I SOCIETY NEWS iuia> of night. • ■ (-veiling ("ms (. v , the land and. .silent. , ,j, . |>y the river's edge: ' . , well the darkening clu.sk . llgll the wood. ]■ ■ (lav sedge I .... i I a id. the musk dr.Its. iinmlngleil with a 1>I Win . .a mi'll "I spring; r'u. liav' had laiilts ■ i il In .v er perleet over :.,';ve v. ing. Gilbert Maxwell < hair Practice Omitted. , prael lee at 1 he 1* ir (I .. . , cl;, scheduled tor Thtil's - v. ill be omitted tin announced today. v\11 .■ •' ■ _ ■ i aim from Greensboro M;- H. iv arc! 1.. AI len are ■. I urn tin - afternoon ...... w here they attend i 1 ( •.n-. nlion ;it the (» 'll!:- '.- '■ _ Here lor Wrck-Knd. v C'i.i'",;. .a Fort Jackson, m ; Mberi Clark, of F u-1 ■ . i M l-.s !’ aline Clark, of • .a. 1). C . spent the past i la-re with their innther, -1 ,-in- Cla rk They al >.i had a- -1 Ml- F. thi r Wand, of III: i- • ' Miss 1 li »\ d M;iitk*i1 I t) (). Kills M T I’ll iyi I, nl Men i " .nneo 1 *•, irn igr ... * - * - t I,', al tgh, to .lam , • ! ! — :;(!i" . a and V i> -r1 - Sunday. May 10. 1 >) l.> s, ( '1 he bridegroom i - \i. . ;n al M i.-. W. (>. Kills. ■ i. ■ " ill make their home : .News. Va. ✓—To Relieve MONTHLY-N FEMALE PAIN v. ::.» n who suffer pain of irregular pen sis with cranky nervousness— . to monthly functional disturb should try Lydia E. Pink Vegetable Compound to re . c. c such distress. Made especially - ’."i>tncn. Follow label directions. WORTH TRYING! LYDIA E. PINKHAM’S KgS -1—n-f n-TT~ Woman’s Tuesday (dub In Final Spring Meet Mi . Kiitf Walk ti w,i hostess to i ,hl' .an' Tut .-day Hut, yrg,,m„. a It ei H(" il; n it filial meeting of t i,t iluli Afar. I.lively arrangements of brilliant red re , s .aid .-ynnga were } Usefi m dee r.Pmg the rooms where the glie-1- v ere invited. " -1 b ■ a i am. president, jire ■ i sided over the business -e-sion. whle i WilS lea> "'o by a discussion ot plans tn report II. Hie nation;:! defense de partment ,,| the State Federation as to the numbei ,.| Hub member pledging ;n tile os-ent eanv a te. s.v.-tei eat a- pin ch;..- r .>| v. a.- ,, v .; ■sti n o ai d i ond . < Inc hundi d pcr eeot i •:i: t i-•.|11i. m m thi an- ei, , nl I- dt . ed. Ml A .1 . I ),. . l . ,. urer, rept> ted that lilt mi; . i bind : s he; eg s.-ed t. - pureha - ....... oonch Mrs. .1. T. A i ierman r< pre: ente • the Hub at the Fed! . atu.i; ...< el in A.-heville m April. She e\prc>s cd ih" gl.iube 11 a. I -II 111 I! e eier - tir ii ol \i r i ,eai: \ a k a . pr -“- ideiit and VIi W. i). Payne a . . ci :t ... ot Hie Stale .1 imioi ■d rs F. I- I ’a i'll;. ■ wa - a - .ed I o pi I'sent the plaip; ueh the Hun award.- eai-l . ; , Ha at Mendei ol! I:;;' - i ,a I. ■ the nr t ilUtstaiiriin.g p. ■ . ' the ,. ■; 11 plaque will I-. |- e i nted .i d nation night The pi og!: in ■ .. epeir ; 1 i 1 j "’I Iii-i e VV.i a | 1 i dee" gi\ en by \b Kale W.if.-ii - t '■ -n 1 • 11, | a, i.. i ■ Foe Id 'iitrig - - .tiding by \l . VI. I' I .erg i r- 1 l i a- t loel. by the i mi ll; -me A i - - a pr '' I "The ‘is ip ry Fditi a pi i-pa i e-1 by All \V ! W'ado 111, vv a- p r ■ en ti i by An ham W.iI . :'. Ti"1 I -" a. i ■ the - toi , i.i a mall tow n .loin nal lor iw enty \ e a-.-. in which a mo ' ion ■ ii am;; pci pa is given -t: 11 ''inienls ol tin- Alia r icall way "I iite. The journal pi .lit. only the - il I.-ige : r ".vs Aii - Leslif I , : y gave . very In tel r ; n ig ’ah. en Tee [.ate I I) viaipiii' lit- ' ■. I j • ' I; I - ir. i emu' toh I i .1 t lie tl em I "1 booh.; Ullde; ■ . , c ondii ion cal . eg . I tent ion to the pa11 '11.■: pub i -el- play .n . ai Weil-. I i a re nee(l"d l "i 11 eh cni Ira ma;g, ioi i — |e. on notrit mn ;. ■ I I ii t aid. i i ■ . ' l-a o ar; • ■ i ngar. .long 1!',' line ol civilian ric II ;:-e, Ill lei d ill'o \ ar condi 1 m -. local ,e:i oi -i 1 pl'ii”'.-, and for It isiire i eading. 'i'he progra11. c -i mi!ti"• lor 1 i! - h't, ' a 11 o. , i ' 1 "v; i S. Peace, M. . W. IT Waddill. and Mi M. I la-g. presented the prngrm: tui ne xt year, entitled Persona, tp c t erenees . They were reeei.e.l v.itt. most lo\ enable eommenl and the elob is looking onward with muen pleasure to the work. Mr. Watkins served a ik ia in two-eour.-e supper to hei yie-t- m die dining room and -an r m . An., Wesley .lone and her mother. .Mrs ■Mi Kenney, and All-. A. 1, Gaidir •• were guests loi tile alternoon. ; no members present melnde.l the I a lo .‘. ing: Mr-. .M. 1*'. l .t gg. .W1 . ileii. . Pc rr\ . Mr-. I. W. litu. 1 - - Mr-. .1. T. Aide, i■.a', ... . - ■ ' a. H i . Ml . S. T. Pea. ,. I." I erry. M W. 15 P. . . • b i Peace. Mrs I’>. ( ;. Allen, and Air a K. K. i 'ariiam. I is , SICgI \' ItllCSS Cl ass Is [it>\vInl<j Ta pliv a -a I lib . « ! t • r;' I 1 V I ink ,'V ei lhe Hi- S It .... , „g \| ey last night will abou 1 tv -1 - iJ(T filial super-women pa t iripat ing For the inform t n ol other w >m en n town who r I,: m- rib is .ted ui i ling, i: w a ;i' ei! : nigbi tll.lt -'ll ill. gen. I ; . , V 1. ■: a f‘ ■ tl'l a ia i a lightning A - . n ■ sample, M a ; I .III V Hry an Adam • 'd, high ■core ol 1 (IK by ending the ball down the alley 111.- , hall nl fire, but Mrs. A. \V ( a ,, ,| , -n. .1 w in there W ith a gei d ■" 11 e by gently laying the ball rl-nvn en tin III: V and ei' ing them an ene-uraging push. Ti i meilied 'A ■ ‘ii b'i ia r ,m -I |.h lour trikes of the evening and c l he a veragi1 < m • f. r tin gro-1,, v H: sev enty-five. whim foi begin i ii i wa.- goc id I muling. From ( cituinhii-, Mr, K. K Km: - In • .. Ii" n ( ’n|i 111 ill! i , f! a . v. 11 i' ■ ll" p- ■ n t i ' -1 a I A'eel at the Hal ' n bad (' I Kenner w:■:- ren>n 11 \ '"in;: : rl I'l. Fort .1 - , n, K ,, . n pc. at Coluinbn-, where !w r.as .as signed l" the execute. ■■ hoard lor the reel,is ilbra’ ion t ol l ieer , At Weldon Graduation. Mrs. K. B. Valentine ha- returned free Halifax where -lie attended the gradual mu exerm-e- at Welimn iiigh school when her niece. Miss Louise Bradley, was a grad t te. M i - Bt ad ley is now .pending several days here v. i 1 h Mr a • d M : Valentine ,1 their home at Kin Charles street. Continues 111 Kr rl I) McF dl in'lltii:11c• '!! .,1 hi Irene " I). . — street, h -. friends will regret to learn. Marian Martin Pattern * :9?30! *L'fcr' *1-0 TOTS SC MM Fit O! TF1T \ Hill ly idea lor *ni ill I yl" Th: ; mpl • Mai i n I'.l; n.n : Him ••.* . ». L'S . * : ' • 1 ‘ 1 ' " ’ 1 ; ' \ 1 '1 tael; nutl'it. Two neel; -Ivies. Pattern 993:) may be id i< I mil n ehildr.•n'- M/e- I 3 ”1 I •s;ze (i, dress, t*i quires It yards hich fahrie; * ■ h. 1 4 ' rd< " Inch fabric; slacks, 1 3 3 yards con tract. o.i'.J fifteen cents (plus one cen , cm. r c is: of mailing) for thi Tarian Martin pattern. Be sure t ■rrite plainly your s;ze, name, ad | Ircss and style number. Send your order to Henderson! Daily Dispatch, Pattern Department ■ 32 \V. l-'th St, Km.y Yr.N. Y Many Callers Inspect Hospital On Tuesday Numerous friends i.-ited Maria hn-.pital T esday i ... inti e ruing when 1! , h-. pital held '1« n house on the ■ ,,n ,,f \a_ -1 ■ Hi pital Day ■ ■ . ' ore tin regular pci iod |>,i (,.1U , s. I ton i .’5 to .) p. in., and lioin , p, 8 p. in. Wive.- nl doctors ,r-| incnl- o! ■he Hospital, togetl ■ with ladie 'I .< m i h e- is ninocted . ,ih i, a, - nation served as neepli.iii ei.i, - ■ U < N111 si’s also i i !o| i:e ,| _ ■ i. . and e. ei>rtod the vei ; he |,,,s n 'al lor in.- ptelion ,.| dl it . d< part nts. including the oil ce . diniii} 1 ■ reception ro . wards, pri ' n• room. . the ope. ..1 up room ,,i, i he baby ward. Man \vere greati> 11iei i'sl d m the X- \ e impmeni. ■ei niiy in tailed, ; nd -aid to u i"iig t!<e mo t moo,‘i n ohtainaole I'll iloaders,,n (I, !• n riiih. We ; Xii.I (.a.•den Club an :!., Lil t,, ■ (., an club lu 111 i ■ ,.ed .. ■ ■ < i, >, p., o m. nmneroii - iigc n enl adding greatiy to the attraeth ene.- i and lleauly of the lm-pilal. '•lie ' V ere : i\ Med !.t' the d:n lnfi ■•■in lm p.mcii ; mi v. .iters, in the ' inng a mu:.. .y. ,img •,> ... ■i’ll men i>er ..I the .! n. . V\ ..ii,;in'.~ ('Inn a - is ted in Irving pnne , and r escorting it . bnei? .... ' n hand a. they cmld pare the ti'm .aid greeted gue.-ts a, tie ai'terniioi, , and evening. Many ealli i brnngnt gi i t- tar the 1 ii■ >-1>11;t!. Including linen. p.wei . lamps and some ... I d nut on.. -X new u ms. \ ., ;...,||y d>. .tiling, p,. 1 tai i 111 i I the hospit \v;i add! pi.ii-'-d i lit a i i - e \ i s i 1111 ■ gi nei a ! i ■ "'ere impie a H with the ri maikable faci 1ilies <if the in litution. n< >\ the in i pa n:.,ii m t In ; v , *' 1 ve ;; , I i ..a, 1 eriii.;:, a I ■ a Ming one ,, i : at im.sl |,,. it' -ize in a eunniiwn.ly I a 'll I lendi 1 II. attendari. e I .! 'ml.. •• .e znr ' of hi- fatlu I S W T ’.rent .1' tended li.i C. Gai\ \V fi He,- ! I !! l; .1. . •.vere 11 1 a I . ■ “ e fi (•! confcrene, • |; , . ,\i. > ttn-:' ’ and \V I'. •. m . 1 ten et; Pony Th< noi • .’ti ed ', <!.,’•• •• • ■ ' ivcer . tioll- fee ,.1 11;: 1:1. 'll '1, . . e|| The next nieeiinu There i • . met:m; .,t the club rext Tile-day, \ ,t» a invi.lv of the mi to attend 1 • e fi ’ 1 * ■< , 1 • 1n Kaleistl 1 'nni ,-e--a: v j01-. > , ■ f is sal), .taste a. I,"trie, e-■ ,,1 1 ot i omr from «Irlatulo Mi and Mi .? |J (»t*t and rhil rl* «*f* arrived ?h» • ••nmp Tr* ()i I ■ * IH I* * Klni .i,. . . ;.i i i' II ir p i. t M-veiai v. • II \ \ r I 1 \ < Iininilinini) . >'.n_ ' I 1 • . V ( • ni: ■ •?; if. . Innocents .!l are attend Meeting Held For Shaw Philathcas Th h'.h.u I’li kill’ a i-'.i ,,| the h 1 -' 15 Jill chiii’fh laid m mtii •a Mu in the 1; d pai Inr Mnn hay e\ ng u ith th esi lent, Mrs aia) ,' ti Iiavis, leadir ; *iu grnup in • mg ng '• I'd I Ale the S’ rv ,,r ,|n .ps" a. the* opening hymn, "At II. h. C ha ’ y. a, a : -p’-ak -a, conducted a very v p ng devitmn d period, with her diject “Christ I tealing ,’ 'til I him r A,' ed-|’he re 1 human need is tin. guidance of •h” ■!'. the I, I gilt nf ■ ■ , World Mr.. (; 1 ry a d Ihe cjne.-li-.ti i "Are w e a ■ ( hri; ! au earrying 'hi I ;ght and •l,:ng the’-, I- \v hwiid'"' Mi’ •' i'l anklin Mill, oik . ,| pr ,j,. i'' 1111a 111I n n, h' !’, Norfleet fi I alnru expaeis 1 1 "Pin' e i a 11 • i • tn mother for what I hey m m tn the eiuireh. tile enm '""nily, and youth. 11. read a tribute ""’ther . "A lieaulifn] gift fn,m " hi r tn her children is faith in le us." Regular .tine ,r la,s w;, 1' " ai'-fed, and e unni't te - appoint eh 1 I tile : ext month a'-e , fn| il'"" ■ Air J I, Fini-ti. A1 • Ai •! VV'iudlief: room. Mi W D Ah': ee. All".. [I. F Burgee, -irk, A'1 W F Walker ..Air S [>. p:p Ti'e' ■ Air.- .1 ('. Si.ainhaek: per - -”'■ ■1 s n ice. Air- J S. Mill e, Mrs (' D Allen: hostes i -. Mr- W. It ha-pea. Mr-, W. K. Walker. Mrs .1 Franklin Mills. The Iiingran was in charge nf Mr. U D. Mu-see. Mrs. F. G. Sliava. and M - Rivi - Mrs Shaw 1" I in ” singing i*i the Philathe.a hymn l'1 he -- me w her listen ng ‘ Mrs. Mill id !h* w,n d- tn an old mi g :-. V a 1 eg - 1 m Mnt her'.- Du v. et i', t1 - At AT tiler' Knee.'' A (•■'”■ no-ru of AT-s J a ' 1 1.. I Mm P. ,b W s ... ■ . ehi'K. "V:'d Nm T ■ ... "i‘" nd "'r:! In. T ..... • , I11 ,iv •h (' St a: n!i.. ef- u’e .min u a. II a- the p: Pin Ala-. Albert 1" ■ 1 ", "IV. . "..a 1 :■ di*’ '"s n t If 1 • " S III Ml the Ah. I in”, tiy Merrill' 1'd. ii Negro dial et "Dodgin' " ' '-I ■" liv -I ■ AI - i p, a’ he g a- > "The Giddy Clock' hv Smith. W’i alt pm class en.i iv e '••'•".v "inch. A e. m t -t Was en lie: ' d in wh r’h e.a 'll • rs-m was asker 1 s'l'i’>le iumhli d words .ararer' h sn that thev med a seiitemu ■iti' ".hieing th n * rs nf the PliM.i ■ a aid Haraea el sos F ght 1 -am I sent: nee (' arw” iy. mi AJa- F Purnell va 's •; winner wliei ha’’.- v -re da:, v : She was | we nt d an epiply - mar di-h. T' 1 'a e . A! AI ,1. W - dliel ' ' ", • M”s. .1 I. F t> id Mr-. AI 1 . • i aaerl rielie us refreshmen 1 1 );huv of I .inn.1 i I" I"' " lilrtl ll\ ■ 1 ,:i' t ’ 1, nip i 11!, n | •i'f ! ' r.M fi nr ' p,1 i . to ‘ ,■ ,, ' ,i .r.M' I, i nioj, 1 ,,| i| "|'"i "ii I ip cli'li on May ;'o , " 1 ' I .mil, ilnli, il .,. ,i . .in i in, v 1 today The diiii! •• will 11, inl.il n I. an 'll he 'w ’ i 11 . i ;pi, 11 ' ... J ,i h: 1 ■ mil will i". .'ai■ rI onl\ 4 CLINIC KLSUL'IS ANNOUNCE! ■ mai lpo\ vaei n i ion I realnmint I', gi\ i u dll.! i■ . irru and dipn ’"in \ i iriivili ai • were given Id •l.ikifeli at pi a r ill t'lillics call lUeii'd at city and county el nnen " y ai"mis do. i,.: April and Hr 1 : lew day" "l May, il was an need loo; v at Pa oil ice ol l.h . A 1 1 ■ ii ga, conn ly i :1th illv r. \ " rd wa load" ■ 11 me total iiuinhe • chiIdrc n e\amim I by the mn hers ol Up health (apartment stall .und Members lo Lose U. S. Citizenship i' ontmued urn Page One) trooper imil’nrnis while swastikas fluttered. Ik S. Attorney t ail Phillips di "rioe Klappri tt a- notoriously and "P' illy one of tito chief leaders and active members" ot the bund. The otli-.r native Germans named ni the proceeding: William Dre\ lei. Newark; Matthias Kohler, Irv ington: Fredrich Savle, Maplewood: Arno Friedrich. West Qrange: Rich ard Schiele, Un'on o’d Rudolf flaob ('alter ;.n. Pictured above i- Mi Marya Slattfi'V o I I h 1< o i. Me i ci i a who will del IV or trie iii'i .! H ir." laureate -a innn .1! K. .n ('■.11 f _ Si 1 d v morijin.n, M i> 1V .it I 1 :Ml o'clock. She ha attended n mi'T in inti mat ional religion - coni'crcticc and has 1h* : ap)m ara:j. on the plat ' Form since l!i!0. She ha. wn'tcn sc\ era 1 la. n 1]: 1 nd a weekly eon 11 ibi. lor to pili> 11e;d ('ll • . • (1 n tile Sir lay oho : >t the C j • ; t >n (Christian church. Mayor Powell Fells Rotary Of Defense Mayo, Henry T. Howell, head Civilian Defense here, spoke to th. R"'aelan Tn. - day 'W up ,, t , 'Clock ai tile \ nee hotel on tn civilian defense set-up here Mayor Rawed was introduced b\ R H Rpse. .Jr. l’nc eh ■ lam defens; lead gave tli, u-torira! backgr.-und ni deten.se I' :: ■! ■1 11": -. lie .-aid. defended '•hi isei\ es against Indian attack • g darlv. Mien stockad - tor \ dlag ,irotect a.n. ( ongress established ai. irm\ • i go men nd oft jeers for th: h ie" -a "I A . e , H ■ e.e deleus ''i: ■ an i \ , rinu- a 5 Ala.v. r Rowell d a,a i,ed the (id : Pel p n; a , ; •'■o 1 1' nil.,: ry man . awl, a .:,a' 1 Aon I sags mdi r Im ' i • 1 A a told n 1 1 a l odl n inn . o ■ til.lt ila - i>>'• d -• .'tun mik pa, hoar. 7.11(11 'nia a 1 a and a h mi) eapaedy o lie o| me A - I 1 I ’.",l'()0,n"u. ;1 \ ulneral.ile to numb ing attack... R. a , .. ,,| .. , M Mae ...■!■ .. a d. air I: .,1 I 1 h ml ( lit s in a.■! e , ' ' the ’I f I m; ami , ■ . j 1 nan Would r a * t; 11 1 • pi n a 11" 1 11 a r; van it dn- p; e. 1 ■ t , ‘a. I ke .0 ;. ’ 1 1 j n ,n :' 1 •! .' a . 1 -, ;. 1 ff.-is c 1 ■:!f1 Hot Ac ! .ad , nee V a Kim! d a. . In .'-O' " "A ' ...1 a. .... nr m en l a H. ml |. "lllire. '.'.I a ■ : ; nd rout die 1 d -a I-. f ‘he Norfolk Na 1 Cmr nr. id I) ‘ai led e\ n! 1 no t am ■ , _• ■ \ aa p •. I -feet on n,| to a a- • , . 'he H'dip v. tin >R p Ir Tmite; oil,. I Mg', 'h • 'I'd 1 a It'd - potter . D ' 1 1 the lim ! d : 1 m . ■ mi n 1 ten ere e!' eo u the siimiker' a,ineludmg r< marks Ted Hade , Sillfiifd Ii:i!.1 rimi, at te did the e ting, unking 1.0 ; CARD or TH ANKS. w- • 1 a thank our many 1 riend or the kind espre • r m of syi'tn th.' hov n tin In' mg the illness and dent! ■ I on- he].«' rd iHislao'd and fat ter II v \\ Jar ;son. also wish ti thank the ones vhn ^ont the man; bea'.itiful floral designs MRS ROY W JACKS! A i ' r A MILAR (FLOWERS I M>t: I I i: i <x i ~ ■ < \ I rin.np :;sn itn or Night I pi. f J ( p pg • tip I I KWPUU.I.II I HJ4Jl^r'-r- — I I II win — fSKH -Vtt-jrf:.V( IXVKST lO'f IN WAR SAVINGS ) —WgtMVCKgn I Jl'KT ARRIVhl) | j Nelly Don Summer j ' ;i ..if check tissue gingham | ! mAw f ii ^ I |?j Cool, refreshing t fi style - in the young | manner, by Nelly Don. g n i j J It; Crisp organdy c ||| collar makes a ^ i^ dainty frame for ;jj ft (four face. Neat, -~ 'jV easy lines in the £ |[| skirt - with a fj jyi smooth hipline 5? and soft unpressed |! Ig, pleats. The kind of || !|j dress you always ;*•, jr need, always ;Xj '|i treasure! Hlue, Igj \i\ tan. green. 10-18 ||j II ^ •. v, "• •£*;» ty«21 i i \V a i|) • i» 'J r A Ii ***** 1 j|i (11) u,' 70 for (Jrnco)y i ><'Ii\«• r;.'. j|M 1 " trucks will have imlin Mr<l g;i i !<• ’1 'i■ 1 Ij j 0 \ • ■ r t . <i :, . i'i ur <I (a it ,i (inV 1 1 d.v ‘111 •' ! 11 ’ f ■ mg!c c”:.;. iv.cr j;cr day beginning Xt'iiday. jy il —*★*★*— | 1 psFiSWAN * 1 !coupunsk i $ -*r> *★* % i E. G. Davis & Sons Co. f l" p i<geS3KK.‘'jga.2?-GV- > SWAN^the first really new white float* ing soap since the Gay Nineties, is so different — we double-dare you to coni para it side by side with any old-style flouting soap I'so Swan! Tf you don’t say—“Swan ?s tops!”- mail us the v. rapper. We’ll send double vour money back. Sv.au, Lever Brothers Company, Cambridge, Mass. Go ahead! Feel a rake of Swan—then Now compare the suds: Look! Swat* feel any old-fashioned floating soap! lathers If times tjae-i : . gives mart Swan is smoother, much firmer has suds titan old-f.i ti med floating lots less moisture. It's more soap for Soaps. Suds that doe'* g.> thin and )'imr monei . \o need to .-.tore it to skimpy in dishpan o: we m ow). And harden. \\ e'vo done it for you! Swan Swan givest hack, vCvety father even won’t war]), either. in hard Water! Sniff! Swan nmrlls cleaner, ns fresh Pure? T. . 1 !■• rr » . (\,t ’* huy as mountain air! Break Both! S\\,.n a - >an ti a t ' >.■; t p, Sv. a. It's diviilos into two lo\a ly c. < ono as tr i a ■ :n . pa .1 fint• , olivs for the kitchen and one for tic I. a d- <■.; 1 . t •. 1 which makes room! No rough, wakeful i"i.; ; to Sw.ai id. .J f-.p I. 1 . delicate skin; Swan, pit her. Id ea! < smooth..,-, < - fo: • itnpk-M-..! ; for busy, soft, ily, without knife or string! white hands. TUNE IN: GRAC3E ALLEN George Burns • Paul Whiteman M A DF CY 1 ' 1 ,IV ‘ 1 5 ‘ lEVfR PRC.'HLRS COMPANY CAMBRIDGE, MASS. -— ——— Save with SWAN SOAP DOES MORE WORK -COSTS NO MORE! Two convenient sizes—Large and Regularl

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