W oiiii Peace Hard To Win Stewart Sees Little Prospect at Present for Harmony After War is Over. B\ ( HABITS 1* ST! W \B 1 (Central Press ( olumnist P \ • » v >rid! are fight ns I M ent y tney’n H • e i ■: U ' ■ it ' m ikt1 1 ' .: i' ■ ■ ,■ - • r r a Vive P • - ('■ • • lieu . \ Wh.ilac ' " ide .1 ' a ■ :if' tile ■ ’. er ;i i S • 1 . St., i 'ndei -. ■ -'•••• W s had ade a - ■> ! a ■ . v S : . - - ' ilk imori e than th tiry - M 1 h. ■: v a! vwys has been i\ ■ t- ■ • ,-v, ■ ■ : .•_ « ::■ !'e, S:. ■ ea r - . .. n , t What Hen ■ . ... ■ ■ - 'Have - " ■ ,-v ■ \ - It's I an tern::! nat • ■the < ' t i 11 • 1 ‘ tl ; • ■ > • • * • mure espec:j 1 !y • ,v!• ■ :p-;i The sit:.;,:.. •: •’ • ■ \ X* S 1 rcvi 1 M'c.. IJ ! i : Penritiili/ti::; The q W. ' ,. ", . hen wo n:• • n ' ae . mb! Civil hie. • It. 1 (!(•( ■< i :> I ■ ■ insist .if (1.. gh; y.a mar.tie-. t, a ,.-s ,• -J ns-1irt« d i i' ant ' i a he' 1 .g' : - on: - aider.a. t. ■ ( I t 11 -* [ ',a. on iited any t The a ns v.vr By no :ne .... it see,as ■ - ‘ • ■< - ,* any ..an • tyu , . because w< I: aa.v , a-.an , t reins nd< >us • .:,••• the then-' They'll a ! v-. •, \y "] _ • v Cli VU •. Does my body .•< • a; , _ rnany'il tie ;, ■ |a -t, Hetirv W.i:l.ici a:i Su a, Welle.; u !! have Ua 1 ■ jU-,.q ,,q, ■ -,.. 4. that ■. .■ ■ ,v -- ■ ■ „■ < 1'' (I- m< era*. • *r •• , a., - genera': .ns :■? a a - • - . . ., Germans (belched *1 I' ll- TV \ I rI t 1 I! zed. K eat , .U'-e-s. '■'he Hu-' an- r- 1 a, blem That's .: • ssue • tne gener ’ n < ire. " ' ’ " I" ah a,' \\,u deniailv n-'.-l ■ ... s . og.-oga t ion. Well : ■ ‘ alnf.g. Hr ( an G-t Xiong ■' • V>' ted -•'* Well g. • :. ■ • *> , X xv World foil- iilP Old Wo’-ld •; , ,. , |,ave r ;ng. '.IV1 i • • tatxmd’v dm,,- . Itaiv and Sir I,. ' i; V WF a . od t, d r t. the ■ : e ng tn be t orrUPIKD. We ■ 5'or international harrwn. ' V e Pr< . ■ \\ md Secre 'he. a r r g. ’ ' do sum' nva-a era* ng t., .... n.e no. IRVIN KI RI IN >T\GFS \I,I. SOMHFR SHOH' ON BROADWAY Irving lie a ■ . ... during the World War produo d t all-soldier '"'I- 'ill eon edy V p Yip Yap h;in . ed tl hoy on Broads ■a ay in Mn> for th< benefit ot the Army Finiergenrv Fund. Sumner Welles SYNOPSIS PT\N WEST u'v errs t;ve Archndale • ' : - . :••■■!. and In r aunt, v-s TARTHA Wk.'T.N, tries to i-.., .■ ■ 11■ i■ n ,■ to niarry AIK ,'ARR. a banker. Plan ■ i - ■ mi it w.'iiM be mute appro l; ;.re tut I - aunt to man y him. CH APTER TWO NOT TH \T Piatt's heart was I: :: a. because Krcd was going •.» a .i?<■ r site didn't really think 1 wav Rut site was hnmili .1' i i-; mad. And she wanted to , ay l • i pt ibably silly and a ard,” she told herself, "but I an t stay here another lay. at. ! a mt Mat tha looking it mi that pitying way of hers. ' It only she could so somewhere away from Aunt Martha, and questions. ■I• urious ilk-*Its. If only she cou'd find a quiet spot way off some v. here, and there— The farm! That was just the place for her! Out there, puttering! around, looking over the tilings her! Grandfather Weston had left her. she might lie able to think things out. plan some sort of future for herself She leaped to her feet, ran into the house and up the stairs. I'p in her room, she quickly fo> ... . began stuffing things into it excited, eves shin ing, fingers flying. 'Ibe farm! How wonderful! That place where she had often gone when she was a lit tle girl—out to ,-tay with her grandfather and hue him talk to her in such a way as to make her forget the thing that had made her unhappy town, and had sent her I out to the comfort of iiis arms. If lie were only out there now, she thought. IK would listen, like old times, to her tale of woe and help her find a way to rise above what was t.cabling her. "Mustn't iet your Aunt Martha n ake you too unhappy,” her grand tather hau said. "She's a bit soured mi the world at times—like most, omen who never got married—j • it vay town deep she's a mighty fine :-o;i . . ." And again lv I. id si: i: "Nothing will ever get you ,i \ n uni ss you let it. You're : W .•«, :u!d. an. 1 a Weston, man or ’ i s a lot biggi r than any h'tle id pr ibleni that comes along • whig to riue him.” Anyway, being out in the house t'uit was so pregnant with mem-1 el s of her grandfather and the : tippy days she had spent there ■ it!i him, would be a help. Out there in the house that Grandfa ther Weston had loveu sc deeply. . : < w u! : fin : 'asier to get hold of herself: She might even start i .italoging the books !u r grand I'din-r hud !■ it In r She had been planning to do this f,.r some time. ami perhaps now was the time. Cataloging ' ks ought to be a nice job for a girl who had been jilted! She finished her packing, donned a hat, and picked up Mie suitcase. She stopped in the kitchen long enough ta slip in some bread, a tin of coffee, and a few things she knew toe farmhouse pantry could not supply. This done, she went out through the back door, locked it nd ct os se i the yard to where the Weston family car stood —a , ar which had be< n in the fam ily for a forgotten mini her of years, m l which, she thought, ought to ho relegated to a museum that spe cial'. tod in antiquities. She cl nbed in and s’1 1 un h r the wheel, thinking how fortu: ite it v as that Aunt Martha li t I de cided to save gas and go to the meeting In Miss Aggie’s se lan. She presse., her foot down upon the starter. Well, here I go! Dian Wes ton, running away from gossip and questions! Dian W. ston going " by herself to see what site could, do about the years to come! Blit nothing happ m !. The en gine did not respond. Stubborn, like Aunt Martha, that’s what it was. She pressed the starter again and again. Still nothing happened M : i pressing, m fully pla, e,i if, and went ar im 1 • ■> the i■ • ett of the house. Of course the logical tiling re do wa< t ! phi ■ foi i taxicab, al though t axicahs vie t", plentiful in Ar lend.d . But she had exactly lollar 1 ninety-! >ur cents to her n mu and the tax: fan nit 1 i 1 . leu !> destination would he that nm,:,, if not more. She also thought "i several young men who would probably he glad to drive her out to w in re she want ed to go. But she simply couldn’t face them. It was l ad enough 'Hav ing Aunt Martha pdv her. h ’, ’ n ■ the young m, n. H, iv us, no! The young men wa re deiiudcly out. es pecially th : who had ' inted to date h i un and couldn't, 1 can: Fred M . ■. ys 1 nging aroun waiting to take her to i mov . . : , . ir.i -. oi to a e a sh Ihat was playing a one-right stand in town. "Oh, Lord,” she said half aloud, "am I in a mess!” She even thought of calling Je rome Carr. Jerome had the finest ear in Ardendale, a car that would get her to her destinnt: n in no time at all, if Jerome r ,-:hl let her have 'he gas. But of arse he wouldn't. Jerome was so terribly, terribly ca’eful about everything— like speeding, spending money, making love. Besides, h. was one of tlie people she want : to avoid, lie would ask a million questions, give her unwanted a a ice. ana probably end up by urgf'g her to marry him right away, r.-w that tl.it aimless young un-t.irt Kr< d M.iyhew was out of tile way. She a.add fairly hear him dtseribng Fie.l in just those voids. Xo. Je rome was out —along v.dh the nti n of her own generation. She sat down the si::' - iso with a .'ill thud, and it fell open. A mini1 r of articles turn; ' 1 out—■ -ample clothing for v. r in the country, a loaf of bread to at with - r ■■ of the canned foods which she knew vi re in the fan a "ise pan try. s. me dainty und:• s— “which might have been part of my trous seau'—and a pair of i.■"•-heeled, stnsible looking shoes. It v a.s when she was picking up the shes that she heard the ap proaching car. Still holding one of •he shoes, she straight- : d up to see who was coming. -V " i ■- it was Aunt Martha and Miss Aggie, re turning from tile m-- mg. It was early, ami yet she ha 1 taken nn awml h t of time,trying to get the ear started. But it v. isn't Aunt M i.t: a 1 Miss Agg . in Miss Aggie .-- s- dan. It was a roadster " it!, the top down, at: 1 if it wasn't Jo. Alg- -i s. then s'.--- a t know the d roadsters v.ln-a she saw them. i '■ -1 old J -e! Like an o! !--r broth., r to h-'-r. Always sweet awl nul : ' ruling and ym; ithetic. .lie t tie- to. rs n to take k r out to flit- ' I.ui'k was with lor at last send ng along gi od old Joe Alg.h ■ if nil pcople. The roadster was almost in frimt of the house. She waved wildly. ■ d I” site c illed. "J ■ Algc' id!” But the roil...-tor went right on l iv. “W !!. of all thlngsk' Plan !. At. I then aim -st h. ha e he •a . g.i ! r hat site was doing, !i: llv v. :lh the shoe hit it she lain... ' Tin rt I" she . ri "idv, •')':■ h.c 'hat! Void re a _ >:. got ; mg ■ I , all:" just bo.' it a tree. (To La Continued! School Bus Tire Problem Still Unsolved Daily Dispatch Bureau, In the Sir Walter Hotel. By BOB THOMPSON. U :'.c gn. .June 1 fi - -The Shite S. 1 . nini;sn has a favored it.r.g i the pa‘chase and retread a -r : a , ■ t re- Never!heless. eei unabli to ..in the rit': nor . -'.reds despi". ately and f r th is week boards nd ig the problen i new angle. It lias asked the otf.ce -: pr.ee a dm in:~! rat a m to c m s. der "e 4.9ioi a ; -se< as a -aigle tl'-et and to allow the c "M 1' I'm afraid we hiiven’t much ' . -a (1 Nathan Yeltor. the ;ssi m's executive secretary. S I . .1 busses i- ; Uv use about 7 aim new tire- year, including die new ones w -h c -me on the .700 new b i-sv- isuallv purchased each year. Tims yea’' .1 can got neither new tires nor busses and is a very little ccess with re treading. To meet the situation the immmis v going over every ’‘'ate trie “'led by every bus a. eve y nu ll luted sehoi>1. t-ymg «, 1 w -ru - mt ri luct'on a; the total milage trav < led. Where possible fewer busses 1 be sed. Ch. hire", wh . pre vintislv have been carried to school, but who ran walk wihtout too great a hardship orobably will not ride t. hi fa!!. The- schedules may be changed to reduce the speed of the I , busses and th is -e "il ei ? 1 machinery. buy nov 150 new one- in storage. They 1 ore delivered !.de !u-t y< , r and : . •! put emergency. Yel4 •.;!! use the o * > ■ replace bu.-ses bey nd rep .r n all sections o! the >rate. "But when y . have only 150 h wses : »r luo e . a- 1 ties, and when y *u re nen her t i • < e e-ight years Id, you can *-ee ihc.se o’* help m BALANCE ROCK NOT LEASED FOR SEASON Balance Reel c.i. a. ayirteen s o u t h e a ' . H f ’, i d i - n. h < t t • - leased the r.er, despiii tin ottei if th< conn ' let out t :'i -1)’ >n- ii ie I 'j >er m : i • ,. a , . T t>>da\ The (•"•■ ;• tiiv in charae • a the camp was tillable !■ a ake s I act i n y arrant's : * ;. * - mr a .ar.a.e.a and then decided tn lease it. but i , j had no g<'i>d f' ■ rt me a yet. The esta!ili-hm ellt i'.a been , ,ji- 1 . ei a ted lor -w e ten > r a m -a n year ' hv ii'. >e ail i a hei caI ci;iii- IT I the lie; ie:! i my ■, • : 1. a \ ] community. It - t1 gift ft! ( ITY SOI I B \I,I. LEAGl'E X licniiiT-i n 17. Big Star 2. PIEDMONT LEAGEE VY i-' " i-S dm; 3. Durham (I. r.i:,.: -I ;. Xorioik a. i; chn .2 [i, (; eensboro 2. i m!,v ga ; (;c- . (laved. SATIONAE LEAGlE NX w 7’ . 1. ik Pittsb ,rgh 2. C .. . ■ ii. B a;kiyn a. \.Ml RICAN LEAGEE X a .lues played. Ill RT IN THICK WREC K Ge.n-ge Cal ad’.. Jr., was injured Sal rdav a naiing \vhen a light pick up truck lie v a- driving was wreck eel a: .i bridge across Sandy Creek a; the Rock Mid, and his condition today t Mar.a Parham hospital was -aid to be satisfactory. * * * BE SURE WITH * * ctiTiir cm ( STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY MJ/ this t whiskey is TEARS OL! w FILL 90 FI OOF »2*qt. *i»pt. e E NT U RY.D I it! WLIN4_COi4I.it A.NY _• riOHIA, t|-LJMAJA Review rN. Y. at War’ Parade Gov*. Herbert II. Lehman of New York, Vice President Henry A. Wal lace, King George II of Greece, and Mayor Fiorello H. LaGuardia of New York City, are shown on the reviewing stand as the vanguard of the great “New York at War” parade, swung by them. It is estimated that more than 500,000 took an active part in the parade while aboat 2,500,000 jammed tiie sidewalks to witness the greatest demonstration of military might and civilian preparedness. (Central Prem) Big Star h Victim Of N. Henderson Xor! Hendei son .-eared a IT to J . , f ry e. t. i I • St..i- eellarites hi • • : test 1 ''ii';. th the North Hen ijov11. . ilie . ■ i:: iii. Movci had a M..Mi.ay H. reported at ; |': : induct ii a ml' tl e nd t . . i . i .. - He re turned to 1 lie eity i t ■ e > to par : ii-ipate :n I., i nn;htk- a mte 1. r,i . tlaek and h li : a ioop \ed 4(1 till 'o' a .joji'i . <; tt ii" a i ipli . ’ " 1 doe . ie. and a -ii\;le m as lrii - 1.-tar •: .-is en lid . two o'. T! e \. Her. .1 i - >n At) it 11 !'i> A fields, th o : ; e i wo.'h'.v. i I ! 1 4 e . a vd. p i 1 i» 1 A. K i it reit! ! i 111 il il d 4 (' • l ’. ■ 11r, ■ 11. it ! 4 .! ( ■, •!.. I .'Il4ii la im. i. . a 4 n n l ' 1.i! ... 7." I T 47 i i iiii: Star "th 1! ft I’d A smki . ! i 1 (' f;. ■ ill. I n a I 11 a .1. Kittrell. 41' |n]i Si oil, el 1 " '• f' Spi all. ..’.lit' Pel noli . t l 4 I - i!"l.'in-"ii, h . I n n 4 ; Allen. . : 4 " 1 t i Mill-, si 4 u 1 ... i ilai (Mol I. i . . 4 (■ 0 K Total I"'. 4 7 47 14 v. jit- , i. n i" : n. t ' -ta i |p;. s'. r 111 a ei'dlllu 4 I'T in. A I '' . '..'ok' . Spruill Pi i'n.•!!. h . .''ll. I Ki\ nip' a I \i ..-I.;, ,. a, 4. 7 a td.'. Pi ut 1: < ‘! !. ,\! : ! i i ' i - : i . ! ’ \ ' ! « 11. Mrs. Ferry Asks Ladies To Qualify Mr-. Ii II Ik- r.v. an ..! me laches .i.v.-. n : I ■ mat .u■ • 1: ehainpioiuii.i) a' Wes' Knd ('•• miry etui), has ure'ed . .1 lady member who have not yet qualified : >r the tiiurnamer.t to pas', th. r se.•••.•,. this week, p .ntiiip ..• i: tii.it time lor qualifying Ikthe uniui; ! eve it mis hee.i extended I one .veek. tans " t'. i:il; e\. . y one . ■: :.T ! me ! . n,.-; I heir scores. Lad ies q :a ] i I v e. nine holes, nd the..- matclu w.4 be lor nine holes, thorn'll the li: .4- e. .11 po lor 18 holes. T. i: irna ment play .'.ill i. pin nex I week. ^POUUUU^OOQt WJM» ■ » wiy < | 1 \ SOI i ll M l l.t Mil I ( lul) \\ on host Pet. 15..-e ' - ■"» \ Hendei s m 2 .1 - < li < S lit n.lt■: -oil I .700 |> _ St: 1 0 11 .000 Plhl) MON'l hhAC.Ii: Club Won host Pet. ( 1 itte - -’7 16 623 Greensboro !9 18 .617 ; lit h ’ (I IT 'in.') ;; •• , 22 21 512 Asheville 5 2:’. •500 \.,, 32 7.3 .440 f) 17 30 362 \\ : • .::-S 3 17 30 .362 \ \ I ION Vi. I I VGl i: I lull Won host Pet. -i 33, in .704 S'. !. ill 32 20 .615 (’,j 11-i 11M 11 I’ll 27 .5 I!! Mr.- V 30 70 517 ('ll 71 31 .463 I’ ll -bn mil 37 30 .474 It -1 • , 27 35 13.3 II ,!:i 16 II .721 Oil UK w h» mh i: ( iuil W on host Pet. v. V II 13 750 ton 7.2 33 .532 Cle 31 ’3 1). .31 30 .50,7 So I. .11 I’ll 37 .467 1' V .In' ' 1 ".1 37 .403 21 3; .100 W ;t-1 rn'’7 . ' ’ 36 3,0 j Schedule GBMsmttmmMmb SOI TRAIT. IT Mil l! S ., it 1 II iiders. 01 > • l’": e PIIDMOM ITVGIi: Dirl'.i: (In-ensb'-rci. \3. . 6 A -' n lie Win : ,. -S ilei : .3 I! 1 'liniond. ('ll • ill I>..1 tsaninth. NATION M. I T Mil I St. I. : 1: -X. . V. :a;. (' , inii;,l at Host 1 in Pittsburgh t I ’hi l:ide|phi:i. 1 )n!v ta ,..(.}iediik-iI ViMI'UIC \\ ITVGI I \e\> V • ; a- I): 2 .3 (2 3 :u0.- ). Ph : l.idl'i | ill :.l at ( "’1 'cagn. W shintCi n at Cleveland Host. . at St. L-mis (night). Geo. A. Rose and Son Henderson, X. C. ■ » Mister, if you haven’t worn a pair of Hanes broadcloth Shorts, you’ve got a real treat in underwear comfort ahead of you. Legs are not stubs— they’re cut generously full to hang properly. The seat is roomy—won’t bind or pinch. Elastic webbing in the waistband makes the fit just right. They have the famous Hanes qual ity that means long wear. Choose from many smart new patterns and colors. Buttons or snap fasteners. One other tip ... a Hanes Undershirt is made for these Shorts. It’s highly absorbent HANES SHIRTS BEGIN too. Try both for extra comfort. J^y 39* Buy War Bonds and Stamps HANES WOVEN SHORTS BEGIN AT 5Q( HANES CROTCH-GUARD SPORTS BEGIN AT 50C 4 Look for the HANES Label when you buy. ™ It assures you quality underwear at moder ate prices. P. H. HANES KNITTING COMPANY Winston-Salem, N. C. I/I notice" State of North Carolina . nunty ot Vance Having qualh.eci a< r - , . .he Estate of Jo L.te ot \ aiuc i ♦ v >• • • - olina, thrn .. not / ■ th Ca Having clain ■ . ga ■ to pres« nt them to the \ ' executrix, or to hei Hi ndei -on. North Cm , ' ’ « fore the 19th da\ ol M ' " this notice will be p|< ,| ' "■ of any recovery All , ed to the said e tatt n ake immediate ett, 1 - This the 19th day ol \;‘-V. OKLI.IAH l)i ]■'■ , Executrix of the i: •, Henry Darh. . I.i, , , ,, ” Gholson & Ghoi-on, Attorney- for Except '•■ 19-26-2-9-1(1-23 NOTH I Ol \ 1*1*1.11 \ | t(; v ,, on R ATI MOTOR \ I M|< . , < ARKII R \\i» nvn II! A It I NO '!!!!;! (r. As ri ({Hired bv lor Dili. Public I aiv. , ,i , ' .' ’’ is hereby pi. on t l::il ; i ., ; • , " In i n math by I lend' . .. . for a Eiunchi -i• < 'oi l 11 • .. ■, , ., mp the operation ,,| a .,i , , lrh,~ lor tran ji, 11ini’, p,. , , 1 Henderson to ()xfi d in 1 lero.i. into (. , , ., . the Htilitii Cm .. li ai ilip on the ;nd ... .. ,, . '' O I H'O ol C 010:111 1 .11. I. . .j, y on Tin day. .juoo ■ i'011 i. a:. \< 'it I 11 (' Mil )1.1X A 1 "n . | |-1[.- ; ci 1 \i 11 ssi 1 in H-■■ !:. (). Self. ( 1.1 1 a, |. G-1G-2G M)i!( E TO ( K1 to rops Slat. ,,| North Carolm. ; '..iinly ol Viiiiiv: Having qualified a ■ n 'he Esiati• of Hattio H. . Van co County. Xorli: 1 .....|jna ihi- is notice to all |» - a claims apain t the -aid <• 1 sent th( 111 to the uudor Tli ,' Sl._ Mtrix. or to her atli>1-1 - n dor.-.hi, N. ('.. on or hoi . q qq, day of June. 1913. or thi .• - ,;| be pleaded in bar o’ any 1.- ■ v All pc - mis indebted 1.. . d 1 \viII plea, e make iinni..a, ,.; 1 niont. Tin - the (till da v of .1 u t q {■> (;EiiTKtn)!•: i.c’ii’Kix, Exi cull ix of the E w I hit! ie E. Swain. I )>•■ • \. 1-16-23-30-7-14 NOTH » or s \ | i I’ll; Uant to an nn'.i r I ■ ! y Clerk nt Hie S; jicrb >r Co V - , County, Nurl li Car- .linn. : ■ cia! I’m icoeding f 11icketi i ' i r I'iee of the .-aid Clerk . a .1 -R. ■J. Tlio", Adiur. of t!. ’ me cf Cyril • Thomas, deceased. \ • acta E. Thomas, widow of Cviii- T1.. B. ,T. Tho'mas and v. Zell Thomas. Su ie T. Br; .-nil luir 1 iand. i I ubort Bran e. V' ' c Asai Hargrove, widow. Carnliii * .i■.• 1 : usband. Primus Jones, id; 11 ') widow. Mary Bullock and .ml. John li. Bullock, Sr. and i »• ta Dickerson and Diela . !nr husband," and by the and ;y ■ 1 the said order, the undersigned Com missioner will offer for sail a pub lic auction, to the highc 1 i midi r. m i-a h, at tin ('oiirtho.,. i :1;i ■> Ib n derson. North ('arol ina. at Moon, on Monday, June till. i;C2, 'ha following described real i ten: 1. Begin at a Hickory i m-i' in tiie Virginia and North C'.11• ■!ina State line, in Tarry's line: i n mi' S 7 1-2 \V 8.50 chain ' :! Poplars corner on J. T. S'; J. E. Hender on: thence S J V. 55 . 'i chains to a 4 Piiplar c -rm i : ' ■ ' >■ N 80 \V 1 1.50 chains to Ca ■ o ' - ner. Col. Hargrove's line: tbi-m e M 3 1-2 E 52 chains to a V! '•■ Oak corner on said line: thence S ill! 1-2 E 1 li chains to the l irst n taining 71 1-2 acre (wide ca udw 20 acres a 1 ready owned '• mi Cyrus Thomas). Reference to deeds recorded in Bo;.1: I a mm 123, and Book 15, page 320. nl 1 ice of the Regi-'ter • 111 Vance County. 2. Tract of about 7 acre . r less, known as the "Sal.y J place," adjoining land- of Cm Thomas on the East, ('b o ■ 11.; grove on the South and V\ and Brandi on Boyd on I lie \Vi ' soil North, same being the land ■ "1 by Tlionia- Joiner and >- Sc v ard l i i an said Sally Joint- de ceased, Thomas Joiner 1" ■ ■ Joiner's -on, and We- Sew .an I 1 ■' grandson. It is intended In i" v ■' convey all the inten-t Thomas Joiner and We Si 'I s the aid Sally Joiner land, c.'- m ;u law or equity. Eor di - ci a.. aid boundaries of “Saliv * *IK land" see her iri-'dial deed c: n-i aid in Granville cnun'.y si Hr id 's tor of 1 )eod- ' ‘ fi; e. Less the i llov. mg acre c has be> n sold oi l tin abo-n do cri ■ad tracts: 3 1-2 acres to Fa bel t F. Sett, m.i le-.-d recorded in Book 141. at T ■' 351, Vance Registry; and a tract on the South side of tin road o ng by actual survey 27 acre "l; to S. J. Thomas by deed recorded m Book 161, at page 205, Vance Ibg i try. The remaining acreage lelt. at i deducting tlie two tracts sold "it, i 48 acres, more or le s. This the 2(ith day of May, HH2 T. P. GIIOLSON, Commi sinner. 26-2-9-1G CALL 3 6 6 LOITGIIMN t'lTV TAXI 24 Hour Service B. H. MIXON (Incorporated) Contractor and Builder "Builds Better Buildings” Also Wall Papering, Painting, Roofing and General Repairing. | PHONE 7