Russians Mop Up Ai Stalingrad Jap Bombers Raid American Lines On Guadalcanal Nine Zeros Are Downed Attack is First Made In Daylight Since Nov. i 1; Three Raids Made During Night (iuadalearal. Feb. 1 — (AIM —Japai <-'• dive and horizontal l»i>?n!»«•!"-- raided tin* American army'-1 l"i*«»nt linr position.- on (Juatliiifaiial today, while Army* and .Marine lighters eiitfa^ed in hitter duel with Zeros liijrh jiinvr the Moody island. It wa- the . l'emv's first day light aii :.'".iel. 011 (iuadalcaiial -ipce N aeinlx-r II. Twenty t'iii' iii\ 'tonihers. IS hitfh level lii,|iil»i.d Zeros appeared our th- i-'.md in mitl-moriiiitir. Ai'H'ii'.ot IikIiIit-. riM' from I|. i (| i .mii I •■•til anil attacked llir t.iiil'Ts. Ttirri1 ui-ri- ctoR fi;W> .ill .ivrr the »k> as Wild r.ilv. and Warhawks nurril ini'i tin- tray. Nine Zeros wiTr •.!»«»' 11 • iv> n tin- certain, and *.i\ nthcr* iirolialily wore do vlni* cil. ;> •: llxTS IHillKlliOd to •lull tin1 American do ; iul ground re pressing the I. is! ri I It'll stand. The] i • were toiTiwod by the '. mbor-;. Xoi'r of eitlicr ,• -hot down. ■ 'I v the .laps raided ;l airfield from :t a. m • \v«- i three separate I" • t til < e. fi\ e and • .il! •! wliirli dropped •• o bay. Tulagi island. <■: wept iver at high it any bonibs that ii exploding from the 'i dalcanal Navy anti . >t d«>',vn one ol tile over Tulagi. d vv:i* the second at i ii.A '..ii t .n the past throe Five KiHed Accidentally C- •••• Feb I—(AP—Aeeide" t tdoU .r. t live lives in North. Carol in .i irina the week-end. Sum I.cake. 17. "I Simp-on villo. S. (".. killed near Concord :n ;in I. .1 :ii which three trucks v;m- nvolved. lh 'i ' llardv. eight. was struck m«l killed by* a truck at Scotland Xrrk. The ii'irly .it .1 C'hildei-. «f Smitlifteld. whs found beside «» Rillw :.y h; home. He uppsir ently ii il I,ecu >,j« |,V a train. Mlii-rt ,\ 'I'iiwIcj, 511. Seaboard AirliTic- II • ly engineer. wa~ killc i i aee 'li nt in the vards of the railway in Waleiuh. M' in f- lib. Angier eon-table. I I inn from bullet v »"'I . I.. II,'irnctt county offi r''' ;• ie United States minister to Aus tralia. Tlie formal withdrawn! was received by the Senate a few minutes later. The action came in the lace mounting Senate opposition :t-.r< atoning confirmation ot the | former national Democratic | chairman, and marked the ad ministration's first major rebuff .11 the new Congress. Last night Flynn reismis-al was ordered on the ground that the doctor has "110 stand ing to litigate the constitutional ques tion which the record presents." Assembly Enters Fourth Week With Little Work Completed It.iilv l)h|i;i. 1 The li'i:* Gett 1 ''•»! <•'! iiiy toniulil begin* ils '■•nth lull week ,;iihI observers' iiKne |.nij;n -s i. . ^ilillity ..i sine di' iidi'iui'imtcnl bc~ '■•h- t»,. i,f (|l(. nioiilli. Iitt' smnll '""'.iil.:1it\ n| (icltitiu Hnmml) before ntlv in t|„ week "I M:«'«l> 11 te wit ml record of completed t» i. tin' ttiittiltei «•! bili--® riiliti«-rt .mil ljiw. is '"l"• X ivt • Hiiiing Hie piist \\<>eK ®nly two bill; xlnlcwldc Import tinned by the presiding offlectf. 'in itithorixed investment of $20. Odtt.iHHt rcsc,AO futtd: """tin t i x« mpted members :»l 'be nVi:,n. arm»ci loro.- from payment of noil fax. TImmo familiar with legislative m oeedure. Iiowev or, including old timers among (ho member.-hip. State officers .m»l newsmen. see ii" hccm* 1011 for pessimi-m. .\ greaf deal h -.olid base and lay the l>iimri;>li"U Ity the time the found.l tinii i- on w ith iho ground, the jol> is half «t«inc. Then Iho frame strue flire, gawky and nn ichtly, mils! he construeled l.a'er the roof and the walls: finally the interior finishing. After weeks of work there is an tin (Ontinuel ->n Fagt Iwo) LEADERS IN HISTORIC CASABLANCA CONFERENCE President Ktio'evelt and Pi iiiu' Miiii.Mu hvii . iiicUiitd with top-rankiue men of the land. mm ami air ;orces .>! »h:-ir historic t'asa blanra. I.cft to rirlit behind the famous p iii arc I icn(t •s uit General II. II. Arnold, chicf of I". S. Air Force: \dmiral truest .1. Kins. eoiiiinamler-in-rhiei »i ilir l". S. Vi.\ (•<->« r il (ii iiirc i . Marshall. I". S. Chief of Staff: Admiral Sir l)ndli'< round. riiiel ol' ItritisIs Naval staff: General Sir Alan Francis Brooke. cliicl <>i the Imperial General Staff, anil British Air Chief Marshal Sir < haiies l' cliicl of air stall. Jeffers Testifies Rubber Administrator Denies Calling Army, Navy Men Loafers But Charges Meddling Washington. Feb. 1 — i M'1 — l(libber Administrator Wiliani .M. Jeffr«-s told Congress today thai "the job of the Army and Navy is to field anil not to r;in busi ness and direct the civilian eron omy." Denying he li. fi MI A v nnfl Navy men I«t- " .I'-tlcrs charged serv c<- "ii •• ■ 11 • . ' <• hoe ing the committee had ■ < told I ' •Ieffer> criticized "the A v nI crl K. I- A• I. "-' a born 20-ycar-nld on t ithern l*a cific limited tr.• " marie a detailed .statement eorroboi .•! tm .r earlier confession that l>c '-'• e«l Mi.- Mai tha Virfiini'i lower berth 13 II '' iys I> Irict Atlornej H 1 '■ Wemrcl. r said today Wdnrick aid I hi I Antjelcs Ne 1 Kro would 1«c arraicned later tod y lo determine whether he will I"' held for the Linn cour try • t, it - nin lhi"ii::li Oregon audi California. President Calls Conferences After Return To Vv ashington Mr. Roosevelt Sees Hull, Congressional Leaders, Other High Federal Executives U.i^liiiutiin II—i M'l — II.nK from hi-, momentous nip In north Airif.t. i'ii'>iili'iil Koitse vell Ini-ied himself today v. itli coiili'rciiei's v ill: T'.'ivt.irv Hull, roimressional >i.tdris, and other liiali exeeiilive*. White Ifi'iiM- officials s.iid the ( liii l t.\ei utivr looked line upon Ills arrival h. ik in llir c.ipit.11 I and apparently mn> not iirnl by liis .iourni'.v ami the leu-day con ference >vith Mime Minister | ( hnri hill. ' Mr. I;..i-'t Seeretai> II.'II; liriol iv I.i 1 id art .uiued .111 extended ci>n • «■ with him today. Sunnier V.\ ■ ider.-erretarv ■ •• Si.,! . .1 -,i A Stephen Kor-I ly said was I 1 purpose of giv itiH then: "a : 1 • j■ • ■. • 'ii hi- "rip and unions eonte ■ > held dining his. tri|i." Mr. Ii<>• 1-1 ■ • ed to tile rap ital last nigh! cnipli-!in« the Ki.-t hiii nt hi - 1 •: '• 1 A Her nmfcrciicGs 1 Si Tetancs Mull. Stimsiin ;.nn il wii' production Chairman I'• M Xelsoii. and •ither 1P.\ oftice Siiid today more than l!.*»ti violation- ot the bail on plea-uif iti .vnm ttf.v recorded n }i! I'oiinhi's i'l eastern North Carolina o\l*i the v.iei, 011(1. Director T. S. Johnson . t nio.-t ot the plea.-u.c drivers were cited in the Wilimnut i; area, where til driver.- vveie lagged around the bcache- and I>lea>nre centet . and i:i I> where 53 violat:'i notice- n > issued at a doublchoadct !>:• i.etball game. Rutledge Approved Washington. Keb. I — fAI'i - Senate mdiciarv ion rn ll-tn-0 approval today : > nation oi .Midge Wiley I • ' ;is .'in associate* .iiistice ot preme Court with t" withholding their \ ' until they could deb stand on President i; ■ u - enlargement bill 11 Senator Ferg \l • publican, told rep< ruined the que-1; • i 11 1 stand on the com i < < > and h;>d not receh >1 answer" as to vvh- ' 'he l> ot Columbia .; >pe I mo' been ;i back- ' ! ' I' '' Which was withdrawn iflcr a i Senate fight. HARVEY THOMAS, 66, PASSES AT WILSON Wilson. Feb. 1 t.M'i Harvey Thotiia-. 'Iti. \eti an "• ' !' Who "scooped' the ■ ation ■ v V< ■ • row VVil'onV Hcrcptancc <•' the nmn mation for president the fust let' died of a lieiirt ->11 I; he e yi«-!ci day. In recent year* '•< ' id bee connected with new-pape here an i it Fdentop \ sup .t"1 n ' t T' niiias i« connected ut"h th* Tin-es. II Duce Says Last Battle Gives Victory I.timii'ii. Ki".». 1 ( \Pt — IVeiniei Mussolini told • dicncv of lawist \ t.'div \ ietory in t!»i> wo 1,1 . ■ ; • Hie >ide winch "i ; I • h ' i j! ;i <|k;ii tcr-houi ■ ii th< piu'iny" and thai "It :: . ttic that briniin victory." T..i- ■! m- - |i • .i- "somewhere in «v ? . er\ ance ol the i the f;ii»ei>t ini ade.c-1 !>v the • TlU ll !>> tin* A>m' ! -> i>! Libva. i : .en It::•>•* i month* to :ui declared return to north ' ie where our • • we have I . - ■•! n«r po\\ <• :i .-cried. Death Blows Delivered To Invaders Hitler's Losses Are Estimated At 240,000 Killed And 46,000 Captured (/»_// Tin Afsnciitti il I'riss) I iii- Russian.- were delivering tlicit la>t death Mows today to tin* halt-frozen, starving, des perate remnants of the mighty army which Hitler sacrificed at Stii'.ingrad. Relentless attacks added an other ".mo (,|- more dead and others t-apt tiled to the toll which the Kn.-sl;<:is placed officially ai •Jii'.ooii kili'-d s« ml -Ki.iMMi t., >• a 'it ve Moodiest trap of ilie war. On the north African front, a German armored column, com posed of units which won fame in Poland and Frailer, were checked alter a six-mile drive throimh Fa i miles west of Sfax. hut the thrust was re carded as primarily defensive. • MIICCl ul \ i ,11(1 it V II tended apparent!y to help !'."d .1 coastal r iTidor tor Marshal H0111 niel's withdrawal, and to break in*i allied preparations for a .sustained, showdown '»!!«it.-ivo. The British eighth nrmv 'Mean while. announced the occupation of /.u.n .. (!."> nulls v. i -t i>l Input. and pu.-hed steadily westward Mi contact with Hommel's rear guard. I: Htis.-ia and Africa the com ot dele it.- v. as iie.r. > I poll German. Itiunanian and Italian e>matidei.-. The Russians aniioiineed the capture ol Stalingrad of field .Marshal I'aiiliis. cifiunandcr in chief of the sixth German army. 13 oilier German general*, anil two Rumanian generals. I iit. German liiyh command ac itiU'Wledued today :t.- mn'Ii nrmv, under Field Mm shal Patilus, had men "nverwheliiied alter more than two !i•.iii*t■ - •! hiT.iie defense against >ii|te; • II -aid other Ger ii an- .■ Id -li .ii the northern part Stal 1 ad. it held out little hope t'.rtn On (lie Tunisian Ironl. the dorks al Bi/crtc and the port of (t.ilte- «ere battered anew yes Icnl.n in Hull! attacks from the nest, and a comniuiiiiiiie said l!t .i\is planes were destroyed with a loss of five allied aircraft. An Hal an submarine was .-ink in t!f w. '• i Mediterra: e.iii by a Ca ll. (i an deMinyci Tin c iptur,. i«r /.cava put the I'.: • si with t; 35 milcj of llic Tu nis : border, and the M<>race« radio ;i ;• lied tliat the eighth army had i : id till !••« n i :: tile coastal read beyond thr town. The French in north Africa an no meed the < xec ti n eleven axis parachutist spies. caught wearing ct \ It. iloi! ■ - .m • j allied lines, and the exeetition >t two Arabs con victed • antiiij: them. \. •• - wew announced bv the It- -- in- ' I s v I'ttiilly the whole - nit-."". Soviet front, where the (li'i v a'l Have been Ihriisl Pads ill* ■ Ihc line a year an- every where l»»it In the Rostiw j»cct/>r and n v. estrone northwestern Can A expropriations Committee Ends hearings On Budgets —i mm—Ki,n -< 1 iliilr. (Ilr itii l.i» i c|> u I llir 111-. • mi ir.. iii. i. j itiii pri'iMri'd In • >i rdilf itn l>ii* spnid ill.: ilili In 111!' of llio < m i I V--imhh I'■ i • • 'I.,- Hi.He liiijiri ' ll in -ir |ni1 rn I • 1 ' • • • 1 ' «). •• iHMriiijs. liis '< r. w In i ■ I i-timg "i i li luliii'i!. i • n i1tc< wl • , Die 1 IX bill ll. li 1 ' 1 ••> ' I- :i . 'ill- fix n'elocU. Hepie-cn ! ':.\i St' ovt ■: fJniUord i- expect ■omIu c-tipiti«>n »f S. ,i' •!.>'• ■■■ ■ vil• ■ • •»i (mine I"i* ill" -tilled !<• ,-ecci\ e curly sic i lion hit the iik'hwiio!* !"• modify tlio I'diiciili"H .imciidiiH'nt" :irl<>|>tc*r1 in the N"\ciiiImt election. to reduce . from i>> iMuht ttic number ">t cm [ p|..vec nrcr .' \ !<• niiiUc the Hll • employment compcii>iiti>>n iliMli'iinco • iict iippliciihle i" .in employer, to li :t iihx-iitee I >. 11 lot iippllciiti'ins to . the .ibsent voter .itid In icj-lnct 1 picketing.