Henfirruntt Baity Btepattl? I staelffhed August li. 1914 Pulil shed I very Alteration Lxeept Sunday by BLNIMltSON DISPATCH CO.. 1M at 109 Young Street MENU . \ I ENNIS . • and Edt M 1. FINCH Set . A is Mg: n Li PHONES Edlte: :.i. Oitxe 501) St t'.t y .- .1:tor 510 Busan ce Tht i tender.'OU U. y 1) sp.iteh .s a mcnitie! n Vsy ted Press, Sou'I v ■: ’ -• -rs As goe..i d the N Car hna Pi - ■ a)) in The t ;i Press • exclttsh e!y i ent cation a no" - ' d:led to :t r r. Othei ,n this alsi ' - ed :.o: ■■ , V! rift d;sp SI p.sc-RIPTION rates (Pay Strict Advance By Mail By Carrier I Y > 1 $6 fi V 11 SO 3. 1 3 M 1 50 1 50 | W-. ' "iAA 15 c p. • 5c ! 1 *1 _i ion '■ ss map m tier I j i Lei Ws Eorgfl Congress shall male* M U« respecting an estab lish m r nt of religion, or prohibiting the free exst* dee thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech or the press. -U. i Cmmirntm . » At ‘ ! ;, • Ooing Its Piiri ni'cc-i • . ■ i.;! n t y. and t h . < ; * t ' t •; t: t •:' grr.i* ?v ;■ • .•••;4 a:!! bo rolicd a|,|(. • , . • . i >]( ■ m Ho d* -om T" 1 tio.* i»i o - ;»fo — Me xico’s Status l> " : - •-•■■■■y ■ till- Ax. ■ e-. lx g--.-. rumen: and px x :, iy ,i. e -t:i red n heated . - •;> oiu.N Mg of Mexican snip G ' .m -.,bn.m ales, and leper: ...Iditi ami sinkings are only xri ! a i .mi to :he Llmnt. Mi".- . ng Ins ■ upper ted li.t pi egim • ; ispiu-re defense anc! s1 a idai iy It .»ir. .Men has n. x Jt' ue bc.v ad making >1 diplomatic lelation- S- am- a the Latin countries have ah'eady r.ue that and more, even to an .pen declaration of hos tilities. A: least two, though. Argen tine and Chile, have hardly even ad lie red to the hemisphere soljdarit;. accord, and that e the l'ly in the ointment at the present time. Mexico ,s hr siting; and justifiably so. became ; a or three oi her ship have been -link. On.1 can but won der if even this amount of ai'frontery would jar the other two into action. Because of their halfhearted, or maybe more than that, pro-Axe; sympathies and leanings, German and Italian submarines may go on: of their way to avoid offending these two recalcitrants. It would be good policy for the Germans. A declaration of win by Mexico v, - a cl i t' oiwring in tile a.hi ,• ; ■ k .u :c' But Mexico . offer liftle in the way nt aliens • ..a tare, such as furnishing el' aa a: :•■> budding of airplanes, t..n..-. gun- sh.p> Its principal hcii - iuinO'S would be in turning the c ■ itt It \xi achinat ns and least t ncieav -ring to rid its ow n tei - . am of undesirable and danger--us l ;. t and there probably are p.ei:fy ; the:: m Mexico. Western Hemisphere - olida: . car- ed t its logical and finest con clusion. would encompass a program would k ck out all unnaturali ed and : .my naturali/.ed and menacing Gc; :: otis a n d Japanese. There wouldn't be much to fear front Hai ti t-v .i • I t Jet . ny :: md arc t t going t tin neck- m helping them, not in c- a: :An all-out clearance .-r. scale is ttn- inch ’ - hope : ,* would be a tremendous safe .. - 1 .: accomplished. Manpower Reservoir jgistrat ■ gt. I". • ' w ' - ' . Mlg epa ratio! ■ > f t.1:', i -;ig \i m. T!;i V. .i -! or.. v *\\ vf i vt ' i'.id .aid • el e people 1; " - it ' * 1 ’ . g : . . . ;..i di'.fei ClT \ iff. .1 Air vt t"ity million men have iuvn eni !'t'd ii the four regi«tr.i y held. TI v . , hi ; v ;scd in the u ef t tlllTI ' t .. 1 lie ' . "f • IV m " ’ " Many ’a a a . a unlit 1 uvii -• ■ ■'l age i,i:. ir ; i!iv-ica I . a' d aii |i;v. ar for various ratn-es Only , . ■ . a :111 ivt111’.igt' id Ii t" a t 111 i ect t actual t 1 1 ■ '[' : .. i ■'tv1 .a .'. 4.*t a " ' ■ ‘ at tin ' . . IV Sign : vain t a lht‘ pre-rder. t a ndr a. 'a pit d will; 11 a Urn en - a .1 ' r.'a : va re i .’. r;M ; a a ■ a .a I'ffiv- m Ti'hyi' ar,.. a ,- a ’• a a g. . t a a i ted St a a a ..1. ..Li a . d t a a 1 -a '. .tag. i t : a. 'ray , I't .n'e. e>U d, t! .at tra. g, ,i a i a A t a.t'.t! a : pie. I’ll W In de i: "I 'ey a a-.' : aJ Ug - a i ' fa A: t ■: . a, a ; 1 a a I ; a li.a-a : aatiacmg nn'Vea a;v .i.r.an a a '.!a ,.lie- \vh • -tailed t:.:- tliii g t:.e ted. S- re- mi ' 1: ala ' i.e pra, dege "! I a ,ag .iiid ai a manner a their mr a .ag ,i ruinne: t'.c t v. Im l !." • - a. g m-t . a' I; a. ! a n' ■ • i. 'a : e. • '■! th.e peace •■!' the \v* rid. Ir - ’ ■ M ' m. ala i i;i.> gang can g.a ' -hr mgr 'he;: a, n head 1 a elter 'If 'am.' v I be Over-Optimism • ;a\ u lull o ■:. • *. • nod • ■ ;nd '.'.(II : . e ' .1*1 * . | . , . ’ . - C > I LlSt’ • *.*»' Ml t M ;i1 A : • « :', ■', i •nrim ' ■t:u- v ■ ,-imid be m h it ■ •! : ■ .pi I 'ilh.'" ..nil (■■ mi'.dene. pert . ten: ' l;) 11.. h a tie i ..ill lie' uch e,irllet lit..u many ii..' i ' ■ ;.i g!: 1 i.hii pil'd iet r<|. [V...T c ni Id ; ( I h h vv.t I; ill 1die ■ 'll! Il . B.ii t h i -e ad calculi, t a .ns ■ in shell an e . 1 e ...id be e>.! heiile 1 illy Whale . ui expect.it ion may v . e h e ■ •!i- i,.. .Id : e to: a |..1 ig, ad struggle That is exactly v.b..' v .■ . ay b< m I.a.’. No one can ijc • i ' ..ii a.- to that. Withi.tit hope humanity would b< I u an aby-s of despair. But then hope, and there i> likewise th> lege of expectation. Then■ is ;ils< ui .Id adage that is packed to tin inn a ith wisdom, in the admom :. .ii never to under-estimate tin n< a y - strength In other words, ai ways the best policy is to desist iron ver-optimism. Best authorities say the Gerniar war machine is capable of at lea "tie it:"re terrific wallop. That wal i..p might prove effective and migh succeed And if it did. it would lr just too bad. The United Nation then would actually be in fur a long long struggle. So that whatever hop< and however much optimism mat exist, this possibility should neve be ignored. To do so could be fata All of us believe that victory v ii r the end be ours The tide ha 'een runnx.g ;n our direction of lab There is toe chance, however, tha’ iM this might change overnight. Tin war has not been won vet. and tin w i many more dark days before • 'd lately is. Let u< have con *i . o. o\ all means, but let us fight > completely of over-optimism. W hat Do ^ on Know About North Carolina? i _ By FREI) H. MAY a en was North Carolina land mid at the rate ol 500 acres foi ■ 1" pounds of sugar? A i.o was thi1 Orange county re t tatn o expelled in 1769. latei ■' |'l'd t* hang in Pennsylvania d >ned by Pi esident \\ ast - How many days was Congress ^ cates. ot Murfreesboro, al | d i.. ser\ e in 1881 ' I W lieu was a -ocia ' ballot first 11 ■' Part ot a political campaign n \ mth C'arolina ’ i W no was the : .rmer N’orti: ('a nun; who cried .is governor .a hd Nortl Ca rol i n i; 11 lelinitely ■ : 198 tl t tin >i "!'i-h : cot was anchored in tic. \\s\\ i;ks. 1 ‘ I’H 1 Platf, iter. | I f i;pn,,' • ' 1 wpr Cape Ft a ai",i advertised .-noli an nf. ! i’’ •)" ■-•'d ' "I, ,ny faded and th< promoters were •'' ’ 'ed to t lie a : ea la >w Charle-■ s nth C;ir<111na. I h all I lu-hand. !, a n o d and n ed 1 \ th Cai ‘h I i ah I ti ,-ett led m the A i'i H i\ or sect ion Orange em.ie 1 Handolpli. Hi wa- ni • ■1 1 a ■: 1: ■ . it it i type, and 1 e the leader . e the Regulators I .89 o ange e unity sent hr to * udily. and la' was o\pe!ied . soiling Judge Mauriee Moore . la \' a- 'i elected. : a,it da ‘Pl'"ai t.. take his seat. Py tin ‘■me the Regulator n-.oven out • .„ • ' • "adwa.v. and led the i at it a , n May 111. 1771 \ if- in the 1’.attic to. 1 o Hu-o.mds rode nil and disap s ■ lie 1 i* o. ho soft lod a i '■ Pennsylvania whore lie he ed in tin Wilis ;y He : t.g Pin lent Wa-iung id • 111-trat n. and v.a '■ i ■ a i -'•I'tence i hang II I1 fori nr P esaloiit Wash A suction ■ a Pennsylvania' >• ill I.v w a lied a tiled to h; > a;.'- JcS-C J dill- ' ' -ad : A At day.- of th, ■ a..: Ma rli 4 1879 H, A neon elected and ha h to:. When ho v. "P ■ ■ Jo-. : ■ Join: M.ir’ui. , ■ ,- to the or ■: e.," ' ■ o Coiigr,I t ■ r on ea ted .. a. AkF. ( M. tl’o ,;|.",e da t. ' *1 • ten . h end II- deehned t , ‘..date ■ . -ueeeed himseh ■ ■ - 1 1 'he practice of lav ag' o ! h C.. v. 1 .ere he dice, . . e AatlJ. llist ■ nty a 1 rill J -a. arty ai North t1 ike the -caret ba 1 lot -.- 1 F .... as included ,. a; ' ai, piatform of thai A ..1 i Y, ■, 1 i i, a at ;n N'nrt i 9' ■ . , , i only on .\rkan.-as. 184o ; 1 i 11- at ett led r. t hi' Ai r> a 1832 when hi "I 'i ' a, a •; lit:: ent of judge ' ' v nv President Jaek s elect a ,n F ' the gen - 1 -ci \ ed two terms , ' Ai'kan-as He - . o elected to e, ingress al ter ,d ' , : h: - term a - governor. a- e 'iigressman began J * ■ • 1 Th' 1 :e\t year lie re -er'. ires during t-ie h \ W. . ai d -a : i. d led at the ! Fa,- \' hi Fonruarv 22. hH7 i -1 u.a \';!’ a 1 ea- to determine if th ■ o 'll'.! v. a- actually 111 til" A M," | , n. ! rating a distance .’ ■ ■ : a- i. mated the fleet, and et i ; ,-j * I ,- p.i.-t with the infi.r at ion. J'! Ilf..I nation led tn th? at, a . o\ ti e I'mte,! State- ,Ya, i md ' i . 1 i ’ ■ et ion ! the ■SpamsM the! F day eolitiiig plane- w<>uf 1 ANSWERS TO TEN QUESTIONS See Hack Page 1 Jonathan. 2 True. 3, Grandson. t Hepresenta1 ■: a : a'.i‘ e. > bodies 3 No. ib True. T Violinist. ;; clothes. 1 Benji.i1 a i i . : ; m. MICKY COCHRANE TO MANAGE TEAM _____ Washington, May 23.—(AP)--J Lieuttenant Gordan (Micky) Coch rane of the Navy was given the job today of selecting and managing the all star service baseball team which will play the all star major league team in Cleveland July T I or benefit of the Arn-.v and Navy la bel funds. To Enact Wartime Measures (Continued from Page One) ten days, but next Thursday w.i- s< ' tentatively for the session and then were indications that the armi-eu public might insist on a meeting still earlier, possibly next Miu.'*V«y Tuesday. Government amrees indicated the alien control measures would not be announcer, publicly until they had been enforced fully The inilila;.. activities also were kept a stale secret. Nazis Shoot 10 Hostages (Continued from Page One} are not found within eight days fa', lowing publication of the (.resent nonce, an otiii.il number of persons will be shot. In addition, a number of persons closely associat" d with the criminal circle will be trail (er red to a labor camp.” Air Warfare Intensified In Africa ((' int Mined 11 ’ mi — n’.e One) • cross the coast we- t ■' Aii . d a today \\ a - intercepted and i1 , n jitu the sea. Flic RAF declared then was Id tie • ity i ver Malta yesterday ncc r. : a. vv itli RAF lighters shooting d >\vn . >:.e Messei-schinitt tighter. Four It ;t -h lighters were reported a ing. Nipponese Advancing In Chekiarrg (Continued from Page Onel j ing into neighboring Chekiang province were reported advanc ing rapidly on Kinhwa. Kinhwa is the provisional capi tal of Chekiang prov ince and a gate way to China's interior. Chinese dispatches acknowledged t:.at the invaders w re attacking Ivn. MR miles northeast of Kinhwa. .111 ( r ,i la-mile advance in R4 hour.-. A Tokyo broadcast said the .lapan c-e liad captured Ivvu and advanced seven miles farther south, flanking Kinhwa on the east. On other fronts in the far Pacific, land fighting appeared dormant but allied warplfTnefc kept up the relent ;n Burma and in the fringe of islands above Australia. General Douglas MacArthur’s hr adquai'ters reported that allied bombers knocked out two more ship of Japan's gathering invasion arm ada.- north of Australia and destroy ed or crippled 13 more enemy planes. In Burma, RAF bombers struck anew at Japanese-held Akyab air drome, potential base for an inva sion ot India, and attacked Japanese river craft nearby. Reds Admit Reverses In Ukraine (Continued from Page One) tli<- Kharkov front. British dispatches "from the Ger iman frontier" reported that the Ger 'n ans also were smashing heavily along tin’ Taganrog-Rostov railway j in » drive apparently aimed at re el pvu re ot Rostov, north, rn gate way tii the Caucasus oil fields. Soviet reports said the nazi para chv.te tmops and plane-transported irkmlry descending on the vast Kharkov battlefield were being vuped out "as fast as they land." Whil the Germans painted an op timistic piet11re ol von Bock'.- at nics* I » :.t; the initiative, tie- Hu.- - mi | t *. , -1. i:« ii they were -till !' ’rein ; llv J i oe In the Crimea, the Russians said the> were continuing to hold | nut .igains; powerful (icrniau- ! Kiimaniau forces on the Kerch peninsula, while the Germans were reported exerting new pressure oil long-heseiged Sev astopol. kr\ Black sea uavai base. C,ern . n warplane - were said, to I hare been pounding the base ’ in- ! U utly lor the pa-t -til hours. t)11. i European was develop ments : Aerial warfare—vast squadron i the RAK wept across the Eng! -h channel in daylight after Knti.-ii night raiders again blasted the C"’.'- | ii an U-boat nc t at St. Na/.aiiv, r I allee. Submarine menace - - Presid nt Ronsovplt, acknowledging that th.e shipping situation was serious, de clared that the axis U-boat peril was now being solved. "Our ships are going through, and will continue to go through in ge m - I ng numbers," he said. In Saxon times the fourth month ol . the year was devoted to the godd v of Spring. Eos!re, and this probably is the origin of the word Ka-tei WANT ADS Get Results FOR GOOD REBUILT SECOND hand or new lurniture come to K | F Satterwhite and Sons, near Fi:< i Station. U)-t(l - i OUR LOAN SYSTEM IS A ROOK to builders. We finance home! building, remodeling and refmanc- | ing. Henderson Budding & Loan Association, Al. LI. Wester. Secy. (3) CREDITORS NOTICE. Having qnalitied as Executor of the E-tate ol R 1, Franklin, decea - i'd. kite ol Yanee County. North Carolina, tin - is to notify all pm - ,-ons having claim - against the es tate ot said decea ml to exhibit then to the undersigned, on nr'before the 2nd day of May. titt.'i, or this notice will he pleaded in bar ot their ic envery. All persons indebted to the estate will please make immediate payment Thi ■ tlw 2nd dav ol Mav, 1 <112. A W GIIOLSt >N. JR., Executor ot Estate of U. L. Franklin. 2-9- 1 (i-23-.'i(t-H WAIN 1 ADS Bet Results ARMERS, HM E Y<>u ;V, cd yum crop: ns* ! ^ECT* wind d.image, it, 1, v ,,u“* and j satisfaetoiy settl« ■ " - 1 j I)epai tment. t'j11 . • ■. ll'uianM Tru.-t Companv. and - 16-tf 'OR SALE TWO I X : i \—7^-— work mule.- ■ I'W did',,,nrt'J t )\VIHM fill ll*(I 1m (i! ,..v j, "■ —-_ 23-3U VLUY BEAUTY si.,;- ( • cm Shop Experienced unera Centia.ly located. I’tnnie 200 lor appointment. Hi ig... , u.. Shop, over Parkers Drug itore 5 _ 28-a t Id IS 1 ’ i*»(. IA1 j 1Z L IX ^ kinds of body and fender re pair work. Motor Sales Co' if A NT ED NIGHT CLERK \po,~ ! m person Yana H -. OUR INSURANCE is on~Th£ offensive when you , 1UvtsU “ your di\ idend li..n htsur. aneo Premium, m War Saving" Ruuds and Stani| . l i, ,m, 8(T Cates Iirurance Agee, y 21-t( j 'ITA VAR HIGHEST QUALITY paints at the tow. .-t | . itl .llV n ; See us before buying y,.ur paim' \ Tanner Roofing t'.. P1 one r,iifi Wyche St. j.fj 'OR SANITARY DRINKINg'cuPS and clip dispen.- e: i: me gj Alford's Pi intnig A < )•: ee Supply Co. Agent.-. I'm Lily t'u; 9_[( \ LARGE AKSt >R'TM1 ' f witf. d,,w gl . ■ fron • , sir.es. Everybody In,, , i, g,lr|tj putty . Alex S. W ill. ■ 33 13-,t s PKY US -CALL US. WK CALL FOR and deliver shoe rep.; ring. Qur work is extra go id W. have Dteniy | ol' rubber heels. Plume 24ti-J. Car olina Shoe Shop. 4_tj j i< >YKKNMKNT <>1> DP: HAVE I rozeii garni.-nt ban and no mure will lie avail.!! it :'.t ve. turn all Image, • is • ml me. Valet (.'leant i A I >;. • , phone 464. 9-12U (VAXTUI) Aid . h'1 il'Xi i m|,i iKF.ii \ eiitik lor .-mail high . . it.-.; j hotel. U’n!" at mire - , - erei ice- . 4 I ie (lit!:,.1. i. Vi i gin: i 1 ie..t‘h. \ 11 g 1 -ijij 11 i:,\ I )F.KS( )N HA Ft 111' KY ('HICKS -old by Ki tt re! 1 V 11 i • ■; v day ( next to Clem, iit Vim■ n t i, telephone 74.4. ■ a 1 ■..t c: y. Me lon! r< ntd, te 1 e11111;i m■ la., 16-11 ; VACATIONIST 1" 1 i 1 .Si’.llVA- j tnui- by day or v.' i ■ ' . i able i ale.- on ■ o i . 11 i a a. . ie ■ w rite P ily Dunn, I > . - V.igmta i Beach, Va. 'J 1'1-29-111) | FOR RENT: TI1R1 ! R< >< CNKUIL 11i.-.'nod aparti .cut w i:i ' 1 t, -d water healei I'm ni I ied. I high • apartment. Available May 2.i. Plione 4 41 W K. L M e' an gil-il OLD SHOES LIKE OLD FRIENDS, alway wear best. Lei u icbuiid your old shoes without ! aig their eoniloi t. Phone 47 1. Ur rail tar and deliver. Norwich Shoe Repair. i-tl HOME FRONT MI LEACH' MUST be maintained, even r.i ivmeJ through retreading Let i el read your .'hoe . Plione (144 \\ e rail tor and deliver. Grissom' S • Shop. 13-tf SEVERAL GOOD USED El ECTRIC Ranges, Relngeralm - .md Oil Stoves. New and useil Beany and Electric Radios. See u- to your Electrical Needs. Hendi : u Book Co. Phone lit). 26-tf WANTED AT ONCE TWO NEAT, mcu It) *!.111I ■ i‘ >'■ ' ;mt m Oxford, N. iv- ’■ • ' 1 n '• nnr ;uy, C ';i 11 i»t I ■ • ' Store. ;:-'u WHEN IT'S DUALITY (.if 't'FRIES I resit western me,.! aid I resit ,., .... ... a 1 e ana let live pnce . try He ■ ■ low Front, pi,one 431). • 1 •• rl'> livery. ;lu. PLENTY OF GOOD USED HUES all the time. Vulcan,/ ng clone right with inock’in equipment. Bring us your tire 1' ''w0 Service Station, Bcarpen Bus station and Raleigh Road, ton Top No. 2. __ Jjt WHITE WOMAN WANTED. ULL I'erably settled, to do fiend ih» ‘j work and care lor tv." ,1 ! | dren. Reference. Room aim d1'11" and $30.00 per month .-'lury. ' references with application ■ applyinfi. Mrs. William ■ ' ’ 1182 North Taylor St., Al'"J’j.yj Va. — INSI RANGE — RENTALS Real Es'ate — Home Fina’'^"® Persona and courteous atten. to all details. AI.. B. WESTER Phone 139 McGoin BUU James C. Cooper Real INSURANCE Service Phone 204-J Henderson. N C. SALLY'S SALLIES RfC>*'«*red l’ S r4Tfnt Offar I-1 i+iow'p j^THAT <&X / ntaE y 1,500 YEARS DOESN'T SEEM TO HAVE CONVINCED ANYBODY ( it-THB MOUNTAIN *K>N'f I COMt TO MOHAMMED, ^ then mohammedmust <50 TO THE MOUNTAIN 3_ ^feSTEt?C>A^ _y _ I GAJE S.S i'U STICK AROUND \ A v/JAUE LONGER AND \ SIT vs) A AT HAPPENS \ ) - I HAIL INSURANCE I ON CHOPS OF ALL KINDS 1 I)ite to iticreosint/ demand, form products ore B advancintj ond P Hail Insurance Protection is More fl Insure Early for Full Limit per Acre K WE GIVE PERSONAL ATTENTION TO ALL B CLAIMS AND PAY ALL LOSSES PROMPTLY P AL. B. WESTER I Henderson, X. W