/1CT0RY Birv vrf* Hgnftgyggtt iiatlt| Utspatrh THIRTIETH YEAR ». w■ kk skkvick of ui,'miii.'ihjmw m /< a.ss.m-iati-:i» i-ickss. HENDERSON, N. C., WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY G, 1943 ar •i:i{ijsiiKi» i:vi:i:y aitkknoon l.MVh' n;vTv iWi.'X Kxn:rr siwi>ay 1 1 V lit v IMS I < * M 1 ★ ★ IAN DRIVE ENGULFS SIX MORE CIT National And State Law Making Bodies Convene Raykirn Sounds Note House Speaker Re portedly 1 ells Caucus that Congiess No Longer Would Yield to 'Bureaucrats' and 'Must Reassert Itself' \\ .i.-l-iiij/lon. .Ian. <> - (AI' | I he /.•II Ii I i illJJIVH.s n| ;t iiil ti"ii i i' live |irn|i|»'.> convenes tmlay consecralt'ti I<> victory at aims lo prcscrv<• that freedom, t It 11 i 1 ;i 1*1»I divided nil home lr-'iii |>olic\ .eml uncertain of t!ie i|ii• ami detail of the peac ' to f • si low the war. 'I hi- lirst M'svimi opens imi a note ol m II-assertion. with Huilse S|ii'.ikrr ita.vhurn of Texas rr poitcdly telliiiK a Ocniorr.ttie CitiiCHs lli.M Colic l ess no longer would \ield lo "bureaucrats" an.I that I'oisuress "must reassert it self." A d winU* li.n m'liiy ill the .'Kl in. ri Ii n |i !l> ■ i.iril; in the l)«il .mi-. :!• in-ill..ii likewise hliisteii .•l •inire;niei:iey" and "waste." ami called I'oi 11..•«i\ c.tansies in wartiine Si'v eminent npi : ation all imintniK in i'li^Ii ami iiiildy bitter days a lie; d i \V;i-hillKton. {'resident ISoosevelt. in an ad dli'.s thai may vie in import ance with Ids mos-H"?"* war on the avis, will appear he lm »• a joint sc-isiitn ol' the Senate and llnii*e tomorrow to report on the -I.ill- ol' the l iiiiiii. !-'••• i U-..::eiy i ".peel him to deal in! mily witis llit• progress ol the ii nil it. .i. .1 di'i-.i- lie problems. hilt In fiive -n:t i clue In Ills ideas nil tii [ii•:ice In h'llow. .ii tin- writir.;* ■ il . ii lids ('■ ni;t e-- ii. .ij take a plac.- in v\ iild history. Cm; leaders wi'i'c expect eii In r. v. .lh Mi Itim c. ell lnd.i> i i; the text hi in- message, and it w.i '.imtcrstiHid •"•me wo.dd him It iii -i.:|i any prujiosals l"l' ecu ity rcvi.-ion «»r oxjmiii iwn> Cut .' II il : pi i.pi.-1! mils III ■ iirtin •• i ii'.h! cause 111 imncees ,-ar\ li:;iil that ".'j'-llit (li-rupl the eiiliii i- >ii11-s-iniiiil program." Demos Keep Control Rayburn Is Elected Speaker by 217-206 Vote Over IVLartin; Mc Cormack Demo Leader Wiisliiiiulun. .Ian. It—(AIM — Itv llir slimmest margin in a iloc ado, Democrats kept control of I Ik- llonsc and returned Sam Kaylittrn of Texas lo (he speak ership today in orcani/hiK (tie <S(ii Coneress for President ICoosoveH's report tomorrow on a year of war and the way lo vic tory. Speaker Kaylnirn lold a cherring h«Hi e that when victory at war i> vmi "this lime there must be nn t«>i>|>i111* until the vandalism and par,mis'ii nf Merlin. Home and Tok vo are wiped Iroin the faee of the 'world." I! ivIhii" defeated Itepresentativc .lo enh Martin. Massachusetts Re publican. who, as a result of the outcome. aiito'iiatie.illy heeame the niii'oriiv leader. K<'|ire-<'ntutive Me ('oriiaek, another May State law uiater, was renamed Democratic floor le.idei at a party caucus yes lei 'lay. 'I'm vote tor speaker: Rayburn 21, M irl 20f>. on strict party lines. '.!!■ lies were jammed to capacity m li'ith the Senate and Mouse, with I1 waiting lines at the doors. The Senate's first ncffllofl lasted o\ac'ly 3d minutes, with <10 menibcr i>'( cut It was largely devoted t<i • I e wearing in of new and re-elected members Anion:! the firsT senators worn in wa« .losiah W. Bailey, North Carolina Democrat. With a larger membership and r ue routine to he followed, the II u-e co'ilfl not complete its- first (!. >■'. doings so <|uickly. NAZIS STRAFE OWN WOUNDED IN TUNISIA Alloiiti^li (lie lied Cross -.in-i was elearl> visible on I .«• side of tliK ambulance it was strafed liy a German Junkers KK <ni a road >ii Tunisia. lrci*ii-;<IIv. the ambulance carried wounded (irrnMii prisoners to tin rear lines tor treatment. Tin* driver «a- Killed and found t>.v the door lie tried to open when the atl irk rami'. .Major William Yarl>orou*:ii ot Seattle. Washington. French liaison officer with Hie I . S. lories in Africa, stands w ith rifle as the (ii'inuii nrisoner■. remove tiieir comrades from Hit* anihulaine. Allied Planes Blast Rahaul Nine Months Bill Offered Measure to Provide Longer School i erm Introduced as Legisla ture Organizes IS;ilciKli. Jan. (>.—(AD—A liili to set up a statewide nine months sellout term, indorsed l>> both major political parties, was introduced in (lie house today as the North Carolina legislature rapidh organized in near per fect harmony. Tlie measure. introduced by Kep iesentsitive Cuss ot Forsyth, would lengthen the |>ulilic school lei ii , tin- pre-cut Kin diivs t• • liSo day.-. i.ut would he optional. The Stale an-l (oiiiity htsircl- til t>tlik*;i1>ii u- iilti lie authorized tn detci mine whether trie Iinittcr term would be ad\ isable. Sinne sections. particularly i.( mi.!, legions. contend the iiiiic-iinuitii term would serinii.sly mtertere w it; I >i < •< Itn-t ii in. especially inti meic i • i .sluolajte lit Inlivi M iHiey nut u.M'd wniilil l" returned to the treasury for opci.Htoii <>l : ciiool the followititt y .11 I .i<-n ■ i-na n I (ioveriior Harris announced that Senator II. I'. Taylor of Aiisnii would head the appropriations committee and Senator Thomas 0'ltrrr.v ot Wayne the finance coiiiuiittce. The opening praver in tin .en it Wiis delivered by i>r. Km re-1 * Fee/.or, linlcigh I•;ipti l in. e t• • i .i : Ihiit in I tic* hour bv |Ji < II I'm liiiin. .mother It.ileiith ISapti ' >■ ■ i.ster. Itcprcsciitalive Ken noniiii.ili i lleprc sunt;iti\e Tiiyloi ot \V.i.vi>> elected spejikcr ol the hou-e Ml I ■ ten over Itcprc.-enlidive A I. I*• li.uidolph Mcpiililicau. v ii" nominated by ltepreseiitaii\•• si ny ot Wilkes. Senaloi 1'iice, lion.. ■ • < • I ji> president protein of the en.He by Senaloi llallciitinc ot V ; • •. v. a without opposition. Canned Juices And Butter Supplies Cut Washington. .Inn. <• tAI') Am erica's armed forces and her jilltcs jiit going to get III' per cent ol (no tuition's iiotithly production of creamery butter ,uid virtually all of the canned citrus juices. The new government order, eflee tive February I. is expected to sef j,side about SKl.fMMi pounds of butter this year for war requirements, leav ing about I.IIMl.tMHi.ttltU for civilian*. Secretary of Agriculture Wiekjird said that the curtailment would per mit eivilijins about 13 pounds of l>n( tcr cjich in Ifll.'l as compared with jin estimated per capital consumption ol 11! pounds last year. In reserving production ol ail citrus juices, except non-conccntt at ed grapefruit juices, for war needs, Wickard declined his order will not tujilct uilly aflecl civ ilian supplies. Auto Driving Eight Vessels For PI —- jr*L 1 -i • /. t j • is Out Wellington. I a*' i>i(■<*•- ni linn ti>«ta.\ (ml: lirh ini; i».v mil "( " gasoline i; Alia!:'*- i-.'iiii: the ('iliiiriliiliu lions us (lit- |i to comply. 'llic aid ol and municipal agencies in Ihi aiul District o iiu aski'il to got eminent in uii' driving. In repiirtinK viola !i<>iis to local ration boards or lco.il OI'A ollircs. •' I lie iiri'si'iHT ol' p.issniRCV cars at any gathering for pur po>cs ol sport or ainnscini'iil will lie taken as evidence tliul gaso line rations and tires arc being dissipated ncedlcssl* and ille sall.iOI'A said. "Tin.1 hail on pleasure driving will also apply In driviii:: li: purely social en gagements." siiiniltaiieoiis!.\. OI'A declared luel Mil iicaliiic rations of all buildings cvcipt lliose used lor n siticuli.il purposes in llic east it until lie "cut sii'islautiully within (lie next '! I liours." No dclails were Riven. Potato Trial Witness Heard | WiImmi. Jan. li (AC i The gov ciiiiMdil |>!:• iii>< >1 to |i-cut .i<Mi lioiKtl testimony lod.iy m I S. di> Irict niiiit hen- in it- i !•> t t«t coii \ il l l:t r*<11 |><>1,111>«ms 11 in Mi iti<liiri tial-.nl ch.n ge.x nl violiit the S'ter m.in anti-lrnst jicl 'ii dealing in IMit.itm- in North C.ii- i ill* ilui»ii.i and Maryland. (»nly I wo vilite • \ • <• examined yesterday They v. cie Ualph W. Merger. seel clary "I " <• (iie.it At lantic .mil Pacific 'IV i Co., ami as sistant secretary "I the Atlantic Com mission Co.. and A It. Green of Chtirchland. Va.. .1 potato producer. Merger testified that as far as lie knew there \va ii" connection he I I ween I lie Atlanta Commission Co ' and the other dciendants. firoen testified operating through "e Mlatil.e Commission Norfolk \'.. . "Iiieo and of at Mending .1 cetiim •( growers and extension depart ment officials ;i1 Norfolk which he *»lcl was Attended hy reprc-cntali'. e- •! the Atlantic Ciini Co and ollwr product dealers. wfathcr FOR NORTH CAROLINA, ISisiiiK temperature tonight and early Thursday with light rain or sitnw beginning in fho motitilaiii.s early Thursday. ; '..',11 lU'l'l 111 III'- StllllllV.I'M r.It lilt. Ill iili ;"ill.llnll Ii.tij. Ill slll|i|)inu . 111 - 'nrd nudri lti< ,11'Wi' t 1 i|ti\\-~ til iIn . I.ll'l'i i V.illlll Il.tVt i»«■»-II lllilUlllK i i.\ili;uil. I'.ipit.il '.i New lirifiiiii ts | I.Hill, tin Iilijl-I M\'C "•! lliluontl.llfli | ::lliit'kn i\t i illi't* tin' SiiloilllH) is I l.illd- it:<>;iiu> 'ipi'lM-ll riic diri-rt hit w.i- Mti .1 ill ivi'i leii'lri AI'MIK Kit' iirr \\;i. i do li >iit'll misfit h;r i- l>i (liniM^i'il The 1'iuiil ■ • ships v.cif iiii'i' 1 i ll.Ill' v <• I'l ' (tin* I*imilri'pMi ti'il I".I nit Ihr 111 "4111 li .l;i|>'iiii ' pi -11 if - n'l'll' llii'.' lift) 'U-'i I lii;M i'l ilmlll • i iln/'-ti ii rd In 111• 11• |»i Hit : .it.Hi.. SIX PERSONS KILLED ■ BY BLAST IN CHIC AGO CliiriK". ! 'i - ( Al' I Six pi'l ; " i'.i'i 11id 111• • i < in I mi injun >1 in <ii id i • \ 111 pel in i l» V. 1111:; .ill 'lie In ii 1111 i(k' • I il.i i'ii ' nmln ulil M i'iy i>l 2IH1 | i.i I run... wll<> ('•irii.td twt v.cii' l>l"wn Hi i : ..i i d' the I "i i i' "l I he 1 I.I,i.-!. S-'i i «• \1. • • Anthony M'lll.moy i f ln-i ti ll 1 liiuc ;il >1 in linn Harmonious Legislative Meet Seen Nominations Run True to Predictions, With K.err Named House Speaker and Price Nominated Senate President Pro Tern Raleigh, Jan. — (AI') — North ( arolina's I|:i General Assembly launched into the leg islative urind at ii'h in today with the election of officers nominated in I>t moeratie cau cuses last ni^ht. Tin* bii'ieii.il session convciird I'ollowini; a prediction li.v Liru tenant Governor It. I.. Harris, the senate's presiding officer, that the legislature would eomplete its work within 50 days. Harmony marked the house and enate caucuses last night, and Rep resentative lahby Ward of Craven ex pre sed the hope that the harmony displayed at the Dee oeratie meetir.jj wolil'i prevail through the session. Nominations ran true to prc nenv nredietions. John II. il v I. n »f lo A .tliis . 11 > fns not R« > in i* > $-> * * *"*■ j[ Miners Out Factional Disp Over Increase in Ur. Dues Halts Work Pennsylvania Mines Wilkes-Ham'. I'a.. Jan. •> ( M'(—Nine thousand miners r in.lined away from tlieir .jobs i nine of the largest collieries i the Pennsylvania mine ficl:R in day in a factional dispute center inn around a 50 cents a month increase in union dues. Tlie iimvcinenl. condemned hv '■ I'nited Mine Worker.- A" de\ i li>pe<l when • I>»■ I'MU aii'l operators worked • i a plan to I'll m e plod .rt ion to i war !.•«•«) i accordance with i ic<|ue I ti .||i fuel- ('••nrdill.ltol lekes Seven rollierie.s weiv closed <nd operatio- - in two others, v hull Were -in i ounded liv picket . cm tailed Unofficial Legislative Groups Convene As Assembly Meets Mul Dispatch Itiimiu In lli- Sir Waller Hotel. Itv nw NISIIKT. Halei«h. rfl (11 ,ni I'll In ith Ih lily la.-' ii • lien -ki'lt ' Icelion ill i ! .iikI i'miM'i' 11<*n w ill in 1 men! • >1 \\«• • < • eneral scin 'I today pi'ifeetid nil/.,it inns willi :.e i ml: "I liwrs, clerks I'lii' two rii« oi u.iiii/.i ••'cl with <i|i|Minit iiiliilinttccs In In* announced v •«• fl.iys prob ably rmlil .i. ernor's nus >;ih«' i- ii'i rni I .ii noon Thursday. The Hin(I ii 1 coiniMisod nf Hie lobbyists. rl ■< n't filed regular or jMiit/aikmi t it .derail members ore on the I I ■ bin -i\" n| the gr»ll|) v\ ei i • I'll II ''videiuc Mon diiv nifiht .inn T e»iliiy The but v si.»11> has Brown Id eight. jiihI tlx re .ire other additions oi members just it* cffectlvo but us— | (I.illy if:... ( • -pilloll Tin big six group is eoini -ed ' I U II.nd Howell. | i ('presenting l ie retail inorchnnt.s: Hurry Hiicliansin. representing the 'moving pieiui< 111(I• i'i > C A. Kink, pie.-ldl'll' <>l tin* I itl ! "• M« I |< -II of Labor. S.im lllniinl. In the l»eei in - I torosts. * • 11 r; u-I Sp.oui-1. t«>1 IM.') 11)1 <-11111 prorliKt . .iri< 1 K: kmc Snnlli, l«»i" inlor-eiiy I'i In.' Also Ix-I'ini'. inu to the top-iwleliei . lute arriving 11>iiI liiiiiiitiriit h c\|«. « ic <1. ik Krrfi Hownian. wlin |ihii\ I lor llic iwii I tlciN mid il; iu:o -i •. Mi'M. Howie ■ i'luuMiiN I'MTiiti\c -oeretary ol Iho .iiltomolnlr ilisilei*, I.iy- on the Job I hw 52 trivk* a yciiI AliHinfl IIIher l;1111111.11 I,hi .tit- .liiliii ("affev. re I»»•«• 'iiii'iu (In wiik' industry. .iikI It l> (Hub) Cnlen ;ili o| Champion Fiber. Ioi tin |>iil|>w "ii.l unci paper folkn. There will It do/j ii i| '-Ili< i lull. I»yi t> on tin- >eene dining the legis lative -c-sioii Some ol tlii'in may >eek .-.penal privilege* lor lliclr ( III Ills; some ill tlu'in limy lint l>r of thi' highest type ol eiti/enxhip; moKt of Ihcm w ill be lionot(iblc and piitriolic men and homuii. eoneern , cd only about .i scpiare deal and I equitable distribution ol the State ((.'out illlieil on Page Five.) KO's 2 Nazi Planes ('apt. (ivii'.'f ]» M ' almve) of I,illl«* IJock, Ail . M'-upcratiii^ from shrapi»< ' \\ ivr< ivc*<t in an nit* bat: I.- ;»i downed two \a*/.i »•$■»». ami !• Sf|ua<M nn sir : . v«*n M< • nchmifts nv i i•.i• Marl»l<* aitli-M. wi • jt w:».i lu'ld l» l liiail... t in.' ; • :» ni<* (I V Cciir A L. I -a. for L Speedy - II. <». (i*ii;iiiI fio\irnni' itviii«* lijs enniniittei in*-nltoday. apparently , i ""is upon the senate llie .i!\ I'ur s|ii'c(l> emisiilerulio »•' leri>-l:ilive mailers, \ormail.v. •mi!i ippoiiitiiirnls jire not ma lie I "I'lii a il.iv mi In after the I si;iri nl tlie session. !h< lulled . ( (l.'M iiK'ii "i • I I!, lit" II.,111. il I >i11»|>i>; l"llli 'in i.f Noted Negro Scientist Dies Tusk. l.i .1 .11 «> (AIM Dr. ( ifi.l nc I '.II i .1 . -ill (>| Ni'KIii !.. • I'll .it ilVIIM' • I'll! I.. U... • ' |li I. 5 • 1111. UmV mi* In ii "l.i • it 11' ;iki 1 ciilliii..i <■<■"• \ De-pile in ii i>Ii .'minium. In iH'I'tlll l mil '• ' l I..'nil - UlCIllrst i I(• 1111s' in lii field >1 .i^i it'll 11IIr;it chcmlilr.v <li in. ••mitillosi iiwh 11 ir I ii 11 iv i -Hi ■ :i ji ■ lint- . 11 )• I He i \ «*l« »| ■ I •; u Iiii'ii ' • ciinir eieiiil 111 ill Milium. 1)1. (in. ri III', el knew I In* d.ile I nf his birth mi .i fiirn ill Diiimotid (Ii iiM M ■ Im; '• In-1 ■ in <*<! ii Ii. lie ill >< >111 IHfil 111 > liilhri died when Ciirvci v. .i I'- '•> C'iiiA i t iilid hi." Iimlliri wen- -l"lell illld tiikl'll •" A i-k;ihs.i> ('in \ it hi iillh, iil\vny» fi'iiil. tiiok ;i f in ti Im llif v. ") i' after Ins return '<e\er.il ni'iiiih. ;ij;ii from visit inn llcnrv F'nd' e 'lei (iieenlirld Vil IjiKc hi Mu'liiu-iii i't 'lie invitiifinn nf Hie iiiiif«i»ti»• •lit- •n.ilillliielllier. Nazi Armies Retreating In Caucasu& Final Drive Believed to Have Begun io An nihilate Remnants *.>i 22 Nazi Divisions in Trap Before Stalin grad ; Other War Nev* s iHn 'l iit l Km.- i.-' ..•!" till- i'li ■ i;• •>: ' i*l t !'! . Icr i -ium i: a'l■' M'i'i ti |ii •euU'iiitf .il !•■ i I'll '1) »l .'.1 ii. jl ll-llsi V l"> iLitiil'i- Don. ■ ■mm mi) ;n il;c Kt'i! .11 niic-. ■if in'l• 'U <■ J. ■•!• •■-.ivv li; l-.ti-- • ■••• .It iin:ilii>ti-:l (ni l in tin }.' -Ill <1; < .-!• ' |-« r;i|i1 11-«I \.ilr."-' .to.l s• i■ j*iI)!' ;.hr;irl ,m .1 • ont. f»v«-n uiinmu .i l;irK«- '.ii I-.* i-'i.r II . 11 is) tnii< li i - '"in i. t rtoi - ■•«■!>• -rts-«i :t bn',!I-- n I st.-'lll "I-., ■ S' • i<v.iSti;i' 'ii ■ i '.i • '■ ■ In liuht'i... f'-r :i - in i.ii- n«-r i| i\i • i.omv i * i*ii "*r-r* •i ■ re- !■ .ii .'in .j, ! liolfl iilld pr - < ■ r ■ •.-• i- c.-iptiircH." Il is tin- Mini \ ntir.i n- >!>•• • riiiiirdi.it<*l> rast nl <.1.i i • nj: • lli.il siirviviijs "I Mi. <.••• in • • »iot; •• m mil 'ivi- i-: i st.-l-l rilip fin w-vi'i il vi ' • • ill ||V I III- II? 'Jil l lurri". i i ii s ll:i- mi f l|. 1) mi ^llpjliv I <■ .» 11 (I t*n-1 n JIr Mil- ni.il' ' ' • ! •• ' <• I • I;Ir A mill ">i •• !>• (. 1.1.... In t.'I'ill lliHn' is r.iins < fit ii" • tf• »is iiii-ilimi in ii-i! Mi M 'i .i (( .i <MKR OF 11 Al\ VAi'i • 111: ~ |: ..i. i Mill) I ' •if I l;i I v.< 1r hi< |!>> I..i, i Til.' :i;h ii << ..'.<•1 Hie tU-.fsr III) l<- l<|f| •! idles <!■«-<I li. i Kaiser Loses NLRB Appeal W.i 11 ili.M'iii. .Km (I I 1*1 li.llu'J' '1 l.llj'll .li.ltiO . b'-.Hil •'< 1 ,i im»1iiin 1 ■ i di11ii 1 .y 'v. Itiicc mrmti' i i n i>.n' lh(. K,»ij-< ■ i !.!•>,.in 'I mounds ihoy ii.ui pro ufi " ) ■ i < !• Tin* tx'in il i * iii.n Coin,>rl fur Hii'iv m>r!' • •. ni licnry Kuln'i Jwfl • motion, iind null' |»m ' n' I i •hi ."• |>|>c*iil tn tiic l imit . r • l i will procorcf Willi ii In irn ' I"< liiml. Ore. >>11 .l;r iiinv II "it i thiil I ho y.ii<|. ucir !• i' i It > ,i labor piiictnes by d'y l itit* 11» AKI, unions ;iti'| ii i ' u 1 i I shop rontiiirt- holme uny ib ' i ! tiiil number ill employee b f| ! < Miirofl :mrl uiven nn t>pp<> "i-<. i I i ll o ii Imvl' ••inn.; . . ill.

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