Hvniterstnt iBmlxj Dfspafdy _-—— _<>MA' DAILY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THIS SECTION 01- NORTH CAROLINA AND VIRGINIA 1 u; )-''lNIH \EAR . HENDERSON, X. WEDNESDAY Ai rERNOON, MAY 2<> ■. . N I-'iVE CENTS COPY It s Back Again ■ \ ' ,T. \V alnsek (left) of C. i ar. i Me t, .' ■- -fl* j Acme, Wyo., arc sli »\vn i. . • an . ..• of > «,. ,j . , a newspaper printed weekly ; : • r.s • f un- l i . . armed forces stationed in Ur. i.n. ((,'• r1 ml I'n; :.. j Ai - dian Prime Min ist< ■ Declares "Our Fn_y Men Hourly f the Supreme ! Air Forces Are A< live. . \ ssi >eia11 ‘i 1 Pivs> ) .a 111\\ ■ 'i I 1 iy tilr ll'l'i at Russia, tlir far Par at rr t■ if >k oil all omin :■ lli I'iralirr tmia) a 11I A I’nmi■ A] imistt"' -I ■ ■! ; ( ■ : iii'd that "the t.-mi• airlc i' iiirrcasiiijr ami I’r; nirn hourly i’arr nit U’st." mms statement, possible .it the imminrme ol a i!• ! tpanese invasion threat. I upon China's warning' ■!. i > that Japan was pre P i mu jor offensive to ' ■eueralissimn Chiang Kai main ( liinese arm> and ( !; imi out of the w ar. i li ive b >en told tlial the ew weeks are ira light i\ e possibilities." < urtin 1 repeat that warning in rnrst terms." Dm t y M • \ dri . i i ’ ■ I' \ , Aym new •: 1 ■ - , Cist :i: > •• • 1 \ ■ I ,'r ,D-y ,• r C.< ’*• 1 '• n- \n chc.-i: !lu' .1.1 :iii: • 1 , • i , | , ! ! < ■ • i.. • , i(j . on .1 i; lo: i 11 :11 th(' [’AT I p 1 n M ’ ' !! ,lT( Ill fl U ‘ I! 1 P robation 1 >ai)> Dispatch Bureau, In (lie Sir M altar Hold, it' BOB TIIOMI SO\ . A! ,y 20 A11 h • :g! -\ ■ 1 ■ i ll pi ipulat a u 1.1:4 a: <1 although .els are smallei m ai i a 1 ' n the state, tie.- : i a:: ■ a : ■ • e, ing sentence- "ii pro ■ i lium s tn rise. '1 otiay thei i active probation 'Uses " 1,11' ".an there have been at an> ■ e the probabtion la" " a; 1 ' at a halI veat - ;; s’M II. eetor Harr' S.n ; < AiJ?es Want 1,000 1" Janes ! I o Raid Nazis j"'; ":;/j" . 1 I. I : i 1 . f> () 1 I | ! j . I P t ■ it .IK: Ml1 - i 1 I .111 • t' >. i 'Kindt'(1 I’! i i \ ■ , l» ’iilli .'i - Hi 'P - . ...; , jI I v, ' ; 'i'(■ 11 ! 11 : : \ (1(‘\ t i' 'I ■- i ■ (i. ill . lit I. ( : { : ,()•..! . i ()j; '!( ■ P C n\ - g c s Sep ara’ . iTMairii-}- of De .it . =v V- *, I imdon. \la\ -1 \ Leslie Hon Heiisiu. former w ti >: t ret. i n a nd a ^ I.«ir|> eritie >-i Britaii war leadership in .ed i tod t v to est.ihli-dmient ol a s< par ah oi:i' stn ol defense Hoi! Hehslia declared, how r\i-v that ilie government would not !■. "hounded itdo opining a western front against • g shat it ' perhaps would in i}4. gt i undet taking in Uritish ipiliiar.N hish»r> and worse than not undertaking it would he t" undertake it and tail. , . . m. "1 '• -K' : . r x ,• ns '•'•‘d !h;;t Pi-it; e M ti lt ■. . ■ : mod h.v Sir St ' 1 hiM-nt. ^ ^ ^ < (’.- rtt .iio-fi ii I’ •-> ’I wo) I Ayres Now In A rmy •!.... \\' - \l \ :M AP. X .. I \v : i\ l: t led ,u ,nt"- in i i hi-eieiit.. 'll- >!>.ioc .... ,, in | In- n. t'll 111 eied I -I l,;1i • ■ t\ n the medical .,,!..,. • n’t i r ( . i : - - -: i i i . n't , . ■Avmj lung '-"'and " - •’ 1 - ’ ,,n • . • ,, , Ml i hurt i >!i ’ AM, . ■,! 'Ml M-" .11 \\ •. ■ e< 'ipp let t'd. ,,j i i),,t 1'u'V n ,1 !M in I ,, _ . . 1 , • 1 ; . t I . C Stl i Preparing For Invasion Of Can casus, ind kusssU Jj <6 C ‘4*- it v>yri \i, g *•> a*. •? "’ l i ii ii ©f. V 1 r 8 * e- u ■• ■ \. a y s a n cl iv’iO..ii -'. ■>.-, o "i m 11 tee P u t s r ; ;i i .*>. h i n g FcueLes on Measure, Hiking Normal Levy ansi Increasing Sur taxes. . . i Vi i 1 A i ’) -1 i I !■ ; - v. and nl•.•;i;is •I 111 Mi:: let I: ;i I i !n 1 i ill I>J| i MU' i ii a-1 ii - . i ■;! \ ii ip .•• i ivdi'. id11;ii ' . i, ta\ ; . ■ s, iii-iv:i ini mi a. it■ \ \ n i in 1 :11 d ]K i1 v-a; tin< }■: 11iv - irtax. - -1mi■]i v ii | iv. ard. ( ’! i Mi i; I: ] )|IV111 (> 11. I ); 111(1 •rat, Xnr; h ( a!'"iina. ail nonne •d ii mi tin r.anniitt<-r had l ! •. ( d 'III I I III ilHTt -Ml' till' 1 1' > I' ll a i tax rain and to strive Ini' hi additi'iiiai SV.7do.nou.nun in Vliil''. dill hi• ih t'iiIH'it In dis •I, n .• hat - ri rat n minht Members indicated tnat tile present II per cent surtax on the first SM.'UO nl net income pro bably would be jumped to I! or I ! per cent, and that the maximum would lie So or H.i per rent. On tile I ; per i cut basis, a married couple with two cliild reu and a Sd.ibHl net ineome who now pai s'-iX wonitl bale to pa\ SH : next year. \ simile man witli tin- same salon, who now bus a lax bill o! M. would be faced w ill: a tax ol about Uln next 1 eai . d”P»'«dimt mi the second surtax bracket level. T , 'Ml ■ d 1: ■ 11 .-a,.v I- i ’ ■ • Mountain Streams F Al ter mg dn. ; ! :■ d fi -| a . .1,! \ i , " II tfi f ll'l It if 1 I 'll t .1 ■ i'Yene: I. ■. i :'■■■! * Ft ,1! that Hm I! . '.I- inn'll impn j * ui an the Kn »; i iiicl ' ■'i ' «• \ j t-'i •• -i'ti ■ i \i1 • i St-i >' I’YA i i > 1 ■■ n1 ’r '1 ; • ns|>erlmf! In' fit far., 'll Ti-I,' \ i■■ . 11 . t-i i '■ :. niiiritiii.ti llt’iimt it .if. tin . •'.!■ s in.in mi' j i inuotl a i i'i -ft; in.: v. 1;..! win'. I n tfl irials said \v;.~.1: ’ i: ■ 1 ivfiil | i| ;|.-FJ ;; if! 'f' in ’ v. t ■ 1 v > linin'' i'i i r i v 11 " I: i ■1 • n f ;i It'l | ■ f■'I '■ ! v 1 f .1 1 ; i.\ ! 1 1 t i. win ’ ! 1 'If I n ' | i ! M ! i': III'I II 11 II I; i .. i '"l'. 'l It;! it .Vt'stt'l I ] \'"lt il t '.11 "i. ilk 11 .1 n. . I 1 1 i, ill 111 in | ■in. n ill: "I l'.,t n i w. | ' "if i'n. 1 i • !■: "fn 1 I Thirty-Three Seamen Killed, Bringing Two Weeks’ Casualties to 64 Sailors. New Orleans. Max dt). \P — Tin* a\i> toll of cargo ships in the (i til) of .Mexico grew heavier ton.-' following the announce ment ?>> the eighth naval Bis triet here of the sinking of two more medium si/etl ship- <»! I . S. r gi ir\ last week. Thiitv-three seamen we;. killed in the last two sinkings on Max Id. bringing the total < ■ na 1! ies t<> (> 1 sr im -n in a bout two v. " • - k s. Sevani ships have ii attacked and six sunk. One w t , tow ed to pm I badlx dam aged. !•;« • Wt i. i-. . ited i'• a ’ h* :• • :• hip v fcivaking ;p a : •11 llllh' Martin, Ross 0 d. ;\ 1.; : • •'. 'iii ! ' h-i.R-.i.' !r';! . 1»,i’ ir t ! 11 i * 1< : . his camp, inrluu.i•. :iur i 1 .laiRi*" * R 'Hi i ! hai'plv 'it 1hi‘ -cm..’ ’> ’ •• u*\>r-11• l!d i.:i! - !i H-.I bor. M‘ 1 1 on \on n< ( MtOI.lN \ * «: i ,• i ■ (‘i s:.tnvors lo i ll No rly Victory New Material May Solve Gas Shortage r ••• r | ; %rr 1 v ivJil Ju.slice D e n z. rtment investigation C 1 e a r s ■ or aior of Nev • York CnpeCs Charges. I ,, • ! :.„1 n! < d h: n . * • AI - i v.'..-h t.horo wi\v ... >-■ >1 » ,| : ;• II, m!4lf '• olC.mu'd tr>:r. irti m trir. u>k iyn Secretary of State Points Out That Developments on Horne and Foreign Front Give Grounds for Changed Calcula tions. Washington. Ma.\ !().■—i.\P) — ShtKj! \ of Slate Hull indicat ed toda\ he saw some grounds for hope that \ ietor\ for the l nited Nations might come smm c« than had In en expected ear iiei this \ c .i. tevelopim-i n re >! 1 c n -.. f • v • i r •: : . ; . •» i. i Business A 4- u:0u riign \. •• V .. M ;J ' - > .\r ' - (•! .... .'..in;.:../ Ini . .! , . ; tl.c \.i> ....I 111'! • ' 1 -I'll «•- a i'i'I* vt, pi.rchasmg pinvrr — '!'■ i. . man h.:. \v«>; aed :n March ; i ^ i .lir: l. .111 ever .u11 <» i a lamed IV.i i’.plav:: enl dropped 8SO.O00. ;, a i• • *.; 1 number ot w ago • I'mted Slate.' to i ’ .ill:'.111n) n Min ch. \ '• Tin conversion nroMem • ..t 1 . t ad m tin remaining ■ • •; • i ‘ - year . as gi eat. it Germans Plan Giant Air-Borne Assault on Oil-Rich Caucasus as Russians Drive ‘Into the Heart’ of Kharkov Defenses. ( 11> I tic A - ■ ’ icin’ III Press) Russia's armies stm-minuret • to have loin/hi their wa,\ “into the heai't 'I tlie city s defenses'' tonlay, while tie lit I'liians were mass ing 1110.t)(Mt paraehat ists for a yiaiit air-borne invasion of the i 'nlieasus. i'he (iermaii hiyli command sac! '.hat axis ('rimean troops lad alia ad\ overrun the Kerch peninsula. Tien■•ss the narrow Kerch strait from flic oil-rich i 'aucasus. Moscow said battles still rayed there. hi tlie I'kraine. the Red armies, it'ii by monster bii-tun tailKS, \\ i'll' |IU'l ill I • 1 I !1 i ’ 1IS l(M dispatcher as advam-injr over fields littered willi mans’ hun dreds of dermal dt ad in the nini-ilas old offen.-ise apainst KharfeS. while tie mods des perately attempted to ease the ]ii’es-;uv with a disersionai at ;acts SO miles to tin- south. Apparently tin Russians re fused to iie deeos ed. A bulletin from lied army headquarters announced terse ly: ‘Our troops waged offensive battles, beat off enemy counter attacks, and advanced.” \t mid-day. the Russians rr ported thoi were smashing ever closer to Kharkov despite stif Inutl (Herman rosistiwnoe «and declared the lighting was spread ing like wildfire along the en tire southern dank id the 1*!3 miie front. nan ‘and K . 1 i g * i . .l. f . ' : V ■> 1 J)S ' ' '1 • ' • ; ’ ’ . , • ; i .>1 I'ihei's d*' *dxi> -two iki/i tanks were rcpoited (h‘slro\cd in >ester d:i> s da\ lignt lighting and -7 more were lett in fire-charred ruins as the battle raged into the nighi. I lie Sn\ if t communique also listed l.e.Ml (ierman offi cers and men killed anti wound ed in the latest hours ot the sf ruggle. (vi i :• •ter . •! len v i ; -w i!*ii l. \ . and Burvenkova, • <*..; ; . • vt ">' tender spot” l lost I I In* : i tun*. t lift* ■"1, low. e\ er. * '•*» 1 ii.;«; . . t -i i••;’>'< it : - ! a m\;’ Men- e. t : e mid • ’ K n.hs . 1 . ! wing "t\ K :v■ • j • i i' > «• i.M'tk a eeeiuiarv Russian : - !i,i I’M ; ' . d Li . ' ay a ; l'li sec mo. rv R:.-.- thrust in | •• eit. > kr.\ c t • jtth nK the Get m . nd dotench :el Ki r:.ko\ . 11 Ik .ii !e. In ,.u«p mrteiv ad; - • . ■ M . • '! ■' n - ia'ii k •’> armies were pressing new . t';ii v ..gain -t tin* big