professions Hot Crowded Stewart Says War is Taking Many From L0ng-Filled Ranks; Women Take Places. IP (II Uti l' S r. STI W ART ( ria i';11 I’rcss Columnist May 12 Now's t ho . . nto one ol the - tl |.rofessions , notoriously ovor t - ol years. Schools . v and theology have liinte- la ter than the iii Id he absorbed. ; .• . . iia\ e hung out their d mighty few pat ()lder practitioners .ilable m more than it:- to prescribe t r t.w: invalids and new ilien ill last enough :o ... generation ol med i nt and keep em in au ,1-n't developed adc .. ah briefs I'nr yuuth .:: id solicitors. Male backward to keep ■ criminal ease.-. eemingly have hern ( eu orse. Cracking into . en slow work, heretofore, fi e(|uenl - 11lg along indetmite nterne before starting , , •. 'ept ndently. A junior ju • , ... be satisfied, up into j' , ill, a minor clerical jon „ • . established firm, be . ,n court in bis indi ■ . , , , ' V i gyman has remained ,. ; ..hat corresponds r.> ,• : iciilar denomination, p a church of his own. I no Many. i en a plethora of 'em: |; a .a "I it. : a has to have an ol i aai lo extract it iroi11 ; a re's going to be no ... ggregation from whirl. , e all eligible kids are j, • _ .a! into tin' milling , V, they come out. II the r, • ; bit. it'll be too l:d | alt. at that late date. •t r into something else. . a lew of 'em are m j: ■ ! rale Sam wants 'em •> *•' 1 1 u.*-y if lurried i — all ■! tin oil ■.tonal I. ■* Vu ,i,g I a V. v t-1 Uii llit- judge udVu ] '■ i It . ■-> , tl. . a f •i.lpi.iiii: tup . young lawyer I.. in, judge, ! cate i, c! I . a. > till h t »»i < •! i, ** 11. Lir I « ac.tiicv Tin v ie -j.t r ahsP. and | tin . it- needed i,nc wav ur i.uullu i. . Ilf ilralli:.;: ul em beguming ■ u. it: ate a , aemm, ' Til cl nip.- who nu/.e bail, ml,, t, at the war's end. will relill ,t con siderably, if.t the guy- who’ve made , go, a! me aim hile will in- i, xed t,, |--tick considerably. it's gut-ed es | pecially it the row- t.-ng enough drawn out to ha\nst tution a!'•- ct today - inennihtuil I I In- i-n't my lone hypothesis. | It - the testimony ol the Ameri I ran f'ouneil ol Kdueation, which lias | quizzed n >re than 1.0(10 inst.tu j lions on the subject But ifte 11. i - Looking .Ahead According to the AC’K's dope, our post-war practitioners (I'm speak | ing ii ". tly .( ii ,(•< and lawyers) I will be pi iaeipally ladies < > ii lads will have b en largely swiped oil' l and the gals v. ill ,! ■ the hull: ol our I doctoring and litigating lor ii> from then on lor a heck of awhile, and maybe on .nt-< 1 ■ yeluity. AC'F-.s nv< tig..tors don't' refer j alone to comparatively well-known | professions, like medicine, law and j t h- i 'iogy, Its quiz, under di.ection of Dr. C. S Marsh, poked al-o into miscellan n lu- day. .viay ~*I .d li ..‘tint! ilil- 1,1 .idliutill^, tv.iTl'i t Aiil m 1 1 Jijjloiiii:... it*rti 1 K’.iIt- , iilht .n,,ii ii.. 1 • 1 I In* . . t I i I \ . • (it 1 ; ' hn.lit- by 1 .(a . .John lit . A.t't i!, I ) | j : pi i. ui< nt of ■ hyt C'ollt i'.t ('‘iii.t.ii S. ( Schaub Warns Of Inflation College Station, Hal igh. May 12. Farmers have a vital interest in the present government program to r >n tro! the cost of living. Dean I. (). Schaub «old -tall in mbors ,,i th ■ Stan College Kxte. . Service at a conference here I |r -aid tb it inc Extension Service. the oduca lonai agency designated by the I' S I) - partment of Agriculture to seep peo ple informed about war-time emu gency programs, must acquaint f rm families with the dangers of infla tion. which the President’s recently announced seven point program seeks to prevent. "Farmers who rememb r the f.rsl World War. and the di aslrous re sult* which followed the upward spiralling of prices, should welcome the price control program." Dean Schaub declared. "Farmers will be particularly pleased to know that pt ices are to be controlled before lurther advances occur in the cost ol itines which they must purchase for their farms and (heir homes." The Extension direct r and agri cultural leader said that President Roosevelt's ay,Deal for tic curtail ment of installment buying, and the reduction of debts, should receive serious consideration ol everv farm ( r. "Buy war bond.- and stamps." he said, ‘‘tor by so doing, you are helping to pay- tor the war effort and helping yourself too—putting money aside for a '.-unny' nay after the war. "But only those things which you must have," Dean Schaub cuntinued. “spend less for living than you did last year. F'actorics producing for war cannot produce enough goods for use to maintain our isu .1 way of living. Be willing to do without some comforts. We cannot nave all we want if our soldiers and sail ors ar. to have all they need. Buy War Bonds or Stamps STATE DEBATERS WIN NATIONAL TOURNEY Raleigh, Hay 13.- For tin funrti. consecutive year. State College has won the national direct ela-l debate championship by amassing more points than any other team compet ing in the sectional tournaments. Members of the champion-hip team ere William Allred, Badm: David Harris, Newell; John K Beasley, Houi-burg; and Stanley C. Schwartz, Baltimore. Md. The State College team participat ed in tournaments at Durant. Okie., Toltdo. ()., and McMinnville, Ore. Prof. Edwin li is the team. c< >acn. Yniir dollars are ,.eod d ha' vvai production. Help vour state met-; it. War Bond (junta BARCLAY ON BRIDGE By Shepard Barclay "The Authority on AuthurititN" KEEP VOl'It MOUTH sill 1 "TALKING across tin- table' n. considered highly unethical, as thereby you give information to your partner which he is not en titled to possess Even we re that not so, informative remarks ubout your hand, except by means of the bids you make, come under the heading of very had bridge If you are trying to mislead an opponent, once again yon are out of bounds from the standpoint of the proprieties, and if \ou are speaking the truth, you may find that the information gets used against you by a clever enemy And it will serve you right VQ842 ♦ A K J ♦ A Q J G 3 A iu 5 2 -a y V 9 6 5 N. _ 9 a k .1 7 ♦ 9 6 5 4 2 U) 3 •St" 2 c ♦ Q 10 8 3 -— <|>K 8 4 AAKQJ7G43 A 10 ♦ • 4> 10 9 5 (Dealer South Both sides vul nerable. ) South West North East 1 4 Pass 3 A Pass 3 A Pass 4 v Pass 4 NT Pass by Pass 5 NT Pass 6 A Pass 6* East did not say a word during the bidding of this der.l. but aftei West led the heart 9 to the J. he could not contain himself "Here's one you wen t make." lie exulted A iVi ill l S l 'lilt'. cl ahce • xperl. bent .1 ... the r< mark, and then deckh the correct way to insure Isii• -• i against defeat Deciding to i •< d upon East for ak if tilt out standing strength, and therefore to refrain from finessing eittiei clubs or diamonds, he elected t< build a beautiful “Vienna coup ' He ruffed the second heart lead and led to the club A. to deliber ately set up East s K, and then ran off his remaining sever spades As he led (he last one. he retained the club 10-9 and the diamond 7, while in dummy In kept the diamond A-K .) discard ing the club Q East could not ills card the club K without making the 10 good, so tossed a diamond from the Q-10-8. whereupon tin dummy's three diamonds finished the hand 4 ♦ * Tomorrow’s Problem ♦ A K J 8 2 V Q ♦ 8 7 Jft A Q 9 7 0 ♦ 10 7 1—77- ♦ 9 5 4 10 5 4 ’ Uj V Q J 10 0 *K J S 4 s 3 “ ". *QC4 4 A J 9 3 2 4 A K 2 «M° 9 (Dealer: South North-South vulnerable.) What is the right way for South to seek all 13 tricks at No Trumps on this deal after West : loads the spade 10? T i. triljU.JJ.-y Kin?; Features Syndicate, Inc HI Y \VAK SAVINGS H<;.,i)s AND STAMPS today: DAILY CROiiWORD §8§Wv|| ACROSS S Fiench JU Ostrichlike . F, A. S jh,F C> M 1 Touch e/.d article hi/d .F if?j| BrFF.N F i l. to end 11' M'.iiuw <1 Auiiii/r ' v >* 5 Appendage I*»!•..• ^ ' §?" ' ®i« 9 Smash I 1 > ; :. \ .ite of 'J'l F lot *** '£ • I If Skill disea - > I u r cd'd.-i y. r i> tOSI-' i. r II EruiliL M 1 .n at Lake : . W< r i:. ■ a p ^ . , *A8|0' p j 13. Babylonian I". 1 ■■■:•■. <■ out :4 Pieced out r' p|fc' 3 HT+k' 15 Covering ol i ei k 9 Slip grad JSo'R.G v\8r N .E'jji false ha:r An ipostl. illyaa.iv jgjJHs k • fel|. HbSi in Elect rilled 24 Hastv 1u Seif particle repast 4 1 Hulled LdmU; , A„,„r, 19 Mai aw 21 Tear along ' !.•;:! 2d Speak 2. Cushion 47 Male adult : • i • 21 Wine 7- Ma-eulm. is Feminine ».• • • receptach name name 7: M i, t. 22 Speak imperfectly 24 A shred 25 Resolutt 29 Coronet ;;0, Cent aim-rs 36 A filament. 37 Parrot ,3k Sea eagh 39 Permit 42 Maseulmt namt •43. Conjunction 4 4 Past 45 Strange 46 To authorize 4 9 War god 50 Always 52. LInit of force 53. Venture DOWN 1 Jewish month 2 Stabilizer m a vessel 3 Employ 4. Melts 5 Having a strong taste 6 Highest card 7 A state ( KYI’TOQlOTK—A cryptogram ((notation K J A L L M N C O B Q K P S R P A J 1 A T R N A U J M J T V S V J P S V J 1. K T T K N A 1 P J W R K M L C V A U. Yesterday's < Y> ptoquote: A MAN HAS LV’.SS t9 h. ACTKXt.T WHEN IN LOVE THAN IN ANY OTHER CONDITION SCHOPENHAUER. Dt.-lnbut'.-d b> King Feature £ynduv.e, In SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By k > .> A. /~ )OMLlOWKS iK NICARAGUA _Vut J-i-8 have Street crossings SE-r WI TOR PEDES:^% - IRt XcJ W • WtlEK A MAM l$ uHAEil 4 -1b sVRi'fE His kame, ik n f wHA*f wav' does He Dr. \ / n file xww,,^ AHofE? H.H.RiiM,;- % \l»r pp o Kerr fuP K _ ,i...t, . REP MD PlKK B/MAKlKq ACROSS ' - u,, umYil OR MARK _-• MA-fnRity L—~———«—j Ak. e.', 1!'.) Pc.v. rs ' . , ^EKERAIIOMS •C‘i_ _______ (ML OLD HOME TOWN By STANLLt ...".v ’“FT. ~ ■' / I PICKED EM : iP ) / 'O'- ^ > CHEAP AT AN V f sM1*'1 T;T sj-i k l auc t/ctn to pat. \\ ^OOO'T-—T THEY MAY COME IN MANJPY COAT v__ T//MEE ! j— it.; THAT planked FISH.V/NTAOF ISO/ - A/NT PISH ), sniFFEDowg's either: /5 s -a HA.' ( TF „->A ,Y ■, v tr-Tf T.-T "TO :?■' _ eY^*T_ THE BOVS AT MRS SDLPHDP'O BRIMSTONES BOARI//NO HOUSE WERE THROWN WTO A PANIC TODAY COPYRIGHT m2 KING FEAM.'RHS S\M'KMK P >’-•'» • : L I - i IM- *5 ‘ I ^ IKyO _ ' / ~ ^ ~~~~ THIMBLE THEATRE—Starring Popeye “The Popular Model.” TEN EVENS JUARSHlPS.1) | f C2r\ri ' n *>M1 THE AMMUNITION MEr) [(buR AMMIMoNlIT ION ISl % SIXTEEN TO OMt ? ') OC/C/A^dODaa BROUGHT DON'T FITj MesTTHlS \~7 TOOBIlA A. / - --- A our CANNON , "" ,rr aoa, lT ) n AIK.H IT ? - .... ^ 1 F NT TR FAVOR-THESALL) A /. ~~ ,T=_. , ~S ...., ISABOLT --- /HAH! THEW 12- A THE SIZE < ... B)jT / ': .• "' ~Q L ARE STARTIN' ONCE/ (^UJE NEED J MMM KIN SHOOT MOR? Moras we ^ '.yf _ — . "-LUILL ANSWER - • v-, - - -O'/--. — 'EM THIS ML Jj ’ t'4~ ' -T TIME M v— 6y PAUL K(Jbi' oUN Dont BE 1 . look he knows you get L nosoap/ jp Bur im NorrnviN' f. \ " ."i , i A DROOP I LONESOME. PAIcTCED in EMEKy PELOicvurOF-- rocJJnMOW | \NH, O' Yi-U .SAV-YO. I AD|KrrJ NlGHf SO HE ASKED ME TO THE HEARTS, DANEY 'HE'LL BE I THAT MAKES IT" j--• Uom, CONVOY YOU AIA3UND- ■ I'M HIS iN SERVICE THERE." ME 1 1 1 ltjHr • j j BllDO HE r :-J CLUB AND l ASKED me TO ' CANTCUSrJ BEING Y OK r down . f Aoooo -Ji example r J'i3 BLONDIE — (Registered U. & Patent Office) One Man in a Thousand. By Chic Young / 0\o YOU WARE ME WELL IF YOU Ml M OT rPOVI A MICE MAP WAMT YOUR > L“s Is JUST FOR OME PEMMV. VOU VE GOT PEMMy 7 TO GET IT , THE GUMPS — WILL POWER -■-- - --- ■ - i- i - 1 * ' ^ usmnwM ■■■ ““1 ■■■ —WBta1 StC! !5 / but i wave A Bill of sale n. ;; 7 FOR TWE MUMMY CASE AND ITS L 7 CONTENTS - FROM YOUR UNCLE'S / ESTATE - AND YOU' MAY WAVE _ / \ FERRETT’S WORD TWAT ' \ TWE RUBY WAS FOUND ’ \ IN TWE MUMMY CASE.' J I