on Russia wa not undertaken because of fear ο Russia, or of Britain, hut to get con trol of Russian munitions plants ail. Russian oil as a source of uppl.. ίο his planned ultimate attack to con quer the United States. Pexhaps what, h do happened in th V - ' ! ui '' ! - 1 \irf of I ; ' ι A Ο I' thilt | . ' : v. I ! t/e: 'aiîily Ι Χ \· λ it-.i ϋ: . \:.Λ'1 - akc . it rriWe mistake π • ' \ ·λ \ cr>es 111 ■ι »ι>.-ΐί! aïKV that ■ :· λ tv has been ι".ιί'λιίι. except moine!'.-1 • nay lu- î:.e, bu'. ■λ grave error to assur. ». · prop rtions now. Fatalism who hanged himseil '· aitie the qthei day tu a .ilî . il t hiv ι1 oeeii in t'atahstie Vievv o£ iile ΐο : . Art et Ice that such! is not ··■ π ont lace Wo·.·. ^ i-ome ;i nation ol d d n< f simply sur * ' the ener :e> % ho j A* e.i, · ' - ... ..n And j ie ' . ' ne > l:!e| Opposition to Bailey • >· · · r · η t dotermini re η short - d l'cîion. and 1 tn playing' ι a'id wherever it ad', antage: or at leas! ' : ι * v> . Id he so d if fiTOîit ' . .. ι··· i«e that ht- would r. ■pecitnen for the rrtu-e·:· ■ 1 '"if incident is extrc·!· · "> • ,n ν l'or the «enat· r V of thing that cli: ans ' ι ! ' ι * always 1. -. ■ - ha for hinging out · merit of personal a· ta'!' It a ^ come at a · time, tlv>ugh «·< · · itself, could di qualify·"!: y. of hi- dut ι the pi ·· ". · ■ · η win ting Uh i' ■!■·.'. ! i ·.! ■ '· , e tailings <·' ,f • ■.'(Μ·, ,· <-.! " ! Γ,., ley ' •■ι.:: ! ■ ·'··■■ ·.we it t< S ■ :. '. ■ ' .ft I'!' till : ' possibli • /■ · '...i ι le a π -t t ite. an· one who ran pass muster in all hi ; 1 ι1 : t ' ■ ί · And tit., t might be : lift icult task. Belated Terrorism Υ.:·! ..ι . i> tic.h of Italians fur ,i . ·ι«· j.' !n a»sassinate MusmjIiii as it dutv several year? aft·· the act, is a sort of belated terror!.-! ;i at may be calculated t > cuinpi continued submission to t■ ■ i;.iι■.u ... 'i.nint's despite opp< >-.'■■ ι. Ι·λ deuces are not lacking that there . a growing resllessnes- anong Mus olini's people, to say nothing of ■ more or less impatient attitude aboi the fate toward which they thin I they ire bring led. against their wil t Headlines announcing arrests h ; an attempt on II Duce gave the in f pression .at first that this was some thing new. Details reveal that it 1 something thai happened years ag Although Benito is a chap who nr.< - torgets and never an ορρυ: tunity to inflict his iron will upr 5 hi» people, it is cumething of a reiie* ton m- ι. . ι « >it π md authority luit tin1 ί λ ι ! . ι τ t il him si» itUviviN ι ft : »..!· ·Λ cd to go :iV until ' - .au day. Xt'\v '.yp« · :·■·., ···«·..! >tvle 11 iter telN u- . «. '\able heel.-. ■ tin * ν >■. : : ' n. ; η ho iteps '.{ I'Vi'r ho: '.τ What Do \ ou know About North Carolina! 1ÎV IK I I) II MAY d:s Wh Λ.,- '.Μ Nu.·.:. Γ. ! ι p> >\" 4 λ .ιs :!>,· Λ·ι>:.η· . ' .· >!· . - i'··; ' ■ ■ \ ' ,| Mi \ \ S \\ I Κ I- >u:ids . 1 ' -t.. : L'llt i i··: ·! oc ..· 1 ■ ν I ):· • .!<··· ::·· : - rominR ' ' ■ i.;t !ΉΛ!'Πί '.SO Χ.··*1 η 1928 v.itc ί VS.* * 497.5fif> '1 :: ■ < . fit .η 1932. .1 s * ,ι1 210.000 votes ■' M venu Ba Ci.:.«·(-rd in 180β: g·· ri · 1 . · ' '· ··( rsity and 'mi" · • Millsboro and b .. ·.· .nc-ord in 1829. C sent him t.. th< S» '·· · : · :·· . number of !i: ··· I· !:'. ■ii·.·! » 184 V . = : 1 : candid;." • Γ ■ ,ΓΛ hi ifil Governor hiiv a ment t.. .·'· "td t : ι · · Wa -; ι ' ··. ri I- .'in .tin η a thi ·":■■. f v.-n. Ci <\ ' P. '·:·■■ : J ·'·.,! t w s "a -·.. ■ ' ι: .V ! Γ. ■ "d fat1 . 1 ν "ri riarncc tn ottr pon tile. BEAR MOUNTAIN" ANSWERS 1 ο IT.Ν QUESTIONS Ilot ! y \\ il Ami Kl 11 \ :li ] ! "ι > t Ο ί H1 Γ m ' · A> ρ ! Κ-.ι- ho foil Closely DR. KOCH TO READ 'CHRISTMAS CAROL' Ch:>P"l Μ . I)· r ή I .... li t . . : 11 (.n.· ( 'hri-t C'a Frodi ι H Κ lut fproi in νi i I LP vf Μι ·· ι ·· , 1*ι. · · ι it ν ·!. Πι comb· τ \·Λ. ;.Ι Η ■ι· < : mure ι d t"\\ II.- . ·: ; Pou Bailey AppealNowUp To President ·>'-!> ι ti ii uri'.i il. j In tin· -Mr Wilier Hotel. ! I5\ 1ÎOH I IIOMl'SON. :.· ·.. IΛ .· Γ>. - I : Sénat··! ··> Ρ u. «··<·;.(«- -<■ : \ a1 :ii Armv it v. ill be ".it the direction" .· : . id ι :.· ι : ·!.. Γ:ι '.·■ 1 Stati - Μ· , 11,1 ther way ..ut in e t is ' ■ 1 ut b ν Gen - J V .·; 15 ΛΙι tt.». who -:■.·■ :·.:■· ι'■ 11 : -1 ■ ire-. , \ r .-erv a· .. - wei [ : ι i i ■. t :ι : 11 Αι.. >thi 1... ; t ht gener; trt'i-sed ι ! at t! ..r :i 1 her he n.>: .,! y . ■: . . ■ .··,■! .·. t' mm '. . r >!,.! : — 1 ai ι y tn. 11 u !.. du with tak r..; t · Wa-i :ι«·..>» 1 <·. π·\ ie\\ :··:· ι" -K'ly .iri.itlier ;ipp< .il he ..,,'1 that ., i ; λ'al t·' the l're-i ' ι> . . : I . ι Γ- i· ·. t tin· ν. un:; n • · ·.. .'.ι:t mue ins I ijjl't again-t 1 -A :. ι * : ■ — ,ί· -ι· ι. t : ran that ι·\"< :t t. ; -ell iTce >an ly wi II • .iii.vtl: t;u t·· du will. Il·· u.s ι : . !)ι,·μ· wh» Ιι;·\ t· tu ι· '·> . tudy ■ i Iïut the Ι. .. 1' il- till' re· ■ i ι ! ι 'y ι · ι decid1 ni; . ; 1 iiial ap ·' ,· Pn -idi'nt 1 >· · : < te till· I let 1 ! t t I.I' l'aile » Γ,Ι-0 1 ..I i Λ I·: Une .1 favorite f ulljcf : ΙΊ ,n\ ei a' on I· .·· the Capitol ill ! : ie U' ι ' ' 1 lie 1111111 u tat inn ot it.- id. 1 ' ultin1.. ι. v. een: to kiv >\v what ia- ha|'|>ened m understand the pro •eilin ■ I'.: let ly it ι till-: 1 ; : It y put ! 'la 1 - Λ i>y 1 hi ' . ! ι m d. lie appealvd and <···«. the ,, p| it· 11 hoard reeei ved a let t t"' 11. a .1 Kdnai lluiivi r. head el tin I··;'.!. 1 ■, ti.e et lee' that the ymiea' : ι .ati' -ei". ice- were of : ta I import - am . t ι the hut eait a 1111■ ..ij>h I e had i)e ti in it training school only loui <la> - at the t in a ·. 'l'he appea I b· ■ a lil met d w it It tl." local board and the 1 Λ inn slood. The next lialeigh knew agout the ease there eame a lett'-r front the \Va-h in gtoi ι officer wlnw' penalty cast'- in \vhi"h the -electee'.- work such that it -tena unwise to take 'in· t>11 the ie-h and put him in the army. Who brought the Bailey case that officer'- attention. General ' \'t - doe- not know . i Id η· t appeal 1" Washington, ι t.te; 1 was never asked to apeal.' d the general "I don't know λ h,ether the director will appeal or net hut he does have a right t" do Λ Washington was investigat ng the ca.-e. 1 sent the record to '.Va-hington " The general .aid that he did not k "i\v liiiv.· long it would he before "a re \'. otilfl be action en the case "ι· Ά iv or thv other When the n;i t oiial eli'ctive service authoritie decide what they are going to d". tl anything, he expects to bv notified. Although the case of Pou Bailey and it possible political ramifica 'loit is the chief subject of di-cus "ti aiii'iifi State officials around 1 " a ρ 11 · > 1 Square. practically every a\ta-anon begin.- "don't quote me but "All 1 know about it i- what 1 read in the pallets and I don't want to be quoted as saying even that." one constitutional officer told news papermen. "Do Adolescents Need Parents" it the title of a nçw cools. WANT ADS Get Results THK l.i'lDliSH" Alii·: l'OMINGj »'·!! I ' : e v. I·, !'. Willi·!) lor ! ad\ < ,'■■:· · m "uni ,·.'wis w ill 1)'· ! >.·:·) W..I . · II..· .· .in· I'··, Mam ι stηί■. 2-:;ιι ' FOH THE BEST IN SHOE ΗΕΡΛΙΗ- j .ng · ■ N. ■ «·· Si ·>ι· Hi pan. j We < π· Ί ii ιί .. : ι i. : yo ι a '. e | 1 Ί :· :.· '.. A.· .. al m>ut ti.;r Lucky i" ' Chu 21 -11 grocery sti ·ι;ε for sai.k. i.\ lui'. 11 - >n. Il interested write j ■ St, M " I .,. ; I. patch. 5-2ti ; iil'ILl) A MODEKΝ HOME THRO | vigil building i.d l 'an and pay l'or I it π :ili·ly like rent. 1 lendcrsoi. & A .-ocaitioii, Ai Β. Wester, Secy. (6; j The New C'a··, i·.let P u Ml Is The η " ■ ' ela " e ι ye it, try it, buy ' it Eveready C!a '. : "let Co.. phone | THE KIND OF MATERIAL YOU ...'.ι' y ι >ur > re, iaii eit v. .Ιί:. ι Griss >ni's Shoe Shop. Phone ti38. 4-i f ατίτν : .· i- ,\i;..ii'.;;s ready I· r east' ·'■ ■ .ιui.· ι.. of sausage, η·. .. ,iv . . > : ι η - tubed. See U ' v. ,. aaiau; ilull Broth i"-. Ο ill. 1-5'i 1-OR KENT TWO BEDROOMS Mr Τ II. Iliuht. 238 Buiwili avenue, phone 436-J. 2&"> SPFCIAI. SALI·; IDEAL CHR1ST 1 it."· .mit i": the house wile. She will appreciate > > reconstructed "Fureka" vacuum cleaner. Guar antied one full year, only S1II. limited supply. Hughe.- Furniture Company. -l-â-6-8-1(1 TRY OUR FINE STEAKS AND ,-eal'ood dmi'.ei-. Υ·>ιι .just haven', lived until you have dmed at tin White House Restaurant. Air Con ditioned and CJrade A. l.'i-ti Ft )It REXT I )R SAl.F. NF.W FOUR |·""ΐ 11 holi.-r with I ;.ιrdw<»>d 1 loi>ι ; and lath For rent modern two room furnished apartment wit' continuous hot water furni.-hed, very flood location. Four room first floor unfurnished apartment. Tin ner aveu3 large linl urnishro roi mis, eli <Ί and private hall Harrell. Ave I!. 1., Mu.-Uan, phoiv 341-W. Γ)- 11 : USF, OUI! LAV-AWAY ΙΊ.ΛΧ, A .-•mall dt-po- it v. ill hold any ar ticle until I)t-ir: I-·: .M L)o your Cl'i■·.-!: .is Mioppmg on our lay av. i.v plan lîy n akmg a small de po it you can allante to have youi C'l-ri.-tir.a- merchandise put awn ν relieving you ol waiting until II·.» Christmas rush is on. Buy youi Christmas gifts now. llendersoi Vulcanizing Co. fri-t: PENCILS WITH YOUR NAME IM pi iiited in gold or sil\ er mak ideal gilts. Personalize your gift We d" .ill types "I gold stamping Alt 'd'- Printing & Office Suppb Company. 1-t GIVE THE CHFT THAT KEEPS on giving a year's subscription to the Daily Dispatch. Remember tin boys away at military camps or some relative in a distant city Rates $5 per year; $2.50 si" months. A gift card with each giii subscription. 3-1711 INSURANCE — RENTALS Real Estate — Home Financing Personal and courteous attention to all details. AL. B. WESTER Phone 139 McCoin Bide. WANT ADS Get Results _____ KIR Ε HAZARDS ΪΝΓΚΓ..\μ. Ά Un till) coming oi cold wi ,. are prepared to give y α m.. j,, .. tection. Citizens Bank ii ,t Co., Insurance Départi;.ci.;. ;i_;f ORDER YOUR CHRIS1 .. . ..... now. 5u lor S1 .ou with \· 1 imprinted. Il you wan; ciillerent sec our beiiei . . Hendvr.-on Book Co. Γι. :.t . i CALL T72 FOR CKC)l'I.:;Il „S, lruits, vegetables iu .' Wines, all popular brands, c Λ. aid's Ca.-h Grocviy. zi.i .·. St., (next to Wilson i... !... ι, , 2o-tf Λ TRUETONE RADIO WILL .;r" a i t·.11 gift |.·, tin ·.. .. · , . Christinas. We have tabli· odols ,.t ίι 12.5(5 up. ci·η.- Μι- . tn Mill il.'i. U'eslei n Λ V store. Buy on ea-y te.. ,.··Λ CLEAN CLOTHES WEAK LONGER and look better, (.'.ill i. l· : expi·. t clcamng and pie sing ■ ; . .. .. men!.--. V alue (.'leaning I : ·., 3'.3, 105 N. (>as nvtt m ; · , ,.·{ FOR RENT: UNFURNISHED FIRST I II II 11 live 11 H'111 .-ti .. ι . -, J apartment vvitii all c· , . ;·. . Iii.i 111 unir street. ΓΙ. ■ ■ :. ι ' 204-J. I-J'a Bl'Y Vi >1 R USUI) CAR : i I S. iw* these new car ttade- ' ;.,v. lit) Chevrolet coupe. ; ..;.J heatci : "M ClU'v rolct ' l ords: Dndgt pick· up '.! ■■ ,· makes and models. Candlci -Pali 1er Motor Co. Ut>-;t <.)t;n i'()νlani> is οιί ν v. ; ; 11 everything ttt toys and wheel lor children. A <1 ■ : : :· '· ol all k:nd.~ ot t·0 ·- ant < ■ till ('In .· '.Mias. \ ..,· I ,\ .. We le: : ι Autu Α- ·ι i.i'.e p. · 111 ■ I' Olluv. SHUKS NKATLV ANU Dl.U'Tl tully repanvd. You'll . - Iie\ e they are ne\:. (.. . r We call tor and del · ■ t. Sikh· S-.ii»>£». 1'iioiu· I'.". · -Ί Il W ]■: YUl'K I Ί.Ι Mil! Μι. , ) snap·.· Ini· ιnt.'ι . (. in . . ill HI λ re 11, υ tor tiny , ,1 ' . : ιΛ • . M .'il.! ,j. i; \v pi...lie ii'ili ..(· } ; 1J -. ! . ·. λιάι;r:\n-.M τ κοί; kknt .ut Stonewall. 21 j Ν .ung A.· so good t k-t li K' ivinti ; ι ,r salt·. Apply λ 11. . l-Ί,ιηπ . . ,e SUmtwall, 'j ι tall hoi ρ:. ; · . - .ι. SPECIAL! WHILE THEY LAST— ll.iliv t'li;.ir (ί!·ο Γ ι. > It.. Ail;.. -Kx. I·,..· [j.ii ι ν. Mi \t d to I · : '· Store. . Wlll-.M IT'S KAMI Y - ! I : ». qua ; 11y u t stern n o 1 ι. ■ ιι nuits and vegetables. ι Η - b» i t's Yellow Front, h. ν ι guaranteed. Free deit\oi\ I . c ■i;î9. :·;-·£ NEW TERM HENDERSON BUSI !.. .· I ' ilem ill «m. .1 .· ■ iy nine se. Ι* 1er I·.;.. 1 lie. ι novel \va- a : ι .. ,.a ι .usiiu eduoa' .on Ui ι .·. : ; ■· ■ it return.*. .·: e ··;·:. Γ M TIL Fl'KTHFK ΜΌΤΙΓΙ V. .Ι οί»'.*. ι noil's and ol. Ill ι on ι. 11's 4ik\ v. ι »n .ι il s Iva' ι.. . ' ■ . women' and : ι.ι n's regi.... ' ·. lu'ols 24.. ' (. '..r. Ί ilrti SI ■. ■ e M 1 VISIT C'F.M'l ΙίΛΙ. KK'.TT MANU bark nt C'liarlo- St.·:··. :» as.M.rtûiOlil ι : :.«· all kind- at low e-t pi ηί Γ· ·!■ Mow man, οροί at. r. 1. -· 1JEVOE S TWO COAT OUTSIDE paint system will give you the best paint job you over had. It'* to three 01 .Lit u . r k 1-1 ■ 1 and save '·η y· a i.... η t ■· \ S \\ .!K n. IH'V ( >LU IΆ Γ Κ US Λ Γ IJ1M . . . ι . ι ·'! Ι'ιcf. Ideal lui' kindling I. ; · .· ·1 a 11 kinds ni wraj>] >111-i i1 :ι I" I.imdle cir three bundle .Ν·> tit'li\ 1 nes. .'·· CllVK F UK Ν ΠΊΊίη Fill! i 'lit;!.- : - mas. We have many ι U ■ : : able 11 >i' gil is 1"': n an i.t . 1 i economical. Buy in·v. Κ. 1 ·"' t terwlllte Λ: Son , in·.·: 1·.:ο S". ;· VISIT OUR ECONOMY ΟΕΡΛΚΤ 11 lent lor d· · 1 rai ·!< ■ greatly reduced prices. Williams Sty I*· Slinppe. 4 - -11 WE Sl'EC 'IALIZE IX ALL kinds of body and ft nder re pair work. ΛΙ«)t« r Sales ( 0. F<>K SAI.K: TWO lloGS \\ i- ! · · 1 i ■ ins about 3(M) pound · ... dress and deli\ el. ('.ill ί· ! I Henry Kolierson. L"1» 1. > .1 - -Ί OWNtllS OF GOOD ΓΚΟΤΈΚ 1 : '· S are mutual insurance buyers . y benefit by sound insurance, ef ficient service and substantia, di vidends year after year by in air ing with Gates Insurance Agencj IL'-tf WANTED! 1,000 NEW ACCOUNTS folks: Voii ran Slill buy on KASV 111!>ISÎ ί "mpart· our prices un new iucl used furniture before voii 'H,x *nr cash, if you have il; or credit, if you need it. Home Furniture Exchange

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