Rose Whips Big Star Oh R. Blake’s Three Homers ji. Mills Proves Wild and Walks Eight as Star Shows Strength in Bowing 8 to 5 to Rose Outfit. ,, .,.i> it Big Star in the city i !:i-1 night. 8 t" a and the big bat nt I! , h • : tin' V let* •!•>'. till' Ito.-e ’ i .ltmi1 for t!ic circuit , • tv. i. ot the blows elear • • ,il fi-nc • while the third I, ., , ,| ni er. :,.o !a'd the victory 11■■ the j( . th:cc;h he fin e all ay to eighth when Big Stai . . . ;. i rui'. 11 i I |.i tched a mi e gain t . !:.o Ala1 i ■ • i though hi ,, , .t■; '1 hi' : io 11ilic!i trool)It* He ■ ' ■ !lt "s . , I A1 a : 10 1:1 hull's decided k.,, cal 'li add la hard to , . ‘ hitui i onto-'ts. or all. r li. pn. a. ' 1 0 0 3 2 3 2 1 2 5 5 0 1 0 '! •11110 I .11, 3 1 1 1(1 0 I: 8 ■'’• 8 3 ll p ... ,| I ' 3 ll 0 2 It }v . : (I 0 It (l 0 i, 4 (I (I 2 0 0 ll li ll (I a, '.i c It 11 II It 0 ,|i (; ■ ■ 2 l) l) 2, I) I ■ .!■ 2 1 (l 1 0 | - .10 10 0 ■ : 34 8 8 27 9 j Hi- Star ale r. li. po. a. :c .22121 i , , . 2 0 0 3 2 K, ... • .ci 11) 3 1 111 0 K '■ , .'.i 4 I) i 3 4 t;,. 4 1 0 0 0 I. v 1: 4 0 1 0 o II, i : ..'ill 4 0 0 4 2 2 0 l) 2 0 2 ll 0 2 1 S: .i 2 0 0 0 (I 1 li < : 2 (I 1 0 0 1110 0 • •: . . . ."..1 a t; 27 9 h.1. O.r K. . ... 1 (ll) ! 22 (120 -8 1! 1UII 100 120—5 Ac: oy 2. Jackson, Allen, li n.- Blake 3. Stolen ah.-cs — r iloyle. Hendrick. Osehner. K 1 i i,' blc pla v (Ischner !■ i Bases on balls Mills 8. .1, St ck-oiit- ;!•!!•.• 2 .'. I Taltn.u Winning pitcher 1 ,o: me: pitcher Mill. 11 :: "i and Boyd Scot er o..n. Time - 1 :Uri Flnsical Fitness ( lass Bowls .-Wainf ^ i . ■■ : hy-ica! 11 tiles-; ela--. for gads r ell art at lilt- If'-score .1 !le\ la-1 night crh about 1 ; ,it'. S' vei a! ■ e\v men ■ V. : ,cd the el.e-s l,;-t n iglit and ted pk ntv ol e in pet i t ion for ■ ' "1 the class. Miss Rachel V. ■ .aid M s Dari ■ Scogg ns i ■ . :gh is irers for he even.tig tie ol 97 ■ next meeting will be held in a gi school gymn siimi Tuesday : ' .1 iy Llti. at 8:80. All members r ed to v. ear rubber sole ■ ‘toes i.v ciothe.- Those desiring to ' e class will have an oppor ' 'i register' at this meeting. FIRST * &H^on»ient There is no finer symphony than the blending of Century Club with your taste. Serve it as you Please—in highballs, cocktails or straight. It is still a champion— FIRST in Enjoyment, FIRST in Taste and Flavor.” CEITIIY AND FLAVOR * l his 90 Proof W'hiskey is 3 IVotj OM * Century Distilling Co.t Peoria, III. * CITY SOFTBAI.I, LKAGl K. Club Won Lost Pel. X 11' 'ilfU'i's, in ;> (, U. e .9 l .667 ^ I k ndt*r on 1 2 333 li;h st‘"' (I 8 .01)11 P1KILMONT I.I AGI I 1 lull Won Lost Pet. Greensboro 17 8 .080 Charlotte . 18 8 .(119 I .elm end 13 9 .591 Xmlnlk 12 111 .545 )■ i tslnoiith 12 13 48u l>.nliam 111 18 435 A her tile . ID 13 .435 Win.-ton-Salem (1 19 9411 NATIONAL LKAGlK Club Won Lost Pet. Brooklyn 25 8 .758 II ■■loll 18 1.4 545 Boil is ... 17 15 • .531 , B.’t M reh 1 . . 18 17 .514 ■New York 18 18 .471 I ’ 1 14 17 452 < 'mongo 14 19 .424 I ’hnatlelpliia .... 10 23 .308 AM Kit It AN LKAGl K Club Won Lost Pet. New York. 20 9 .1190 (Toinlund . 22 10 .888 Dm ro:t . 20 15 .571 Boston . 1(1 14 .533 SI. Bonis . 18 20 .394 Washington . 12 19 .387 Chicago . 12 19 387 Philadelphia .... 13 22 .371 . — I Results essm ( ITY SOFTBALL LEAGl’E lio.-e 8, Big Star 5. PIEDMONT LEAGl'E Winston-Salem a. Durham 3. Green Ijiirn 8. Richmond 2. Ouiv g, mi s play d. NATIONAL LEAGl'E B*i : .a 2. Cincinnati 1. Brooklyn (i, Chicago !. SI Ron i- 8. Now 1 ml, I. Ph.ladeiphia f>. Pittsburgh 4. AMERICAN LEAGl’E Detroit 5. Boston 2. Cleveland 4, Philadelphia 1. Only games played. PIEDMONT LEAGl'E Wins! -it-Salem at Durham. R cum nd at Greensboro. Por'smoath at Asheville. Ci.a. loite at Nort’olk. NATIONAL LEAGl’E St. Louis at Brooklyn. Cooper (3-3 vs. Wyatt (2-0) Chicago at New York. Passcau (4-3) Carpent r (3-1) Pittsburgh at Boston. Sew HI (4-3 w Kail y (3-1) Cilia.anal at Philadelphia. Starr (3-1) w. Hughes t 1 - B ) AMERICAN LEAGl'E Washington at St Louis (night). Hudson (2-3) vs. Holingswurlh (1-1). New York at Chicago Russo (1-1) vs. Dietrich (3-3). I i.iladi lpliia ;;t Detroit yj.-o-ch Hon 15-3 ) \ s. Benton (1-4) P, a n at Cleveland Ilughson (1-0) vs. Harder (2-3’ Buy War Savings Boil's or Stamps. Signs Ethiopia Book Glen A. Abbey, United States dele gate, is shown signing a Book of Remembrance to be presented to the Emperor of Ethiopia, Haile Selas lio, in honor of the regained inde pendence of Ethiopia. The cere mony took place at Westminster England. (Central Frttt) Power Pool Proposal Waits Action Daily Hi-patrli Bureau. In tlie Sir Walter Hotel. By BOB THOMPSON Raleigh, May 20.—Tlie recently published report that the war pro duct ion bo. id had given the State Rural Klcctrifirati >n Authority per mission to go ahead with the pro p -etl siipci -cooperative power pool ui eastern X. to Carolina was in ern ir. "Vv'e are : 1 the same positi ,u we have been t'o, week-", .aid J. M, Grainger, the RKA engineei "We are -till waiting lor approval 1 .■ on Washington." What happened w - that the WPB urged the format io i. povv e o > I foi- war purpo e- That may indicate favorable action on Die eastern X ih Carolina project but nothing mote. The m r . vipal it u . coop., a t.v (.-. pov. er c .ic- and military posts coneemed with the proposed supcr-coopera' iva long ago did every thing thi’ WPP i> now advor ting. Pm- month- Ricy c been wanting for the WPB t i give its ni< on the purchase ■ ,r the immen ,■ am mnt of material needed in y■! .aOO.OOO high tension line whieli would connect the sev ci al gene at in", plants • I is: as p: r- me I nun the .Armv and Navy necessary to sec ire ap proval tor almost any kind of c m -Iictio’i now "da;. . o it is with the pi ■ iposcd pool. Ho w ever, the Navy already h s joined in the n ivement and eve . tV::< 1 1 i 1: ’ proved of fectivc to date. The ehief argument for tying un the -mall municipal and cooperative gene a’:: n plants of eastern Carolina at this time is that more pov. r is needed for the Marine I * a - • ■ - on New River and at Cherry Point. According h> the plans for the pool ■ ovv b !11;'a the WPP. the pool would be c nnected * h the C rolina Power and Right Co' the Vir giai" Elr-trie and Power Company and the Tidewater Power Company a- well a- with the municipal plants. After the war it would mean the in dustrial development of the entire . i-tiou. Dm RKA believe■ Carolina Baseball l earn Accomplishes Much With I attic ('i1..I>*•! May 20.—For a baso i all h am Ilia! a'.''raged only 270 in hitting anti bad only one experienc ed i itcher, the V'niversity o! North Carolina nine accomplished a lot with a 1 ittle. Duke, Wak. Forest, and N. C. State, three of Carolina's foremost rival- in the State and Soutliern ('t 'll ler; nee r -iiipet it ion, all outhit the Tar Heels tii: - season blit nolle them was as icce.-sfiil a- Coach F11mi i! aril’ ho\ in making tilt in '.. t - euiint. i’WO CASES HEARD BY THE RECORDER There were two charges in enmity court, with Rec rder R. F. Clements p esiding. George Edward Kelly, Negro, was guilty o! possessing non-tax paid ■,.!i -kv, and was given 60 days, ■uspended upon p vnient of the costs, and not be convicted of violating the w di ' lit ion laws of Vance county within the next two v" rs Eknilge Fisher Gregory Dent, Me i-o. was guilty "f speeding, and '■■■ yis for ju.'lrmcnt was continued : payment of the Co-.ts. M S 3.11 rKOill I Ml I 1,11 III A wav i - mah a new flannel-like 1" .e '‘V .|;J ng" together fiber ! t I'ci' Ilian by \vea\ i ng I hem ha • ii* t been I'atenled. Th • "w Td"-nr • (I eed cloth b .■■: i:, i lo lie-strong, soft old flexible and I > j tail I i\ u >'i we.T i:r<*or/"rio\’s of ursi’WT. W'iiEI; MAS, in the processes ot '■ a!'.re. wr ;i lend and brothe;. '.me- T. Flm -re. Jr., who has Leon Tfhalt'd with oi:r Lodge for twcnt-v 'imr years, halving been raised to tlie ;i I me Degree of Master Mason on April 18. 1918. has quitted thi life lor tlie more abundant existence in that bourne from which no traveler o’- : AND WHEREAS, we mourn the loss sustained by us in his decease and sympathize with the bereaved members of Hie family of our de THEREFORE HE IT RESOLVED 'TEST: that we bow in humility lie lore the course of Nature, behind which and ever mindful of them we ecognize the Supreme Architect ui lie Univu -e who lias til] wisdom and is ju 1 and who has given us the as surance: "Where 1 am, there ye ma;. e also.” SECOND: That the I vilv of th - deceased be extended the heart-feu sympathy of the members of Hen derson Lodge Number 229 both in dividually and as a fraternity: THIRD: That this Lodge, of which he was a beloved member, mourn his iepurture as an evidence of the keen sense of loss felt when we contem >lato the fact that this friend and other is in longer with u in the lesh: FOURTH: That a copy of these resolutions be entered upon the min utes of the proceedings of this Lodge: i copy sent lor publication to tee Henderson Dispatch and a copy sent to the bereaved family of uui de eased brother. J A 1IORNADAY, P. J T RAWLINS, K. T. WELDON, Committee. Pleasant Reading Sergeant Eugene Damron, of Blue field, W. Va., an American soldier stationed at our base in Guatemala, under the command of Lieut. Gen. Frank M. Andrews, is shown read ing letter from girl he left behind. (Central Prtgn) CAROLINA TIGERS WILL PLAY SUNDAY The Carolina Tigers will tangle with Smith Hill, Ya„ here Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock in the Tigers park The Tigers w re idle the past Sunday, chalking up a ti to 5 victory over Winston-Salem in their last diamond appearance. Davis is the likely choice for the mound Sunday, it is said. To meet the deadl ne lm phm', time on tin* GftOf) ; - c- m >;md i.ndr cultivation at the Caiedonia PriM.j Farm in Halifax county. .\. C.. nuis production method- 1 avi I . he ( •• - ployed by J M. Tulin. Karin .Supc: ■ intendent. Ol the P-'u.1 crrciig. un der cultivate »n. • .ere thuu 4.0(U aie growing truck crop-. P: i.-o-i P;. rector Oxm IPU- X;tlc-. • In i r.. with High way ( on rising l < »sts, t . ■ foods loi the pii-ene! ;;>J j»; ;; camp- with land .. . ;ii kibu- has P , n doubled “'I'lli• will cut d*i .:a greativ the amount wuuid d as much canning a.- available < an woilid permit (*alodi»iiia or: > a: 1 is also supporting ... »ut 1 lot) 1 cattle and d.nKJ hog.-. In the P >p picture as e . bout .'5 > mules, half of them with mu* mine fertilizer dPtribut"r.-. and the mi::", half planting' corn with a mie n ull planter. Lowa. r picture sp. w> Cale donia’.- “V" l .ode V. 1 til the eleve I tractors being used for pl«»\ mg har I’owing Commissioner Ki*rr Sc-tt, « ; the N C. Dept. of Agriculture s’and by th<' lei u 1 ractor. AL SCHACHT COMES TO DURHAM MAY 28 Durham. Hay 20.—Al Schacht. baseball's hilarious comedian who ha provided chuckles and laugh con vulsions for millions ..I lam thmugn out tin country, will bring his new act to Durham on the night of Ma> 2(!. President Charley Miller of the Durham Bull.- of the Piedmont league has announced . Schaeht will be the added attrac tion to the regular Piedmont game betwc.n tiu Btills and Riclum nil Colts. From 12,U0t).U(KJ to l.i.OOU.ttlin quarts oi traits, vegetable and mi a' will be canned this year in North Carolina, estimates Mrs. Cornelia C. Morri-. ol N. C State College. __ . _ _I Child Bndc Slayer l-'e'u-t i’ll - y .1- M Mattie Pear! Mamina:;, -hilcl bride of Daemon Mannii . 35, i? pict ;:■■■ d in |.. r cel! r.t M rristown, Tenn„ niter she was r •• ,1 with second decree murder f r in r hi -■ an 1’ ■ slaying. She sai i d!’’! hi.a after in: ar;rument .. whelm s she hi leave lier civic moile r. (C< -iti'a! i'i'CSSj1 VAUGHAN ATTENDS TRUSTEE MEETING W. I! Vallfihan. member of the In 'ai d rn trustee: o! the Negro A. & T. College in Clleensboro, attend ed the -enii-animal >■ eeling of that board in G rre'i.-b' ■rn Tuesday. Most ly routine affair were before the meeting, i tiler than the election of Ciiarlt A i 1 no ■ f f j ’ < ' 1 : wo a Vlee ehaiiauai: ol 'la- is ard to :-or\ e i!i'.he :'!i'■ of las :\1. (.' S. Nolde. ol Chapel Kill, who lia. been chan man for many year . Dr. Noble, j who rceeiif !y . iilTored a siike, was unable to attend the gathering. Plow 11 i ^ \ f d' | 11 ( ; i | i 11111. i •. j ; 11 < > rf>| \ |, i i, 1 , . -', ; Most Stocks Are Lower •• .% m t 1 .vi.’. f catti-red aair . nd , • ; ; • ■ .. .■ ir• ' : ,t ? "i .’a : ■ Ai '1 ."U . »i: i dividend cuts was a deincssan;. • i , ’hj-r. • fi ■ . - I •’ r v . : l. ! )-' • ad „ : • • ' • !»M Cotton Prices Turn Lower NY-.'. York. May 20. A!V ' ■’ t.i■ i ;■ ,.•( - epeMcd •..ncliunf.f.l > . ■ ilut vvcrc 5 1 2 cent i, :r 1 : i .1 i: y 10 Ml. l.i A Better Buy In Blends *1.10 pTnt 52.15 FULL QUART GOQDERHAM& WORTS LTD.,PEORIA, ILL. | - 24 ^ ^ 7 fl/IKS A WEEK IS OLD STUFF TO US! Ij^ V^l lo\v li .li ilii-uieen 11 liy tins dii' on industry to work twenty-four hours a day, li J I jjJM average household get about fieiee as much seven days a week, until this tear is won. If. jljUm electricity for its money as it did fifteen years But continuous production is nothing new jjfj IIIlulm ago? . . . Simply because Americas electric to the electric industry. We’ve always worked In / j iJjB companies have been built and operated the that way —all year round —in peace or war. 11 IIIfJB American uviy—by good business management. with planes, the earth with tanks, and the sea II If I Jim - AR.OLINA with ships. „ I j/ffjxJ POWER & LIGHT Production schedules that stagger the world ^ /j/ COMPANY •11 dlC Aids COUlttlieS combined — flVS tmtas fj~ iNVtsr IN America! buy defense bonds and fTAHrij