Hitenlterson HaiUj Utspafrh _ONI A' DAILY NEWSPAPER IT'BUSHED IN Till.- SE( I loN OF NORTH CAROLINA AND \TRDLNIA TWENTY-NINTH YEAR 1tV'k ass^-VIVko^ssjK HENDERSON, N. THURSDAY AFrERNoc.N. .JANUARY «s, 1102 1 1:ll>,7. FIVE CENTS COPY Saw japs Bomb Hawaii British Middle East Headquarters Announce 1 - - r. i'h,•!,, Kiln Smr Ik. 5 (1. ft), and her si«tcr. Blanche. 3. celehraic their <=.,fc Er",v‘l a; 1 a'" >• I l.v «taIT.n^ thciTi>-"lves witil i ... Thev were lather any w n.cn and children evacuated fr-m 1! mnlulu! ' N utn 11 ... Li.u .tec a.; I lt d p..ft ef art.'.al was considcrtd riatricted mifitar.v ir.fonnatior. Britons Express Fear Islands May Be U. 8. Outpost United States Prepar edness for War in Pacific Also Up for Criticism in House of Commons Debate. I.i .hIom. Jail. X—i \l‘>—tear that tin- Hntisli Isles might be come all American niltiiost was openly exnn sseil today hy two members of the house ol rinii •**' mons in commenting on results of the Was ; i n.. ton < onferem es. La in ■ r. t Ra ua ad it ,SI|, said. "! h..l Inti:,-.. ■ -I, 1 ! II ;> cent- i .’ ■ •■! ’ klgti is i . lit- misty fcelii I hay i : . ; my . iail11 Indet a I Hugh: v : ■ I y I .: that ..e find .>• i o, II,.. -d -.'.'.at i tci ! • position 111 Amer ica'.- ! i ... l oil -,u 1 rope Kdga: ],. .11, ( i. ..!. said: Will'! 1 . ..11.1 " .i eni . ; !. i the <■. i- \ . c.i COIltl oi led i . 1 i' . Ml. Tliv United State - prepa; i. i ; i ' war in tin 1 ’aei 1 ie ,i I o c.iiiu- .;i :'i ■; ci it H I Alter : O' a: King t ■ • Ann a., vessel v.eie urp oil hy the Ja| am- e at S:: l . ■ ■ . g Ji : 1. ■ said: “\V 11! i t g, n d t : ■ ■ ..! t :ia‘ the a ant. v‘. ■ i .ei-! Should ; ■ 111, i,,r : - i* llei 1 in tin !■ K.i :. . i , ■ i .i ,:ii ! 1,■ i■ • ha.- not begun tin • ..: well and An u'l m,il | ri ■mu J i . ■■1 e " i . dice i i in 'in v\ tir, whatever. ft took i:■ ■ I... a; .my 11gi.t.tig in tin lil t a "1 d. ml)t wild la • It. ’ i-:i -ea el | Will Ilia ei y mg Under a foreign ! con aid FIVE ALARM EIRE BURNS RIVER PIER Ncv. Yo, k. Jan ik t AIM A fix a ' alarm tire early torlay de troyed tin i Hud on i r ei piei n ed hy the Nev. York f .lit: ..I Kail: nail and the Am crica-Si'o'li Afi'icti Steam.-liit) Lines K\ cry : i • company m Manhattan i and ti ire lire boats responded to the alarm-, and brought the bla/.e undei ci intro) v ill; in tin hour. Gas Rations Not Likely Ickes Says Rubber Shortage Will Con serve Gas; Recom mends Speed Limit. VVa Jimgkin, Jan ft (AP1 lu tei'ioi Secretary I ekes, thy- petruleui coordinator hulav assured the napoo tin. '.I- ' > n.mediate pn'.-Jicct' in i-..l:nv rationing a- a war meas ure. 11, -g. i'll at In- press coni, i - cnee, how or. that great savings e. rubber. g,. olme and autoniotiv. equip:, cut e.. Id he aceomplislied through .- all mg ■ int'oiinl speed limit at I" 1 i‘ m h..u and lie ;m i.K t. ..uued Ft.me - Lindbergh In Capital Washington. Jan. 8.— i.\l*> — Charles A. Lindbergh, who re cently offered his services to the Army after resigning his com missi. »n as a colonel in the re serve- last year, arrived In r * to das hut would not reveal his plans. Inquiries at the War depart ment met with tiie response Hhe famed flier had no engagements th re. His offer to serve the country was made in a letter to Lieutenant (ieneral II. II. \rnold. Army depute chic! <>T staff for air. Bangkok i Huge Fire Reported Left Blazing in Raid Made in Retaliation For Jap Bombs. Hungt i>1: Jan 8. (AP)- i’he RAL left huge fire.' blazing amid mili tary • »icti\e: al Baugh k. capital : J Japanese-occupied Th > land, in 11 ic l: a IL i ti.si i e* Mint cm t •. mv of a | mg fury of air war over th -.tuned io;,d to Mandalay. Fla him w ire \ isibh ! - mile- <. > i im Ijri 11 . i a rmcn ret i::ted I rum (heir attack, which .i Hr Ush an ti * mcement said wa- mad" la-t mgiit and indicated was in rcta'iatinn lor j repeated Japanese attack.- on Ran- , go capital <>t British Burma. Ail ' f>ri11h pianos w ere said t have l c turned safely. (However, a Bang,. d.-paten j broadcast by the Berlin . adiu place - I the attack at L1 a a. m local time, ' Thursday 11a p. m Wednesday 1 KST and said tw o 1»ri11 h plan ■ • crashed in residential district' (The axis listed the Thailand hos • ! pi till, the French church and the Bank ul Indo-China as damaged bv Is.mbs. and said several civilians . were killed. Three tire u^nltcil 1 lr Mi me ndiary bombs in the raid, th-' Bangkok dispatch said.) Mi thru in. oat of Rangoon, w ns j reported homhed Wednesday aiter iu en aim Itang. on itself inderwent aimther an alarm although no raid- ; ei appeared. CHATHAM CANCELS BLANKET SHOWING \v , Y"i'k. .1.111 H (AIM—Tnc: (’t ;111.,im Maniil'.'ictiirmR O. > . larRe-J ;e! ol all-v (inj blank' 1 has run coded il- ■ olvdiili'd upetlinR of .1 fall 1 n>' planned for January la and notified salesmut it would offer oniv „ limited line of part-wool numbers at mi1 time. I i am ,1 de ndica led that (it I ei - in”., ol wooi blanket- to retailers tor Iii-S't tall . > Olio i'r'11 ;d|ir ' Nazis Routed In Libya nine Forces Held - r ,4 tt II H i ”, | > S * ■. 7!' iJtaiia . it' C2.I i esl of British iaxngth in Defense of nsapore Made in At -'ck; Kuala L.ampus ''ported Captured. (H> Tin* Associated Press) Lritish jungle fighters de i' n.din ’ tie* road to Singapore were loreed to execute a new ; v ith.lrav.al ledav south of Ihe , Slim river in northwest Malaya, as Japanese invasion hordes stnv.-K down the p*nit>u!a with peak fury In a drive aimed at Kuala Lumpur. 1 * S: m r. < a tr; 1 - u;a: v "1 th j • i .main r.\ t r a; ..linn Perak :r:d Se- | iangor provnc-''. is -vi realm .■ *:*t I Kuala 1 • rpur, Malaya's • eond I < I" O a S< )l ! 1 I '.' Ml. Tokyo flisp; lekie: i *ade >1 . v P , ■ t iem of Ki -ai s 1 ji!i npur" and tha lapant se taro. and aid i 11 cm v hat • 1 -•■<! -I V ' a -1 o! tile t<!\\ n. eul * ;ng - 'I t the i •• <>| Paa! i-h d’ : *i '1'he fh . I! Ml r (i ■. 11 ’ l • 1 ’*“.•• “1 Mili’Uhe mm Tokyo." -Midi - d ra. v ■ al men *d : i ll-mt a , o- \ e ; m i a! S »map..re Hi I Mai: ' ; a 11;: i ■ < • i • me defense sti »me | i ,.hi m t" Far K:*>t. A H: :! > k •d. • man ad: PP-e j Mai; va. in the i outpoint* war me n? '. Oenera! Douglas Mac Arthur's battle-worn troops wane report ed “till fig! ting doggedb against (Con ) Attlee Admits Britain’s Lack Of Resources London. Jan. a ( .ML- May*: i" 1 ('i■ i■ 111 H Attl'-o. lord privy seal, i .“.peaking a Pr u \lmMer Oum h ill- deputy, told tin Inmi -*• of c »m m 'iis frankly today that Britain did not have - ut ficicnt res* >uree > *’"« complete pr par.it ion a fainst the ,1 pan* o w I ■ *. 11 * * d* elareck at }.*!«• - ent have file no 1 p.» werf! 11 f le. f n I the Pacific. 11 • ne • • cheered 1 • .• • when he : a*Mined up accounts ;. ter tile f!r t month <>f w ar in the Pae: i ,e. even though the\.. given lift new inhumation about the war of 1 fort. New s of further . tep to com do nate manpower and munitions o; flu :.i ■ t< d not ions aw ailed the r* • t urn of the prime n inn ter fr« * : America. Alt lee deekir* -d that e\ en ! Bri tain had incre1 sed her own pr > duet ion to the utmost she could .no* produce enough anus at present t >i live Par Pa J to equal the >t:.,ng military force of Japan. Apparently in reply 1 * e. t 'e “ (Continued *»n Page Tn.ce> 'O i • iS:ivy Ivocku? (.. }3. /'hotu’photo Chief Boatswain’s Mate Bob Feller, former star pitcher with the Cleve land Indians, reports for duty at the Norfolk. Va., Naval Training Sta tion. The $ to.()()'.) a year ha ••ball sensat«e.ii will draw a month rim ing his nav al r.nreer, but \ I the In t'e t 1 -it “I ’!! I e .:! !e t • \ brow H fe\% ■ t lakes t\>»* 1 ’ I.< li* Sam.” f I r| >p\ £b» er : Rtinforcem: „ ts Seek ing to Relic re Chang sha Attackers Rngag . by Chinese. < hunukinu, .1 n. i W Vn arm> spokesman deelit'd i da.\ that Chinese forces had in tent plod several thousand Jap anese troops imbed ; h front their has- at Yo»*ho\v in an ef fort to relieve some .‘>h CM) emo i ad<*s still hemmed in after bein'.; (I»•«\ < n from < han.o ha. T. a • • ri : • !'••;> •!'t eel .,j j,, , •; , ,< • ■. \ | , \ ;• Tl, i • ' • a >• ' • * h t--l:e\ i ait • : v ; ; ; ' • a Cm j tint' a* . - r s v 1 A C- m. - -j" • ’ cm;,’ •( . h <I * • . mu -he j \V i t I 4 ho !'. u h 1 !' > 1 • tl. ’h(M*r . :m * i . <i. he I PIPELINE OPERATION TO BEGIN IN A WEEK { • , n,. .1 ,, ., \ <)> ,( ! | j ■ . | ; ,., 1 - | ( c • « i • .r,» r\-.Ha1, (I : > bruin I i or \ni;i!i i \koi.in \ 1 .tii*. slii;!ul\ * ol(h‘? ; i*ni|)* ra , t»i: at.- .ji i:* m*>*• :i<ain>> .1 ml a‘ i»ut . '> on « isi 1 miijjht. Babson Discusses Household Buying Under War Conditions By It (Hi FI: U BAIISON Copyright llhlLh I’ubli - hers Financial Burro : I nr Bahson I’at !■;. Fla . .Ian II There is no use kidding ourselves any long: r Kithe I t ! .a i • : Iweiitv livr years \vr .re at war In tart, wo now arc' tho loading nation in tho gre tost war tho world has over witnessed To tho i who are com plaining hrea ise they cannot now hu.y in w autoniohi lo t:: e- li't me •ay, \V, ain t -eon nothin.:' vet'" on •• - !. .: ’ cfi .nto tIn A . n\ ;«: 1 v! • • . '1 uigt :<■; !.>«• called to d ive truck-. l it all i us will be told v !:at ur can d i and can ! uv. More over. th.se 1912 regulations will be fa: more -tringent than any tiling even diseus>ed dmang World War 1. Among the nr j - »ods to < \ apor . e _ tier Feat to Senate ''poses Demands S ' c retary of riad'nre Be Given ■ ’ V*»j-0 Power on Fixing. 1 i..* 1; ' . 1. S. - . \|M — • ' nt "''(isr. ■ P ‘•Icrncd into r tf d'-mPo <o(i.i\ i*\ send ’ * ■ * 1 1 • ’• s. ?<■■■* opposing cP pvuids of the ' ’ b‘c that the secretary of culture IvjV" \ c*to ”*• \v !*i’ ovci fising of farm prices. ft? ■ 1( . ; • .. s;. ■ Brnv/n I •' * Mich-'*-.:'., f! • ■ ■ n.anng' j rp '• • *n ,;o d.-p.an i ! • 1 • 1 - id >■ s• ■ ikii■ i | ’ ’ r • i1 any I 11 . 1 ng fived by the price admine traf••». ' ‘ “ ; • created i y the hill ; Senators »n both ^»f1 of the* dispute’ s drl th »t tb•' ’dministra- , ti >s wmik’V'I prf. 1 t:r.‘ in support of single au ?hnrif\ over the price controls. ' ■ • • i-i , hy. 1 , Son, I';.rt ng. ■Ill | hill ,..j] ■■■; fn< j r tl> . -»trv m , niv j v.irs. - i 1 Industries ^ Hurt In State l d . Jan. I’ Aid To die ; ' : >■ said today that the 1 a- ; •... ’ an!' a; .bile ; ire- and liv I an . *■ ' >e ..! burlap. jute and • e ' t< d .. ta iv ad ■ * (.'ae ■! : d 1 • je ■ < 1 < t ire e< ad | i aor:e S • • •. ot ties’ .re "wnui j The be;: d.e i>udap. jute j md isa’ ; ia i i.'d "i! 1 • • ! rv i i). ■ e " : >! prod .e : . . b - i 1 - iUte i. a , /; - e . e .m, a,, n .. AIRDROME DEFENSE FORCE IS PLANNED BY BRITISH ARMY i dr-. •?!■ deb n • 11 ■ • :aider tile d" h * de: end . . uV* •. 'ie> ..pa .ust . . WAV • .nd. • ‘ . d r» d, in .md . i . die ., p. •'; ’ : i e .. i y" i " a nder' a !;■• ’. .< i :': ’ • 1 »e .1 dee’ Eden Denies Any ‘Neglect’ 1. d.<n. -Ian 8 i Aid) Fev p; 1 S- : ' • \ e de a :y Kden den led t<> d ,y ad iu*( n any -"neglect” by .■ •• ;1 "ent m pi «-paring; the de- j :« n e ■ S up . .. ; nisi .Japanese ( ’ v\ 1( 1 1 ■ iot'i md not on" ‘wived on iv gleet ” ( He >.ii*l that the pr<-ol-' i>: Mal ayan defense was weighed each tm e tile ' a; cabinet ren ide ed endlllp > re-nh re< ment, to the Mid. V Ka,t > ' H - H< ei led thi e e.aninon that tfu sin gape re det n>'- < been tivn * • n m- * _ -.y. 1 .. Permit to Travel Arturo Toscanini Famed conductor Arturo Toscanini receives a permit to travel from Philadelphia to Washington, D. C. An enemy al’en, he must get a per mit whenever he travels. Intern ment is penalty for not complying with the regulation. Budget Gets Precedence Official Washington Says Speedy Approval to be Given to War Fund Measure. \\ .'shin ;hm. fan. 8.— < \i’>—\ willing ( on:,? css gave the right ol m.p ind.r. to war appropria tions. with the numher one item being IiiihF for the production ol the (it*.(MM) planes which Pres ident Koostwclt tailed for this \ ear. ( Miic oi V had nut to ! ’ ■ ; ‘ the Sriui’e and F u r 111 i. i ■ ... almost uiKitn n ;y > V all oi tin • <• It. ' ai and lea.-i - Hut to mi.n d i gainst \\ a.ste s, ii.ttoi I'nmi.iii Democrat Mis sotin. proposed tii.u tin Senate defense m\cstir.itmg nimmittee he assigned tie task of wateh men ovei t! igantie armament program With a SUM).()()() bud get to ! inaio • the .jot). British Leaf Firm Pro fits >!i- , \■ ; . . . .. Lid., ill;.-. , . .... .1 ' l.ii.L' ill tl\C ,,i .. . .u,i ... a d auU.iv that id mg S '[) . nd tSlfi, iid provi eid with si >!’•. a year. Urn!.'! - Ann riean the parent one. rn .d Grown ;n,l Williamson ['obaeei Ci»rj of 1. • • a be. Ky . i n11y pledged to tl . KIT for a Sfo. inn (inn |.,;m. .»i v i ;eii s.’a.iHin.On.• >.i tai' en .i\tt by the Gritish go\ 'rivn n! t" pay be w ar - -pplie?, and hr h:i! m- e w- ; r .d dr hi . Germans Refuse Fight At Ageda’bia Good News Also Comes From Russian Fronl, With Soviet T roops Advancing Within 40 Miles of Vyazma - Bryansk Line. (Bv The \sso<bated Press.' \doll Hitler's tattered north \frican armies have started a new retreat on the westbound road to Tripoli, the British an nounced todav. and British spearheads are now. operating tJOO mil - from th* starting point of the drive into Libya. A bulletin lrom British ?d:dd; - Ka-t headqua: ters -aid the . \. •'.labia. 5r1 t• ik -out! • ■: 1 leng.. . \\e.. fulling back under cover of «i blinding sandstorm. The communique -aid Brit1 u • ‘bile e >Iumm- we: e m pursin', V’orr good news came from the * viet 1 attl-front. with llussia's nines effitiallv reported to liave advanced within 40 miles of the Vyazma *Br> ansk line on v\ bieh the Germans had been ex pected to attempt to dig in for the vv inter, soviet dispatehe l ull wav through nazi defense- on ho central front, ranging as deep a.-, t.'in and ' ne-half mile.-, including i vstei . of camouflaged dugo loateu i\ -loves and covered \viiu Iii this connection. London newspaper reports said machine gun posts were being set lip at strategic points in Berlin, man ned by Hitler’s own S. S. (elite guard • troops, as a precaution against a coup d’etat, but a British foreign office spokes man warned that reports of a possible internal upheaval in (ierman\ should be treated witii reserve. ( )11 the S- set !! i ( ^ ( b i • .,' tinning H < -inn attaeks m the cen tra! (M i ad northern (Len ingrad' sectors, and said German i* .n bei salt .eked d <• •> and - h.ppn a :,! Fa- d ya. v 1 :c! the FvUssia: i - dee reeapturi d . nd v. ere apparent ly ;. m;; .is am ease :n toe TRIAL OF BALDWIN BEGINS IN DURHAM 1. . Mine Planter Sinks; Eight Men Drowned l’..i m \ H .Urn ;; i ,\I• > A: V . > 11' 14 .... K.t T m- 'iluii :i Atlantic 2 ' S • y today 98 mine plantei Arnold -ank while be ing P >w ed 1" p-' i * Tin- name oi the v m •, - e o not aval inl.de in.mediatvlv but they w e>. ? believed to be ei\ ibans ie Arnold had been dispatelv d, ye'terda> to the asm tanco vi an . li or mine planter, the L-8K. Wild the aid oi an Army plane which Hew o\ Ci the area, the Arnold located the 1.-88 and started to tow her to shore. lntci n me .-weeper met the tw > smallei eral’t and began towing both of them. Suddenly, the Arnold prang a le a while t ho throe 'hip.’ m-m 1 •• h l u.nd-d tw be t- .f a..

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