Henderson Closes Home Season With Three Games T onight’s Contests Has Two Chapel Hill Teams Meetings Boys and Girls Playing Roanoke Rapids. T:.< lf': regular home stand, ac r . d ng to a schedule released earlier ;•! a. sun, will be made by the Hi riders in high cagers tonight. .. th C' ' 1 Hill coming over to make the even ng an interesting one I 'die >, ■ "d the Roanoke Rapids girls w d put in their appearance to be ] patella tied by the Blue and White L. sics. !Iend"iso:i has two more regaini • 1 ! i-.e tests, the bovs go Oxford, and both aggregations jour r ' ■ Wnrrenton next week. Festivities tonight begin at 7 o'clock with the junior v. rsity of Chapel H. and Henderson meeting m a preliminary test. The girls will take! the Hour at 8 o'clock .anil the buys go in!.' action at 9 o'clock in what j rum ise- to be one of the best contests reeled of! on the local court this season. In Chapel Hill recently. Henderson hipped ol the final minutes ol i hi;.. and came in on the short sid '■I a eery etc e score. BOXING MEET HEADS U. N. C. SPORTS CARD Ch«P 1 Hill, Feb. 20 —The final collegiate boxing attraction 0f the Ma-,,n scheduled here Saturday ' “' >* "h o clock m Woollen x 11 ■ when C rolina meets Maryland’s strong team in what pi onuses to be an exeiting event. I he box ng meet headlines Car o lina's heavy week-end athletic pro •"■n the standpoint of inter est on ih home from. Another home event of interest w i! be a Southern conference swim ming meet betwe n Carolina and " ishington and Lee here S turday a I lernoon at 4 o'clock in Bowman Cray Memorial pool. The swimming 1 mlest lias been designated "Hill Ihomnson m et" to honor the mem "i ol the lonner Carolina swimmer v. bo was killed at Pearl Harbor in thi- Japane e attack December 7. MlESBmS EXCEPT *9 I Raffle ■ STRAWBERRY a ^jar^BB* RASPBERRY^ Sb Ib Hi GRAPE JAM >*''«« 2 > 25c IT S DATED — IT S ENKICHEJ) SANDWICH---' ,w"• nc FLOUR K™V“ 24 Sr, 87c 8 O’CLOCK M""or(. rr 2 39c FRESH EGGS ' r' " 1 - 37c CHEESE -Ku- ^ 31c MACARONI 2 9c HOT CROSS BUNS-™ 15C HEINZ KETCHUP 2^ 25c -•- | I Produce f\ NICE SIZE BENCHES r> i; Carrots (Vitamins A Bt, C) DC O f MIAMI M SIZE JCU Y o f A urapetruit (vitamin bi.o ofor iuc f I.ARGE SIZE—FIRM n fC LettllCe (Vitamins (A. Bl, C, G) £ HEADS J jC MCE SIZE JI'ICY ORANGES, 2 doz. 29c (Vitamins Bl, C) Cabbage —3 - 10c c . , FRESH TENDER « * bpinach (Vitamins A. Bl. C. G) £ IBS. £/C Turnips (Vitamins Bl. C) 2 1 BS 17C Idaho Potatoes, Broccoli, Parsnip, Green Peppers, Cucumbers, Spring Onions, Beets, Fancy Box Pears, Egg Plant and Strawberries Meats BACON "H--BLL 31c Beef Roast ,b 33c Short Ribs Beef "rrK K,T1 , B 17c Steaks-T-Bcne si r™MTE LB 55c PICNICS 29c FRYERS HOME KILLED lB 27c I HENS home KILLED lb- 25c I OYSTERS BALTIMORE PINTS 35c I ■ n. 1 CROAKERS OK Q OZg* Fresh Fish poro,es * LBS Fish Fillet RED F,SH ^ 4 / c i .N(^ Stars of Ring and Mat CtiPT, dcrfNtehi - J2 7 — d'AJ.C:* Captain Junta y Johnston anil Hobie MrKeever, two little but loud It atherweights, are leading mi liber- o! the Carolina boxing and wrestling teams, which will close their pre-tournament rea sons with important m its Satur day . The Tar IT»'el ringmen will en t' Cai.M the strong Maryland duo ; • 8:30 Saturday night, following a Freshman meet with Augusta /V)*>77 A7^A'eeV£fZ J 128 Military Academy ..' ":!5. The Carolina grappler-s li art the Wildcat- at Da\ :d-i i. , the Ittt'J Big Five titl« the day. John.- tun -■ midi I ur ,; a. season. He v.’ill a, ■ 1 id-on Lin coln. line ul .Vl. rylanu m-; jaanc.'i t-rs. in a teat ■■ i.. • ,.| A- , -, i only lu.-s was to B. a ■: ,.f w. i'> I... the 1. 'ull! Si a. -a ( . nun. 1 t - will take on Cupp •>. u ha ht-en a r n • -f nt v, ana- - i)nv idson, in unottv. r ta: :na Henderson Federal Price Admin istrator Talks Glibly of Billions, But Counts Pennies. By CHARLES P. STEWART (Central Press Columnist) Washington, Feb. 20.—Discussing national economies at one of his press conferences the other day. Price Administration Lc-un Hondo - sun seem.u. to a reporter who hap pened to be pres cut. to be rather ague with the fig ires he mentioned. 'About" or "ap proximately” so and-so-much was the way he ex pressed himself. The scribe asked if the administra tor did not consid er this a trifle in definite. e-eon Henuerson 'Why. yes, it is." agreed Lei.n. "but I'm speaking only re' ghly :: -v . in term-- of billions.” That'- a fair sample of financial comers; lain in Washington at pres ent. Inquire of an emergency offi cial how much something's going to cos;, and his reply's likely to be, "Oh. a feu Mill is." which is considered reasonably -g-met u ■’ : at the naval observa tory, accu.-tomed to reckoning dis tances. in light miles, between tar off sun' and planets, tell me that it makes their brains reel to talk with up-to-date government arithmetic ians, who calculate in near-infinites if dollars. It's year- ince Uncle Sam's ex penditures initially, hit the $1,000. '■>00.000 mark. Just one lone little bil lion. Tin,mas 13. Reed was speaker f the house of representatives at time. Many folk felt that $l 100.000.000 annually was a terrific nnount for Cncle Samuel to be spending. Newspapermen asked Czar Reed if he didn't think so. too. "No," rid Tom. who had a proper appro bation of the Un'tsd States' enor '"'it-1 v and rapidly increasing mag nitude. "This i- a $1,000,000,000 country," His remark shi eked a lot of oeople. Close to l imit Now our congressional legalized maximum nnth mil del,; limit. ,u:; s-.slit ' oi 11.< rate ::; which we'’.- ■ ecu si; tiding during Czar Reed' era. is $(>.7.(i0().6[)0.l)0’l Aee oiling 10 Treasury Sccrcteiy Hem y Morgen thau's latest report, however, we already are v.-itl;in a mere matter oi $4.71,1,3 10.74(1 < I 6:7 : 'em. Further mot.. I'm wondering i! H-nty's re port didn't i ndere-timaTo"our oat standing obligations a trifle— it we':” not a few eeiit-- farthi i in the hoii than the S6K.284.1 H4,2.74 lie refers to. Anyway, he inform-' us. “In the .not di taut future I'll ask congress to boost the limit to SI m.oOO.OOU, 000, and th n. perhaps, to remove it altogether.” What would Czar Reed av about SI 10,000,000,000 and subsequently making the sky the lie it'.’ We've a materially larger population to car: \ the load in 1942. and thereafter, than we had when he was the ropr scu ta tives’ speaker. Neve rtheless. there's quite a dill'erince betwr n die i-:ea - ly SI .OOO.OOO.hOO that lie indorsed and 110 of 'em. pis' an mlimited number later. Would ;t i ike him gasp?—I'm asking. Now, far be it from me ti imply any doubt that the urogram out lined for us will v i'l; -e.it other wise than nb-'o! '■ 1 ' i e!■ >: ily. 1 ei* i 'gill i s . "Iv es :.-e 1 think they're intei estinc. Secret;:] v Morgenihau . v- the eutlook's o. k.—!:.-I we'd c ane out of tin-, war in far i■-■ 11• ■ e •> ue than we did the last t:—. His tie sis is that, if we win, we'll s! 11 I ve all our original w al;!i and •. urc - left with tis, wher- a . if ’.lie I’nitei Nations lost, it won't make unv olil ferenec wnether we owe uething at all or owe a trillem The argument is that, suppiusing the t tali'.a i::- are victorious. they'll take vhativer we've get away :vi-m t.-. It sounds logical. ( an t 55!! ;iK Even All the same, a comparison— Tlie commerce drp'i'tmiuifs rec ord is that Amo: icons’ national in come last year was cl to $90, 000,000.000. It can't be bigger 'ban that n \t year. And i ur debt, as per Secretary Morgenthau, will he at least $20,000,000.1100 more than that. Personally, I owed nearly 2a per cent mure man my annua! in come amount- to. I wouldn't con sider that my individual f'nnnc *-• were on an especially gratifying basis. That's somethin" that L on 11 r - derson is stewing about—v. itln all it price-fixing and anti-in: lationarv dope. I hope to gosh it prove; efficacious. llenry Morgenth.au is an optimist c I LOW PRICES! LOW PRICES! I -F REE DELIVERY- I Sanitary Market I Phones 31 and 32 1 FRESH DRESSED nn B BARRED ROCK FRYERS lb. £/C B H | CENTER CUT 1 fi WESTERN ROUND STEAK lb. 01C 9 TENDER WESTERN <) i 9 CHUCK BEEF ROAST lb. MC 9 LOIN END nwj 9 PORK CHOPS lb. LiZ 9 EXTRA TENDER OA B CUBE STYLE STEAK lb. I FRESH DRESSED — YOUNG IQ B ROASTING CHICKENS lb. IOC I -PLENTY OF- 1 Native Pork, Native Veal, Dressed Hens |* COME TO SEE US OR PnONE YOUR ORDER M map. JHe cun win (it. cm nn : -1 |>! mi'ipll . ttl.it Vi II l . •!• i. • ' .ui "l ! m ar a!! right. I. n huucn i t:..' idvunco prevent n agently i ssary. II •• i • ' • laily m the language ..ppi \.mate billion . r.lit he i-.ikins v .tii 'em law n to a mpper cent c’ percentage .w an c i tm.ate propo'.t.'. n Blast Flecks SAL Tracks At Graystone lra< and !b< oi the ard R; Iv.av main line at G: - . i:e .. :a:i ed by a blast hurt iy bill if in- a t dav. and several k > vt 'it ti*i n l«.i»se by the exp: landed < n the track. hut othe; p . that no erioii damage was rep' r,ea. Rlafi ;ng was being done alum; P l ight • 1 way where a new sitiihr la ing iaid 1 > ace.'imnodifte ne;r movements of lock- and crashed -t ne Mn.n to be started fhjwing t - the new . army eamp between Ox lord. Roxburo and Durham. It w - Understood the blasting was i*>t 1..;•. ciuai ry rock but t excavate 10|r the new track to the crusher near thej edge of the pit. No passengei train were deklf/ed y i«.ek being hurled upon the trat : no 4 uch trail d • •?.' that time. Workmen were q . <1. tr> pull the iiea'. y me oil the rail. 1 arid tie' to idear tin. readi ed <-!' i.|> tructions. \h. . ae a a.- injai eu. Java’s East Gateway Now Under Storm (Contim ••(! from Page Oncj waves of Japanese naval plain > attacking the Australian main land m* : rd.N for tin* first time had sunk u (i.000-ton Australian auxilii: cruiser, two destroyers. j a sul) i i user and nine transports at Darwin . In tl. ' Philippines, Gi m ml 1) mg- ; las MncArthur imported l.'iai fight- | mg froia ! xi d p: sit ion ranged along j he enti.e Bataan pcnir.-ula front i and that .Japanese planes were |i dropping incendiary bombs behind" the American-Filipino deft use iine>.| How much longer General xiar Arthur's outnumbered troop.- could h• i!d on was problematical, hut ap parently the Japantse had not yet p.rted an all-out assault. 5Vail iviEhTs wake FORESI SATURDAY\ I III pc. r 'J .. •. > 'Hi j' 1 i t . - r f bid t*» \ll ><-i . * p . . nr r.-r - U “I V f ak( Fuiis* v.’fiitn / iwl iru * • . i : State has * / ncy. p i ■ < ii i« i i nv ; ' : ; ‘ '' *. > :H i I ' / V.. • • . DUKE •• kGl V nd C ] LC MI/ / □ PLAY • ' i " - : ‘ • i '4 i:- u U • ■ • • ■ r'» WashiiUitni (' n« < -i wet.: p; :•(.?• - . , . tu I'.ire th .* “i . pi' 1 !•' :■ i * # t.'f. ^••fh f'y • v : ' \'.e /> pif. * 1 r '■ i • to think ;in;* t POULTRY RAISERS/] Start Your Chicks Right With i H. B. NEW. ..••iN I HONK •' . " " • 1 -Jr + > K'(c \ V* - ' m. ‘ “faitl if THEN YOU’LL KNOW WHY M EIGHT O’CLOCK COFFEE IS S AMERICA FAVORITE 1 Y ARB IN A ROW! I* For 10th Year This Coffee Receives Top Honors.. .The Overwhelming Approval of the People of America Your first sip of Eight O’Clock tells you why this coffee of magnificent flavor has been America's Favorite for the 10th straight year. Millions L of pounds more Eight O'Clock t -fit, ~ fS m m __ Coffee were bought in 1941 than t || JrM 81 any other brand in the country. ~ ^ ■ ■ | %^5=:jggfplp Eight O’Clock is the pick of the i ^ ^ Ofl S T€ D =S§8|!| plantations . . . roasted to the peak | 8,8 j| B B^u 8® B Jt '$■% of flavor-perfection . . . Custom- >■' ^^8 8 -4 5 o 11 »-* —, 8 bL Ground for you, to suit your own | w *-* H O TO O -R O -E -R coffeepot. IlH jf*j f You’ll find it so thrifty, too. Iput f ^Bl tP *wP it on your shopping list toda\. join the smart thousands who enjov Eight O’Clock Coffee and save up to 10c a pound,