I W Ε Ν Τ Y - ΕIG Η ΤΙ I YEAR HENDERSON, Ν. C., FRIDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 19, 1!M1 ' ' kpt^Waï KKNOUN FIVE CENTS COB / Fall Of Hongkong Imminent • · · · ··· ··· m m · ··· ··· Contact W ith London British Admit Com munications Broken This Morning; Japan ese Unleash Heavy New Off e η s i ν e Against Luzon island. i ,ΟΙΜ·· i j»«·t i Ί '7 p. 17] I ?7 ρ ·)· i < I \y British souries acknow ledgi (I tonight that thc\ have h» en « » u. « » ί «· <»rri - iiiuiiit a'ion with Hongkong since early tiiis morning and cannot tcli what, il an\ new progrès* the Japanese ha\e m.»ci«* in their assault oil the British crown colony. ( B> The Associated Press ι Japan's sea borne invasion armies were reported to hayc unleashed a hea\ \ new offensive against Luzon island in the Philippines today. while f»(M) miles distant on the ( hina coast, the fall of the threat British stronghold of Hongkong appeal ed imminent. (ireately outnumbered, the Hongkong garrison apparently was still holding out late today. Λ Real.ers (British new- agein.'.v ) di - patch · : I, î'.ci« · qu ted a Ger man broadcast of Tokyo reports ack nowledging that the Br:':.-: till held kc y p. > 1 a ins <»n the i.-land. \ I . S. War department bulle tin reported "a marked increase the enem\ air and ground ac tivities ' in the Pnilippine theatre during the past I \ hours. The War department gave n> de tails <>[ land operations but presam ably tile Jnpane-e were .-inking "it w:th new lury fri"it their three n:aiu beaehfrend-s .Λ A parr.. JâU a. le* north ot Manila; Vigan, 200 miles northw■«·-t. and I. gasp., liai) miles southeast. "There was la..\y oombing over Manila and <»\er the city ut Iloil·» « η the island ot Pan ay, so ith oi Luzon." ..»· C 1 ! ': : : ι unique .".sid. Oi.tlnan.g the military s.t na tion a >'ι !» :;!* · KST. tlie War depar! p ; t" : . · »m »»her An ncan-defend cd aieas ο! tiu· Pacific conflict. Λ short time later, the Ν aw department announced two new Japanese aerial attacks on Wake island, about halfway between Hawaii and the Philippines, where a tin> band of I > ("send lis more Japs' ι marine·» have been standing off assaults for nearl> two weeks. "Wake , - ! ,nd c( * ι ϊ 1.! '··> counter ... · · ;\, ; > ' : » i m u η ' — in thr siege ol Hongkong. a < !(> οί 1.000.000 population, for tilied . a eost ot S10.000.000, 1 ok y ο ! ι ports said the Japan ese troops ni a violent night as sault had raptured half the Λ2 s;» - .i : . > . »!(■·. . · » ) u In.H ! ! h a ■ ; ί ' ' !, ' ' ; * a ■ g. a}1 ί ι i C e >r·' - l.oiuiou ηπίι·.ιΓ> sources a« k now ledgt d a Japanese landing in ( (Hisidt ί able force on the island, repot teil tersel> iieav.v fighting i> i;oing on and the position is serious." Onl.\ a comparatively small garrison ot British and imperial Indian troops was reported de fending the 100 \ear old British crown colons , once famed as a pirates hide aw a\ and in modern times one ot the world's major seaports, visited b> 50.000 ships a year The island, ν !tl· capHai city of . Victoi ι. lies · » 11 îh* i'h!ii;i coast at the head Ί the South C'hma sea Dispatcho broadcast l'om Tokyo -aid Japanese forces storming aeru>s the mile-wide channel <>t the colony, opened the attack at in p. m Hons» kong time bust night. Striking .n the darkness, the urst ι ιnd {■··■'; l;:. ml;, iι..'i t-i .-n uii ( Con tin ued on Page v ;r) Retreating Germans Abandon Finn Allies Hurriedly Finnish Lines Report ed Shattered Between Lakes Onega and Ladoga; Germans Suf fer New Reverses in Russia and Africa. ' Γ.\ I !ie Associated I'ress). '.dull Hitler's battered invas ion armies, reeling in retreat in Knssi.i anil mirth Africa, were reported to have abandoned their I mnish allies today as Soviet dispatches announced huge new ι mis in the 17-da.v old counter olfensi\e on the central front. ·!;·', r;.s 1 roil ι I iolsmki ( the Finn ii!i t!iis mnniinji say that ai; • ' !'« ip- liavv been w itliiii aw 11 1'iniand in a Rrcat hurry," the. • h ι adu ι deelai ed. i ■ Ιίίladc.ist said Finnish lines ■ '(in shattered between Lakis and Ladi'Ma 1 >ν a Red array ι in the \ ieinity of the Lvnin-1 • Murmansk railroad. On the Libyan desert battle 1 it-Id Hritish troops were offi cially reported to have captured Derna airport. 100 miles north west of Tobruh. Derna itself was aiil to be still in axis hands. British forces were reported advancing "in all directions" west and north of >lekili. 40 miles below Derna. with the Germans and Italians fleeing in two bodies—one heading toward Derna and the other toward Ben gasi on the Gulf of Sirte. ! " u»t 1o Dei na a 11 poi t mean! ' · ·■ Paati-h had fought t ht' i ι waj | : ately It·.» miles across the: : ι ι the Kjjyptian trontier ·■ Xo\e::.lier 18. when the new .un was launched with Amer de tanks and pianos. \ British spokesman said im perial troops had captured G a ζ - il l 10 miles west of Tohruk. on Wednesd.n morning. I ■ a ν ι eo1 aiter blow . Pre nier ' Ί,ΐι: hi.uh Γ' ' iiinand a-serted j 1 t 1' .iian torpedo planes and Ger ! ! it·:·.- laid lut f i\ e Brit i.-ii »·! in tile Mvil.tei ι ..n"an three ■ ' e. on a major na\ al fiirma- I . : Γ the coast nl ea- torn T.ibya. The German high command said ι Γ boat had sunk ι aie of the • a ι : a - e; ! the 7,270-ton i .ι inn-: fla>- oil the Alexandria, K:,y|'t, na·. al ba c. \<.KI I Ml vr Itl Ml D Vich\, Dec. I<>.— ( ΛI»)— Au thorized Fr';nch circles today said tin \ had no knowledge of a n.i\ il agreement having been π 'ached between the French high » niiinissioner of \lartini t ion. d pi omatii and maritime officials -aid. would raised : ndor the general -tuny protect inn (if tin1 we-t rn hen - - phere at the January 15 meeting. Kloven Latin American nation 11. ι \- i r j i· navies, ranging lrom tin i nner mus of Argentina. Brazil anc I iiIo to those of small r nation, having only gunboats, r. l Λ sweeping shakeup of the Pacific High Command following Secretary Knox's report on the i\-:irl Harbor disaster resulted in changing commands of the N&vy, Army and Air Force. I.ieut. Gen. Deios C. Kmmons (li ft) was given command of the Hawaiian Department, relieving Lieut. Gen. Walter C. Short. Rear Admiral Chester V. Nimitz (center) became head of the Pacific Fleet, replacing Admiral Husband K. Kim met. Brig. Gen. 0, L. 'i'inuer (right) was given command of the Army air forces at Hawaii, repine!::·* ilaj. Gen. Frederick L. Martin. Draft Compromise Reached Âge Limit To Be 20-44 Senate-House Com mittee Agrees on Measure; May Go to President Late Today. Washington. Dee. 1 !).-—( \l* > — \ joint Senatr-IIou-' confer ence committer agreed today to make all men from ill through 11 years old subject to comptil sur\ military training and to require registration of men from 1H through 64. ( ". . 11 r ■ .in M;iy, Menverat. Krn !... ■ : tin' Hi ill.-· military e· m : it- ' lee. .ι ti the c..nl'ei te.» r ρ . t. tv;r-h · ed on legislation amending the se- ί le.-:VI -rviei» act. « If! b" ρ es· ·:ιΙ ed t ■ 11 : e Ηι αι.- ■■ m "diatoly He ioroi isl ts accept ii'ee. Senate 'eatlers - id th.oy W" .Id ί -k 'hat .'Ι., ι ί. · !" a ρ. Γ' ive the report ■ il leeriiati !\ thereat;. : and ;!: ' in as ure was expected ι·> ι*·· t - ;·.·· Près ι rli nt later :n the da·, At thi ■ . η the co ferenei group broke up in f'i aeroe " .eut v. In n tia Sen·.to η>· η-ιχτ· ιη tcd that tlie :.;·<· ' τ aid eta ai oe ·.< ι 'cti ' 1!) yea! and the Hm i-o ■ I ■ ' : ' ■ yield on 11 ι ' body's vote to make men 21 through l)iib.ii .·· acti' e .-ervico. Aihn ■. 11 ation leader- had en couraged the compromise 20-ye a ν P> ■ 11 ' : iier.- ; ee l 111 ι \ pa " I • . in upper ;v*e limit fur mi - ee t(. take in moil til > :4h 11., r , lather than tin-·aeh ::."i Mthiiugh the Sriiat" voted three times to keep the-miuimum age el 1!·. as recommended by Arm) and selective service offi cials. one Senate conferee said there «as no doubt be and bis colleagues would accept a com promise fixing the limit ;tt -tt years. Similarly, llouse conferees re portcdly have been urged hi leaders to accede to the compro mise in the interest of speeding final enactment of the measure. Brigadier Gei:ei..l I.ewi- It II .-hey. selective -ei ee director, h.. said that final pa -ago would lie t 1 signal h ι pr.." : Λ ι ■ rnllinent nt ι . η ,ai the under-'.'; I acket and 11. · i I run. 33 -1 I The Senate appi '.''d the leg. . . ; tin η by a \ nte ' 7 SI to 'J ye.-'orday alter six hmn a debate, with nn.y Senators Downey. Democrat. Calife-r nia. and John n. Republican, t'ali tnrnia, opposing .t ·η the final roll ■ call. I di r< ii vi'Tack Batavia. Match Kast Indies. Dec I IS).— (AIM Mutch bombing plane.» I have attacked the Japanese forces I which have landed in North Borneo i the Dutch Kast Indies command an nounced t day. 30-Minute Warning At Hawaii Would Have Made 'All The Difference,' Knox Declares Annapolis. >!d.. Doc. 19—( AIM — Secretary Kno\, assorting that 30 minutes' warning of the Ja panese attack on IVaii Harbor would have made "all the dif ference in the world." disclosed toda> that the third and final wave of enem.\ bombers met such a de\astating barrage that it turned a\\a\ without hitting a sin ; le objective. "I'll t· Na\\ .-vcrotary·. >peaker « raduatmg exercise- ï<«r the nav; eadt c!a.· ■- -·. !U42 aid .Japan >n na\ oa. e \va a "d. 1 .igiin; account <»l in !';;i■■■.' t; vac'mtv >uoh as was never recorded η the history o! the \vorid." ' Γ}.··;'.■ is no question at all. in the lu;hi "! what transpired," he -aid. •"that ha:i an h«» a-'s warning ol th a ρ ρ r · > a < ■ : ' i 11 » « ■ Japanese plant' w« >u!d !..·.» . . Kte all the cii 11ι ; e!κ··..· m the w«»rld. "I say this \vilh considerable cot home. ' it encountered. ;ι> it approached ['earl llarbu >Uch ι barrage Irm· •very :;un and every >hip that the .'titίι y plane had in sheer nil, and lot a -infile ti'i-pedu I'ound its mark il did tjie ■ ι . _;i. le.-t da ! ι :a 11> ■ » .ι • hips m tu oui' equipment ashore." Mat the attai'k did s' ·. e a u· r - till ρ· . pi ι ·'·. lu* eontinui .because it (III i\ e 1·· Ί ae "with I !" ,< : 11 il i loi ι e up· >n :d- ni ι air η itary leaci ( r- ι in i ■ p< ί tance ■ · mia ''din;, anain-1 -tirpnse, the .a partance ol ii". λ "Γ le.dir-e '1 mat a iu the holdncs. and ι -.ui etulne-s ·>ι th·· runny; and upon the civilian population, it rirove la une With a en a' ι Ί Inn rot the tr< a· ■' " ·! y ο! the I'm e have to li-ieat ." Su rvivors Rescued Tuni Γ>ι <■ !. ' ι I >··:ι>· ι - ι ΛI* ) S· ||· 1 ,00(1 It, I : , ! 11 '.fir Μ 'Ρ' · ·' : ι ·Ι1 ' d;v tu 11 ; ι ,.ί !■<·'■': γ ;rd .ι !onti la Τ»!:: I'll".'':· ' ι ('"ι >y , Π κ·,; • •(I In ι · ι I '■ ' Μ in ■ ■ I. ι■ , ι Ά "ι I',, ; ian crins γ-, a destroyer, and thro I tran ports ν.··ι< ■ ι hi '■> · ' n;; a '"I j <■) 5,0110 It;,I , ι : ι i·.,.- .apa - ! The Italian 1 ■> · i<"< "'ted lit ι i were tlit· "i.ooii-1 ,· ( ; tv n Barhiami, <.is : · ·· · : ""<« j l'ist sa ill us \\i re I ι t 'I'm '. ■ - ■ ! aboard the d stt ·..ν«·ι and Ihm : : I ports. The attacks \va· -aid to have ■ ctirred at midnight Deeembii 1~. McArthur Nominated As General I. · ·< ll.ltl! < ;· MCI ■ 1 II'·'. ! Λ. : μ ; ι . ,. h,m;.huit ·Ι tin United SI t Αι π λ .n 11 κ· I· . : Ha -t, w a nominated by President Roosevelt I" lie ,1 III!! m-iuv:.!. McArth : ;. lor iei 1 :.. tlu1 Army, 1 ·■; red '1 ith !..<· 1 .ml. Ufi 1 1 a I and linn nit 1· 1 Ίο I'm i pines l· 1 take c : :,ί γ..to « » 1 1 11 g tin- ι land lieien-es. I li \\.is .Mimmoned bar . duty ! <\ I 'i t - ident Rim>,v ν «-It w 1 • the ,I,i;>ane> .-itualion bee;, :.e in "i 1 : « · several months ago and placed in ■ charge 111' till' far ea -Ιιτη ai my c 1 11.and. min \\ i.ι Ί, -,11 Philippine l'orc·· ui'iv inducted. The President also nominated four hrigadit r generals to be major gen 1 orals, twelvi' colonels to bo briga dier general, and Captain John .f Shal'roth. Jr.. to in· a rear admirai in the Navy. General Mi-Arthur untild be the second of his rank in the Ann·,··, (ίιη lal (iO''!lv Mar-hall. c! 101 j 11I .-tall. I : ia-u m· 1- a t ! ill general j The Army promotions, oi'l'ieials όχ ι plained. were l'or the purpose of pro I viding oomii,,.nder- for Philippine I commonwealth troops and all are I temporary ail\ aneomi nt>. Itl lM MATH» l.ondon. Dec. 19.— (AIM—King Ζοβ. evilcd ruler of Alhania. repudiated today a declaration i of war on the l ulled States by I the Italian puppet government at Tirana. FOR NORTH CAROLINA. Γ.ιγΙΙν doutlv, not much change in temperature tonight. 4 Mopme Mysisfr ( \°whai Aeqjyj a m foe pa>" Buu Christmas Seals ànti-Àxis Zï'$ ·' y bLi )WPai ·' Conference F rcl minary Sessions Expected to be Held Next Γ/: ο ; it h m Wash ington; Ail Nations t<". be Represented ctt Par ley. Washington, Dec. 1Î).— ( M' - Authoriiativ reports that I!i♦· a η 1 » - wis powers would meet here soon to coordinate all their *'length aga.'ist the aggressor nitions overshadowed actual wai developments in the capital to day. Win h there was r.o «·::: TOI hci m< ht of the impend η g enn (.ι ι1 * 11. ■ · . a reliable sourer in·! < aied thai i. e t. m;, α rita' ■ . (ίrent Bn iiiii ; i .-»· i< t Ru -1. . . ί ' ··.'■· I;·. (1 .!. making a; r..:ι en' . and thaï .ι nati«>ns w i' 11 aide}u !1 a nt 'orces fighting the axis prnbabiy .V1 a! lake pa rt in tir · ilea, n-ra ' · : ι s. Stripped of detail, the aim would he to < hanncl all their inilitai'.N and ee< momie strength into striking power with which to hammer the axis at the most effective times and places, any where in the world. Diplomatic discussions, already under way. arc being speeded because of the rush of world events, and it was considered probable that at least prelim inary sessions could be heid next month. The information obtained here tied 111 w I'll a. a, . t.- h ..a London thai militaiy and \ ·: ..· d exp«a : - of tic nations arrayed auaaist the axis were dix ιι.·>,!,^ croation >f a .-uprenie wai l'ouneil ()ne lv-ndoii source declared î i » a I ■'announconienis ol aeat im Uui'tinice are axpected .-ooli." Laura Ingails Held in Jail Washington. Dei Laura Iftgalls, h >ldei it the ν noii-.-iop .-peril roe : both way- across the .··■:.· hold m the Πι tnet 1 I 1 t('day 1 ill a charge ol la ;, ,n_ Despite her protestations that hoi s-iilll \\ a - ■ llr-W'i 111 i, ' ι Γ ' It ' I pionage venture, a L*. S. commis· ; hi" \ è :. ι «Ι ta mod ν ster y ι, la . -ι -T.aOO bail. .1 Ko.'.,ΐ'ΐι ι . . r'iii'l ni' the le 1 al ■ ■. ' .1 ■ ■ ' τ 111 m. oliargec al ' ■ ι ■ · ' ι a ι ι tri \. "re i\ ed -j>. r I eh .·. r\ I rom ai '.-mi · ( ■ ..il r' ι■ ■[· hei that - he fie ι en : % '. it ·< ton to i' 1 οι in il ta 1 Mi.— liiU'iil - e inti ma Ί · merely "ογοι-reached mya at U 11 ι|ι'ι !" et", i. e in loi : I 'nitod St at·. .» until I >··. ι·ηιί" : set "are ι >> -'.-e; Spain Keeps Old Status In New ..lid the Γ η ii' ' · S'.·1 » . • Ά other : ■ · • (ifCl'M·. ',«!< F j η ne ι - ·· ■ '·' 1 .ii. ri • -1er ï ;.ι . · ηΓ 11·.· - • · ci>nl I;i.m a · 1 ·,; ·. ! :iîe - il \v. · ' · . J.iI. 1 :< ' · : \rorlh Λ ( ί • ' κ ; .11' *ιι in î >· · «Γ Fur'!|)··;ιη and ί;. μ ι ,ιΐι nations. Sj m a> ! η the earli.·. j.:. . ,r Republican Declares Pearl Harbor investi gation Should Include Hull and Knox. ('! icilM". Dec 'AIM— Son.itoi | Robert A. TaJ't, asking for a congres sional i:t2.iiti<.il of the Japanese | attac,; on Pearl Harboi. aid t-.riay. 1 "perhaps the fault at Hawaii was not en ι iii'ly on '.a· ad;:;:iius and .^en- ι erals." i η an addrt·- ; ■; epared f«·ι .i· - | cry before the Kxecutivc- C'lui t': H-.isn. tlu1 I!i'p..i'lican leader i' : · > : : Ohio said he ui!:cved the ! ι c j : ■ - ! : ild not bt' ίι 11 onti rely to tin e\( rut vp dep..: t ■ ■ "We >nig%t well investigate whetlt i*r Secretary M :..!d Secret..·> (Continued Page Four) Job Agencies To Be United ■ tor:al ι Mr. Π. ■■ . ' ernor - v, c;. to the \\a: e The reque pres.- confefeiic, . about lltilizal ;■ ; - ible extent ol . power to increase th atcrials. I . -t week, he a:d. !.. ici ed inwinning all tlu !· 'Λ i.-li :nsjton. ί.·,1 there Pel ling thai t! ν »:; Iri motion. Motorist Must Prove Need To Get New Tire Or Tread I » 111 > !)i p.itrh Riireau. In I!:· >ir \\ illi-r r.v "<;n ;iH>\H'so\ Kait'.L,1 . !">·<■ !;! \V!.i η the r; ■ 1 ;. ? I t r market ι·» ν aiiain ■ 11 January » · · .■ ·::'>■ \ .h ι·,ιη ït'l a nai ltie situ t : « ι · ii brief: T'-r .!.inane-e fleet lies hrtveen the I'nited State- ..::d 'he . r I sources of Ββ per cent ol tin· United States rubber supply There .1 eon l siderable quantity ·ί na . : . th. ■ : y -it tin' .1 rmed n-ι- u :. : .red ■1 ο j;: ι -.iter ρ;ιrt . ■ ι ' Su. \\ on - ,t - ■ " . · 11 ; : ν i : ■ s ι · ·.l; .ilt.ll M ton.- .·: l'ii: '· >cr .. m·ίΠ:. loi- ci\ ιi\.'i USC to.! i! ' .'I '4 ll" ' 111 1 tire-' —the: i' w . In· Ί11 > 1 ' ·»··«» 1 ·η> .i 11M>t 11 ..... . I' ■ i ■■ " . e ii■ i: - ins liι ' ι·: _ι ι ,λ Αΐι· 1 VVHI ' h is ni CO:-s;i: y 1 i.·: ·»η >nd uses otlioi -l.ai t!·»· That nil..:: i .1 · · limn 8H per t'en; r ti · «lu·: . ; < 11 able for civilian tin It: l'a'· duI tin· remainder, n·. ce-· tv îa'.i"·: than c·.in enience will c·· :ιΐ Ta public welfare will come feci· ■ e In,· ncs- and bn-iness, ill turn. v. :.i conn before pleasure. It looks Tiki there's sa>>·n^; to b·. more Sunday afternoon walking thai rifling I··:· f|ui:e a 11 i f to come. The rubber rationing authorit'e: will be set up by the ΟΡΛ throu^J the state detense counsi 1 and, ii ' f ·11 ; 'ι ] ι'■·Η · ι ' 1':, op 1 ' λ. 111·