^1 itenlterson Hatltj Htspafrit -r rj _ONLY DAILY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN' Till.- SPA TION OF N< >1 Pi'll CAROLINA AND VIRGINIA T\\ EN H -NINTH YEAR VIV^T.Vk'U"1" HENDERSON. N. C.. FRIDAY AFTERNOON. -J ANU ARY 2. DPI 2 FINE CENTS COPY 1 hilippine Defenders Battle Grimly Outside Capital; Manila Falls To Japs A A A A AAA A A A AAA AAA Alaska Delegate Urges Defense Of Aleutian Islands ‘PI anes, More Planes Lots cf Planes’ For Defense of Stepping Stones to Alaska Are Necessary, Dimond Declares in Washington. \V,. : II, .i.'ii. 2. i AP) IIIn rill ti 1 i t ngthenitlg of the strateg c Aloutian island , po tential 1 'ari | le i; mp.arts ter the rich tea t• i y of Ala ka. and eon eet'ti. t ' n m the ai -a ef "plane-., n u e 11lan-. ■ i a , nl plan'. w a ing-d ti.rl .v by Alaska's delegate t. ■ i ' ,,gn - Antlnmy .1 Dim-mil lie e . p: i ■ e.l hi opinion in tin no : . . i' I lowing the \'m y's (1: o < , i e i r 1 ' r t1. i week 11 :a t ♦'.iaptme-t vessel are suspected nl be;ng n the ■. ieiui'.y nl K' ulitii ." an i - land oft the A la - k 1 pen i n-i I la '.vine1 i ei"-n t l.\ 1 ,.i - I '-en traiisl"i'in< :i into a 1 no declared tha* tin ii"i'tli\>.o-! eorner ol the ■•nti tmgent needed “plenty ol all type "| plane., and as many iv.'. al \ r (Is a r.m be pared, and g.ven pr- >tr» i >n ,.g.. n -t air attack' . until We eat ell p with and • ink any J.ipane-c sub i • a. in. • <>p. rat og in those i-'i • • I. .n ad a. into kn< - : 'dge ( the regif n, Dina*nd font. oded 11'.ah . ny Japanese otTen a\ •• di i i *"d again I A laska n< c : aly • . i:;o t..rt in lie* Aleutian i - 1 t’d . Inch ' rt tcii m top; og . t • :i« ■ l.i.-laoii alinr l in Ana And lie -uggesV d also that .v a tli net bo ado by tin - i<*nnt y t > 1 < e !. o i Soviet i •! u - . h. ■ • K inandor.-1;y . lands v. hah he no r !l:t A :at'c tin h' tin* A ! V : in eha ■ n b* *t h 1 «r -elf I . • »!• ii n and a a elo ei ba ■ hv ,tei i d operations against J.n Jap Troops Occupy Changsha Outskirts Heavy Battle Rages For Control of Hunan Province Capital, Chinese Report; Cas ualties Said to be Enormous. ( hungking. Jan. '2.—( \I’> — Japanese occupation ol the northern suburbs uf ( haiiRsha. Hunan province capital and silk center, was acknowledged hv the Chinese todav as lighting in a shifting, nn-iiuartcr battle for possession of llie eilv raged without a pause. ,\ Chine.-e eninniunique .nd Hi" halilc ill northern Hunan provinc v. .1 .11 a- l innl singes and ('lime e oldiei vvvre fiercely resi ting at tack- on the outer cietenses ol Chain; ha. JaI am e ii mp. .siipp a ted by air emit toired their way arms- the l.iu.v.mg nvei into the suburbs ves teiila.v. the Chin'e-c central news ngenev reported. Simultaneously, .lap.an e warplanes attacked the heart the city, unloading es p|o .v e 11 i • a l<I w level and imi ch 1 lie giInnitig tile streets. c it 11* r 11 man pro' met' townm elttding the important railway junc tion of llengynng. a bo ’ Kill mile south ot Changsha, al o were bonih i't 1 The r a u battle tor Chatig-li t vva in | >t ■ ■ a,i *• on the plains In a t Inri 1 of th,- ,■ 'y ot titm.nt i' population. Ca n.iit on both • ide weiv sum to be eilorilicuts. Tile Chinese also were engaged in bloody hand to hand lighting in the eastward province of Kiangsi and were reported directly attacking the vv me-licking city ol Khaoting, in till ... province ol Chekiang, rough ly aim unli-s northeast of the Chang sha battle /one. Anti-Strike Law Favored Washington, Jan. 12 — t \IM - Re newid demands tor anti-strike legis lation arose on Capitol Hill today. Declaring that a voluntary agree ment between representatives ot in dustry and labor to end strikes lot the duration ot the war had tailed to solve the elos. d shop problem. Sena tor Ball, Republican. Minnesota, pro posed that Congress consider legisla tion to require the registration ot union and regulation of their opera tion. •■Ii the closed shop question is to „. |,.|| m the emergency period to th. bargaining activities ot unions, Ball e. lined, "then there ought w Kf son . oft of regulation by the unions, t ■ ought to take the torn of federal .e nance to the man in side the detetis plant that he shail not .Jenied m f" membership which would deny him a job and that uni-n lections .hall '•> ■ oudtieled Jam,. . __ GENERAL JAPANESE OFFENSIVE EVIDENT ( hungking. Jan. 1.— (AIM—“It looks as if the Japanese now are launching a general offensive against China." a Chinese mili tar> spokesman declared today. "We welcome it." he asserted. "This enables us to dissipate the enemy 's strength. Both side must suffer, hut the Japanese are at a disadvantage. They cannot af ford to lose as much manpower as China." Stiff Terms Given Spies First of Espionage Ring to be Sentenced Gets 20 Years; 33 Face Prison. New Y'*ri.. .Ian. 2 (AT Heavy pn .in (miVikv worn imp i today in Hi"i.i;]yn federal court •' ’ne first of tiie ',Y,\ per. on.s involved a ■ world wid< e pmnage ring. .Judge M'»rtimc*r W. Hyer ad he i p.re him 1 I persons com - ted IV ee: nl >f*r 12 - - I eonspiraev t< * a d r< g ! ter ng a agents ->1 tJ.ei y •• vd conspiracy to delivoi to li-itnany vital American defense sene' . an i i 19 other- who pleaded gu lly > one or both counts. Maximuii p'-im-' I .'.entenre on the two count- 1 as 22 year . Herman Lang, 10, one tin, nn [ ployet' of the Xordcn eoi pany. I manufacturer *»1 bomb got \\ no I \va- accused of deliv ering det :1s ol the secret instrument.- to Gei : any, was sentenced to 2d year.-, two years on the first count and 18 years on , flit' second, the terms to run con currently Lang was one ot lho>e j e- 11\ ieled. Fa craft Hoeder, formerly employ ed b'- die Spei : v Gyroscope Go., who pleaded guilty to the second count, wa -enteneod to Hi years m pri-on. Gotirt attache- said about thrpe I hours would be required to sentence ! all the defendants. , 1,000 CASUALTIES IN RANGOOD RAID Kang on, Dee. tin. (delayed! — (AP)--C.'i s.iailies in the Mr.-t tea - Japane-e air laid ip,111 Rangoon are new known to haw totaled 1 .bbh per j -on.-. I.o-se- ni a second attack ware j officially d scribed as negligible. 1 The Rangoon radio -aid allied ait lo se totald six plane.- and -ix lliers iin a defense estimated to have cost I the .1 ipatn-e 4P aircraft and lt» an men. The wreck.- of 2b Japanese planes were -aid to littei various place aK-ut the e.-ly i':-l . . ff ".'if Sale Of New Cars, Trucks Prohibited Complete Utilization of Industry’s Machines and Men ‘Might Short en the War by Months,’ Hillman Declares. Washington. .Ian. i. — ( \l‘) — Sid in > llilliii.in. associate Ol'.M director, pi rdht ii today that complete utilization of the auto mobile inciitsUy's machines and men "might shorten the year months. amt declared both ir.anagt tticnt and labor had un animously recognized the need lor halting civilian automohil' jirnduction. Sale nl new automobiles and tracks was prohibited by a government order mobilizing the automobile industry for war pro duction. Hillman disclt i I that plans lot '.In : j i it's! ,.m I c;i si ■ 1 !.>h • a I a I - j/at.on nl the mdii try'.- workers and machinery v mid in- propo-ert to ' | j, .nl ktbo:-m.magctn 'nt-gnvernm ni I c nlerenee here Monday. Reprcsentativo- al labim urg.iiiiza I tauis ut the aatnuMhile and automo bile parts indnstri.. have been in - jilted, loget! e: with the mdnst r.v . advisory cm t i 11 ee. 11 1 nan 1 Hilhnan said. In 'h ar.mns and m.tn j ageaient in tile ant.bile indus !ry had plans In pnnm-e. and tile ! OPM wm.ld oiler a program re-ult ing j sen i w eeks of di-c i-snn with enyin eritig and teciinical experts. II Ur hi and IPrec'.or General I William S. Knud on ol the OPM hot ! will pat ' ieipate in the lit animile eonl'erenee, which is expected to Ja-t for .-everal days. Legislators See Reverse. i4s Inevitable Wa Inns'..111. -Jan. - i AIM A. - eept ms the iall "i .lamia a itie\ li able under ihe crnem-lancc... Icrix lat« l'. a.- cit'd I ..lay that when the Dinted Stale lia ■ i a Hied t ml! -trciis.H the cily w ; i 1 He redeemed I Y.m-i ns t lr. ■ h. i". e rcmstailee m - l iei ed In the .lapnne -e invadci bv A1.icrie.in and l''ilipmn troops. Kena ! tnr Markley nl Kentucky. the IVin - ci at ic leader, - aid -We have trelcd .mi m' v l,. ex pect such temp, a a i y re. ci -c- until | the lull lurce nl' nm puw cr has been j dev eh .pod." Chan man I'minally, Democrat, l.xa.'.ol H. Senate foreign relation.' enmmittee told in- colleaR'a's that thci e was "no cause I'm depres, am by reason >. 1 the lull nl Manila. '•'Will'll vve Ret leady.'' Connally declared, "nl ennrse vve shali re-cup turv the Philippines." ( it her comment: Senator Nye. iiepubl.ran. North I laknta "This i ■ a nimpiet. I iilt'dl mi nt nt what vve have been told lm la years would be true m lia event Ini war in the Pan. tie. I don t doubt i hut what ultimately vve shall re i deem our. elves thete il vve want in ! do it. II vv ill he a Inns, hard pull." 265 Violent Deaths Occur On New Year’s (By The Associated Press) A total of 2t>.» person-* lost their lives over the New Years holiday in automobile accidents, drowning.*, falls, shootings and by other violent means, a nationwide .-urvey showed today. Automobile accidents accounted for 171 of the total. An Army l ooinoer crash on Long Island took five 11v.• ltn(i three workmen were : (CenL-v.ia*ci •' Page Four) Auto Industry Charter Members of Colin Kelly Corps Major Floyd P. Showaltor (left) is shown swear!• y a; - ad'I - as members of the newly-formed Colin Kelly Air Corps at Detroit, Mich. The corps is named in honor of Captain Colin Kelly, Jr., the U. S. army pilot who lost his life in tiie Philippines after he had bombed and sank the Japanese battle-hip. :• ■ //„,' (Central I'm ss) Anti-Axis Pact Signed Document Pledges Solidarity and Pledge of No Separate Peace T reaty. Washington. Jan. 1.— ( MM — Ambassadors and ministers of anti-asis naUou» ram to i.ie Siate department today to sign what Panamanian \nibasMidor JV»i (iuartiia d'*seribed as a joint part of solid u il\ and a pledge that none of tiie nations would sign a separate pea»*e. The S 1.;te drj>;•!*:i on? dec d !■. n .j.r . i: v c !: t. ; . t (; ; »< 1 ,.i would he tvvrtilr i i!I debt!I - a - i oprtv (Mitul:\ e t Ight-Mg tie: n\. .1 1 .ml 1 M . l:ud u 1. fixed the 1 mat'i. •• . During the I e. M.; 1 i\ t :■ n! tti. I >.lie::. Tv e .u. Luxe ■ • Pa Pa t:r.-A- o ;r,,i . .m.:: ie ! .i ! (Continued on i’ S . n) FLEETS IN PACIFIC NEED AIR SUPPORT, SPOKESMAN SAYS I,' ll.; ■' ;! >11111.i — i n i. .■! ' ■ i i 11 and A11in■,.■.!1 the MUti: !'•:( .If ' I. > . tain adftMi.p Hr -r: ; P ■ .p. . even he .i»I« t n- i. . .r< n ,. r . Smgap •’ • ■ .i a 11.. ing i!'"!»: ; < -M d s •II .v • r i . >■ i. !<('(’}> tii»* ! 15 ■ ■ i' ■ ': • 11 nation. iviff nr 1 . ‘ ■ .1 1 run tin* alia- rj . • ’ l da • • Jap-. • n ;t t.Cr • ■ !!• • (.ft handling at *'nt n • n’ CONDITIONS SET FOR EVACATION OF FRENCH ISLES Merlin ( 1 ■ ' ■ it'1 ‘ 1 ' «"i bv A ! ’' I'. :: Vichy, e.ip.'al ■ a ii". , a ;• reporteiI tnd.it . ‘. 1 A. - miral l.eaI:\. I'n ' i S 1. aim m - sadnr, had pn-enied i ■■ 1 . • r a • dd mils ter e\ ecu:,. m .: :!■.■ 1 is ; : ol Si I ’ierre and Miquelon > Frt e Freneh force' Amuni! these cnnditwns. il v. a said, were estahli heient nt a pel litanent, unitnrmvd Veeiica i o n tr | ciimntissinn. and ini .ranlee i d the island 1 .d i'" it nt .'he! e e\ tended nr U- t il -n t the I t..' .: Slates. "WEATHER fl)K NORTH < AROI.INA. Fair and much colder, mod erate cold wave this afternoon and tonight, tempe.ature near -0 in the mountains and about Incline an the caai I Uratiht. * t tare Bardia In Africa Recruiting Breaks Record Washington. Jan. i.— < \I‘j— li.ring l\‘, In si two weeks ol fighting against the J.Vsnese. recruits to the l ailed States Arim surpassed tiie total for the entire month of '.VI a \ . 1917— th • veenod month the nation was in the World War. I.w'n with a len-d.i\ lag in reports from regional headquar ters o\• i the nation. 12.(>">7 new nn n e keen listed here and ( olonel Harold V tiilherl, chief of ret mi' in:’. estimated toda> the h.al I • . the muni!: probabl' \. al:! • high as 79.000. Din in day, 1917- I’he Inited >\U s <«»•! • e;l v.;ir on \piil 7. I'll thci'i were onl.v .'!!».,‘»S9 en list men's. * :.d l' 19 f 1 rush to the < olors. it h r -erniting oil it -s of (ho \i el x \.» v \ ai‘d W trim* ( tr |is file i , nd w orkiiu* o\ er tfm•'. ss ;■ \ i*i i; 11 to j11. re :*•«• with 1 !i« end >' i )iolida\ season. L run esc In harma lirm . *« j i t ;• .1 : «*nti . r ‘ l;; :■ I* • • e diet < >; V. . ■ C...: ie t Australians Bomb Jap Base Melba;II in'. \ • .1. Jiilli. - — i \P) Royal Au.-t n ail force i , i ! •. ‘til :. ri s and damaged •ih’pi.v pi ■ inn) 1 ..lid buildings in a small scale att.ici. an Kapingama Kanpi. in the .Inpanesc-cnntrolled Caroline I-..uni-, the RAF said today. C round in-1.. i i:,s and sea planes \\ i'l l- majoi la.^cis the com tConuaued on Fsp- t .' l Fall of North African Port Removes Threat to British Lines; Rus sian Armies Smash at Mozhaisk, Near Mos cow. (By The Associated Press.) The British announced the rapture of the north African port of Bardia today. F»:Ti 1 t:1" ■ ji yvithin the hi ' liw day «• *11ecr‘<‘d a new dri. e .*n iiai - d i. n»-,. u a- I Jbyan- Kgy pia i i *. tr ee . n i del tu ehn.inate it a - ; l! at t• * tee;: -apply and i - im. e-.d i11111 mning ,'ini! n tie v. *-v 1" ;edab.a. where the mam leave C.i.c' 'd. Weuirw hil- Hussia’s L c d armies wen* reported smashing today at (dnnan held Mozhaisk, tin* Led of the great threat to ♦ iosc.'U. alter \d.dl llitlet i a -lied to i!u front in an attempt to halt tin retreat oi his halter ed in\ asion foi i es ;., i i ! ■. i n« S ■ risk, i fvQ nnie \ < u >. ■ \ j• ■ • ; ■ a inplis \\ ere re I'm t< d F i, Led army com mand. wo. i .miimuu-ni the re i.tpturc at si.intsi, an impor tant ul and \ *lg.. river city Ida miles northwist .<| \Insrow . and Kaluga. 110 miles southwest of the capital. The ml! "1 Shirih,. .m.g . 4a a.'i Si >u!; ' • • K.d mi ii • ■ i • ■ 1 y ,, | • ■ \ 1. . :., i; S. •' - 1 : y eu (»ei - ?: delt ii«:lt ,t.<• i i . tTs re *: eat mg 1 .« - \ . e ; milling •'t lb .i i‘lit •1 ,: ' ..ii ' el bad i been AMERICAN W ARSHIPS BOMBED BY JAPANESE Bala' ia Jan 2 (AP) Tl I)utc Ka-t Indies h.gli c ml vM rted today lhat '''in ' r 1 " u •. ■ -ii.p be haves w 1.irh aiv c;' 'in'! .iting v the Not erland Na > id • ■ at tacked hv Japam-M plan - in tie nurth; i n part ul the Indie- a'vhlpel agn without sufiei ing " rrr - dam age." The Indies eon a mil d the C. S warships were aiding "in the d' len-e ot these ivginns." An oflii'ial eunmiimi'i■ ie sad that in the same area Japanese anvr ift al-o a narked hv> U. S plane The A-.v! -nr. . irm iv e net dam.-.^cd Naval Base Of Cavite Evacuated American Soldiers and Marines and Fili pino Troops Man De fense Arc Against In vasion Hordes Press ing From Two Sides. < B\ T h<‘ Associated Press) •Taii.-mc'c t r- have occu pied Manila, tie War depart tie nl a am iiinced t >• d a y . as American ami miminu tri.uns ui;t>ide tie- v,mi!:J kittled the invader- in a erne last ditch stand. Thi War dep; rtmeat said ■id\ a nee < lemei’ts ->!' he mika d in\ a dun ! unit - < titered the ci!v at p. m.. .Manila time ( I a. m. KST. I The loss oi Man'll. \*. Iiito s“ riops. has not lessened tile re sistance to the Japanese attacks.”’ the War department said. Simultaneously. an official Tokyo broadcast asserted that part of General Douglas Mar \rthur s forces were attempting to cross Manila Ba\ to Correei dor island fortress and that other \nierican and Filipino troops were cut off on the Batan peninsula north of ( orregidor. T! •' broaden ■ 1 :d Jmpanese bomb - ei's wore -l'.'’. ng : the tr ops mov ing ems> {he bav. T!:o fall of th• * P): ppino cap Mi, V h - 1 liciirr,.: MacA: ’inir iast we" . 1 • i n a tc d 1 - 1 e f o n d »'• ip i tv.t> day ..iter t :*• d- idlinc >ti a .Jnp;vm,'C : - ..-1 that they W't-.dd tak Manila *”i>ot’«»i*»' New YcarV ’’ Washington. Jan. ‘2.— ( \l*> — I he Na\ \ announced todax that the n;i\ a! base it < a\ ite. ten miles from Manila on .Manila Ray. was evacuated before the Japanese entered the Philippine < a pita I. \ Navv communique announc ing the e\ . euation said all equipment and stores had been removed prior to the withdrawal from the submarine base and nav\ yard. Vnnouncement of the evacua tion meant it w as t iken for granted that tin naval base was in Japanese hand' or short In would he A <• n i 1 i " ’ nc had .•ml • .V wore (C m • ; P; go Five) 11 m ( 1 JO Pi \K Pome \ -/• i i • or\ to \P) — Ja*i ’ - Bei ito Mussolini will add» e- p in !< ! ,-s row and (In- new sp <• • l! Pi olo said he would ; > ;«lrrs * vicar and pic. ise" mi el nination of **oh s t 1 • I ■ • ' -eiation between the In-me : d war fronts. War Plants May Move President Discloses Study is Being Given to Protection Against Raids. Washington, dan 2 (AP) Pro iit‘1 B lh" 1 to oil d i .' ed ti • d.• v that Pi Q ‘ t!on - m 11'■ • \onl*. 11rplane air 1 other wai indu-trie- iron vulnerable MMoiast |" in1' to the interior was re ec*i\ me new ron.-adei ation. lie told reporter- that America mu-’ h-arn by experience and un do - <nd that ometimes it is impos sible to take a whole.plant and move it from one locality to another. Certain division of a factory, ho\« ever. In* said, might be moved back from seaeoast at a moment'-- notice lh -ugge-tcd too that perhaps )>rodii( ‘Continued on Page Four} [

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