°* **WUEPC*mf MEMORIAL. wmwoHna lint iter sou Batlij Ifepatrh |> LI*: ASM! » WI«MP — THIRTIETH YEAR I.KASl:i> WIIUC SKItV •n.K Ass* ■<', ai, i-ukss. " HENDERSON, N. C'.t THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 28, 111 |:{ i t lil.isili:i. KVKItV AKTKKKUON ■———■ . « ' * i;x«*ki-t stJNi.AV. FIVE CENTS COPY Fay-As-Y ou-Go Tax _ Meeting At North Africa Headquarters, Measure Would Put Income Fax Payers On Current Basis h'or Part of 1943 Washington, Jhh. 28 — (AI'> House c mmittee liearinn will U'tfin 'I iirstlay on pay-as you-K" tax pians, si|iaialin.n this subject ir.ni ilu- gonera! tax problem in i!ie Imp*' of put ting many iio.hu1 iax payor, nil a cui'rt nt i'oIIitI inn tiasi.-i fill- at least a part of 1!> I-".. I li.iii mill i) .1 nt <>rl!i ( .iroliiiii Iti'iiri 'i ll. ;iiiii mii rr«l ;ilsi» Ili.il t u iv . imI iimmms ciittiiiiiltri* v until >•>"«<( liuiiniriiw til I lI'Mlll'l' 11a • ll II t'» r I) ,!• j ... II,|. limi.il ilrlit limit Imm SJ'I.'i.M'lll, ciiii.mii |.> : :i'.•'iiuvvv . n.d i fr vor.ilil • ITliiiit u.is i 1411 111W• III. Till' « Ii. li i.i . i : .i■ fI v. -H- ;.| t l\ H'iJtVI . Illi I i' im . ;•(, ,| r|U<" I li.l .'SHi.lHI-1.11*111 l|.|.| , I'll I,. , addition !•. tin* •*<i*i.;< i.i n ... .. per I of 1 fr*'iu |>* • i* u! i IV would l>i> v*n irli-r. *| VO 1 W.l . | I'll ,, , ■ li I" >!»*.-k. I »•"i:*!11 n ,i, : •, ,, l( (;i (!l*'>lkm I• i •• .• .. . Si'ii; lr I :'i;i .. iv :i'lnii.iiis||i'i| .,!lv 8i> Irpisl.ili ,,, j ,, ,, ' I.r l.i\|.;ivi*r ictlllll, l.y \l..,c|| If, i'ri nil i.m """ |n "ii...: Farm Goals To Be Reached KaleiRh. .hin. 21!—(AIM -Agricul tural leaders are (*<■:>! kIi*ii t that North Carolina larmcr.-. x\vill their increased production goals hi wi.t Charles "• l.i'kvi:- "I \v i-'mmiiiii. I) ;m official ot the Ani n ill ural Adjustment Administration. told Hi the North Carolina Farm Uureau farmers at ttic an: ual mi'i'tiiiu ■ Federation tli.it after i-mln• iu-< Kith AAA leaders in the -tale hi' was optimistic nvor the prospect ol attiimr.u those JJoah. Governor r.i'ouulitun predicte I that 'Par Heel farmers would reach these sua Is without the wed >>1 im pel li;iK labor. I.epvc cntative lleni_v I". St-anall. Drum • 11. Alabama. 11141111; tamicrs In ■;t:ctiuthcn their organization and keep .1 active lobby 1.1 W. 1 ;• h 111 u 1 • • 11 said ".f .-h'Mild have .111 easier lime in 151-1:1. There is lieu hlood 1:1 the Capitul; some >>1 the t'cs ol lariner.. have departed." FARM IMPLEMENT DEALERS CONVENE Charlotte, Jan. 211—-(AIM—Mem ber:. the Carolina Ka 111 linpie nient llealel \ i>c:ation came 1'• today for the annual convention. Wartime prolileiii., \vc i- uppe. n • 011 the doeket tin discussion. Other business included election ol otlicer. ahd directors for 11113. baptists conclude SUNDAY SCHOOL MEET (irernshoro, .Ian. 2 J!—(API—The annual North Carolina t Sun "•»>' . ehool pom cntnm <*tI l icl.iv tilfiM h oi'ir., ol <li'|>;irtitK'itt;i1 ron UMTIiro.s. < >nr of thr tnAin confrrrnevs w.i Venation Ilil»!<• m-Ih.o|> It \v;i> led by Sibley ('. Itiirnctt of N • ti \'Hi-. I I'nii , associate v acation Bible fclmnl worker. Senate Group To Hear Grew \V;»• limjjton. .I.iii, lift—(AD—The advice oi Joseph C. drew. former aiiibassadoi in .1.11>;• 11. wii.s m .unlit by a Senate mihliiry .subcommittee Mudymu mejins ot cpiiiatuu: potcn tidily loyal Aineiicans from "tin ' Japanese now held in do/en de tention colonics. Chairman Ch;iiidler. Kentucky iVniniTiil, ,i • 1111114 the »niini11«•«' had been informed tliiit nearly two thirds of lOH.nnn .Japanese in the colonies eonld be released tor nnli tin y hi |h iirtiid inn service, .nd "If this is true, snmeth nn should he done to separiite the loyid .1 ■ • p iine.,, from (tie avowed encmio> of tills country in tim e camps."' ( hiindler said lie hnd invited Cirew to appear ;d iin executive scs ""•n this afternoon "because in* knowledge of the Japanese would »e most helpful at this tune." CJrew wii.s in Tokyo when the war started. He returned on an exchange ship last tall. AT HISTORIC MEETING There was milt <iiu> wiiiii.ii> pro rill :iI the meeting •>! }'.<• idenl KiMi-rvelt and Crime .«liiti-ler (luirehill in Atriea. Slie is ! .iitiise Ander-ain. of l)";ivrr. Coin., ea|>lain ol the W \A< s anil stenumaplier at CSeii. I)\\r;hl l». Kiseulimi ei's lieailiiiiarlers. Commission Proposes Naming of Board To Obtain Property For Reform School Kaleicli. Ian. \l'i—\ nil beriialorial einiiinissimi In-aded In \V. A. Stanlinrx reeitiiiinciitleil In (lie legislature lu(la\ llial .< Iraininir selutol lie established , lor dc liniment N'ecrn cirl-. Tin- c'criniiMiiHl'ilixMs \v * iiuiii' |M<r»lrrt in n lilJI by Ho|»ro.<onlalive< Slnncv of I • • i• '•• • ■ Iv.i reM I llalilav | IJntlii if«>r<l .''il *1 fjuli . i Me ;irir| llnd.ain l-'nr-yl!i. |»rnvid l !iIII* llii' v »•i • i ''lit »i 111 ,i j (•<•(•11 ll l'llllioi- Ivi illl III !tiil;ilM tin* i i |>rnpcilv liv 'Jill m p iii-l i i N" lliiilmy Wa- ill'" iled fur lilt* ' i>iil*eh:i i- nf |>i «»!•••» *\ li n' i in iinl Ihf MI'M. lire I»!'• •• l«lef| till* ll'I i "ill.I siicnrl fl"fi itcd t "'I .'I oli!,ill' liy . iLii I'i'i IP •! 11 t|ii |>i i|m ■ I.' Ill ..tfirr Slate Ifcp'e enlalivc St-. t; mi; It:• m and .•!lioe. inlri.'In. i'rl . i.il| I . j nr.. .il.. for wHutliir."h»|» In • y Kt il 1 rrliu .it "Ht.ii '»i f i'*««n .1 # >' I'Im ii «.l | <h ..aided - .1. i f. ..f cither \V<.. Id War for ehildten I in— ' • l.-«l i in i»rr « n* \\ ;»r \«» ']> hi ; r. eh..lav hip cniild I.. :• I m I anv seh'."l umi If inure • i• 11• • 1 I'mii* re rieci- I'm- I J. I.I lie ! i lei'i d Iiv Hie V* 'i i in \di iiii - i tr.di"ii. Negro Girls Reform School To Kittrell? Ifciil.v Hisp.ilrli I• iti t'.iii In ISir Willie Hotel. Hv I.VXN MSUIT H.ili'iUli. «f;iii 'JI' S«■ 11;11<11 |, Y. I»;> 11«• m 11 m< ni \V:iU«' «•« n iilly. keenly ! lll1lT('sl*'<l III III*' I I". |llll\ t*ic .1 si it*- ri«r«irm rhiKil (or wnywnnl L'n I •. I'oino.x tlir'iiiiili with - <«u . nest !• Ill Hill III*' 11 ■»• 11 >11 -< •» I I >1111 r 1 •i • :iikI K-HIHIm. ;*l K1111« II l('U<' tllil.V *' I 1**1' -I llll I •« III llf III*' | >| • I nll'lll. I*r*'\'imi-ly il IukI hern MitfKtMwl Ihiit Ihr pi i-i<*i *l*'imi Inictil n<if*lit • i... ,i" , .... ,,f jiv <|i;iiir|(in*'d C'fimps for the purpose. Biillentino thinks (lie (Continued *>n Page Five) ALLIED GENERALS CONFER ★ **★ + + + + rt r* ^ W ^ W "W ^ A ^ J?e</ Army Storms Toward Maikop Mere Nazis Surrender our prise f'\ew I lirust L ui ties ooviel Army VVtlhin li# Miles Ot Oil Fields </■' I II" .1 ■tfiil-il ) . • ( .in. jii niir. ell 11 |i .rli il in haw slMfnn-'l i. . inn I inid* I In- (Jrr nil- ii« I;I Ai.nl. :;i nil l iclds in a si;i |u i. nv\ I lirust toward the !•!:•« K I iilay. wliilr mi (In1 .*■• -iiiiv i.-i i Irniil :i (iiTinaii ".i-ii • :.• i .>!!•; rv< rai I limi-ami it'l t"! i!• 11.ii i«l, war-wvary »rn'»|i:; • i:i tn havr iii«•<-kIv sue IT III ll»|-«M I. |• • I«(if . rxin.il (I thai 11 fly 'i" I:r*ii li 'I i'i ;• vi>»oi - il.r.s V.fii I • 11 out • >! \ < |. ■ 11 Hitler' i ...Si il <■•. .lit- >il ••:»l».IMH» r null* I !!••• '.*€•«I ..in v trap. Mn lli<- north African I runt. \ ;i:i.;li;i:(l- III (leneral Sir |i. I,. MiMili.iimcr.v's victorious Itrilisli eighth armv were r<*i>t>rt«-d to have advanced eleven miles ami t'liislii'il Willi axis rear guards lirai Sahratha. II mili-s wot of lali<*n 11 i(ii.li .1110 less than ISO miles from I In- t.iliv.ill-Tunisian frontier. < mi lln- uc Irrii llanl; "f I In* r.v> ■ ,iv ;11!i<■<I ' ijiici /.f" ill .. fulfill, 1m • i mi Ii 11• |.< i i'rl LjU'iMlinr.-. in Tiiii sin l>nt Ainwir1 troops were r« | iii tr><l !>• 11.1 i' a'lv.iikciI ji\ In :>11■ t• mile.-. Mi tin (>i| sell in valley ■ •uimi. mi Ii1 nl.iiiil ii >iii tin- (»iill ... ( ;.i!h-s n i.i-l. I i patclic .i • i I in* A inct'ic.ilis hii'i l.rniiulil ii lift I i t'Vfiirli t roups in' ut i f l .<i a in., iiilain |ias< lii'ltt'iTil i> flu.i ..ml !••.iii tin Kalis, 37 mill.1; i.. the iiurtlii'isl. liri'oris inun \\ uiriv ■mints imlii-ali'il llic axis was Itrrpariuu for further withdraw al-. in Uussia a«id uorlli Africa. T:is . tlto nflirial KnviM nrw.s V.t in-v •I>|'<i;i(|c;>.s4 ,i M-piirt fliim < ;• iii«. . Ili;it It 11 v Ii.h1 ■"<•(i iKiliimorl II •• i'i • -I i1111 mm mi- < >. 1.1.1 >hips. Ii lll'm ; «-|l« if lll«*l'.. 111( I |ili\.ll<- lll"tll| Im.-it. fur tiutiiriliatr ti hi li i tn Si •■ili.iii purls. « illiiii ;i <|tiia*U run <»l I'i i r 11 i.i Thi-si' ailmilti- I ly. ill mill he* i"i i* 1111<»i i*i•<in*' I . kiiif hi-i'i tiifuri.* Hi' .ixt 11: i rHii-fl i • I i i • 11 > >>ii pliltll's Ii. ••• 11•:111• it ;i|-ii ii Hi .t area. l.niiil'Hi IxMiri Hi.I llir (•(•rnian \M-ir miis-illi; i*. i*: i| ii * Ii I.I niH h«ir .it Niiviirii.v i.--k. I * I :i«*(-; S«m naval li.i.-i'. tn ti'iiiis|i<n't llirir .initios nut lit (■•-.*• I 'illlMMl . ; | tin* I < 11I ill <M|> t III I'll IS#11 IflV. MimiiI line. Hii* ficiiclt Muriii'i'i* i iilin liiii.hI'm • Kv.iili Ii 1 p it Ilia' llitli r Ii i'i fl<'»-i»l"«I t.i Hive ii|i pi'i' • • I•:11 'lit i'i l i<iii <it Hir IVrm.hi .irniio; mow lli.it Im • • i * 111 • -r I 'inltiilivo |Mi\vi*rs" h nl l;nl« il mil Mi.it 111' ti.'izi u<• rral t.itt l il ,• I it111«'fI a ■' itlicii ,iv. .il ill i' • i 'I ! 'iiiilri'il milr t*i .i now lint' »'\t''ii'lni^ trmi MiiinI; tn Kli nl.nv III till' t .Hid Si' V.ls|ll|Hl1. Stocks Shift Irregularly Nc.v Y"i I. .!;>>« 'f! ( AI' > —While 11new* ;:< in ■ ill; bullish mar kelwi e. liMitm •. ' m I |ii(l;iy run tinned to init n H-r.i i iily. I'rire:. ttcif I't • t.iirlv lively '•I ''inhi*.. A n tin 'I new 1043 iii.'.'K. w i n- in i<li ii' f Snme arl vsmee nt '. ' I ui-ii* elii rrt or !i ;ni. !m ii.kI "I- ii iii'i.s siuns near tlir 11>i11 Hi In.in .iItli . iul> individual ;> !• ni Im-ii .Hi Hen' plentiful I >« .'I'll!' . . Inv. f(l CRASH IS BLAMED ON BOMBER PILOT W.ivlt:- ijt.iii .1 :•« t Al*> The i I in iiii.nitir i'miiI helil t'>da.v i tti.it ,i «•• • 11. in tirtween .in Army I'himImm ,;nii hi Aiiicrirnn /eollnoi I I .III I«il t OVlr I'.illll SlU infiS;, ('ill., liist ()|.)i.i«« «,is eatlACd hy Ihc "rerkle: .mil :in -ponsiblo" iietion of j Lieutenant Willi mi N*. Wil'on, 25. I the bomber pilot. PRINCESSES BUY FIRST POUND SAVINGS BONDS HEIR APPARENT TO THE British throne Princes* Ft --il-i-th Heft) on I Prin.-c v ■-nr-t Pnr.- shown signing their certificates of the new one puuiul saving U-uc, imnicdiaU !>• alter jn.iir.:,.,inx them. RAF Raids Duesselidorf Attack Is Fourth Made in Two Nights And a Day on Nazi War Foundries l.ondnn. .Ian. 28—(AT)—Tlir KAF fait Ihr Cirrmaii «-it v of Dursscldm f with several hun dred tons of 111u11 explosives and incendiary bum lis last nictit <1 ur ine <l>'* fourth allied aerial blow al (Ik- <■(■rni.ni war machine in Imii nights anil a day. it was an nounced today. '"Preliminary icpnrt.s >>1 the :ai<l '.n I In* Kbinclaud by Kant-asters and j il; lifaxe.s >hnw • ■vend luindi ed . >n [ bumb.s won* ill npped mi I »iil*.-I <>l Inuli espln.-ues and ineeitd nyi ip 211 minute-." an aulhoritaMvc statement .said. 'I In* ail' ii.r i ii.v reported thai •■.< biimbci.s were iiiis.sinK Irinn ;i heavy •ilt.ick • >ii iudii.it il objective i In b'li iu'l.i'ici, • ' -1 continued • cycle .>1 raid IIm I by the* first It. S. *iir Inrce ■ :lt on thr retch and tl»«* first boinlxiiK >>! Cnpenhacc'i. Dtiesseldoii. center <>f tninsp'-rt ..tin denvy oid'i..try in port Invest . fiermnny. i 1 »•<» miles southwest o| | tin- Wilbelni h i' naval base which, with Kmden ■ ■ heavily pounded yesterday by I "tuted Stat "s lie ivy ivjinbers. The (<erni "i i. Lili command i:> ,< i.>ii>miiin<|'n- i•! i id< -asl t<»day ' r< lit Helm. ' 'b a-otmt the etf.-ct •>l tin* American blows, and •• lc "i-red lb.it 1 'vliuM ilb-mpt nil ii r the cnwi elnuds to h-mi >| • ucels m (!ci uiy were toiled b. .ili'-.ter.s .'ii«l in' aircraft deli'ii .e ." | Hudgins Bill Turned Down n.ilriuh. I.hi iAI'I The son ate committee <> election l;i\\"s v oted fi to ,r» |m|;iv i:: • n t ;i lull by Sena tor lliiilcm • •! (intll'U'd In make it llllliiwtiil t"i in* li'il «ili elect iiiii 1 official. <>s- .1 • mi the process of j vntiiiK. 1" )>• • "fflruil primary I or uenei.il «■ l«! l>.ill>it prior in ,in • election. Tile coiiiinillo \ • .1 I III executive sc'j-.-.iiiii :ifler ii limned M . report "M iinolliei 11n*I . it lull In restrict Use of the iili-i'iitee ballot. W. A l.uc.is "I Wilson, 'who re cently re-mncil .1. ch.iirmiiri of the Slate hoard <>l election.-., appeared before the lice .it the request i t fiftveiivM Hi Mifililon ;iiiH .-aid Ihiil "lor the |iiiirh.i .ihle vole there is lio more eifeet «e W.\V of .eeuring the Hehvci in : •> ll'c tiling Ih.'it has I l-eeti hoiiuhl I' in the absentee bal I lot. "I r.-innol , one reason ff>r not I confining ihe i»n\ ilci;e oi obtaining an iihsenlce hiilloi In the man who , is going In vote il. 'Hiere .will be j abuses then but I hey will he largely I curbed." Allied Lo sses In New G nmea Half of Japs' AiIn iiOnri.j it.rU. i' .V. tralia. .I.iii. —(Ai'i - \il.ed i .. io. hi I hi- \i" <i .(;i campaign. in winch a .lapamve • 11111V |»|V\ mil iy estiainted .it IS.IIilH 111* II ." .IS (IfNlI'l'Vl'd. v'.'CI'l' los- tli.'in |i:i|f nf llin i• 1.1 l he • ••my. (icii r.il MaeAi tlitir do elared l"day. Those figures .ire IIm- rever.->e • •I I III* II.-11.11 I'O'llll-. Ill .1 !■! ••imrl offensive, whore tin1 M'.m'U'uv. side generally loo; . • ••.«-i:.! linn as many nion a.s I ho delondi . Iho allied omnmandor declared. •■pruhalily no campaign in 11■ >' lurv agai .1 .. Ili -rnii^iily p •• pared ami trami'1 :irinv pii diired -urh «■. niploto •!■•! den sive rosnlls with ,i I-. • . p« mill lire ul hie ,uid re -• >urc« ..." ho added. Babsofi H" Army Systen System of Sclc clion Of College Tra ir;ees Called 'Crazy'; Survey Recommomlvil JtV KOI > »,* V. I! • "i»\iich' I!• I ' riii * •. t. I'iu.iin i il I'liriMii hi. f!.)l.-.li |>.|| i. I!«, .1 ,, ■! i inc r:• i .imI .iii.i . . , . . • if dollI i i including fl»r M;il> un 11 • l< \V> Mum ( ■ il. • I . relative i (hi \ n iflriis. I)"iil.t|.- II, pi hi .>( li t' • • ii in illi I i is wruim iti'i hi • i |. •■. |i;i <• «•«»» illllinl •••!.' • !•• •• • i'• un n-jiMUi wli\ I l I i .. <;iiipc (lie • . i ii • li'. hi. , Ir mi rvn.Min \vli> In n»l Thr Army i 'irl.f in • ■ 11 • 11• it fit ••vidrncc ill *\ I . tl i : p..m iii 11 . 1:. - IKTIV. .11 \ I . \ lieu .in »i i i>. TcsIn. On Ihl- ..III.-| i: Til .. Ill" I 'resident i • 1 • ■ 11 i <' l»clirwd. 11 ■ i I ('••I'dlltK I., l'.i ii I 'i i•.i.Iv (Til/Jf, In i . ■ • m llir iiiiil k W lu. .i beys gel ii' InuH rlio■ ■ I lire i n.;. Ii (kit I" tin ii !:••• il ••• : than •«! Hu h k<m"I IimIriiwhIs y«'. «t .ill Uiii v ili.ii i • nU:• . Hi .111«l rmiriiKr wiiH'h '<• "ir .ml, till' illlllllv I.. v« " II"' .1.' (('milIII r l I' f WE A BUS? FOK NOIM'll < AIIOI IV \. Rain and ilrl7/lr ilii* aUcriinon ami prol>;il>l\ Iim""1'' ".ilt.tico cthl. I'M Lauds I ,i i i'J Hp 'sJ.5. troops Message Declares ^ resident Confident A mei icans 'Shall ! Be Victorious' Allied Headquarters in North .lav. —(Al'i—Lieuten ant General l»wicht l>. Risen I'.iAirr announced today receipt i>l a message from President ISoosevelt declaring lie was re turning from ninth Africa to the I ••iteil States with renewed con fidence lts.it American soldiers "• 'nil In- victorious." Tin.- me.-. :ice. addressed to Anicr ri Id:* i north Africa 1>v the • i ■..!•«It ;• r i'Iiwl. said: ?'<; I> <■' i' nnr'h Africa h;i> fi Hie ii.••••M rd ;i:-.>nr;inci' and .!<•<: I • «-! ■ i.• ' pride ill the lead • ii ii - it th, American armed • i i:d men v. hn landed ! i l •• in ' .1 .1 < III!*. tllli^O U'l'll 111 vi -..ii .ii the front i*i .1. and ilmM' who arc training fi • e f-'• tut ire I'nniliiilr are hi; >i Mir Iiu'Ih'.-I eommenria •M l imilrl ii"! Iilil *i«•(•• Join* alert v.. i vi.i.ntiif. and the pride ■i . ; I .'id ymir plen • I i»|• 11. ••. • i•! I i etiirn ,|i< 111" ' itli it* cH'cd eonfi i 11 •• \merican soldier.1-, i i •( t . l» 1 equipment • i .li|'- . led by men h:ivr I Ilirin elves in hat 1.11•-<■! ..villi the will u ii. -hall be * if|-i| i..iii, ■ ...| • "i: the armed • ii Miic i I commend I--..- i ■■ '■ .. -lijned President M m indi-i hi chief. T_abor Union Law Approve* i •• .1 .11 L'H AVI Tin* i*ni>ifiiilii o itpprxv i I .il iv In >.nl>ircl labm !• ■< 1 • • penalties heavy .ll • • tut" 1 liV !:i ' i't' . .irketeci inu art ill i t|.ri( i< iir,. with i .i.ii riiiiipii-i it movement. siirh lil ' I.mi: lii"*k shipments 'I i <• «•>until it I, .n tion in exeru • e ■ n « .tii .i -j>1 it vole. Itep • <iitili\r l..inc >it Massachusetts ■ ■ (I (Vllei "i New V<>rk. Hctunerat. i' : Mi.- Inli whieh Was intro • i tiei'i nsmlative llnhhs, \. I'n i |>i i i«i i<-r;it * "i ■ l.itmli vvnulfl subject III il ii imimiiiii |ii 11.iMv nf 'JO year* im i• . | i ii i fine "f $10,000 ii'.-im' n-'erfi-i iik with interstate • iTi-,. . .\cMrntf; (iurini; war 11>•■>«• llohhn Mlid ■! <•! f 'ii ■- nf s'ltrte labor i. is in M'irk. :: trnek shipments becnusc ■ 1 labor r/as, not involved. Conference Foreshadows New Ifcrust Military Leaders Of Aihed Nations Meet Ltsenliower Aiter Casablanca Allied herulqiiarttvs in North ' ..... .:■:'••• : \!'t —A 18 i hour conference hero attended I •.» in military i«rains in I Kril-fji ;:jh| American today I sharply iV.ivshadow • tlie day win n the i.nited Nation will ! 11s«• north Africa as a sprir.g 1 hoard into I,1urii|M>. I' military «-•!•»« 1 ■•MiitVrrrd with l.icuti ii.inl (.i!i ra: 11 wight I). Kisenhower. commander in , eh iff <if the allied eypeilit innary | forct' in north Africa, after I speeding eastward from til? •Casablanca conference of Presi dent Roosevelt and Prime Min | ister Churchill. That they rami' to litis IIip -»11 after the |»olicv-makitic | Casddanea tunfeffWr was taken ' as an indication of the lilies' I eonvidrriiiK a Mediterranean of fensive aaninsl the a\is as * ne of the best bids for victory. The couivil was apparently held ■ m line with the I?*"1 'sevel? Ch'.irchill \ announcement that 'ratecy ev>lved ' -.t their ten-day meeting would be j i>• 11 int'i "active and concerted e\c I eution." The meetini! was In Id hi (he Itead | quarters ot Lieutenar.i Oenera! K | enhnwrr, and for the 1'niteri SI <!«>■ was Attended by General Gemnn c I Marshall. Army chief r>f -t.tfl: VI ; niiral Frnest J. Kiii£. e.•inin.mcler in • chief of till* Navy: lai»'1e'iant (irn j oral H. II Arnold, cfniinaiidcr in i chief of tho Army air force.-', and j other hieli officials. Britain \va represented by Ket l ! Marshal Sir John Pill, bead nf the | British ;oi"' f-lit i t miv<i hi m W'a h • met'.n: Adm.ral Sir find ley Pound. | first Imil >>f the admiralty: fJenrral i Sir Harold A1p\ander. commander I at chief of the Middle I". i~t: Vice Ad ' :h»i-ji' I.orri l.o.ti- Mounthnlt'-n. chief | of combined lmti'Iiiiiis. and other*. 'I he seven inen named eo-ferred day and niTbt I. r two day- with I Eisenhower Mter coming here from the Hr..-1-c ell CViiuchill incetr.^; at I ( a -al'lanca. I . Jap Planes Attack Ships i Unsuccessful Raid Believed Launched Front Kislca; Gains Noted in Solomons Washington. Jan. 2H- -1A Pi— America soldiers on wtiaiTal ranal in Ifi" Solomons are enn tinnim: their westward ailvaner "despite 'tiff enemy resistance." the Navv said Indav in tolling also ot ,i two-plane .lap raid uti sticeo*fnllv directed acainst Ameri'-'n .ships far to lite north In the Aleutian islands. It wis the I!*•>( mil .l.'t>mese attack in 'lie Aleutians in months, | <i Navy spokesman siiul. i 'llie Japanese plane probably were operation ool of Ki k i What type "f United Slides l'ip- were ntl'ick was not ..jieririofl Text '•( tin* »•'•mintijj>if|iif N<v V!B4: "North Pacific I "On January /Aih. two Japanese filial type plitnes .ilt.nl; United Stiles ships Kpi'i'fitiec li< I ii' westward "I i mir positions in th'' Aleiiliiin inlands. ' 1V<> damaRo was Buffered , "South Pacific: "f)n Jatuta'y 'Jflth. United Stales troops < o Guadalcanal island eon tinned , advance to the west de iii i till enemy resistance. Forty Japanese were killed and five pris oners and some viemy equipment we> t captured."

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