Htvi&tr&mx Uatlij iltsjrattlf ? LEASED W1HE SKHVICK OK LfrKTnUDU/WT xr n ■ ».«.«-- - — W T1IE ASSOCIATED PRK«« HkMIH IK/\m mi. FIVE CENTS COPY Uiraud Declares No United French Move Agreed Upon 'Question of Politics' Not Taken Up in Talk With deGaulle, French Commissioner Says Allied Headquarters in North Africa. Jan. 2!)—(Ar)—Gen eral llonri Giraud declared to day that there were no pros pects of any single united French movement at the present time and that the only agreement be tween himself and General Charles de Gaulle would l»e one "of linison on military, econom ic and financial matters." Giraud. high commissioner for Frcnrli North anil West Africa. ! told a press conference that he had not taken tip "the iiuestion nf politics" with the leader of ' the I iylitini; French when the | two were brought together :lnr- i ilie (he Koosevelt t l'iechill con ference at Casablanca. "There is n > queM V • .•! a -in-.-. • imiterl French movement tlimiiKlmiit | the world :>l the pre.-ent time." he siiri. "We sire eMablishini* a permanent lini-on mi critical economic and null ; tary questions." j Solons Back Legion Head^ Post-War Planning Is Premature, May Occasion Dissent, Stewart Points Out Bv (IIAKI.FS I'. STF.WART Cetitiii! Pie.-s Columnist Wellington. Jan. 2B— American! I.ed •■-. I'oir.mandor Hd.iiu- Waring's warning that nmv's too soon for the I'nited Nations' leaders to l>e dis fu.-Viiit post-war pi.m.- i- t hiding a dela : ipport in congressional cir cle-. the ground that we'll do a In", hotter to concent rati- HMI per rent apon a guarantee ot "absolute victory" as soon as possible than to di-tract our attention with argu ments concerning ultimate peace- j bargaining. C"i .ander Waring, in particular, i: ade ureal hit with his declaration lii't what's com inn will have to be ;« "fl:ctat«d" rather than a "negnti olid-' peace. K\ eiylmdy understood what that meant that the I'nited Nations will tin the dictat ing, with the axis pow ers denied the right to a .-initio chirp j <■11 ;i ncgotiational basis. From that , the-i.- there is no dissent. The difficulty, however, is that the I'nited Nations' spokesmen are likely | to have considerable negotiating to d'i amone themselves. If they Ret i into a premature wrangle involving their own respective countries' ulti mate policies, it will tend to dis unite their joint military effort while the fight rages. Having won. as Senator Burton K. Wheeler of Montana remarks, it will l>e the permissible juncture for us to disagree as to the balance of eternity. 1 have previously had occasion t" observe thai Uncle Sam and John Hull can't imaginably clash for a l"ng. long lime, hut the U. S. A. and I'ussia may be on precarious terms f"r quite a spell after the current rumpus wears off. Their rival phi losophies are too conflicting. Sen ator Wheeler says so also. What About China? And China? C'hiank Kai-Shek seems democratic, but how* long will be last? His civilized folk are won derful people, but how generally are tboy civilized? Senator C. M. Heed of Iowa is authority for ihe contention that it's » "damned sight better to win the war than to start discussing peace." I be proposition is that, if the lnt tcr's overly early, it simply Will I Ms I, A Y peace. Ihe issue isn't solely international, either. ( hairman Arthur J. Altmeyer of 'be United Stales Social Security !«>ard maintains that now is Ihe 'deal moment to establish an eco ''""'ic t'topia in our own land -no nv»ie hard times ever again, no more "''.employment, no more family hard *n i p. ''resident Waller I). Fuller of the v i.rlis Publishing company gives (Continued on Page Two) Draftee 'Pool' To Supply All Services Washington. Jan. 2!).—(AIM— The Army. Navy. Marino Corps and Coast Ciuard will draw <>ii a draltce '"pool" hereafter to till their requirements. Tlio now system, annonnood t>y selective service head(|iiartors, is effective Monday. While the dialled men cannot be certain which branch of the service will claim them, selective service oi fieials said, individual preference will bo given "the fullest con sideration practicable." A single set of physical stand ards tor jnduHtces, somewhat higher than at present, has been adopted and each sorvice will notify national selective head quarters how many men will be needed during a certain month, for example. Kach slate and local draft board will be given a quota and draftees will report to an induc tion station and an assignment board for designation to one of the services. RAF Fliers Pound Akyab Now Delhi. Jan. 2!).—(AP>—HAF fliers are continuing their pounding >>l Akyab island, the British declared today, with two night raids and a sci les o! day raids noted in a com munique on action 111 western Bur ma. Bombers attacked objectives on the island Wednesday night, bombers and lighters swept over the area ye.— tcrdav and again last night tnc Akyab /.one was raided, the Britisu reported. Of land ;ction. the war bulletin reported only that the usual patrois were conducted along the Arakan coast, which is north of Akyab. SURVEYORS ELECT INSCOE PRESIDENT Raleigh, Jan. 29.— (AI •» —The North Carolina Society of Surveyors at their annual meeting i<t X. C. State College elected I'. I{. In.-coe of Castalia president. TOMLINSON DIES AT HIGH POINT High Point. Jan. 29.—(AIM-Char les F. Tomlinson. 71. a pioneer in the southern furniture manufacturing industry, died here yesterday. WISCONSIN PRISON BREAK FRUSTRATED Waupun, Wis.. Jan. 2JI. (AP)— Straight-shooting tower guards kill ed one man and wounded two oth ers today to frustrate the attempt ed escape <>l four young convicts from the Wisconsin state prison at Wau pun. The fourth man escaped injury and Rot over the 22-foot west wall but was tracked to a private garage four blocks from the penitentiary. Guard* found him hiding under an auto mobile. MISTORIC MEETING IN AFRICA OF ALLIED CHIEFS HEFE IS ARTIST PAUL FREHM'S impression of the momentous ten-day conference held at Casablanca, Africa, in which President Franklin D. Hooscvelt, Winston Churchill, Gen. Charles DeGaulle, and Gen. Henri Giraud drew up plans for world-wide offensives against tlie Axis. L. to r.: President Roosevelt, Prime Minister Chun hill, DcGuulle, and Giraud. The French leaders arc shown cla.sping hands iirinly. Lend-Lease Accounting Is Expected State Guard Bill Offered Appropriation Asked For Encampment, Equipment and More State Guard Units Kalrigh. Jan. "J!1—(AIM—Hills l<> finance a summer encamp ment of llu* Slate Guard, tii pro vide all (he men with equipment and to increase the number of units from 4'! to 51 were intro duced today by Senator Farthing of H'atauira and Representative C'avoness of Guilford. Requested by Adjutant CJeneral I Van n Melts, the :%ia.siirc> would appropriate S3.800 for the nine ad ditinna! units. Si 1 Ji.JUi 1.!».» l.>: c(|U'|> incut iind .<1 (13.34!). 12 for a tcn-da.v encampment. ■ In addition. Cavenrss would au thorize th(> iim' of .schi-ol l>u-.-es t > carry tile State or Guard to places of encampment. General Melts. who appeared »e fore a legislative committee several days ago. said that the Gua.'d was responsible now for certain type of | civilian protection, since the Na tional Guard had been called into) service. Additonal units, further training and ■ it• <• i. In ee vitally needed and would p-ove their worth in cases of emergency or dis aster. A measure similar to one intro duced in the Iloti.-e yesterday would provide scholar-hips lor children of disabled or deceased veterans of any world war. Should more than 15 apply, the Vetera1 - \<l 1 inMralioi would select the la t" eceive the scholarships to any State educational institution. The s. • ite bill v i- b.v Taylor of Anson Cherry »! Gaston, and Rlythc of Meeklenlviru. State Mental Hospitals Ask Increase In Appropriations Daily Disputed niirrau, In thr Sir Walter Hotel, n.v LYNX MSRKT. Raleigh. .liin. Ufl.—SI;«ic? hospitals for mental patients had their day before the joint appropriation com mittee Thursday and aggregate re quests exceeded by nearly a half million dollars the amounts recom mended by the advisory budget com mission. and Ihese recommendations were approximately one million, one hundred thousand dollars above ex pendilures for the current biennlum. The (Joldsboro hospital for color ed patients reported that it could get along on budget recommendations, some $200,000 over present spend ing. The other three institutions ask ed fnr ubstjnfia! incrcasct. Th* Raleigh h<>spital showed need for tin additional $.11)2,11119 for i:n» two-year period Ixmnnmi: nest .Inly: Morgnnton nerds ;m iihknisc oi $115.(1(14 nvei Hie amount suugeHled by the budiirteer . iinH CiiMvell Training School ;isk for $22,103. These request-. made to Hie joint appropriation* committee, are in in most everv instance identical wilh those filer) with the .itlvisoiy bud Kef ruinnit "m l:i t I.ill. lull which thi- commM-i'-n d< rimed I" approve. II. (i. Devion. .< i-iitnf diree'or of the budget. \\;»- :>nl on the .-pot sev eral limes durini: the braiing to explain why the ref|ue.-ls were nol granted. One <•! I he most brisk of the interchanges came when Sen ator Eugene Brook* of Durham, (Continue! on Page two) I Withdrawal Of Nomination Is Suggested Washington, Jan. 2!).— (APj Senntor Van Nuys. Indiana Demo 11 at. added his proposal today that Kdward .1. Klynn end a bitter Senate controveisy nvcr his appointment a.s minister to Australia i»y requesting I'rosidonl ISoosovelt 1o withdraw his name from consideration. Van Nuys. who voted against Klynn in the Senate foreign relation;; committee in what lie >aid was a pro lost against the submission ol con troveisial nomination^ in wartime, told reporters he believed the with drawal of Klynn's name would be a "very wholesome solution" to a sit uation which had found the Senate ihnost eciually divided on the ques tion ot confirmation. "The people believe that Mr. Klynn i.- a ISronx. Tammany politician who is not qualified I •' the important post as mini 'or I" Australia." Van N'ltys declared. "Whether that is true or not, this is it" time to plunge the Senate into controversy, when any of a dozen well qualified men couia tie conlMined without a dissenting Stock Market Does Little New York. Jan. 'JO—(AIM—Spe- j ciali/.ed strength on.ained in today's! stock market although many leaders! acted as though they needed a rest after an alino-i interrupted recov ery extending over nearly nine months. Honds and commodilies were I steady. Cotton Prices Are Higher New York. Jan 29—(AP)—Cot ton futures opened a to 25 cents a bale higher. Noon values were 2" I" 55 cent a Kale higher. March lfi.7fi.-May 19.561 and July 10.44. WEATHER. FOR NORTH CAROMNA. blifrhtly lower tempfrdture to night. ute.' October l>reeniber January March Ma v July Previous Today's Close Open lofi.'i io 7n 10 17 1050 . 10.33 10.30 10 13 10.11 10,10 1011 mots i o.ok Stettinius Declares Aid Speeds Drive | Washington, .fail. 29.—(AIM — j American lend-lease aid lias made the British Isles "an im pregnable base for offensive op erations." Kdward H. Stettinius told Congress today. Htettinius. lend-lease adminis trator. asked continuance o! lend-lease aid until July. Mill. In testimony betore the House1 foreign affairs committee. Stettinius .♦aid ;i large part ot the north African ' campaign and the Middle Ka.-t. Ital ian Africa. Syria and Madagascar i offensives stemmed from the British Isles. He related thai the program was resulting in supply by other Unite'! Nations of food. M unitions. servi< barracks and transportation to I'mt ed States troops -tatioued in ti as well as making American weapon* of war available to Hritain. China. Russia and this nation's other aim Canned Milk Into State Raleigh, Jan. 20.—(AIM—C. Ilill nian Moody. state super1 is. r distribution for the Depart': Agriculture, said today 4 . m cases of condensed milk i\' u/i < min ed into six North Carol:*! i . where critical shortages e\ Moody sai<l the -Inpini'iit-* Ho to Charlotte. Wilniiim'' • - ston. New Bern. Kli/.abeth i'-'\ ; nd Kayettevllle. He said tha' iiad developed in these an of rapid population increa < inn from either milit.ey "i ■ - , trial concentrations. Extension In Prospect Stettinius Appears Before Committee; Showdown on Labor Looms; Other News \Vasiiiiigt»:i. .Ian. ''!!—(AP> — A detailed aciiiunling of (he bil lions expended in lend-lease ap prarcil assured today oven as Ciiii;ir>s started machinery to kct'ii tin* program going another .v ra r. \\ Ink- tin' capil'l road witIt m :< : i'm iln now s President Roose i !t - iniit Idi-d v;.-i! lo Liberia and i; t. ■ . i hi. in.- u..v home Irom I lie ith A i-;: ' \v;i: culileiviiitj. the llui ■ ifivmu .illjiir.- committee hi :• c(i k'lin i ;-i- Administrator I'.iv. ;::ri II. Stetl:ITlli.>. Jr.. for cpies !' ■ .: 114 "ii '|*i■ ■ nl't'iis u! the wartime net. \ show (low n on labor's strength in the new Congress also k impending. Congres < re:>rlion to a bill subject ing labor groups to penalties of the l!i::t anti-racketeering aet by broadening: (lie definitions of rubber* and extortion is expect ed tn indicate whether sharp re\ i ion of labor laws is in the oiling. Mr lime. Ciiiigrnt studied two ■ n1 developments — a r'.« recoinmenda li;;:l Kdwnrd Kl.vnn end a • • Si njite i Miiriiversy by request - ,il <<i his nomination as in!- -lev t<> Atisi: alia, and an at c i \ in-' eonures^men to force i' ■ lent ■ l»a«'U down on Jus ■n: .iii on Pa»te Three.) American Forces in Solomons 1 Score in Attacks on Japanese j] Washington, -!• (AP> In two riirimis day.- i>t >mitt:in 1 • Solomon islands. the N.ivv rep" i< i today, American fortes ((.imaged tw<> Japanese carpi.' >-lii|>-. t\v> and a tanker, destroyed ten eti"i > planes and killed 3f> •' p.mese ti'">p. in operation}; which resulted in I capture ot an enemy command post. One of the cargo ship- which wa damaged probably Four American planes were repoitrd missing. Navy conimpnirc'e No. "South Pacific: "On January 27ih. ground opera tions on Guadalcanal islfind resulted in the capture of a large well c.~t.»b lished enemy eajwmand p'>t Thirty six Japanese were killed aild thiee and ;i 1,|| amount <>f | i ■ in1 .rod in other see- , i< U 1*1 - ci| enemy icsisl- ] aim wei i \vi|>e(l out. I'm i,; Hie i< urninj;. r.emy Hive lier«. r.xeovieH hv fighter*. h|i • i i d (; i.ui ilc- i'.il U. S Ii^hl | • - ;j;ino<l tin- enemy plane* mid,, m<i>ni|)l(t( repMit' iudirate ninej, Zei vi re rir-Iroyed'and ix others] pr ' v 1 -vert The enemy |, i i liriribf. Four; | I" S pi,lues in'" mifsin.C. ,] \ f • m () I'll boniber* with i j i fichln i I.- t 1>iiti'be<1 installation!: • Ko|on>l«,i"i;.ir;i i 'and in the New 11 Georgia group. A larce fire was I j started li Dm the evening a force of,. (C om —ied <->n Page Three) Soviets Gain Of 45 Miles Is Reported Hitler' Army Losses Since November 19 Estimated at More Than Napoleon's (HiI Tin Asxitci'tit 11 I'n.*.<) Russia's triumphant armies, crashing into the middle of the German tront between Aloscow and Rostov, reported today they had buckled the nazi defense-in depth system lor a gain of twelve and one half miles, killed o.OOO axis troops, captured 6, 000 prisoners, and advanced within 7o miles of the key Gor man hase at Kursk. The thrust represented a to tal advance of 45 miles from Voronezh, which the Ru.--ian announced they had recaptured two <lays ago. Simultaneously. a Moscow broadcast declared thai the t;cr niaiis had suffered greater cas ualties since the Kussian offen sive began November 1!) than tlir whole of Napoleon's ill-faled Krand army whi'-li invade:l czar- v ist Kussia in tSl'I. Napoleon led fi'j'iiwi French. C'.ei man and Italian tro .ps into !!ii-m;i in late June and only lOft.OOt) e-caped after the- bloody back across the .snow le-s than six months later. While the Russians battered Hit ler's invasion forces into retreat in many sectors. (leneral Sir IV L. Montgomery's British eighth atuiy pressed it.- pni'siiii of axis rear guards in the northwest corner of Libya. A bulletin from British general headquarters -aid eighth jinny van guards had reached iiie \ jc.n iv «i! Zuara. t>5 miles west of fallen Trip oli, after an advance of 20-odd miles. Meanwhile. persistent axis broadcasts indicated that Lieu tenant General Dwiglit I). Eisen hower's armies had either al ready launched an offensive or were imminently preparing to strike. For the moment, how ever. allied headquarters in north Africa cave no inkling of its plans. An Italian communique aeknowl sdged heavy allied aerial blows igainst both Italy and axis position '_ Tuni-ia. including destructive raids on Slax in Tunisia and Pa lermo province and Syracuse in Sic ily. The high command listed 21 silled and ."4 injured in these wide spread attack-. I>"Patclu-- fri>i); ;'I!it rj headquar ers -aid the twelfth t'. S air force iclive-cd it.- heaviest attack of the .var yesterday in a four-wave assault •n Sfax. leaving many tires raging n the axis supply port. "The number ot planes ti-ed wa hc largest the ivvelltb air (orce had >vcr -enl against a single target." in official spokesman said. Six axis plane.- were shot down vhen they ro-e t< • challenge the •aiders, which included Fly ng Fori esse.-. Hilly Mitchell and M naudei ncdium bombers, and Lightning ighters. STATE INCOME TAX COLLECTIONS SOAR Raleigh. J;in. 2fl—(APt — W.rtli i"'"'"ia income inx rollccti>.ii: mounted to from f !>42. to January 2::. |<i |:i. Uovrnii,' 'omniissioner ICdwin Oil! reported •"»>' Tin1 total was nmrp than $2, (10.00(1 i.vcr collections I<.1 nu» same wind 1«ist yc»ar. Vegro Rapist Is Executed Kaleitfh, .Ian, 20. (At')-- Sam lairston. Nemo, who said that whisky was the cause of it all" Hied 11 the «as chair,bet today 1 • >1 raping 52-year <>1(1 white woman 111 For yth county in February. 1042 The execution, the 25<>th in C'en ral prison .md the 15th tor ra:>o, ras wllnw*t(l lij i\ Icgbtotori, fi\c if them physicians. llairston. after a pood night'* leep and a hearty brea'<tast. died 11 nine minute Mid 15 seconds. He treathed deeply <>f the deadly vapor md there was little Mrimule. The Negro told Pri.-on Chaplain j. A Watts (hut he could not undci land why his sentence was not com nuted to lile imprisonment 111 view >f a petition signed by ;i number of rorsyth county citizen;, and the wo nan he raped.

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