ItayiCTORYl ^ A UiSUE PERRY MEMOHIAL-UU**^' 1? iHtfttitersmt Batltj iBtspairh 'p§ THIRTIETH YEAR 'gkS^n^t,y HENDERSON, N. C., SATURDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 2, 1!H:{ '' ,';V 'Vm.a7.'-,!N""N FIVE CENTS CO!'Y Nazis Concede Fall Of Elista X J. -L * U. S. WARPLANES*SMAS*H AT JAPS Raids Made From Kiska To Solomons All Planes Return From Widespread Forays in Which| Heavy Blows Were Deaith Enemy; Re-' suits Are Not Ob-j served (/»// Tin A •••suein 11 il I'rrss) I • 7 | .•Miiciuan warplani's, smash-, iiiK ;U Japan's invasion armies | from Kiska island in tlx- Alrn I turns to tlie* Solomons, wore oi'-j licially creditid today with dealing heavy blows to the en-i ttny. A Navy department communi que said I'. S. air force fliers yesterday attacked Japanese ships in Kiska harhor. bombed the vieinily of Kokumbono "where Japanese headiiuarters <111 Guadalcanal island are be lieved to lie loetaed." and blasted the Munda area of New Georgia island in the Solomons. Dense jimnle growths prevented obs-ervatinn of 1 Ik* results ill tlu attack on Kokumbono, the Navy f.;ii<|. ar.d clouds obscured the effect in Kiska harbor. All U. S. plains returned Iron) I he westward forays. Washington. .Inn. 2 — (AP) — I)e t;«i Is of two daring low level attacks by Flying Kortre-ses on Japanese uar.ships were related by the War I tepartmeiit today in announcing avviinl oi decorations to III! ot liters and men for gallantry in the south west I'acitic fighting. One sneh operation by eight of these hiigc planes was carried nut August 2(i against an enemy convoy in Milne May. New Oninea. it was di closed by award oi decoration, to the seven-man crew of one which was destroyed by a direct hit. "Adverse weather conditions fore- ] ed it (tin- formation of eight plane*) i to approach the target from an alti tnde oi 2.null icet." said the citation : to Major Harold N. Willsie ot Aslier. j Okla., commander of the lost For-j tres.s. "Despite a heavy anti-air cralt barrage which wa- set y') by j live enemy warship- Major Willsie continued on the bombing run until I lit plane icveived a direct hit and i burst into I lames, causing it to cra.^h ' into the bay." Milk Subsidy Is Removed Washington. Jim. 2. (AIM Strip- j prd «<l tin1 support n( federal sub ;-idics, Mic prices <>l fluid milk will lie permitted temporary increases - J varying form ;i hall-cent to two nut- ii quart in three niiiin inctro politiin areas Monday. Willi similar tipwiird «I it I Is expect j rd to feJIow soon m eleven other ; areas. the move Wiis seen jis the tirsl ' step mi a new economic policy ot t>r<>hil>i11iiu the use of subsidies to hold price ceilings in pi,ice—except ! lor temporary. emergency cases. • The office ol price administration iinnounced today that increases until April I would he permitted in ("hi— cago, the New York metropolitan area and the Duluth-Superioi area. | Liquor Sales Show Decline Halcigh, Jan. 2.—(AIM—Liquor sales in the 2.r> wet counties of I Me stale dropped during hist November as compared with October, the State hoard ol alcoholic control said to day. Murine November tticv totaled $2, 2f>!),H!)!).C>ll. compared with .S2..r»!>0, (551.111 in October, and SI,1 lll.K7fl.2fl during November, I1MI. The board pointed out. however, that the new $2 a gallon federal tax went into effect last November I. thus show ing a larger decrease in sales during November than the figures them selves would indicate. Vance county sales were Sfi(!.37n. I j. Fortress Has Enviable Record A mombor of an air hasp in the Fouth Pacific area is looking at the nose of a Flying Fortress, appropriately tiamnl Yankee DdihIIc Jr., wliich htii« painted on it an imposing score of dot.ltoyed enemy craft. The silhuin l>- s : tami for a Japanese cruiser and a transport sunk by the plane's bombs. Each flair stands for a downed Zero. This is an official U. S. Army Air Force photo. (Central 1'tess) Three Elizabeth Citians Are Shot From Ambush Legislators May Pay Tax ttalcii;h. 2. i AIM X< 111 ('arnlin i Icflislati 'iprnhaMv will have t<» pay tlie .1 per iciit victory lax on ihc mHiii in \ j|; draw I<>1 till* .< -.>11111 .-».»! ? 1 r 11; Wednesday That is. it the,\ 1 other income. The 1 an tai ls on inc.• m- • StiiM a year. Willi j>1 ■ ■ 1111*11 and women and it ■ • in e\ 1 1 al olher 1 .iti■ ■■•> 1 I cllil 11 'ii a yea 1i> lia I i : lax will Ix' deducted I rum lh« siillicl' l'ir salaried j.• -i "ii 'I'lii- l< I'islaloi.s. h"'.vcvc». nuuhl el. in yum <|i dm 1 11! 1 del' Hie licadiliK "I e\|>i 11 • lia attorney nciici il" office ikl ai an uiftiimill opinion. Lend-Lease Controversy Is Expectcd Washington, Jan (AIM An c.\|>ectcd admiiust 1 ati"ii t«-• 1 • I• • 1 renewal ■ • I Icnd-lca <■ .11" ■ liv winch expire ne.\t .1 tli 11 ' '..y |)liivukr coiitl'ovi ? y 111 ilu 111 t ■ 11 Ul'l'S- 1 »\«• I lnilt' c.Npctidiltl ■ ami dlxbiiisemciits 1 Ii in Ihe Iiiik< pro Crain l<> aid American din — Senile 1«-ji 1 latin have charged that purchasing iiini',11111 i iy which Aini'i ican pri-dud. an "hiaiin d |>>i (list 1 ihill I'll ahmad lia\ c |il.m.| un necessary .t 1 .-mi on 111 ice 1 "iili"I and Senator I'.lli ndci "t l.mii. mim calico recently fin a "lull ill cl" 111c" |,y Hie Treasury ol 11 an auiU'incuf, with the lii ili.-h c<i\ciiii): I'i'i'ci . (i 11<nit the .ilc 111 ( lintain <>| civilian lend lea.-c j;ood . In his last report t•» t'oliure President H'mccvcII aid value m Km ids (ran.lined and cr\ ices rei: dered up to NovciiiIht .in \\a $>'<. •l!)(I,()IHI,0(l(l since the |)i"::i.uii wen' into elled in March, lull. fti ii.iu;i;s to mi:i t. Charlotte', .tan. 2. (Al') Secre tary K. M. Garnei "I the ( aroln I.nniher and ISilildniK A -11. .inii"Uiic cd today that a .special conventm-ii would lie held .lanuaiy Kt-ll m Greensboro to discuss the effect <■: wartime restriction.- upon the indus try. Government aijencic.- ,i| - proved the holding ol lliy ircetmi;. Garner bind. One White Man Is Killed, Two Others Seriously Wounded; Shooting Follows 'Some Words' With Negroes; Near Riot Develops I h/ahrth t'ity. .Ian. 'I—(AIM — A law crowd which gathered ,il i lit* stTiir ill t lit* ambush 'limititin ill Ihrcc nliilr men was tii>i'il cai l> ln;la.v liy police .11.ti hiuhwat patrolmen alter a ii: ;ir : iol. * ii • • i• while men. who Police Wallet' SjH'IICU .-.I ll ll nl "hlltl • • v.miiI; wiih .-'iiiu1 Ni'.;i• »«.•.-> at a '• H'l'lf .--III ft I I < >111 acio.sS (lu ll'.ill Ir.irk . "ii the f'.v'.s (nit i : . ... liny were entering their i' !att I' niyhl. ()!"• ill tlirni. Andrew .lack am Sawyer, was killed ami two «»t!ier> were wounded. The n untitled men were taken to a hospital here. Their w minds were s;ii(l In he serious. ■ '111nre iiiid .ii a time 'A III .1 I>■ «■ ir W!l- hunting all tm ili ntilM'l Ni ui-ii wliu wa aeensed of i ipiiu'. • K! year old while girl I • ii•' 'I.i> 111. ?11 w hile It, was re miiii: : iinr aflei visiting neigh | bm s. Shcriit \V I, Tlnnn|'"n quoted Ihi ;111 ,i -.lyinu lie wa.; jirnhbed 1 In- v. .'Iked alum; the road near irr lii itu ml dr i^ued In a nearby ticl'l. wlieii' .lie V'. i- a.1- aoltcd. The ! Iiertfl iid the Rirl wnii nnahle lo , :-,ive ,i ili i ii|i| .>n ui hri attacker. A iiiitniicr ui Net!roe were picked [ up and jailed for (|iie tinning. <ik\I'l'ttor l'.rniit;hliin aid al lial rigli al the ir<|iir.l ol Mayor •IcniMir I lui.i ul Kli/.ibctli City hr nidi I'd (It hl-'liway p.ili ulmeii j.etll ililu tin- area last nitilil 'tin govei mil .iid .il o thai olio or ■ Hvh ruinpaliie ol the Stale militia v..c ul' .i ll i.i ,ili it hilt lie under I • I till ill till h.ittri- had ipiicled to |e| ui 11 . ;;«la I (I tnen V.utlld 1 itol he nredi-d. CREW OF NAZI SHIP SCUTTLES VESSEL i 1 I ."Millui. J.iii. ( \l'l —The ad ii .. .illy aiinoiinri d today (hill an enriTi\ irerehanl m • I of about 10. iiiio ii.ii wa i- ittlril in the Atlantic ii> ii crew when intercepted hy navy patrols. "An enemy neiehaiil vessel of ••iinr tuns v.1 i n was attempt ing In run 'lie hluck.ide has been in lereepted liv oin patm'» in the At l.intie. On heing u\ er'hauled Ihe crew -rttltlrd 'I.' «hip and has been taken priiUiiers ol wai.'' John Cur tin Demands Aid In Pacific Australian Prime Min ister Has Urgently Ap . pealed 'to the Proper Quarters' to Strength en Allied Forces; Other Developments (I! ii 'I'll i . I xsuciii 1111 I' rr-;.s-) Australia's Prime Minister .John Curtin has urgently ap pealed "to tin* proper quarters" to strengthen allied forces in the Pacific and drive hack Ja pan's far I'luiijf invasion hordes, it was disclosed today. Curtin's representations fol lowed a statement on Thursday ir which he declared that the "I'nited Nations in the Pacific area are lieinjr denied resources for their total war effort." 1 tir prime minister also asserted thai Japan was cur-.ul ulating her eomiiiests and that "delaying an offensive against her makes it eertain that the of fensive when undertaken will experience greater resistance." Csii tin's argument wa- underlined l>y the continued dilliculty of Cicn eral DougUis MacArthurV expedi tmnai'y lore', in wiping out the la.-.t ■stubliornly • di'fendinii Japanese I l oop.-, in mr< iiina sector in Nca "Kiiilitiut* savane and desperate iiwl is «•«hi111»uiti«." tlic liite>t inil let in I rimi General MacArlhur'.s headquarter* said. Otlicial dispatches said allied troops had driven another wediy. into Japanese positions along tin* narrow Papuan beach corriHer. with tanks and artillery cutting a path .'■r the new thrust to the sea. Strongly entrenched, the Japan ese apparently still held lonOmld neai the tluna government station i:.d Sanananda. Mcanw hile. General IMacAr llmr's airmen raked Japanese liases in New Britain, hitting all ii'icmy submarine at Widelia.v and leavinc three hie ships aflame at Kaliaul. 'Iwo ol' five Japanese planes which rose to challenge the raiders were shot down. .\!!i< >| Ilit'l'i- also jaincd I.IMlll p'-nnd hiiinh u the Japanese an fit Id .il ("•a n •'.! in siMithcin New I'll'aif .itid hi ■ ted the aii 'iehl :il l*i i ill. it llie will horn lip ol llnti (C'nnfiiilii l <>n I»iij;e two) Willkie Urges United Nations Work Council New York. -(••II. 2. < AI * > Wen <l"111 I. Willi; h lodily eillled lot the lurnial k»ii nl .1 work inn common | ('••(!IK'lI ill Hie I'lnlrtl Niiliun.s In ! Will' .mil IM'nl •imi* si! itlcfiy III>v% ,111(1 runperiiliun aliei vietory. Addii-sinu .i \ irluiy rally ill this •iillrrniiiin'". |« iI'Minancc of tIn I Mel t op'ilii,ni <i|" a Company. tin' I{<>1 tiil>IM-,'ni < ,iM<liil.itc for |ii«• ulrni in 10411 jis erled 'liiil tin- United Nil thins must lie made "si fiict and nut ,i mere phrase." The prof'i inn v. .i lll< lilllCilst. "It history ha- tini|*ht lis iiiiv Ihinu." Willlue aid. "il li.'is tiiuuiit us Ihiii people niiliiiit in ii peace only what the\ v. in while thry IikM. " I Wiiiit in emphasize today is that planning will do no coikI un less we i*i\-«' mil plans reality; we have no t'nitcd Niitions ;■ Il«-i- the win tinh's> «c n ike Hie United N'.i • inns now a fad and nol a more phrase." Willkie asserted thiit tin- "dream i ot Wiindniu Wil.iiill" had failed he eauxe the allied niitioiis. while they fotmht. Iiiid not developed ;i me chanism oi working together thai Would survive .ill' i the liuhtinj; Was •>ver. WEATHER FOR NORTH CAROLINA. N» derided cltaner in tompera turr but slnwk risine tendency IoiiikIiI and carls Sunday. Nazi Driver Dhs at the Wh*?el This driver of a fl< iman supjdy trucl: dn-l lift t> \vi. «-l when N'rw Zcnlnmlrrx ov< rt™4; him in the rcccnt rotil ol Mar ' il It mm< I'i Africa Koi ji.s in tin* I!::.. j>'.iati do i r(. Note tl I>;il 1 - t h<>!< on -ido of tho truck comi'i:itid( i ird Ity I ho Nazis fi >11 their |! ally uhicli still braid traccs of the name of :t.< loniu r owner. (( >->itrut Press) Floods In East km West Cause l$ig Piopeiiy Loss Holiday Death j Total Is Low < l»\ Tlw Associalrd l'i«'s>.) Di .iIIi.-n in ltn- iiiitiiiii i»\• Hie Xi'U Vi-iii'.- imli'i.iy 11 • 1111111^ h"<im \ loh'iit i ;11i.-f ili'nwniims, nr., liiHitiiiK • sliihljiiiij- .■ml nit i i nniii!>i'inl .,1 |i i 1 I |;> l.icl.iv, iilnmsl t'.vn-ltiinl i.i Iho 11if lilt- si.M' |it-ii• (t ;i Win < >1 Oil' INi.l \ l<>l< Hi <li .III. II' |»Hi<'<i mi .l.niii.iiy Mill!. ;m tolllollilc ,.l I-Illl llt .ircilllllll'd III!" 171 <>l Hit* i«»tiil. i\«'illi (*,iii■ 111>;i ii|>nil.(l one (Ic.ilii .ii u Vc.iiIi.iv, : it WJis iml ItMrci ;is .i liiiliu ;n I cidt'iil (I'iilli. Giraud Acts For Unity French High Commi.v sioner Releases Un specified Number of Political Prisoners AIkhts. .I.iii. !.—( \l't—<.in riiil (iiraiiil's r<'lc.isr iti .hi mi sprriliril niniilirr nl pri Millers w;i> urnri.ilh iiilin'llril lnil.n is Mil- tin ••I'lllilM'r nl .111 effort In i ■ i ■ il % I In- main, ili vnsi* «-ti mi'iils nl I'ranri' lioliiiiil I lit* allii-il i«.ii | effort. AIIIiihikIi nlTiciiit «|iiiiilfi v.i ii' lll lll . I i j ■' • ! ' ' aln.idy were lindi'i way '•> i• • ■ I • ■ ' I lie Ku'lirh i;h\ ci nini'iit iii »»• ■ i 11 i AIiii'i ri'|iii* i-iiliilivr 'ii all 'In- < lr iiii'lllN Imi'I.iiiu IIh .11" «I • II p" ||>|y Iiv i i ii r im; lulu (iirniul's cmiiii- I nl wi ll I.n- . 11 I 11'tirli l«• 'l« 1 nl 11»; 111 >• 111 • 1111 < . 11 Inn I .iiiiiI'Hi. .' mi 1 \!'1 A ii< • mil I run 1 1 In- I*" 1 111111 u lii'ii nl 1 •• in'1.11 Cliarlt ill <;.llllll- III' I'I'liiiti;-.! I'lli III the ' IiiiIiI«i\ i 1 Ii in 111' Vtcli\ ii' ! u' 111'*** in wo-th Alrir.i Imlav pu.r.l a new nlislaclr In -1« t--i\ 1111 i><it <.| all mili-iix 1.- Krrlu'hiiirn in 1 ini'li-. cnht\»ivc fm'cc ri Umu Hit* l.licrati'in 1 nf Kruno*. A v|n»ki.»niiiii lor 1 Ik' Kiuhinm French >aid nruiiltnliiin> for uni ' I lent 11 Hi .111' tliidi'i w.\ .ilid "I .1111 nplimi-ltr. 'ml il"ii'l 1 \|n ri ai. easy nr rapid iiliitmii." • Will If (iriKl.ll (lll.llld ((|CIH I'll I llciiri Oiraud. French high rummis sioner 111 north Africa 111 .<in*ri'ssiiin In tlir ii>»«;i-Mli.ilcd Admiral .lean Darlati) i> all right. lln* principal , obstacle i> •hi- nop underneath him I who arc holdovers from llic Vichy (Culililiucl mi l'as« tvvti) Ohio River Out of Banks for 760 Miles, Driving Thousands From Homes; Willa mette River Surges Toward Oregon Cities I 01 isinotilh. Ohio, .l:in. '!— lAl'i—The lihio river hurled its li'li I!•>•><] lm\\ at this iii«In»triaI rit> "I til.Kill inhabitants today alter driving I'.IUMMI persons limn their homes upstream and rails- j • ins damage may reach I . i '!< lit ci-nssed their lingers m| ;i. 11 l Iresh floods a \ \i iv cnijiiiwr.v help II •'111hin iiitl l>.it{.« to Inilwiirl: t! ,| • .ii. Semes ill Cjhii . ' -.ill.. unprotected i. unities. i • , i • ■ .• ••!•:■ i. 11 ..1 11 Itanks . K.i ! l.i\rrp«Mil, ihi i. Ih-I'iw I in.-\ Hi-. Intl., was •••!•■■! : > • t l.ilc t'miuhl Sr- • I.i\ ' ' i. ■ eleven nlv»vr J liii hid.-iv. Tin-.- •-•!!• ;if* .«• -vi re killed n.... ii i i iie:ir New I- I I..'... i in a collision i.l | t . •• which h "I been, . I .- ..I II..; I In'i(l 'lei- ll.l'l (||M|)|I'"I •I • l-l III I *< nil . vlv;. Mil I ■ I.-.CI .1 K.I I 1,1 •! ' !'■ m I• N nl. \V. Vii I'm II mil. (in- 1.1ii. '■— i \ I') — \ll Illl.r ! -'I'l ll I'lMltl SlHUI'tl lu ll ml 'Ii,- iiiitiir lilies ill (lie \\ lt'' i i\ i t Iml.n. Ir.ivini; si\ mil inii-iiiinlril millions ••I ill.I''I s in '• lI'MCe. I'., i II ■ ! •• • «hero (latn < ■ ' . , IMIM llllll. |lll< ■ I • • i ■ i■:•! t •hi ('<>rv;illK. i ('ily .Hid V'-i'I kkI W i-.i ,u highway • ii i:111<i Tin »• i' i 11 ■ • M )n.'In i :'imind, .... • ("I.i ln-il l.y IIoikIs i ' t • ■ W'iII.iii i IIi lapped 1 :1 • 'It v t: i-ol III the * I- • n . .•• Iv lnd.iy. ; 11111«t' i iii leu ,ii.i| from \t Wi i SjH mt't•••iii en nearly ' ■ "I'll Miili.v •' n- i ■ mi i i"ii mall nun ii i' ' ■ :i*i«I i • • 1.11I fanns. GERMAN AUXILIARY CRUISER IS SUNK l,"ii«l.ui. .I.ii ■> i .M'> Tlii' Cicr ii iji ratlin )"*(.i\' IdlH -'t ihr Kinking ■ I Ilic nii/i .in\11i.iiv iiist'i Atlnnti l>v tit** MriUsI r ui.M'i Hcviiiixhirc. Ill |ii'ilui|il\ w.i lite I- >ink iiitiiiiu i <| ;i\ the Hrilish ad '• I); i-rinlx 1 Tin- admiralty • nil lin n thai tin Dcviinnhire had "til> i' • • H ni reliant raider in '< •'(! V'laiitjr \ii\cniher 22. and • ' i' u.i- i'(i| piartirohlo In pick up -■ ij \ i\ iii•>" beeali-e a liiizi suh 1 larinc \va' nearhv It did n«»t iden tily the jtliip.-. Germans Say Velikie Luki Still Stands Berlin Admits Red Capture of Capital of Kalmyck Region in Caucasus but Deny the Loss of Key Strong hold Near the Latvian Frontier (/•';/ I In . i. .uciuli <i I'i'i.ix) Adoll llill'i's command ac knowledge*I h day that German troop.- had evacuated t'jlista. capital of tli' Kalmyck region in the ( aticasiis. I• 111 denied Snvi«-t claim.- tha' tin- trium phant Red Armi< had won the key na/.i lioiij-hold of Velikie i.uki. '.tit miles from the Latvian frontier. A ;:rim "blackout" on Soviet war news first greeted (icrman radio listeners this morning, and for several hours the pop n'.-.ce was deprived of even it> lal diet of siijrar coated prop aganda served up hy the prop aganda ministry. Amiinsl (hi- black tidings from I'll- eastern front, (lie Gorman i.iiii'i -cimhl In luilsirr home iiN.ralc witli reports <>l' purport < it allied losses in a naval battle in tin* Arctic sea. An oi'(j< i'iI na/.i acennnt averted ilia) sex era I "•enemy" ci nisei - xvei e damaged. a destroyer siinK and Inn. merchant -liip tni (jodned in a run ning sea battle which began Tliur-i ■lay morning xvticu warships id lT-l>i..'t illle! ''<l|«tj-d ;i eon *oy. rtin na/.i dp troycr xx-as listed a< ...nil;. SiiI>m-<iiii-iiI ficrman radio lilo.nlr.l-ts I'lllKTlll'll I lie loss of f'lisl.i as the Ited armies swept llrrprr across tin* I'iii/cii Kal myck slcppcs Iowa I'd lh<'> sim. Iiul insisti'd that Velikir 1.11 ki still held out. Soviet (lisfmtches said the I;• I i of Hu' na/.i-hdd (it,idol. Jii'i milt's lint lluvcst ill Moscow, laid -ipi-n the heart nl ;in ii".|Hnlanl (icipi.m trali }»• ii tat inn s\ item iiiul ciiiiuiM'd a lotiK and hittci itw "Tin- Gorman Karri-mi in tne town. which iviii-ed I• i lay down i'» arm.s. was wiped 'ail." the Itu.ssian hifdi ci'mitiiiiid aiiiiniiiu'cd. Tho l?ii.ssi;m- declined 11 i f - ifi's nr. .1 .mil armies wrn in har ried retreat ncrt«s.s a l.nnti-mile front, . Ii indi'iimu va I i|ii.nititic- nf anus 111<I sii|i|>lii'-. while* tlic lied arn - • api >n i-'l I'M'i al do/on" t'lv.n,. hi i 11114I1 ph.. i uf llif tilantic .-tint i:U-. (•m.d news l'itr tin- I nili-il N.i tiinis r.iinr also from tin- norlli African fronl. where British licaihiiiartcr*. reported that v.iii ruards of (ieiieral sir II. I.. .tionlcoiner.x's cii:htli army ul I.nkeil .i\i- motori/cd torirs west nl W illi el I heliir and drove them 111I0 ri Tin- v. adt. 1" j'.1 illy. In-.. alinut IK11 (C i'iitinin I mi I'atu Uvo) MAI.I AGAIN NAMI.D TO COLUMBIA HOARD II.111 • 1 1 v .1.111. 1'. 1 Al'i - 'I he it'a|t|Hiniliii(-t • four members 'o mi■. 11' 1111 1.111 c m-'lii 11" il ami 'he • Ii|>• 'itit 111' nl nl iii'iilii i w ,i.-: ,ii\ ii'iiim I'd I day 11 % \ ( 1 l.l.i'-i;, U'» ' iii"! ul • I; 11111 1 1 •■•lit .idiiilliitia 1 lull. 'I he 11*. i|i|i> hi il 11 »• *n 1 include ( liindi- I' II 'II .1 i: "li'iro, N. t\, i.i tin- 1 ."Hi 1 • ••' I ion id '•! Colum In 1. w hu ll ' hi • In,hi in North ml Smith C;n ii 1. (ir .iKia and ■ I'.t nla. Nazis Sink Destroyer I.tun 2. (AP) The licv III.Ill lliull ( <>llimilll<l I'l'l><II I< <I tod IT tlir In.-* venture in which it 1ms risked .my nl its strong northern n.iviil M|iMfli'<<n i<< prey on the con voy loiili' t«< Kti. ifi sinee hist Au j»u .t jinii. ;ii lie.I. it Ixiji .tcd mily a minor -iierC'S. Only idle allied \<\-.el, ,i destroyer, w.j.i 11 -11■ rl ii>. sunk ,m<l the communi (|in acknowledged that llie (iei'mans, who can ill afford to trade ship for ship, also h.ut lo t .mother destroyer. It reported mmfire hits iilso <<n -everal allied cruisers. destroyed ,iihI merchantmen and torpedo hits 1 <m four other cargo ships but con t ceded that none of tht'RO fighting i ships or merchantmen was seen to , .-ink.

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