•Hritfterson Umht IHapntrli «•; Ll;-!.t\l Au.'.us* 1'!. li'll rublislit'i! I'.voiy '.fiiTiuon Kxoepl Sunday oy 111' \ III It SON IIISI'ATl'll CO.. INC. ..I i !> Vu.iii': StfM'l 11 KNI>V i). N.MS. I'i> .ukI Kditnr M. l. FIK.'K. s . Tie . lius. Mgr. rn.i:i'iio\h: IM.I 'l i i! Otiiiv 500 S. i i.11 Fti.tor ti 10 Hu-illos.t < )f ii'O (ilO I lif lli'iuIci M' Daily D;>pateh is a nil n I" i • Tin* A«M>ci itffri Prcsa an J A'' Features, s. iiiiivrn Xe\v»paper 1'uhlislicr* A - >n uiui the North Carolina Pre . Ansot'iution. J in- A-.- e.iteil !'ii -> - t'NcIu • i'-i'lv int.;It'll \ . i opublica lii'M I' iii w ci -j*..;*-? • • i.it-it t«> "i" !• ' • •••".'< .i n this i). t>« i' <■ il • lie .■..! now- pub-1 li-! i! Ik i im All i -i pitblica- ! fori t . i.il ;IK|>a!. .• . ii .no ' SI ltS< ItU'l'ION UA I I N ( Pay i If S!i ' \ M \>t. nee I It* M nl It* l .irricr I Voi r s:> ! K Month - :i m tii- i "-I : v» j Weekly (by carrier onlyi 1 5e ' Per Copy .">• Fnti- ml .it! . ;» t in lit- iil> i Mm. X O . a *•' ; ' .it'll rr Lest We Forget Congress shall make do law respecting an estab lishment of religion, or prohibiting ihe free exer cise thexeof; or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press. -UICmMm • • Helieve the I'l'jprfSMil.— Isa. 12:17. Sacrifices General Stephen t!. Hi ry. of one «>t the Army commands ;it Fort Kii<>\. lulU .. ,ti ence in N'f .v York the utlic:- niyiit ho was weary •>( 'hearing people bemoan the saeri tives they a:v g".ng !• have to make tlie war etf< rt." \nci the gett eial vo'ced the It cling "I many ot j :.i. ountrymen. Of .!!'-•». .1 is possible he could I talk freely ;.!• iiii that me by reason hi r-.i.t U ppii.u cut <>1 ins chosen I ii: e !• .!■ !.. )i! ' iu.i d \ ictory He is ikiv. < • t:2> practicing what he has j been preaching. 1 i^aratively .-peak in};. hi the l"im veal's of hi> prepa latinc :'<>!' a lighting war. Kui we can lind it rail'.or ae:-i liees they are ns to have 'u make 'nr the war effort." \:id the sjcr« ei.il wYcd !';:*• feeling <>| many ot j hi. t'juntry.r.cn. Of r< .u-e. .1 is possible he coulcl I talk freely i.!• iiii that . no by reason of U ppay out oi 11.s chosen I lire to -i' hi bit 1 iward victory. Hel 1- iiiiv. pract emu what he has | been pre.iehmg. tigaratively .-peak ing. in the lorn; years 01 hi- prepa ration :'or a lighting war. Hut we can tind it rai'.-.er cvsy to share his wearir.e-s . ve.' •nonth 1 "f many who a! .n.ist have not given tip anything that i.- vital to their exi-to .• Asti ail. wasn't this country !)■.•:■. in tr.iv.;.! and trouble — -and .. : even war it-elf'.' no: wc who livc in this gen ( r:iti<»i !• vc.imkiis: ambition to lie w !i )• largi measure as possible i>t !':• se gallant souls who w illin • i :i.i-ii lives and who carved this civilization out o( a wihU- •• .".h h;1 l.-hip. adven ture ii .m'l %i :i it-r.ng? Shall p.jsivi 'v-s.:'. thai v.e did not dt^ervc tlii- lit ril.if.i- 'li.i' ha- eon handed down to u>" 'I kI forbid Only h:*a\e minds mil .-'out hearts emild have established • s; this con • ni' • «• ni ght> tbat exist liiM ■ .1 and. i>t'•• • fl 'il, only Hit- • nd daughter-. nt men like that can pri-eive ;t fur the destiny derived fm t by the Almighty. If we till, it will be |ienod lor this gieate t ( \|)rriii,'Tl! in democracy of ..II t i: i )«• We who live today Arni'iii-i rarv ii|i.in o'.ir shoulders the h |)i-s '•! men and races now livnjj •ml "'her yet unborn f«»r e -tabli mii ii ni n every land the liM'dim- . i .l I'r i\ iilence intended • h'liild i-e the I"' nl ill his creatures ( nit's vei'il ibly i a great responsi bility Sb !i not rpiit our.-elve iil.e ineti' Si,.ill we not grasp th< torch b.iti'lcl t" s and continue !■ hold :l alnft a did they who gave it to U: ' f id" ibi'dly we shall, once, we c deb ti.' f• 111 vision of the pres- j ent and the Itilure. Sacrifice'.' We hould be a miser able gcneiMlion were we to shrink from the unavoidable exactions of this hour. Complain, criticize, cen sure" Yes. certainly, ar.d by all means we shall when we think there i.< Just reason for it. and when fool ish men try to dictate for the sake of dictation only. Rut when occa sion demands and requires privations we shall accept them as true Ameri cans. as did our fathers before us. that we may be worthy of them and of ourselveand likewise of those generations which shall come after l^et it rever be said of us of this dark hour that we refused to take uh our own cross and follow on in the name of righteousness and humanity! Chaos in Tobacco ngu n ad\ .11 - u'.u t«» wha .« iall.d "chaos" in the tobacco in .. .. \. .t:.u pariLtdaily hi the bur ley Jolt in disposing of the I5»4i • i«.v :l..\ a;: J ready :!:us.»od thilifc • ... .mow.nig. i:.c s.'M'iiiiuonl ... . i: . i c.ecper am: .»Uiit.g tu . ..ti. ..,-u.n, a condition which w.n.11 iM. i1:.its who !...i a.!uaal llit'v art • i .v ja.*: .oi'.ivi : • gel's into private altars t'o bo fir. the tobiuv industry ...-■ .*».i ulwiiyi (perilled " ideal • m J\m > r.m t.. little boot; tlowed tiif giowor !' . li:> share, i! m -i :i.- : : m::idcd per . •••. • h! ::di rii ... :• v Iiui >•* ;;t aili: ;»|WtlVt' :.;lure i:. 11* r ten lit o ':•> ! K p.i. tnii'nt V^r.vMiitiii'.i>i'h« t. ,>t ,-olv tin* p; . ,i . ;u: e^ . . (• . It l.!lll > - . 1CIII. ....... II. II. >\ .i.-hill:;; I . e "'O. e»i:t.i:n tin- M.f!,.* •' oil . : "t: l.a-u,-. : n .ui • :> :• be .it.until" Wei! why ■i ii'.var.v, .1 • > i i . ..in . .tiy 0 !in* any .iUut u-as.-i. ' : that .-.■arcity c.\im>. l'!:at i .. ...,\ the ii..'o jii \ en lor .dlnv. 4 the i.llc ii.. ivmiui .ditle- : .i 1. \11itis. i • nil presumably ap|>ias !.t i ,i- vol What lias alway.- seeimd t • us t. 1 a .suit i>! illicit'.i! ivi n ■ i.v, '.it, .s the pro^i.tm tli.it i i i .1!! and ,.t tne .hi.i- it::.. l»r .-.ivs they are ontitlnl to 11-. > :.istick that wo know «»:' .• :.;.t i .n.o sense. Hut tohaeoo is n>>t 'iii\ product ot tlio latin thai i;.i*iitit'll 111 that la-hion. <; i : iin:out dabbling in anything :i't • .orything lias tied tho country ;i .1 knot that it will bo tut - tuiiate o-.or to extricate itsolt. I: v. ill :nj ..10 marc than tho magic : ."i 11 udini to worm out of tin ..i.-o - ogimentation straightjack ■t.» nit- '.v.;;oh nearly everything ami .-voi v..no has been placed. The .sail >art and worst part of it .s that tho-e Alio are .ailing the signals seem not 0 kni.w where they are going nor low to got there. It appears more >r Ios- a leap :n the dark and trust ng to sheer luck that everything I \ ill work out for the better. As tor the tooacoo situation, o.ir ah belter i- t.iat the ultimate gt'al ...a o'>jeetivi; ut restraints on tlic ... ..cc ao. wy. iiiui pio.-ec.itloiij ..•it ..... i. v^.vt. ti pi..cc and arc t.uw u pitcess ale pail ot a broad sciiciae wiita in Ine ciiu will leau to a .c-ina.eiit liit.iiopoiy hi tin- c.Hai ry. And lor tne lne ot a.- wo can't ce wHere a government mun«|) ly hi that. or on anything eLc lor :iiiil matter, is any bellei than pri vate monopoly, K.>r our part, .vel are strongly of tne opinion, mu, 1 .lilt some of the scneiue is to de tioy tiie warehouse system ol sell-1 ing leal .it auction, not becau-e ol ..ch liaw.- as may exist :n :t but nut the ».,»ci t'.i'ient may take i.ndii ts wings an additional business, ind when that comes. ami when •rowers are told what tiiey ca:i a-.d anil, t plant, with or without the : on.-ent. they a .11 become little nioic nan .-en. ..nd slaves ol a buroaii tiatie socialistic regime. l'his is a ttieoiy, but one by n«. . eans lacking in abundant suppor' la t lit- L.nd piograms .clearly vis . le. Whether the tobacco itid is try it afraid of the radical regime now : control in Washington or not we .aniiot say. L$ut it ought to be per t.ctly plain as to the direction ol .iietent trends. II no one lilts a linger or litters a word in protest, .to one need be surprised ;l these things come about. And il no ob jection is ever raised at any stage •I the procedure, one might almost ■ ••elude that the Industry is getting lily what it deserves. Lloyd George at 80 David l.loyd CSuorge. one ol tin* Idee .• tate-men ;nul p:itI uirclts n| • deiti tl..v Britain. was <:u year-. ,ui last Sunday, and .in admnm:; .\i rld laid it.-- felicitation.- a! Ins teet in memory id and nut id gratitude • •i -en hts ol inestimable value lie ,«t:• ii,t'd for the cause of tuiman r.-edom 11 the World War of I!H1 1910. The little Welshman failed of the goals at which he aimed, a.- did the immortal Woodrow Wlson. Their dcas and ideals admittedly I. ri;e(.l much of attaining perfection. Per haps Lloyd Oeosj'"eped ;u >v was in British traditions of diplom acy and intrigue. wa< not as altru istic as he might have been for the good of all men. But between them, and in spite of their own weaknesses, they laid the groundwork and foun dation for some sort of super-struc ture which will rise from the ashe. of today's ordeal to further the cause of liberty enlightening the world. At three score and twenty, the aging former prime minister is the only survivor of the so-called '"bif four" at the peace table in 1919 The utheri were Wilson. Clemenceau lot Ft a net* i'iK4. v.':!.'"" Lloyd Gtviji' >• •1 '■ second world wa of the mie ai w iiu: > 4 tory their peopU ' « \ former struggle. . ::>i w: l>ecau.-e the i'- . > fought then we :e they thought they • Despite his lailai: ings, David l.l.'.vj as he litis Ihcii i. tury, a world v tinues. even .1! Ill- < power at.d .1 towei British I'arhannr.: 1! tory is secwe. iji that way. When livul mately and aetu.ii'v .«• humanity, nun \ « < country gentle. 1 an and ' le had in tin a.v n p they shall r -e :p and to pay th'tuie t. 1 litemjiy. Due lireuuil.. a vtviiiuin Kuuniatiiii e • paging !»n nali.- ap tin .ver. turned ar<>utiil and ..in. 1111 pioi t 1 • • niy a man who II sa> ■ ' lie wllo'll believe .11 I'he i'on:ebavU ot t>ld I "i t hv» d. indi < <1 l'i. . :u-r"; cleaver tin e.ilfii '• live and iu-\\ 1 < ..it >'ii »>t KI1.1 ida 1 ..1 ■ 1 . a« court ol a -!. 1 • . . :..i! ga:oline! Fuel shortage. small midwi- t . . v K.ir the linn .1 the I! in Hat. 1: : •• Tint«- in Iteadin'. ' metir. I i- : allotting and ti■ i . i'ii ih.-tanee at l.i; t ' ii F ty Second . : • < ■ • .!'.j: tiio CrosVoad :• Ii i'li> like* a cross tvail. A; I ill' \V;ii gMC'S 'II .1 •I'litiii.u- : ■ improve their ■ the i-a.-paper inue to ilii' same oki :• :: they're turnei Amiiit.i'; favorite j*-r:.. i.e. .> ci . illiit; 1 .! Canadian : • .. i :of*-- Shuck.-. we alway- :.t : was the .i .-l l>ac 1: • i,. .■ .<; .lying in the dawn. Jose: St.:l:n lias iivt.il named the i Man ol the Year. Re:v.e:ni.n.r Ulilc.'l announcing that before the end >t 1 I!' 1— there wouldn't i>e any S:a.-:i.' A bug expert tells i- that l.iti'C; d. • l Stalj their ii :i \ c . iin-. they aw nt > 'i-m, Mir. in- n. iust a carpenter ant with winu-'.' j Two AiistKr.,nd d ,ke.- have joined the American A y Ii.teid tiK. no (|"-;i't. to put ,i i er'a up-t.irt Austrian ex-corpi.ral ::i his place. A caterpillar !-..i- :-een Sound on I !:it street <•! a Canadian town. Sinn ■f an early -pring ■•!- that wc had .. late autumn? Anyw iv. the • ■ •: c • ti -tiveii us temporary relief from tna* Id argument ahout whether .t na socially correct to dunk. Junior tin: k.v powdered iv.fit be .i j*«Hid ill itH-e reeze mi^'ht blow it .-ut tin window. Now we kii"W why I), I-', r uade all til"-e Heir r.il ' ; So t would | ;I I ; * ,|J' when he fired their.. Feather- are now i.ein.-r ground into fertilizer A titt m« ; ,v «, j chicken caught raidim*. i Victory ; (!ard< n DEEP IN THE HEART, OK PENNSYLVANIA \\ hat !)<> vi <>u Know Abour North Carolina? By I !ti;n ii M n 1 When ii (I 15it- .. i .ii I - eneh i vilitarv !e;u:« M: . ! . ■> vV . :U \V:n me :a:«e .• ■: ! X.-:t!i C:u.iV - \Vh;.t T- ei;.i :•! • :m h - !iu State e.ade :• :! ie;:ils .itul '• When 'A .. If-:.... -as adopted ' r • f <• V ii.- :i N .Hh C.ir t I:i a:. I w..! vim-*- hunters ■Tged by >;.(!»• .:in save their • -.a; powder? V Wni. \v.i- t!n vv inian who first i I H n • • ■ V 1. M,. i . lllh spi'.i al M'.ii . rated the * 1 ' ' • 1"> •Ull-pil'llt'll? •: ;• \ i \ \ K. V. ,11 lilt- lil t : ! . I; had !>« 0! ! > : tli (' M: « hile It w.i m -<■•< ■ . . tl-.f year. \ ; ;:.c legislature ■ :?»! 1 . i luvnivir Himis!. t " >1 .ii -«tice tn a! • u* i employes; foi • 'v - t jrant lo..' >■ i i -iploye.-. N'i .-.i' i • . paid during tIn*-• ' • r. tin* jol»s arc t<> In ■ ' i! ■ v . >rary nppnintmen • y :md . . • • .• held tor tin i ni ye "i r;a1 fur any part "> the t'ei i •. tei niter the War .1 Ti e .ir! ai;tl orizinc Hie use • lethal ti.is -i- .<1 of the electri' ilia:: f i nil i .1 execution- Ivv:. ndiip'ed v th<• legislature. The hill wa« introduced in I he houw by Dr. C'hai le.- A Peterson. of Spttin I'ine. represent • from Mitchell 1. Whctl i! <1 till' . I .it r olloh .! :;u v lo: o M: . • >V . :,i \V:ii •»!ii* :a:i:o .* .!• .1 -p. .1 . \..Hh Carol-iia? - What -i" I'ii'i ■ I' - thi Sliilv made f« 'iticial# and % \\ ' OH ' K ...i> :11i i|>Tod • r • •••; o II> M N Iin (.•. !• I I:t wt w.i; ".ore ii!i::ior. . rged I y -:.111 :: to -:t\o thor •■anpmvdcr? i. W i. w.i.- '!)> «v man who i 1 ?! tvati ■.>! \ ' ' >iV «. hi <•.!,..( y .1 i Norm! ■ s :• \ iu- \ • • • u . Vt>i . . • .-till '.' AN-\\ KISS 1. M i ' 1- . \ i '.'III ' •. >o Mop at M'tii '.•< At •: I »: i.i ho dooo rated tho . •! she 5th and IT;:: l ■ \ t . t'oi .a-p.i'.l'M . \i \ \ K. !• .11 he lir : ! ih hail be i ; ■: X"!"tll ("ir •.!!"! while .t W.I iti -o-s *. tho yoar. \ ; ;! r legislature 11 ■ t>>\ i-m >r Itfinmh t ' it .ii -«noo to al' • to >• i cni|)loy< foi • *v - ; jrant lo'..' >■ i t '!pl<»yo.» N" >.ii t v. i . paid during tho-' ' ho jobs arc lo In ill > appniiit'ni n :tr! I ■ • .• 11 fit 1 !i> till l '11 yo hi "i: rial for any part o tho lot tei lifter tho W .1, Ti e aot ai;tl origins tho n-o .»• lotl.il to <1 of tho olootli • I'll; i:: f i of I . I execution- lw.1 adopted v tho 1 legislature. Tho i !l ■'. a nti • > tin- i m Iho house hv l>v. Cha liv A Peterson. of Kprwi I'ino. represent ■ o from Miioholl RALLY'S SALLIES ( i suppose you (-fHlMK I'M. A. I Per.fec< Tool?/ rj> >OWtHO, NOME Of US is Perfect/I ( i suppose yoiTT IMK PK A. I / Per.fec-< *ooyy , NOME Of US ] vjJS PERFECf/J i. !•: . Vorth ( .ITS. .!.«'!» S ; ji |! - i.- jiuttul .» i • ! * : t ! >i i: t; !j s. ( i :w\\ v. \* »:•»». \ ;he \.»flh n., • . v«-m i- i : • a! K *v, • ' i YOUR FEDERAL INCOME TAX \... it MIISM \l. iU \ v|i -t >: i \\ Til,. Kt'CiVi'i'l n !!.. j.i\.i.-i« • \v.> parts. Uinmii Mil MlftilX. i • M.sc . ill all •"'li' 1 • pre >!.: ti i- i .t .l - :i 'ii :• i . t.i- • , pel Ii t v. i •i which • ' ■ • .'ii i i . >■ net l<>im-t« sci • • ' li.s«es: or in cases , h"!.( • 'i •. venal I < !>• ' i- :n •' • ' ' l||M.|'.lt II p...v ' i\ mi '!;< Ill' :« I ill ll If' i »ll 'I t M. I' U ■ .1 ' i\ I'l'llipn'cri "II i' The ii t;i\ is • in. !<• . -If ,if i id situ 1' ' f the surtax net income. T ■I i income i.- tl • • come of the ta x payer i r n ►fTH" !<•-• I Icdlll 'I'll ■ '' I ■ ]>n tin- first of ; ta\ net income, the surtax i- 13 per rent "•I the surtax lift in' 'inf < >ii -.1 - ■■is ihi i .i tone " ii $2.iKK) and nut nver M.MI10. ihf in i . • *»ii• i>) 1(! per rout >f t!i( : :nl "He "\ft si,«»i' 'i(i i ' sifl.ii.iO 'ho surtax is S.jJtd ;>1 "■ t• "f the iini'Hiiit -'ii • ii in i'bimt S-l.nnO T! i • if iiic ■ c i the jini' lint "I -nr' • . i i. i•. • SOS. The i < nv • 'tie i;>x tor each iiv 'inc I■ <• v«t in ,i tflhlf .!(C. . 1 . '|1J 11 1 •' | 11 | •; The . <1 the "balnnee orn 1 t n1!; J no* Income ! tho earned Income credit. |e inter est received on certain types ol Unit d stntr-. Government hi nds i ti h ind of fed er.'il iiisli nm' ntiilitie -ind ie-s divi dends <>n share account) federa savings and loan association* i-sueii prior to \1arcii ?.». 1 n»:!. The eom pulation of tlie earned income credil I t 'Ii • sot l<>! til ill Si : i K .»f the IO :..n» Form lo-Jo. in in.-truct "i: • .uo-impa vmsj : o . < turn 1'orm. 'I lu> normal V.i\ •! per <•; i;t <>l t i balance Mil>.iof* to normal tax.' i; !«•%•«•» th,. ■ .tit. I'.'r :ili!iu :i Simplified Return tho n tax and" surtax, oil .1 " i ■ . :ifd inrnmo croti.'.. i*i..*• into >>111' o 'in - sot lot til in a .ni tho return i«•: .•I ii:o>t»io. -ii that .■illy to rotor to thi> t ermine tho correct duo. Any individual l• ■ ■!i.i* lor tho year i ; ol -S."i.<»ri(i ;,!ul was .ilary. \ ,.l:o.- or otlu : in personal service hi annuities. may < i I\i*titi n i Form W ANT ADS Get Results M i. X-llin MiiTdli OIL FOH • t VI l i t \ Ol our 01III: ch lock before you buy. It. h • i-i kvhiti & Sons, neai Fire St. - . phoiu '. Hi.I. ;{n-t:' we si'i:ciai.i/.k ~ in ali U i'• 1> i.f Imih ;iin| render ro i air u rk Motor Salos • '<>, XOTK'F. ' ' - •" n lily 11io public that 1! I. C '.illi ■ has purchased nil the !>• interest o( IT F. Pal i o i-j .i tr.t i hip under tho mi' a:,d stvlo of Candler :• • i M -tor Copijwiny I! F. Pat i im> i li..hle i .r any debt . :• on' or obligations of said . i ■ !l I . Candler is authorized ■i.' •• .i 'I 1' no-- under saino •i .i' i ii'.e lniMtiop and . "hi n i ■» (1 ti. collect any and all ioi i.'il dili id bu-ilioss. 'I in- the Utli day .f December. 1!»12. H. I.. C WDI.FR. II F. PAI.M Kit. lr.-i'L'-L'ii r»-r_»-in STATI. OF XOKTII < \ltOI INA Department ol Slate PI!I I.IM1NAKY < KIITIFIC'ATK OF DISSOI.I TIOX. 'I'll All lo W!;.>n Tiio-0 Presents May <.'«iir.o- -Cirei.'tini!: Will roils, II appears lo my satisfae ■n. by dul> .'i.itlionlioatod ree«-rc: ' p.e | i •.< codings tor the voluntar.v •i in thereof by the unanimous • f 11 the -'no'iili ilriors. de ii< d in i v office. that (tie Con i iiental Plant Company, a corpora • •• ii "I 'In- State, whose prinoipa t .to i- -ituatod at No. Street in the Town of Kittrcll. County ol V nee. State of North Carolina (C M lliglit. iH-ing tho agent thereh mi in charge thereof, upon whon • . oi s may be served), has com . oil wiMi tin- requirements of Chap '• Consolidated Statutes, entitlof i -p..i atioiis." preliminary to th • UK «'l this Certificate of Dissolu ' ion N'iiu Therefore. I. Thad Kure. Sec '» !,iry of St ■ tf of the Stale of Nortl ( I'iina. do hereby certify thai th< •I corporation did. on the 2K1h da; i Deeember 11M2 file in my offioi i duly executed and atte.-ted con in writifiK •<> the dissolulio- of -,t . i ■ ••poration executed by all the -tocli and tho record of the proceeding Ion-said are in w no 'do in my sail ilfice av provided hv law. In Testlinonv Whereof. I hav • lie oto ct inv l and and affixed m; offieial ''aI at llaleiKh. this 2Hth da; •1 Deeember. A. I> 1012. THAI) KURE. Secretary of State. 1 2fl-!i-12-lf) WANT ADS I Get Results UllMKMlUlH DKCEMBKR 7tli. igjp 1 Don't 1« t treachery catch you napl pmg liny W ar Damage Insurance 111 >t m n>. Insurance Dcparlm«n i it i/en llanU it Trust Co. 2l-t( .il "ST l'M.OADK.1) ANOTHER CAR Oro/cr'.- yua ranteed l'ocahunlas iiun.no coal. U'i its till your bin. U (>. Kalkiiei & Son. Phone 260 18-tt Y' >1*1* OWN FRUIT ~ i'l.aiiaig our tli.nit Size Trees, .-a\ !•;: tinn*, enjoying Fruit much imi.i .. Write for Free Copy. New 1..., I'i >e Catalogue. listing uM)re t'i.iii ;;uo . ai ioties. Oflered by Vir 4ii.1.1" I. .ge.-t Growers. Waynes 11*tfii N'ui « ries, Waynesboro, Va. ■ >1 1 > SI !■ IS \HE HETTER. WE have .i 'i Ji** -toek of the tinest i|uaht> iraterial.s. IMenty ot iubber heel.- and soles, I'hoiie 0118. We call lor and ileliver. Grissoin's Shot Shop. ltl-tf Ft )|; SA1.K AT A ltAKGAIN THREE piece walnut linish living room Mult . I'hoiio 1141 WX I>etween " and !' p. in. lU-2ti FuR li K.N I" AT W1SK. N. C". LARCJK I •mualHatii, electricity, gai di ii, pine water. < >n Highway. $22 per month Address Hox Jtit!, Nor ti.llv, Va. ltl-3ti Ki l l' KIT WITH TIIK 11 K.ST IN ialley gnu-ones, quality western i.uat . In !i llllits and vegetables :i ..iv I li-i hoit'- Yellow Kiont. 1 !.. no t"i tree delivery. 21-tl \.\TI i' T< > l:l'V A GOOD MKD ,i ii ... St a ley Jouriugau. ( i!..nto 1. I loltiU-rsoli. Ileal' Kpsuiii. 19-lti !•( >K PRINTING OF ALL KINDS and anything lor the cilice phone (!;!. AI lord'.- Printing and Otlice Supply Co. 31-tt ASK I'S ABOUT FURTHER 1 acre tobacco and 2 aero cotton allotments. Ap Im\ to C. !•'. Crews, Honte 4, Hen der.-on. N. C. 16-19-21 Kl i-i* I I COMING- ALL OF THAT old inn!; nun. steel and rubber. Every pound you sell us helps to tiki the w.ir that much sooner. 1U ndei-on Junk Co. 6-tt I'Wii linoM APAHTMENTS FOR Miit turnislicd or unfurnished .-team heat. Water, lignts furnish ed. Mr*. I.. W. Hobgood, 403 Zelie -lin i. telephone 581-W. 19&22 LET MK CHECK YOUR BATTERY, p.ul. plug- and anti freeze. Wash ing. poh~hiii^ and Gull lubrication our specialty. L. T. Harris at Gull Service St.ition, Garnett .aid Hornei Streets. 7-tf X K W HOC. WIH K. N K W W ELL • it < . \\ t 11 buckets and well chains .it "The Place of Values.*' Alex S. Watkins. 19-ltl j NEW SOLES AND HEELS WILL r..ike your old shoes do many n..>re tuoiilhs ol service. We will ••.ill lor yours anil deliver them. X u v. ic-ti Shoe Repair, phone 471. 2u-tf ; WAN TED CLEAN, SOFT RAGS 2 i 2 cent.-, pound at Dispatch Of fice. .IAMES c; M Ell EG AN. PIANO Inner and Technician is now in Henderson for a few days. Phone llin or Will. • 19-ltl EVERY BEAUTY SERVICE- Mod ern Shop Experienced operators — Centrally located. Phone 200 for appointment. Bridget's Beauty Shop, over Parker's Drug Store. 28-tf WE WILL BE GLAD TO ASSIST you in preparing your application for new tires or recaps. We are also in position to help you with your tire inspection. Henderson j Vulcanizing Co. 3-tf SPECIALS THIS WEEK: 19:18 FORD Convertible Coupe, genuine leath er upholstery, $495,011, 1940 Oolds inobile town sedan, looks and rutij like new. at $795.00. Several good used cars at reduced prices. Cati dlor-Palmer Motor Co. 9-tf LEDGERS. FILING EQUIPMENT, and office supplies of all kinds. Rubber stamps made to order, prompt sei \ ice and reasonable price.-. Henderson Book Co. phone no. i-ir NATIONAL CASH REGISTER FOR ■ale. Rings from 1c to $3.95. Cdn be een id Carolina Shoe Shop. 8-tf I TENANT WANTED FOR ONE horse crop. Team furnished ana wood ready cut. Apply T. II. Wei don. 18-fltl INKIKANCK — RENTALS Heal Estate Home Financing Personal and courteous attention to all details. \L. B. WESTER Phone 139 McCnln Wdg. I'Wo 1JOOM APARTMENTS FOR ■in* I uriiislicd or unfurnished .-team heat. Water. lights furnish ed. Mr.-. I„ W. I lobgood, 403 Zone -tioci. telephone 581-VV. 19&22 LET ME CIIKCK YOUR BATTERY, ji.ni. plug.- ,iik1 iiini freeze. Wash nitt. )><>11 ts111Gulf lubrication our specialty. I.. T. Harris ;it • \ i lull Service Station, Ciartiett ..tul Hi'iiui Streets. 7-tf NEW HOC! WIRE. NEW WKI.L j it i . w( II buckets .iikI well chains .it "The Place of Values." Alex S. U.itkins. l'J-ltl new soles an d heels" will n.ake your old shoes do many iti.'i'e months of service. We will (.ill for yours and deliver them. X 'i V. ich Shoe Repair, phone 471. 20-tf WANTED CLEAN. SOFT RAGS i _ cent.-, pound at Dispatch Of fice. JAMES G. MEHEGAn! PIANO I nner and Technician is now in 1!(ndcr.Min for a few days. Phona llin or !Milt. • lU-ltl EVERY IIKAI'TY SERVICE- Mod ern Shop Experienced operators Centrally located. Phone 2(10 for appointment. Bridgers Beauty Shop, over Parker's Drug Store. 28-tf WE WILL HE GLAD TO ASSIST you in preparing your application for new tires or recaps. We are also in position to help you with your tire inspection. Henderson J Vulcanizing Co. 3-tf SPECIALS THIS WEEK: 193H FORD Convertible Coupe, genuine leath er upholstery, $495.0(1, 1940 Oolcts mobile town sedan, looks and runj like new. at $795.00. Several good used ears at reduced prices. Can (ller-Palnier Motor Co. 9-tf i,mjgeks. kiling Equipment, and office supplies of all kinds. Rubber stamps made to order, prompt sei \ ice und reasonable prices Henderson Hook Co. phone 110. 1-lf NATIONAL CASH REGISTER FOR •ale. Kings from Ic to $3.95. Cdn he seen at Carolina Shoe Shop. H-tr TENANT WANTED FOR ONE horse crop. Team furnished ana wood ready cut. Apply T. II. Wei don. 1B-fit I INSIKANCE — RENTALS Real Estate Home Financing Personal and courteous attention to all details. AL. n. WESTER Phone 1.19 McColn llldg.