Hrnltersan Haihj Htspafch _ONLY DAILY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THIS SECTION OF NORTH CAROLINA AND VIRGINIA TWENTY-NINTH YEAR lTV?Kl'As";i'^rKi,RrK^s(:)K HENDERSON, N. C., TUESDAY AFTERNOON, l-EBRUARY 24, 1942 rnf,^lKxn'iTl'F. , M:s "N FIVE CENTS COPY Reds Drive Nearer Smolensk A • • • A A A A A A A A A _ _ Allies Cheered By Address Giant Army Transport Rushed to Completion A twenty-five ton Curtiss Condor III twin-engined transport is living rushed to completion for the Army. A Curtiss Hawk -40 pursuit plane is dwarfed by the huge transport on an adjacent assembly line. The big plane is designed to carry “thirty-six fully equipped infantrymen," light field artillery, and one or more reconnaissance cars, (( •„', ,/I’ress) Two U. S. Ships Run Aground Pianes Hunt Sub Raider Army and Navy Air craft Search for Enemy Sub Which Shelled California. Washington. Fell. 21.— \I’i — The W ar department annomu cd lodav Dull Ami) and Xav.i air craft and mi; face \ e■■■els tune started a search for flic i neniy submarine which shelled the Banklinc oil refiner) near 1.11 - m nod. ( al.. last night. Tile depart men t's ci .’•.miriia s s.nd dan age 1 mm the she!ling v. u« m gh! anti ntj casualties v. -re ro portid. The submarine, apparently • lap,me a’, lin’d 25 lomul- ef live meh -hell- al tile refinery, the de 1 ai tment said. In the Philippine : gill eg ‘In rh - partn iii’ aid. tin re \\ 11 nu gi .mud .•• tiv.-y iin t il In r - tie in la last 2 1 hours, hut enemv uirernfi dropped a luiinher of uicouilima Ivan!'-. GERMANY CLAIMS EIGHT MORE SHIPS la a ! 1 ( Kn.ii (i la at: P.i' ' e i t- j Ken 2 1 • ( AI ‘ i -• A -pa 1 (lernian h ;g'n c a r: aa: id cumn tin qu a d to day that 1 tern an sulnii.n no "pel'ai - mg in ’ •. i - Atlantic ,r.d 'I th" Ami'! lean cn, i hari it,!, a/ a a t more Ships total;ng (i.'I.OOO tons. Five o| the . hip. w ere said to ijc I inker.-. Navy Using Old Shells Navy Chief Declares ‘Mere Age is No Crit erion of its Effective ness.’ Washington. Feb. 24. (AP) Bear Admiral W. H. P. Blandy. chief ol the Navy's bureau ol ordnance, said today that the Navy was using some ammunition made more than a de cade ago. but added that "mere age i- no criterion of its effectiveness. He appeared before the House naval committee at an inquiry or dered as a result of a radio repent quoting an unidentified naval lieute nant a- saying that anti-aircraft am munition ’ aboard his ship in the Pacific was made in 1920 and was only 20 per cent elfeetive. Blandy said tha. both lie and Set retary of tin- Navy le’ox were "very seriously concerned” o> ■' 'he teport and added, "I am not going to stop until 1 0et lull information BRITISH WITHDRAW ON SITTANG RIVER Loudon. Feb. Z\. —(AIM — British troops have withdrawn to the v\ est hank of the Siltung liver alter inflicting lieavv casualties on the Japanese troops invading Burma, the all-India radio said today, quoting official accounts. Recognition For Worker War Production Workmen to Get Awards and Honors for Meritorious Serv ice. W ngi :i. lb n 21 1 Al>> W r jiri iduct a m i >; I ici.iI.- have decided "ti i |m hi it inn campaign In pc I America'.. a-m output t*> leak i g ivm'kr: - I' cl 111 ir imporlanrc an I responsibility in the war. 11 w.i.- h arned t hat tin await.' only the nod from Pro rl< nt Roosevelt and that War Product m Chic; Donald M. Nelson had agmeh to accept it' leadership. Tlies are its main feator. . 1 Special reel ignition p.r ■ i ■ 1' 1 ■ - i si perfuirnanccs by nd •• ■ 1 w niters. 2. Aw; rd.- pi plants turnmg n a” alilo production jobs. ;; 'I’r1 ps fiir foremen and a.' s'kci - )■ i nmiiier Army maiieio. ei I- i - mil them to see the actual 1 mei alum of the tanl.s hall tracs, 3 in a’ld trucks. 4. Reports by con mnndv l ighting front on except; mul pci - formances of planes, vehicles ana weapons in actual combat. Lend-Lease Aid Tripled Washington, Feb. 24.—(AP)—rhe rate ut lend-lease aid to the other Uivited Nations has tripled since Prarl Harbor, it was disclosed today m an official report. Kdu ard R SlettiniU'. d the lend ■ lease administrator, -aid n test • I niony made public by the nate a; ! prop:aations eommittte that dining i the first eight and one-halt months Lit the program such aid averaged about S1 41.000.0011 monthls . emu pared with $338,000,000 in December | and $462,000,000 in January. He also disclosed that the an : ferrying service across the Atlanta I In the Middle least. eroah d last sum ! mer and operated with It nd-lease funds, had been extended " o that i the bombers lur our lighting loioe-, i as wen as those ot our alia can h. I imvn u.i that route to the fighting are '1 !k .outliei'i Pavin' •' Fatalities To Be Heavy Destroyer and Cargo Ship Broken to Pieces by Storm on New foundland Coast. Washington. I'd). 14.— (AIM — The Navy announced today that the destroyer Truxtun and the I . S. S. Pollux, cargo ship, had cim aground in a storm off the coast of Newfoundland and been losi with a loss of at least 189 officers and men. The heavy toll of personnel was attributed by the Navy to "the extremely difficult surf" conditions caused by a raging gale in hitter" winter weather. Kt fort - t" put 11 ne: ashiire i reun i n- -.t nl.ei: ■ i si - i 1.1 led. A breeches In my I mill's v. as i ;gged to a ledge • -I-a le" el. i i -■ e - ir\ ivnis were wa. -lied he e I hey could I " g,:!* II • '■ 1 -11. ■: ihe ("lilt".- that I ined the re el .y -In me. The T11.1 \ti ::.e Navy said, broke op alnio.-t in- leili.itel.* alter ground ing and iot alto ward the Pollux also went to pace under the pound mg m! a violent sea. Such a dot irvive owe their res e in I a" the Navy de clared. " i ' .1- •"tiiHe.s . ell ieient and m many r ■ rmc adion of the pi.>ph- h Si. I.awrene . Newfound land.” The c.111. i Pollux, a converted merchantman, had a normal com plement a a store shin of If! i .I: eei s and I fin men. The 1.1 ‘ l; i -1 ■ ii Truxtun iv:i- a 11,; -11 deck fo'ir-staeker completed in !92! and capable cit 35 kneits. 1 ler eompleim nt called for 122 men. Chiang’s Trip Foreshadows Air Route Chungking. Feb. 21 (API- Chi nese Genera 1 isMi!'.'> Chiung Kai-Shex has returned Iron; his all important visit to India, a govern cut spokes man announced today, alter a flying trip foreshadow ing the establishment ot regular air transpori as a new and anportant addition to China's supply line of war material. The need for such new routes has been emphasized by the closing of Rangoon as the "feeder” port tor the Burma Road. But the spokesman reiterated IT,at China is sell suf ficient in food, has enough clothing to get along, can manufacture her light arms, and has a quantity of heavy equipment wanting to be ship Iped iht. p u" § Defenders Of Java Set For Assault Lor. c • o n I >, e v: ip .ape i. Give Enthmia.s ;e En dcr^era n<: o Ares: Pert Loop- ' e I t ’ ? Speech: Ch nr chi'! Pre u c'r:y. ( L .\ T!v 's:m : ,rn ,v * ? r’-ri. of Java gird* .1 for a iTmactic as - ’ ’ v a n;*n*- 'l a-'v rno in va dors T’i • '• « A. - -,! '-ore tha4 a -i/ able A KF ’• ouj; 1 *• »< already (>n the ! ■)(•' ■ i. Mr !E> ■ o volt d< cl !\ d t ■■■ • I' T ‘ d St 'it' ll irees :m tlie ! • P:m i <';c *-v t sP'.rl :lv growing vnd that “thousands >1 Ame ie;.’i tr- 'j arc 1 d:\v in th :• area.” London newspapers rave the President s speech an onthusias tie endorsement, with the Daih Sketch commenting that Mr. Roosevelt “gave the world a tremendous message of confid ence and cheer.” Axis reaction was typified bv Domei. official Japanese news agmiev which asserted that the address was like “a pep talk b\ an irate football coaeh” a*d that “a noteworthy romnrmt.nw was furnished by the report that a Japanese warship was shelling the American mainland it ahoui the same time lv was speaking from the White llous"." In London. Pro c I1 n > w Wi strn Churchill acknovvh dg 7 that 1 > the i iment Japan holds smeri'irky in the air as well a- “waning com mand of tli. ,-ea" in the fa Paeil a (Continued on Page Two) Electricians On Strike St. Li nil-. Fell, k 1. - I AP) IA mr hundred maintenance workers ol the Al l. < (pi loting l'ir.gmeers Union ol the Union Fieri r e Company ol Mis souri began a said'evil -trike at three generating plants of the company hid there wa- no immediate lack > ' pi i\\ or. The plank- all'eeted were Calmkia and Venice. Illinois, number k and Bagnell dam. Missouri. Maintenance men at the St. Lou County (in.- Company also joined in the sitdown. An <>it u uil ol i ho Skali.000.lino utility sain the controversy wa- iiu the transfer of an el plover Iri-io "lie plant to another UKTl’RNS TO ( 1IIN \ ( hiingking. I eh. M.— I M*l — Generalissimo < Kai-Shek has returned from his visit to India, it was announced today. Coach Wolf May Enlist Chapel Hill. Feb 24 (AP)- Ray Wolf, head e. it the University of N a di : - tel from a Jap the uni’-1 ter- eilr;iimi- rad no 1 • iiiri : - -iiiiil 1 -al lei es Miniriav j and 1 * ndleatod O-ener ! | ■ ; I ' - -1 - t .! . I f1 d bi b I in mi Jap .-eas by mi - Unileil st- • ■' eia last Fridav These Mu;., a< rial til let-,, t• -• ! : • * • ■ i ; ’ 1 • ii! cund and 11< t • • i Argentinos Fight Duel D:i; M \,.V . T - ; , \P Raul T;.i> rtiii. *.• ■; Mid t mi’Un ‘ \\ .mi ti n\ " illd ..V - iddre.-; ii ' -rare t tin- a: The c eia md tie-i-iii ‘v ■irohibitim: d • hertly alter c! Longer Hours Bring Strike San i’e-i . t’.!1 Feb. 24 - (AP)— "tie da\ 'luti. ii.ilni) niemlie-s ot the ’IO Shipyard \V- a !;er- Union o1' \ eel - - i. wal iced ; -i' the jol) of ■mlding $81 .000.000 wortli of de -trnyirs for the U. S Na- y alto eight liners y e-tot day They -a-d Bethlehem -'el Uomoanv demantt d that they W"i! ten-hour shift Whether 1,300 ie. employee quit the night shift atte. igot houi nr worked ten was nol ie[ e.t Utliol spokevmeil e- e i . , : able FDR Right, But Wrong, Nazi Savs •s F< 24 \; ' esidcnt R evelt twice and \ h - W .>i. r.gmn sj)< ech last night, German radio commentator said today. He \\..< right when he s * id Gei manv. It.ily and .Japan had staked 'hi .i ia.'t ounce ol en rgics"* to e it Ang! -American supply lines all 1 g *■; tiie globe, he declar d. Ho ... r.gnt when he mid axis i <■' s >41* in a - at it- peak, 'he cem ent ntmui add that it H ' ai the commentator—he ming - pr<>d - - tion would not, increase. Lease-Lend Settlement Agreed Upon W.'.Mi.imtmi. I F \I»> — \n \ la Vine ■> m mi cement nn in >ad p iiuipUm tm post-war 'o’ !‘ . ' t i a a 1 .aid c\ tciideu viia . 11 h . iii w as an nounced t ia h\ itr \\ hite It l a use. 1 ’ • r:J ■■ It too early i e • i del Inc " ' . d :• a • o leu eivt, UlC • • g■' e• ‘i'a'i'’ -el aii: a " i1;ndamentaI ' • im lu ied expan ■ t - can . elUi ned ' ;he l mted Stale.'. Vichy Reports Big Red Drive London Ft e. 24 i \P) Tin Y:ch\ rad > . - i.em'ii ' klay broad casting a - luicnl attributed to m< Gorman isms* t;... the Him-ians luu launched their Uiggest ol tensive o the war and that the relict oi Len mgrad was expected at any moment 'Our troop.- on the Leningrai trout are m great danger.’ Yiclr (|iioted th(' Berlin broadcast. (No such German broadcast wa heard ov New York listening post and Vichy's version m.»y *»«• pro paganda derngoro 1.. loh i » *‘o Nazi Escape Route Again Endangered Dorogobuzh, \7> Miles South ol Moscow Smolensk Railroad, is Captured; G e r m a n Freni: Line Reports are Ligue. (Dy The \s>o< i ti* I I'n-ss) IJus-ia's urniits drove i ■spear head against tin hint ol the (irrman “escape ( un-id*.r" from Most ow tod thre Pil ing tin* main n.i/i route id re ire a t v ith f Dor ogobu/h. onh 1mils south of the Moscow - Smolensk rail road mid-.av In tween VvaziTia and Smolensk. D .... 1 ol | . > j milcv northwest . i M.»cow. and | guards the la-rth 11at:.. erf the witii I drawing nazi invaders. Adolf Hitler’s field hcad (luarters again gave a vague ac count ot li" hting on the long winter-hound front. asserting that “at various points forma tions of the army and air force repulsed more enem\ attacks.” German night raiders were credited b> the high command with setting big fires in the R us sians fortress al Sevastopol in the Crimea. More In an 14.000 Geiimi - were I declared F> ii.**. t neen k - d in r* ! cent Kiissum assaults winch yield' d ! numerous points n the approaches L- a t: . o.-he: a c:'y perhap Khark<.\ and c • • ■. ed fighting i was :-ep.»rted am Len.ngrad. Indicating \dolf Hitler is un certain about the power of his spring offensive. Norwegian sources said the Germans were ordering uIHROOO nairs of skiis in Norway—perhaps for another winter ot liyhline on the eastern front. British Favor Indian Aim London, Feu. 2; Lrilis! govern , : | India', politic! 1. I Crani>orne. win* i the week-end >1 met. dt elan < i ei mm m \ » ; Chiang Ka - > . . ■ en,: 1 icn.t. “We are m th.e e! C the lndiii* ( Chiang K the cau.M •'id L- ■. 1 U. S.-Owned Tanker Sunk Five Lives Believed Lost; 28 Survivors Landed in Florida; Two Torpedoes Hit. West I’alm It . h I !a I eh. -L-- \H' —An \me> iean-uw ned tanker. IL« . LST-ton Republic, oi Houston le\ was torpedoed fox an enenix submarine oft the \tlantk eoast with .01 apparent loss ot five lives. Twenty-eight survivors, two id them s|ightl\ injured. were brought ashore, the \av\ an nounced today. The 382-toot Republic \va> owned by th(' Petroleum Navigation Com pany -1 Hn iston. The Navy did not make publie the spot at winch site l was attacked by two torpedoes from ' the enemy raider. Captain Alfred H. Anderson. 52. - Houston, a veteran of 36 years at sea. said he didn't .-ee the torpedoes - but *’ti c e wa re two expiosion.s—ju^i - like that.” and snapped his A .-iv. • sharply