**w ncnfor nrfrTi'fufK. ti^rf ^ §j Itettitersott Hafltj iBtspatrh M fHlurSll YEAR HENDERSON, N. C., TUESDAY AFTERNOON. FF.RNTTARV 9 ,:v.,.o , - ~ — Draft Deferments Limited 'NISEI' FIGHT FOR UNCLE SAM DEEP IN A CAMOUFLAGED SECTOR ;it their eainp. Pvt. Takeshi Omura fires a machine nun as Pvt. Kentoku K.i';.' "0 (Vols the r.-irtri'ljio l>elt t.. the m. Tliey are ir.emher.-J «>f the 100th Flattali >n. formerly the Hawaiian Guard inatle up ot "Xis-ei," U. S. citizens cl Jaj) descent. This is an oflkial U. S. Army photo. Churchill Arranges Agreement Angle-Turk Accord Made Churchill Visits Turkey After Parley At Casablanca Details Withheld •••. Kclv 2 <AP» l» uvll> (.'■ tin* historic win si4 ii 'uv !wnrt- :ii l':is:ii>l:inrn. Primi- \lin «<>!• CfiiiK hill lu1- !!«•»«• I.. T it !, a i:.< l« 'iu-il Ml linpo' l "111 ••iMni-Ti' 'i.l 1 .1 ii.it 1 • >11 hurdvriiiu 'In' Am ' Ijiinl I'.;ilk;in.-. :in "I' i«'i-il :'" ' ;!■,(•'■ • 11' >.iifl r.ulv 1 'I; 1 > Mi- ni'iVf ci-nlfKil :i1iriiti"H "it ••x rcciiin wliii*li In- liiiiiH'H hii# .tiled the 'H uiirli'rlu-lly .>1 11 t Ann." ;iii!:< .tlilifl ll \v:i- |>.n' "! lit grand .-ti.i'cuy rlisn I11I ■! hi .. vi till I'le-i'ii-nl I' >' • Tuil;i-li itii'l P.ntoli w .f !*■•■«*« 'r\.. iltftl lilt* pit* I'll! '1 i.tli'll ll' Kiiu'Ih-. .iii'I |1111c11l.11 1 v 1 • Mtti • • giim vliorcin Turkey 1 (lii'ti'll.v In* ll'IC-t'(I" lll'l I IMt'lllii ilUrel-llielll "I'll ill in 1 r.•'111.11 | ..tit-." tin* ;ililM'ilii<\ - llicill -.11(1, Tin 1.. li pulit-v h:i- It'iiu Im'I'ii <•lu ll llir pixuls «il ill! I'..ill;.111 events, itld 'li|>l>ii .lie nil If- Hiri flt'i <• t.'l.r ll t"i Ui.tt lril 1li.il till- pill im' "Hi' 1 rrijiiiii wherein TurUi-v 1 ilneelly inli-ir-itd : 111|tl 11-.- -|>eril ir.iliv 1' Mil- I'...II..111 Mitle-. 111ftn it 4wI (iti;irlri- lu*i'<- •Hi* 'I' * n. -mi; thi'i-i- 111.tit.1 |itn iliilitu- I• "in III'- C Hi . lull it • rtnm: I Turl.i It rnliy ml" 'lit- '.\:it. ■J Aimln-Tiirkish ;ikittiik*hi em l»r.n-ittii 1 • 1 c n| Tin l.i li It-ii ' 1 \ i - i> 1 >t iii::lni.ii-(| 1 11 ,1 Mi'*mhI rtiiil IM II)' I'..1 I; l||> 5 I ' 1 1 li |it-it 1 i"ii I"i ' L'ltilril N;tl|iiii In |>.t 1 upl'ly li '' I'' Hi. Sii\ i«>| thi "ii -li 1 In- Djirdiim I • Irs. ('Inncliill 111111 til 111 tilivitUl U'f'il lniii'"!', ,ii ;m inlii view l.i.i nmiii HI C'.l 11 ' • .till III ll'ipt tl 11 it •it- W't >i 1 lil (('•■IlllllllriS mi Piijje l-'lVO.) Lend-Lease Extension Is Advocated WiisliiiiKlnii, l-Vlt. ( API - Miil"i Oiiiii;c \ S|iies<'ll)(M'K lt'1'1 ll"' llt'ii't Inti'itiit iiiiiiiis i-iininiillri' •« — '•■'V Unit .1. rr.siill ul tlu> Iriul-lf.i-i pi'i'Ui.tiii. "itll 1'. s. forres 111 tin I iiili-rl KmuHtt" li.ix t- prnl t»ul> •iImhii si .0110,111111 pmrli.i .iv 11 • 1111 Jlnlislt rntuinerciiil ..uni'Ct*" siner Uit-i ,'unr. Ihi-. til rttiosr." hi- s.ti'l. "1- 't "I' "1 the- btlrkcl ronipiiirtl In lilt* • j'st ul niiiini.-iiiiiiiK -iii iii'iny. .mil .'li ' "I III!' ill 11t'K . l-l|lllpllH-lll. '•li ililii* .iikI services rt'((iiii'i-il i"i ; S. Itinf s .mil ov.iilohlc in 1 he mild Kiii^d.im ,n|. pn.riirr'l .i> rr * »|M ",-.,1 ,,|() | tl'll sl," K'-!ii'-i K. icon tin I'm- the «!•••• '•■'I pinchiisiim li".11 (I 111 llir len'l *•1*0 iidinmisli ;itin|), It'-lilic'l im I'till r"'< Ui>l\ with tin- rnniinillee's inquiry !" '' '' "" •i-oif in < «.|ilmnr the Icnri ,,ie H('* lor another year. J ONCER WORK-WEEK MEASURE APPROVED IJ.ilru'.h. Krli. 'J. (AIM A .i"inf lii'lIM' ami M'llilti* ('illllllllltl'O nil 111.ii.ill..i l ;.i hi;; .iiiii I.iIm'I vied (lli .illlliitui !v |mi;iy '.<• iv|»«»rt lilV"ial»!y .1 hill l<' r\[i'|lil liic ri .1 \ if. Hit! W'U'K week ti'om aa in "iii iiout>. il iilso K'l-iiinii,«nded 1h.il tiiiii- and a hall pay lif allowed I'U' tno <.'\l1.1 hour. III!- mra-nrr, I»V Ui'|j|iM'iitiili'.l' lim iH'r ol Liv. w mild alinw |>ja11 i ■ i|Hiat!ii^ i-M'ii day .1 ui-il; In up eiato Ihiee ciKiit-ii"Ur ahiits daily Without .1 JC'l'C'SS. j Pay-As-Go ■ Tax Favored Treasury Counsel Opposes Ruml Plan But Urges Adoption Of Withholding Tax W'.i^liiiitttini. I'd). •».— iAIM — I II.h Illlt'lll ill p.iylll|-l;il |;i\ li*t;i-»kitiiHt to provide a I!' per cent iihhiddiiis la\ aller tlc riinliini- I<ir niilliiins ol \inrr ieu's iiicintie (;i\ p.i>i-rs u;is lircfil today li\ Mir Trr.iMiiw. II • l.i 11 * iipp'tsi'tl tin- i; ii in i |i| in in skip iinr Aral nl lav Ii:iliilit> lo I make int-onio payments rlirirht. Itiindolpli K Paul. Tix'ii.»«n> .*.• 11 cmiinisol. -iii' i 'l ih«' ini|nirtan<*t! I I"I iii'iitnpl ai-iii.n a> lie Inld tin- j j 11«•ti.-*«* way. and mr.in- cnmmitlcc I (thill a l!l |»'i It'll) Withholding lax, | < i|ill\ilk-Ill !■> 'In In v pfii\ idod I": I j I'V I I !<' Ii Illlial Ii IM !' ("lit lllr. i; I'l' I.IX ' I'lii- Mir I.'! p< i iriil 111 1 as i iii "M (tin' 11. 1 In K'i.i I. u mild in | 'ill > I lie colln-inn prnhlc'ln alld .i\"iil ulinc« • • n y reltilid . Tin- li"i Mini las and ln-1 l>rarl;ct i nl ix income include. tin1 In i «:!.linn i>g 1.1\,ililr inrmnr iilli'i ck'- | t dm 11*»li . I' lid llip |ini|Kn<r(l withhold' 111u i r v.«>11 lil 1'iai.i' iiillv i in i"«*fii hi thru income tax |HiyiiMiits iilHiiir ill pci ii"' "I lllr e-t:n:alril l-I.CHH',' . linn i i |.' i lie proposed llial ; ( 'nir;' r 'do l"i drlri nu'lil "I Hill! l.i. I1. 11 * ii- dm 11 iu llir | irrii id «.| 11 .in licit I" tiir new .system. Dies Speech Creates Stir Wa nntuti'ii. I rli 1! (AIM ('"II lud.iv wa lai rd with I lie <!<•• ( iii.mil "I li.'i'i r cnlaiivr Dirs. I e\an I li II I I.'I, I" p.il'Kr K'r l;o\ rrninoiil I nl •iin -ii -11 'Ir. UMrCliriKllltMliVP, j I crack |"'t and radiral hlliratiriatji" l>y withholding funds front the ajjetl- | no rii.|'l".viim ilirm. |{r|Hilili(.iiiv iind Democrats up 1 iplamlid I'a leidiiy as lie made1 a two-hour speech. ill wllirh lie! \ i.ii iddn.il in" Hi*' "I (••'iiunnni-.lic [ .111 i11.111"ii :;ain I -"inr Iw'u sem e I fHTMHI) .n j:"M i • 111 .• li I portions. j WEATHER" foii \oirrii caiioi.ixa. 1 miiMiimi fl f iMirr i old (his aft- I [ rrnuon and lunisht. Inonu Gives Assurances Prime Minister Tells Of Understanding In Address Made At Island of Cyprus I.iimlon, Feb. '!—(A 1*1—Prime Minister Churchill, carrying fni ward (lie allied pattern for ciin •IIIest of the axis designed ai Casablanca, has flown to Turkey at the very edge of Hitler's trou bled ICilropeau domain and agreed with President Inonu. ainoug other things, on plans foe bolstering Turkish defense. it uas announced officially today. Churchill carried the greetings of President Roosevelt to President l-ixmi and. coming directly from tnc historic war strategy conference at Casablanca, gave a broad and un aiislakable warning to Hitler agaiusi .1 spring offensive toward Turkey. Oil the return trip Cluirchill stop ped oil ai the British island ot Cyp II- near the Turkish coast to au di e s i gathering of "leading pei onalitn's" and to inspect the g.T: ri.-on at Nicosia. Iloriowing a phra.-e from Presi • l< lit ISoosevelt. lie assured ins Iis tcnci there Hint the Cnited Nations Mie -trong and they w ill inarch tor w;.m! from strength to strength un til iira'ondit ional surrender is ex toiled from those who have laid the o! Id iii havoc and ruin." lie declared that the United Na • ii represent "incomparably the strongest group ol human I wings i t \ r marshalled into arms in Die whole history of the world "I am glad lo tell yon." In- said, "that our relations with tie Turks are of the most Iriendly character. 'I'heir views are very much like our i w it and we intend I" help their own general defensive security in every way in our power." The British and Turkish leaders, accompanied by Hiililaiy and politi cal advisers, discussed in three meet ings Saturday and Sunday the en tire Kuropean situation, giving par ticular attention to ' those regions in which Turkey is directly interest ed," the British coinmuiiKHie said. These regions include the nazi doininated slate "l Bulgaria on I ur key's northern border, where Hitler frequently has been reported build ing up au army, and the Gerinan occupicd coiiniiic.s «'i Greece and Yttgi islovia. Stock Trend Is Irregular New York. Feb. 2. (AP)— Mild irregularity ruled the "lock market today. Bonds and commodities kept a nairow range. Slocks in the new high division included Chry.-lei and New York Cent i al. Lifts were given Montgomery Ward, Southern Pacific. United Air craft. Sperry and Intel national Har vester. Declines were posted for U. S Steel. General Motors, American 1 eluplinne. Western t'tiinii. out tin It. U. S. Rubber and General Elcctric. Dependency Subordinate io Job hek 'Non-Deferable' List Of Occupations Given To impel Transfer To Essential Jobs Washington. ! rl>. U (AIM — Dependency tlral'i deferment— lor nu'ii with children— will he wiped out for r<Miiitl.*< ; thousands under a new order issued hy the war manpower mmission's seledive service ureau today to take effect \pril 1. Di'sinnril t« inipi'l transfer of draft cheilitis from noii-csseitlial to essential work. tilt- order—ilc liarting completely from any is sued si» far—sets up a list of ar tivities and jol» - occupations wliieli are In he "mm-«lel'eral»le." regardless of dependenls. after April I. Although selective service ln>;ird "ere instrii«-l!■> -til ■ -ti th;'1 dale eeunsiclerinK Hie In: "I "lion <le crnbles." workers In that i*la-sifira ! it in will lie Riven .11 a<V iil n 11.1I HM rind 'dim* that '!; ■:; I "II - III'") —sieved Willi he U. S Kmployni. lit Service fori >1) transfer. The lUt. wh npowci uniniissi.in Chairman o.ml V. Mi N'litt called "iti-t •••••mii-im:;" in a ''road hint that r i p.mien: .v deter ments ar«. lieini; nairowe." •.enerally ■o relie\'e lahor shortage's ::i war nduMries. cover.-: I. All .inli occupations in I*1 mamifucturiui:. eight wholesale and retail trades. ami nine scrv- j ice activities. Twenty-nine job-occupa tions "uon-dclcrahlc regardless of tin* activity in which TTiey arc found.*' pvfii if it is one of I lie •1") activities which have been designated as essential for pur poses of occtiiialional ilel'ermenl. In tin* first group ire: manufac turing—curtains. dn«|»eritM and be. I ■preads: |•!<*..11: u. t.telling. luck'tii; mil cmbroidei .iig: ti itnmiiigs. tan'.p .•(I .lit good.-. and art needlework: cut. beveled. nd etched :ila--: i •! warc: glass no'. »•'t ii-s; mosaic ulas-: -tuincd. leaded >i • . nented and dec 'rated gla.--. jcwimtm li\i:g.- and material.-: jev.eiiy: lapidary wmk: > irnamenlal i;-•!.! and «silvcr leal and I foil (nun-ird.ivti . silicrwan: and plated ware < iimi industrial): cos tume jewelry ml novelties dec-ia-j t'Vp feather-. In .mil .irtdieial flowers; fra.vics. .11 or and picture: greet inn card.- and picture po t card-: ! jewelry case.-: <ud igns and adver tising display Whole.-ale and retail trade—an ticpies; lieer. wine and li(|ii<>r.s; cu— I loin tador- and truer-: candy, con- : feclionery. and lints; florists, novel ties and toh ice-. I j Service .1 tile renlal service; I dance, niiisu'. |t.i\.trical and ait stu dios and -cli 'I gambling. interior decorating. nu:.' il> . pur g lot photographic ' id Ttirki-h baths, massage parlot I 'thing rental, por ter scrvicc and al-e etirl services. I' 'llic job-01 1 .p ! us listed .1- nnn delerable re:;.' r ol the activity in which tliej tra> i»e found were: 1 liar cashier. I»ar hoys, bartenders, bath house attend int.-. beauty opera tor.-. bell bo\ , i' 'blacks. bus boys, butlers, cleant 1 >smeticialis. cus tom tailors. t turner- dancing teachers, dish w.ihers. doormen audi -larters. cli t m perator.-. pas-en ! Hers and lie gM. excluding industrial j freight elevator.- n l.ited to produc-| lion). ele\a)oi starters (passenger and freiuht). en ■ • d 1 > •>.- (including messengers and ' Mice boyf). lortuuc1 teller.-. gardcnci.. greens kee|H'rs, 1 mounds keepei hoii.-einen. hair dresser, laxaloiy attendants. nighl club nianauei s aed employees, news boy.-. imilets 1 •" tli hi in railway train service t. piivate chauffeur-, soda dispen ei is' eis. \ dels, wait ers (other than those 111 railway j service). McNult said the \V\IC\ U. S. Employment Service would help men in the lattei el with dependents ( to find war jobs, and added that , if lliey did not lake jobs in cssen- , tial activitic.- tliev might be caught | again by exp in- < m of the lion-de ferrable list. i Local drall hoards wcie told lo reconsider llie da silicalioii- of all | registrants in noil delcr.ible work 1 beginning April I. hut to consider 1 all chuck "wiib common acimc. < MeNult. cmp|i.i«i/mi; that the noil (Continued on Page Five.) ' NEW AND OLD NAZI NAVY CHIEFS COMMANDER OF THE Nazi U-boat fleet, A.Iniir.it Carl Doenilz (righO, has been promoted to commander-in-chief ot (he German Navy. He succeeds Grand Adm. Erich Raedcr (left). According to the Gem..in radio, Raeder was kicked upstairs and Riven the title "f Admiral In spector ot the Navy. Docnitz and Raeder disagreed over sub tactics. Casablanca Conference Called Parley to Win War State Revenue Shows Decline lialeiuh. Kel>. J I.MM— A re port liy tlu- State revenue inm missioncr said today th;it loss ol nearly Sti.onn.iihii in ^.imiIiih taxes during the m'\en mouths ended January .it) offset ...un> in other State mciiui' ..mi »■;i«iI ;i drop <•! SJ.24H.I5I below re ceipt.- I'M the i'iii'i'i*.-|Miiidii'u |>r riiKl a year auo. Gasoline I.IN .-CVOIUIC Wa.s compaicd with Sl'.t. I l.'i.'.llCi in tlu fame period last yt'iir: gasoline. oil .nut in | oc t ion loo receipt- droppt d lioiii ;!l!)0..">77 I<| $732.7.il. Tlu- total revi tint yit Id lor Ine period was s| | .tin,; !>.■:{ compar ed Willi 1 loi H i pe rind eliding .lanuaiv ;iii. 1!U2. City Option Bill Offered Palmer of Cabarrus Submits Measure Permitting Local Vote on ABC Stores Kulolch. Foli. — i \P>— Sen ator Palmer nf ( .tliarius intra dut'od a hill torl.it In allow towns i or oitios of initio lltan I.YIMIO population In liitltl separate elec tions mi (lio establishment til Alcoholic Hon ril of Control sloros within their corporate li mits. The gincimttu hoda- Mi' the I'm 1 mils Win i If I have authority to eail licli election- in then own ili-cieti >n tnd would he ooM.pellrd to ii l.» im ■ •enl (it the voter- petitioned i'oi 1 hem. Should c-lalilishmelil ol tin AIM" ■ lore* he approved, thev would op •mte on the >amc I>.t-1- a llie stoic 11 the 2a wet countte ol Xorth t'.o tliliH. iindci -upei v i-Hin ..| tin State , )tmrd. Ten per cent <»l the prnltts Votild (•'' t" eiiloiceiocni ol the ti pior laws. The Itill went |o the 1 "umitleo on proposition-- and i;ne\ ntu es. compos -d of Senators Lanier of Pill, chair nan. Kiindefbuik of I'umn. .lohnson if Halifax. Kvan- ol llerlford. irctkj of Diiilvtv. Pitimnn o| (Contimiedon Pa^e Thrt e) President Emphasize! Words of January Message, Promising New Blows to Axis Washington. Frit. 1—(A1*) — President Konsevclt said today his <"asihlatica oonferenri* uitli Win- Inn Churchill was one to w in the war anil (•> iiillill the prom isr In- made in his annual mes sage In Congress ih.it tin- tinted N':-I>«ilis would strike hard in Flirtipt*. Tin* Chiet Kv-'ii' • e. talking :• l : ie-s i ■ hi 1 ••! i- ii-iko |>"iiu*ip.*ill> ii «'eneralitii <• • t'.e •) retinc itu i|i|>lic<i :l" :' ' !!'r • i-v.- [let.ul- ii icil :. ■ -it ; • l"'< ■ But 'u- i' iI «•'-iii!...-ve 'lie word • h .1. \ !•.. i .ti which in •inniisril i < \\ 1 ••• . t |hi- a\i*- in l'niii|ir and --. ul tl :ii hi* iKirtey with ('Inn iiI' '.i- n lullnl id th.it led ira'ion Mr. RoiKfvi'll siid that ho thou "hi flu- hii-hlivht of the north Africa meeting was thr formal rr-rnil'hasis nl ireil on a belief that I line slutuld hr no nego tiated armistice only an uiiinn ditinn.il viirrfiilcl' In tin* avis. There were two highlights. .Mr. c» ell - lid nf hi. slop on the miii honir lo talk with l'rrsi<lcnt Vargas nl IJra/il. I »lie 1 (■ i'MiI:ii ill i- t!u- greatly llr:r. -I'.i r' ■ • I'. -I . aki»l!» I" •■•mhiit stthti ni'i< The sreiind, he .. .1 ii vi ci ••••") ".i' I'u- peace i ni . : « • n. ti« ,in\ future thre : I tl <• \l it i1 nwl l" the portion »f thi- hemisphere lying I'h'*i**l 1" Africa. Tl r I'rr.-iih i t dwelt i1 >iime length the French North V i. i*.ii , I'v the political prnb l«-i I! i In- 1 li'»i iuhl IhmK v i , e tiloi pt etty well Tin livi>l)leu •• north Africa, he said, • • -cut.• military »hic. Mr Rnnnevclt Kiid thnl nnyonc ,vh<i tried to Mil UP talk >1 dispute' • ■ ■••••I fJeuei I de Otmlle "id CI■ i i ud. Frenel lender*. were lielpinc Mn- rjittsi- id the enemj l!<- > ••linitfeicd the inform itior thnt very effort wnk Iteittg tnndc tr upply modern ■ - I'"' • French a"iny under OiraiH TI-I- Chief Km • • i* remarked th 1 (tira id -ai'l I r tilH uut '.'a", mm men v* ilh s«i • mil ' ha trainini in Hie Held hut apparently luic I i -I'd hi- ic'its - i'i'i the Cava lila'ira I'linlei'i't'i Siici then, (i' rtnirt Hum >|K»ken o( ,m nrtny of H00, nnn. .V'ci (lvins 1 word "i itvnlw h the uve. and radio for living ti| faithfully t• • the vcc|ue»t »f the offict I cens ir-h'p tii.it sOcrecv l«- man l,ntti*d li'iMit l ie movements of hi (Continued in f-'sgp Five) I Americans Thrust Near T o Maknassy Russians nreak Into Last Bastion of j German Suicide Army At Casablanca; (I!ji Tin Axt'iciahil I'rtxs) ThrustiUK closer in .\lakiia.-sy. •"»:! miles from the eastern 'i'u l'isiau coast. an American r;ii<l inyr force drove llie (•ernian> In mi lite vilia.ire <>1 Seneil, im pulsed a counter attack, ami | withdrew only after accomplish ing its mi.-siou. it was announc ed today. Meantime, the Herman hinh command announced that the Russians iiad broken into the last bastion of the na/.i suicide i army at Stalinjrrad. ami tile I Berlin radio said two more j.ret> j erals had been killed in the I battle. The Russians aie.ioum rit in their noon comiminiiiiic that "German resistance lias been broken" in the seetoi where Iheir 1 forces broke through to within -10 mill's ol Itostov along the rail road Irom Salsk. ami the.\ said "The Germans are retreating under the lilows ol imr troops." The IJussian coninitinu|i". ! itl*" said that re.-i-tance was col I l:i|>siii{!. indicatms lhal the sweep toward 1{«•-1«»\- wt.> gainum mnmot : ' 1111 i:: -harp menace to llie last land ••.-capc <-■ >1 r;<ioi tin perh;ip> JOO.niiO (jerniiin^ lu;:-led oaei; mtn the north west Caucasus. The lUil Ariv.y drove within oil nnIt's "I Krasnodar. (55 west of Kursk and 75 mile? nf Kharkov. Ail allied eon", luinique >nid Unit elsewhere >'n '.ho Iteming wester.i Ttinisinii front: "Our inlantry. supported i>y tank.; j and artillery. attacked the eiicinv at Kaid. "I". central Tutii-ia the enemy ' :naric a sl.yht stun in the iiill I ••outhwest ol Pun! (hi Kails. Our | Inrce- counter attacked, restoring tin? position." .lined tmmliers hattrrnl the (locks al Tunis yesterday and liit at least two ships of a convoy entering the harbor, the allied communique said. Altogether, allied planes downed twelve German fighters. That was lliree to-onc heavier than the allied air loss for the day. It appealed likely th:it a nniiied (•••mil' north Africa would l»' estiil'lis!^-I •. probably under I.ditcnant Getu-ra! I'Hvijiht O. F.i ■I'li'.'iWi" w h • would tie lai.-od in ! i anU I" !i:11 .general. T; - w.mld brum under hi.- <*t»ir> < illd ■ " It. ■. h e . : '• V V hose advance tint"- •» ad> : ■ erased the Tt ; 'M :t ivinle:' ml • Tuni-ii inland •• • ie hm. i Meanwhile a Cairo conimtmi nne said Itritish and axis lone", exchanged arti|lcr\ lire yester day in the coastal hector west of /.tiara, near the Tunisian border, <roiitintied •••• P it:1 Five) McNutt Says 10 Out of 14 To Be In Army Washington. Feb. ! — < MM — War Manpower Commissioner Paul V. McNutt told the House mlitary affairs committee today that "In the end of this year leu out ol even I I of the aide hodicd men between IK ami :>X will lie in the armed services." McNutt made the statcine il din ing di.scn.-siou .if the (•"ilcm* ti;u * inu program bemu worked out lor the armed -er\ ices. In reply to qiles'tion ol conunil lee memhei- lie stipulated thai Hie men in 1h.il :mc group l»e serving ".i- lighting men" by the end ol litis year He c\pl;i'iied that his Imure.s in eluded only "those who can pa-4 llie phy-ual reqmremenls of I hi> tinned sen ice-." •It you mean Unit Ihree-fourllis ol Hio able hodicd men between 18 and 'MI will be n tin Army or Hit! \a\y"" asked Hepresenlalive Mrooka, I .ousiana I 'enmcrat. ' V'es. sir," McNutt replied. In the meantime. «t Senate cont* miller called Secretory of Agricul ture Wickard 1. explain what source, nl money and manpower lie intend j t• < eh i 1 upon to increase farm pro duction

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