jccai Beys And Girls VViU iwc At Franklin ton Easy Victory Won In Sagged Playing; Girls Score 39-19; Boys Score 31-14 M:i-koilKiII team* ni Henderson 1 iiinvaded the !. . r 1,1 II II" i t . Mil i inn t In win ,, i's ys and girls iiiklin intinty town and !, . V i ■ 'I'll mi hVlirilal'y i . 1 i ii.nii tc.nii played I. n\ R. D. IsASK-ERVILLE IS AVIATION CADET AT MAXWELL FIELD l.Vlu'i' I* I* - i-* * ill. Jr.. lormer l\ i'! ' N i'iiii;: > cime. i - now ei> ii lmi «e> • • •»i cadet jn the At m \ • ' llljdil ,. I f„r •' •'' ' '' Field. Muni - ■ • '■ 11" • • i i n i i,nine ■ i • '; • military, physical i - i• 11;|ii•-1i.iiator.\ Viil . '.i I'Klit iii-I l ul li.ii „i i • !!••• \i ii.y ,iir tin.-.- pi i i I: • i i I. .ii . i Mi-.s. It. ■ I i f • I I! • ". n I 're. •!. •l..'M;.»iia. .uid I • • : .• I Villi* I I II' t:...lia««*l : lln* III i t . tn.U . (inn ' ■•■•«d .i COURT OF HONOR IS 11 EI D FOR SCOUTS A m,iv;. , I *'■> Si . ui 11 * '* 11 •• i _ In-; J ' • I!"- I- I- ' I 're ill .. (list | |lt ' ' ' lifld. Willi Ain- v.. i. ... ii.ll .v .-.vie duly ml i lii. K.ilK ' • i'-i i t.ivid I-.. .ui>. l-,d !lilu 'I IVt I '■ > -n- . < I. .i .•<• i uckei. ■ '• ■' " • ' • • 11 • Unwell Mc ; ... -I. I >. N'owell. • I. in : . i i ..iiu '»'. .1 ;»li'l j«*aii. I .oo 'iei-iiie Tucker; " «' ■ ■..•try. Itennet • 'l l I V. • ' • - lii';: 'In- meeting ii 1 :.itl» y. ('. I.. Pincti. .1. M I'i • ictor. I!. C\ Wells. Rev. K. N. (I.uiiii'.r. , .1 II King. Hubert 1,1 ' : ■ 'I 1 ■ • !l Hi-v. \V I). Me • ' li'lllC: llT I « ' V»•!ii.u. ;.nrl UVv. II. II. C;i>)r. C oaeli Hub ll;in jsi,;;'s -ox!," MVZ?z?^'zzr"*z. •«. HoiKiors.ui player.- taking i o-av 1 -»-i. II.. n,.,:. '• t v»iine. ami <. oaoh Powoi. t1ll ... • ••"is '>">-s ..I ..no I in I iir ij«i\ score: <iirls" (iamo ii!.vi»i-:nst t.\ ' II. I i# l'i.i ri>*h. i .1 I )i:miii. I . . . .1 Low ry. i I llui'.ho-. t . 4 Kubnnks. I I S'litmipson. I ....... 1 .1 l-'i ooiiKin. I 0 Kinch, I I I'iiyioi'. I «» (Joodwyn. a o >.1. I'..iii.«. 8 " V.m. D.vko. K « i!. I'ari>, I I . ..kk"'- k Wilson, a " I) ii xitii. K 'i < I'l'Al.S 17 ' HAXKLINTON Harris. I Lumpkin, t ! lolrior. I I'liilp-it. j*. ilui:.- }•. (Sardncr. ;; " Mas-ey. ;; . . " TOIAI.S t; Hoys' (iaiDr III NUKKSi >N i\ Mill>, i . IV K Sl.uk. I '» ..If II I).,: iol. i ..... . "i <: I'nwr . I ! •\ :nlors. I " " *'..\\OI> o » i' • oiln.ili. IJ '» ioi.ii^oii. " r :tor ••!». i*. " II. Mills, ;; t 15. N. Slaok 1 totals if, FHANKLINTOJf |K ■lack.-..in. I ^ Thompson. f 1 Kdwjirds. <• 0 St:■ IIi»»j«s. !• ... ' 2 Haniey. s 0 Pea roe. « 1 • u 1 :< 1 - I ■i 1 2 11 Forest >: WhereContentmentJM (©) Susan Sheridan ■[ p I Vflgy WHITTEN roh AND !ll l.EASLH bY CENTRAL rKKSS ASSOCUTIOX U i'..-. >*.. <•!!•' I'KR TWICNTY-THRICE "I " !I!;. WAIT :i moment," Kay hi . .1; !i< ;ir<i his hitter rcac !ii" !■> i:i t breaking of their lunch •< t. Tk-ie was no answer, but it : ! hadn't him;; up. .i ;•!• . i fling, just listen i . 1.11 i;it aw ay for t la .••• -• ii>i II! take tomorrow "it. .•••I v ■ •!! I:..ve two v.hole days \\ i II : > r .Ii • ny 'I will he illie the hi.i- we iliove baek from the II* •-1 «M didn't snv anything. ' .1 . \ n!i ie I here, aren't you? Oil. .1 lie. |'lr;i.'i' answer me. Don't I t- at..:ry." Slu- was frantic. If she will t>i v with l.im it would he all rivht Ulan she could see him. t"ii«h liini, Ik- was never unap pn>.i< liable Hut tins humble tele 1 ' ih:s ugly impersonal black tl:■! it hriMi<-ht Jake to her and then it kept Hum apart. ".lake." she said quickly, with n great < if.,i t at complete control. "I iii goii>r to leave the otllco at 4 niii.i k I II call Arum now. tell Iter in pai k a ban for me ami lis Ii*- i (in me Mippi-r. Ynii I»«■ there, •laili ; . Willi the <ar. We'll go Win lever yoll want." "i:ii;lit iniw I wish I were in Ta li i < i They wen n't exactly the woi<ls fl.'- nti .1 to hear. Init at least he (Mil tiiudly fay mum thing. I in afiiitd leliliv rant take us then . ' ';ln . iii| willi an attempt at a 11Ii. inii New Kuglaml isn't so bail ' " • 'tat depends upon who you're V. lilt " Hi- was being childish now. She Coui,| shake him: but anything was '• 'iii lhan having him distant, lb • i. iary came in from lunch. '"'•I K.iy wasn't anxious to have her hi ir air. family squabbles. So she "aid. "l H sco you later, then," to Juke. Maybe. I'm not sure." This time I"' di.i hang up. Kny didn't blame .lal:<■ ||, 11'i*| never taken her work S' Moiisly, hri nise he didn't ennsid cr iiii ii ii' v .seriously. He looked at lief job as a soil of pastime for Kav. And her relationship with I'avid he viewed purely as a per sonal on,-. She had known and worked with David foi ten years, lie had loved I''i "II that lime Yet with all the I lillieiillies thai such a position J ' hi Hie up. she had never real- | V • It urn miif.triable Willi him un 'd now She wondered if lie were • w in- ,,| 11,0 tension, the strain I foin« men might deliberately fo« '•"r 11 Hut ii was hard to believe | •lia! Mavnl would. She < .it|,,| out in Mary. "Bring j *l*i "I loll w alcr. will you? 'Ile',1 living headaches •' •iiii and wan Iii I to take some as " ' '' 'be hi i,l K lies were a funny lb i funhi.'iil felt as though ' Plica ip#| in an iron band. In "loininnH the band was loose, j but it grew tighter every hour am by evening it f it as it it were go | ing to crush her head. I The eye doctor had given her f clean bill, said the trouble must In nerves. It seemed incredible thai 'such definite pains could be causci by something like nerves. Slit didn't believe it It they didn't gel better snon, she'd try another spe cialist Ivay dictated letters until David came She hurriedly finished Hit last one. "Have them ready by | il von can. I'm leaving early." she l> quested, but not loud enough for David to hear her She wasn't igoing to tell him that she was go ing away One of her departments | was having a huge sale tomorrow, i and he'd hav e a good excuse to keep her from going if he want ed to. "Walk or ride?" David asked as tin v left the store. •oh. let's walk. It's c -ly a few • blocks and the air feels gold." At ;the coiner they ran into two of i K.ty s buyers. They all greeted each I "ther pleasantly enough, but the j girls' smiles alter Kay ami David ! had passed were sly ones. "Her husband must be a fool." one said. "I saw him once." the other said, with a sigh, "lie's good looking. Kasy life for him, living on I'arlt avenue on money earned, question mark, or supplied by Mr David Manning." Then they both giggled. Kay vvas oblivious of the sort of gossip that was prevalent through out the store. But she did notice Un approving glances David merited as they strolled up Fifth avenue. "flood looking hat. mister." she remarked. "Oh. thank' you." He smiled and I:is cheeks reddened a little. "My lirst iti two years. I hate the fuss of getting myself dollies." Kay wondered if he was iemem-j beiing the same conversation she vvas. that night in Santa Barbara. | "for years I've been mentally buy ing you clothes, furs. Jewels . . ." David should have a wife to dress up, to look after him. Maybe when he didn't see her constantly he'd fall in love with someone else. She hoped so. but it would be runny to think of David crazy about another girl. She hail considered him her property so long now. she'd prob ably iiiiss him more than she knew. An old woman stood at a street corner selling gardenias. "Want some." David asked. •oh I'd love some. They seem i like spring to me. And sort of typi- I cal New York nature I don't know | much about gardening, but I'll be willing lo bet that gardenias come j from a greenhouse." David bought three, bunched tliem together, pinned them on her coat • Now I feel very festive." she ujii.I. snilting (lie heavy fragrance! tvtlh pleasure "Let's have lunch lovvn here." They were walking j I past ihe cafo restaurant in Radio City. Roller skaters wore exhibit ing their skill on their slinky logs, the fountains ut ie playing, tlie sun warming the air anil the people's hearts. "It will give us an hour or j two o( spring." she added. I "Whatever you say." he agreed Siie left Ihe ordering to David. He was launched on his new ideas I before the hist course nimr She cohcciil rated on what he was say ling with reluctance. She felt more iliki looking at the beds tull (>t ;>an sies. the young girls' pretty, caie I free fares Hut she soon h iir ! 'hat she was interested ill t•• of her self She made a siigge- • i">i ! hi), ignoring her shrimp cocktail "Now, here's the idea I : the now department " David's lan glowed with excitement "I don t know that by rights i! should ere of your depart in: J Hut I t< >-l Mint you'd handle it oilier tiian anyone else would. This was the time for Kiiy to tell him that she was leaving ti.« re, I but it had enliivly slit [>• i: her mind. She was uitenselv i . to hear what lie was gone I*. her. A new depart nit ;it was v . .' she needed to stall her imagination working along fresh lines, to whip up her interest. "Yon know we've wanted to put in a greenhouse, sell tro- !n i'i-. all the tilings a gai-'vii needs," David said. Kay nodded her head. "Well, I've decide I I" go ahead with that. Hut I want \.> a step farther. (Jet a goo i lio:.' •;>( gar dener to give the i listomeis .nl vice. consultatiuns evu l.i\ out whole gardens " "Oh. David, that's a marvelous Idea " She was r*i:>v!it by 't.> same flame of cnlhni in that wan sweeping him M *t I haven't much idea what to do with their gardens. They pi.nil all tie wrong things, depend on ' !■ 'icrs who are day laborers, not niiists It lakes someone with i N il eye to make a lovely garden W. II have our person give a « • .* of lee tures. have will : : ' ns for city house." laid out in Ihe u'< s'Mhniinr." "Yes. that's 11 good plan ' Now that the Idea w i« l» ••inning lo fer ment In Ka". s rend. In >• •• "i'l sav ing much He liked I" see the way her quick brain giasped and do voloped sugg< sllc.ns In fed it. Kay pushed her fork absent mindedly into her chicken livers, ate a mouthful She wouldn't have noticed If thev had been sawdust. "You know. David." she said slowlv. "there's a further step w« could take. I've never done any actual gardening, but I've read ar ticles and books on landscape de sign. and anyone villi some sense ran tell a good garden from an un planned mess." • "Yes?" He waited for her to eo on. (To lie < iinlliiued) Cotton Prices Wine Lontroi Measure Faces Down At Noon Strong Opposition in Senate Nrw Yuri;, K«'l>. |7_(A»>>—CN»t 1 'tuns ..,11-mcl niuiiatwd I,, a 1j:iIo hiylirr. ..••m, uolt. l(, 2-, wi;t. • lower. M.uvli |«».«»«. M;iV I<l7i • i .lul.v 151.53. ! Vovions T> id;iv's ,, , C'loso Opi'li 20.(1(1 20.05 ;l;,v 19.74 lll.TIi I»57 I >1.511 * »:•!..»>or I«».4:i hi..; | 1 Aivmlx'l- lil.HH IS) 41 ,ll-"y i».:m I!t:!.i iv.Tican Tank Forces crced Back <(*ontiuuod from I'ngc One ) ;i('iiiilc(l tlio advancc air base at lialsa. (in mikv« tarthor -outlx. (■fiH'ial IKviulit I' KiM»:iho\vt'c".s lu-Mlijiiat t«'i s r«'|)orti'(l ter-cly: ••< >p| t< »s: iifi armored forces have engaged ihi'dUKlmiil tin- day our li.ro s < n llu- oiitliern I rout. "At the oud of tin* day, fighting \va- ill progress on the outskirts >ii» tla.'* The «' was no immediate indication \\hcthci* Cn'iK", Montgomery plan in d a "li <'(-! trontal assault on tin* !• « n«-t;-1». I- .Vaietl: i.ne or ii'telld-d ■ . i tele i •. ,- i;t ino'iilc r<im»s 'I i>- I>i ti li i 'in nui"uni- said, li >\v t ver. that "patrol . |ie ..:n>n eoiitm ■ . 1 • -I'll- I"*." Noah Numskull DFAR t ICAH ="- OCE 3 1 ■'lOT/AE!^ MAIbRF: 5ATMEW ,/s» 7ME "THAT WIMP CLAfcEMCC WILKS FT~'■■'VC HAUTE. /AIC> — D-tTAf?! AJOAU,— EEFOI5C to sleep do You ALWAYS COVER You re eye s vjith Twolips ?■ MA'L YotS I B-BUMN r.' I CHAOLO / fL^NC, TI — — llail.v llisualcli Ituicati lit Hit- Mr U...i i iluiii :»> l.t \ \ i>i5i T. Kalc.^ll. let' ! :u -i A \vmc control loll. cd t IH >11.-0 III# I Wl l'li H «.t in .0. tacts .t . 1 uU- 1 . ill UlC SL'llilU _ 1 the 1 iiiw «' f"iMi • • .i!i? (ibjii'iimi 1.- ;> , . 11 \. inch raises tin- .1. , n. . .lit- tiuil cuii In1 it \ iMimty in 20 per iv,: CiOVCl'IIO!' llll.UJ. 111 caliy requested tin.-, sc.- urn lot iiin -i '.vine Ijn-iiii'M. v i:.K :• 111 have ij .. iiic; -..ir ell's of the l>ill <! • .tort 11I ;ili piuiM .-Jiy lha. ihere 1 CI o v e r n » i' I 11 ,11 -peri.-.es to jti*t>:. ..mis exactly \\. .1 ■ • I'udoublcdly ti.< fered from a lot tu tne efleetiveiK- . . mr 1 1 ij.v. Legislators t ,.tt ii:k lobbit(I. . >1 don't object ovr: t. icon.-, approachc o_\ islation: l>ut they . ton much said 11 icy are. Kvcn ;>u limiso. the . 1 ouiid hotel l«»!»l :u liu? etlectiv lobby 11 getting such an i!ii|jie.->i • ol tali; is bavin*.: .senate. Unofficial poll ' catcs that at tin • I>«» ve.y clo>e. S«>e see probability ih.,i •. « • , 1 rinn Ilarris : i• I t 110 v :t>. W .1 ■ 1 would not like !>• <• Win foisted on any doesn't wan: t. •• ,-sii keenly llie mci-i 1 ' 1; action thai i.e iiiil as ..ili lie killed a;.d <> r • !• 1 nil <llorb at i!i Governor lirn .■\1 :i • limit ii a.: a\ inf. ! ■ at ie dal not like •• '.:it alcoiiulii t ;• .vas anxiiiu- 1 yc uiea>ure |ia.»sed \ 1 ;.l (mice-. i< 11 t ■ 1 . lta > oelivvt-tl tu '» i\•• ttn tin' uttiuidf. .ictunii'.i iiiix wiiiiv •: v . . I bill, wild llil\f ll .1-11 . r i ; : ti t<> it I:*• »iii i)<•( ! • ay i: i :• wuii whiskey «>i ini'i, lw\•> • ■ c.l lr.»m wulf pin J lit, l\ in1 :!«•; 11 lilt (lisl.ilti ■ , »iJv ■; ■ I I illy IHHllrill <>l till' VVIIIV tltllilK* Laxk'iiI rviiMitiiiig • sli.il it 11.«■ 111 l.~ IAVI1 till- A HUTU I',i . ouiHXirt lor Uu cm tics: .1 lit two illdU8U''*>S • :< ' i-|..-f > <-lilted. Ml n„ ill>s .1 M..14- .!.• .I I' iv. Iiiw prohibiting Uif .lit- oi ..ill . : III' ..XIII " • 'I.I . il <>'• Miiii-C Infill ,(| .> . iiii v.» f .u ••»'. -i . 11 «• llflilji lit III :i fill limit I I Hi M ■ lifti III on • .1 • . •!!-. II till' t H ... iiii- l.i«;:il i >: IJ ' < "ll>il|i lilt i l: il . < tin! illiilpti'll ' . ii! ' f u lit if ii insist lijin: ■n • bills waif fi.:it:i't lij -'ill l-Ct \\ 'I'll • , • :i niii.ii rily i.- ;j] like il .mil ri i i,i it' ,-tiit.* I'pif.-Oll X U'f.il Sf|Jil :ifll'lv IVo!, -JI'S (In Wiuil in vote i,s «>;•»<««. s....n,u.,. Hi- ' liH , in :■; 111 •«• •(•I o I Komi- t;i > Ill l ? • II.♦ II i 1 '«»* f). f II ; • •urn..! be <• sr>sion. ' ! |»m . Mir<» I -K.1 is«*c I • I |'JM'ill . , .... ' Wiie Preservers n -r-r—i A . •!.••• • a Uil ran ' ! i •!.<; vl 1 a...U. ^ .. ■. i ,-.i on | as a u-miuMwy ! ■ '■j i.uv ;ui draw i t S >Ct\AH r>'^/C:'x fou -llU f*. <sCS?A£>P_, ^ - | i *&ii ■- - lu ■ p Is FilRt IKOM | llitp in 'rti. 1*».. : I * NO- l< n^S Lll ! ' Sffctu<V.t( AsD '•••. >• | • BE v/OBKS.r By ft. J. SCOn 1 "4.iJ$1"mA.N SilCCESSlOK * I - *'<./!/> i/i / v, . t.t r i r- iv.l lsek-.ies of 4 ' '• >H V I KNAjFRGM fcWlH $ Lo^i - * *• bi.fc. canmom • ■ ► *-'*• - ' ?. -O WK W Too - CA^ VWf. A MI MC ..'yV " ^ ~ *->■- V'Lk^lfw THE OLD HOME "" . r#»M • t'Oaufc ?-.l hUN ' .'il i IJM i a r; )Zy- r o By STANLEY »<t . •• • 'ii ' .•/ > '/"'m < » „ iV/K '/>! ; . ~ . r> ^: > •' ' .V , / »|6#h >>, * /A=l • n' ' ;^h ^ Va, cg;p /; i-) so THIMBLE THEATRE — Starring Popeye SA-SEZ T' CjC Hi. tV AAEfcflM'p y if-iOajLERS.'' 1 , C v < Tv< J.™ '\ \i\ ^ vN t>CAV? .'i> HERE "OR AM V.EE-iM'- - 6!?0U)l EIce° ^ L"Vj' CcDV-' / I'M A (. CiKo.Ui.F'3 i -v <•-•:>; -VJ a": x i ; i c?r 2 j "Puppy Love!" 7 r <v^ )^j '* :s); ( . 43 El TA KTTL f • " R;; ' C ' j mis// v- * h rV'-4 --^ / -a ftJS sA \ V W: _L J . > 1 ~I r<, » V r i V :$&--r * "'• • v\ -■ ,vM I .f j r ' \ \ I r ■ M «* ^j$S I i ?/ ' QN* A ftxn I?#' I \ THE GUMPS - ENGLISH AS SHE 1« SPOKE <• ■ rA 'er ;ngM t neKvr ! I • - c-oin M ILM IflAE OUU PP. " OU<i I I ff( r. • IT Wife I *'«.<•«• . ' I cji P C'l'-.'L - ! I iio ci.'WC* O.oti ?L • I V. ".ir.'0'J .:. •. 'jMfci ■£ r». | J OJt.-l.nTLt CW?L»M t-OINCa I.OT& OP hPOD \ SwE'^ 6VKKI TAK'lvjfei ), CCMJS"i,£ -.J OM WM1.WJ A«?LlNCi ■' MOULD r-(.•••' _4' j --f li&Mi l^sJOt a route'j* >0fZ Mil/ lti« perk

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