Beavers Use Air Lanes To Bring Upset Victory Beavers Score First, and Are Never Be hind; Detham Passes to* Gene Gray for 69 Yards and Winning Score; Durdan Is Beaver Leader. Oregon State Beavers wed two long aerials and laked another to net three touchdown- and a 20 t•» 1(5 v.» tory over the Du.a* Blue Devils m the 11 an.- planted Ko-e Bowl game ;n Duke St.idiui . Durham. Yew Yeai - Day belure 5(5.000 Ians, who at u ‘ (kill lorn ia mi-1”. The Beaver- got bu-y in the v< ; y lest period when Tom Da\ i- t«.. . a- • opening kick-oft im Duke, and i ;m bled when tackled on his own 29-y.ucl line. Oregon reeoveit'd. The Duke* \\ ere kept \ 'h the.r back - to the v. all lie: il I ),m I he dan. . ensation.ii Beaver back who outshone Duke. Kte\ e Lach, laded as if to pass, onlv to (lash to his right and over the gt-al line 15 yard away for thv la t , More of the ball game and t■ • pa; the Beaver ahead. Duke scored in tiie -fend quarU t" knot the c ant when S* ae I., on , went over liom the four. (Jan* added ! th* point. The Bea\ » r added two touch downs and .ui extra point in th j thiid. while Duke was gaming ju i, one touchdown i In the fourth period, Ala:e Kar m.ixm broke through to nab Dm dan behind the goal line lor a aletv. Durdan fumbled the pa-- trow ecu-, t a wD11<» atten ptmg to kuw >>ut fror.. ' behind hi- goal He atte • pted to m:i the ball, but Karmazin stopped him behind the line. Duke and Oregon State pulled e\ t n. 14 all in the third per: >d. t)i. Dethman h.urlid a (59-yard pa.-s to: (»•■» (5 i\a who dodged Tom Dave ! and Motfatt Storer. and went on with tm ? illy tn.u imunt vict »ry lor the underdog Bcaver. Tlie team- Might on about even term-a according to statistic.', though ; (o ;Jy :.-tako' -n tlu part < l Blue De\i;> carried • mch '..right in the; eulrome Dal-w -cade 15 fn t down-, to i..ui teen i < >reg* »n State: the Be. . t • ' laid a net yaidage * k kng t - 95 for tie- Blue I ib. and in t:i• m v. a cl passing depai tm ait 1 y 1 h! to 72 In Duke. 4 me may h.a\ e played an imp-r 1 ant part in tin- nkt Jot ■ lv the half. B< Gant hint pa - th( Oregon ‘ ' ••• * • li ' f'.-i five. Hilly 1 ’ ’ 11.iv < ‘h •: - ’ a .- :lefure an ■ !: i-. i . i iial : I v a‘i . a!* d : '.i a\ ei . proved ’to ■••■!••• . • . ' hall Hub, and I kirdan and . ,.n cam meed Ian:, 'h-d tl. ■ I ., .. v. ei e t as Kood a any n field that day. II la - I .aeh earned the brunt ol the Blue Dev I . and tunied in a great | i a ]. a :: lanet*. i > 111 he c< ai Id iW hit li e Duke- into the victory' Tin ■■ e vvti.- thrilled packed from -I. :l to I mi'll. ..nil tire outcome in 1 d. ao: until the final \. tie tie. j ‘ The lineup: i’os. Oiegiiii State (20) Duke (Hi) 1 ,K George Zelliek Jin. Smith i t.T George Ikon Mike Ka: man.l I (i ill I - Hal - • .a Ti m Burn C Quentin Greenough B. Barnett HG Martin (.'have l'i-fe Goddai;' UT Bi J ■ Saunder.- I’e •• a'l toinougi: it hi Ni'I II. Bet' : . AI i’lasecky (,•11 George Peters 'I an Prothn.i ial Bob ruin Da’, r I! II I >on Da rd.m Stev e Laeh 1" 15 Joe D: y Win;:. Siegried Oregon State 7 n lit u T) Duke ' n 7 7 2—161 Oregon State M'l'Mig Touchdowns | Dardan. ZeiIiek. (i ■ . v i ,-ub for , Durdan); points altei touchdown Si' i (sub for G Pc, place illl I.S I. j ! Duke sc-oraig: T> .ne !ich n Laeh. i Siegfried, points altei1 touchdown—t Gantt (sub for Piaseeky). Prothra . (place-kicks . aiety—Durdan led in 1 end Zone. BOWL SCORES Hose Howl ( 1: i :: m State JO. Dake 1G. Orange Howl Gf vg:a In. Tex a• Chi is'.ian '.’ft. Sugar Howl F« . dhaa 2. MtSs| >. < >\ i ax.t ely 2.milt j .a ,-;ty t■ ■ . . 1 ; , yet - in . wet 10a ; I e a d: na coax I - ■ seicct tee A i i ■ I ’iayei - Ai l-Ana riea train is t e vraled n ;he a,:: ren, . . le el the ;i- .blieali- -n I’ " x am Is as : •.. ne : l-’nd Ib.l! !!. I. Alas ana. i T Kirhard Wild Mat- i lit ‘ ■ • ’ . ■ (1 ,a i Hilda- t T. -dy. Ha - i Yard 1 h-atei Yinrent I '..ill dl. X I )etroi *. i (had 1 k-rnnrd C'i ;■.11i ins. N’.-tre , Da-i.e i T.u-t.le I I ta t I . aid ai. Tldain' End -lane- eat. Furdham I Qu: rti . - W... .a- Dudley, Yir- : "inia. Forty-Hour Week Proved War Asset, Shu ford Says Daily Dispatch Bureau, In the Sir Walter Hotel. By BOB THOMPSON. 11j 1 • *.. .inn. 2 Nortn (’nrolinu rid ‘ • rdin to Lab Com • :»*• ? Forrvst Shmord. ,s !>etU*i •1! Iiom .i military a.- w* !! as a -<• ...! tand|-.»int is result n| the 4M B« .a. •• :iidu try wa forced ' • rain new w<»rkc.>—1 mlcs-, it \\a i. • " < :: . ■hall : • .' ■ < the state u-: .a- ’'.--e\ eral thnn-and new vvnrkc .vho will b. of threat value in in uring lull production nt America . el tort," said the eammis-mne. The action of employer, m tiai ns? new workers rather than payu1 i ue-and-a-hall wage- to the old 'did not defeat the purpose ol the wertrue provision." sad Shuford. Tii: idea behind the provision v. w - Rules Given For Rationing Tire Quotas Washington. .Jan. 2.—The Ol: ic"■ ol ’rice Atflminislratiun has release! his compilation of questions ami answers el.oilvmg tire and tube ra il mirtg regulatic ms' (). Arc ,-eeonds of new t i e.- and ubes "new" tues or tubes'.’ A. res. Q. Are bicycle tire - within th cope ol rationing regulations" A. No. Q. Can an interstate common rac ier which has delivered to and dc losited with various tire service : ions along its route a supply ol l own teres bearing its own brand ci be used to service its own truck - aider a service contract .with dv cal agency obtain such ijns ire", t:i■ local station? . This depends upon whether the ell use ol tires amounts to a d- !i. - ry r transler within the contcm Halt—Frank Sinkwich, Georgia Half -Stephen Lach, Duke. Fullback—Robert Wstlall, Alichi ;an. The poll, conducted by Norman , Spec tor Liberty, evades the opin ccns c l "t spel ts" but rev rts to tin i st-hand impressions of tile players u a-kmg tht io to name the elov.n ■ it landing opponent- they laced on .he lield during the 1941 season. Georgia's Frank Sinkwich. tin jell reveals, received the vot ng percentage of the players w'to .\ ere nominated; ol the umety-mn jpponents wlm laced hum, ninety ■ ix vnt d loni most S c age was Dudley of Virginia. 19-year to Sinkwich in the vote pertvn i Id h.alfhaek from Blueiieid. \'a .hie was considered the most don ;ot"U' man in football on returning oints. An unusual selection was that ol iernard Crimntins o! Notre Dame \ convert'd fullback, he won ac •laim at the guard position. Wildung it Alimn .-ota, a fj()-inimite player in nost of the Goper games, wa- recog lized hy hi- opponents a- the stairi itit tackle ol the year. Banonis of Detroit, the center wo . i -v r made a bad pas.- ill three year it play, got the nod over all ins ivnls. Several ol the players named wiil >e taken to the Sugar Bowl game at few Oi leans as the guests ot Liberty ilagazine. to dist '• mori x dec >va e n ir: a j •! •> • . m ' • ' 1 to f rat it n !«»!■ i»\ i : t i : \ i The i- - i*»til . < • t i a a1 d t: in 1 hi 1 thi v.. and '?i■ :i ca - d empb >\\ : h . • • o i ■ ml r y ; • |>av i ii* •• * • i ri $!■••. ?j n.oim o\tra in • \ : • t • nen a-e- nee..--vv te hr m, V ■ ea It : up ' < ! he ret j nil ed mum m H'.xx 'i..:iiy x\ ••;•!%: r . x. e•.• ea pi <\ . a re. alt o! t;i .a * lav. e d. • : .ol e. tan: t", except 1 • p::T the f:g at “several thousand" lea ’dns .late 'I helie\ e that it i p . :tctly • :• to s; >■ that the operation »»! the v. a a and hour law d mg td pa t a . ’.'ear- ha been of ine-tii wop- xalu in preparing Anieriean and ... dustry tor the tremendoa. produc tion job which lie- ahead." tile c *:i mis.-mner concluded. plat ion of me urrii > ‘ >pini< in i e .-erxed lor written *. a omission o! C• l tire i p in ol idl er or. x\ Meh 1:11 payment ha.- Iium a ade be (lei mmm Vo , a. • p eha r. A. No 0 Can toes on whico a d a. a pay out i has in * n made but which .. « till m the p ' i1»u 1 *! tile a r i): delivered to the purchaser? A No. cy Can tires now wnc d and i l the possesion of a fleet operator be ti’an.-ferred from one ot hi.- ileei garages to another? From truck : > truck ? A. Yes Cy Can tire dealer- exchange whit • wailed tire- owned by them ! black-walled tire.- owned by auto mobile dealers? A. No. cy 1 i ive thi 1 »ral boards any d - - cretic n :n the h-T <>l rui.-se j eligible t< ; e or transfer ti.vs lor tube-? A. No. Cy T« wdi-m a oi one apply : r modil cat! m in trie la 1 A. la oi: i lend* r • >m < >1 fire Price Adn i trat n. W hingb |D C. c.). I a hear e an t !:g ble vi h - le ’ A. No. In i"nerge;lrir •. ambulant es. which are > n the eligible list, may oe list'd a- heai -e.-. cy i a truck : ed to deliver coal to : • the nubvtu <•. and pri \ air ron-1 i'i 1 i nt it led to tiros” \ Y cy 1 ' - i , *• vrei -t •■ «n n ’he >< r ■ •!'. . t dri’’ (*:"•' to ult i .01 a ! * a i. a 0 r m A. No. cy A. n : -k a • d to rr; ir telr j graph line- Hr: Tie . ■ hides? A. Ye (y Are pa -ewer ears m *d to re pair t legr • . Iin< > gil ' ehide-7 | A a'... j cy Are car.- u-rd ' , i mdei ro, i merrial serx ire to t eg: aph office eligible xehiclex? \. No. cy Are rai s i1 ■ e-.l !■ * deb . or tele : ram- to i ural area ei..Able x e hivies? A No. Cy .-\ re pa -' i.r.t i ra nsrcl i*\ t ' irreling pm *. ha er ol ri an n «-n ent1 * led in to. e. 7 \. No cy An* willde do gr<>oers' t: ad; • U -ed 1 ■' make del .\ *•» ic- to retailor 1 gible” A Yes. Cy Ai o p is enger ear- ;ised i •>' wholesale ijx •u,r 1" make delixei oj To s* dicit ale- idigible x riiiries” A. No. cy Are whole-ale grocer.-' limb used for sad- tor solicitation of -ales eligible \’chicles'* A. Only when Tie delixerie and Si* l r«.» i-ijrailir 'll'lii, r .III li . .til lilt: .<.?.( ii-. . Air tint!;- i ill ! \ iii v. ^j •.11>' i • .tl." \ c! n* u >p;ipor> m . • • . . ■ 111. I .. If 1,1 II- 1-1 ' ■ ill.' lit Ik "-I .. . I lilt; I. 1 Mjlfl I" h •: I : ill rui. i . : i .. .Inn!.- \ rli ,rl<- - w Ai * JI lit i. - Vi .4 J ,* v !..«•»> i>l :it ;ivv i‘< • 1 t r A No. i MMMMBiWJMWMHMMMn nip ~w—i iTiiwiTfiPiimh i m I Announcement! I HENRY S. MOSS & I I Open For Business At I ■ Carolina Warehouse— ar^ 3,19421 1 We Will Carry A Complete Line Of I I Case Tractors and Implements, Vulcan Plows, Russell Wagons, Morses and MulesI I and V-C Fertilizers I I HENRY S. MOSS & COMPANY I I HENRY MOSS BILL ELLINGTON FRANK HICKS | mwcoueH [