'SOCIETY NEWS' ~ IM.ONV. .1 •push, the peony, „.,7 long as it exists, , Pin-sums jiist like ti 1 1-1 , , tlu red, this white red , , , i the blossoms an . J , leantn's a they gro,-.. they have traveled tar, < tied below, made up ot a eioud , psi. broke, and tell apart .. retain a tntuky glow i ; .gilt on a cap ol snow, 1,1 ' leaves here i till1 .-..nil ' 1 .iters, as it the rain l!! •, i m the sea , hack in the peony • " . . 1 us w Ini iteh h i pick we rail hear the lick e like clockwork in the another June. Kh/aheth Jane A tley In Durham Today. yj , 1 larris and Mis-.es \Vil mne I Hum spent the day jiday : I Hirham._ ip.piins troin Chester, I’a. \] mie Hughes lias returned spending the past two Chester. Pa. \ \ isils m Columbia. y;. he Duke, ol I lendci on. her daughter. Mr yj, , l i ythe, m Columbia. S. L • _ Visits in Diiiiii. yp \1 .-i 1! uth Cl a rdnev let1 to (jjv ■ Dunn where she will vi i iJrueo I tiel.ey for .a . - era I • (In ( alilornia Trip. ! . ■ , Card or left tin . after | i inth's ti ip to California y,., i.- areompa nied liy Mi s, e-Mir.v. of Lillington. (till Scouts Meet. I, ••■it troop No I will lioli , , a-i'lmg Toe day afln , 1 o'clock at the home o j(t. , ,.U I:»:t Vo'ing avenue. (iuild fleeting. '[ ■ i ,|ev.ill Serv .re (i - Id >1 ill y ,p ■ podi.sl church will meet a Tuesday evening at Hi and all member are urged t 15.irk from Pennsylvania. !'.. . i Knight i'i(I f!i:li11 01 S: . ail Sherwood have rctun ■ ■ ■ i limin' here alter \ i -.'in Che,ter. Pa., hu' t\v Week-laid lit re. ami Ben Mm i: tier. <' . i »: egi ill. shit i'lm'd at Cun \ I - aM' »<’. spent the week - i'll ■. , * * i- gur is ul their sislei M • II.,! i ; . Visits in Richmond. 1 ,e, ae I’.ueliai an. Benne It • ■ I 1 lenry I! a’lianan pel ■ • ■. nek-end in RYhnvaid. V; el r hrither and sister. M C!union Bowen. ( nine from Greensboro. W T. Hinton and gram Kdith Heid. returned ' Saturday alter spendin ■ . \ ilh M i's i I inton's .-isle M P, Coleman, of Greensboro. From Smithfield. Kdw in Fuller Parham. Mi M.ii'an. Kdward W P' M aid Sumner Fuller Parhai • a ned truii. Smithfield whei ' the guests of their atm M . i. 111 i( Poll. Miss Esther Royster Here. Esther Royster, formerlv ".a left today for Chautanqi. a liter spending the week ei S'- . a daughter of the la M I Mrs. .!. S Royster and f yearn has been a member ■iilty of the public schools A i Park. N. ,T. St. Andrews Newt liv MRS. G. I Nl CKLES .1 M. Ivey and Air G. A’- \ isited Mr L A. We \\ • 1 • ( -il y. Owen Wright and ehildi v guc.-ls ol' Mrs. Allie Wilkers 1 day. Mont Wade and (laugh ' M: . Mettle Reim visited M ■' A Ivey and Mr,. G. F„ Nuek I iy .11 ternoon. A Nannie Wilkerson spi I -■' night with AP " \llie W K «n. and Mr... (1. K Nnekles a ter visited Mr. and Mr-, f i S'even.son Thursday night. H .1 M I\'(\v and Mrs. G A ■ le visited Mrs. Allie Wilki F iday afternoon. A Bcckie Barker and Mildr WOP visited' Miss M rgaret W u Wednesday night, /-To Relieve MONTHLY-> FEMALE FAIN Women who sutler pain of Irregular periods with cranky nervousness— <luo to monthly functional disturb ances— should try Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound to re heve such distress. Made especially j fnr women. Follow label directions. WORTH TRYING! E. PINKHflM’S gSSSSSj I FLOWERS for every occasion Phone 380 Day or Night BRIDGERS The Flurist Miss Katherine Kurnev l Va isGraha mCorneli us Tl" >■ "■ "i Miss Ki.th.Tinc! i ' 1 ' 1 ii n« ! ■ il thi' city, iiiid j 1! ■ ?* 1 ; 1 nel is, of Moores- 1 ( 'die •'n'l V. il .11”imi. wii- solemniz 'd in - iii |.lc rcrcmnnv Sundii v l mornin.; ut II . , < . in the Hirst 1 ' B.'l>1ist cl.in cli. The |m Ini. the Hev. I - Nor I leet ( rilnllHT, oft I. .;,ted. IIS Marian Martin Pattern * t_ two ru t i; I VYOKI IT Ftir a summer in- c' ion. there - I nothing like o trim tw '-pieccr! > This Marian Martin Pattern. 0013. 1 has smooth Uplines and short m ■ long sleeves. I! ynm tohiac -triped. tile bias trout skirt panels ■ yokes and collar siiow up smartly. pattern 9013 may be ordered o ly 1 in misses' -are 13. 14. Hi. 18. 30 S'/e Hi require.' 4 3-8 yard- 35 .neb Send FIFTEEN CEN'l'S (plus ONE '■ cent to cover cost of mailing) for this Marian Martin Pattern. I'"- sure to writs plainly your SIZE, NAME. A DDK ESS and STYLE Nl’MP.KK. Send your order to Hendor- ■ " Daily Dis| ateli, Pattern Department 8 333 \V. 18th St.. New York. N. Y. m; the double rino ceremony. I‘i i‘»r to the ceremony Mi - ’ .fiimr ’"bin A. crgaim t. played Tu A Wild j T‘-e". Mel >owe!l. - Ave Maria. * i r'lunod. and *'Ia<l>e traum". Lis/.t. Ihc* traditional wedding marches <>t •Vagner and Mendelssohn were play ■I h>r the processional and reces •lonal. I he u < invert W I«’ Turner, the hi ido. and 11. M. Ti r : 1 ' •' 1 « r the bride. The couple ent ed the el chto ' t! < Ihc bndc v\ i in1 a dies of I owdei :>lu< crept ■ tli da k blue nidi h iel id. 111 1 ‘‘ttiatciy loljow mg tin1 eere 1' "i A -o and A.. ( '< iriud;u- lei; ' 1 ■ ' t :: una 111 h * n r i e - 1 dc i n.a r .n r Jion their return dl i.c .it home m \\ ilming loh. " 1 11 11k daughter of Mi l.’mh.ird S. , ir11«• i and the late Mr. I ; i i1 (■ i . . -1 ! h i ider cp. Sj,e grad tr ded 11 -111 Won m c -I lege i .| 1 he I hi \ oi • 11y of North t' ii"ima and I"! t he j m t c\ eral \ (mi ha nc n a n cii ;i kt . -i the I’acuIt d the Fav eUcville eh cob. Mr. t « a ncliu i Ihc 'ii ol 11: < late Mi. and Mr . (d im < ) ('m nel m. , 1 ’I Ah" - i ( mile. He « •• - imooted with the ' 11 «•( uf l nit'd St ah engi.iee. .• :i Will■img.ton . Sn:in day c. cuing. l"M"W'iiig the re eai a! Mi . Kiehard S. I rner and Atr W Id Tunic entertain*d at an mini nta| eat.e-out ling at the bridt ’ hoine ha the \*. oddmg, party, out >1 town gue i . and a ft w I rlend . ( nines 11 nm ■ 'ni tsinntltii. A i 11 i - ■ i . "I I '-m I -mouth, Yu., pi nt the wool.-end here with ic. w ito an I *m. Tcmmio. \dsit m < niimihiu. Mi A h ca I ’a m itt and dm igl it or. ; i 'eg.gy. art \ i it mg All Rudolph 111ml. m ( "luiMhia. ,S. ('. ,\t Wake Forest. Mi Mai > lal. Parrott .pent the 1 \ ocI. end ill Wake l* i ire t cc| lege with Mi Nancy .1 aim 1 lei- a beck. a ho i. a . Indent lbn e. lirlimi to W ilsnn. Mi and Air- ,1. I.lack *«n. of W i i "ii. rt t n ri n : I heme today a tin ponding lii" week-end with Mr. and Mi T II. Weldon. Pra.\ er Meeting Hand. Prayer meeting hand will meet ' Tuesday c oning at 8 o'clock with 1 Alls. Maude (lupton. on Cha\a- a avuuir. with Rev. .1. t.\ Tongue a. ieador. Here tor Wedding. Mr. and Ah . S. L. Smith, ol Aloc t \illo. v. ore \ ; : 1"r hero Sat urday night and Sunday, and attend ed the (’crnel ius-Turncr marriage ' Sunday morning. O. F. S. Meeting. The regular nnoting ol .lames I> White eihipter HW ( ). K. S. will b( hold m the Masonic hall this even mg .it 8 "'clock. All members an urged to be present. rm 1 / ] Vest hud Country (dub Plans Beach Club Party .\111 ai■ I i . i- ai mm iii('"i oil el an mini I a a11 'III a! Wr I Knd ('minli .> I du!i I'd idaim nim;. .limn I'd, 1 n >n 1 |l Ii. 1 .' i iVlm I. i i . i' 1 a i'll l and (dull I nirinlirr. . and a yala iirra- mil is planned. The anni Illlieeinrlll lwlln\\ I •'A !■]) j 11.: . 1 leach chlii lias , ipcned : \\d i Knd. Wear any I i ii a yell i lira -e. blit v.e I hnpc yea I1 ah end. 1 I-h e:' «) 1.1 11’ ", e'l! dam c and dim I'd' 11 ad "I' dm T a , j j Am! miliyliny with ma 11 lend • the j tune me ! happily will pa.--. The rolliny ■ m l i- tar uw ay and I liner wc ■ ranm >' n fain, We C..I i ei I lev tile We t Knd i !■ -aril i n m-1 | ilea - .nit ly at In line. Friday, .him- :’il. 111-11:." The enter!,, i eid eonanitli-e and 1 he h* ill- e ei mi 11; i! lee ; nn ini id ly in ei la . - m ■ ; . i ,.I im ents. with tile pi -1 i a. a ■ dei- aid the dance cniii i nntt( e i e.e liny. A Attra' 11 i deenr..ti ins and retrc.-h n it'lla a ■' i - ad tn all W Im at Clld The ei >!. i aii**. :* mi that there m . i ..I a II ei ii I, ii hi* *! the I nei 1 * - a | t ' 11 pp"l ! I I 1C I > I ■'.*.' a.1 el'll) ill lie planned In 1 he new presi 11 111. i l 11 * i v 11 K a nl all. With Hit Sick Krturns Hume. Mr . Mangle i* i u* y the has rot tim ed hi her In uno a I ter Ulideiguinj I , i *a I ! I *e||t .r .li il . i I'.H ii.in 11" pitai I ndrritors Treatment. M .. Turner <a I lender an i • r i i mdergi miR t rea I ment a' Mai ia I’arhani Inispilul. Has tonsils Itrmovrd. p e;l llams. el I lent'lei.mi, hnr hi a I.-. ii;.. .1 Saturday a 1 a*a\ i's Hospital. Mr I* i*. Si 11let * \ a I * Sat 11 I'daj ha I a i : * a r si m li a a.; * real mi nt ■ ' M. i * I’m * hespital. Ai i s . A i sene al Hospital. Ah . 11 Al. Aysetie i itildei'R<ihp I real - i lit al .'.inn, I 'a a hospital \t Hospital. Minn; W'e.n .*r. "I S • *.1111 1 lender in Al,. I ia I’;, nun. Ir r pita in tie. tn ent. Has \ ppeilfiet iom> . All . | . c, Slu*. 1 i \V I ! 1. t'sl it H'll Ultd. * * ::1 an "pi I ■’ "I! In- a|.poll i • a * ii, i i i a h".-.p:lal ant 1 a al I" la n I I in, aim.; ! me. At Hospital. All. t'i I til l !■ is: I the ( i11' li. t i i -er i -i i. i ii •, a Pattern hospital hr tiealment. t nder;;oi < tpei at ion. Mi \V I. ; "I V. • t linii u: Itlei re'il in "| n I atlon la t W eel at Mai ia 1'arlui t tal. Has ((pin a lion. Ail i 1 ; IV W t ! 1 a I 11 I "M. Ill l"Utl .' lu l l. all ml I , l.e Rettnn al"l:t mo al lei ... all op eral loll a' Alai a I 11 I...'i1 11" -I nla I Has <tperathin. All ( lllie | lint "II mnloi wen I a; ..j t■: a11 •11 I' I III. ■ \ a I Ala: I i Pal ha. |i.. pil.il mi I a i. I I " he :;ettlli| , U,j ,p. \ i l ,v all tail"! 11 > Mi'-, (.mil Improved. Pearl ( hull i aid t" lie liinrl ei i s’ la i .. e n .van'll tleii n. ,a 'a■! 1 unii.a \ei> sii'K. Itreaks ( ollar Itone. \1.,| I it- I '.el 1 ( 'll I ill. ten 11 o .lll.il-- "li dam; .In "I A! i ami All Mail C Mr III. all I nee 111 A .11 id I.I' hei Cal !,, i 1 hmi She i ..hi t11 tie Ret t in ... .hr uri well at her home n S' m' i 11' ndei -"il I,ra\ es liospita I. Aim I inke, leit At.. Pat i:pitai revel it tv ulti'l I'.ndei treatment then Mr some time Ki'tinns from Hospital. Al11* a a Gem ge. w 1," recent 1 nclei went an opet ation at Mai i Pa i han I;. i s j 111 a 1, ha - i.een discharge and lms gone to her home. Mrs. Poll Ver> III. The rmiditimi "I Mr- Kdward \' ; pail, wh" w a.- taken critically i 1 May m Snath! ic 1 d. show - son . ,pi , em. nl Ah s P.iu has "tti j \ ; -11t h>"' -an-a , law and daughte Air. and Ah ' 1-Mv in Kni'n i Parhra lu a and h my friends ill Hot . i.-: nil Luncheon Given For Mrs. Weldon ( Sunday tin- children and ftrand- ^ children »»| Mi and Mr: Tom Wei don gathered in honoi Mi> Weldon *!i her Irrthday At iwai a bounteous , picnic lunch \va .-prend on lawn with plenty ol iemunade on tin mde Ibis is an annual alTau and i> look ed forward to by all the member, u the lamily. Flu* absence ol manv < grandchildren beraue ol tin* wai , caused a noted adness. ■ ( Miss Edna 01 i\er Has Health Course Mi.s Edna Oliver. Vance county public health nur.-c. today began •Indies in a thrcc-wci k publn health four c at the ! m nr it> "I vdrth Carolina. Miss ( Hr, ci v, ,11 hai l hurt va cation a I'tc I con iplet I ng tin- mill-' at the Uin vci ity and I x - I ore re turning to the county lu-a 1 th do| >,n ' nent, ★ * * * ★ * WITH OUR BOYS * * IN SERVICE * * * * * At Wyoming I'nrt. PI I lai i v 1’. (Iupturn "i■ --I M1 and Mr, K N Ouptoii i . mm n tunning at Fort Francis K Winn n Wyoming. From t ort I’rairc. Lieut. Hubert D Wall d I'' >rI Hragg pent Sunday hire with In inolhci hi i L IJ. Wall "ii Hiirgro i . trert. Kcturiis to Columbia. Sgt. .lame • W 1 lamlen. who ha l pent ovrra| day, here with hi ; pur I int . Mr and Mr K. I. 11 a i», leu. j i ctui ned Saturday to Columbia, A Visits Here, Cadet I Joinill lire .'.Cl I Ited III i not her, Mr,. ( ’. S. Brewer, lor ; J ihorl time over the week-end on hi way to I’i n aoolu, El"i ida, where I” will 11 m a h In, 111 g i 11 11' a m I n i: 11" 11 a i ,een a I Anaec i tie A n I !a -e. at Wa h ingtou, I). C. To King's Mountain. Lieutenant and Mi, W K I ’a ewe and son, who have been visitm, Ml , C. S. Brewer loi the past week | have g ini to King'- Muim 1 a 11: where they will spend a holt turn with Mrs. I tremor's mol be i boloi e a turning to their I mine in I ’on - a ("la. Florida. Broomes Parachutist. I’FC Weldon W. Duncan, a mem ber -J the U. S. Marine Corp. . ha really gotten up in the air to win tin. war. Duncan, brother ol Mr-, Dave Gupton, of Henderson, has ju.-t completed a special training course at the Naval Air Station at Lain - hurst. N. ,J, and ha.- nova been de signated a (lualilied parachutist. He enlisted March 22, 194(1 in Huleigh and is said to no .-bowing -punk a a lighting leatherneck. 1940 Income Fax Returns Double Preceding ^ ear's Washington, June 22.—(API—The bureau of internal revenue reported today that 14.Till,661 persons tiled tax returns on 1940 income compared with 7,648,683 returns in 1939 in form . The increase was due primar ily. the bureau -aid, to lowered ex emptions. The department's list of the num ber of payments in each state in I eluded: Alabama, 1110,488 returns. Ark m -a.-. 5(1,091: Florida. 141,205: Georg: ,. 130,084; Louisiana. 129.332: Mary land. 285,824; Mi si - ppi. 48,(136: New York. 2.183,1 12. N'm th ( 'ar-din 129,076: South Car dina. 63.977: T- n nessee 139,002: Virginia, 183,572: West Virginia. 125.438, Pbraife Committee 10 Meet Tomorrow M.t t h o pa < d ( ’1 >i 1 lendc1’ on’ - .11 i v It b \‘ ict• a \ . 1 >i\ celebration will imcoI ton n »rr« »w , i at R o’clock ;it tlie Chamhc. | «t (m-minei ce i 'ft icr with pot • <>n - : bn are handling vanoir division., j »l the parade and all others who an ! ntrrested. il wa- announced t'»da\ ; v Arthur 11 S .rpri <\ eerclai y »l , | t be (’bamber • t! ('ontmerer , 1 Mem! ter • < >1 the pa i . alt • fin nil e , ; ,ire J . \\ Siindri •>, ebairn an. Mi \Y 1) I’a.vne and Mr Surpn « (lenri al entliu in>m o\ t*i the Y e I n 11■ v 1 Vie eeb'brat ion i all ead\ < , j dent, it was tab'd tod <y by Mi Sm pi i e and iiubcation., point ;• • "rej’ulai old lnni' E« *urt b 1 >1 .1 u i\ I celebi ation” to be hold in tin.- city 1 TKII’I.I SQI \SII. J. W June f 11 played a ti iple I quash at the D; i ab-h oilier S.d ; ;,i ,|ay A lairlx large squash bad 1 j two smaller out - grow mg at it- .-kh — The .-malic t and the larg -I \ ar r tic, of gulls nest in colonies together Revelation Subject For Baptist Talk The 1• : .• '••• ! • 1 •• ■ i•;• 1 flinch, !•: X ■ ' l< ■ • < . . I.a- pi- nil •Ci ..II "He..' ! .'!• ■' Ir ■ - ■!. .it he ck ven e e.. i.i;. mi S in lay. The . lb • l. ■ a I lied VI? h :: ■ " S', nr . here v.eir •: • ; .11 Hie me (key ,.; ■ ■,: ir crl by he gaud e.ale i a ii ike ill ir tli.1* i adi > '■ ' ; key he -a-. >;f! k ' k : .; ' . a; cl l.ec|) hi is e tiling- . e. . .’km there n " F,ek a a'e ' . v. . e eet g....«l • ' erl.ng natter. Al'. : ■ ' ;< "i• - no A'11 . iier]. , el .' h.lr 1C : .. id . : '!• . ad r hie .: d k (;.. I \1 • I y |v |.. he m the V. i , : - a. pra.iie. I lie - die 'i: • -1 . ' i.. ■ dead which (le ■. m. 1, -it I m, HTire :..- i: A'. : • S;. k that they in- 1 • ial. ir. ; I. ... i -.I'M C| foi ‘•"in.: . . ... || tile l.-l I. ati-ll. Ik. . ... e 1111 d ait. ' • a •, • ■ >1 the I. I i- ; k I k. I ! ■. air. mg Ike ami ready " I le11 ‘Id ! n a a unci'. Ilk 1 -11 and a go W ' , • 1 . i l a ye know -i"’ . i - . I.|lien ' cm— ii: .1 ■ ; i kae. I . • a ■ i Irk 11 line- - ai the I hi | . I .,. .. . .. 1 .heap ing i: . I" .|( ■ ■ . . . r: J inf ie wa’. . d ' ■. ,• i r ,, 1 v |,, accept 1 le• rhs !<• y ..nil ... tie' call kit i ; i t.. ( '■ . tiali. Ini in i me 11 a I e • . , HI..- ay V .r. i ck. III.' ed . .' ei i ■'' the ly ing. a Hie j, .jihc-v .I hns t) >U " < )1 icdieiie. • . . -■ i11 life iml i.pen,- the gak ■. i •: I niimn:.’ < luiirse I n Ik‘ (i!\ cn I lere Xcw e- ■1: k■ i y t e|. i i. |>t • red i - re a .11 " 1 i nliji-ii .| a 1 iiree-day Irajning eimt e to hi Ik ir the benel ' . a 1 ■ . | ie: - - 'ime! I the tin i[ a iy ■ ei, ’ . I leiider snli . m Ja • ■ 2k i.i 2,11 , ml ,T ilv 1 . ; by II r, i'.ik : i g -. a da;, ;!v.' I ,r ! the X,, ' t iaa Bara p|ny:,,rn' eapeia- m C ,n . ,,n. Ah B any - a. 'a !r mi Iia leigh whe: e in : ., >rcn taking part in a genera! r.a I'crcnrc hi claims pn leedin r - S in •' . ng ei e lives are be;1 ig in del '1. ... r, 1, md next in all the -17 !■■. , employm-nt “f fiees tin . i.igii , ■ • the state Tile Ha leigii e. a11 e: e ,■,■ on claims ‘ pnieed :rex met at the at■ dtpiarters of the riirmpk ,y . - Ciiinpensatinn (Amm:i.--sinn m .1 a, Ik Hi. and 17. for the p , rpi i.xe k aka i a ng arthods i to help tin a - a'- agenl.x in 1 handl ing the dan; "me, elaim.s -f Norl Ca , ■ \\ ho lose j their ini,.- S;- 'a a - ron-idcr ('d by tin- p n 1 i a■ t - wl:mh Hie Ba.pl. .'at a ;l he n slrur'.ed. , i- red a re- for I handling , - t• a tnt.ii and for part ■. i "am. > " a p. Pa i ha i id 1 ing nf Clinte-tad ]a| : ' .'a claims, prepai- it a <.- k-k - - ' n-. pr rso (■■ram , .: ,[,.■•■ k a. .ike.is. the ..■"pe . i a k: t \ ea -es, mid Cki ,'a111 .. ai ., i.e:e... I Itl HIM \ I Ol a I A1 ' " ! !' a. nil . Hite • 1 • ' " tk'-m nig -a ; ", a, i d i played ': , ,' ! . ', • , , • S, .1 a rd'.ay Faso neuralgic pain and soothe nerves that, such pains upset, with quick-acting "RC". Also relieves headaches, musoulai aches and functional periodic pains. Use only a directed Consult physician when pains per si.-1. in, & 2 he sizes. , M IN TODAY AND OUT TOMORROW g ^ nr BRING US YOUR KODAK FILMS to Bi: DEVELOPED 11 s T w e n t y - F o u r II o u r Service Pr H We soil tilms and all kinds ol' kodak -uppHe.- . HZj l K GOO D R l G H S T U D I O S • m J. W. PARTIN. Photographer BJ WED SAEIJRDAV i . - __ ! Mi I!n nth n William (ilni'rr. J Sain i da if alhi'iioon a I . >: ‘ * 0 ot chart'll, 11 111 in n/■'I > a i, ]J/yy Mart /lan/fl/hr <>l Mi', and Mi '. Sic (iincir /.■ fh( yon a! Mi', and .1) ti'ft.s* prior In her mo i'ridt/c Inc/; a I I hi nil ( ‘ n ( /; nnpfist ni‘il l.iiiinn It 11yna_ She c the ii/ii ii !‘jhi rl It il.-nii mill Mr. rs. //. It’. (Hun r, <>i 1 >nhm //. ^ -W » u ^ - SYNOPSIS >f BIAN WDSTON. attractive Ardendale trirl. is jilted. and her aunt, j MISS MARTHA WESTON, tries to in persuade her to marry tl' JEROME CARR, a local banker. Dian happens*to meet , BILL ROLLINS, a New York artist. 11 who also l,as been jilted. ■ j * • • • YESTERDAY: Paul Peters and Claire La.-Urr. the virl who .lilted Bill, are eloping to be married by a justice of the peace living near Dian s farm. J CHAPTER SIX "PAUL," SAID Claire, as the elopement progressed. "Yes, darling!” il" "Is there really any need of rushing things so?" :mi “Yes—there is—definitely." hi "But—why?" "1 don't intend giving you a ci chance to change your mind again —nor risk another quarrel that'll ,,. send me off miles away from you.” "\Ve could have a few days of fun in town—going to parties and " things—and then get married." "Nothing doing! Besides, as 1 told you, I have only a week's va ul cation, and I want to marry you u- tonight and make that week a honeymoon.” K Claire patted Pnul'i hand, n- "You're sweet, Paul,” she said. And after a moment's thought she add ed e,l, "It's certainly weird the way i). things happen. Imagine, me all set to marry Bill Rollins, and go back _ to New York to live in his pent house studio—and then your com ing home," •Tm darned glad I arrived when I did," saiei Paul. “I'm claiming you for my own, darling, just as you ARE my own—for always and for ever. Right?” "Y’es, Paul," said Claire. "Tell me about this place in the West Indies where you live—and where you'll take me?" "It's sort of wild at the moment," Paul replied. "But some nice fel lows and their wives are settling * there, building little bungalows to _ live ir while the Army bases are ■ being completed. Sort of primitive, jX in a way—but you'll learn to like it. i Bridge parties out on porches—not | 1 much dancing as yet—but lots of i C out-of-doors; and the excitement of j X seeing building* arid docks spring j | right up under yxtr very nose.” ; ■ Claire said nothing for a time. She sat there thinking. ... A penthouse studio in New York, ter races overlooking the East river, color, life—and Bill Rollins. That— and a quickly constructed bunga low in a primitive setting, lots of young wives of engineers, and not much dancing-_-and Paul Peters. Something of a contrast, and yet she had finally chosen the bunga low and not the studio. She hoped she hadn’t made a mistake. She studied Paul’s profile, remembered his exciting love making, his en thusiasms, his strong, caressing hands. No, she hadn't made a mis take—not when Paul went with the bungalow. "Oh!" she cried suddenly. "I felt a drop of rain. And just look at that cloud!” “Looks like we're In for one of Ardendale's famous cloudbursts,” Paul said. "Isn't this where we turn off?” "Yd's,” said Claire. “And do drive carefully. The road's full of holes and gulleys.” Paul forced the engine to do its utmost and soon it was chug-chug ging along a swamp-like and sel dom-used road, a road that was none too good under the most fa vorable circumstances, and would be almost impassable after a heavy rain. Then the raindrops began to pat ter down, tangible evidence of more to come. "Darn it all!" said Claire. "I told you we oughtn't to have been in such a hurry, Paul!” "Just keep calm, darling," said Paul. “I'll get you safely through it all. In an hour or so the storm will be over, and you'll be Mrs Peters. Gosh, just imagine!” Then it happened. There was a sort of thud as the car's rear wheels dropped into a puddle. Thile was also the sound of wheel spinning around and around, and getting nowhere. Claire looked at E’aul. Paul looked at Claire. "I'm afraid we re stuck," Taul said. "Well, of all things!" Claire gasped. "Just a minute and I'll have a look." Paul scrambled out of the car. "You get behind the steering iand follow my divedion®. 1 !.' see if I can find a board to put utw der the wheels, so they can catch.” "You'll never tind a board in this forsaken spot,” wailed Claire. Site was right. There was no board. But l'aul threw some not too-wet leaves under the wheels, and prayed for results. “Go on, darling, start the car!” he cried. "I'll push.” Claire did, and Paul pushed. But nothing happened. That is, nothing happened but that the spinning wheels splashed Paul with mud from head to foot. “Weill” Claire called. “What's happening? Will we make it?” “Practically nothing,” said Paul. “I'm afraid we're stuck—for good.” “You mean we've gut to sit hers all night?” said Claire. “No,” Paul replied. He came around to the car and looked in. "It's not far to Than Weston's farmhouse, is it ?” “Oh, no—only about a mile down this awful road—that's all!’’ “Shall we run for it before it rains any harder?” Paul suggested. “I'll wrap the automobile robe around you—and carry you, if you like.” “Anything's hotter than sitting here,” said Claire. "All right, let's go." They struck out, Claire running along beside Paul at first, but later permitting him to carry her. The thunder rolled, the lightning in creased, the rain grew more menac ing, and the justice of the peace seemed a long, long way off. "Now,” said Claire, half sobbing, "maybe you'll agree with me that a church wedding would have been best. ’ "I loathe church weddings," said Paul. "I like elopements. Church weddings cause such a lot of fuss and mess.” “What do you call THIS but a mess?” Claire retorted. “You're simply covered with mud. I wouldn't know who you were If I met you face to face.” "Well, mud or no mud," said Paul, trying to laugh, “it's still lit tle me—your future husband.” He stumbled on toward Pian’s farm house, the bulk of which the light ning revealed at brief intervals. I To tfe fontinupfi ■

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