Fate Of Auction System Is Worrying Tobacco Men Observers Agree It Is Only System Ever Devised for Farmer to Get Higher Prices for His Yellow Leaf South Hostou. V 1 t!' -1 lion is e'iisidorablo per' *• ■' ■" i' to bacco elreles here over the fate ul the ailetioii »y-te!ii i t"i>aoeo Most observers ugroe that ' "to only sy.-ten» ever de\ • sivc the farmer a ehanee ti get uglier price* his niii'i" .. 'iiul o pot it ve Hiding. < - loo! t.nat jet price. dceided •> -i' nmoni graders, with no o«tn|>otitioti in tho sales .v ! I pi. >ve ' ■ ' act- v Some export.- point •• Thai M • :> land is now using t ot .y-tein. after trying anot tot i ■ tna > yea -. <>lid thc> o ' ■« ' > It is also |x int<«i t t tin > st Iki> i.oou established ■ S. : . Rhodesia, .nui incidentally by .1 South llos«..n num. .lame- W !! II. working !•> the .»ati-:aotion ot ■> concerned. Most 01 tho present v resulted t r till' on ' .too Kentuc ;y '•. "o(| ; . • y baCCO t ■ tin>so <»«'•:::: it " lit wero hoard 1ioro dll: v.; days. I'r .-n •• market- in Kr tueky and Tonne see. that tho tohaco • \v is handed fir t 0110 i"ivo- then an--tho: \v ri" 1 'tiipot tive bidding. and thi- " . mu .it •: •: \Varrh<"iM"'non o ti:o li :<,.]■ 0.1 of •• ail:o»s havo largo itiviM c ill the lt.igc \\Mfoh-. 1 »•,. ami have many nion ..o y employe i 1 ing the sea ons Should the a lotiot system ho tli-o.nded. nany ..| ;h> hoii.-cs could and vvni'd not ho used ami world U-avo a l"t of "d .id timher" in thoso : nvn- and oitios. It i- pointed ..ut in • ■ .• ers that, without :<y j.ivcniM'ir! intervention, tobacco ■. . averaged hotter than 92! n "r» i;ot o the past VO..I--. I 0 e ■ ;. .;nt u' that sirtee the govornn <• • hand, t haceo has hoot: h 4-101 S nue concentrated eflorf it n. .\y in (ho mak mi; by the Y-yjn. , r • .. , W.i o«. iso 1 . t .n ■ .. • alict on -vst"ii the t.i'pio tho trade, and •■tiio-v. so a!!"\v :• illd :-t:-y t,, w>:>: ..-it huji -alv.i tion as the na-i AROUND TOWN ( Ol I'l.K I.ICKNSKI) A marriage lieenso wa Issued by the regi.-tol <>t deed- ul AI 'tid \ tM one rouble. Henry Anthony l>ar i"N. 1 X-.i lliia Itmite "J. an-i Ann < Mae Snider. X'irlina. enloroci 07»i I \It- >()l.l> l"p I.I t'lday tile l ity ele: iia<i !»7<; license t:. for mm:}. 'I'hi.- leave- a _ car- that have tvt -ot: o-i with the plates for this at I v eiieuiari-'in with * !• iL' AT FIRST sOVD O 666 666 TABLETS. 5ALVE. NOSE DROPS CALL 3 6 6 t.OI (illl.IN C ITY TAXI !t Itour Servifc B. H. MIXON , Contractor and Builder luthr Jliiililin'ix" Also Wall raperiim. I'aintiiiK Roofing anil firncral Rrpairiuc. PHONE 7 Polio Drive Begun Here For New f und • u. \ i: lii> : und> >0^.111 iv K. c:.il Ol'V .1.1:1 i !> s arcl 1 oriel u 1 ird >. !<C\ Mollis R cc; ills Polio Kpitlcniic In State in 1(<M5 1 It i 'I • IWatll10 -; 11 • • •! cci li\ lYo.-ident'* rom January grave threat >!• !?<•>• "t IM -■ '.i l ;• .1: .1 • : :..aue toll • • • •. 1 to. :n 1 . . • -id - itt«-riiin ' . im » '.iiimi.tr ■ .'»•«! '.•■ run to • . I'll' .itl.llKliill • tailed. "Travel : 1.1 : -in< -- .a . ■it -1 v iitti'i'tod Tom - n< . ■ . M i- (I malady." The niv y raised 111 the drive 1 ■ ■ !. • ■ 1 ■ v 15 t" :'ii •» uM'd i.v tin National Foundat on 1 or In anl |■ 1 :ilv- ■ in tu'it p. !.i. olltis n i 1 y | -ii..i it .1- iiniiit 'i out. Halt 11' the- lutul- will be id i> « i<-li countv locally. CEROSENE RENEWAL COUPONS ARE READY ('••! 1101 11! hotn.<( 11" who havo pi 101. ir| t!:• ■ 1 renewal coupon?. • • •• t today by the Vance war .1 iii<t rati.i>iiiiK board to call .t Mi ration office for those eou I' Ills. .\i! 'hi ri'iicwal coupons have m on fi.ulorl. :t wa.- stated, hut a i' . |ii il<- uuiiilioi have boon re nd tn tlii iatiiiiiiiic board be au-cot n .11 icicnt address. When You KILL That COW or CALF Bring us the hide and receive the highest cash price. Henderson Junk Co. 230 Winder St. Henderson, N. C. Meat Ration, Car Pools Are Talked Plans loi mo.it t.it >ti 1 i aiul lor lormiiiK oar |>• •• >1 - V o oinor Uonoy programs ttric . u-sod in— formally and at >«"• ■ !. i.^th .it .i mooting in the i'"in ' I Monday evoninn »' ward and ii !: leaders nf the Civilian Scr\ ici i". :i 1'i'Uti I'il. Kivd Ke-lor. ehairm.in "I tho group. presided. I*. K Clements. chain ii >•' tin* KOtleral l"u diatl Helen i l uriod i>l 'III* OOUntV. e\plainod lilt -I'l-llp "f Ihilt broiiiit" group : I; tin- rotinty, 'and .1. \V Sander- dr-i: oil ».-! I»>11-• being made I" organize the liral section* on .i basis • ■: one \\ .t fur I'M'iy toil families Mombl'IS ill IllO I'.'tllH'll V1:.. «r!V present an«l aroa> thov m i • e.-oiit wore a* follows First ward. Mr-. \V !'• !l . ' d ward. Mi-. J M Young: f< ii. Mr*. W. IV I tens lev; Oxlord It.-act. Mrs. \V 15. Ilaiui'i: l.'alomh IC • ..i, Mr.-. Alphotls Thump- n. \ ' .mi South Henderson. Mrs li I ("ha «•. Mrs. C;. X. Tucker. .1 i i: i..-i - -••ii and I'laihnrnc Kim;; i"i t'ie ■ •"iinty. J. \V. Sandoi '' ■ ■■ • • ' - lives who wore unable t • nd \\ . ro II. Bryan ol the second wa «l and Miss Althca Poriv «.>! t!:< Dabnoy *»i>ad. Mr. Koslor said tin- • -ti.• li.id as • objective full i-i>np< ' ■ m .v ay possible witli .•!i d< ■ i < units tho ritv and county. .■ .m-II .is tanoo in tho n ' . " ,..au and organizing r.u i .-. Application Must Be Made For Fertilizer .:<■ Stat n >11. I>.ili I 1 !• ! > I |{. Collin . m ■ • > CXtCtlSK >11 ..I N I St.it" ■ aid today il i ■ ■ t .1 *: lii T .. :.i;!IHT Will have ' *.:'Ill i at ion .iikI lili ' h.- J ortihzoi dealer liefnrc he mn > I • .m . nj kind i>i fertilizer tin yt\»» \! ■>! tcrtili/cr dealer b.ivr invi :i>|>! o«i with these ran ■ >r\ n I.i: * crs are advised t<> : :<• ..il tpplienti >n- as early as |x> sible to v-ake - e tin- dealt--. ut.l i>»- .i / to l>l>t..III the left lli/Cl I • >»' t i 11*1 ti I •>: . (•■>!:.n> said. Transportation pi >1 »1 • ■ »i- .iiv i>i' mint: m-ire ilifiiv ll a".il delay in | tiling an application may (iri'vunl ai !• >m Retting the fertilize! hel W.if.is. o| .it least fimi, Ul :t nu i; . • ti.,- til! ,■ ho actually • o, d- it I'ndcr a rntiMTVation order oi j tin- war production Imard. only 1!!, U ado- n! mixed fertilizers will i> • I :n ailahle this voar in North C.on- j lilia. Tin- niti'-ypn-earryinn m tum will be available only for ero > i which itH|tilrc tii s element. such a-< corn. potatoes, ftiirdciis a nil orchards I Fertilizer ti ntainin : cheni eal ni-1 ti iiii«*:i niiiv :■<it in- u-cd on It.vii?. I eoir cmir-e-. parks. or! j nnn-mmmcrci i! plant ins- -i trcj -hi i" and 1 lower Idle Trucks To Be Listed KaleiRh. Jan 1!» Tli«' >>fl:iv m | ietcn>p transp" tation t nav :• n i cd owner* • commercial vehicle that .ill "idle" track.-. huso- ami ither vehicle- except '..i\ ■ ii> ri'ii tal car.-, amnalancc- • i In . . :nu.-t bo reported t" tin- ' »UT Hepnrtj should he made on iiUT I or m CWN 3. a simple, tiulc .slice" '.■>rin ni only eight questions which ;\n he oiitaii ed iron; and should :• returned to vehicle owners local t i|)T di.-t rict oil ice. Owner.- are required to li.-t all common ial motor vehicles which were idle durum the last 1 I days •>! the month. The report . h.nild he 'tiled within live d..v- .iiti-i the la.-t | day nf the month covered by the | form. Commercial vehicle owner.- with no idle oi| npn cnt are not ii| i od ' ■ -1ii>i1111 a report. Purpose o| Hie monthly op- •• to enable the <>I)T to determine what propoiii-m ot the 'iat >-.' men ial niotoi vch.i-le- are ai ' ii use. and also how many truck huso-. etc . are being min ed I •• :i!ht bp a\ ailahle I<>| •• .->-n' or civilian trail-portalion w>>rl ' 'Ihe form to he filled out requires no exhaustive -el of records. LEGION HEAD URGES EARLY END TO WAR Miirhiiuton. .Ian. !!• (AIM— Na Initial Commander Hoane Waring ut the American Legion demanded la -• night that winning «»t the war at the earlic-1 possible moine- I he -nad the paramount objective oi 1! i > country. "We must meet Ihp challenge >1 tliis hour with Ihe needs oi the hour, we must make war." he do elared in an aflflress at the closing session of Ihe annual conference of North Carolina Legion po-| offippi "We must not busy ourselves ■ >'■> 1 Ihe terms of a peacc no| vol won. | except to make the single io-o| n,., I thai il must hp a ppacp of absolute I military victory, a dictated ;>pace. ' and never a negotiated pence." Waring deplored ptiblici/ed -ug i goal ions that Ihp -i/p of thp Aro v i hp lipid below thp 7.5011.0011 minimum planned by the High Command in order to lessen the strain upfin pin Hlirfinn al Cheilites Business R. B. < liOWIM K Mr. Crowder Drops A. & P. Truck Line H. il!. C'rowder. i.l Hendei -on and K.11« mli, who fm • fin i m ten years h* operated t'.« Crowdc. Cimip.ru Ii.'ilciuh. ha- -olil tn another trlia-U■ • iu con cert! tllO OnnilOOti"!! 1 ha Ii I dur 'in: that time with t1 • (It .ti \tl.mtn «V Paeifie Tea Coiup itiv. 11«- ha* been directly in oharuo '• <>;-'• >i1 ii"ti of loud for this collect ti iroin it- llal eujh warehouse to it-• • -tores in llinh Point :■ 11<I • . • • m the I'ledtuont -eetioti ,.• i 1 - < entile Kastern North Cai •• . •• ■ i i >iv In «iinioiitu'llu' t nl .v }>i- chain:, in connection-. Mi Ciowue: .ml lie v mild colli mil)' I he.m <|tuii'U*rji ;it linleiKli • i ert <■ ills 11 11>■ it• >i Irom th.it i ■ ' t"i everal lame wohcl-ale ill • - :tt I>iirti.iin. I«.iit-iuh ;iik1 Willi ii ' I 'no A .V I' I**;i (-'infract i ;i v. In handled liy a riiiicci n with iii .id i .artei.- it ('hiirlotto. Mi I'rowder ■ d 1 e : i imc-ted llCNIVll.N ill I lender-oil ill 1(1 VilllfC • ■ounJy real estate in the past .-«•> - c,- ii| your.-, including pun o| the 1.8110-iiirt' r.uni-uli- estate tn Wil hiiiiishoro township, iiiui durinu tup coming year will spend much ot his In lit* in the county dovelopinu trie Iturnsido property. cutting the pl.icc into tiirni> • »t fron fifty acre.- up fm- those desiring to buy farms. lie Mini in- would sec that every ;icrr of tin- Iturnsido t*-tiit« . after plant ini; tobacco and cotton allotment-, \\a> I t • fiMid -t .ii tu help pi oducr lo; \ icforv. Mr. Crowili'i' came to Henderson n |H!ifS .• ini ii;■ ~ lifcn intonated ?:i Hondoi - 'ii aotii itie- since that time. S. • voar- .m" ho roorj;ani/ed the I ii'tidi">• in C'hiiinhor • >1 Commerce idler it lapsed. iind became it- pres ident He has alway- continued tn enrry a membership in the lociil i I•..11ii>fi. a- well a- the liiileigh i . •! Coiiimereo. lie li;is also i »t ei: a eonsistcilt contriliutor to drive.- and can iiuign-i here for rais i e\ lor varioii- purpose.-. and lor 'In pa.-t thirtv year.- ha- hoon n eii.i i . nl Holy Innocents l-'.pis i '.m1 church m Hendei-on and >cr id !• a tii i •- superintendent el r- Sunil \ -c!.. il. He i- a native nl the Hidjjev.ay section of WartTti <• untv. neai Hinder-on In the la-t ten years he has invested at least ninety l r, e pen cut ot in- oarniniis in II ndcrsoii .iihI Vnnce eounty pro perties. he said. He has prided him* self m the fairt that Henderson has always remained neiir and dear to 111:i. linn ::t, Uh year.-. \ ancc Count\ I><>\ s Meet in Australia Two Vance cmnty younu men met recently hall way around the \\ ii'1 '■-omewhero iii Australia". They v.erel'pl. Ciaa Harold Hunt, -on of Mr. and Mrs. I". H. Hunt, oi Hen derson, and I'vt. .lame- Claietiri Davis, son of Mr. and Mis. .1 f„ Davis, ol Henderson route I. ("pi. Hunt ha? hceti oversea.- since la-t February. He volunteered in l>o • 1 1941 following Peiui liai hor. I'vt. Davis volunteered in Ken i uary l!MJ. He hits hcen over.-ca nice Septemln' The hoy.- had hcen tati'uioil witi; n ii short distance • if ea<-|| other |o| some time Wltlintil knownm it. Kiich recened a letter Iroin relatiM on the same day. n 'I ie-tinu Inn lo look up the other. I'lieii meet nu leslllted. Atnonu soyheiin products arc ice •'ream and linoleum. a Mr. Crowder Drops A. & P. Truck Line U. il!. f'rinvdi'i. ll<' "M iikI li'iiU'ich. who fur • • ■m ! <>i ten V IM I S 111* operated t>., Clowdc, Compan If.. has sold tu anoth< ■ truck'iu! eon corn the* connection ' ' i h I dur ■;11: that 111iif \» itli i1 . C i l \tlantic •S- Pacific Tea Cwnp my. Ho hit* boon directly in eharso ' ili-1111• tinti «>f I..ml |or Hiis concern I rotn 11 - lliil riuh warehouse to it-• • • ■ -tores in lliah Point and ■ • m the Piedmont .-wtion an ' i entire Kastorn North Cat " • i t'ty In :iiiin>iitit-itiu t 'd.iv !u- cliane.■! ill connociion-. M (' uni .ml ho vol i III continue 1 • ••'. i hc.m tpii liters nt Itnlcigli ml ••• <• is (lis- I tiiIxit<>i from that i ' I• *i overall littW wohol-alo dealt - 11 Durham. K.iii'iuh ;ni<i Willi n u' ' I A >V I' tea infract i n v. In 114 handled Ii.v ii i nner] ii will iii-.id | .allot.- u ('hiirlottf. Mi l You dor sird '• e i I invented iieavilv ,n I li ndi i -• 'ii .i'.d Vance county real o-tat« in tin1 pas! o, - era| years. includint; purchase • >i the I 1 .fttHI-acro r.lirnsidc estate in Wil hiiin>hoio town-lnp. and durum tnr ('■•iiiiiik y« ir will spend nitifli ot ln« tu no in Ilic county developinu t-ic I'tiriisido pro|>ertv. cult inn tin- place into tiirnis • »t fron titty acre.- tip lor those desiring buy (nrnin. lie -..id in- would .-co that every aero of tin- Kurn.-ido estate. after planting tobacco and cotton allot-: cut-. \\ I t ■ foods! .t j to help pi oducc lor \ ictory. Mr. ("rowdor enmo to Henderson in atul hiis liccn intcro-t«'d ra II'-ndei«■ ill activities -moo that time. S. ■ i veai - ii|*o lie reoi Hiinizod the Hondo: son Chatnlter <>l Commerce alter it liipsod. and became it- pres ident lie hi- iilwiiy- continued to carry ii membership in the Im-iil chamber. ii- well :i.- the HalciRli <*l . lier •! I'm. nioree. lie ha- Stiff) boon ;i ci•n.-istcn! contributor to drive.- and campaign- licra to:- rais : : rcy tor \ ,irioti- purpose-, iind tor tin pa.-t thirtv year.- hit- hcen ■ i en,i . ot Holy innocents I-'.pis « • 11 church m Hendcr>on and >cr cd !• a tit i ,.- superintendent <>l Sunil \ -i" il lie i- a native ol the llidjjcwiiy section ot Warren c. unty. neat Henderson. In the la-t ten years lie li.i- invested at least ninety live pen rut ol in- oarnihi:* in il I'der.-on .Hid Viineo county pr.• pertles. lie -aid lie ha- prided lilnt* cli m the fact that Henderson hit it alway.- rcniiiinod noiir and dear In m:i, tin' >. ui tin year.-. \ ance Count} Boys Meet in Australia Two Vance county young men n ot recently ha!l way around the vi .rid "somewhere in Australia". They ere (,'pl. Harold Hunt, -on of Mi. and Mr.-. I". 11. Hunt, ot Hen derson, iind l'\t. .lame- Claretirc Davis, sun of Mr. and Mis. .1 f„ Davis, ol Henderson route I. C'pl. Hunt ha.-j been overseas .-inco la-l February. He volunteered in l)c eeniher 11141 |o||owiltK I'eail liiii l»oi. |'vt I »ii■. - v olunteered in Kcti i Uiiry I'.HJ. lie has been over.-<M ilK-o Septer Ik The boy.- had been tiittoned witi n a short distance of each other lot -oliio time without knowing it. Kiicli received a letter Irotn reliitivi on the -iitnc day. re i|ne-tinu bin to look up the other, riten nieet im lestllted. Among soybean products are Ice cream and linoleum. a Motorists Observe Ban On Driving Henderson and Vance fountv iiml nl'lsls are observing t(n- ban against "pleasure dm iiiu" «■! then automo biles. hi lilt- opinion ol members ol the county w.ir price and rationing in i.ikI. S. M I'rowdei. t'liict clerk "I tlu* hoard. stated today that no report. oi violation* have Ihvii received by thc board since lite first two diiyi lollow iii:. list l:<t .on ot tin h.,11. and inloi iiiatiou I ' lii.. ih I iii tlic-c re pot n was iii-'alt h )■ til to t •' 1111 the nasi- lor » ilaiioli ul duvei lo tlio boilrd tor |h.» ilile revocation ot kiho* line rat i >n. I.neal itliii'i . how eve:. I.ave been a-ked to be -»u the aie t i n appic iiension ul xi il.ito:- ,11 *i ,.ii\ eport> leeeuiii bv tie board ill result ill prompt act n. Mi i : wdei . .net. Slot m-ts . e prohibited. lllidei the « >1 'A 11 img. I' ■ • ■■ ■. Mien , ai s tor "plea uie driving aim pi naliy lor violation ::i..v he lev ieat|o;i o| I'jil lotting caul In aiidltioii. taxr cabs inav not tie u.-cd b>i any juu puie wiufh is barred i.iutii the rul ing. Stock Mai'Ket Trends Mixed New VorK. .Ian. !!• i AIM I-'ijr titer recovery tcuileiicics were show it by individual i . :n '. I >'■ mar ket while others ■»>t. ea to ael i\ tli notanle mdiltetctu t Small phi my "lated at the .-tart in lair.y artue dealings I'he pare .-I v ii 'aii • .ii-.d trend «eie mixed tie. ' •• I l hi»ur. Cotton Prices Turn Lower New York. .! i;i i AIM Cotton tlit'ire |'I'Mi ii i iit , o.i.e low e to 1 "> ii- :. higher. Noon values v. ere I.i.iii eents a bale lower. I 'i e, i.iii.s '|'i xl.iy'. t lo i- ) IjH'll Mai i ll l!ir.:t 1 !l (i"> May ! ;i I.) •lu!y l !•::•; i'.i.:{i; t >ct iber l!i:" in.:?:! I>fi ember J;• ;<i ]<». 17 ("ripple Children Clinic 1 oinorrow The monthly e'unie lor eripple children will lie held tomorrow ait ernoiin .it Central grai •• ai chuol. It was announced toda.v ,1 the oil a t ot the Vanee county health depart ment. Dr. \V. I". C'oU*. ortho|tedic sur geon ot Ctrecllslmi i. Will be ill charge ot the clinic, and will be agisted by members ol tin* stuff ol the eoiin» tv In alth departn.i lit. The Deeember elinu was cancell ed beciilisc oi the Chrislmsis h<>li day-. and it i- expected that their will be a large attendance at the clinic tomorrow her., e l the lapse -ince the November elinic. APPALACHIAN S. T. C. STUDENTS STRIKE Roonc. Jan. 1 !• t AI' Students at ApiNiliiehian Stale T« ichers Col lege went on strike i k1 \ .Iter nego tiation^ with .-fbtMil i i a I tailed to result in what t■.. ■ .iiisidered satisfactory action upon <ii n aiuU lot changes in regulation- ,fh would permit dancing, revision m other rule- and better catch : erv ice. An c-tiniatcd ."ion i dent ap proximately !(") |iei rent •! the c:i i ol hi icnt. were i poi it d ;• have .min ed the walkout. N'oii->ti iker- were aid to have liccn pei Med ti, iittend rla.-se.- without being i ■ h ted. Led by the college hatld. col intlio o| student- paraded fivet tl e campus bearing placards demanding "a com plete student gov ci nr en'. better cafeteria -ervice. beiiei it., mitory conditions." I'icket bin wen- tluowti around sehool building The .-ti ik er- also paraded Ihrough the hu-inrss di lrict of UiMtne. Students -aid dancing wa t i hid den by the college with cxpul ion a the penalty lor participating. Weeds have been called the wis keis of neglect and that's vvh.it "liev ire. Mow 'cm down. - ■ «wy r $2.M Qt • $1.45 Pt ' DISTILLING COMPANY • PEORIA^ ILLINOIft Small Users Of hue! Oil ^ Coupons Good During Year Kaleigh, Jiiu Il> — llouseholders tthnM' tuel oil ration is -Uii gallons hi less a yoar an amount iuo.-t com sum among th >se who heat l>,v stove. will ictVivt r.it ion coupons re tleemable any time during tin* ycai rather than coupons segregated int • 'heating periods." Carl A. Lunstord. late OI'A Iiifl ml ration olticer. inuouneed today. Till' n»»w policy regarding the i -1:iiiot ration- tor 2UII gallons or le-s mean.- householder- will receive Class III eoupon.s ot deli'.itc gallon aye value who>e Use is n ■! re Irieled l>y heating period l'p to the pres ent ill* heating all' tlllent- have lieen issued ot eitlier Cla.-s I 01 Class II -heets. with coupons divided nc I ween :lu> live heating per that, , tiltmhcie.l 1. 2. etc. Thi- nioditieat.on. l/in-tord ptinl I >'d out. will clieve small users, w ho . >1 ten buy Ie - than ti n gallons at I i tune, ot the need for applyi .1 ! their hoards to exchange tiieir Cla • I coupon- tor definite gallnnagc co .pons ot one ••!' live nalltei-. I'hose C' >nsumei • wiio have receiv ed a heating a I i •• t! • « : : • ".Mm ji.,1 lit'- or less on CI. I "ml'.iinile v; 'tie coupon- in ■ > c\c a'ige the !| at tiieir local Im.i : d s for th — III coupons. 1. c i boards. >1 ririiils ytiilod. Imve Ih? ■ ; i: struete ' • 1 ne the 2IKI gall or le - iillo* j A! VIN B. PF.GRAM DIES AT HOSPITAL. I unci.il Tomorrow lor I'lomiiient Farmer iti Itrntikxton Community Al\in l'ii v an! ! ■ -ii pi oiniuelit I.il'ine? <•! III I; I-.'I I. :: .unit \ "!i I leinlei'son 1...11 died at LMtO "Vl"i'„ yc-terd \ ' ininii al M.nia I'arham hospital. v here lie had i t-en a pat lint !m in- day. Death, at-' tiiliutcd in a i "M |i|icatmil ol dis- j ea.—i's, IK-Clll l I •! alter an illness ot , ■ "ily 1i\ c day - Mr. 1'cgr.ei v..1- horn .lanuary l.'.'i, l!inil. m Vane- county and had lived In- entiie liti-iui.e 111 tJ»i- coiiutv lie was the .-on ..| llie late .1. \V i'cg ram. who died ahoiit three and "lie- j hall yeai .■ i, ■. and Mi Sallie Anil Stalling- IVgiuiu. who now live- "ii Ilendei'Mtn route Funeral -ei \ lie w ill lie held to moriow a I tei lit ion al '.I o'clock. trosn 'hi* home til a brother. .lotin | . I'cg la.'i.. in the Itrook.-ton coniinunity. ..lid interment will lie made in tile 1 enu'tery ot Carey" l'»apl:-i eh'ircli The Hev. .1 F. Uoacli. pastui "'. the 1 1.111 eh. w ill In- 111 charge "t tin l.n.d ites. Active pallbearers will he .lame !■'. Finch. Kohei t I'egram. \\ U . IVgram. S. Il Unite . .1 I'. Stalling and Klunis I'i'K am. Moiioraiy |>.■ • . nealel and those t" lie 11, ciiargi ol j I lower- w ill lie .-elected llnui among | 1 rlend.' attending tin- luneral. 1 Surviving relatives include the ! widow. Mrs. Mary l.ec I'aitersn: IN Ulan,. S it Hughe . .1 1' Stalling. .lr.. eleven: ivvo inothei.-. I Italic, 1 A. I'egram anil .lohn I'. I'cgranv | both "t Henderson route "J. anil tin 1."tiler. THREE DEFENDANTS BEFORE THE MAYOR Three dctenilillit • were tried in police court I11d.1v two white and one ■ 'olored. K (irilliu. u luit man. wa. I clliil tied with giving a worthies 'check tor S'Ja t" the .1 C. I'eiuiey | Company w ithout uttieieiit Hind • J cover the item in the First Citi | I', ink iV: Trust Comp;uiy .ii l"il ilSragg. on which tin check w a. ' drawn. lie was allowed to pay the (cost-- and niiike the check g<i"d. I Annie Mills, colored, was chari; | ttl with ii-.-aultnig tiiaeic Mid1 el., tint wiis held to In' not guilty. Kddic Faucet te. white, eliaru'd with being drunU. was ,<ent !>• jail ! 'tor tin 1 v davs. 1 neiits in coupon ili noinm.itions which ,*i in 11 *1111 t" the user's buyinj- habits, Iaiii.-IomI warned that under th< io\v procedure householders u>inj *iii> gallon- or less of heating oil Mil have the entile responsibility ,t budget iiik their consumption ,"n i .• with tin- ration tor the remain I,.I ..I the heating year-that is. until M>|i'.eniin>r UM3. 1. ni-1.'i it stated that a relatively .mall percentage ot the total heating ■ il ei'ii-iniHitioii will lie alteeted bj llii> aetioii. Therefore, the b»M.> leM'i"! tv wliielt the heating periods p . , ■, unking poxil>lc quick and •ftieient changes in the value of the leatlng coupons i:i line with supply nil weather conditions—will not be ion < aseii to any important extent. EMBASSY Kmls Tonight -Starts Tomorrow r Something NEW MfAivuf! Mwuiat! \ MvUJt! F/r co sf«i«iNo » LORETTA ( i YOUNG BRIAN .^| AHERNE A •riiito' TheSTEVENSON lt« - :50r - :i.jr I.AST l».\V LAUREL & HARDY f Also—NOVKI/TIKS Tomorrow WHEN HE LOOKED INTO HER EYES . . . he saw fireworktl WHEN HE TOOK HER, IN HIS ARMS ht taw tiring iquads! EMBASSY Kiltls Tonicht A "Bungle" for Btitain! Starts Tomorrow I n x new Mwui*\! '.U» Mi.UA! jrerr tv»^ CO STARRING i LORETTA > i YOUNG BRIAN AHERNE Thilo" TheSTEVENSON tit< ■ ::«< • :t Also—novkltiks Tomorrow WHEN HE LOOKED INTO HER EYES . . . he saw fireworks! WHEN HE TOOK HER j IN HIS ARMS ht saw firing squads! Citizens Realty & I.oan Company —Complete INSURANCE Service— jikai, i sr.vri; rnoi'fcuTY managk.mi:nt JOKL. T. ( IIKATIIAM, I'rrs. I'HONE 628-629 IT BANK By MAIL SAVE TIRES.. GAS . . TIME Ymi have only to go to the nu.nest mail box to do business with tins Bank. You «-iin fiiiikc <h'po it'- by in.til i yum CheeUtnu or Saving. account. easily and s.ilcly. Send money by miiil to anyone iiny place by simply writing ■' check. Come hi and \vc will gladly ymi ,*i tew Migge-tions tb.it will enable you to do .ill your nanking business by mail, thereby helping y"ii to emiM-i \-c tin-.-, gasoline ,nid time. Henderson, North Carolina Al.l. DF.I'OSITS I I* TO S.VOOO INSI ltKI> BV Till', FrnF.lt A I. IIKPOSIT INSI K\N< F. CORPOIt ATION .Member; Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

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