Reds Gain In Drive For Rostov r-% r* n n PI 7* W "W W Japs Driven Out Of Papuan Sector OPENING PRAYER FOR FIRST MEETING OF 78TH CONGRESS ItrniJ .l;iinr>. Shea tliinliimiicry, chaplain ol' the IIiium' iiI lii'iircM-nta til cs thou ii tlclit cring the opening prayer .il the first mv-moii <>l ilu seventy t-iulitli < onsress. '1 lie eyes of llic country arc fixr«l on the war tinir Ciiiisri'Ks a» il meets In si.lve many innlilrms ;i11«• t\tneverv man. uoman and «-1'tId in thr I'liiled States. Speaker Sam ISaylairn . <1111>I>•-(I lli> rules"." which rnillire a two-thirds vole he I ore a liill id.i\ In- withdrawn from a com mittee !•> which rrfrrml and lielorc a minority rrimrl id a committee 11 i.i > lit- aiii Nit'ie l.ri' S|;>. a ImmiiI.v .slin|i ii|>< iiit'ir "I Spiuce I'nics. in which she aid Hi" l>eauly hup ui rlll try I.■«*(-• I .i cm i iuvmii c ! opcrafot "VV« arc itsk iiiK you." .• lie said. t< • lu lp u. .'■mIvi this prohl<-in li.v >:iv .lit; us authority iiiul permit:-ion t»i tI'jiin i>iii own op'H'. i'li the rllll'si 1 i lite M'liatc today with .i lavoiaiilc report the lull dm ctim: ilie governor aii'V council id •tali* to <-t up a icsi-ri'i' IiiikI .1 .SL'^.h'iu.llnll. Tlllls CiuM riior liioiiuhtou |»ot la.«; (Cont — • loci on I'aj'.e Three) M'NARY RE-ELECTED MINORITY LEADER Washington. -'an (AIM Sen ate Hepul)li".ilts uiia'iiirously ic eiccted CIttirlci* 1.. MeNary ul Ore yon ;i- minority leadei Imuy and ap pio\'i(| as.iiii iciit iji\ in: the" 11• - enaed i epi cental ion on 'landing committees. In a .session so non coiilrovei siul in its aspects that MeNary comment ••d Dial harmony wax .-o thick If ran down my cheeks." the minority conference reelected Senate While ol Maine iis its .secretary. Allied Convoy Reaches Port Loiulmi. ii. (AIM I'he .. 11 r t: I. il;\- .iniioiiiiccd |.ill.IV hi illlici c.liw.y had mmIiiiI ikhIi.i 1»ii-m;iii (mils witlioiii l*> ur • l.iin i:;<- .iltel ,i hut na\;il .n il. i: |>ll\l«ill l> I Cplll ll'd l>CC<*|||lici* •:i The n.iivn.v wii.- attacked by ".i ^really ,.ii|ii-iiin <*1 it'lliv Puce I 11' >1 IL^i I i I' I CI HIM,- ' III I'll! poci.t'l (•ill til'; lll|l. IIIII' <1 111 CI .ml .. iiliiniii i ">l ilcslinyi'i I'll Nm lli ( .l|ll'. ill III!' I' \ I 11*11)1* 11*11 II) III" Norway," tin* ii<111111 iliy .ml Mine Group Is Called Governing Body of Anthracite Industry Is Summoned in Move to End Wildcat Strike Wllkos-llurr«\ Pa., .lii ti. K— (AIM — The Committee of Twelve. unvrrnine body nf Hip strike-cripple anthracite indiiv Iry. was called into eincri:cin \ spssiiin today in a move In end a u ilili .it strike iif 1.1.000 miners m Ii it-It has rliiM'il I.'! major col lieries and caused a growing hard coal shortage in Ihr oil-ra timii'd northciisl. Solid I'tid I'mil*cliii;i!'ir Ickes It;«rl urged the grotip I" nrmnjic "prompt resumption of work." Hi appeal was telegraphed to both .lnh'i I.. Lewis, president <>r the United Worker- and William Inglis, presi dent ol the Cilcir Alden Coal Co.. the world'.- Iaruc-t anthracite prod v< . The committee, which negotiated | '■ illi dive bargaining emitr:>et« iin.l fixed pi'lieies (or tin- Industry. i nadf up "f -ix union leaders ;ind -is uperalors II arranged to meet ' :ii the Philadelphia office of the Philadelphia ami Heading ("i>.il and Iron Co. j The strikers demand a $'J a day ' Wii«e increase and ,i cut of "ill ccntx ii month in union dues. it' L»K Repeats Victory Hopes For Next Year W.i li:>11. *1 «*.*11. is (A!')—I'resi ■ i {•••■.*< \ «• 11 ll'|HMU'll lull.IV 111 l| M't >•. ii i . !ii' 11• i In- intended In I'n'i vey ti In i«i Conjtress, for .1 1 'lit d \:ii ikii.-. iiimy in 1 !t 11. 'I In- C'hiet Kxecutive vviis iiskvil .it |nt'>- conlercnce whether, in j say iiii; thai tin- current i'• ingress , Iii•- iily would lia\i ,i pint tn deter | Miiinii;. whether lilt- wmlil could l>«- i Irecd t: • >i:i I ear, a.s lie did in hi.--! In i rii vc lerd.iv, meant I ■ imply 1:::11 tlit* war would I'tiil .ii l!iH. | III- -..i«l In- \\a- • •nlv i .pressing I •• ll'ipe illll mllld III'I I "uef tie- j I mi- tin- wm il "|ui-.-iliilil;.. 'J I; ell iImi iim|iii led thai 1 . iii'luii'il insert In- |il;n cil in his mi- am* l>i <"■ »iiiti«• III . il that ii ii ;iii..ii jlting tiK- niiiln and linn 11 ih.iU. .1 ii ..|! omission I icon •i 'ill- by In- • ii i.t I ill 111;. 'Ii ' i "li ni production I .. ires. | III' planned tn itiilili In-Ill ill in ■ • I v. 11 si-nti-nri "In I!• I ' we i>i1111 JUiiin unit Inns "I nii'ri li nil hip I wu ex ecuted l\,r .,H" Mi linn c\ elt 11 >l«l ii-| »■ .t 11-is In*' ilnl iinl \\ , 1111 aiiviiiH' m hipyardsj ni' niaril line wml; hi Until; there I ni hern a deliberate mn "U wllii'h ! would lail tn gi\'i> then their dtie| credil. Potato Trial Takes Recess Wil "ii. .I.m !'. (Al't The trial j ni I.'', rui put.11 inn- ml Hi individ ual- i ll i;;<-d with pi i f lixiiiK in I In* put;.I" indn. try v II in- nycssed( this al Icrtiniin ni-lil p. in. noxl | WVfiiH .- day I • permit the jury jind ; the defendant: l-i ratcli up on their hii me. Tlic ree< a- li'"iliccinent Wits mafic t I In- i-l I yesterday's session "I '■••• • • i..I a federal dis trict • irt here. 'Ics'^iyini! for tl| iriuid flay. Al bfi-i I", Mi rrkcr. potato expert with the Agriculture department's fund (i fi-:» ti ;ifl- in.-I i'ii-n. said yes terday .o • •• oi the dclcndants had "helped the imlulo industry." •S" fat a, hi' Isiicw. he said mi, i i s niin i "ii I here was imth-j inn v -ii i ti'i'dc i ' • show thai the1 Smith I>• light Hie Growers Kschatiue lw" the defendants, had depressed pi in Mcrckei «a> still on the stand when yesterday - -< i hi of the court was adinurited. Two Bills' Are In .ii'* Nine - Month School Measure and General Fund Surplus Legsla tion First Offered Daily Dispatch ItiiK'.iu In tilt- -sir H'ultrr llolrl. It> I.VNN NISHIT I:.11• .l.n I Sills providing >i .1 inn- -I tli school term !;ilc\ and for cun- J • I i !id i plus i ir »• already I in ii iii • •t I ed In <'• ii ii 11 il t- ' • •• 11 bill were "f- ; i»y llepiesentalivi' •I i«l i h.inKi', anil . Senator Herbert Tin- I 'instead bill, added l In■ names ' 'nvcr hi 0'ei oker \ llinovo#. Would term >1 lj'" days. local sen-»il ail 'l till- In still (lays • mi iliiMitnl necr • ii»1 ii eel reason :i would ,Jr\ ert l«i I <'iii'l •ui"1 .11 I \u;e tW6) GERMANS KSTABtlsH INLAND PI-TENSE LINE i h i • ii i^iii ail ,>er\ um tin |n..« i I riidm-t •(! lee Nine 111• 11111 leri'd hi H i .liilm W I in ill Ine> I .e ir.V ••! < *|ii> In \- ii i ll lalei lit Heine -it! and Ki-tin.m M-t lip i with |ii ■ i\ i i I hi .ril n ».. or any par' >.iiy. Am l ■ i Hi such 'i pi • ■ ili new ■ day dial li-liinu ,iii i' the Men , attack 1111 • 111. t'cljsi'im. It ali1 rer|iiiviti ■ lillild ne\< ilice hi V < AI ■ > Tlie Itel liere reported lo ans were estah ieleiise line iiloiitf ease i>l an allied •. i lliei it !■ ranee and •rinans were Ueljjillm til iii the prov FIRE IN MINE TRAPS TWLLVF. OF 60 MINERS in' ■Twflv r it today by a mine mi 11 iijn ■.i' M„.... . .. . Slier') •' I polled I work in tl broke " it miners" • I in. •'! (AIM • i \ •• H ied trapped ell broke out in tlie f'ursi'love No. even miles from '. .'nbn.son rc •■ en were- at w' ere the fire ■ ill but twelve WIAllliK Foil NOKTII ( AIMH INA. II .i iii in cast 1111rI ion I Ills :tf( rrmioii .mil iniiiulii. Warplanes Sink Ships FromConvoy! Two Big Transports Sunk, Third Damaged, 18 Jap Fighter Planes Destroyed in Attack on Flotilla Off New Guinea Coast {/.';/ The Assoc in 11 il I'rcss) General DoiijjI;!-; Mae Arthur's j hra<1<|iiartfi'.; ;in11<>■ in«-<>ltice July LM two day- atler I the Japanese Hist la'ded on Hun., and reported Xt.'t enemy airi'i ill de -tiovc'l, I!l otliei probably dcsti'-yc'l ' and 117 damaged. Further Cut In Petroleum Held Likely .Ian !! (AIM "I'm* petroleum indusby wai council de clared today that HisihIo the strong measures taken rcrcntlv to cut gaso line iiiul furl oil consumption in I In; east. further action must be taken In in ci I "sorioti hardships in many places'' during January and I'Vb uary. The council adopted ;i rc|mrt of Us economic- committer -.lyim; that ev en il stork.- "in certain areas" wore drawn upon during January am: February in •< lurther attack on the eastern problem, flic hardships still would be inevitable "unless. I<>i n short period." one of the following steps were taken 1 'More' military requirements can be taken from sources other thi.n the east coast." 2 "A few more tankers rati be , spared without impairing otir firsf responsibility of supplyine out mil- ! itary forces and our allies with the petroleum products they need." "New tankers." the committee said, "might spend their breaking-in pc- ! riods carrying oil from the gulf coast to the east roast, which would have tin- advantage of facilitating repairs and adjustments." FDR Backs Pay-As-Go Tax Proposal Wiisliinftloti, I in. I' -(AC) — President Itoosevelt nave III ap proval today to a pav-a-you j;o lax pt a:. lint qualified Ills iil doi.senien! l>y -ay inf. there was a Inu problem involved. Tilt ii'iil problem in .ill pay as you no plans anil their modi fication-, he told a prc.-s ronfor ciht, is whether tlie government will lorijive a part or all ol eur rout t;«xc- line It lln. is 'loin*, he -aid, the pool' old Tunimii v woulil In- out ol poel;et that much. Then- was :■ lengthy, :aon on whethci the I'i'Msiii.V woulil l.i- •■ill luimc'hatciv. or I wliethi v it I"., would lie ovoi a period o| yiMis. .u:d 111«• Chk'f i: -.«•<-<11-- •• finally ,igieee He >)11>I:c.ii> ii.-l;cd the question whether lie l*rr.-id«'nl had not cast his hat )> the rint: I'M .• fourth term. While comment on the c •ilialm y n.iluri "I the address did ii>l e>nile))rl Ilia) the Chief Kxecutive vas heeding la.-t Nov ember's clcc- ' ion icult -niiii' informed leg) la • •) - espic. efl III)' belict privately hi) Mi IJoom v clt was attaching Iii';i)i'|- wcii'lit to the counselling <>l ■nil.- «•)v .itive iiieuihers of his party. Tin-, they aid. wa evidenced by lie ni.iniii'i in which he advocated a ii'iaflci •■ceurily system loi ill Vmei ii ails. Tin- Soifile wa in rii' today mill Monday. b)it Hepuhlieaiis plan ted .i patty «-onler<-nee to re-clecl . i i ii v Mi N'.n v of < Irogoii as lead Soialoi H iiklev i»t Kentucky wa • '-uaiiied the nia.|or)ty leader at a >eiiioci al ie conference yesterday the House ai ranged a meetitiK to lay, hut only to listen to a lew |iceche. and U" through the lor ti,lilt V ot ratifying a v. Democratic acancie oit Hie important way-- and ncan <-oiiiiiutie<* Idled in pally eon cicnre ye:-ler«lay. ( Mil.I) Klt.l.l lt fSasloiii.i. .Ian R -(Al*)— llaiold Kdward (iiani. lour, of C'ratnej'loii, lied in a local hospital llus morning ■ I accidental gunshot wound Woman Held For Murder Ashcville. .Ian II -(Al')—Shodf !•' I). Dalion of Henderson county ■-aid today he was holding Mrs. W VV. Sims. .'fa. operator To the Peacock Tavern near (he Ashcville-Hendcr Minville airport, on a charge of tnut' rler in connection with the slaying of I,. Langstoii. Jr., 28. a sales man. I,.iiigsion died yesterday in an Ashcville hospital. Sheriff Dalion said Mrs. Sim* telephoned him some hours after l.angston was shot and told him she| fired six .shots al the salesman when he attempted to break in the second floor room she occupies at the road house about I .'tii a m. yesterday. Civilians Evacuated From Rzhev Fall of Rostov Would Cut Off 500,000 to 1,000,000 G erman Troops in Caucasus; Retreating Nazis Burn Villages inii". < >1 I In- j;ci*at I lettitan Ii,i .• a' Itn.slu\, mi t lii |if. i i 11 ,,, i j\ t r, and r..r Ihi I'ir.-t time K'-rlin admit ti ll i,azi mvcr iv in I in ! »i (t«• si rnji'jjfit-. I In* tall i»l' UusIhv, ^ati'Way to tlif Caucasus, wmilil i.;i{ nil German lnrccs unofficial!;. esti mated at between olio,nun ..j,,| I .out),niiu troups. At ilw same time. .1 ItrilMi broadcast said the (iii.uis hail announced tlio I'vai-ilaiion »1 the civilian population o! lt/ln-\ . Iwv na/.i ritailcl 130 mile- imrthv est hanks i)f tin- lower l> ni rn i-r. . • polled l>y plain ula.-tiu;; • p.itli . then tanks. in.i hod .• 11 itT by hard pressed Getman p. : • form a new delen.-e 1 in,' and ,ve. • dliviiiR ahead Inward U»lo The thrust to a point onlv ii; declared tin- !■'• ! a; my was steadily battering it. through nui>sed tank.-, and ml .• i;. \ Hitler's armies of the ( jiii.i ii.,, wearily sIokkiiik dim ii tin lone mail hark, were rrpniic I luirniiiR villages and s. aiti-i in;: thousands el' land ntiiicv in an effort to slop the triumphant Soviets. "Our troops are ureal;.- '- i sistanre of llit enemy anrl .-p-i out his manpower. (■■mi-mi'- t-. ad vance," the Itiis.-aan r.until ■ i■'i i. relet lint: IX the |ow» i I >- >11 .s:• -ti Simultaneously a lieutei (I ii news a«t;ncv) dispateh 11• -n■ \1 tepoilcd that Kits>iati tioop. intS we-tward aerns> Ihe tl;ii -i. I ban en Kalm.vel'. steppe , in ' • ' immis bad i .'i d within In n.ili--, a junction w Ii inn thbomid e colomn-. *>thei- ni.i joi dev eiopmi'ii' Aerial wai Inn- Allied In.oilieri siiia hue at both idi ol ll-tlei1 . 'I. iropean t• -i 111• ' aH..'-i • • i .1 ••i ll (iei'i'i.iiiy o\ <■> i-'.-tit ami the harboi o| I 'alernfi, Sir 1.. «n d ivln*ht vi- •• i ii i v I'll tisia A < lei m.ti) m ■ I i I i i v .po|,c-n an |-eporl«il thai " n Im ii h id devi !op.-d in n . ftp in niri-i and asserted I .a axi; h . .;. had tiirovii an :iltarUnit', l!v.'; !■ (('outituicl on I'.ipe I ' ") Priorities x [ Are Urged Jeffers Says C'ear Cio Ahead on Synthetic Rubber Plant Con struction Needed Washtnclon. .Ian 8.— I.M'i — Itiildicr Director William M. .trr frrs sniil today the s> n• l«'*li« mhher program ni-oils a ••l«,ar priority «<>• ahead on al l» is! (»."» to 70 per rrnt of ils plant con - st flirt ion lo avoid a "disaster" in military and industrial trans port. Kitil't now the delayed pini'iion i. iii sifh pioeariou balance, In aid, • liiii "ii few ImiiI hrealt poll catasl rophe." Nrvcrlhplcss, .Iilfr-i aid in in in terview that lit* did nut belie, e the new cast coast ban on pica tire di r. • niK necessitated l>y tin t><*11>>!• > >•! shortaec -should now In- extended lo the rest of the country t" • ;i\«• tire While OMcrting thnt tin opinlAn might have to lie revised next dim mer "when people star driving to (C'onlinuel on I'jiko two)