SOCIETY NEWS : vsi:t in tiik c ity. , <;lw then fare looking up Ik-i < Hit- sky unit stone should lllt’l’’ T toed ,'ilone "n the dull street .1 i,„,Ued to see what distant ' rl,.„, passed hy. excitement tilled the ( c., mug sky. „ I ,n 1 -aw and all they saw fj-p,.,, , eloiid- floating in the blue s ,|, , oiids as move above a eoun li \ -land ,V|„ ,, , ruing is Ion ver bright and , , : ,.|■- i rom some legend.a v Lia' i.u i Tllr> : ail lowly through the up V" • woman lilt her lade, I ' ", mil ^ t,i pic h a idr 1 he narrow , i ,mir ,, 11;.11 Kept the other skv Pi 1 aw a v, a ", and sunset w a.- oner . a name .,,, i i m w under at the end ol lla> . Sai a Van Alslyne Alin Ketiirns from V isit. ■> i !',,!! a Ho e ha returned ti ,,,, , hei e 11 oi11 o \ i a t to Not I V 11 gnuu He,icii. Ya. Visits Daughter. p Vaughan, Sr. ol Williams . !.-it mg his ilaughlei. Ati pp, , ■ Husketli. Krlurns to C il.v. •\| tun Page t'urrin ha i r pj.,,, i ■ , her home here, altcr \ isit I H Currin m SU m From Gastonia V. , I Mr,. Will. Mitchell' , j I, mre. ol (; i-tniiin. ..pent .-end hei e with friend- and it. t in ns to fir rmillr. VP M l ’mph let l h.i returm • I , i i • ■ i; a ' III ( ; i rein | tie all ' i d" . "■ I wills In" pirelil , \] i Ale. C I > Newman. Mi-siouary Group. : . j. a, i All lonai y S' .rely ol p,. i i .■; i :I'o11a I Clin ehiIrak - 1 , i;- (pinr!erly ini me a', it iI'eloek tonight at the Lihrai\ Receives (lurrcnt Biography 1'. ’ill lilt: stnnes nt 991 people i• i par' ill tiida.v s news are ■ ... ialjle tu local readers in i ■ | ’, gra ph v 1941. a new 947 ; . just received at the II I' : v Memorial 1. brai v. Mrs. I’t •.. I.o nan. announced today. .] • ; h in 1 (in i11iporta!. t inter d domestic ,government ;111 m.1 itnry leaders including c;. • ,1 iiiglas Mae A rtiiur, and 19) (I: ! are included among the sr .a 24 prnle.-sions whose i. g p.res anct photographs appear pin>1 ieali m 4 The H. \\ . \X Company of New York City. (1 . ::■ Biography is particularly i ■ ended to l wo classes ol li ir . itrons. the librarian explain Oii Aii irate and precise, the lilt' .... . - are valuable 1" many wnr I people who have no extra t. ■.,i research and who npore r n ■ e edit in's conscientious stud: ill current magazines and 8 i s r r the past year. Tilt nteri'st value plus the in ti ' ■ r editorial -'vie make the if these newsworthy lead ■ a r!aining reading for many 11' '■ .Cm particularly miw are in ti ' I m knowing the real baek ! of men nd women making history. A I'ig the little-known facts ov brought to light in this i mm la 1 volume >f ('urronf nhy a n such items as To like V ' r ,. .fa panose foreign m 1 . -lor. .: lu;i ted i rout 1 he 1 Tn r- er-i ty .. m I Dull; "Cowboy" Gary t'i . actually the on of a h>rm rr ! ■ 11s11 | w \ : Genera 1 I > mgla 1 ■ \ : 11 i 11 r. sued tw'» leading A r -’r 1 1 i '■ hmin i I ■ I or libel several ' : I illv I).i 'he. I' l i• eh lini'n d' igner. daily elo e. her whole Y1 Y"i l: e tilldi -hmen 1 '• >r an hour e e in lunch unde Im bed with 1 1 band: Co mo G irdon I .ang. A' .Imp of ('anterbm y. bee ime r 'id to | lie ch 11 rch llie n i gh I • I: nr hi . bar ex uninatiotlst 1' '' I Slate.. Sep 1'ir \V i:’,n"r from 7’ rk. -.a irl In ha - " pi wed in . "legislatin ■ m ire impor ■ ‘ml in 11 ** ! an reai'li mg tlrm any - i i> In i >rv." v i b i n .a 1' ai.-' I'cfore ( • ■ men Miranda. \merienn "amhas ador "I 1 '-ill" w - 'ii i- covered" in ■a lm had a I read v ton red the American eon'inent nine t"!'|. r'f Itirth of Son. '• 1 ■ i ul Mr. . Wil ■ n S. i l"\i'; : '»• 1' (■ 1 in’ Mirth i i" ;i >n. W 1 '■ ' n ; t'i i i< vlf. .lr.. ;it Mari i I' ". 1 i'll] ..|| .Mini :'M Mr . i Inylo v ■> 1 Iv Mi.. ; Ali'xino I’.nrm' . "I '■ ■ 1 O .lord. I FLOWERS [ 1'or i:\ntv on '<U'N I’lione 3R0 Day or Night \*FMDGERS~TI,C FlKrist Miss Margaret Wilson Weds William Glover 1,1 Wide pread ... ; ,, Tl., t was ”c mail.ago .,n Isa; 11 ci. iv. .) me lid. d •>.Tu ocliicu «.l Mi.- Margaret ‘"'.ilia Wil on, (I I igiilcr o! Mi. and ; Alls. S. K. Wilsiin, ol Wilii.iu,am ] ■: a i Hayden W dliaiu Glover, Jr., son t ’* Mr. and All . Hayden Glover, i d 1 Jaiiney 1 lie ring eiemony was used and me vow's w ere spoken before the Rev. G. i Vann .Stephens, ol Warsaw, who w.i assisted by the Rev. .1, M r.-.iial; . Walker. ]iastoi ol Isl.m I ( re 1ij> list chureli, in which ttie v. adding , ook place. 1 lie anu; ah uen . . ., ,, ,0\ , ' ilea I. i , i , g. i. i u a a . .ua ■ ;, a a o iv. I- 1 ■at t;a!K.e..i. .a n imiig k lainar ot me an angi mem anu ...,eo i,n„ oil glow me. a j,| ...I . ... . v .... 1 — 'l' k al 1 eni v» nae glam o. and • l >y s breath ill l.ii.r wind .... ..els, ■ 'I mcd an art., tie .-el i mg i .. ne wedding vvhicn was i.,n.- ..a.miig in t.- sunpl.edy and be.oily, A program .i n..,a ,,, i am.-'e v. a . er.dered ny At..-. .\hvmi I’, il.une-.j 'I 1 leildi I oil. a l tile piano, .ml Ail-. ■ Vann .Sic) a n m . ..; iv.n-aw, .. ■’t. The numuei s tnenided "(’.m • /•'lie Am.a., o . .\ev,n. "An. Sweet •vl.v • ny "I late . Victor Hi . .... 1; 'Indian La m l a 11 Kr ml: i lie >weeti i. Seay I.. e T uid, S,.,it,-., Will Vou liem. i a h i l|i... , . d i . Sle| .1 a n.- aag I I.... v m |' i uly v arris .1 ci ni- I tend, and "i tea i , I)' 1 lardclot. I'm ng tin- cerenn -ay • I )rmk |o me (Inly W lii Tlmic Kyi . •vas soltlv played, and :. nlili mil wedding m Irenes a ere used lor pru i e •,i naI and reae- iminl. Hie bride w.i > escorted 1 iy tier i dlier. S. f. Wii on, l>.\ w to iui .die wa s gi s en m marriage. Hei gi iw n. ot v Ol y -a; in, wa • la -n a med aping 1 implc line . wdh . weetheart uiti. Ime, long sleeve.- pointed over her. ii nds. and eon at tram. A full-length v eii ol while net w as held in place 1 ny a tiara of pleated ruffle a in terspersed with gardeni.a- Her b al |iict was lashtoned froin gardenias md baby' 111 i’.ith centered w ;tn a angle white orchid. She chose for tier maid if 11 11,a tier si.ler. Mis- France- Wil.-m. lie1 dress was ol orchid lace and net ■ in de along l ull lines with sweet-I heart neckline, short pul'led sleeves, md she wore short laee mitten. with net ruffles. The bridesmaids were Mr.-. Iv M. liackstnne. o! Petersburg. Va., ,-is er of the groom and Mis Annie) Marshall Lema.v, cousin of the bride. I Their dresses wore of pink laee net. Mis- Anne Leigh Tippett, cousin of the bride, and Miss Bertha Evans j Wilson, the bride's sister. were J junior bridesmaids, and wore dresses of blue laee and net. The dresses a all bridesmaids were identical with th .t of the maid of honor. They | •an ted bouquets of gladioli, aid heii hats were macching net ea! it’.es; I I vith shoii 1 di r length veils. They , '.in e garden.a m their hair. The bridegroom had as Ins best c mm Private fayloi Sliutwcll, nl Fort . tragg. and ii.-ners vveie Mae Arle lews. Linwood Wells, l)aval Kvans. i onsin I the bride, all of Mender- J ■on. ml Ed White, of Drewry The bride's mother wore navy ' due marquisette with light blue at- 1 ■e- •use- md her flowers were a •or.-age of gardenias. The groom's * onther was attired in a sheer dress ’1 na\y blue, with white aeee-sorie-. le cm -age was of gardenia-'. 1 ae b: all is a gl .iduate ol “ East ■ "im.i Teaelier- eollegc, in Green- , die. She wa a iiember of Sigma ’tii A11 >11 ■ i. lion rary Ereneli Ira- , t'. Lanier Idei ary -leiety, Y. ( u 1 A . Eiigli-h club, musie (dub. , md Ki Di Players Eor the past three . '■e m- -be ha.- taught English and . French in Dalmev high school. The groom attended Wake Forest ‘liege where he wa- a student of < eed nine- Me later ttended State die",' where he prepared for do- ' en e work, and now stationed in ' 11 nntsville, Alabiinia. in that eapaei- j ' y. 11nmtd:ately alter the ceremony a "o iy reception was held ill me (V:l mi iiome. Mi . Wil on greeted ( tine ts at the d n and presented hem to the recen mg line, compos- 1 M ’ol the bridal parly and parents !, d the groom. The home we. be uitilully decorat 'd with a prolusion of summer How- i nr.-. 1 he bride.- table was covered 1 •villi a lace elolh and centered with I I m arrangement of white snapdrag on and baby'.- breath. Sliver candle 'tick.- held lighted white tapers. Mrs. ’ Ai . % 11 IV Ili ne.- poured punch and n'idal ires and e dies were served iy Mi"('s Virginia Hullock, Edith | I’ippett, Mary Anne Bullock, and Ann T. I lot.-, m. Mis. C. S. Tippett, unit nl the bride, registered the tuii'ts. About 1 At) guests called dur ng Ibe afternoon. I he couple lidl on a bridal 1 rip, j d a i which they will be at home j n 11 imt-Vdie. Ala. For traveling the ! nude wore an ensemble of surf tan { md beige. Her 'boulder corsage was! alien from her bridal bouquet. Among |he out-of-town guests I >re--ait were: Leon Glover md Miss] iet-y .Jane Gi ver, of Wilson, Miss! Lewter. t.f Apex, Mr. and Mrs. D. C". Adams, of Raleigh, Rev. md Mrs. G. Vann Stephens and j Miss Frances Stephens, of Warsaw. Mi'S Mary Bynum Dork and George i Fuller .of Loiii'burg, Miss Esther F. ioY'ier. of A'bury Park, N. J., Miss Katherine Shanks, of Dunn. and Miss Nancy Winston, of Youngsville. Has Appendectomy. Miss Su.'ie Lee Greenw. y under went an operation for appendicitis d Maria I’arha.o hospital recently, .md :;e,' condition is said to be satis factory. Gloss's Column j 0\rrhc.ini at Tlu- Army-Navy Kclief Slum : "V: ah, Mime of those boys who v. ere at I’earl Harbor are at the eho.'l now. . . One ol 'em is in the -ami' barracks with me . . . he says you cl..n't over forget the sound of liio.-e Zoos, once you hear 'em. He -•.i.v.- teii minutes is enough to make >.ai remember ’em as lung as you hve. . . . Ulu'ii a Jap comes along in lie ui those Zeros, it sounds hla , V--J coming down a straight road k ing ninety miks an hours . . . when oi .American plane comes along, boy, ie ay. it oimds like a V-H coming .lown a traighl road doing mnety .mc with tlu Hint Her off!" •k -k * True Story: II 'A a a i"o,c, nine ago . . . There Ac e live little Thorne sister.-, till "an the .mu age, and they lie il ii Ju - the ilde t of the Tli inn e in Halifax county. The sis ii ,JI i pi al tiie same room. One ..Jo tlu y v. ent up .-lairs to bed !J.'. I le\. out tile lamp and .-ai l mi pi, ye: - ami climbed into bed. : in i > a:. 11o.<■ ( tor a few minute hen . . . is, you h ac ■ imeUnng'.'" w his it 1 Ui t >1 ; l.itit gill. i i ai v. oat .' v. in pei ed anothei I ..e,u i i ..i.l a tini'd. "1 t's S'>me i , k In cath.lig!" I'l'. e gill.- held 11 \ t a t ,, ;,h. to: k.t si e, uuls. J , s, tiler. a a.- the i anti ol a .-ixth person „i t .a tiuug m the room. l ie 11\ e little girl ran d<>wn • i iii i . nil their lather, wiio was , mi. i t t n e i n. Kind of man. lit a a .-in tie, girls were mistaken Jo one e iiilcl have iconic in without ,• nig tin. He talketl to them air; t in tin ill back to uetl. It ir I he : ei'ond time the girls ■limbed into lull . . . ami listened I lien' was someone breathing. And i was in the .-aiiie room wild them iii > Itimhk'd down the stairs mori .Tin Ham c\ t r. Aga n lh ir lathi r ti led to reas on them, l ot the girls refused to ;n back to tied. Kather strode tip the lairease, lamp in hand, w tli girls railing along behind him. He^vvent uto till' bedroum. He listen d, and vt pair oi anxious ears listened dong with him. Even the Father mild hear the breathing now, heavy uid panting. Beneath one of the beds ie found the intruder . . the most 'uormous flog any of them had evei -eiV The hoo. p y to,- 1 i'taiyy til •artst dogdom. No nr * 1 : KIHUV here this uog came i.<■ ... or how got into the hou e mdci the oed . .Far trom haimmg u children, owever, he eleeuu to \,y in .< nd play with Ur m ! • *r 1 m i e. t a IS lltllUl ill J 1 1 <*. Influence of College Life: Small ooy (now tm • • .>net a hall) j pent tin « ».* month ■ i v n uni m . we iinu admiration . me Linve, i ly suiaem living m n< apart Rilt iR i i lilt i ..u i. lie i. , ii(" | i inui co.ivci sail n . r..i n. u. I n i t iu u me wii.nKs, .. i i . niKi i icii k.-> pa. mi among in vvneiRWi Lit* i |'ii. .hu u / ur-.i apuiaieni o in ow.'. ()n several oi i n • •!i n iia een known to tn n . it w a om -a ,i . rk. mi.tig.i. e qia<Ud mem on a \ . ,, ,o m rahupai till . an cm ,u u.i.e:: In . 1 .ire I’mlilg pas . u a g.i J ;.ia.i. • mall uoy <i, 111< >I n. t .. iu.,, ,i o.i. 1 liie wiiuiow waving, a 1 ner. lie Cl led M ,. IV. "( ) > ■»,»:. toy!” Maryland Irivia: Inn aiiu not i ni.\ < p •. t-.-d lin . ! ill* i eg.,i (ling ;i1 r lad I, v ■ ■« i t on the 1 n si, . t eoiid . *r i .id i in, on g- ■ up'lan. to I in a. , I. .j a , i '. II you a i e iiu •. e i n e , a . . y ai j oiik downstairs . . . ides, lea rooms, '•" dmg hou ire ail mu le, > la 11 ( t. . . . i;, < i a a nag r mu iu i> help. i p.n n m lo oi- 1 iv ’oul;, waiirt.-s, eiisiiit:, ver ho. i net (nu ■ 11 mill part a*, i.<< r i n- ! taut. 11 take: one |> w mil ti• ia ipol*igi/mg id the **i •: . I ie.-iu ly vi.ojis r- on up lull tun • md ( \ ery mgiit a - w ■ d . . eac , •perator woa;s Iwo nr;n; a w< el. \ shampoo and wii\ e e •. S 1 .:Jn . . even m ii small low m . . a . : .<1. h auty siiop works nine cpcrahi,. nil time. . . C'olii di mu at e rat < u d: p. ,ne al l< i p. m. An aequaintauee j > d i;! iv Till .n Italians bekae lie l"u d one witii >ut tlie laniihar igi . n » (i AS". But there w a.■ one e nd new . ca~ ood i .\ji(a ieiK e . .. : abcaki nade ol huge chunk «»i ei aom . R'ld together by be den cap mnvned on die oul id- . ui<-, i ,u. u. . . and wonderlul! + * * k WITH OUR BOYS k IN SERVICE ***-¥• Itcic for V.'c U-I ml. -Sgl. \\ in .1. V;„ ii.'ill -I !•'. , '-u.-ti. . | it n i liii' ■ t . ri w I r 11 |, .ii t’111... :vii . .uni ;ur . w', i, , »n Ciliol; i 'ii A . c. ! 1' h:. i mi i ■(. (*n 11 iili liMTC'l I > ( 1 ».i ’ (.;: | ’nil jiiuI will i'.r.i- tlii- in | wcrk n duly I nr . m < > I i i < vr.- t r; i i m i 11 * chnol. I It* rxiicc's In iclui n in.... his week on a short l'urloiigh lor ;< c*w days JiiK and August vSuj^ar Rationing Ruling Sent ()nt Instructions lor sugar rationing ii nstitutional and industrial users in uily and August were received to lay by the Vance County Hat ion ug Hoard from Guy \Y. Rawl . Stal ii'gani/.a.tion offieer of the Odicc • ’rice Admini-tration. and were mac Jublie by .Joel T. Clieatham, chaii ■inn of the local board. The telegram read: "Institutional and industrial user e-register on dates .Tune twentietl > duly fifth. .Applications are madi r allotments for the months of .Ini' md August, using eorre-pondin r.inths 1941 in erh< r to arri> e , rise. Percentage allotment.- unehang 1. Sugar r-erlilira!es ava •:i. legotiable immediately. Stamp m n ■or five valid lr. twien June 2}i am lily 2a, 1942, lor the purchase nl wo pound of agar. Stamp No. I valid between .July 2(1 and August 22. 1942, lor the purchase of Uw viunds nl sugar. More complete in mu at a m i;! P4 low a ■ soon a. mu as available." South AI idea r- urging motorist o use more produce! gas. Miss Elliott To Washington Ct rl n lioi i, June 23.—Drafted by secretary ol the Treasury II my Umgenthau, Mi - Harriet Kllioi.. lean ol women o! the Woman's Col rgc ol I he Ciiiversily ol North Cm . - j inn. will today in Washington tala ivor her m w dlltu s a. director of the | women's division in the ir a a:'-'- ! lond program. Mi.-s Elliott left la t nigh; 1 Washington, where she has ir er : wiee within the past t< ii years a’ I he call of Morgi nthao. Tins time, sb I .'.ill remain on a t mporarilv per- 1 oancnt basis- for the summer, at ! east. Working m the Trea urv d paC nent. Mi s Elliott wail - et 1 p a n i lioiial eominittee and a nation,vid ngani/.ation I ir placing before the a ■ 'men of Am laea til ir eiilintry^ bond program. Heine drafted tor governm nta! -i i - rm nev. eapei a :ie. I •• ;h dean ol of tie W'.m in's Coliegi , in May, 10 Hi, Pr< - id nt Roosevelt appointed in as th out Woman nicmln r ol the National De fense (' sion. and when 111 ' eommissii n was rcorganiz d she li - ranie a ociate adin ini 1 rafor in charge of the eon -1 m icr d i\ i ion. Erom tin- post ,he leagued las'. November to return I > the col leg" and r sun e b111-1 ime her respon n ill tie as dean of Woman. Since tiem she has. I n ■ wi" er. a mt ft i ird to erv the emr-iimer dlvi ion in an advi - | .ry eapar; ty. which ha nrrr i taI d monthly trip, to Wa hington. Question Box is Popular Daily Dispatch Bureau, In the Sir \V liter Hotel. By BOB Till) M I’SON I'. ii*Ii tvi *■!, tin* I j. !> In p i lel] llali g!i 1 i111 <• a11 .11 an wit r|iu. ..'■I; c incermi;g 1111■ . i H I n’t 1 m | . .Iiaii All ills.', it.. .Till hr i it - i .. • 11 v MTii.rrl, Saint . . . ipi .hrr I the Daily I) -pate!' Kilt- ah hu rcau, I’. ( > Box llilll). Raleigh, N. C. ty I have lust my .- ig r rationing i.h. and my local board ays I amhit get one lor tu i month.- Is that correct? * A. Sorry, ma'am. Thai's e"rrcr!.| ty My beacli collage tenant a' Atlantic Beach has taken another family in with him. in violation of mir agreement. Does the rent regu lation prevent me from raising his rent? A. \n. Carteret county is not vet under compulsory rent regula tions. You can raise his rent or evict him. Better put that agreement in writ ing. Q. I have gasoline coup ns un sod dui'i :g the interim rati m p r id. Will they be good after the permanent rationing plan goes into Tfeel? A. No. The temporary gas ra 'inning card will not lie redeemable u' gasidine Iter .July 1,1. ty 1 sold a carbonated drink in March a' my fountain for a cents • tl the same drink was sold in o this tor 10 cents. Can the fmin ■ In drink now be raised to 10 cents. A. No. Price regulations provide unximuni price shall be the price :' • "e l lo a customer of the same class. O. Can tailor lake a suit and 'inisli i with trouser cuffs? A. No. Au amendment prohibits nv person from doing this. (y I understand grease and fats ire now being salvaged? A. Not vet. That campaign is due '• i -la"; m -Iulv. to recover mat naal f r glycerine. ty Are physie-ans as a class go ng tu be drafted? A. Don'; know. War in npnwe. "I'iniiii siim says respon.-e of vol - inteers for medical service i.- dis Pharmeceutical Firm Wins 'E’ v ■s-v.MgjftswAv'x —"•--•ji^^^—n—~rm~~nrrfinrrTrnTnrnirniTmTnriiiiirniinnnmniiniim— Proudly holding a Navy “E" pennant presented to their cm ploy on John Wyeth and Bro., which has supplied the U. S. with drugs in thra# wars, including the Civil War, are (1. to r.) Flora Kennedy, Kathlee* Macintosh and Ruth Tuttle. Rear Admiral Charles M. Oman, U.S.N. medical corps, made the award K> the company, the first pharmaceutic.^ Ji#viri tr, tin trio rovnton hnnripr Presents Colors to Top Middies Here's one of the ey•■-catching nx m- nts of J .;,e V. ' at the U. S Naval Academy at A? ■ : ; Sis. the pi a » ’ i c l*«rs to the outstanding eomonny. Ruth II-! ,a R • 1, “< or C 1” who comes from Mnd:«wa> ha, M;i:ih', n. ;• t; • •’ A’ ' • ci i- n-*ny (1. to r.) arc: R tr A-’-i ml J. R. IP t of the academy; Ruth If» Iona Reel; ai; 1 ( v. ith ha i. t .lanh-y J. Cowin, Jr., of Oron<’. Maine, c e (t - - 11 al i‘i css) ipi ii a n 1111and mil1 11 a ■/• ! . a . up. ■ mie other riv'’ - I -a a in' t ’ v. 111 lie ri"' ' i f ir. ;ii'nr (I ll.'iot) 'I'" - ' gap'll by "a. ' ! '■ i' \ 111 III; teara'I. I’l a 11 p • ' i inail 11•:11 vi il iiiti-i iii till per a if I m World W 11 I. (,) W 11 e ra - civilinns under Ida b a; i . I grim i? A Thei'' a: a n!y - aid 1 'n; - 'HID i : yi 'la , i v a . 1 il-'" 'I l ir I to orker ,n .- u till'll to til- a a n "I work. 1.1 I re t-'d I a..'' mils a dela'i '■ i enl a ■ - S ■■■■ then die p mini ii i • 11 ' ■ ' of the dwelling mid a " - , I. '.'.■here i. ■ i 1 C . ri 1 raCe Y c V .• t 't up. i ! -rrler r-nipul : y "i can -I-, full •' li.ri! :-,r-i .. I Cllt STANLEY NORWICH SI N S TO CALIFORNIA 1 .vho is - ;• at Shopiiarci !•' 1 'l i • ■:l ii ansierred • 1 * I' •• s if Aeronautics ' < ) i.:I;111ct. CaliI u nia. A ' 1C j Plan Your Vacation | j Now! j I r in!' II Jantzen v | i i I i ! ! ii / * f .f | I I ! ii ' I s ■% i 1 I c v . 4 r- i j y | I o j | I i.- . .- 'Man \ |s j ■ -■ " • i ■ t I ■ \ VI it. .if.ii '■ A'n ¥ W ^ II . • ’ N» 1 ; .i imiy‘ . !» ' ■ j l;ii . i t>f.9."i ■ c CT! (mV; S, NY :K ! , b SLACKS ! I A r :r Y ill! t Hid I . ■! Ill . I I :I ' I Ii..\:-'V 'HUMS j . o.. 1 i'LC | ItiT •• i. $ I 1 ! -S-' C w . I \ I t . A I :t: V S'!. 50 A IN KW r. \ I .L < < Y\ YS Jl ^ W h. I 'I ! i ’ • I I ' | " ■ i ' Y ' : <• T'.VPPcl, |a J |* iin :i v ... . . i y: :»(> and $‘^5.00 ▲ f Wo W iii NYt iic ( icst'tl W'o'iiH'sday f A . . ** 2 : \ 1 to! 1'< >( >1 IS ^ j E. G. Davis Ii Sons Co. j Marian Martin Pattern * j SOFT CLASSIC DKLSS The button I mnter goes on ' di e . parade" in this . lenderi/aig Marian Martin style, Pattern !H>!>3. S'M !m\v the yoke-elteet .la.-lies ,ue 1 rented u ilh bow.-. There's .1 eh.. „r a simple V-neck or a r 'll ‘">11.> | Palter' !lh!>3 may be ordered only ; m \v>men's sizes Itli. 31! Tl, *3. I I. Iti and tit. -Size :i(i requires 3 3-8 va d 3a inch I'abrie. Send FIFTEEN CENTS (plus ONE ■p.NT to cover rust of mailing) for bis Marian Martin Pattern. 1!<' sure a, w'-jl plain!', vein- SIZE. NAME, A Dili! ESS and STYLE NUMBER. Send your order to Henderson n-iil, Dispatch. Pattern Department, W. 18th St., Ne-.z York, N. Y.

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