Grand Jury And Judge Praise County Officers Clerk of Court Re-, ceives Special Com . mendation; Grand Jury Finds Condition of Central Colored School Unsatisfactory. The Vance superior court grand jury, in -e'-Mnn doling the January term ol i : •i n , I court i "in liiileu yesterday artemoon. reported 'a Judge Ih me I Slew'll v ho plead ed ovei the il. that -oil e i c!loi>; building and el, -J Imses are in need ol repairs and reeominended that a padded cell he prov ided 111 the county jail im mentally deranged in- | mates, and 1 oiip:I iia11 the com 11 ii in -e offices lid ishi r e,unity property ai in good condition • Judg' Stcw-n included in th" court rei aid i mention at iraise fori the conditi n m which the county nl-| fices are kept, with particular com-1 mendation ai the .•[ ■ jc and record*i of E. ( r Fallmci. el,.,, ,,, , I court. The i idge haled “Mr. Foreman nd mernbi (,f i grand jmy "I 'v ish la con< ur >. oi y inert a!" ■ With your ropoi: a eoi.incciain w 'hi the spit ndid n amici in ■ inch the! variou "Iho m V.m,,. county are kept and run I have not had the opportun.iy I,, . i-11 v ( ,,Untv of fice other than liia! ol the ol'o'rk oi ! .. ' ’1 • ‘ *. i'i:! I can aeeuralely I Say that I am certain that there is not a better conducted clerk'- oilier in the State oi North Carolina. II - records are sy-.teniatie. orderly and accurate, and it i- a nal pleasure to have the I'lu.ariumty o| msiice'.ni”, such a highly efficient public de pai iment The grand l ay epnrt had -aid o. County of! iei _ “We have \ 1-iteil the • ; : a .us ,.| fices in Ihi eom Ji.-a e and lind the office i ‘I i .. i ■! • i .pei enurt 1 - the mi l I \ee, letll eo'idi'ioll I i, record are r-. ■ p!,-:, .„ every de f'1 'i Nil in such .. • mini •. i : oiler; credit upon ■ ■ •: 11 \ . .,11(1 t - mi .1 licit prai.'e ear I l", a.. i ii , our ef ficient ill'll . Aii I.. ( ) [• a i i. i ier. “We lllld tile o'! re el file register of deed a Is n c\ee!lei,; v: dit: m. and that ,.||,c. . .lit to our county “We laid :! i sliei hi' nil ice anil'' county audit..!' ■if. • .ii .. n splen did conditi. 'ii." 1 The grand jury ep..i led Imdmg need f. ■ I ep.n: - t. lie .... (ie at . \ - oral e.A..iid . ■ i i. <..! . althniigh the White "! ■ ". ere f• ■ ii::cl t,. be in genera ..t.-tact..r\ condition ex cept l a ed . : ii.,: :: aintenanee and . d -A the (ViAi.d colored school “We !..and great number of broken Window pane There is no fire Csia.l e .,:1 ■ I Il l' ", - e r |\ I . ed With heavy wire making even an escape tram them impo sibh Light ing is inadequati . wiring is detec - tive; flour m audit..num is unsale: boys' toilet . m .r,.nd tloor i, oaf of order S." oral liroken -eats i sixth giaii" eiidei mg them useless. ' A li " -el gi'a' .1 i .. v I at I ,.,a id the Cent' ..: C. ! d .-a- 1 budding to be nil ale .aid the repo, j !; , | S",fPd I! an HU e.-ligat r m t.y .-I.Pc school autlioritie iviea l.e. - . ti.u . Ill I Jl ,1 y are !•: C. Mite1 ell. t. .m. .Sidney B Har ris, Id 1. Hunt. \V V Avseue. J. T. Adcock. II 11 Av-rette. II 1" HA liard. .1 'I' Collm . I ’ If Win,lead, N. T. Mitchell, ti M. ( I'Lnrv c; ,, He Hr W L. iJoisfV. U C. Woodlieh J T Allen. .1 i\I Hubei t-oh. ,7. J. Matthews, W. \V Kllis. I'" I ca e to cuine lip tor trial ;tt the >heii. three-dav .wvHon of court wa that <*t iP-by Adcock, white men chaivd with drunken driving, wh w as acquitted by the jury. Governor Can Draft Civilians! Daily Dispatch Bureau. In the Sir Walter Hotel, By BOB THOMPSON Raleigh. Jan. 8.—The war powers "I the gu\ ernor of North Carolina • 'e o’ broad that they include ;ai • horitv io draft Chilians for defrn-v •ur\ :• e. K. • ry able-bodied North Carolir 1 man between the ages of 18 and 48 it member of the State militia and -object to the call of the governor, although neither many nt them nor i their lawyer-' know it The 1 acts were revealed in it d -• t of the gowrnur’s mihtarv povr -! east completed bv Si.-.t. \ Staid Attorney General T Wade Bruton. 1 nder the Jaw the govern o;- lias tlv • “Wer not only to call men into >*•: . ice but to oidei the Stare treasurer and auditor to pay them without v. itmg for action by the lcgi.-latun . | There are. today, four division 4 the North Carolina Militia They . - the National Guard, now in led . a! 'er\ ice. the State Guard, or ; mi. ad to taa.e it.- place n the rvciil 1 intra-state emorgencies: tre Mate ti’Viil militia; and the * unorg.m,/.od -.ulitia" which includes rvesy ,a>ir i 'died man between the age i 8 uid 48 Tha-w last ran be u-ed { • iie i he law. urpn.v 1 • 101 - -Lirrect i* *n and to rr| u*l itiva -1* ■: .. nd ’ in y ai e subject l" any i aU - and regulation: v. hie!i the gov - i nmr may make, insolong a.- the :il< me not inconsistvnt with t . : .:«*ns ot ‘he I’nited State.- an - t . p ,yi\ I! en< nigh men do i: • v olunteer bn* this ,-erv ice. tile law gives the governor authority to draft ‘hein* In addi'.mn to his military author ity. the governor also lias. unde. \V. :•!d War I law passed in 1917 power 1 1 organize all o', the State" . ..uree.' h-r defen-e. a.- yet ;.i in* interpreted by the court-, thr 'tatute apparently gives the gov.-' ! u : (u i lie State wartime power- la m excess « . tin authority he ha- in t i f peace. It would ecu. th; he can draft property as well a - ien . .i • .'.*17 ns*' need.-. Attlee Admits Britain’s Lack of Resources (Continued from Page One) i.! thr scorning inadequacy of Bri tish military preparations m the Far Hast. Alt 11 o said the fact that Bri tain’s Pacific po-ikons were les -1 iongly garrisoned and equipped than miglit have been wished was not duo to lack of foresight bather he said, il was because it \ beyond Britain's resources to lie ■ uig everywhere. ! Emergency Powers9 Worry ■ \ Viny Members Of Co«<j,e>s I ( >1 \Ki * * S' i \.\\ \S* I < <. ' ntr.i i n ( ciiin nisi > W.i'fiih^tcn. Jan. . - AlexantU*! Umn.lti'ii i ini' rvmatked that t:\te men .vhn he^m their career.- as nut tand nr, trietids cl the common pen l pi • i much n.oi't titan an avoi - . I . ,..eiu \ «!i :: i iate> m a die 1 ■' • ■' "n I hat oIjsi r\ atio. j i A . rider's i ■ i . p. I .lIRly (|ll<ll- I I - rot ty fre- \ <1 ritl\ m t'nn- i :;i' ;il present. It <i •. • u *11 -! a" - i mly ICO o t.i ■ e: ..-e •■X- j t ■ y at ra d - . * » in c •;)i)' i hradcd i»}; j ■ : . * 11 (it t ll .1,y < ; i rrv: - j ■ y piiwer, ‘ . j liw P . d 1 v. ' C o r, t ting tu i v \ t '• i > •’resident Roosevelt rmci yt ney powers AS "emcrycncy j p.nvi * . ■ but I and here '.:•••>• heennu ai. ■ : mairiiair i i a 1 they h sin''.' tha‘ aa a rxf. ate. < pew crs w ill ae 1 el a, ished hy the White House tenant after the emergency i over? Woodrow Wilson relinquished his w in n hat time came, hut he never : ;ai" .1 dart., ail. t rl ised him.-elf is ■ 11( ■■ ■ > • t an V’ < hr a ini* ’ii. s. \ i, • i.a' d ;et 11 in titdn'; id hi- ras ■ With ail pet a apt tin: ad lie- . ■ . tie whisperers. iJeni'" Miis-.liniV mentioned out ' ;.> .i. • ha’, am been a vociferously | hi ee i leaiii r t'ae Italian I'- when lie s' . led, and inr jin- \ e:d : e, 1 lent maybe it w a in yard taith that lie . n pr iclaim d a in t u. . ■ el ipaty diet a to: nil lv ub -i>(j .eiiil.v in. : e ore le-s uneonseiotis |y lit a in nm\ i a ' .ai a it .) lo be sure, but tor a while he was 11)0 pei rent aosoiute. Adult 11.Her announced himself a - ,.n .nt i-i.! ... and still tail la. t ■ i ’ Xonody yr.e- Ada: e. edit i r t"i . •• ha\ my : . d any y'o >d ;:i :: v. 1 f: . Si . i.. h( :nadc ’j,- ".i';. a;’j11.• wi ..iit'<■ a > Ci«■ n11a11y s K rr.isk' 'Irani ell Husain's original revolutionary j ,)> . • - :a oenail | el about nme-tenUi- ot c/arism op , • (| -ulijM ! . .aid l 1.1 inclined a. I, - ?: ; * a, y m • at '.'.,’11 by .• i .- , i ft \ o aid. r Keren ,,v ■ .. -n't a bad eiiaji. but things go I ll'Olll 111 111. I. : 1. Ain rivaii auto crat ■. e .- !id lb as lib rat' rs. grad Iially to hi' e\ n|*-ed. parhali pm : v without th 1 iwn volition, into des ■ . ! t' ■ r, ; i ipholder ol Hind i a: v a ruler tha , , . adi v iia.i t ■ i - and eha-" ■inn into i \ io. Wi'ii H r-, ai ,c or. tb" deniocra C .' today and wd . ill. I .at n Ameri cans ah more m iea- aligned with ia. it i - u' t \ i : \ a uai t a a i e to ret er to any ni 'eu eun ently as having .u historieal characters ’.vii" tended boar ■ ' Alexander 11 onilton's til ., . X \ e; tin k. they’ve hurt 'em Spa n' I) clan .r Fi am i-ei' Fi anco doesn't s ipp rt the whi-perci ' argu O.ent llel'1 oKe into ’■ ! >' m Hat.o .Cl 1]), and t 'refill * S'l'i 'erg: ne a'I> I : .. : !■•. Illa tion 1 ’i . ci!v in '■ 1 :ie (■: the exerp *.:< n '.cat p. i >rcs tin re! . th nigh. Jan e tamer has hud a lillerator. . i;t:. I . : d* fit te into ,iu • Inti-ill. t :i; vc" '" save <me in die v v e. uit * n 111', v. ! i degenerate S na I l..i ry F. 1 lyrtl < ■! Virgin', i a lawmaker who'.- expi'e-md him self above ... - ci. :: . igh he di it before v. .• iet'.tally were in tit war. Wind In said was that "we've na nan - at r. m ; ; great er greater than tim.' ■ abroad." The " ■ me iii i are” iie war re ferring to was tile expan ; m ol xe •ulivc i : tii* >ri' x at the ra'.i dial leg islature's xp use Congi e s is jeal " i ■ 11 : 'in'iita i’ go ernmenta1 branch: there's no mist die about pel iii -i e. ’W as it wa (id;. Unci* Sam boemne out-and ■ 11 ii,'"f. oil in tine e* ml ict. 1 hough its utteraiux s m the m .ice. arc more • tto v-ct than 1 i'.ev V. ore v, r> Veeul President Rcsi-volt's third term .c a nt luted !i g. dative uneasl t adltii! it ». tii cum tarn ♦*. 11 certainly .• •..*!* 1 . 1 war t»» tIlf i mfra! y • Tr, .u \ if the next cor.c . d Ih ' led Kestrel. Il',v\r\( i, I there** a chance The Piesidi nt i • ■. accused nt a di-p P«n.\ ■*!' that d< su*f . . 11 . n a I! y heli tig to him. r>ut 11s»* : . of hi" execut r » s .!g«'i « /■ ,: »■ F. I). K.. .n h.." — '.upitnl Iiii!. i> X«.t all i In ( •' « director.' a»-e. thou. • i < ■■ »i'»ns arc excellent. * . • I * •• h'lt a f l W (it < : i ' • » T- ' r.j? tc | t ’ ff,«. M> M t i u | !M s H. • • r > Mil,. .,t„| i ,,j > • I Cotton Prices Turn Lower I I w, V.,:. .i.iii. a. <ap) j | list 11 r» <>. : * ’ S •) h ■ . > | * , 1 1>:-V s l)"'; '■ 1 ,Mi:f JitKi-: \ member- of :he i>r.iId. : . M, A , ' the stage ol th Steve:....n s.nd. ■. S yu js I bloc it" Sell Lower I 1 ' i . y n.:r| •• • ■ : • - X'.\' > ' - -it , B. H. MIXON < ln< orporatic!) Contractor and Ruildor “lliiihlx fhltf r Htnltliiuip” \: P:,: .1 . .c. !’. I!t *'mg r,i (■■ Repnii ing. PHOMS 7_ - i fi t IMhliiTil M'i rn ■ ! 'Ii MtiltlHi—ET Christian-Har ware Furniture Co. Ship Torpedoed Carl Kallock Seaman Carl Kallock catches up on the war news as he arrives at New York, one of the 19 survivors of the 6,275-ton American freighter Saga dnhoc, torpedoed in the Atlantic. The sinking was not revealed until the rescue ship docked. I I j Hew Style “KROEHLER" 6-Piece Studio Outfit Planned for Day and Might Usefulness All 6 Pieces Oiii nl mn fr no KitOI fills! Stud its Outifls i ives vt a an extra In inn room plus 'leepii'K facilities for tu i' Yhe clever .Sofa can quickly anil easily he eo.tvy rletl into a double bed with actual innersprm comfort! It's beautifully upholstered in a ser\ ici able cover in your choice of colors. Now you tail have all the extra pieces for the price of the sofa alone. • GKO if INC M 1)1 S: « ATT RAC TIVI KOI N!) I OFFFI • IIAN DSC) I kROHII.IK SOI \ TABKF • -* KM) T A HI. Is • > ATTK \C TIVK TAB1.F. • Al l. FOR Till! PRIC'l Ol Till KAMI’S _ SOFA AKONF “AND YOU CAN PAY EITHER-$4.00 MONTHLY OR $1.00 WEEKLY” FURNITURE COMPANY, INC.HENDERSON, N. C. IEFIRD’S COLD WEATHER 1 SPECIALS I Ladies’ New Winter Men’s Wool Jackets 8 5? Coats Cut in Price Mt'nV hcav-v wt”’1 ,,laid and Hi blue Molten Jackets. Sizes .it One sp. cial rack ladies winter , , ^B ci>at •. V* in' choice 1 *' $7.00 $2.98 & $3.98 8 1» a 1 a■ in ladies coaLs ■ « • ivduced to Men s Corduroy ■ $9.00 Pants 8 1 111' M>ld l‘P 1!. n's heavy quality, well-made $11.00 vcrdim y pants m as-, orted reduced to $2.98 8 $16.00 8 Children’s Coats Men’s father ■ Cut in Price Jackets 1 $4.00 " a hig'vahwv 7 8 Mi- es evils, a big value $/.»© H $5.50 Men’s Sweaters I Mis-e ci ats, values up to Mi) B q,_ « Men's rjew fall and winter ■ «!> / .OU sweaters in snappy new style |H Mi-sos* eo;its from $15, and color. Slip-on, button and |H reduced to I .upper styles. H $9.90 I $1.98 & $2.98 8 Boots—Galoshes I MEN’S BOOTS*1 . . ,\ $2.48 & $2.98 I LADIES’ GALOSHES 97c B CHILDREN’S GALOSHES 97c 8 Efird’s Dept. Store I 230*232 S. Garnett St. - Henderson, N. C. i %

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