] U EX { \ -NIX'! H \ EAR 'tVik1 as "J'm-mV ntKsa:’y_HENDERSON, N. WEDNESDAY AKi'KRXOOX, MARCH 11, 19-12 11'''''''..v1, i n FIVE CENTS COI’Y Churchill Renews Dominion Status Promise To India Sir Stafford Cripps Will Go to India as Emissary to Seek As surance of Acceptance of Plan Drafted in London. I. nd March 11.—(AP) Prirrfc Min' ter Churchill repeated today ' ■ i mi? <)I dor inion status t ■ i i l ' iled India after the war and n”1 a need that his ranking aide. S • Stafford Cripps. would go to India a an em:s*ary to seek assur ance that a preci o plan already dr • *• H by London would gain gen i i Ind.a acceptance. Tiie promise of Indian self govern ment within the uritish common ut iillli o! nations after the war, fil' d i< n \ugust, 1940, o far ha failed to mollify Indian nationalist il it Churchill, in a long awaited '.dement t » the hi ise of commons, d clo-cd that the government, in eider to •‘c'othe th >e general de Hart lions with precision and to con vince till classes, races and creeds in India of our sincere resolve.” had gone a .-top forward and agreed to a detailed plan. Hi did not, howev. r, disclose the ex.irt nut ii • of the* concessions by which hi government hopes to win tl r Li ’. i'' y (if I ndia’s TaO.OOO.OOO poo pie- foi' the defense of theii* rich sub (• •ntiiient ■. threaten d by the dapane-e advance in Burma and to the h dian ocean. "We -ho i!d .1 serve the common e ii we made a declaration v. 1. eh W' lild he rejected by issential clemenis in the Indian world and v. i < ; would provoke fierce com i- mal d; mites at the moment when the enemy tit the gates of India.” In stud. Sir Stai lord’s place as leader o! tin* lioti-e will be filled during hi i'inein'1 bv Foreign Secretary An thony Fden. Draft Lottery Hour Is Set Wa ' n, Maich 11.— i AP) — Si kv: i\. ser.ice officials today .el a:d that Secretary of VOir S i -..m had been asked t > draw too 11: t e;i 1'isule ill the 1 t ti . y. the Ititrd -.nee i nactmer.t of the selee 1 e seiw ;ee law but the first since w v. a- declared. BRITISH RED CROSS APPEALS TO JAPAN l.ondon, March 11 -(AIM—The F Hi li Red Cross cabled an iippeal to Ii.e .Japanese Red Cross through in i national headquarters at Geneva t"dav. .• coking assurances that addi I mill atrocities, such as Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden reported y -tot-day, will not he commit!-d eainst prisoners of war at Hong kong. Aid Sought For Dealers Governor Broughton Reveals Steps Taken to Relieve Automobile Dealers. Raleigh. March 11 . —(AIM -Gover ii' r Broughton said today he hud taken lour steps to help automobile dealers, some of whom are in "a des perate plight by reason ot govern ment restrictions that have been put into el feet.” He outlined these steps as: 1. A request for a modification of a ruling which now prevents deui e. • iron; '-filing used cars which thev had equipped with recapped tires. 2. Another request that the fed eral government make low interest ioans to dealers, with such loans be ing secured by cars which the deal ers have on hand and are unable to sell because ot restrictions. 3. A uggestion that the federal state employment service do its ut most to tinu work for persons for merly employee by automobile deai C1\S. 4. An appeal thai aodlo-ds whose property is leased b\ dealers be as lenient as possible about collecting rent. Meets Roosevelt Lieut Gen. A. G. L. MacXau^hton Commander of the ('a; :> ! m Over seas Army, Lieut. Geo. A. G. L. MaeXaiifrht'm leaves ti • White House after a lent;' hy • nee with the I’resid r.t .11 1 not lit. euss the nature 1 ft !■ ■ sj p Headquarters lor Air Force Technical Training Command to Southern Pines, Till a. Oklu.. March ! i.—( \!"> —Major General Walter II. Wraver, new commander of the air eorp*. technical training com mend. sa;d 1 i^t ni :’ Am m!< . M ich 1 ! (AIM A 57-M ! i I M ;' M I'.ili.'1 bliirknut 111 li'l southern fountm - u m> lilted nt 7 .i m . ( 1<> i in. KWT * 1 • d:.v. oil* t' »• 1 >IM 'h nt* re* ! ■ mend duelined any o c ■ • 11 • * It wa o first .im'“ 1 he i'!ii!• v m i•: w,. bluen' M out and gun ■ I’iivd M-r ;i i. If* • m !■<••• ",.r y 125 ut vvhul Secret >aid was a flight ol inn ■> *• •.■ imo fial airplimf*. NewDrartRule Effects Only A Few Men Daily Dispatch Biirrau. In (lie Sir Walter Hotel. 15 v |?OI5 THOMPSON Raleigh. March 11.—Mary men with depend', n!.-'., who thoaght tlic j army'- recently announced ruling | would m kc it possible lor them 10 i serve the it country .otd support their lamilies at Ilf >n ne t :n . are due for a di-app intment. The am o ineen ent foe; ti it tiie wu> 1• i : wen opened fot rt gistrat ts chiss ed a :: A* men deter ed iioca iso ot dependent —to seek a comnii-'ion. If they were successful, fit y wo 1 1 m ike enough to send moiiev liome II rat. they would lie sent horif titer -el\e AI1 this is time, hut the wily one who can take dvantag of it are those who can arrauge he1 tile sup ! port of their families for nine in ir.ths while they are in training. During j iti o period, their income will be i (Continued on Page Three) Nazis tall Hitler keporie I to j i a v;' Demanded 1, d00,0i>0 Troops from ISaly, I,k:G0,0d0 from iiunga r y , 100,000 irein Slovakia. ills i I\ •so‘ i,it,'fl !*rc-s Ai!i.!l’ 11'tl‘T was r» }>.• rl had l,)st (i,000,000 nu n on the Russian front. With pre-spring thaws alreadv melting snow on the long battle line. dispatches indicated that the Russians were smashing with ever-increasing fury to de moralize the Germans and keep them reeling backwards instead of organizing a spring counter drive. A I; 11< ' ; Red lies- were striking in mass attack; mi tlv iithc. a (Ukraine) front and holding the initially on the M. iI'.v nd I .en in.gr.id fronts. S . ' disi o rep '"'i 1 the ;i... i.uko h ,:i sect ir. where trap ,| . . 1 the Gi ri ... Ifiti V ... Iv . St i ted at tUi.OOO 111 die: - ore .cp rted ••.iffering from A I led ivmy bulm'in a! - ■ ;m p11;jn,-ed the rapt n'e of three villages on the eeiiti'al I I'oiit. wiiere naz; jjai-ri ms t Rzhey were deserll>ed as virtually surrounded. Sales Tax Data Studied Washington. M.uvi 11 (AIM Til! H i."e .'. |\ . anil .... .... j., " ,• lc., t f-T.ltOll, mill 000 .. 1 called m jv, :. a i \ oil i ■ i d. tod:.. I n- all avail bl“ sl;itisl !»•.> n:i tht s;dos tax. g . ■ ■ : i •: ale i, v ped . be d••.»-v\-■ inamnnp ; /. . A m nbers took rxcept ■" ■ Si‘crctary Ahir gentkall's P’ ■ ■r -n which calls t - ... S7.P] (VB',*'.0d0 .*: iefly throng ,.p •.jndi- i Inal iiu. ta\e- and -1 le\ les. and from new eye so taxes. AT.irgentha : i 1 manv Tn .< j officials have • xpre-sed the; - ip i po ;t! >n to If ta'*. la j ; *11nnCi r>tbo;■ ‘bin1' that it would I be ’ inerjiiitable and nit lat a»na! y. Test Blackout Here March 26 Raleigh. March II — i\V -_A list blackout lor the Henderson district, comprised of A sure. Granville and part ot Uarrcn counties, has been sri tor the night of Thursday March -hi. AV. F. Nufer, assistant -late di rector of eir ilian defense in charge of air raid protection, announced today. Mayor Honrv T I’ \cll --aid here that prepai a:am- arc being made tin carrying oat tin- w-t blackout au ! thorized for the night <•’ March 211 D tailed plan; f< the blackout are ! expected to bt mil' red imiTied [ iateh American Airmen See Action in Austral'a Tl • , (• P- Phtmephola , " | T'h<,,° of u- s- 'l,nnt’n in Australia is one of tJ,c first t > come out of ; ■ • For ■■ onIVr;.f'Tn “'^hown leaving a giant Flying Fortress at an Australian airfield after a a ' ihui rut,lvd Ijul 'nippy ami smiling all, r having met the enemy uni huvia J and are ready to meet him a^aiix. * President Vargas Is sues Decree of War Powers; Shipping to U. S, Halted. Rio dr Janerio. M .-.rrh 1! — i AP —Vi esident V . a . . sued a decree today / l ing hiir.N li l It € authority to da late a sUc of war or a -date of emergency throughout im* countiy in ns of foreign menace, imair.rr.c • internal disturbance, or exi ten r of a plan ot ionspn aw. *'»• Dipt!' >»*.SV fin • * ■ . pedoing of tin* fourth s»r»vili . « dtin off J!i" I nil a1 S'.atrs n;n: in three weeks, the decree* clear ed thr way for impi ivoier nf ot ox's '' hjf'w and -ei/.ure of a\i> property. Orchis for sc./ure of axis property were expert-el within IS hours. Rio eh* Janeiro. March 11.— ( A P i ---'l in* gova i■•ament shipping line. I.Ioyel Rrazilciro. » rd today that the gn\crnireiil had ordered t!ie vi:spers:on of all sailings to the 1 nited St a??d '>r re. dl to Rio de Janeiro of a’i V a.di h» “ v’ i-w . u , n {0i,: i)o I nited States. Ti <• «•". • d i! •: > *.. r I ) the I’nit i\vnit . 11 eli■ ■ The c l: , ! • '■ • 111 1 •rrrlP - 5 el b\ •ou.-t ..1 tin- lh; :■ .i S: • Japs Control Great Delta Manilain.i ;\| ,1 -h 1 1 , ,\Pi '1 no ■ ithdn. "••! mMi n,-h it non., fn.i • lie -..i.'l • f p.. mi tr i> If 11 li i ,Ju|Hint ■ mi todnv : : ■ t ' (HI ir i If" M.’ '. r A ni.f mui - fit unci Xtf lid ill U ■ (i ll"' Mnrtali.ill t‘. i’!i ll i\ hi i’n ngal. It" put-, i; n . ud i>a ~fin. now all opi-n ‘ tin Jap. :le-e n.i . Hid It 'll I -.1 like' ' t> lit J ip 'll itfxl fa iuhl 1 -f -..re fifil again-t tin ...i i - "I \m' ai>. if-, to the Iiontif ot Pen.ua 1 pro. n.-r India. Japanese ■ ■ . Im - as ea. !\ ■ .lant.ii'v 1:,;"'I the inawadii,. delta in war. i ''moments ■up 1,he.- fin ., ;. .. "Ui and tht i’.ur ma r< >ari lo t . a a WEATHER FOR NORTH CAROTIN V Mild, somewhat higher tem peratures extreme west portion tonight, possible light rain in mountains and north central portion Siimson In Panama Balboa, Cana! Zone, March i!. \'i >—See*, i \ of War Stim MMi was here today on a per il 1 inspection of this vit I ■ •• • ahead} .t trouble spot, on •is tir-.t trip cals id • the Cnilcd ’■‘luir - s:i ci* the war began. M.imon who arrived b\ plane > esp-rd;!> with a nroteetivc es ;i ’ ei Iv. /Inc pursuit craft, was I ohr\, ii to l e cnneri ned pri me; ,|\ ihout buttressing th t ail.il's (I‘ P iis; s. Methodist Women Meet i Ml • t . ?. .! ' \V. ( . C. iiactw m , . . • n •!!. •> :• n.nnliiT iii’i p a w . re a'.ard-iI Mi ( aiv. .c:. . d Mi. Repoi l* hinkineis Kimvc’. : IYo 1! ’. ’;i i»i i ici -1 i :d cla n: it*d t. • % i. • v that 12M..YPU a a a : ii a nig .had I ■ h -1111k by hull ;i nes fi e east c tst ot tin Crated States : • turped >oats have a < and the Briti- !i ia\ e definitely YM -i\ M the unriersi\.s ci.pt in the Med dri < anean m the 'a--1 IP.ur weeks, the high command also said. Two torpedo beats shared in the Iftlost \ id**ni s, r.ieh, dr-a ■ \ mg ,i submarine "at ditP nt pla < 1 1 on diffi 1 a it da\ t r a .am • i eevi \n Italian coi > rning t Libya was attacked n> nuped"-ca' is . g planes but ieaiheu - Ur.-tma tion u da" ..ged the higi •»» " m 1 i said tres i den t Rep o rts On Lease-Lend Aid Offensives Against Axis Nations Will Take ‘Entire Strength That W e Possess,’ President Roosevelt Tells Congress. U .mhington. .March 11.— - President ihn.'C\' li informed i i iU‘ •* ev s today in a message analyzing the first year’s opera - o n ol ihe lend' -It ase program th »- l ot t‘« i. \ r-s tile 1 nited • i mcl \'v ili drive in to tlu heart of the axis" would t ; "0 «• emit '• strength that we possess." “The v. at i n 11’\ i•./• won by om up'.ti ’• d in a et: * 1 :■ 11. m-f. l ' : • : :i M ,rt. r(jUjp . h! e i * ia • >*jivratit-t s - ■«.':* or Use Frei I do.: • : to W 'lid d i. »W .t lo lali '.to the hands -a die Ger ! man>." T1 e Frent batth : ; tt erelv” tht July. 194<>. buttle ■ ! t Mam. tm said. Temporary repairs enabled her t*> be t. .m , < ; i ed . *« tour .n. In* added, ft t “;t i> ir t likely that she will be , ready for aruon lot a good many Japanese invasion Fleet, Massed Off New Guinea• Heavily Attacked; Seven Jap Ships Wrecked Or Sunk Jap Armada raws ear " € oast Australian Dianes Continuous kv A11 a c k r-nemy Si. ,»r i\loviag Toward Tc;t AMoresby to Open Baltic For Australia. I C' < \'.v« ia(c cl j■ ic-.-. A Ul 111 .III. ' III M l .- til -i, ' Iho.sii ,p .japuiu so warsln; - ,ur.i tiaitned !i have .'iini; or daniared at least >i w !.. ii :.M,:; uaa: report toward ., ' \ -1.;;.,,.1 uiupiip;; oi l' base - in Now Guinea. it seeua d clear that tilt; butt!. - - . ■ . proacht - ' ■ .\ . tn_ "• i amh.e ;:i i all i'ui'i \. 1 Irit i,. - j .it from (_'a : m rra said ■! upar- . im a.sio.u li-'U.s Wei- lap. ado,: HHwilla d iwal’d 1'oid lUoresny. on Lhe soulh coast o! New Guinea, duo land. - ■ !sf aliao plain - a cia .- aid to Ih1 continuous!;* at lacking l hr enemy .ship.'. A bulletin from Atis tralian air lorcc headquarters saiii waves of Xustralian bonib ers inflicted havoc on the Japan ese sea-borne tones, attacking a i ruist i . selling two ships alire. leaving another “large ship burning, and scoring several di nt i hits on a warsiiip. Ollier wa re believed to have in ’! • • *. apparent;} ua-ina. •. g kiP' *. ., ■. ...! !ei 1 S ■ i .. e ,.nd 1. In tin d> ing battle of Java, a Dona i dispatch said the Dutch commander had ordered all \ethei lands troops on the is land to !a\ d«*\\n their arms. a ed 93,000 t ,ri J.u Hi ied the Indie Mi i: > • . . V S -.) Tokv o Reports Cruiser Marblehead Sent to B ottem i n i n d i a n Ocean. ! , , . 1 (' 1 l 1 , | '' * ( ‘ t ' I : . { ' .; 1 | V J l | ; I 1 !!'. ’ 'It' i tut: ■ ! ' ■>'t .!! i' i -1 1 . \ i ■ I < i . ii hill I - • i I lie i : l. Uii Sdiitos v,TUI>C*.’ Marble lu*;u The sinking --lid to 1". ve oc \ .ne destroyer, the an w meemoui added. - 'g .. Dutch no 1 ci'iH a nelween Ball and Java • 11 Mari’!. 9 i'll Man-1’ 7 t m,M. a Japane-e 1 naval unit .-hi ileii Ch■ .i■ n- island, 17 ]1: -li 1 i — .i; n the Indian inr. u -until ni ,Ja\ a, causing heavy damage to military installations.” The 7.050-tnn Marblehead was tin t ,1 1 ted Slates cruiser claimed ’ey the .h.panese a- sunk during the battle "i .la, a w ithout any eorrobor at'o’l in n nthei source.-. The others were the Augusta u> Hoiisteti both ‘ 9 050 lolls