HBKWWOKIiQi itenltersott Hatlif Htspatrh i ,jJ:A8EI» WIKB SERVICE ok' thirtieth year Till.- ,oo. ,V. K SERVICE UK Tllfc ASSOCIATED PRESS N, JANUARY 30, 1943 i*ci:i,i.siii:i. eveuv \i'tkknipon EXCEIT .SUNDAY. FIVE CENTS COPY Mosquito Bombers Raid Berlin ★ * * * ★ ★★ + + -* Nine Nazi Divisions Trapped \ I Reds Drive For Kursk AndKharkov heaiiy IOG,000 Nazis Captured; Kropotkn, (aucasus Junction, Is Captured ,\|.i o.u, Ian. :50 — (.\1')— r>iii« recap! unit Ka-tornoye as ;t I'asc. a pmveritu tied army l«i|;-|i red wit it l resit forces which .smashed ilirottjj'h (ierman ilil> n>11 a II mile- I r«»nl now holds part of nine licrnian di visions in a death vise in the Voronezh area *imI is <i« \ t-l«>|» njr «l»-i\«•.- today Inward the key railway centers of Kursk and Kharkov. Russian authorities iiiinoiino'il in tlicit* newi'St tri umphant commnnnpu's. The latest advance lias car ried Itiissiaii turn's to within li.'i milrs of Kursk, tlic Itiissiaiis s.ii«l Kussiaii fiircrs in an at tack wliicli scored gains counted at :;i miles in depth brought the loll of ,i\is captives tu nearly I nil.iiimi in that sector. In tliM'i' dav.s ill iii'htin^;. the war bulletin said. more III.hi I I.51)0 pris ■ lis were taken and ali-.nil 12.0(10 el the enemy killed. hi the (*.iile.i.sii>. where fiRhtini; ! ,i emitimieri w ith similar inteiisily. II.c capture n! the railway junction el Ki"|i'il .ill w.is ;iinniiinee(i puttitit; ji !! -i ii army there mi the hanks ■ '• *■ :ili'i4.e illy import ml Klllian 1 ••'!'. ealinii niic "I the ft.'ites t • M.ni: >f• ml ei nier. uid furnishing a hv n'eii.ice l«i oilier railway juue tii'ii.- : ii llier north. Russian Drive Toward Kursk Is Unchecked \lit>ro\\. ,i,ni. ::n—(AIM—The Kilwi.ins .imiminerd today lli.it tin- iron gi.rits with which they sni.i>lir(l ,i 11-mile w ide Itolc u ist i>l Viiionc/li—tanks (IrMrilird its liiKsri (h,hi aiivlhiue tin* na/.is li.ur mi |Ih> Kti-.si.ui trout—wrrr rolline thr na/is hack steadily low aril Knr»k in ait onslaught .vet niirhcrked. UiniKiirhon from tlii-- bnttlcfi»nli v.l.i re put hi nun' (ie'inan divisions Wfic declared caught in ;i death hap. .nil I hi* litiKf tanks wen' l>:il h-inm i w.iy ihi'iiiifih om my forli ' 11 . ,ll|(| ovei tin* III idle.- lit llil/l fi'Uhei tii-v.n iilmi^ tin- way. Knr.-k. I tolhi h i id ;iii(l Kharkov •dike wcri- menaced by the eontinu ins ili i\ iv (At the ..1111(> timr, the CJormaiis. •'■Il ni-linn hark lu-lnre the 15ns *■'>••1 hlim in tin- smith, said I In* '<•'<1 army had opened yet another '•lien Hi- if iiit this olio south of I.;il;i l.idnua, whore tin* l{ii>-«iaiis t'i-i 11.111, weie aiinlnu at encirclement •it id di'-troction of t lie- remaining ii.i/i sii'jic lord's west and southwest "I I •I'limmad. (A 'Serin,-in r<itmmmi<|iie said l»il l''i' IikIiIinn. at lime- hand t" hand, had developed on a hroatl front smith the lake a.s the Hiissians Inn led massed aililleiv and mas.es o| tank-: into I he battle (llie (iciiiimi account de-crihed 'I •itlaeli.s a. Iiiitli IiIiikiIiIv repulsed n 'l r:,(l was not ended.) Some Stocks At New Highs Vm7, !i,n »<»—(AP) Buy ij,. . . " l'"- lll'uonl in loH;iv s 1 lllilt'kl'l. hill j, . 'ill Iic n il! 11 iirlc to kci'p ini,,' favorite* miKinfl i, '"Mi KtiHinrl 11ii mnif I'i.iii iiic ' '!1'' 'v livi'ly at ilu- npen mi>Imi 11'f' ':i,rr iinrt. while mi "II i i unciiiiiiui'd or <il iifit-. " 'Hi' rinse, fi-jK-lmu ll,.. i,.',"1"'" won M|irinM(>(i nvor hou kPl '"|,r ''nuisfr,. .ho two '■ *ere around 30",0ft0 shares. | R " ~ TAKES OVER EX-NAZI FIELD IN TRIPOLITAUSA » A BRifiSH HURRICANE fishier pl.ine is just about to take off from one of the first air fields captured from the Nazis when the British Eighth Army rolled across the border into Trpolitania. In the foreground is a Grrman Focke-Wulf Condor plane wrecked by British bombs. The Eighth Army, according to a late communique, continues to hammer away at the rear o£ the retreating Afrika Kur,i., 4u miles truin Tripoli. Guard Bills Approved Senate Military Committee Reports Measures Favorably; Other Raleigh News Raleigh. Jan. .'JO. — (AIM — Moving rapidly at (lie request of the adjutant general. sen ate committee on military at fairs reported favorably today three hills to enlarge, equip anil provide training for .'>1 units of the State Guard. Tin* measures, which would sot aside more than $22t!.WMI. wore im mediately sent I>v the rluiir to the ! ..|>pi >i|i| i,it i"ii- commit tin- Thc\ were I >l>i moored I»y Adjutant General .11 Van 15. Melts. Approximately lit• legislators were t present fur today's brief sessions,! which were adjourned until !I |>. in. Monday. The a-semhly. meanwhile, had tin* promise "I Hcpro.sontati\c Shrcvc or, Guilford that he would introduce Monday a resolution callini; l"i in \ estmation ot the State home and industrial school tor women at Samarcand. Shrcve's declination was made alter the mint appropi iat "ii coin niitlee held hearings on tin1 biennial budget* <il SiinuireHttd. tin- We lei > North Carolina Sanaioi aim. Hie , Stonewall .lack-on Ti.iiii nt S> ii• •• ■ I. the Ka-tcin North Carolina Sum • toriuni and the North Carolina Sana torium. The proposal for a legidative in vestigation of Samare.iud. ul.'ic dc llli<|U(lit girls and women are de tained. was inspired liy Supci 101 • Court .Indue Kranl; Armstrong - di recting the comity grand jury to "make a searching iiu|tiiiy" ndo , conditions at the institution. College Men To Army Soon i Wa-liingtoii. .Ian, .'Hi -(AIM The ' War department made public today details of its plan to ind'.ict most of the enlisted reservists in college.-. at the end ol the eurrenl vcmcsler. Medical, prc-niodieal ,ind engineer inn .student in the enlisted reserve will not he calledto active duty un til the conclusion of the first semes- • iWr. Student- in the reserve officers ' training corps who are members of ' the enlisted reserve corps will be j placed upon active duty as soon ;is i the Army specialized training is tai led at then school Arrangements will he made for voluntary induction ol ItOTC sludenis who arc not mem bers of the enlisted reserve. WEATHER FOIt NORTH CAIIOMNA f Oiilinurd rold tonight. pos- j oibl.v light drhtU. I Salary Limitation Under Senate Fire U. S. AIRMEN ROUT NAZI INTERCEPTORS I.mull >ii. J;in. 30. — (AIM — Ainri ic.in Kl.vms Km tiv.-Miir.d LilxMiilm> dc. ; 11 ivi-d *J2 (ioniiiili lighter- in Wednesday'.- knue M'iilc raid mi tin- \Vilhelni.-h;iv»'!i .suljm.irinc base and the limdcn industriiil ii:v«i, uu> eighth U. S. ;ni" tnrcc announced today. Kliers wlio tiink pint in tin* raid reported IIkit llic Cicrmans dclcndiliu linee lumihereu only iibont 25 planes, which would mean thai tin- Aiiu-i lean- Uii 'i-ii i*d out almost the elitiie mjijiii i- | iion. New German Defense Line Is Predicted New York. .I.iii. li'i ( Al'i In .hi i 11' 11 lo jituvv off d« ii r. i M ii't will creel a new Sit'Kft'ic«l 11•• ;il"ir4 Hit' • oi'tli shore of tlir Ah 'I tc .iin'.in. former United StiiU's Amha «•«!< »r •«» linssia Jo-eph K I>..•. i-. predicted today. Davis. in ;iii itiU'rvii'W. said hi' he liev cd t hilt iirt«.T 11:11>-: - estab lished >ueh a line Iht- (it- all W ill • •poll ii filiiil. flc.-pi rate iittiirt; mi i.'nssia Ihi- slimmer in hi cttml t> seize the ItiiUn oil lield- .<iid jn'ii the .liipillll'-l' .'t th(- IN' l: Itllli. St ji I ill dirl nut iittrnd tin- IJonse \ oll-(*lllirrhill collide IT 't Ca-ii blnncti, Dnviy eontiniied, Iwea c •> is "wail inn In pick thi' -• • 11 po|*" n the German I in- • • i I . Mild not tiikc time ""I t" tia\cl. Move Made to Attach Repealer; Flynn's Backers Seek Votes For Confirmation Washington. Jail. :;0—— A congressional fight over Presi dent KniiNPvrll's order limiting wartime salaries to S'15.000 shap ed up today as administration lories >trut;«led for votes to as sure Senate confirmation of the President's nomination of Ed ward .1. M\im as minister to Australia. Tin* -alary limitation issue was touched ''I! I>\ l!c|ii esentative Gear I .<> :~t t.'al.l'uriii'i la-publican. tn :i i:.• !•> attai n a repealer of the !:.i\ hii :11 a measure rais i tin- tial in' d«- l limit I mm S125. llOII.IIIHI.IMIn t,, SL't".OIIO.OOII.IIOII. Kep i' en:.itive I>: -1■ • v Oklahoma IJemo ei ii, called tie. hull's action "a re \"lt ayai.'is! ■. • . iiinent by direc tive." While tin' l arit"! observed the President's til ' >irthday today, ad niiiiiti.il mil slip; iters were busy ! > mu su Democratic senators ii Iiiii- I . )•:•••• t Flynn's noininii tion. An adu in -ti itivc poll, it wa repurled. sli.'v < d only -l.'i votes as certain l"i I-'I> n live short of the !.umber nec«>sarv tor a tie if all ii imi l» i aii- | • i nt at the show down next Then- were also U'purts tli.it l'l> mi might ask the I'm 11i< nt tn w nli.iw his name. Mranw liil- . mint statement from the White II • • disclosed that the l're.-idi" t ml I' < •dent Vargas of P.ra/il bad i< .<■: ad an accord at their Y .t.,1 i ■ ,'erenee Thursday to i.ake tin- Atlantic -ale for all.'* The tat«'" declared the two leader* tilliy • ci d "that it miM lie pri ,'ia'.ei" !> 'I definitely ;is s' ired t»i■.t : <• . . t of ivc-t Africa and Dakar o n ' ne\ er attain be al lowed tn In. mi. .1 blockade or an invasion threat against the two Anierie, • Nine-Month Term Discussion Warms Up; Sales Tax Involved IMII.v Dispatch Bureau. In I Ik* sir W.tllrr Hotel. «>• I.VN'N msiii:t l»;«l«*ii*l». .I.ii). Wit 11 |i|'ii|ikii enls iif .1 nine-month -iIiimiI ( Ii.iIjj UIJJ opponent with iiiiIiiIuiiiC in ,i "wliispcruw: campaign" against tlx* bill, and thcinsclx rs countering with <i "Hlmuting enmpaign." I Ik* argti nic'iil over • Ik* cxlciiili'il term i. In* gitiniiig to genoiate ••me he.it The alleged w in per 'li.it (lovernor I tloiighton Is li"' I •-.illy lor the lun ger school, else lie would have seea that prov ision tor il wa» included in the budget recommendations. has made some ol the advocates pretfy sore. ta'gislaloi vi 11111u Hie govci - nor one hv one come Irom hi office assured that the administration u m liolehcartcdly hacking the >.cbon| program. Governor Broughlon has 111 irie nil IMil> • • l.lteilH'Ilt on the i t.'illci -incc t. I-icii11i;iI mCssiiKf*. Sponsors ol Hi*- iirtuling bill, wliM'li lie iix ii,(i i i>l :t!t ioprcscn .i- nitii"«i'irci1111111< I hey hm <• ,i cIiiii Im i .iiUIiiiiciU in the >;ilos t.ix 1111.■ tin Tliov arc wliis porniu I'ukI i n ■mli in be heard ;• 11 "\ cr (';i|nln| i: tluil there is no iiisi11KM<urn tin ilc >alc» l;i\ unless 11 > |iri>< c<(|. ,ii. 1. • no bwk Id ill I the |H"'l>le in belter rlnMils. "Ii we don't ii«vr the |M*oplc tin* iin|>i(>v ed i'l»'i Minify, public sentiment will torre us to repeal the siih-s his.'" .lid .liilin Umsicad. floor louder lor the Kclioot hill. "Worse than th;it. i: the - il( - t;ix structure is t.niipci cil will 'in- time it will niCctn tin-'" mil: ••■ci. into |:«p of (i)c (Continued on F«ge Three.) Nazi Victory Is Pledged— After Raid Goering Declares He Will Remember RAF—After Defeat Of Bolshevists London, Jan. :!()— (AT) — Keichsn\arshal Hermann Goer ing' pledged final vietorv to the German people <>n tin- tenth an niversary today of Adolf Hit ler's rise to power in a broad cast to the nation. lie said there would lie a new nazi offensive in thu spring "In a thousand years to come," Goering said, "every German will still know that Germany, at Stalingrad, has set the final stamp of ultimate vic tory." Paying his rcspects to the British air force, he added this: "On the day we finally crush bol shevik resistance I will remem ber what the KAF has done to Germany." Speaking of a trapped army of a lew thousand men which the Rus sians said once totaled 220,001), Goer my declared that "'a people which light as the Germans are lighting at Stalingrad can and must win." H« extorted his hearers to further wai c I torts. He announced that llitlcr was with his troops—the sector was unspecified — and evidently meant that he would fail to make an anniversary speech for the second time since he suc ceeded General von Iliudenberg as chancellor in 1933. Addressing himselt to the German army, the reichsmarshal said: "Manv r.i you experienced the rigors of the Russian winter and the weakness '>i certain German commanders. It was men that the fuehrer, with hi.- dis play of toughness, held the whole German front himself." After recounting the hardship en countered iti the Russian campaign. Goering attempted to bolster the German spirit with the ascrtion: "1 am convinced that Russia is now using her last reserves." He an nounced that Hitler had ordered the mobilization of all remaining re sources of Germany. OPA OPENS PROBE OF 'BLACK MARKET' Raleigh, Jan 3—(AP)—The ot tice of price administration ha- be gun an investigation into reported "black market" activities in eastern North Carolina hv smaller slaugh terers and dealers in hogs, cattle and veal. Stale Director T. S Johnson said the OPA had received "widespread" reports of violation- of limitation and price ceiling regulations. Business Forms CED Privately-Financed Group Will Study Plans to Prevent Post-War Collapse Bv (IIARI.KS I'. STEWART Central Press Columnist Washington. .Ian -Husine.-s is apprehensive ot some surf i>l soeialt /.at ion of itself aflei Ihc war ii tinuv arc hard. It.- leaders naturally want to remain independent. and are doing their best with a program to pre vent the pineh that they tear upon peacetime's return. Not that they arc not desperately anxious to have it come—«of course with victory lor the United Nations. H«wc\er. they are quite outspokenly fearful that i' will alter our whole industri il. com mercial and economic life. Hence the recent organization of a privately financed group to have all its plan made for dealing with the situation, however it may develop I would Ihmk its members would know in advance just how it Wil l, develop, left to ilj-elt. exactly a~ aftei all previous war-. Iviek into ancient history—a hectic little boom and then a prolonged depression. And. undoubtedly, that's what the won led moguls DO anticipate This outfit's mission is less to ascertain what WILL happen I" hit "fi a policy (Continued on Page Two) Hitler Says Defeat Means Enslavement l.omlon. .-SO. — (AP) Adolf Hitler told thi- (icrnian people in a proclamation on llie tenth anniversary toda\ of his rise tn pow< i that the> must win the war or he ensluvid li\ hoi slicvi> I s. In the fuehrer's ahseiit e Pro paganda .Monger lam (■oeliliels ie.nl ' «■ aiUlMss 1'i ion an aii dier.ic :il I i> prisons at the S|ii.rt.<!iulast. lliih i wa said to lie with his troops. Allied Fighters Raid Bizerie, Hitting C{-: J - * Field Allied tie lii'.i.Mteis in North Al'riea. Jan. :to—(AIM—Allied fighters anil handlers struck at the axis-held kc> port of Hi ve ite yesterday, hitting a ship and targets in the doek area, an allied lu'.idiiuarters communique said today. While ui.iund fighting in the al lied battle ;<■ pi event a .junction oi Mar-halt I. v.- Hi li.nu'lV retreating AIYika Korp- with tin? a\is forces in tin* Tnni< i'.ize.W area \vn- in a lull allied l.<unite • also bombed the air Iiolcl at Tunis, and attacked a heavily escorted axis convoy be tween Sicly and Tunisia, scoring hit.- on two ships. the announcement I:. liicf three ,.liack> allied bomb er- and I i» - stint down 13 enemy aircraft, and !i\c mure were de .-troyeft hi o',:c: iperatinns. il was annoiiiict (I At attack. al-o c-outinned against Hi*' a\is arn.ic- .-oath of Tunisia, and enemy vehicles « r. roads in the for waid area were attacked. Allied Iu.- -.v-. ,ii ,,;i tlie-e operation? ere four aircralt missing. Ship Saver v - - » ,«**) rrsk Si, Ki. . *4 M£M"RS OF ihc l< yul Canadian X.'i.y - n lie |. • . 11 tvllO nil' nil (fiir'.'Pt aV t f«ir (1c.it lig m hm tl • I * ry u Idctl h f«>r ntty r • i ' it, Canndo'i tilt* Mm s nivl i 'i hoi dm Th# ecu |» i •' i imp no tiojj nf I•trut <' • >• Rttiidlt (above), shown i' i 1 nkf 1•;n to worfl iv I'.v !•• i■» c ".it iin.iy I om a rtrnvoi ; i the in tics Art i l\v niichine i.- ii ■■i n ■ •l i.s .m ofiVlioot m'n* nfld a.f ij" < I Big Speech By Goering Is Delayed First Daylight Raid On Berlin Is Timed With Anniversary Address; No Details Lundou. Jan. •"!<>— (Al'j • I.ritish Mosquito ijninlivr- swept across Germany and puiimi e>. plosives <m lleriin toua\ In de my l'»r an hour an anniversary address mi wiiicii Air .Marshal Hermann Goi ring promises ul timate victory to the German people. Timing its first daylight as sault of the war on the nazi capital to coincide with the tenth anniversary of Adolf Hit ler's accession to power, the RAK struck its target precisely at 1 1 a. m.. when Goering was .• apposed to start his speech. 'I'Ik* British air ministry said tlir swift Mosquito bombers. Britain's newest type in action, returned safely from their haz ardous expedition 400 miles into hostile territory. During the delay of an hour in i .<• start ol Gihtmih : address. radio ..-li ner- hear! r.-u'.'l.d shouts and i.tii-lik, that en ild have been eaii-<'d l»v the British bombers. Goering spoke in the air ministry b.ilding which is in the center of Berlin's business di.-tr et A few minutes after the vaider< evidently had passed. Goering. vvh • ii.ee promised the German people that British bombers "lev er would cross their frontiers, began his ad dress. He -aid the B;*rish an force vv< uld 1~ ■> tenaid "one day." The !>.-'»*•' chose its Jaste-t li'^lit it.•;nl>er f.»r t« day's .-| ei taculi.r toi.iy which penetrated 4<i(i nvo- ol enemy territory. The sleek, twin-motored Mo.-qnito was given name becau' of its slim lines. lt> -!•:i11 i- «»! ply v"iiikI. which dmi:naU\s rivet heat and enhance.- its .-peed —rep.it .-dl; close to 4(>n miles an hour. Milongh no de.ai! of the ia t vvei (- announced mum dialely, it v.i.s considered possi!)''.■ ti the swift .-.hips had swept across Germany at •;ee top level to evade nt"d confti'.e <li eiding German lighter planes and anti aircraft <I«m'o<i es The I'. • • in radio did not l<«:ve the air at ;:,iv time during I he laid. ROCKWELL FARMER DIES IN ACCIDENT Salisbury . .. :to_(.\lM- George .1 Host. . Rockwell tanner, wa !li d i'l .. u-artc cm>vns .iccident here late yesterday. Cotton Prices Close Lower Xew York. .f;m. .in. - (AI')—Nit koll.-. li(|H|(l.ilicii tin" Mi lled cotton IIII me-- today .i- 1. ii in ft* nt tin ket In >lio\v ( .\1ciided Rains on |;i(> Higher p.ii ity price announced Fri day brought in incuasmj> liijujda I ion from cf i^c*«>t i•*;iftoii longs. Futures opened Hi to .'{.j cent? a bale higher. Kit hire.- closed 2.~> to St.. [.•ents a biilc lower. < >pC11 Close ■ . 10.112 III.70-72 llt.tiil l!i i| i !».:t7 !!».:»; — lu.u'.i liMtr. . . !U IU 1!) M| "02 .. —i March . Mil v I ulv October I >ccember lanuary Farm Prices At High Level Washington. .Inn. (Al'> - I'rices t'l fitnn produels li;i\ e ad vanced lo the highest level since 1020. the Department of Agriculture reported today, lidding that agrieul lurnl price." generally iiro now lit pet cent nbove purity. The g;»ms. attributed lo heavy de mands lor food and to upward re vision of some government price ceil ings. boosted (lie department index •I farm prices nt loctil markets «n January 15 to 182 per eenl of the MHO-14 banc period. This was four points above the mid-December fig ure mid 3:1 points above the index lor the same period last year. ljnivevei. the department raid, prieco paid l»>* farnierb— exclusive of interest and tuxes—continued to rise.

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