HrndrrBim Batltj Btspairif Established Vug list 12. 1914 Publish) il l v ery AUernoon Except Sunday by HEN IM KMI.N m>l*A 11 11 ( O.. 1N t at 109 N oung Street HENR' , DEN IS, l -nd 2d U. L. ElNC'll - . . . Bus Mgt mi PHONES Ed.: .me Q, e t. . > . : 61 . re i ■ rpe-i A> • - : ' Som.; . , . - '■■■' loci i l N Cai Pre - . Tht A en: : nr ■ - i other'- : - aD d A: ill L ST 1> 1 :3 • I ION It \ I I s (raja n i • P> M u! B\ ( ai rier 1 V - $6 6 V ■ 3. ' 3 'I \V rer ac En 61 : « Lea Eargd Congress shall make M law respecting an estab lishment of religion. Of prohibiting the free exer cise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech or d the press. -U. S C n ■■ » « I— . ■> For Ct i thin.:. er .: t -I Sobering Thought H we - a - ; -l pi>'‘ - \ e ■ - " a' fore a’ • - ■ heei a,a.. ■ a 1 u i !■ r *.ae . ms’. part. It ' ' fe . ng a a 'I" . s -a the a a a!v < cone!'1 a 1 'S ’ : -ad : a 1 1 lies t a a Parti. Thir. - v in- a. : am • then ''- ■ finite * t h it < sjnit k live. t • • ; *■. -a.e God of the u n. ■ . a n and - a,.a i a - „f 1; •• "v I an 1 a st.'s' . . .■ a ■ course. C'ei tain'-. • si '' n nth* ■ K i * • "a a:a;"i and • ‘ia( a a ■ t ■ and .. i 1 ' a1 as: as th; ' . ' But a , are ;■ a' • • '• • all - a .-'so .' t iCil. ’i ' 1 a idar si-11 Of taa * 11 SI 1 To !""'•■ a. and i a • a : tl • • 1 ' ion*, of IP tO aa- sy .so - ' \uv» t; ai I. geo tun:nu ai u i. ' |.a-' a ,<■ They 'a . 1 l.igi; fitt ed bv • "I at tile tra': and tat i'e. Bombs on Easter Morr It ' aa cl hi; busip.1 ■ . and : it -aits 11 i a wt .a 't attempt t dissent. . a ;i wt isn't w .r' up ia an enthusias foi the idea . exploding a power:1..! ini: I) ata|. mountain a> a cans whereby , Western North Carolina religiou sect will usher in Easter morning The stunt is supposed to typify tlr great earthquake spoken of in Mat thew 28:11. in connection with whirl an angel of the Lord descended fron heaven to roll back the stone fror the tomb which held the body oi til Savior. The earthquake is known as convulsion of nature, and on th morning of the resurrection was th means employed by Divinity to ope the tomb and complete the triump over death. But a bomb is the con coction of finite man. It may be th nearest approach to an earthquak that man can devise, blit it ougt HOI to be PSser.tial a= a mnnnpt- r upon onlookers from near or :ai < true meaning of the great ■ lb. a festival. \: wo . ageantry that has been .: _.eii > the Church of Prophecy V t : t the event should fur plenty But at this par tite meaning and sigtul bs. for most people, r not ot life, a.- was ed y ’be earthquake which oia.-ted entrance to Josephs \ c : bombs implants fear • en’s hea •* - Eat t for that matter, ■ o occasion of the resur ei • i: : portance was not in but in the victory • v q.i : men over death. : a: t wo less we can heat " t - disturbed is the ction is a syt wo. . .-t the very ant •;on o ft: aption tht- Church .e, \ : diming tt> utilize Lacks Experience l i . « i •.!-illtoll S i.ippt it’-’ lb . i . ; yi ,,dy Jt>hn.-o;i ncv tae State Utiiita i d.o ' add dtsline' It . ... . 0 cl y acct pt.f • t • :.c m.t..ic tor import "' fmg f s ..dmimstiala ■ , ■ g Mr. Johns . many .. t■ w t;. ..M.' appointment to tins office, w . -tv .■ ...: • ' i wtmg. and t w i aid m n O f,e ■ t a ti H. au’mg oi d ■ better eq . : ed and :: ..••• j ■ ; to *t, ' tb.e politic.'! wav. v, ■ h .1 . " - a h. 1 la', t pro a two. is m. ..ri-i eft • g, ■ err. r dt v 4 a • o. ; a.g- , : !.e : - learned h - ; , ‘ i r a- f d! It w \n trot fit Id t • ■. * \ _icru‘'-'' X g ■ to r.or m "g 'if ' w st cry et nd a’ isf y 11 the pen - ... , • ,■ G error Brough! >ti me admirable eh -ice. i on, - j) sit.-.,,ns of high respun , S'ate government and ,:• ,,■ i air ed repeat edlv !er i. - ■ f d r "pit ' Till ; wever the public interes* ,. been 'oelter serv ed had : teehi tal i tn and left ■ ABC '• ,iard chief where he was. | i racing by Urriciais the lr llah.i!'••1 im'iliving v jnircha ing is primarily • *i ani-i'er of highway simps from. St -i ■ lie and -no other Western \ ('arohna t.nvn to tv n others mvenionce in sendee, or is a e abi it a nen ber of the high ■ ,v cum: -i-m trading wi*h him a idling ■ -tor supplies to the st •. not altogether clear. If highway g. r iges have been cor • ■ v'i-1 • wetnfore, these loca • ,-t -a jlei appear to be advantage • ms -till, being is how the road not been picked up and sot ! vn s.imev. here else® Ru* whatever • I ,i• i- jurat it n good business judg n fiit would dicatate that they bo maintained n cities or towns w' ere • hev would be most convenient to the ■cpiipment that has to be repaired I and operated. And there is a statute which i ro hibits a “commissioner of public mu ' contracting for his own benefit”, as the attorney genera! ha^ found. Thi law is »n extremely wise one : It- purpo ■{ w to prohibit aouse cl . public of.'i. . By appointme: t or bj ■ election man might step :nto posi - tion to eontiar. with himseif to set i to the State, a city. town, nr county i or even the Federal government l great quantities of merchandise oi 3 equipment and thus enrich himself possibly to the detriment of the com i mon welfare. Such things have beer 3 done, and corruption has been th< 3 result. i Officials trading with thsmselve. l might be found, upon investigation - to be a practice more widespreac e than an unsuspecting citizenry sur 3 mises. And it is probably not con i fined to any one branch of puoiii f 1 service Occasions r*nu|d run St-1 va 011 arise wherein the practice were justified, and extreme eases could be over! ked. But not to hue to the line we Id open the door to unlimit ed . i'u-es to prejudice public pat rage n favor of one or a group < t ens at the expense of others, that - the why and wherefore of > laws. Men who accept public office, :f e etely honest in all regard-, n ;.. i realize when assuming such n ns that they are oftcang • In” -elves for service and not fat • I'nfortunately. that is not al ways true: all too often it is exactly ■ . .. . e\ er-o. Hence the necessity for iaw - ' prevent it. And men who ■ • resist the temptation are to ■ s ent disqualified for the re . !:ty they willingly accept. . . tellow with tough whiskers .y have no choice b :t to re "uself to looking 1 ke Ain a Lmcoln. Majbe the reason Hitler hasn't nt a-i Sweden is tnat he'--i card the ■■.tors there are even elder than Hidly enough He gentleman at ■ •:e\t desk tint the .Top .aazure '.lie Solo: .in islands m unwise ■VC. The crow w e n ad. appears in aig ahead of the r -bin but the .n get - too publicity. \\ hat Do \ ou know About North Carolina? It% FKFD II. MAY ; H : uy ha> t .e intiuu. '■ I'liigrdc:.. !' etcrans in North Cm - (it c; e.i t : t .ring the past yea rs V 2 W the N rt! Cat lina i.e and ; ■ i in jailV li. a y ul .lae !banks ta sell ■ ■. i . l.q.udat Ml .,y li.e State I’.;.; . .g Ctai'.mission .n tile I it pie--. . ; were .uue to re t[ »cn V 4, Wit • > • r • 1.: .vy- | : Wht u-t a t . n iippuiv.l : .flit : . P:v :• i if >\n'< iMJi y \V::\ a: • ■ rt:; t\u '. n;i :tun* fi.. t to e> •ntr *i tPe , ..ct •; d Statfs enntor> ty * ■ t! Wii.It prt'iiiel. :. • tile fall el . i ■ C 'i daey' last rt w is ido . y (. \ e: n' v \ i a in . i .1 a i. : i i v 1 264 ANSWKRS 1. ! a 1934 there w ere a total ol (432 .derails on the pension roils ot N : •. Cnrolin Deaths had red cod t.uese •' 27 1:140. 39 n 1941. nad 33 .:. 1942 S' ' tht ’ report on Kt i'i liny 1, 1942. the ranks have icon ti..nned by other deaths. 2. Ch vcnior Set:. Sotiiei. appointed g“\ ernor in 1678 by the Lords Prop . .etoi's. alter lie had acquired an in - 2 r.-.'I it MH' s tile pr>tpr; tors. Tile ■. p on w lie w as sailing to America was rap: .red by :urates and no was la..en prisoner. His release a.1- secured by the payment of a an-.ini, and he arrived in Am net :i 1682 to take up ins duties as gov • :• ot tiie colony. Since lie was ■lit tile Lord Proprietors he held oil above the law. and ignored tiie instructions given him at the tun- he wit- commissioned. Those in the colony who took issue with him were thrown into j;.w. t tween the two sect; .ns would blow j ■ .or within a few months and give | tune to work out some agreement | that would avoid the war. Congress- 1 man Gilmer was born near Greens- j boro .n 1805: liitd in 1368. 5 The Constitution of the United i States, adopted in 1787, gave the ivlection of the senators to the legisla tures til the various states, and tne election o: congressmen to the peo ple, The North Carolina legislature accepted this plan as giv ing the leg j islature the absolute right to con trol tht votes of the senators The legislature reasoned that the people had the right t . control th'e votes and actions of the congressmen since they were eh eted to represent the people. The senators were to repre sent the states, and w. re accountable to the legislature, which elected •hem 6. Governor Vance predicted the fall of Fort Fisher, guarding Wil mington, twelve months before the fort fell. ANSWERS TO TEN QUESTIONS See Rack Patje 1. True. 2. Albert Lebrun. 3. Black Sea. 4. Battle of Bunkei Hill. (Given to colonial troops.) 5. Colorado. (i. Interstate Commerce Commis sion. 7. Lou Gehrit;. I 8. P. C. Wren. 9. Bach and Handel. 10. Tea. Bicycle Sales Are Frozen Washington. April 3. (AP) A public stampede to buy bicycle against the day when auto tires wear out prompted the War Production Board last night to ban the sale, shipment, delivery or transfer ol new adult bikes pending the establish ment of a rationing system. The "I reeling" order was made ef fective at 11:59 p. r. .. Eastern war, time last night, and the rationing system will be designed to put bi cycles in the possession of defense workers first of all. This was only one- of several or ders affecting the consumer. In oth ers, the WPB ruled out certain tin plated bottle caps and fluoiesoent lighting fixtures lor non-essential uses and gave notice that civilian use of copper would soon be furthei curtailed. The order forbidding future pro duction of fluorescent lighting fix tures except under top-rated prior ity orders allowed manufacturers 20 days m which to fill other order. on which work already has started. An immediate halt was called to production of tin-plated caps for bot : ties containing ketchup and chile , sauce, and for glass containers used i in some preserving. Alter four I weeks, manufacture of such caps for beer and soft drink bottles must be : stopped ns well as production of tin j plati'd covers for glass containers for candy, peanut butter, coffee, tea, dry spices and some other products. Officials explained that manufnc j turers could make the bottle caps from tire steel plate ordinarily used but without tiie tin plating. Civilian use of copper in the next three months will be cut to a rate tin per cent under consumption in 19-10 —the last normal year NOT1CE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE. North Carolina: Vance County: Under and by virtue of ..ti Order of the Superior Court of Vaiice County made in hie Special Proceed ing entitled. .1 B Sattenvliite. Fran cis E. Sattenvhite. T. Walker Satie: white, and others against Olive, Ellis. W. H. Parrish, et al, the un dersigned Commissioner will oi Monday, the lljth day of April. 19-12. at 12 o’clock Noon, on the premises, (except as hereinafter noted), offci for sale to the highest bidder for cash, the below described parcels oi lots of land lying and being in oi near the City of Henderson, N. C.. and more particularly described as follows: 1st Lot: Chavasse Avenue Property. Begin at a stake Pies Hunt's cor ner on Chavasse Ave., run thence along said Avenue N 78 W 110 ft. to a stake on said Avenue, thence N 12 E 284 3-4 ft. to a stake in Jas. II. Brodie’s line; thence along said Brodie’s line S 78 E 110 ft. to a stake, Pies Hunt's corner in Brodie’s line; thence along Hunt’s line S 12 W 284 3-4 ft. to the beginning. There is a large dwelling in good condition situate on this lot and room to erect another. See Deed Book 43, page 510. 2nd Lot: Henderson-Epsom Road Lot. Lot on Henderson-Epsom Road. Begin at R. L. Mustian's corner on the Henderson-Epsom Public Roact. and run thence along said road S 40 1-4 E 179 ft., more or less, to cor ner of Lot B, now owned by Samuel A. Satterwhite: thence along tt.e line of said lot N 64 1-2 W 190 ft., more or less, to R L Mustian’s cor ner: thence along Mustian's line 74 ft., more or less to the place of be ginning. This description was taken from a survey made by T. C. Gill, Dec. 10, 1940. See Plats in Book A page 15 and Book C page 57. 3rd Lot: Lot on Mason Street. Lot No. 16 oi the S. G. SatterwhUe - - — — - —- I plat a- si. ,\. n .11 Pita Bunk A mi page la. This lot fronts at) It. nil M.s'in St. and extends back 115 ft. Si e 1 fi'i'tl Ik s-I; 111 page 7!) Itli Lot: Chavasse Lots. Being till nf Block 25 of the j ( h.i\■ se land shown by Plat m Bos. A at 11. This I lock fronts 2:-.a ft. '!i the ! leiiderson-Epsoin IP ad (thimigh South Henderson) and extends back 95 ft. along one licet and 135 ft. along another street. There i- also a speet across the rear. See Deed Book 91 pag 441. 511i Lot: Gillburg Lot. That let minting 52 1-4 feet on the llendei . n-hp.- an Public itoriel, ;:t (ril'l. iig and extending back 299 In betAeen the lands of 1. W. Finch and till- 51 F Church lot. containing 1-4 oi an acre. See Deed Book la, page 57. Tins is a sale ol the remainder ol the real estate belonging to the is tide of tin' late S. (1. Satterwhite which 1- bring .old for division. The ale will begin at 12 o'clock. Noon, at the Satterwhite Homeplaee on Cluivzs-e Avenue, then the lots near South Henderson public school will be sold. Immediately after this sale the lot at Gillburg and the block ot Chavas-t lots will be sold at tne Court House dooi in Henderson. Tins 7th day ni March. 19 12. R. G. KITTRELL. Commissioner. 19-29-2-9 NOTICE TO ( REDITORS. 51ajcstic B.o.i i n - did on 51 arch 31. 1912 execule anu deliver Deed of Assignment fot benefit of creditors to thi' undersigned trustee, which Deed ol Assignment was filed for registration in the office of the Reg ister oi Deeds of Vance County on ■March 31, 1942. Tins is notice to till creditors to file itemized, verified i la:n vjth tht undersigned trustee m Henderson. North Carolina, on or before the 3rd day of April, 1943 oi tin- not.n \\ ii 1 be pleaded m bar I any recovery. Thi' 3rd day of April. 1912. A. W. GHOLSON, JU., Trustee. 3-19-17-24-1-8 WANT ADS Get Results GOOD BUYS IN USED CARS AT goodbye prices: 1931 Pontiac coacli at $100; 1931 Oldsinobile sedan, $100; 1930 Model A Sedan, $75; 1929 Model A Coach, good tires, at $85. Nice selection in newer model cars at prices that will appeal to elo.-e buyers. Candler - Palmer Motor Co. 11-ti FOR SALE: TWO FIVE ACRE tracts land located South Hender son. Will sell cheap with reason able terms. Louis D. Horner. Phone 760-J. l-4ti IMPORTANT NOTICE! Due to the loss of bottles through breakage and other causes, we are forced to discon tinue curb service every night, effective tonight at 7 o’clock. We will continue to give curb service during the day, and up until 7 p. m. each evening. In order to purchase bottled drinks, we must turn in an empty bottle for each one we buy. Bottle conservation lias been ordered by the United States Government. We are going to do our part. Won't you help us? Thank you. HILL TOP NO. 2, Raleigh Road. 3-3 ti WANT ADS Get Results YOUR HOME DEFENSE BEGINS w it:, adequate insurance against ail hazards. This is important now. Consult us. Insurance Department. Citizens Bank and Trust Co. 12-tf FOR SALE: FRESH COW. CAN BE seen at my farm, or call 624-J or 494-J. M. B. Garrett. 3-2ii IT PAYS TO BUY GOOD SHOES and have them repaired. They look better—last longer. New heels, ruboer, leather, composition. Nor wich Shoe Repair, phone 471, We call for and deliver. 21-it TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for rent, adjoining bath. Refrigera tor, lights, and water furnished. Apply at 553 Rowland street >r phone 328-W. 3-it FOR GOOD REBUILT SECOND hand or new furniture come to R. E. SattiTwhito and Sons, near Fire Station. 19-tf TWO PLACES TO SERVE YOU— Hill 'Top No. 2, Raleigh Road, and Greyhound Soda Shop at Bus Sta tion. Real Pig Barbecue, and best Brunswick stew. Red Taylor. 29-tf LOST BLACK COCKER-SPANIEL puppy. Wearing red harness. An swers to name of "."sonny". Reward to tinder. Phone 9083. 3-lti NEW SOLES AND HEELS WILL give many months more wear to your old shoes. Y'ou’li like our ex pert work. Phone 638. We call fur and deliver. Grissom’s Shoe Shop. _23-tf FOR OFFICE SUPPLIES AND equipment, it’s Alford’s. Complete stuck to lili your needs. AUord’s Printing and Office Supply Co. Phone 62. 2b-tf BLACK MALE PIG WEIGHING about hill lbs. strayed from my home last week. Finder please notily J. C. Abbott, route 2, Hen derson. 3-3li WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES FOR corn -- yellow and white— also wheat. It will pay you to trade with us. J. S. Evans Milling Co. 30-6ti ITS SCREEN UP TIME! EYERY thing you need for screening. Best grade galvanized screen wire, screen lumber, and screen hard ware. Phone 33. Alex S. Watkins. BOOKS FOR SALE SIX COPIES ol "Hardly A Man Is Alive", au tiobiography of Daniel Carter Beard and personallly autograph ed by the author. Uncle Dan the late National Scout Commissioner ol the Boy Scouts of America. $5.00 each, post paid. B. W. Le Master, P. O. Box 286, Suffern, N. Y. 2-3U FOR SALE CHEAP- THREE PIECE used parlor suite. Can be seen at Carolina Shoe Shop. l-3!i OWNERS OF GOOD PROPERTIES are mutual insurance buyers. They benefit by sound insurance, et ficient service and substantial di vidends year after year by insur ing with Cates Insurance Agency. 12-tf RE-ROOF WITH FLINTKOTE SU per Re-Rool'er asphalt shingles. A better roof for your money. Alex S. Watkins. 3-It EVERY BEAUTY SERVICE—MOB ern Shop—Experienced operators —Centrally located. Phone 200 for appointment. Bridget's Beauty Shop, over Parker's Drug Store. 28-tf BABY CHICKS FOR SAKE, FROM high production blood tested hens with over 300 eggs yearly average. 1 sell all kinds. Get my prices be fore you buy. A. .J. Cheek. 3-1L UNIVERSAL RANGES $119.95 AND up- Several good used Electric Ranges, Refrigerators and Oil Stor es. New and used Battery and Electric Radios. See us for your Electrical Needs. Henderson Book Co. Phone 110. 26-tf VITA VAR HIGHEST QUALITY paints at the lowest prices in town See us before buying your paint Tanner Roofing Co., Phone 606, Wyehc St. 1-tf NEW LAWN MOWERS AT “THE Place of Values." See them at $6.95. Rubber tire mowers at $7.95 and $8.95. Ball bearing, easy cut ting. Alex S. Watkins. 3-lti WE SPECIALIZE IN ALL kinds of body and fender re pair work. Motor Sales Co. WE HAVE PLENTY OF BICYCLES for men and boys. Come in now and select yours from our com plete stock. Western Auto As sociate Store, opposite Post Of fice. (3)-tu-fri-tf OWN YOUR OWN HOME AND PAY for it monthly like rent. Building and Loan will show you the way. Henderson Building & Loan As sociation, Al. B. Wester, Secy. (1) STILL HAVE PLENTY GOOD USED tires and we do vulcanizing with good equipment. Bring us your tire troubles. Esso Service Station, Bearpond, H. H. Hicks, prop. 14-26ti TWO TWO-ROOM APARTMENTS for rent, furnished or unfurnished. Hot water, lights, steam heat fur nished. Mrs. L. W. Hobgood, phone 581-W, 4D3 Zene street. 3-2ti LET DEALER PINNELL EXPLAIN how you can increase your earn ings and better yourself by getting into Rawleigh Retailing either in Henderson or nearby Rural Local ities in Warren and Granville Counties. He has had over 23 years experience, has made splendid progress and increased his net worth considerably. See dealer F. E. Pinnell, 124 Young Avenue, Henderson, N. C., or write Raw leigh's. Dept. NCD-93-226P, Rich mond, Vd. WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR? i 77 l ri it/ss FTTP SALLY'S SALLIES 1 —■■■■— Ragistarad U S Patent Office — ———|