I SOCIETY NEWS apologies TO FORM 1040a. y, .11'-. agone I've stormed and stew ed. Funned at .you, and styled you Silly when, m surly mood, ]'ve tiled you. Facts, however, change the morn: Mow I’m not so surly; Gladly now I file you Form — And early. my hitle income tax He a bomb some chilly Morning soon and knock an Axis silly. Finest Halt. In The New York Herald Tribune (Tub to Meet. The Wc>t Knd Garden (.Tub will eel Saturday afternoon at l o'clocx West Knd Country Club will: Ah George A Harris, Mrs. 1) Boyd Kimball. Jr., Airs AI. Y Cooper and Mm S. I! Wat. on a - hostrssi.-. Miss Rub\ Faulkner Weds Wni. Cannad} The marriage ol Miss Ruby Clare F.i ilktier to William Marshall Cati ",uly. "I Oxford, was solemnized at n 'ii ITiursday. February llti. in the I , sotiage of the First Baptist i arch, m Wilson. The pastor. Dr Hugh A. Fliis, a farmer pastor of the Fust Bapti t church here, perform ed the ceremony. Hie bride wore a becoming cos tume tut '’I turf tan with brawn ae ee ' i a1-, and had a shoulder corsage I brown orchids. Air.-. Cannadv is the daughter of Mr Dm- Faulkner, of Henderson si e has the position of cosmetician .it Woolard's. Mi Cannadv. -on of Mrs. Fdith FAgan Cannadv. of Oxford, holds a :o-pnnsible position with Hall's Drug C" ;n Oxford. Shower (Ji\ en For Miss Bett\ Y oun^ M ie - Mary and Rum- Speed atui Gracia Harris were In. te- i ,,n recent evening at a miscellaneous .-bower honoring Mis Hetty Young, a bririe-clevt ..t Saturday The llarn re idence on Young street, when the affair was held, v\ as at tract iv el> de, ..rated with a: rangenients cl tuber I tie game "Heart- was played, u ;th Tile game "Heart'" played, with Mi-- Hnrence Brown a- winnei . Twn "ther In Tle-eleet . M Man Tur ner and Mis- M.,rg.net Hannon, were remembered with gilt-, pictures. In thi lattei | ,n: t the c\ cniiig •11 ailge lee , e. | • e ..nil md, I,hi;:' flip* ake.- Her, er\ eft t., the toiler. - 11 ft su< St Mis Y. 'mg. Iu I ■ etln Mr ■ E. O Y .inn. Mi A. B. 1 Ml II M Hull. Ml- Delia Hay,.-. Mes Helen Whltn.e.e. Mai \ i ner, Don>th> ! I tgl es. Mi: l. Parham. Ililda Hurt, t'hn tin, Mor ris. .Jewel Snath. Jerry (' ■ , K!,,. - eiiee Blown, and Margaret li Honor Roll For A\ cock Announced \V. C'. Pee. principal of Ayeock school, today announced the I'nllov - mg student- were outstanding in scholarship during the filth month, and had won the distinction of being placed on the -(‘hoel's honor roll: Grade (hie Thurston Abbott, Milton Jack oil, Brice Robert-,u. France Ay-rue, Sylvia Thump-on. Rose Prgram. Grade Two Raym md Abbott, Billy Ay-cue. Sidney A.i -me, Mary Belle Faulkner. .Juanita Burgess. Peggy Fra/.ier. W. E. Gill. .Ir.. Kath leen Hayes, Ann Willi;.- -. Dwight Pendry. Jr. Grade Three Bill Ad,Rob ert Grissom. Harold G Ada Abbott. Dorothy Adcock. Marion V' rill'. Lilli,III A\ cue. Belly Cog liill. Leona Matthews, liarliel fY.g , (,: I'' in Faye ('min. Helen lie. -f"1111 Poythre ‘ " F,\ c \ irgniia Ann Flnvd 1 • At, ...IT, I! , 1, H.inly Fan Ik. - 1,1 1 A.ei I; |- i atire- Tinmi. -'11. \aiiey Vauah.id. 1 ’ > I inies Short, ' " <" (ii are People Him.' ' e Ay , ( S. Mil ( 'iial |e- Tl .ido, .11 ... 1 'V.,: I . .1 . civile ( >11,11-. •L . Alexande F,11111,i, ' I' ■' M..\ II" i .. Mabel An . " \l- I--.,. | , ., < '■suit \ i AhupliN Miidi ed 111 \ 11 (I rade it ii \ . i,, ii i N •% 1 in • Ut‘l«*n Wafi i:: ' I . ' Fiance, (iili < irilc Mrelinu. 'Du* Siif Kt I y ,\I i» • . v ('. • •I fh F:r>l ii:t|>t 1 ehureh .• til , .! y e\ ( ladies parlor of the church, with M i ■ I' y ■ '■> Ua.'ur and Mr- Ai ’.mi 11;u r; -os. playmakers offer NEW PRODUCTION i) el II I!. F i. 27. ' B> .M Ih, Hi elhi i 'ii". nt \\ ei ,a nal play of an : trill — rant motln r m,l lei : ,nr -mi.,, " l bv Just . Ft I -: Caro ’I . Play oaker in P- Pic . ly Iasi yi . ' 11 he P' e ■ -lid j,y 111 PI.i . ■ maker: ill tfiei I'n P - here next 'V".lnesd.iy. Til •! iv F 'day ml Saturday evening . ,M.u eli I. a. II. 7. at ik.'lli o'clock Feldman, who ■ n ■ ■ in \ . y m cl st tinned it Sri it | Field. Ilk, '.here he e training to lie a bomber ad i11 o)ier t ":x . p,11p■ g to get eavc fro ii h - rlut.o- I mg enough to eki" to the I'll o : it v to oi ■ the oil' d |i' riooirmn' "f hi- play. UNC LAW SCHOOL SPEEDS PROGRAM Chapel Hill. Feb. 27 Tin Uni versity .•! North Carolina Law School : annoiino'd today that, for the first ■ • in i number of y< u students heginn ng th. study of law will be dnuttcd at the summt 1 term. The present require cents for ad mission have also been reduc.d for the d .ition of the war. >a.d Dean Hoberf || Wcttach. to two years of acad< ’ < w ork in an an redited col lege. p. o\ id d the student's i*Tatn nent lalily him. in the judgment I ot the lanilty. to: earlie; admission, j CANADIANS MAY AID IN DEFENSE OF U. S. ! • b :’T \[’« T,r;mn K ■ fold the ■i. ■! • ‘hi lint : : ■ .iii'il i li r ci.mpul .1 ir.> I ■ - • ■ ' ‘ A'a ka ■ St a■ ■ h ( :11 t-pi! any ’it mpt. Farm Income At High Mark \V I n t- • !*’< ‘ ( \P)- In fee t- liaeco. c, ' ll pn ‘ . md a lew j t fri eu It rL i'• i ti' cm repo: ‘ t. 'ay th lancer ' ca !i iw<.n • ■ ! 9 D 1 dah i . 1 92') ( •' .1 ■. I )!• i -1! - Id. ale.. n d govern n < nt benet it pnvn nt- . th'* income \va 29 per rent !: a r th n n 194H and 9 p* r cent greater than tier aver age for the 1921-29 period. \ pre liminary estimate of the 1941 inom; made in Doremher, was $11,000,1)00. 000. The 1940 income was $9,090, 981.000. The department -ad the increase iver 194(1 reflected improved farm 'rices and larger marketings The farm income by states for 1940 md 1941'J respectively, included: Vorth Carolina $216,281,000 and !303.137,000 Government To Buy Tires Washington, Feb. 21 —(AP)—Tlv il l ice oi price administra1 ion an ion need today a plan whereby the ’o\ i rnment expects to buy up vir~ uallv the entire supply <>1 new pas angei ear tires and tube- and tnu liable dealer- to get their -api'al out >t -lock.- tierl up by a tire rationing Dealer- who wish to be relieved »1 cairy.ng passenger tire sloe.;.. lhr<• .g:c U tiie period oi i n • ■: ■ < . part of them . ' the original manufacturer < u - trl-.iiti-r at the cost price, p I" i cent t*» co\ er carrying . Manutacturer- and mas itor- were ordered to sell d •h • d lock • th( > • •wind I )el • nse S .ppl a• md to turn over to the ^ a their own, stock <>l p.< • . tires and till e- I) • « > S ■ c< rporatin nr preparer! u> recei up to #"5.(M)U.nm> vaatn. Truck tii ■ s and tube • n n*«’ included in the plan be« . * ‘In* w under rat inning. t<* re!:e\<• dea’a . are rti"\ :ng • >:d raj tidlv r. a.gt . of any nd ie burden in currying H 1 . d a! t r -ell true1: t:re> back to manutartm* - may do ... although they are not entitled . * *' t additional in per ce •it pros ided in 1[ie pa.-senger car tii" plan. WULBERN TO OPPOSE FOLGER FOR HOUSE W :n-ft-n-Salem. Feb. 27 -Julian 11 W :•< n. ot thi city had ;in nt iea • d that he will be a -.Mndidate fifth district Cm re onal 11 ? a! "i ill til I )enr ter, \ ic pr: May JU W dbei n. who i - temp* a irily !'• - * •• d .11 Ness Hern, said bw print*. i- ue- upon which he * II ha:-:* ■ campaign will concern 1 »bor. far t!.e unemployed, small business ..i d general benefits. HENDERSON PREDICTS LOWERED STANDARDS ■ V.•••:•. Feb. 27. -( AIM - -Pnc • Ade mistrator Leon Henderson pre dicted last night that the “level m nr;" in Ihe United States would oi.-lv lab below th" lowest point o' I lie great depression bceaus! so much n| tin' nation’.- productive eapaciS a i old be dev nted to war. In a speech prepared for the Over ' , Press e!iib. in -aid that wai production would cost the country | more* tli.iii $.*)0.00n.Mn«i.()nn Mi i ycnv ,uid at lea t S7a.liiiii.iHMi.lHHi n I'll;. ' In other word . in 194L' a.- .iar contribution in tin way oi lie mer chandise 4 death, wi an prepared o d< liver a gr ati i q mntity of goods than this entire n • n mid in kee)i it alive in 19k'J. Hen i n di - I , , < lin e d "It mciiri' Unit eve ■ hind lr.el.iy • tan ing ;it the' gr pp.-pe ’ id lu ll,it inn. It n viin Unit ’ ■ i of living within ,, lev. • hnrl months will he nnt much :ibn\ e 1932 mid thnl in 1943 v. i . In,I! ;n \ full be low 1932." Marian Martin Pattern * PATTERN 9999 (las a - our East r bunny in tin - I .n)oi able dri: s and cape cimcmble. Mother used Pattern 9999 by Marian j darti nfur ttie panelled frock, the trim little cape. She made the little ti a I, ii pink i volet batiste, the r.,;.c .] blue wool, |or Easter Parade \ i . aeity The dress has front and bark yokes and a squared neckline -nd the ido-front-and-back panels arc cut in the bum The cape, has i canning Petri Pan collar and prac tical arm up n-ngs. To wear beneath it, make out' "dress-up” truck with : the neckline and put! sleeves trim med with lace: one play frock with j contrast trout and back yokes and j loeves. ! Pattern may tie ordw d only in children's sizes 2, -1. ti, H and lu. Si/e ft. cape, requires 1 2 11 vard at inch fabric: dress, 2 2 1! yards 2a inch fabric and I 2 1 yards lace edging. Send FIFTEEN CENTS in coins for tins MARIAN MARTIN pattern. Be sure to write plainly your SIZE. NAME. ADDRESS, and STYLE NUMBER. Send your order to The Henderson Daily Dispatch, Pattern Department, 2.32 V.’, lHth St.. New York. N Y BABY'S COLDS „ Relieve misery fast —externally. Rub on VapoRub FLOWERS ( FOR EVERY OCCASION | Phone 380 Day or Night | BRIDGERS ThF Hor,st ‘ ! SYNOT’.-.IS ANKTTK \VL\V .■ *\V ! : • ".! ;11111 i |•. ’ ’lii t I'.i:11»' ■ a: ' is ml i • •< 1 • i• .-I i" LA LRK.WK PKYTUN. t-*p ' n h»r. ami t" Al'Cl'ST DR A K Iv P-* muds 1 -larv l.-.-ly by l)R WALTFR KIRK\Vi>'»D. hag gling young A! 1». YKSTKRDAY La : \ h- Am o. to a ! i • , .km- • P; !1 .n , L 1 ,\ mli.n ami t» • i • • • ■ . ' 1 • • • * L ,i .)imm\ La- . nips a A - k •-! : li hi I" k.- p a.- th. > 1. i•• • • tli*: ban- • • in a taxi. CHAPTER COCI; CHOW INC ilvcnpliv, M.:os ps|il<iitti'« tin' fiii'MitT , .nli v> it i«> Am-lte liv.i f.uh-.i 1" : ■ l 'o 11 ■ C "tt‘ic*j>hi>ni‘ svivuv" wu.- u ljuzzi:-." sjonitl vvhifh mrant ;i lciik wuiU thnui”h a hallway to an oUmsi ly public cxtcnsmi! Small Ur a (iormitory life v as tin- four .\i u club, ill spite of a parlm maiii anu a baby graml piano. Dressed m a ei'intsoi: velvb ell housecoat an.I matching ilal-liet te.l nuiles Anotte ru oil to the tliuxl lloor wall insli uun-M. a .-p-sins ’• b. open hours of the '■an.-as ami the 't.11 more liarac r :.s who loim.1 . xc uses to lot:,-! !'. -1 by As she lift • .1 the re, . iv.-t 'I ! **i 1, !l Il.ttHl. -he took hoki t’..k:ly oi the wire ■ itli her r.yht to keep U troill -baking. •Hello?" .-Ut n.amiya! breath ••H id . t}•< ! This i> Jimmy f yruitir.. H ' :ib ut lunch V" IK r 1 ■ .u t D ll i -gilt b'H'k int-> plat t Oi- im! It fell much lcv. t r. N«>t even to entice oavc.-droppcis (-»ul-l sli. put animation into her •nice "I'm sorry.'' she refused , ith Hat disinterest, “but 1 have a luncheon engagement." "Dinner then?" The girl's right hand, completely heady now. released lb-' twisted telephone cord. “I think I'll be busy foi dinner, too." With c..ii-v and toasted sandwiches, very hkoly, she thought and smiled. “Then you name it' As she ven tured a refusal, he broke in with a friendly chuckle. “Now look here. 1 have to go to New York the last of l he week and from then* to Ber muda. I'll he gone fully a month and I want to see you bid ore I leave Chicago. So. again I say. you name it." Nevertheless. b"forc she could answer he went on. "I m sorry j about lunch. I thought we might ! horn in on Loic. She is entertaining August Drake and your friend Ley ton." For an instant Andie wondered how she possibly could speak through the dryness in her mouth. And then, though cottony and com pletely lifeless, the words came out in a rush. “My date isn't terribly important. I’ll cancel it and go with you. But I dare not bo late for my lesson again today. I must be there at 3 o'clock." “I’ll see that you are Be ready at 12:30. Lois’ luncheon is at one." Soon after James Lyndon had rung off. his sister’s crisp little nic i hanical invitation came over the ••.ire. And then another call, the costumer reporting her calico fm--k ready for the Wednesday perform ance. In response to both m s sages, Anette dashed through th<‘ hallway with the same hopeful eagerness she had felt for the lirst one. only to experience the same disa p point ment. Sharply she rebuked hei • If Why had she been so trusMn-.lv certain I lurcnce Peyton would Dd rphone her for lunch? Why s trustingly certain lie would tele phone her at all? He wasn t dut\ pound cjmply because they lnd cm ed a •.•'onclerful afternoon *h ; - ..*«« da Eut ?h she plea - inwardly, with a moan that actual-1 Iv was silent. vet roiled in her < ars. ]> 1 **.«;-#• let tie- telephone ring ■ and please lot it he Larry. Two hours la tv she sat eating a vaeado and orange salad and s tlty little wafers, while others at tie table did the talking. Not that she was enjoying her lunch. She was too mi.-' raMe. She ached with mis • i v I fed is it I'd swallowed a por fiipir.o. sia- thought to herself. Slowly sin* lift' d topaz eyes toward ' Larry, who .-at :*• r« s> the I able ■fioni h -r. heiween Jus hostes> and August Dr.a k < ■ lb s.-emed entirely unperturbed by the young girls, pr* .••cm.e still a. unaffected as ho bad been v, ben be tirsl saw her imong the guests. As she watched, smiic* remark of Lois’ brought a wide smile to his handsome i'aee. at. I his eyes spar klfd. 1 hi":wtai. the debutante put up a .1 m hami and gave him a l quit k i hibiish pel on the cheek. Lyr riticized softly ‘I d<rr.’t see why my -aster doesn’t let up < n 1’iyt »n. She ran him ragged in New York, then trailed him to Chicago. I suppose she’ll stay '■ re until the .-how el -ses " He laughci in an ein ban In ■ • A ■ . : a list I’utely !M'vhfi\-. Siie sliouli! realize val.'t best August Drake." Am t!e • a ! not answer. Fait she 1 . I Lyn( 1 u( head ed, with pale blond hair nestling above the mmk collar oi her na\y blue velvet suit, and was jealous. Her i ■ s sliided to August, dy e in rust a liny g i ceil l'.a t p ■; clrd atop re 1 curls, and though she knew the eas i adlllg Veils U i re to s* »i 1 •’] a droopy jaw-hue and a too-p*i • chin, she was j< alous of August j also In fact the \ a>h nee of hei je.d j oiisy frightened her and m i ie h a ashamed No good, all that stern advice from her grandmother, all .those embroidered mottoes that had all but covered bedroom walls. Be maidenly Be sweet-tempered. I Softly insulting, such warnings, i when what she wanted to do was | scream and throw the dishes. Lyndon was talking again. “Lois ! is like a thrilled kid entertaining ! these actors and having everyone stare. Of course she would much prefer a tete-a-tete luncheon with j Peyton, hut that is a little hard to | manage. August does have a way about her. you know. And what a way!" The girl at Iris side nodded and smiled faintly. “I think 1 know I what you mean." “Of course 1 respect lire profes sional admiration between August ! and Peyton, but mv sister will j make a fool of herself over a con ceited actor oh. say now!" lie e\ ! claimed, as Anettc’s features i changed from pure white P* pm1;. I “forgive me if I've tramped on your toes." His clear blue eves were tilled with concern. “I though! vou and our matinee idol were just - as , ual friends.” "We are just «• • - *ia 1 friends." ' came her clipped ugreem'-ut. a her eyes returned to I m *- Lyndon’s, after a purely imp us-mu I encounter | with Larry's. Why. tb- v were strangers. Arctic's heart shrivele I and as qmekly b mu ,n soar unf'l it felt like a glistening plane in brilliant sunm • a sun -! ine Still wearing n d impersonal disinterested m •;;! 1 any was talk ng to his hostess. •Lois, this is a • rightv line lum h 1 II remeniD r it hen I'm Ira' ine. m\ r a bbit sand . h bef r.ri "Rabbit sa ! • ,. lr V ' Mir blond •1 echoed ;\^r*dlv L Vi!'en’ ® p- \ * ,n p c *1 **,•«. ii'r.i. a.' 1, 5 a daily event. Same food, same place, .'•ame hour, same girl." Lois leaned hack of him to stare at August Drake. “Not me!" Au gust denied with graceful disdain, although her heavily tinted face was puzzled. Larry deftly switched the con versation as lie supplied meaning ly, “She is busy with other things at that lime of day ." His insinuation forced visions <*r herself at that hour, masked and chin-strapped, into the red-haired woman's mind. Instinctively she lowered her tare into the veils about her throat, and breathed ’hanks that a newspaper photogra pher, armed with camera, suddenly provided a rescue from her taunt i lg leading man. Pleasure brightened Lois’ fac es she realized the paper would carry proof of her chummy fneno sliip with tlr- stars of “()rchid i Can Choke A • ui. She leaned even clos er to Larry. H also was pleaded August put on the careful pi smile that wouldn't nip wrinkle' into tlu1 c rueis of her eyes. No «>n« would dream she i.a I coerced their press agent. “Have him there be fore I \ e i a :« n my i ;i« <■ completely <-lit of sliap. . sic li id inst ructed 1 ini. “Lunch v. .! ii the Lyndon • should land us «»n . >ciety pag> instead of the 1 heal i c al," On Wide • a; the matinee perti>nn tia .- tood near a l ood ill -• r V’ rr vwn.o as stdiie - i i" i. instruct - ing her. Ik- . aw.iy and im meil: it'-ly i • ’ Or so sic thought. In -• ’ a • Lain- :n I Vyton w h<>. r a w a k of greeting, oj . • ; . . hand h •neat! !;er slartlcd g c “Look!’ In tin ligl t hi • - thive do, k - - t • lk d. hk Mack. An os’ I. Mr o • Larr y hi ag e ! .: a--tdy. “! n. i inking a cull.- tar Mil n-- d no. is a gray and v hk For what set : 1 lor e • * id. century A net te c - * »? • • i I* \ asn’t entirely tic 1 - • < ur* M • loek-of-hair id« a I i . !><•< - t a-o lous all along It w is : !:• i> c.- •• a ' in the sandwich pH.-e 1 hat alb i noon w hen he hadn't cwn art It w as lus teleph me ' all the ••:isi ing day. friendly and e\plai iloiy. hut scarcely apolng. ■ c It .. is tl two frightful days after that win he hadn't telephone! at all. It wa. the ridiculous mourning over tl newspaper picture because he looked so completely happy wit . his partner- and L"i Lyndon, a because she herself M >Ued so p! . ' beside the sober-fa ••••>i .lames Lyn mi It was all those things, si • , cnly encircled by three locks h ur. and made mot" • - t estable 1 ( inse ho now seemed so provoking ly unaware of wrongdoing She dragged her gaze fr an Larry's palm and inquired in stran gled, cluld’sh .-'it.,a an. “Art > idling a sofa?" I Dr eyeballs felt like iiiarldi' slabs Actually th v ere soft beneath uncontrollable t - ars. She realized with sick lielploss r- ss. “I'm crying my makeup I must not cry"' And while she stood there, beneath Larry's strange smile, her teeth clamped, hands \ ghtened into fists, neck and spine r gid. lighting her emotion, trying to ignore the fears that persistent ly rolled down her cheeks, a second thought raced to her. "Hut T must cry. I'm supposed to cry. This is it!" She w dked onto the stage, shoul -|ars bent beneath the burden of her heartbroken sobs i Jr. Ee ! aaLnued i I Special All This Month jS H Out Dealers Will Have w £ Pine State Cherry Pies § |1 (Servings For Four) H u You Can Get Them at Your Local Druggist S 0 Southern Ice Cream Co. 0 |j ^ Phone 422 g TianMmwMii ■'■■■n——§—■———mmm I No Worries Ahead Brcokside Dairy Farm Phone 4 3 0 -J 74PBUY DEFENSE BONDS AND STAMPS I I i I i i i .— --- i ii k • -* ! l f - | | - MEW SHOES j I \/r//// J |i / /f Sf/f> i//Of I 8' "That new 1942 look' is here! In the new “ I yj Styl-EEZ shoes for evening, daytime and 0 j,:, j sport Modern as tomorrow . . created - A; to flatter you and your ensemble while jt ^ "gentling" your feet. Do come in and see s the selection, today. The lines, leathers, ~ (colors and fabrics are simply superb! ... ■ , Compare and you’ll wear Styl-EEZ! B, C j *6-95 I I ! I j~ At ndvertnod in I I MADEMOISELLE I and McCALl'S J ? 1,1 ( IvT \ VMI S HUS VVI.I.K i I in. All 111,-II I,-ni, K .1 her I’.ullork, Mis. 311'.- -Mi Ai.rr.v Knw land. Mi Kvu Wicker, I | [)iu ,f| Hoyle, Aim- AS'- G Watkin . -I'' Mrs>. Carl Herndon, Mrs. K B. Wilkinson. ▼ I ,,,, William KlominK. Miss .Jessie Cur- Hi',—Miss Mary Sill- Petty, Miss Dean I,n:!, r I All lailian Adam-, Miss Cyntli... Buelah Oasis, Mr S. II CaldArll. S C;I«»\ cr 5O'*—Miss Eva Leather wood, Mi s W. K Hai i I Mrs. C\ IV 'runner, Mi- Kli/.ubvth II.ini'll. J j E. G. Davis & Sons Company ! !____ __ [|| _ | ^m^rwmrn-. I 4 T

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