Soviel Offensive Is Unchecked * ★ ★ * ★ ★ * ★ * + +■ + ^ ^ American Fliers Pound Japs Getting Ready for Christmas Raid on Wake A tl. S. Dombor crcvv nt a Pacific base prepares to leave for a surprise Christmas raid on Jap-helrt Wake Island. The» are donning their "Mae West" vests. More than 75.000 pounds of homlis wore dropped on the targets, starline fires that cast a glow 75" miles to sea. In-fore the raiders sped hack to their liaso unscathed. Col. William A. Mathcny (4th from left), of Cariington, N. D., led the raid. This is a U. S. Army Air Force photo. (Central I'rcxs) Unexpected Fight Looms In Raleigh Early Arrivals for Leg-' islature Hear That Joint Resolution Will Be Introduced De manding Probe of Re venue Department Kalrieli. Jan. I.—(AIM—Karl.v legislative arrivals wrrr few to day oil lh<* eve of a Democratic caucus, but tlicy aroii'ilit tidings of an unexpected fiitlit. Itcli.itilc sources on Capitol llill -aid a joint resolution would In- introduced to cause an inves tication of the entire sctuii ill the Revenue department. That such a rcsiilution would he op|nis«>cl there was little duiiht. The Kevciillc depiil'tmi'lit. -wept liy .in citilic//.lcincn1 -camlal .1 yo;u 1 ;i(*<>. w .i ii'iici ti in 1 n*\> hands .liny j I when Kdwtit (till, t licit paroles 1 <-<•1111111 Muni r. Miccccdcil A .1. Max- ; wi ll, w lin 111 liirn w.i- placed ;it tnr head i>l tin- tax research nlfice. I A determined drive toward early adjiiuriiineiil tnav it-ell lie a l>ai nci In Mich <1 r«,.snliilMni. e.-pecially with the a.-.-eiiil»ly netting »|f to a last' Mint. The cancu tomorrow night i> c.v I pcclcil lii I" pci 11 lilt ■!••• \ with .!• 1*1.1 | II Kerr • >1 Wiiriin»«»n neMuui inc 1 111n111n.ilimi 1111 |iimI 1 1 .hip and .1. . Hampton I 'i ice "I lioil.uij'.ii.un ••iiim- ! l.v the tiiitiini.ilH'ii I'M pre nlciil pin tf 111 nl lite . etialc. I Nine Persons Die Violently j On Week-End Charlotte. .fan. I.—(AIM— At least iiiii<- persons died liy viol rme in North Carolina during llir WTi'k-cml. Koiii mi mbers <>l ;i lauiily were la tally Inn iu•»! when ;i stove exploded iit (he home "I Hillus l|i>l_iliins, (»|, Ileal |'nll;\ illr Mi . It KoIiIiiiis, •17. John I.('i' lli'iiil. .'12. In wife, 22. tiiul liny I ,ee Ilisitl. tour, (lied of l>tll IIS. Andrew .l.icU on Sawyer, 1!>. of Kli/ahcth Cily. was killed by a cIijii ue of tiuckshot and l\v«• ccmbcr :$1 sr.v tile revenue de crease SI.I!!I2.;VU.'J2 under the siime period m IIMI. Tile motor vctiieles depart ment. whose lisure.s v.ere •in piled separately. ,s;i\v it- re\ i line decrease Sali-Mian Hi <111; : 1-; lust December. compared with the previous December. 'Mil i! income tor the sixth-month per ■ o(i ciiflmn Deceii'licr :il ier > ed $(ih;i,8M!.l I over the i 'inp>i iible period in I!) 11. N. C. Potato Trial Opens Corporations and In rlividnals on Trial on Charges of Violating Sherman Law Wilson. .Iim I—(Al*l Selection <>l ;i jury from <1 .special venue ol Ullil eastern North ('arolin i rn was begun litis moriiiliv. ;is I I corpora lions and 17 individual went on triiil in U. S. di«tri<'t court "it charges of violating Sherman anti trust l:uv in connection willi tradmi: in po t iiloos. llccatiso of thp tar::e number ol defendants, attorney, and potential jurymen. the see'ir of the trial wa shiMod froiin> of «I.(inn to $2,500 were so! then S: i'-e then, several conferences have iioon held hy lawyers in an effort to agree <>n rertnin techni calities in order to shorten the lime required for trial of the rase. Kven so. four to six weeks are expect *d to he needed. Ohio Hood Hits Crest impending Cold Weather Pro m ises Moderately Fast Run off; Peak Passed at Portsmputh ( iiiriiin.iti. .Ian. I—(AIM—A ISO mile Imii; flood crest moved slim|\ dim n dir Ohio river 111 • i ■ '411 ihc Cincinnati district luil.i\ i'ltvcriim ,'iiil1iim<> witli inii'l(I> water. stopping naviKU • •••ii. sliutlini; down some w:»r plants and I'liasini: lowland rcsi ili-ils In higher ground. However. ini|*etiding cold weather, piiis low stages 111 .ill tributaries ;11m. v e I .inii.-ville — laii miles down * 1 r* .i'ii |n ■••;c'i<(l i moderately fast i; little material (lain-1 behind. l>aii iiiK heavy rains. !'!m i .ver. <»\ i i iIihiiI >laKe lor its n il. l.i.I \\ eel: crested I'orts ■ ill. (>!iin. iii.niiil'.K-tiirni^ city ol i ,i";ii. vr !enl;.\ ami then started falling slowly. Portsmouth** peak .... (iI .i foul iinilre the top ol it • •• le II.i ill w ill (in !■• •! .-lane:; i:i ailed 1'il.iv ll'olii l'> C'ill 1111.111. .i
  • 0 miles. Jap Vessels In Solomons Motor Torpedo Boats Attack Light Destroy ers Discovered Off Tip of Guadalcanal Washington. Jan. I—(AP)— Japanese destroyers Htrr diseov I'lcil off the norlliweslern end or apparently was the latest Japanc c nttrmpt !•• supply their troops mi Clnailaleaiial -1 they dropped about .'in* eiH'HiKs on a December 27. The par achute t ■ | >| >1 ■ were bombed ai/l .sir.iied hy A , t Army plane-. Whclhcr tin- I upcdo I mats suc ceeded in iiiru u the Japan ese .illacl; \va not st iilt-rfl hy the Ntivy. but It wti n .led lhal only :i ' tiirpedn hit "ii one vessel was re ported .i- It would have lioen pi'-silile for the others to con tniiie their high speed run into the northwestern lip 11 ('Uadalcnnnl and Hel out attain without having to , undci'iio liutlici attack. Destroyers Are Bombed In Solomons Enemy Air Field at Munda Is Raided Again; Japanese Forces on New Guinea j Are Surrounded and! Face Annihilation Washington. -Jan. !-- -( Al'l— American fliers continued their assault aK<'iin.-t Japanese j-roimd ami sea forces in tin- Solomon islands v over tin* week - end. |H>undinj,r the enemy air field at .Mnntla and bombing two de stroy urs. fine «f the destroyers was left huriiing badly anil the other ap peared to l>e sinking alter an at taek "0 miles northwest of Kendova inland in the New Geor gia group Saturday night (Solo mons time.) Tlie attack was carried out by Dauntless dive homhers. escorted hy Wildcat l.ightliillg lighters. Farlier. the Navy reported, enemy destroyers were attacked ::n iniles south or Sliortland is land. .No hits were observed. Anti-aircraft emplacement- and olliei installations at the Miinda air 'ield <>:> New Georgia island were hit in raids Saturday and Sunday, riie Navy said ii" enemy planes were observed in the air or on the field i i. . .1:11rtm ii mi viii.ui aleanal island, with t>etween :{ii and :!5 Japanese r< ported killed in pa trol ela.-hes. Kneiny artillery wa reported ictive lor the first time i:i week.-. Allied Headquarters in Aus tralia. Jail. I—(AP>—Surround ed and lacing annihilation, the only Japanese forces remaining on the Papuan peninsula of New Guinea were confined today in a narrow pocket on Sananda Point hy American and Austra lian troops who wiped out the last vestiges of enemy resistance around Siuna over the week-end. "The enemy's position is now | hopeless." declared a eomnuinicpie | titom Gene.ral MaeArthur's headt quarters. adding that allied troops already were "ving lip lor the kill. Ter-ely the bulletin announced that the a 111 • - ad "completed the (lestmet i .a ot the enemy' defeated (Cuntinued "ii I'aae Four) BANK STATEMENTS ARE CALLED FOR Wit.-liiimiun. I n l—(A!'> -Tin t-iii111ilr<>|I<>•' ' 'lit* enrreiiry 1 day i-siicfl a c;ill • -i statement of the P'mdilioii ank .it Ihr eloa- •>! less Thilivday. Ilee ember 31. I (; t (ill. .1 1 — ( A!*) — Commis sioner iti It i' iiiirnoy I1 llood to* fluj railed ill tVi-fli Carolina I►;11>1:111n m i 'tis l'ir ,i ' if»• nent of eonditior ' the rlose of biisiicsa 1 )ereinber Police Probe Elizabeth City Ambush Case Kl./nheth Ci. 4—(AIM -j Coun'i.v .mil • t» poliec pu.-hed .in J inv'ivli)ial mil ' > into Ihe l*'nda\ muhl IvmiIii :: three while men from ;mil>u.~h v> ■ 'i precipitated .• tense >itiiiiliere for a time. Meantime. ex ilences of tension had (I is. 11 > | ><•■ 11 <■« I and Slate highway pal rolmei) xx Ij" xvere I'U-hud here by order of timer I trough ton and extra armed pali and sailors and Marines xvei< returned In their nor mal station. Andrew .la< - "it S.iuyrr. Ill, wa I fatally xvoiirderl .md Ixvo com pan j ions xvere le- -n iM i-|y hurt by a , ehiirur of Imh , I >1 Irom Ihe dark ness ;is Saxvyrr x\.i al>out to puter his home. Several Negrop> were questioned by investigating "It <-er» who said they were told the three young men had rxehanRed xvorcls- with a Necr* I rn the -treet e.ulitn hi '.;u» night. After the Nazis Retreated This radiophoto from Moscow shows Russian women Inokinp thritieh the hard-packed snow for bodies of loved ones near Vrrtynchi. on the outslcirts of, after Russian troops had recap! I the town. The fleeing Germans left many pathetic sccnes liehind them :i- they ran before the ICus.tian troops. (C' > I'ictt) Incoming Congress Faces Tough Jobs Fertilizer Prices Higher Raleigh. Ja:i. 4—(AP)—Price-; >>1 mixed lortiliwr. superphos phate*. and potash were revised upward today to meet increased j >i< >ci Lict i< >ii and transportation costs, I). S. f'.iltrane, assistant !«))• 1) k SlOIICt .said. In notifying Coltraiic "1 the c!i.ui^cs. the oftiic i>l price ad ministration -aid the- upward ad justment.-, repre-ented ati aij.-o Into minimum needed t<> oljta u sufficient production "i commer cial fertilizer 1" enable larnu. lii increase th.'ir yields for war requirements. The price in creases allowed manutar' ure: > on a""eral crop fertilizer.- vary from Hit cent.- t«> SI.!><; .i ton. Oil Crisis j Not Altered Ickes Says 'Hand toj Mouth' Status to Con tinue for Months to Come in Eastern U. S. Washington. .Ian. I—< M'i — Petroleum Administrator likes | told a special Small* committer today that the eastern seaboard's gasoline and liiel oil supplies were on a "hand to month hasis" and were likely to contiliile in status for months to come. The first witnc*.- Tn ,m m\ >• ' I lion ol the petroleum .-I101 ' i petroleum admilli.-tratoi ;• il hi ' ] «II it t «*l I .11 l.-l 11 IC(| 111 "III! i-ssjiry lationum ol c fur only ! 1^1 it i ua r fuei I'll ipiotas. "When all i> -aid and done." lie le-titied. "«■(. lire living "ti hnnil to i in it it li bnxte and WO are go'ltft to, continue •!! ,i hand tn it• .th bi-is."| Ickes sihd the new pipe! ne- I mm east Texas t<> Illinois, jjo-im nto op era I ion February I. would tie p re lieve the -itliation. I>at pcti >'*■ in <1 malids lor (lie Ainrrit'an lorres in porrh Alric were j*»\vitijs. The mm haul at •-> lite Atlantic front the ca-t rat - shorter »mtl .vnfer than the ronh "n Texa- ^.ii! port.-, lit s, and eon i<|iuntl.v tin* drain on ca.-crn pelroleuni supplic is htrgo. This Icke- said lie hoped a new K'.J.Vmilc pipe line from Illinois to New .lei-ey could oe completed li.v •June 1. Ths would dolivei it.Vi.lMiti barrels daily to (lie f ist roa-1. 1ml he said that military (lenianil v\ • e accelerat ing and conlfl lie rx|M'."1ed I i cm tunic to climb The w >r p idiictinn board is considering '!!n ■ pipeline from Texas to the C'ji-t < m-I. he sakl. observing that committer members need rtol be surprised il a third line later were suggested. WIATHEf FOP NOItTH *'A"OL!N V. .Much cnlilrr. hard Ireezc. Session Convening on Wednesday to Shape Life on Home Front; Piovide Weapons for 1 War and May Decide Pattern for Lasting Peace Washington. Jan. 1—(AIM — Tin* i-ruciltlc ol glottal war lield f.'rr l!u* i:|)| |>|)| :;il'"Ms will i)i' forged the wc:i|>i>:i.n i>l war lur the American righting forces: from its delibera tions m.iy cuii'e tiie pattern lor ii ! -1; 11u peace. Tin* I'onyi convenes V. i dnosda.v \ t In: ;i decade has i memiM't'sliip ol the Hott.-C and S'ii lieen •• evenly rii\irlert. yet o| iioth the Democratic ma i : 'I;/ and the liepui>lican minority hue declared thai divi.-ion would fli>appear war i.-.siie.s. Overshadowing other pridilcnis will lie that ol supply oik the I i::iitiiik lorces and ol furnishing v.capons ill war in oi.icr I uited Nations, l or purpose. < on grc»s lias appropriated S'J'MMIOO. tllMMKIO. iiiiicIi itf it still uiis|h-iiI. President l5oo«e\elt is c\pcclcd to ask for another SIIMUNHMMIO, 000. ■ il'IIIIHI IIIC slCIHIi .ilrr.Klv !lii~ lie v;• ■ t■ the pi el i inar\ sKirmohin^ •>! dec id i dull thin Million's [nrciitn ■ ' V . I !.| . • I I • ' till" Will It III.IV • in,- iijm nportnnce next June ■ !n ii t i,i • in liu i i - t i*»;" -eeU tr "I it rii-i!»!• -i ll trade aurcc rut Willi countries. S>- \ i< i It 11: l.ition |>rnl»;il)l.v wui occupy i intisiilrnililt' share <»f con • < onal • t I;• 11 • have I'fi'ii m fill! I if 1 IT" ■nil- . • 1 * I! I •' I • i y '••I . vim' jillei vnr* t'tul. In imiU'li dollar ''H dollar tin- money he stives .Mm lii.- -iiA'tv pay. I'i >«'t up ii plllilir W pi .: !i»111 t<> Hive 111 in ci" pl"<>irn ! mi rt tin n to ci \ i! .hi lit. Kim i■ • 111 - I 1li<" p'llt ta\ pay ii i lit \ t • rii <|iiieii)Cllt attain Will In . • • 11:. • > t "".'i- tin." objections til soiithci n ! H'lnorriit . A lenlaliVi i"> "i tin stvi.-inn. Stocks Resume Forward Move New, Jan. I f A 1*1 SI neks Bcneially resumed tin- turwunl move III ' i;»v 11■ flii ! Iiiilid* iitlil coin* 111' if 111 ii" - pushed llpWiil rl. HIik '» .11 new IfM2 13 in|m in cluded ( Motor,. liadio Cor poration ind (icm-nil Klectiic. Amcr ! ican rclcplmiic rlimhcd alum! three ' point - Support u a> m\ en i;. s. Steel, Bethlehem. Chrysler. Santa Fe. Southern Railway. American Can' and Dow Chen cat. Amiitift faltcrcrs "" i" ' .'"(.raft. Wp.tinxh'iust and On Pont Reds Report More Gains Along front Germans Set Back at Both hnds of 1,000 Mile Long Battle Field; Allied Forces Score Against Axis in North Africa (/»' n the l\aitii\i-k steppes, I In.* middle Hi>ii and i.t: tin- north central front 70 mile- from tin.* Latvian Under. This ol'linsive set the Gor man.- hack at ImiUi ends of a •attle field more than lHiiii mih-s long. <>n t Im* north Xl'riean Ironi Itiilish tanks r.ii.h'il Avis posi tions northwest hi Mcd.jey.rl>. { Krrnrh Inrces stahhed closer to (lie Tunis-Tripoli highway and pushed deeper into l.iliva Irom the south, and allied air power ramr mil winner again hy a heavy margin in the battle tor the skies. At allied hondqitarteis in north Africa t iva- ..niiounceci that heavy atlacl;> h> (iiin.ati and lt.ilian t.. i. Iiiici^ yc-ti rciv upon French i> -m lion- ear Fniidnuck were beaten nil hy .1 counter attack. Tin French were supported hy American anti tank Hints and plane.-. It ua- the i'ii>l mention "l Amer ican ground force? Mich a., the anti tank ii..:- n t! 1 isector. A spokesman .-aid the axis tank apparently were unloaded a' S -ti e and there w;i- nothing l<» nillii'.ilt' !ha! they repr» .-enti .•> pari <>1 Ma shal 11 -.fl - ihm-cs withdrawn I rout Tri|x>liumiu. Hattlelionl disp.ilihc- .Hid tin' Momuw i'>inimi:in|in-- ;;a\e tin.-, ac count it! the !■ a east limit. C*awca>li>- Tin litis:-, in? pie >ed nurthwe-t and wi .-t .in tin- hod if German troops retreat inc from Mm dok. recapturing ••-evcral p>p ulated place*." The Mi'>cow w.n bulletin said "the enemy i- tiffe inu heavy lo.»ses." Kalmyck Replies and lower I >• ■:i ! : c 1 »t"ft il'n.y thrust d«'i pel lit ' P' ■ 't ii- • 'ii • Ian -11.11>«■(j !inil' f 111 till I » •!!. .If! tin- Stair (J' II > i !: < Kali' v. I; wa- lelatld M alille tin "<» ,i ..•;>s eontin uetl their offensive mid occupied a m nilier "t |>opuIatcd places." the i "mi' miipie annn m«" >1 \"i i ilnve-t i ! M" i w The Kit Man- tlii 'i^t We I• t >i iiey > I In .1 strikini: ilispl u nl crim ing allied .lit iniulil in Tunisia, \in<-riiMii mid) Itiitisli planes si-, i i> -!S planes anil ilam :m-il :*.! iiIIiits over Ihr «rrk rnil. M- — I -il tin* toll \va ■ liil\I'll by A■ n i n in ini In-' ;iiid I m! ! I>1.>• m• - i' :i Sainday mid lut 1 Dip i>i /< ■ ■ i 11111 ,iin i it 111 y and Ii.;li! i■ ()• !• !i i- tiif i\ Iii.- (nhi'fiil ili'il ;it I i in1 Tito l"'ly:iiu Knrlvi' r aocuniril {in 17 • if the nwnrin nf (fcrinnii and Itiiliiin phinn wliirli triud in vain In -i• \i• Tuni iriviH'i siikI wutt'iii nit I i*imi illntlil i 11;111 • ■ i ■?»*•. Not oilc "I 1lw Kni'trt'S.-t'S WW toil, Altni'i-lhin1. :il! ii'<4 looses wore rvi'n pi,mi' Iv\ ' nl llii'ni Nnn'i icati. 'I In' ill i * I |it Cotton Prices Again Higher Ni-vv Ynrk, .Ian I f AI •)—Ot fmi fill tires i • | ii-i i • -«I .. - :;f» cent ■ a bale : 'lifiitiM*. Nihmi valnr. \\ |i| (. pi i,, (,,.||(s | a linlp IiiuIkt. March III.all, May l!l II. July M).:i7. nl I J. me. I'ri'\ imis 'I'orl.iy'H •Fantiiu y Mnrcli Miiv July October Dtcembei CImsc ()pcr, m.:i4 10.42 11I M> If.:i2 10.34 Ml.21! 10.31 19 20 19.26 1021 111.2 7