_ONLY DAILY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THIS SECTION OF NORTH CAROLINA AND VIRGINIA TWENTY-NINTH YEAR HENDERSON, N. C., SA'I URDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 81, HM2 , F, :N FIVE CENTS COPY Abandoning Resistance On Malayan Peninsula, British Fall Back To Singapore Causeway To Mainland Destroyed Far to the North, Brit ish T roops Evacuate Moulmeiri. Across Bay F rom R an goon; Aid for Singapore Be lieved Near. ( Bn i hr \v.m iat o' aeaal 'd si rateu ie Ah ul naan, aer - the o.ay from Ran gum!. Ilurtna. llurma i- the gateway m , iie vast treasure bouse India. !' is also vital to < 'hit 11 as tin “bark door ol m- llurnia Road, lifeline of (’hina's war supplies. "C)nr t rv ing all -gores and lapii|> ment." a licit ish bulletin said, aiding that heavy •asuaities had been infiicted on \!a- 1 apa'u ■se. The Salween river empties into the , • > ,. (1 tli. il i'CCl! Car ]R.at i oning To Be Started February 26 \\ .id i ' m .fan. 21—( \l*> Hu ni i it t* «m price administra tion annmm. ed toda> that new , .its pui'chased. hut not deliver ed. prior to the government liec/inu order fanuarv 1 would he released after I 'ehrliars 12. Mso. the Ol* \ said, automo hilt* rationing would h*-in ltd) mart 2(» instead «»I l ehruarv 2 as had been planned. V the same v • I’r re Adi in - i-P •p.i- Leon llcn.it : • ndmc final detta i•.in *1 ion oj “e!. - i . purrlue t's eoiltemplated re ■! all c; : m de i :ei hands b\ th.e end of 1942. except about 12U. • a ii i units wh ie!i \\ , 11 1 >e ’ntdd 1 nick a > w ernnlent st estimated that dealers ami i anut aetn rer m have ab-.ut 221. Ot)n new automobiles, m addition to . . t upply, v hit 1 will be , -ui .met to rationing. Hende -< -n a d it w ■ ■ i elt that the pi olein ot ears purcna-ed hut not • whvtwed la-uld In* di post'd of l>t - lore tilt actual rationing plan wen4 into operation and that the two week.- pei iod between February 1 l and February 2d therefore was set .1--de to permit local - ationint* L .4 d I. <1. .4.; up 4! .at plu.il i <■ '■<' - lactorv to the ad t item an i ; :dg. t bureau." t ) ert n . id us In ■ ■ pi enc >1 t- Id ! . X l,g .reuu i ■ ■(] a-1 fio i V to leu i■ . 1 ins had been s . I muted Phe mensun ; 1' t 1 il( a]tpc - I ■ atimi in cinure . '• nil I; ’• ay. wil' prnvidi funds lor about fhi.ll(M) air i an . for the n:n y DESTROYER BUILT IN RECORD PERIOD (./ II111 V. M:, . .1 1 : ! < AP On the yy iy i.tlit.ten n until -. or about hull t i e ; u aeet in"' lierind for a ye- el of liei type. the U S de lroyet Bat ton \y as lamicln A today ,,t tlie Bethu ie m S' ■ ('om u my' K .re I?iver plan*. Plant officials said biter .-lup- •’! the iinie design pm!wibly v mid ■ built ey t n more i| ue!:ly sTibvti i t: i it i id) Sti .ei;Iu .Ini, .lue. ■'' A f ’ ) ! ut' S’vedi It -teai' ei lb dull. e;e rving tint) Finnish child en to S‘ "'idinlin. yens freed ye-terduy by t ■ ■ I'inn -t, ice hr aker Bnin ft >m ice Hues m the coastal waters ott I ’" 168-Hr. Week In Textiles Charlotte, .Ian. til (AP1 Itoyal, secretary-trea-nrei ot P'" Southern Textile Association. s.,id today that extension of production op rations to around 168 hours a week laid developed into a general trend among Carolina's mills. Relate rly few mills have ‘h:;s fat placed all departments on the arnun't the-bloek bases, he said, hut in many plants d pnrtments are on the long schedule to overcome unbalances to assure maximum efficiency and out put for the mills as a whole Royal forecast that this trend would result iu a -toady increase lot ti xtil mill operative Mm.v adrit 1 oai yeomen may I" on i 1 wed. c kaid. . _ . r " ~ EMPLOYMENT RISES TO NATIONAL RECORD Washington, Jan. 31.— < M*>— Secretary of Labor Perkins said tod.iv that civil non-agricultural employment in the t'nited States rose to a reeortl peak of 10,910, 000 in December. This represented a gain of .>.000.000 over December, 1939. the previous high in employment and the secretary asserted that “there never have been so many persons employed in civilian \\ oik.” Wickard To Testify Senate Farm Bloc Asks Statement of Policies Under Price Control Measure. \Ya..li mgt an, .Ian. HI . \ i M - Kill'll tilt! (Ml itoi bn la id' IV. drill lio. revel f <• dr . in of agl i.' 11 'raj p. oi , Hi 'm price d ml i i .1 lav. and ( :111 < "•:1 dary . .. Agneultim■ Win.a: • i ' • ■ lor «'• >tatim mii ni hi, |><.1 ni. iiidi'r the men 'tire. The Semite agra nil . * -In' iinitnnned Y\ iekard ta te d > at Cl rleseii se ■ a mi in ran 1 iert a i111 bn reel mi t ■■ la Im sent t j wi! 1 I a n t - ..light nut to go nnit'li m > ! airily. Ii. igning the pi ee control bib ye-terdiiv. Kie-ni'-ir Ii ' 'I -aid that there was rwii dame i in a l"'n vi mo vcliieh pre\ enl- die lining "i ceiling- "I i.grieult'.i'iil !” • at id- be low lid per mil ol pa dy. a basic pi ire e;i 1 cl I tilled to go e ■ ■' 1 met - equality ill purchasing power witll other- Although the I ’re deni mid that, if need be, Congre v n Id he a ked to correct the 110 per cent parity .eetion dy amending the lav,, a i iipc !■ embers made it plain 'that any -lull propo-al would pro a i ol ter eonlrnver y FIRE DESTROYS PART OF DANISH CAPITAL l.mdun, .Ian, HI -- (Al’> - The It'on.e radio, quoting d'-pah ie - it "in Stnckholn . said ("day tha; • duar ter ol Copenhagen. die capital ol (triii .an-oeeupied I leiiniat a. h.ul ileen destroyed by tire. (The di .patch did in l " me <> d wlietln r the lire was darted aeiuden tally. by rneendiai i-in or ny attacks ,,l n’riti’-h bomber- which have been raiding Danish military objectives). HIATHIR KOI! NORTH ( AROI.INA. Showers llii' afternoon, end ing ill north portion early to ng.id i olilef tuuisld. Medi te rran ean Italian Rail Movements Curtailed Hitler Believed Mak ing Ready for Chal lenge to British Con trol of Sea; Attack May Aim at Knockout to Malta. (By The .tssociatcd Press.) \ hint of possible axis maneu vers to challenge British con trol ol the Mediterranean on an unprecedented scale was con tained in a third-hand report today that passenger train serv ice will he sharpl.N curtailed it; h ilv tc morrow. The report came through Exchange Telegraph, a i-irmsh n v.- genes. | j trom Zurich, Switzerland, and quut 1 ed Home dispatches. I Restriction* on civilian railway i ! traffic have frequently attended i large troop movements within tin land* dominated by Hitler. British intelligence work already has dis closed an unusual concentration peratmg pa- i\ ely .\ i t h | Berlin - aid Adoll t lit iw h.id \\ ith- | , drawn all In actn <• d■■>. r- i"ii." Iron. I* ranee. Bclgi m and 1 mlland ami | ' <'[;laeed the::: v. :1a ai nim "I oe eii|ialm»n made up 1 >l m>y ti'"Ui lb to 16 and men ovn in Tin account, lit com r. may hr ntrnded to Inr* the allies i111.» leaking a pcmalmc i invasion atteaipt 1 rom tin* est. Hi tlei j>i«*})•' • l ■ n o tlii* active ! div ision as a miek us ol reserve lo. a prmg campaign, the dispatch .-.a let. ()n the ii' -rlh A! i ican front, 'Brit - i-h headqum lei reported “no I change" in the situation around I axis-captured Bengasi and said two columns o! in penal Indian troop* iiad broken through German en • trapment lines to rejoin the mam British toi ees. Premier Mussolini's high c. mmano as cited that the Bri till wm c cu tinning to retreat under heavy a\: pressure, with the scene oi hallo being steadily extended. AUTO TAX STAMPS REQUIRED MONDAY Washington, Jan .'it i AIM I. gaily, today is the last da\ to hay I automobile use tax -tiekei A ted • eral law require.- that the t.ant'. Jon oar.- Monday Blit tin Treasury acinuBed t had I no systematic way of enl "‘ring the j tax, and would be glad to to o' "i"t" | ists’ money whenever it ' "me- in : Congress rejected the bulk of a J special appropriation that the Id eas ui'y asked l'oi i nlorcement ol this tax. The stickers cod $2.0}). AVALANCHE BLOCKS GOTTHARD RAILWAY Bern. Switzerland. Jan HI - -(AIM '—An avalaehe shortC alter midnignt 1 blocked the Gotthard .me mam rail route from Switzerland to Italy J —d«railing at lea. t lour Height ear-. Imp track was expected to be cleared for resumption ot 'r.ut c by ; la,.. • *,. .< '(,■ : uit'-o . . I President Turns Back lo His /asks W.r 11 mgt'in. .!;t J ] (AT) I ’h-. kIi-iiI 1, n t . !: : ii> 1 irncil back U> In \\ mi time in k>. “v i v gi atel ;il,” hi' cU clan-d. or the natwnw ide »• li inat -n ol hi fitllh birthday v. men ; dneed line" inted . .:n. 1 , hue light again infantile p i<. a I\ Twenty-threi 11. * M y .v • « i star lent glamor to the birtnd;iy e ‘1 - brat en here. They had luncheon at t ie White I h m - • •. v' : t n * • d the I ’resident's "thank you” l»r» »adca>t t<1 lie nat i* -n. and mad personal appearanr - at half a dozen l . : ' ■ Mr ib m .- i \ ( . • repn >t nted the ('hie! K\i e ' i\a at t li eiP t ing «•: his (>a()-j)o mil bir'lulay eak , the highl .gi.t .. ia ie.' .a t id d i > tl- ; The IVr- ah ‘it wa- h ' t W■ group ol int im;i a- l riend ; ' v\ nii • Ilmi. e dinner nrt civting h: broadea t to toe m Ili ms < J Americans gather d lor ('innm . dance and pa: tie.- in a!! pa rt - of the nation. Auto Tire Ban Widened Orders for Retreading i and Recapping Mach inery Rationed Under New Order. Washington. .Ian d 1 i \I' T < ( war production ■■ ,i: cI. il :::u i d h -day, ha.- pi • *11.1>:t* d earn.;' t; i it r ol Inn- : • ’ readi ng and in v. 11 ping machinery : om filling any : thor ordiM's ( \n-t |)t those neeompmn led hy pivlVivnm' rating cert i Idea la ddie i >rd i 1 «*!•(* : - tied hy .1 S Know I-on. direct ir ol ’lie WPK in dustry opeiat. : division, .•> re d< aloe that * : « . .pana had b(■ i ight ip i! i v.. dai • !i r t.real in ; and recapping "his Know I . ni d the up : es had been di>tril>na u m . ieh an en \ on manner tli.it " any eet . m ef the e« Hint! v w er- i iible to mo'-t the re p’iremei'P :• ; ach nviehinery. Ill add: t ■ ' ■ • halting d d w erie . Kllowlsoii (In n-d the m mul.nrtur i'i - to subn t h\- I'Vhrna! v '.l a 1 is1 nf all order ■ >n their boon . :nrl id ing eu tomer ' names, shmpmg ad din' --vs and ty; • of equipment - • do red. I he WPP. - : dv o-m e.-tabl 1 I di-'t rib'll 'on hys lorn do- igiv. d • an- < ou t .’ole d s trihution ol a\ ad . > 1«• - n|)pi:es Hero’s Son Safe Arthur M acArthur a This is a recent portrait ot three year-old Arthur MacArthuv, son of lien. Douglas MacArthur, heroic defender of Bataan Peninsula ir. the Philippine Islands. Word hai I been received that both Mrs. Mac Arthur and little Arthur are safe in the Philippines. (Central Press' Drive Near In Army Air Coi ps Re-shuffle These otficers ol tin. 1' S. Army A r Cm;w ci\ .uiak i •> the shakeup announced by the War d partment 'hop. 1 ♦ •!t. (’nl Edgar I’ Suren-on. assistant chief ol air staff, has been relaxed m p .ty and a-.signed as director of bombardment aviation on the ■ right, Mai (Jen. Marlon K. Yount will be in ei urge <>l t irirng • ‘-in.Pbii law per.'Uim.l required lor the 19-12 airplane j >i' m lind inn program. Mott- -in U-! -. Iirig. (Jri: Carl Spa,it/. ehiel of ar* ill. n»igncd to d t\ as cine! ol the aii I re< m t i niand wit! - - ink >1 eral. Right. Maj. Clem Frerieriek L. Martin, xho was in charge ot the a:r forces at Hawaii at the tin ol the Peril Harbor attack. \\:!I be c«•rnmandmg general of the second ary .nr ! cc n Fort Wright, \V.. a. Welders Walk Out At Tacoma Yards Renewed Strife Be tween Independent Welders and AFL Union Causes Stop page of Work at West Coast Shipyards. Taeorna d \ I *1 More than . i in.- 1.1 So \\ eld ers eatpl - v I >* l n oma \ aril" •*; t;.< . i ! aroma Shiphuihiiit: ■ oil were id! toda\ strife he - lu een t lie i "«i i it u elders and Ml in:. • ; ii w liieli l he> ha\ < heen .. ( • 11.111 d )■ i;i.«:11 1 '.!.•• AF L lime. . an i **gi nv« ■> .i r< 1" mi da> The midnight .-lift 1 n a d d 11 i ■ : i 71 ; * i product np* Nazis Bomb North Ireland r.n : m - k o. Untied n\ l »< : ops u t( 'ala> (The RAF i Brit lane a t 1 e d • rippled a l Jerm.m nr m: s^anci omher over nm them Ireland whei« everal thousand Amern-.n ii m re now hat « r,»nrt \F.FA \ tary inst t t oast »>1 England, not t : ’.lu" des bed also was 1 \ ■ ted b> t < g' eon n ind to ha' e h- ait i . w 'd *• •' BRITAIN’S YOUNGEST CONSCRIPTS LISTED London .Ian. .II.— ( \I*> — Britain's youngest conscripts, hoys ol 17 registered today at labor c\« hanges throughout the nation tor pre-service training until tins becoii'* subject to regular .trim service at IK 1 1 Blame Fixed For Air Crash W , I .1 \!>I .! M l Iolut 3iJ , tIlf I ' ■ ■■:■■■ ■' mii.a" . til. •: ■ aai If t. 'll 1 An", i w m" mill 1 > 1; 111 f. .mi and tin • ill l»>wt i- : f | 2 Failin'. F. II" !. m \ I m It'll t. i III" I" Ilf ill". '' ' ' ' j 1 nlfiiff m liif .m pin ii fiii . ; J i-f.ili/f If "1" " appnnii'h I" a -t.it; init f nidltinn PRICE CEILING SET FCR RADIO INDUSTRY W.f I1 ii:" i . 1." H! ( \l’t -Til a I a min e to •diivk | ■ < I: mp.'. L ie of! i. v !: ,,| |,1 m In m.-!: id I. ill h ■ l'iX«'d I manutaetm « i eh.n grs ! • honm i p radio and tel \ ismn -m-. pho.a >- I r graphs and adii tubes. The ceilings uecumo effective Fen riiarv 9 and pmviu- that the l arteries a may nut charge mmc 'inn 'ue high- s t'st net price o! ()ctuL i la. 1941. or the 90-day period prim to hat date c No new models may be i .. set *d i after Kehrnai \ 9 im‘m mi1 \ .p- I prJv tj uu tm