SOCIETY NEWS “WINTER'S FLOW.” There is no s fence like the mn<§-1 less snow The fcathei crystals flutter to card I the ground then skyward -will -i.i gulls. startled by i sudden sound. The frost's cold lingei- 'dm Ilu,| torpid stream All movement now is stilled in icy I muteness. Deep, deep the stullies deep the silence spreads. Now sun lime spai kle- Ki".i lie laden bough drops tall, in cadence. Mantling snow with gentle sigh, scarce Heard, subside-- and leaves brown grasse free. The strean shakes oil it- torper. mores again. and icicles with tmy -h:\er- crash. Wide 1 low the waves ol sound wide the \ ibratiia.- spread. Silence is bioken. nature mures again in sound and rhythm. H Y II. Choir I’raeliee. The choir ol the lost Presbyterian church will practice at 11:1)0 o'clock tonight at the church. Return to Morrisville. Mr and Mi W H Briggs have returned to then home in Morris ville. Pa after spending the Christ mas here with Mi and Mrs. \\ ■ B Briggs. Returns to I'oiirc. Miss Ln K bin -n has returned to Peace college. Halcifih. after spending the holiday. with her par ents. Mr and Mr- P- T. Hobmson, near Kpcm T:> Durham. Mr Ra'pk Bur • >vv. was called to Durham todav bo at the hod>idi of her > ri. Wallace hdwards. \\hM underwent a head operation at ?flt - , Pherson hospital. F ivic ( tub Meets. The Junn i Civic club will meet tonight at k o dork w ith Miss -Mma Dixon, with Mi. s Mary Fi ances Wil liams a- a-aslant hostess. Aii mem bers are urged to attend. To Chapel Hill. Clone R •! inson ha- ret tuned to the University ol' North Carolina, at Chai>el Hill, after spending the holi days with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. T Robinson, near Epsom. Alma Club Postponed. Tim meeting of the Alma club, scheduled for th .- week, ha- been postponed until next week, it was said today I he date and pome ol meeting will he announced lutt i . Ir. Meeting at Mil*. The .lunar Red Cross countywide meeting, to be held Thursday aftei - noon at 9 o clock, will be in the Hen derson high school, room lul. lathci than in the Pen v Memorial library, as has been announced. It is hoped that t veryono connected with this work will attend. Philathca Meeting With MisSCS 1 .L' • udance i'liis being the tir.t meeting ot the new year, plaits for lie., achieve ments were discussed It \\ . decided to organize the children': o k .Jan uary ll. and have ten monthly meet mgs with the children dm mg the I year 'Flic budget for the adult so- j ci 'tv was raised, and it v a also de •idcd to hold prayer -erviees in ionics once each month. Mi- .1 K Worthington called at ention to a letter in a recent mis- j binary publication addre. -ed In each society urging a year el groat ! service. Tins was read by Mrs. C. S. Catlett. An impressive installation .-erviec was held, and alter brief remarks by the president, Mr,. Mattie C"\, the j pastor. Rev .1. K. Worthington, ol lered the closing prayer. MEREDITH COLLEGE TALENT ON RADIO Meredith .College and Station | WPTF will inaugurate a .-eves of | college activity programs to be .riven on Thursday atternoons at 4:4,i o'clock. The lirst bro deast rhursday afternoon, January 1), is to be a duo-violin recital by Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Alden, with Miss Dorothy I Phelps at the piano. Mr. Alden | teaches violin, and Miss Phelps, piano at Meredith The programs j . 1 . u arranged by Harry Dor sett of the department of Education. :u me series will continue over a period of three months. luclei-going Treatment. J. C. Champion has entered Watt,' hospital. Durham, where he is un dergoing treatment under Dr. Cop F’fcdgc. Epsom News By MRS. FI.ETCHER FI LLER Christine Eaves, a member of the Mebane high school faculty, return ed Sunday after spending the holi days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Eaves Mrs. Culver Rogers returned home Saturday from Maria Parham hos pital where she underwent several operations on Christmas Day. She is reported to be doing nicely. Mr. and Mr-. J. T. Vaughan, o! Roxboro, visited Mrs. Vaughan's parents Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Tharring ton, over the past week-end. Mr.-. .1 O. Newton is reported much improv ed alter being seriously ill for the past week. Valeria Perkinson, of Kittrell. has retified home a filer spending a part o! the holidays with her cousin. Iauelle F .her. in Epsom. M: and Mi S. K. Journigan and family visited ti lends in Winston Sa lem Christmas. .lane McCauley has returned home ..Iter spending a part of the Christ mas holidays with friends in Rich mond, \’n. George Ea Vo. .1 ir. of Fort New sum. Va.. .-pent Christmas Day with relatives m tin community. Mr. and Mrs. Osborn Garrard visited Mr. Garrard,’.- parents in Durham 111 oil oliday.-. Mr v' irt .-■ Stainback is report ed imp. .red alter being sick tor the past week. Mi.-. M ry Nell Eaves, of the Or runi high school tacully, spent tne holiday, with in i parents, Mr and Mr. C <> Eaves Friends in The community are re joicing with the family and relative ol Mrs. M. L.. Grissom to know that she has unproved sufticiently to be able to nturn to her home after u long stay in Maria Parham hospital due to serious illness. Charles T Eaves, of Newport News, Va , visited his parents re cently Mrs .1. L. Ayscue, of Frankhntnn, spent a part of the holidays with relatives in Epsom. llarricl Louise Ayscue and Richard Weldon, students of Elon college, returned to Elon Sunday alter .-■pend ing the holidays with their parents. Rev J. E. McCauley spent the past week-end near Danv ille, V a . and conducted services at Pleasant Grovi Christian church, of which hr i pastor. The members of the Christian En deavor societies (both senior and junior) of Liberty Christian church, after a short worship program Sun day night, motored over to the home ot .J. R. Lassiter, one ot the oldest members ot the church, to conduc a worship program and song >cr vice. Mr. Lassiter ha- b en confined to his home for quite a long time on account of illness. A large group attended the services which was much enjoyed by all. ROOF FIRE. A roof lire at the home of Annie Fit;.-, colored, on an alley loaditij from Whitten avenue to Chcstnu street tins morning at 8:10 o'cloc! did no reportable damage, Eire Chic Cooper G Kill- said today. TRAFFIC FINE. S. M Watkins pa id three traffic lines of SI into flic office of tne city clerk record; then e -hewed today. Officers Installed At Class Meeting; The first meeting ol the new yea; ut the W hitinoif-\\ r-iey das.- *1 the Fust Methodist chuich w. neld la-1 evening in the iadn- parka i»i me ehui eh. Mrs. Ct K Allen, re-elected pn * dent, presided uv ei the meeting, whicn ' pened v. ith the mgmg o; Arnei a a . attei .. m a per n»d .lent * uiliuioii v.* 'Kc.i with u pi ayt r oy an A t . uc *n An - Grails. leading the i.k'U>liuii-. l.-cu as i.ei subject Faith *1 (..) .1 Fath ei liinne .11 a .-.t .. isugmmng . a *\ew Vt*ai p h i.. .... read and ci ipune 1 ..-lei eiuv i'-mm '-VI and A * i-H win used. 1 bowing itu ill 1 .la • >1 Inc . < »lig. T he bu me- < -a >n billowed, with plans h • 1 t:a• in'*', year being pi 1'.-eute 1 by vi. nil r, An attrae uve 1. gc.en cu'i, member, nsiert tm • "lie. . -. tne r imnnttec t nan mi 11. flu." . and toe ho.-1 - . sscs n>! :re 1 1; umg tei m. I O 1 1 an- as toliow Ml - George K Alien, pie-ident: Mr.- I', n. i\< ibai 1. \act -pn sident. Mr . t jauue inn..-. 11-1 viee-pi evident, .in ■ Kcun Ii* lerelary. Ai - I i 11 ci« saiei!, assist .tig class loom « 1 «. 1., Air.-, ii A. eia ci cretin > Vli • J. M. Baity. • 1 '.1.' ci. 1 n.eel mg cretary; .»*. IJ 11uy1 . ire .,ni. ii..- teacher.- » Mr.-. E. C ran , nil pi 1 Ii eg .Mi . S. T. I’cacc, All'.-, .v, 1j. l -ii . .mi.--. J. C. Lonpei. arid a. 1. . 1 ■ o . ii-c. land. L • H'nniit il'l l 11 < i 11 Hit 11 an p : ' >gi a 111, Mrs. J . i>. Ko t. u* \"> ■. . .wi.-. Bi.-coe Ba.-s. ... j j .oily. Aii . 1 » D iloeutt; social .a ; x h i , .n! ai. h. r ow it 1 ; mu. a . .vi 1. . ,\ 1. \\ . Anar . ■ plum, Air. . l\. . 1. \\ ll.-im, tin.- 1 11. All.-. 1* < > Aiabiy, ho-p.tai. :v.i (>. \\ . I* ur queron: linamv. M. Pella hay ; . * all.sp. uia * 1 ... .1. 1. a ' 1 lai tin . visiting, Mi s Sallie .11 .- 11. ai ■ c the program, c nduc: 0 a quiz. wrc. Mrs. A- l>. l a all u.- |i: la w mm Hostesses for thi • enmg were Mrs. Alma Cun in. Mr.-. Sue Mabry, n. 1 Gary. All's. H. «J. Whit more, Aim. .E A!. Baity. Mrs. H \\ v\ intmore. Air- H P. Sr rkey. and Miss Agiu*- M'lere. They vrved ho' lea, 1 anri w a I a -. and ited nut MARRIAGE PAPERS GIVEN TWO COUPLES * Two marriage papers were is- ion Tuesday at the Vance Registry of fice, records there showed today Zollir- Newman. .1" . No;-|:na ;ind Helen Gray Hersiiman. of Hen derson. and William Bland Stovall. l!8, of Ft Jackson, S. C , and Annie Lucille Harris. 80. of Henderson, secured the papers issued. PATTERN 9981 j You'll love i igure flattery o this stunning j -cm t cn.-emble b; Marian Maltin' Pattern 9981 lea tores a simple. becoming circs* will . two slim panels ;n the skirt to givi you height. Th.e d«t r ts that mala the bodice su trai an repeated or three-quarter sleeves i Short sleeve j are optional.) The .jacket ha- genti; scalloped tuxedo h uds which a. very new the neck oi the die is rounded to match The e band may be made >*l the same labile a I the dress, and t1a* jacket ot contras’ I make the jacket with long sleeve : if you like. The Sew Chart show j you how to laee tlu* neckline ot thi ! frock neatly. If your hip-and-waist I line is larger than average, this i | your ensemble Pattern 9981 may be ordered onl; ; in women's - ze 38. 38. 40, 43. 4-1 48. 48 and 30. S: \- 38 requires 5 5 vards 39 inch fabric. Send FIFTEEN CENTS in coin i for this MARIAN MARTIN pattern : Be -ure to write plainly your SIZE j NAME. ADDRESS, and STY LI j NUMBER S nd your order to The Hendersoj Dailv Dispatch, Pattern Depart men ’232 \V. 13th St. New York, N. Y Visits Huffman* Mi R S Hunt. Jr., of Baltimore, Md . .- visiting her brother-in-law and ?i-ter. Mi ,ind Mrs. J. B. Hull- ' man. a; then home on the Raleigh road To Tarboro. Mi md Mrs. T. H. Weldon were . .n Tarb last evening where Mrs. Weld -I attended the Eastern Star ehaptci meeing It was the official ' v t ■ : the Worthy Grand Matron. ! M s Weldon was given honorary j i■ nimbi i -h ip in the Tarboro rhajiter. Study ( lass Meets. Tne New Bethel Mission St :riy j rias- met with Mrs Walter Bowen I oti ree: nt ev ening Mr i ']> dt 1 VI - phy ind Mrs T. H. Weld >n and Mis Maiv Ay scuts vei v mtere "• g- j, iy ;.i .gh.t tlie book "These Things i lb" i.nn". The hostess served :r, / I, i mil i.y Mis- Mary Bowen. IA I’RI SSION OF THANKS. Mr and Mrs M L. Robe.rtso- ..• irl I iv nii : i express their thaiiu- j mi upp. l imit.on for the kindness | in ■ during the illness, death, i and ioi. :ui o! tin ir mother, and pai: | : . .mi to thank Dr W. H. Fur-- ..II The Kind deeds will always in- remembered. RAN FITCH’S “VICTORY JAMBOREE” ON STAGE l F \ : i. ancl oca :ly of pis rl.i ’ti-' i. Dan Fitch's great m ■. "Virin-y J.,mboree“, coming to the Stevenson cage lor a one day engage :i!.-n' S in lay. January 11. i r ‘a- a I : id ' eel psing .-von i‘s •» idrlv a claimed predecessor, “Di.xinana", of 1941. Frou it lavish and brilliant ne.v a it y J : ■ i ■ 11 i f' 11 dance ensembles :nt ■ ifiiiaed by the pulchritudinous and cur .accous all-Ante riean beau ties. ci r.i :■ to the la t turn bv it far! ing rev ue of headline vandev.lle acts, charm and variety hi been i.s keynote, according to vet. m bowman Dan Fitch who b -1 ■!ivs band new -tage at ’ .act c io the Stevens.-n is the - 1 ng theatrical aehicvr ruent of ' ■. enty years producing and pre senting his own pleasing stage pre sentations. With a tuneful theme of victory, "D.xie's Favorite Funster Son", in troduces his big revue as the mer riest musical stage jamboree of the new year. As fresh and new as 1942. the production brings together vaude ul!e headliners from very nearly I every corner of the nation. Among these are Bee Ho Gray and Com oany from Bos Angeles and Senorita Cubanola from Havana. These acts ■ame directly from their home cities to join the new Fitch Victory Jam ) i. show entour in the cast. Others which will brighten the dag< are Richmond, Bane and He.sler. members of the Keynote harmony trio, and stars of recent Broadway musicals: The Bronlee Brothers, comedy aerobatic .artists. JILL H.WI. who heads the Key loiers, harmony trio and former Broadway ni^.Meal stage star who nines to the Stevenson stage Sun day. ind topflight ■ med..,! ■ . M,. mi .vith hi- timely pa: idy 001 rowed :, ,rn an an y p enli tment ot ice. Music ■■ : .1 si ed 1 y V t Jambo-«ers wh< bi ng the late.-1 ;lines ot the day cleverly wiiven oil > this v.'Cl I - k.. i • and rye-piling D i: Pitch hit par.idf el 10 IL> The screen will older "Dressed to Till" wit: Lloyd Nolan a" 1 Mary Beth Hughes, s a con panion attrac lion. Downs Loses Child Bride She!." . Jon. ", — (AID—Thr law stepped n and separated 62-year •Id .Pie Downs from his child bride. it is.i before the w 11s of the Jji",-, land (-minty courthouse bad ..'Inied- th.e loud protests Meek and a bit afraid of all that •.vent at about her. Estelle Pruitt Downs •• as led last night to a juve nile detention home, there to await her transfer to state-supervised U i ia rters. S i. nor C i irt Judge Felix Alley appointed Gerald Goforth, Shelby ottom y, s he: guardian and order ed .1 ivenile Judge Everett Houser to take her into custody The girl, who told a court at tache that she was "11 w 12' but I don't rightly know." was brought here Iron. Downs' cabin at Casar, 20 miles away Close on her heels came the elderly husband. He retained no lawyer, didn't get a chance to talk ’o the judge, but he moved through the corridors of the courthouse free ly a cuig his opinion oi those who had separated him from his wife "1 little more than two months. Each n w i"sight into freedom md conomic welfare sooner or later De von.os embodied in some institution if family church, school, state or business world. Federal Road Fund Allocated Raleigh. Jan 7—i«»* ««.J way fund' apportioned the vai.^js state highway departments lor the fiscal yeai beginning next July 1 m .'t he pen* -*n projects e'sentiai t‘i national delense In announcing In*- nll>»i • >:is t>» day. Rand Snyder 111 a.'ad g. ade ; : >ss.; g North Ca. ■ aa' shau v. 1! be . s follows: Rcgukr lede:. aid- $2, 387.356; seconda y ..• n-ede loads, $417,787, ehmina* a a. h.i/ard: at ulroad grade <: - - ag- $714,993. This is approx .mate.y ih.e same al location ppoz* aead ‘ the state for the 1942 fiscal year. vork - peril - lion with tiie State Highway and Public Work' C > i si .. a.ccord ng to the ;isua. Fed. al Aid pr eedure except that pam •‘s •.'.•ill lie i rated to th »se : a rc a defii :tc defense sign * mice CALEDONIA PRISON FARM REORGANIZED Il;ilcigh. .fun. 7. -! AIM — Pri a >n Direct! r C<’ti.' I’.tt today announc ;cl cunplcticn lav rgnntzatinn of Caledonia |)t, n : in convert the 6.000-acre tract into a great State ! cattle pasturage I’ersonne1 .-hake-ups involved every o r p . :ti- :i tit the camp jxccpt one. tied t itul .-a'.aries will b; ,-educcd by ,-,!n -.-t Sad.onn annually. Cattle 1m nought from west in Ni rth (';.f"lma farme rs, gra/.vl it Caledonia and .-old in the t Tm make room fur the new lion!.-, farming nperutiims at tile contury uld prison camp w.'l nr reduced t" a minimum. The plan is expected t ■ boost the State's cattle and da+ry in dustries and to eliminate the usual deficit in operations at Caledonia. HOW TK1 I . brother: Jones: "The mail is terible lab ly land I'll have to complain about it." I Smith: "Why. I got mine all right," Jones: "Well, nine is terrible: you | know that check you promised to | -end last week" It hasn't come yet!" WHAT CAUSES EPILEPSY? A booklet containing the opinions of fam ous doctors ©n this interesting subject will be sent FREE, while they las^,to any reader writing to the Educational Division, 535 Fifth Ave.. New York, N Y., Dept. A1046 I NOTICE! I ' l I ’ I H I New Subscription Rates I | Effective Saturday, Jan. 10 I I WHERE DAILY DISPATCH IS DELIVERED I 9 BY CARRIER 9 J One Year .... $6.00 I I Six Months... $3.00 I V You may renew your present subscription at the old B B rates until the above date. B 9 There Is No Change In The Rates By Mail I I Henderson Daily Dispatch I