Hanes Warns Of Industrial Dislocations 1,1, 2'i—(Al ’) —Wat lung . ,■ i.i in,,Hill,li tu, "I that I , ill have !■, sh it thcii • dm Ing ■ I the w’at. Haiti', chairman <•! the production board ad : ,(>,■. -aid nore tnat war oleins considered i • :*,»— :is be -oh cd w ith "inlclii ti nee and ingen dty.' • the statei lent ■ ester meeting ■ ■ l his c i mit red u i tit t ,eld 11 n et s ■ ,'d,letr nt board in thi • n-Salcm nanker .1 tnat ther< existed ,u , p n., many types ,,f lac could not hope to eon , ■ ic. eded material? i,,r : ;ction and which nl-o or to convert to wai (•' ,r such industries, m ran be done " ; t.nat unless tiie "eon - . inch seems to have al • \ • Carolina Imsiness men 1 i,v direct action and long ii,,rd? hips must be . >u mess ii."n. labor and . .munitic.--. opt action i- taken. :i.i tragedy may billow," n'ed ,,ul that ind istrie oateiiab needed (or • r\ puces and likely to iieca'i e of the scrani ■ t;t it ... should tw to get : ■ t: < army and navy ,■ i that plants which can •• i i v changing machinery • id get to work immed , : 1 n i le said the c m • • itn ns branches will . ... y t can the Konifat . m. to bridge the transi p 'rd . h. ,o., vvt that , ' olhei'S do not hoy. and • :nii-t be ' I.en by Rural Churches Hi.hiinu; baptist ■ ; :i H MiCriminiin, pa . ■/, v HI a. m . til : c . Sen; or. 1 ipic S : Help " 1 : ur day e., ning ?t 7 30 ill Lew I Spa r, fuivny eligiou liberty t.ivi i s this i>\v m u It \HA BREAD" Olat. thill “YOUR” Dailv Devotional Program • 1) a. in. \\TIT. Raleigh. X. C. Wake Forest Lnds Season Friday Night — V. .11.'J !• I. t. 1- i ll 27 — \V ,.!<•. I- I ■ e t Df.lfnllS ill' e ill * ’ i O l'' Mill ' 11 1 ‘ ‘ ■ o h i ket 1 kill r.i ■ 11 : ri '111 1- .-■■ai ‘t.ihivlu ineeling tin. i South Cani|ina tJuinet-oek.-. ci.am pions of their state, in (lore „vu.na - mm. the game starting at 315. The game v. 11 give fan enai. i.’ compare Preston Westn irelantl. leading Gaineenek -r iiei .ml pi me Ol the Palmetto -tat . w.tti llei a ! C 1 in• . the Dear- aee reniet an i i ■trung cmUrndei im Smitluin Cmi- | terenee srm ing honor In Hi ,■ mlei - enrc game. Cline ha- : a ed 11 i ' pi u ill.-. Ill til; prev r ill- meeting ■ ■; t i.e tv i IcriiJ '"I Kel): .ary 12 the Deacai > j ■natcaed a vieto y away trom the I (i,i.iit'ei, 40-38, when Bonds and j Ketc.-k feme through w.th a hul -h"t and a : ei l goal in • he 1 in i! mill ite a. play Sinee tnelr him to Slate 1; . Sa' j '■ day night the ilaimn Dea -an- have added victories over Clem,-on and •"’■■rinaii. and their cmiferenee ■rc 11 rd now stand-, at 12 win and lo- os. Saturday night the Gamecocks y X. ( State in Haleigh to round •ut their srason, - BIG FIELD WILL TAKE PART INDOOR GAMES Chapel Hill, Fel 27.—A big ( id l": HI) athle'e- representing 50 1 ter n.- and 41 ditlerent institutions. [ ae ■ arding 1 i i t.n ; eheek-up todav. ■'■ II e impete m the 13th a-nu.d Sii them C int'ei nee Indoor ( 1 , : :, here Saturday atternoon and n g.p Included ana ng the ins', tut: are all live Big Five schu ■ 1 ' eight of the remaining 11 Southe Confer, nee member teams. Bast minute entrie- today nr', ,-t ed Wake Forest. X C St.,a . 1 Pr< sbyterian (South Carolina) v . -.t> .md freshman atllleti CAROLINA AND DUKE TO DRAW 3IG THRONG Dirham. Feb. 27.— Although :• >*:. club- arc >ure -tart.rs :i the a.m .al Southern Conference tournament veek it Raleigh md EdcJTi t Blue 1 )ev;Is vc a! ea iv nch i the Big Five cha piut t h ( ( . n ’ s 1 a i - • -1 ■ . - ! I c i »vv d Duke and Nort Cm ina < 1 i h i Duke .gymnasium. Tonight’s varsity feature will start • -an-h .: eal lie U an . lal. al low.ng fo. special exhibition ban- 1 a match sch •doled at 9 30 j o’cl >cr. Duke md Car- i ina t "f*-h man cagers w.I! open tb.e program at () 3u o'clock The mam event ha ’oeen set for 8. B\ M:\VM.-\N ( AMI'151! I (The Into! ww- i ! ':■•; •: • i w - -oil on *!.o ...... . : .Urnm, : I is Matt} . -1:1-34: Luic* : 1-ltf. tin* Childo'i Text bong .1 h:: ' 7 :4ti. ' .\t. . e. . tin - ' j i;11;t■. » A parable is a ' •;> u>ol t !lu - Irate a et : tain p- nit r .. ■ ;.b It . i sto v in. which the incident relal- ! ed ne\ er happened. yet : : oil a\<. happened Thu . a ; . : . ; 7e . i -• .n- 1 guished Ii'aiii a Inblo. i.'urh i story told about s< 'iricPung v h.v could not have happened. Je.-us talked to the n uiitutde in parable-, as m »tl -■>> mil i;tt;e -torus to their child: o ' i.ukc crtaii truth clear to thou In ah. tor> ' "lay. .(e a- i.v the easidi • r t ■ • * l found hiii, then*. He ei.: red . tiui.i, and sitting in the a...\ wit:i ine in • . rested multitude ,.n ’.hi iwtv Li talked to l.. telling Hi- \. a: in paranh - ’bhi lii -t ,ry -old by ,, . Lord was iih.nit a i!..,:: .* bo v. oit mP • b - field t sow g S tin ■ • : aid .le-u-. fell by tin.* a v .d« fowls ate them: .-.owe lei1 -mi 1 .-tony pi act‘S where tl i re a. . ’ o .• 'Uci earth for them to grew .n. .nd lhe\ died, ome tell ana mg v. - and thorn which ch •l.ed Ha . but "1 er> teil into good ground and a and made a good !. \ r t The disciple.- a-ked do a- !.y He tali-ii .I in parable.-. ..ad Ho «.n ao ed ‘It r^ gi\ i n to ' • >u t> • kra-w the y -1 e r i ( : t h ( . . t 1 bu: t > them it i no1 ga ei " Hi then explained to th«" : t.a >t ’• -on «• per -ens the truth • He ’ in w- - aid he likv. seed- dropped by the wayside, th e : 1 things of Kb- ■ id catch l he: ere they c. md -j >ut. rI'< - m * o* he!' - tile tratn- im .Id Pot prospw ' beruu-o there \. e n *: I m tia- .- - , ture thet \\ hei t ible pe: ccutioii caa 1 . tae taut.u m tni'*a in .rt- ■ mid |jc! •. Worldliness l liokes Truth. The ••di-tviUtilm" • of riche..." t!;c material thiilgs .*1 tht Id. wcu 1 distract .>thet> these i>c;t;< the vv« d th..t would ell..lie till! Ale 11 uTtl .: ..in.e heart- But to t:r-• >• wli-., ... t Ire disciple.-, i... cl pure m. ler-tan.'. mg heartthe \ .nl v:. ■•.!■! :•>;.!'.ip!> and bear fr .' " >m •• an hundre-1 :..Id. me siv.v. • Miirtv." T e Aingii ■ A !.' .-.el.' i- ! !. a grail it ' 1 seed, -. id Ji It l- 1.11" * 1 tile * ! .e-l * 11 seed . hi cei; e- i. ;.n a, "> rl; and tn . ’. ..•!■' ' 11 ■ and 1. '.Ip • l- 1 : ‘ !. -a "a Tlii* Km. 1 ■ i :.’ i like .. ’ . t .i Uri .an ,vhict vhen a ;. 1 t id li.ileth and till- lev there. - •• sellcth al! that he h..1‘: that field." Burying Their Treasures. In olden time- . ■ leave lamii- hid th> :: t .. ... < hi .It- in the earth S : ■ • - n*'V died while aw ay. and t ' - could n. .t be 1 rated A >' w • passed that when it v. a- amnd .'. should belong Ui the ownei of the land. God's truth is likened to this .easure which when a man fund , I . e i. ii.g t isp iu? i ad . ' ■ !i .v. : ■ this truth - Ulan ca Mil; t va-lire " A . bli ilir ont about Uit 11 :al l W hu iiiUllli tin- pe.lli •»1 area: p: cc. and - Id i:i ..!! P pur chase t Ti:c 1 is! parable in thi- 13th chat Pi m Alaltiiew. til Is • ■; the I ■ la - w is ea then Pels and tire • a a■ v i; -h "l all kinds, both i -'d i ii.id The s nters untile1"' tie a a ,i> tin* inedible variet:« • ' -at - ed tin _ii" ni. So -hali a in' ,.l til. end . i the world; the angels shall cane P r’h. and sewer the wicked ! l - a :!-.»• iust.” said Jes s Win n a i sii - went to his "Id hinne ann • :Pt i id at" the :igi igue Y> < .at ,eh. • n i t .;:.. ;eard Hi. with a a/ement ay ini Is not this tie e. rpint.r u W: "lice then aid i..c.\ were a nded with 1 i. .!t • -aid 'A | ■ "| itiet is ii"t t, a . ave ai la- ".vn coun try, and in hi ■ and 11" it liana it iron. d. am .nicies 1,1 A i because th> lack a - ; . h a.t V. n heart :■ v. [thin u- ’ a .. .n which md bios 1 a th, i ight . , la . „!ld 1". e pal. ... tilf World la py state? y ;; v. I all" •! e M.J'tel' tllft High .., . . ;.■ ana : p striving a\ |.i ., : ■ ■; i"i y l'. a Tv Hi. :ia AROUND CAPITOL SQUARE I5v 15015 THOMPSON Daily Dispatch Bureau lit Hie Sir Waller Hotel — Raleigh PROSj ( =. TOR - 1 15:.. ■ " i Clyde D am! i:• ■■' rnor‘» ■ i' ox” tu ... • . i • attorney i;-:,. .;•••: ' . • *-orating .... . ,— . v>. . * ti'rmcr \. • ?r.« !.)•, . . L-.ent ol' N*. , c.i v • ■ . dement. ■•■i 1 PUe A .i v .. .. . • thinks : . 4 1 i “con .,j, a.v pc- political , p iv ■ ■ Douglas T I ...ill 11*] ■ V’S is that i ■ eOK IS [ :‘ i - I 1 ci.be.1.- ) ■ . , I • ■. -•• '. pi >ve. I ... |in„ ... .a ' | M AXV.! I f i.. A. .1 M. \\v • ■ h - nr 1. i . , nil O'. • 1 r ' igh ton . peats I - tati lent that hi l. esn't •■ ant to spec •!'. the .vat* !«•• But it w i- 'incidence Piot ;1,n Rah Mil newspapermen who had not discussed the matter betv. i . n then < ■ te : ben* 'In prospect- ■ ■ M.-x-ell ' resigna i.uii lamost at the sene time. Th t's what they are talking about around Capitol Square The only official in touch, with the situation who doesn't *... n • ;!.• l: •. rno w an*. Mav.ve!!’ ; L*!. i! ii. iad t i• ne .!1 Lie*. »*. TKIAl/—In tiie meant 1 • ■ • .■ ca - • ega.n.st Clarence Sne* d. . • o: the depntit - arrested on r a : .■ it <• rt 1.1 ■///.]( :ii nt. . 'died ded * • >e prt - sen ted to tin nd VV1 leta proven'.no.: made .«L>aind .myn >dy e. - tm sol.c:tor’s owe .- ;• ••* :.* preo a* 'I:.* report i that too..- will i)e. Fhere i not tin test n »r h;j' th. r< ; -.nr ntimatiori volved in ny • t- .» cub zzloment. '1 he "chare. " .. ‘ 1 .m. i: i' a .id be Ci lied' •ha' cnder his admin islra'. 1 i Department a: Hi v :me ha ■ "y b .d hape. atid that win is,as- a ! apin ted 1a i ial:.'• d i iny thing about ' a rathe ci In'l l i i naagli .. ‘ ' m t . ; attire oecc DWII I S— elevation i ! than Dan ' •• •• Xo. 2 i-«t« n lie tl'ice ' : ; eii.-e ha - .-er . ..itei'e-1 p ■ - A ■■ a c r. "t,c-■ the st v leu a • ci me; I a re 1 - me: . • ■■■:.. •.•■mil oC'D i > is V a ■ 1- -e. Darnels v.'.a m ,f the . . ■ - tie- at the deiense job • a a s —a: :: *t di me N’aidi. C i i c p i '.i'-ular and . , tile ■ n tie-a!. ()n• at his ’lev. dut i- '■ :■! ta de herd" on De te:i e D (- ■ T"d .Ia'ni: an .ini’ other .-tale d hi a eft ' i get ....... thins; 1 - (i man It: ghtnt did a ■’ ■ a. 'pail attent .11 to Halt g V ndet 1 vill n .w. I ,f-s . prl.h' ml 1 1 - - inter- i c ’mg in the tad 1 hn 1 Daniels ■ iv tin hn : .1 !t Spillman. . . . i. ..,i . -.’.fin,i , When M - through h. ii*' • • usl.v <>p p. >>t-d .tdbm.g m . ‘ * * •' ' * dr. .. ii* state pnyr.'i! II* ...<■■ most m complimentary :.i>*»*_it nor nb.hty But. ot t*ou!■«■*. there is som dif ference el ween tting in in ed del t i n g w h a t s h o u Id i ’ . !d n«'t be dom- by public cm- . and bf.ng on the pub he pay I rail ami eh . ged with th • re.-j> i- j 1 ty ' loin the job Tin • many ' tion \ • t there, .Jonathan' TRAFFIC KIM.. (; I lav :s pa.d SI into the ,p ■■ p a pty eiark a a 1 ine f r \\Oku i ( mu oian < omiv. io III SDI KSON II I -I) V \ S* '.I-. II ,vv. nrth Iinc-V ' ■ ll«'!:(l< i - Tiu-atro e- . la' - If i micdiaii v. .!! • Mitt ' f t • : . :'imi :r . • o !c :• ing or* y 4 ? v. r. i i ... them a bit s. Jo Relieve Misery cf I Meet The Duke Of Manhattan ★ ★ ★ ★ That’s what you feel like saying when you put on a fresh shirt laundered by us. We understand how men want their shirts done and we try to please them by doing our best to make them feel and look right. ★ You can experience the wonderful feeling of being well dressed and ; cared for if you let us do your shirts. ■ *** TRY US NEXT WEEK i ★ ★ ★ Henderson Steam Laundry PHONE 508 I lie P&raLlet L*y tl.e Sea ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON Alfred j Bu«uh*. ______ ---—- — --—Halt Id Mark 4 i-d4 lake Sl-lS --—-- 11 ■ - — - "'M <' n the seashore. . t r. • i when .•reat m.iititu !. > ^aiherv-i on the shore. He entei-i . - t at tmg therein, gave Lit♦ :’ Hr n - n rvios or _ ratable; J< 'Us first parable was of the man Ai > • ■ i his se< i in lh< field vhen i'll on stony mound, sonu was **at*-n by fowls, and some took in t .mi mcx ! •■ mot net paraM* le likened th< kir.L(iom oi h- r • n ’ • * ^ram of mus tard rued, vvhi il. the tiniest .»f scri I.', *k. hell K,,( n 0 EMBASSY i Phone Ifl'J t OMTUY — M \\> (OSMTTK S <.1\ I N TODAY: I inl.it -Temorrie.i The Most Thrilling Nett \\ stern You ll.it e Iter seen: “Lone Star Law Men” Serial — ( onteilt STEVENSON Mat. 25e-.'Sight 30e-t'hilclreti TOe —Today -Tomorrow — Bill “Hopalong” Boyd —in— “Secret of the Wasteland” >erial and ( oniedv —NT XT TI T SD YY — On Our stage Seebee “Toby” Hayworth Henderson’s Favorite Comedian and His 1 onipany J of Entertainers j 1 — -- i ION A I I.AIN OK SKI.I - RISING I | '•n:\uniKKY a kasprikky •> n> jar :;i< DAI ID i.NKK IIS.I1 ! n# E n 1 PAN STYI.K ur l.ge. 1 1 ! lb. ? f Marvel oread sAN,mi(» not Aic Mil l) A Ml 1.1.OW ( Oi l'l l 8 O’CLOCK 2 39c MU D VMl.KH AN CHEESE » 3!c | \NN PACK SIWGKTTI OK MACARONI 2 -- 9c INN PAGi. okapi: JAM 2 - 25c -•---M PRODUCE £ . GOOD Qt VLITY 1A i uraperruit ■'iiamins bi-r- <5 i Uc | I i \RGL FIRM HI ADS f) 4 i> Lettuce a.ku ^ z f<»r !jc £w \l< F. SIZF n np Uranges .vitamins bi <■. z »<>/. Jjc O t | TFN’DKR GKFLN * Labbage < 4 .»> yc £-1 CRISP TKMIFR l Larrots Vitamins A. Bl.< BIXCII JC | ipi MW RID BLISS j r»f| )l rOtatOeS Vitamins BL C i 4 LBs ZZC ! £1 4 5 Ml I Ul \LFIA f) 1 Sf dpinaCIl .Vitamins VBI.C.G Z »'»* I / C ME A TS Lb. 27c Wings 'b. 25c Backs ib. 15c Home Killed Breast or | St L t l \ uur l avoritt* . « Pieces Legs Ib. bbc BACON M i 1 K- UITI T-Bone Steaks lb. 55c Chuck Roast lb. 29c ! Round Steak, Boneless lb. 39c HAMS sii’tK Kin Chops, center cuts lb. 35c Hams fresh lb. 29c Sausage— Fresh ground 2 lbs. 45c Speckled Trout , b 27c