wm : •.. ;*t ICTOKY BUY THIRTIETH VliAK Hatltj Uispatrh l> I.IMKk'li u-i»n> out.. I WIKE SKHVICK OP IHK ASSui'lATBU I'MKSS. HENDERSON, N. CM TUESDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 12, 19l:j ■i i;i,i. 111:i• » \ iv \i-ti:kni>dn I'MVE CENTS COPY Record State Budget Is Sent To General Assembly Revenue Bill Would Make . Few Changes Measure Submitted to General Assembly Is Estimated to Raise More Than $104,000, • 000 in 1 axes During Biennium Kalrijjli. .Ism. IJ —(A I')—A rvM'inii* hill which it was esti mated wmiiil rai.e more than $101 .(UIO.O'Ml 111 t;i\idlllillt tile I'.'i ' i~> ! >i<-1111 i 11 u i was sent to tlii (ieiieral A.--cnthly tocJav by (iovcriior I Irouuhlnn. No major chanjres in tin* Sl.'Ii ' t;t\ Intitule were con toi n i »:.i 1I in the I >i II. Only minor ailcrations. designed "to ruiiioM- ir- m11it ies." were stt£ gc: t«•«I. aii'l no change of any ' cons<-<|!ii tici was rt-commcndcd for eithi-r 11n income lax or bjiI" - tax. Ili ol' which arc lti« Hiom-y lai i'i... Tax reductions won- recommended for the time when "economic conditions have become more stabilized." II WIN s|ll'l'il il'll. llllMI'VIT. Ilial nirn ill military scrviir wiiulil nut lir siilijrrt lii a lav mi Ihr 'iiK iimi' llir.v rrcrivi1 from llic frili'ivil ««ivrriiinonl. ami it was further rri'iimmrinlril tlial the Stair withdraw t-mit|il<-ti-l\ friini tlir i olli'i'tiiiii ill iutancihlr last's. Tin' .H «'i|i:|>.iliyiui; inaihiiitTy act rt'i ••M M • mtfii i.nly I\v11 minor Cl>.inuiiii ilie art |ia.-ti ■ *ii tin- phase «»t till- rcM-liile "ill ili .ihllK Willi till- ill tatiK'i'li l.ix wnilil hi inn an ena it ci.nl,■ i\'er y ulnt-h has liren bii in;; • n • ■. • i imc tin- t.is was lir.-t lex ii n ii t'-ianiic- and niiini ci|>.ili! >■ i nli nih-il that Uiev wi'ir eilt:Hi'i ' i i-ntai ta\ in-lead •>! a |>i i i etil.iKe. A in .finally -ft up. tin* Stall- de ducted I |it i cent I'n tin- cost hi cul (C'.ii;tiiiu«-i: mi I'agc- Five.) FRENCH CHAD ARMY CAPTURES MURSUK. London. .I.iii 12 (AIM—KikIiIiiiu Fietirh ,.ii• >>..1 !lIf . announced today Unit the Kit-iich ;irmy ot the fluid hiid c.iptinvd Mur/.uk, cjipitjd nl tin; 'Fez/an ili Irirl nl .southern Libyji, and Ui.it advance mills also Ii;i(I oe Cii11!« d Seblui, lull miles llll'ther north. Four Zeros Shot Down One American Fighter Lost in Action Over Central Solomons; Munda Base Raided U.isXiiielon. .I.iii. I 'I—(AIM— lour Japanese Zrrn fiRbtcr phinrs Hire shot down and onr American Wililrjil f ie liter Mas Insl, Hie Navy atinoimeed today, when Ihe .laps attacked ji flight ol oiii dive bombers hi the cen Iral Solomon islands. .1 ji I >ji 11 los.'-o, however. both In the Jin .nid mi the ground. Ijiilcd In luill tiicii efforts to develop ji nui|oi .hi luise in the eentnil Solo inniis nre.i .it MiiihIji. from which then plane- cjiu operate defensively iiKJiuist Amerieiin jieri.il iittjicks northward trum (>uadu!c;inal ;md of fensively .main.! American instnlhi lii-n >>ii (>11;i(1.11«-j• nJ11 N »i;i\nl spokesman sjiid in com •in-ill mi today's eoinmnniipie thfit tin ie eemcd to b<> no doubt tlllit tho Iwclvc Jjipjinese lighters Ciiuio 11'tin the Mundii base on New d' irfdA. The jdl.'iek reporled against Munda by Vim i hmii medium l>i>ml>ers. the N.i\ v said, wji characteristic of most of the iilnio-l daily series «f raids which have heen made over tho .hip niesc iristjilliitinns there iind thai clouds hampered bombing and inter feied Willi observation yl results. $105,060,538 Total Is Proposed 'War Bonus' Is Included; Schools Get Largest Increase of Bigger Appro priations Recommended for All Departments; Mental institutions Would Get More Money Raleigh. •!."> I.ri liienmnm and Lit*' outlay ol" an additional $!•.ISS,r»2'.l between January I. i I|:>, and January 1. III li», in paying a "war lioiius" lo St;»t•• I employes, iueludiiiK school teachers, was .-nil to tin* General: Assembly today l>y Governor Kroii^htoii. Without the bonus feature, tin* neonine'iidcd general ap propria! ions exceeded I»y nearly !j>|u,iMM),OiHi tin- Iliu,:tsr» tile previous record—which the Lcjji. iature appropriated in 111 II. j More Bills Are Offered Dellinger Introduces Measure to Eliminate Payment of Income Taxes in 1943-44 Raleigh. Jan. 12. — (AIM— Twenty-eight bills anil one res olution, including lite all-im portant finance and appnipria- j lions measure, hit the legislative hoppers today after Governor Hronchton senl up his hii-nnial budget message. Kcprcscntalivc Delimiter «>l (las ton inliodnred a measure In elimi- i nate payment ol income taxi's dur ing litl.'l and 1044: Representative Tompkins ill Jackson introduced a bill (<> |iri>niiiti* vocational educa linn by placing not le-s than one or j more than two vocational teachers 111 ; every high school in cm-i v county: i and licpresentativc Barker ol l)nr-I ham introduced a bill to exempt | members ol the ai mud lours and , merchant marine from poll taxe.s. The senate and house adjourn ed until noon tomorrow. Kxehuliim the money measures the remainder of the new bills were considered ol' minor na lure. • The (governor's mc.-sauc, presented' m printed form, wa- presented witii I .1 suppli mentary appropriation.-, pro posals to provide pay raisc.s for teach ] ers and State employee^. Two nica.-uies alti-cling North ' Carolina's capital punishment l.uv > were presented m the senate. A measure by Senator I'hattm ol Har nett would abolish the State's lethal : Bus chamber and return llie electric I chair, anil Senator l,ear.v ol C'howan | prescnhil a lull to eliminate manda tory death sentences upon convie tion ot rape or Inst degree inuidci j and provide tor lite impi i onmeni it the jury so recommends. LaGuardia Asks More Oil Washington. .Jan. 12 •« .\I * > — May or LaGuardia til New York today limit! that lank car.-. I>c diverted from Hit- southwest-midwest railroad run to bring more oil Irnin the mid dle west to Ihe wlcin .-isihoard lor reliel of a critical luel oil-gasoline shortage. "Wlial we need is lor something lo happen tomorrow, lor orders to lie issued tonight." LaOuardia raid. The mayor's proposals: I For the next .'<•> or till days, | |i> New l-ainland and the north At lantic slates ifom refineries and load a larger portion of the supply! terminals in the eastern part of Dis-1 triet 2. 2. Keverse the pipeline from I I'hilailelphia to Mnflalo which has a j I capacity of 18,111(11 barrels a day hut is now hcing used to move petrol eum products away from the coa-l. | 3. Coordinate Navy operations] with delivery of civilian supplies of oil lo ease terminal conge-lion | and the freezing of storage tank-..! terminal tracks and harbor equip ment al Netv York for purely rnlli-j tary operations. 4. "Eliminate divided authority". I by putting distribution and rationing under one lederal agency. mnitienili (I ili.it S"! !.!•:! 1.5!»7 a nil S'!j.il!I.Ot! In- allocated In the liii:)lH i\ department dlirinu the w\t liiriiiiiiini, compared «itli ii and s:>».8ix.x7r> diirinc i;»i i-is. l»ii:c«T i'\|irinliiiirrs were rrc - niiilili-iiilril tin many nl I In- Stale departnirnls. willi the largest increase recommended for tin pnldir schools. The schools wit 11 Id u«'t spvi-nil millions of dollars imirr each year nl llir liiciiniiiiii Mini tlie.v riM'civimI lor I'll I-12 anil I!!•'!- IS Substantial inrrcusrs ui-ii- al so recoinmmilcd for llir State's mental institutions. The me-siur, cntitaimnK ii'i'iiin inendalioii.. nl llir ad\ imii v lnuimM commission, railed lor wai bonus payment •• l«i ill ."inployi's now reiving sal.tin- lirlow tvl.fitlO. The I><>i 111 would lie paid on ,i sliding scale, with liwer salaried worUcrii gcttuili llir Inchest pelccilta|*c ol in— crea.-c. Siipnliilinu tli.it tin is uoi to in regarded as a recommendation toi a permanent increase in pay lor Stall- employe*.. Hie coinmis.aoii said that payments should Iicj-iii as oi •laiinary I. IU4-t. and eoiitiiuie lor 2-1 months to January I. 151-I.V The lioiiu would in- paid monthly Iroin ueneial lund surplus which is expected to reach SSI.MIiO.SHH hy the end of the current hiciimiun. The roniliil.sMoii estimated that i>II.lilitl (Continued mi Page Kive» ARGENTINA IS SEEN AS TAKING POSITION WITH NEIGHBORS Buenos Aires, J.hi 12—(AP)—I Argentina's re<11hv t ih.ii Germany withdraw her naval attache hero. Captain Dietrich Niehuiir. on the grounds hr is .hi uikIcmi able charac ter was interpreted in diplomatic rircle.s today as a warning t<• Berlin thill the Argentine government in 1 lends to rncipi'i ate w 11. American neighbors 111 ridding (hi.- ointment • •I axis espionage. BRITISH CARGO SHIP IS SUNK IN ATLANTIC Wii hmul'iii. .1,111 I' (AP)—The I Niivy repoiied !•»»!.• v lli.it a small British ineirlianl v -el was torpe <|iii'd ;md sunk hy an enemy sub- , in.n ine early 111 the December in1 the A11; ■ 1111 < oil the iimtlierii coa-l <>( Smith America Survivors havc| landed at Miami. Kla. China Pleased With Treaties CluiugUing. .'an II' (AP)—Chi iwi's legitimate diplomatic aspera tmiis. generally pcakum. have been sali-lted l»y the treaties signed yes terday Willi the I'nited Stales and (il eal Britain abolishing extra lei ri turial rights. a'id China can now go to the peace I'l'iiloronre mi an equal footing w;lh her allies. Foreign Min ister T V Simiig (old a press con ferenee today. Discuss ug I he treaty with Great Britain. Sn'.ng -aid China had rai-ed the ((iieslion nl the status of the Kowlooii leased territory, which is part of the llongUong area, but thai the British government was not pre* pared to discuss the question at present and 1 •nscquontly China re-1 served the right to revive the mat ter later. Sooiig predicted that other coun tries with extfy territorial rights 111 China would follow the example of the Cnilcd States and Great Britain, in ieliii«|iiicliitiK Ibein, Institutions Fare Better In New Bill State's Hospitals for Insane Would (_ict $3, 540,619 During Bien nium Under Proposed Budget; Current Ap propriation $2,448,147 Kjileijili. -hill. I:! < A I') A11 in |»|i)|)ii;i( inns I'm* SI;• t. mi'iita! in..l it ill ions \\ ;i rici 'iitti in!c(! louiV«>i I'onimissiim's t •» the (Iciicral Ass«'tiil»ly. Till' ri'c«>uuiifi:<|;itimi;-. i!-:in.; initti'il l»y (iuvi'i'imr 11 !*• u: li t«»i*. ralli-il for ji t<>1 *• I i vj>• • 11• 11f11i-t• ill' ihirmr. tin* l!i!"—!•*> !»i<-Miiiiiin a.- fitii |tl w it It *L\ I IS,I 17 f«,r tlii- i M ii-ni iwo year |>«l. Tin- commission ;ilso echoed tin* envrriinr's -imarstiiin I ha I all nl tIn* Slate hospitals lor 'lie illsam*. ilicliulins I 'aswcll Train ■ lie School al Kinstnn. In- placed under one responsible head with one hoard ol trusters. Tin- nicssMKi' called lur • In- dnr {iiiitim hn-pilal i v I ,-v i r;.i. ;ii. h : 11114 11 it* 11 * i ■ ■ 11 yi ii lili.i II and SliHIi.liltO Mi l!MI ... Tin e.iiii|i.ir«*iV with .. SI 17 I'ltV .iiiii u|ital w i'ii' Culdsliiii ii 11 .i./liil in III I I II and S:t!lli.o:t!l hi I !> I I I.. Tin i-I l\lll) $2ii!l.'i>l-S ii. '!"! I- .mil .hi i liinal0(1 SX2K.07I in IJII2-1:» Itali'iuh ill Mil.! li .■ml $lt3K,U21 iii It'll l-i Till (iMli|>jii4*d with S Hi I.IHI in ISM I-42 and 11 <■• iiim.ded .si in.:; it: m I!)l2-i:i Kin 'mi (I ".•>vi-ll Traimnt; Si ln...l» $l!isi.a:isi it. 5:•»::- li and •.I«ni.;::;.. m l!M4-la. I I.' iim i|Kn°(*d with $IKa. a!)2 in ISM I-12 and an estimated >217.7 14 ii !!•!:• i:< Tin' liii;ui' 1 "i t I'M Ihi' liH'iinai: •> li. I.JIJI I. w . ..| 11 ted l.i| 'i s' Hospital .ii '.liii'uantun. -in■ i< i i ni ill lllten.i' It - tlUatlnll ia I >• . I.y a Hi..n.nlitiii .|.|M.iii'eil . ttn-c li.lli.W IIIU ill'^i nl III I: • ..'li i lit nl illinati'; llii'H A Mm u-iii' 1 11111ii■ • .: •. ai .ail tn lie .|>enl |«'l i".He !■' i•. ■ •. •' niciitn ua.. •! acted 111" it i 11 y 11 it.' (C'ont cd nil I'ajji I* I • e) Corn Prices Are Frozen Prices on All tx changes and in Cash and Local Markets Set Generally at Yester day's Levels \\.|S|||II ("II .1.111. |' I \ l'| Tlii' ill I ii i i>l price iiilininislr.t linn tinl.i* Irn/r rnrn |ii irrs nil nil i m Ii iiiri's .iimI in i-vci \ r.isli .mil Iim il in-tiki I mil (Ik- ciiiiii lix. cniri ill< ill llir lliulli'sl ll'M'ls .ll uliull s,llc«. Hfle lll.lllr jNcnl.n 'I'ln ,nl ilIIHfl In li.ill tm Hum tuit | > ' in I Ik* |ii iit "I cm ii. in i K lliK 'illll'illi'd :il .ill ic\ i l- Hi ill ilniii. vvii I;iI»i*ii 1111 nil in 11 lici i • limn Sliilnli/.il inn MiicHin ' I' li.Vi lie,., jiinl \\ i «i 11| ii'i >\ I'll I •> S iicl.iiy nt Ari iciiI Iiiic \\ i • i i Hit* *111111 ill i i(*(*i i ii *i 11 Mild. The |>i • I < I ' Mi: KIT!' esliilili lu ll |»y menus "f •• t<'tn|M«niry (in ii.iv jfrnw i«i: ■ 1111 ■ ■ . ef feel Ivc iiitint* iliiilt'ly. Pi in■ I i 1 ■ 1 i .i 11 i 'il II ill I lie rimm ii; Ml/I'll Cil I " ' l.l'l • WI'll' II Il/CII ill Hie liiHln ' I I111' I".iilinu rilli inn l • 'I •' iilll.ii > I! 11!. In mi is I in> t;i in • Hire liiiilis were I'OilclU'tl Vi !(• I iV. ("iitll pin i ' ~ I nil 11 Ii ii * I 111; 11 - kel> w«'n .'i ill 'I"' liiKhest level nf pncc pi c\ .hIiiiu .voli'rday. HIAIHEH FOIt NOKTII CAROLINA. Colder loilisllt. He's Long Way from West Point » » • Sr: A tronrrnl who believes in flhnrinsr Ih« •: >nif.>it anil il.supers or his troups ih 1 >it. f:<-n. Hohort (1'nclo II i tv. !i<: • r, former Conv mniulant nf tii" IJ. S. Military Aca iiui'l . IV. I* !!• -ii ii i.. Ili« SI.i \; ■ . I • 'I ..i I |. ...., in i •■••■ii ■•' • i mil in.i ii. hi 11ii - . '.i i (•ii j. ii I • III11 I*'V a in \ ill. „..i11 ill :i i. . I i l.l •.:!!, I < i Coai Miners Renew Strili .-.I III . .1. ..| r .llli.l I....11,.I .itltlll.M I. I ■ • 111\ . Il •• . .11. .. iflOl tlx tllll III. j U.I CI lull ; I. I-. I I • • ' I>.>.11 • < I. ..I I. i i I'till I'• I ill' |>!' If it i ■ • i.llillll Tin- i il' ii Mil- I «' • I n. : <(;ilr .ii.il I. . .. I <1 ill loll . . ■ ' • III** ' I '! , '•-•II- V '• ■ '• 'i «•» " ;• I'.' ioi*i linn .*i" i ' imiu'il >| |. Ii ii.i i i nil <1. v •I* RATION HOOKS' USK IS Kl.STKKTI.O Wi - ■ nl I it I* 1 i in tr ' ii i i il • • ■' I • < > I'll I , Ij.MII' T I.il. It I '•••■ tier ] (•till -Il I ' lir'i i.v I \ I'l l M,s Wii hiitul n. .! .it I.' ( \I• i - Wi! 1 liitu DikIU'.v I'i I - \ ' 'i i ft li'iiilci ' i.l (he Si' ••• Sll ' . \twrifa, il l. • •(I 'lie St i' i ■ < ' i \ '"il Ij i rev -ov. It . i*. i\ i ' ■ it Ihf fcdcr.il district court ( IiHltiin;i|xilis on ,i t*!iiiti»f of el i ■» *i :J •'edition. !|« I w.ij sontenred 1- !"> ,vc;i'*.s in prison. Pro bl em of Raising Additional $16,000, 000,000 Overshadows Ali Other Probl ems in Capitol; Sales Tax, i ompiilsory Loans Are Fa Iked «\ .1 s!iin :l«*i•, ' l *.—\|• > — 1 oil"!?•••;• Mlirslinii—how 1 «i .«•» .irl'tMiMii iI SI (,.(1110 000. ll»is \s ii f«»r w.ir |i(ii|M»srs" > • • id .ill «*|s«* mi < .i,» «ii»l !«i| •. |>roMIIIM'||( • •I ff »f- viti*ii|tuiH'fl .i Ifflfial (.i \ «-ttiiiluiM*r| wiih I. I . ,J.t|| Nl»| \ l«»,|||S. ,|S .1 • w »*i. in f net. iiiii rrl;Miour. •t. Mi.vmi- I l»»t !»I* * ii.irjn 111 «v.( IT";111'iTi •J • I »»>;.* Ww I.I l;il»«i| vii" •IVM'I m| |>| i I».*• •«»immf. In .. nu . Mil • • |t I 'l rii pcr.ly I In. • , N a.//- Command I'igiil Aired * \n li'-ii.iiiii' it< 11 .•mi' I rum i -i k.I • 'I'll Ili.it a I m-en Field i t ilid t ii'IK'l jl W.i1 miIn iM-Imp the I .. ill' ! III! .1 i rocon • f •; i German n(ficn% ■••■•ii current fur '■ H.i1 v tli.ii Nohrinc lt;irl iieen -«. i iiy Colonel General von A. i iii ehiet "'f t'ie '•( in Tunisia. • I ' ir-i l eutral* said this ap ■ t'.\ v\ true and resulted trim I! ninel emphatic refusal to er\( under Xehrinc. U. S. Planes Bomb Naples in Daylight Series of Brilliant Rus sian Strokes Overshad ows News of Other Fronts; Hitler Admits Reds on Offensive in I hree Seetors t fill i'i i , \ ■ i'i hi I • il I'ri J Si.M. t i|i-p.ilriic. ii« . i;i|. I t<» • I."i> tli.it ujivt i ii'}1 ( h i man IIimiji. ii;|(i I : 111 *•.!.-■: '2: > mill's nl! I III' Cjl.'-ltTU *1 I• I'!*•»:It"FI•' III Kms| KV, wilil«* Mil ij|f lov.'l I 11'.ii front tin* na/i hirli <•« »iu - 111; 111 < i was i*i*| »• >rl t-«l I lir«»\vii»>' ni;i.^is Hi' tank l»i infant r> int>» ;i ili'HH'rati' new ;«tt• nipt t.> hail ;In■ li««l arnii^>. Oiler again. .1 series ul bril liant Knssian striikcs iiviisliul •>\\ «■«! tlie nnvs Imiiii ntIn i (runts in I!)** uloli.il Kmir-piisiiii'd I.i|»*r::■ i.4ti'i nrl;R'i\vl ••'lf;ef| Hi.il Il.i- Pii :'ti .•".i itiu rij■ IIt i llftt . i- hi 'Ii •••• m.ij'i.* • • ■ I..i . i i',. . Ml Iwtfn tit. C;i.||m tho I >i>n in tin* area Si. linc.i.nl mil •ri the Dott afiM. Ihi I!i| ir i:'.in; .ti .. i ..,i ... ii ■ > Iii'luri' willi sti'oiiu lni"'< SnviH dispatches saiil ilir liners in a position In sweep hack In the hcadiiiiartrrs ol the KiiIkiii river and threaten recapture nl the (•crman-hcM K iikop n>l In Ids. A Inter InilU'tMi fi"i»ii• M.» • ■< tlie l!c(! ■ " ; led Iiv t i i i : ... wny frintnph;m<-i.nirl. h;,d .ill iv .- 11 !!ie (Ii-imoii; hsu-l: into !• K i!• • • i live! Ik Hvitii I hi- liiv, ciiiia C.i'i a-ti.s mciiiiitattn- anrl the n I) i I) ivini* down ;irrns>. the middo I »• II tcp|M 11 < •!) t In- north, I S ol i ..lilt i. , ti-ivnl, <1 It-. t' j . • i"in ii M - i: . i a- '.itif i • i iii.v . ti ll; ii: trim tilt- e.'i ', v is (( Villi Hi' :v i o-; I' i.;' FV • i I IRK ilNSPKCI ION DKADJ.INL lJEI.AYLD \\ -Itif.I.i; C <• -.I |.! . v .i• i,: ■ 11 I'«'1 1' pel Ii" it de.idlili,. !, I It,.- III.'.! i: dim: l>■ • u i■ | Tin ... 1 .. ii -M.l ,. I, It the m |,..| i,. 1 'ill ll K!h' nvi.nl I.mIo.M., .. ... .ill, I ilipull.. Will 11; 1 \ ll!'! M ll.ll |.„ t: I., I | ;i'nl i> <'i)i;riit , . , ' ,i. Ii .i\ in,mil, Inrinei f°<*|i|MVlilf'l'l i, I'i'ii in tt11)> F almad^e Vacates Office Ml.'illtil, .1 ,11 1JJ, < AI') I ii |I|'I|.|. . I ll Ijlt'Clt.* I'.lll ,ll|| <• | KM V l.ilidlii;nl> iii'iirm.i |i..|il|i fur iiimi lv il c|ii;irli'l ■ >! ,i eentn \ ill;.-if • ml >>l the j;nvi i n i • u i- •.i In liiUo 111 - pliitv in «*i\ 111.11• life il«l it u.i i> 'I i happy piM.peel l«»| 1ll<» mi' ll nil Sugar C'ln I. Pledged ll, •• I..I ill I •• 1.1 ■ V aii'l dercnry" m ,n, \i • • nm<-tit. Kills Cilil)- All i; < 11 Hfi-V'M .,Id :ilt<.. . ncy gi'iu'ci.il. w.i. ti,.1'icti i'«'I today •i.- (lie sliiic's 71 ' ''hii'l < xeeotivc in Hliroeed ll>" vcM i m I' lln,.i'lj «'. who i.- vacating the politic I ccn. iillcr tin ( e Kiibci i i.i Ion .• I term.-. Ii ikiippiiiiiU'd Taltnadur who lofl oftico lie liiid -trniitfly Imp ed Jul ii (ourlh term and there was ii slrmiK him that wmie dny ho might t iv again. for lie an id he is "still n young man." Talmadgi* was 58 liisi September.