^ MEMORY E_ lirnitrrson Sailit Sfsrararfirlt ) 'JIIIIullLlH ^ EAli I.KASKIt Wliuc ai-llVHT A SS< ,r'vKi'"!! CI ;!]LK HENDERSON, N. C., TUESDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 2, 19-13 i\rzz i&K&K!$soJft.Knii,",s FIVE CENTS COl'Y SPAIN may swing power balance »N EUROPE AND IN AFRiCA Hitler-Spanish Showdown Scon,, ,„cxitablo rrom Gibraltar'* Base Points Symbol of British Power RKPOUTS indicate the Spnm. li shoivdown in the t invh loiif.- r, it 15 said, can I''ian;::co franco hold ba k II"- .\ i - v . i threaten to ^p:ll over h:s frontiers. Yet thai move is l<. ic.il t• >i the Gcrm.'in lliuh Ci'Miiiaiul. in relieve Il'iniinel's p<iMiii>n. Sii.uld II r take over, the disposition <1 Franco's estimated 750.0U0 \jf.i-tt.i I troops will be a i nr force in Allied calculations. Spain's Mor>><*: i ni tillery can render Gibraltar impotent while other divisions th:c; u the existence ot General Uwight Eisenhower's army, (iutcriiuliomii) Timoshenko Hits Nazis in Northwest Russian Marshal Returns to Forefront In Leading Drive On German Positions MiN'iiu. .March '!—l\t'i—l!' Iliininu In (In* forefront ill llir Krt! army's npci .iliiut. asaiiet the (irini.in- Marshal Tiino shi'iiUii has driven into llirir liiisilimis mi a broad. wiml->Mf|H M'liiir til the norlhui'sti rn front i1' .1 smlth-n tlirii-1 that na/i .ir imir ami Iiimv.v mortar firr witc ini.ililr in It.ill. ami lias smashed the seasoned (lerm.in Mill) aimv. (lie Russians said tnd.iv. -l'"(l iv' in. ii ii ( •' «li«l >>"' mention Ihr I mill i ::i I iV **'il front till!' dispat in lliat Tinin>he ko li , iml had halt hi drive to (tmsKilidiitr his fwtr< after \\I. ||J» over Mini qilalV mill' "I leri'ilnry itllH ret. | t u •>"- \ 1 hw* in u sparsely nettled eounlry ride. A special I'liiiiiiiiiiiiinir last IMrl.; lull) Hi' till- successes ill .III ••ii:!it-ila> old offensive in which S.I'd" f«ermans were reported killed ami :;.(>IHI ■■■ ]i*in■-«) II was tin- lir.-t official inept m T:n<iislii'iikn i nvnt'i- ii <} it" •'•'"up lijill \va.s hi- f : 1 i'i I' irt.r t t'! fori jit northern fight inu in thi ■■ " I'i • \ imi -1 v |n> had 1m•(•n stationed "H Kh\*kriv Kursk front* and oil the l-"i il,i\c.t,.in trout. Ill* • o|i- in tiir v o!'• n e w 'III. t |l| l-lcfl lici ,. j. I ■ *1 I1 Jhi* mnrxhnl *t ill had Premier Sta • ■1 _ ''i!I coni idcnec. ! he strenclh oi fJormatiy'- IMh army I-as not been staled hu< a W'li'rnnvi'nt ne\vspa|>er ri'imrli'il that ItllllHIIilll Of .'Mian (llvis ''IIS WCrC "Healed I'jisl or IIlni' ii " 11m* Oermmi f fit ft arinv was know it to have kept I'm ,h. . - i•*i :.i ri • nod V' ' ■' " i il : -lit( r who liavr It id a vi Hit'.. • 1 fri mii art ion m ■ ' IiihI winter alt.n ' ■ d an a. PRFSIHF.NT remains IN LIVING QUARTERS Washiiii'ton. M.,|i ll 'J ( M'> 1,1 I! ' II • . .. I ' 1 . " I Ion i • hvnr: o il'" '"day. eiiiieelhna In 'I'm d.iv • I'"'" I fell nr.. iml • I-I iv lini '* "'J ilwl iiiimI oi visdoi . ml '■"'din,i! 1(1, r>{ ii *».v leloj I "'Mdcidial s i i I.ii v li • " ™«r»* -I I',.- finer 1' • I '""Inn,ii,.. |,, ,, f|.(,ni jlh mal U|,lrh |U. ..,,111'iod la 1 1 hiii'sday. t Knox Pledges Annihilation Oi Jap Fleet i Ua.,hiii«ti.n. March (Al'»— | X. y Secretary Kin>\ |>riMill cd | . i ..int.- I<•<l;iv that "we will tll destroy liii* Japanese licet i cii ; i■ the war is over." And when :t is annihilated. lie addc.d "we'll |>mi>iii>lc impose li|>■ •*! her th.il she'll never hsr.e In-: I It el - it ii.i i xh.iiited fin- i.s li'>| 111i iI.!i«■<I t,. have one." lilt- cabinet ollieia! made the l.iteuient ill iirKiny the Senate !i>reiKii rclal inns ciMiimiHce t>> • >vc le;;t lilt mil extendi :■ the lend lease net another ye.ir. blasts Kill One Worker Fifteen Others Hurt I III Explosions and Fire at Chemical Company Plant Itristol. I'a.. March 'J—(AIM —One person was killed ami 15 others injured early today in a series »l explosions anil fire that mreeked one of the (ill hiiihliints I at the hiiue ttoliin anil llass ' ( hni ilia I ( o. plant in this indus trial lommiinit* ahiiut twelve in li- Irnrn t'hiladelphia. lit ,i, \ i eii "lilii rs a lived al t|t< ii'. \ le tn lire till liurneii jiiiiI threw .1 Iwiivy KUtml aliiAit the! plat I. spread over .t i|iiitiier-inile I tapiarc. I i )ne in.hi • •!«I lieint; Ittirled .i • ii.i'ieinl window. Many ,.| those I' I ' cd were sprayed v. tlii ! ■ Ilen pla-l ' - 1 '''I t.i lite ntiitiiilae 1 \ it.il war material*. TImj I hut j ev|il<>sMi tt'sw l<>llmvcrl l»y several lej.lt j ii i',\ i '(■ 11.1 hlasl* and wits felt, nver a wide area. Tfi,. . liliuil Irenciirer of the c m : i ,it\ t-l mated damiij*e al id lea l 5:1111 mil lie .nil lite explosion e ;letd 'i ■ reaelimi of chemicals • • I in the |ii''ies>ms "I plastic nu tenuis-" I blasts Kill One Worker Fifteen Others Hurt In Explosions and Fire at Chemical Company Plant llriMol. !*;•.. .March '!—(AIM —One person was killed and 15 oilier-, injured early (inlay in a series itl explosions and lire Dial \\ reeked one of Hie Ml Imililiims al Hie Imue Kolim and ll.iss ( lieliiie.il I n. plan! in lliis indiis Iri.iI i oniuiiinil> alniul twelve ni lis iiotii I'liiiadelpliia. ||i .. ■ eii "Ulier.s arrived id lln " eiic U'll le IN* lire lill I , tui tin i'U .1 lit i\v Hliard i!"ili| thf | plant. .iMi'.id over a (iiiurlor-iiillc M|iiiiir. i in), it in I -Id hi lii-iiiu liurlcd IhriHiUll .1 " iMered window. Mutiy n| lliiise i i . rd were sprayed witii ■ •lien I'la.sl i - ' I'd i.i tin* niaiiul.ie I ,.f \ ital War in iM-rials. Tin; lies' i vplo.siftfl tt'iM tollmVCfl liy soVCml l< - |K«Wwfl I I'l.i -Is ami \\ an |,.)t nMT n wide area. 'flic a . i ml Ircwurrr of the c t„ • paiiy <-! mated (I.linage al al lea-1 > Mill "in lie nd tin- explosion e ileld :i "it reatjiou nf chcmicals • .In: the pi■"•I'l-sfhft nl pla&tie ma terials.*' I in 1 Hunderous Prologue To Invasion Berlin Bombed By RAF ★ + + + ^ ^ „ n n * * * it it ★ ★ ★ tc ★ * ★ Jap Convoy En Route Toward hae MacArthur's Airmen Wait t'cr Attack Acmada cJ 14 Ships iVilov:ng 'Under Cover <--• i An Advancing - ■; cather Front' (/.'// 77/, . i v.s-iwtill (1 I'reus) A 1 l-.-liip Japanese convoy. nn»\ iiiK :i-- nj-T "under coyer of an ad\.iiu iujr weather front,'' •.as ii", ;«1 in route to Lac or «i»« i" V 'iuiiica I»as«'s in tin* • •ut! v* • i P.-.t-ific today while mii 'ai timijria- MacArthur's riiii .i 11;ii»:ilirutly waited the i>;Mirti:r:,y l<» attack. Tin* Aeicrican and Australian titers <icrc eager to repeal their "HTiurmaiiri' of last January 8-10 v Si ey Mlivet'ili'il in sinking i i- puttim; mil nl' action at least live or (hi six transports of an eleven- or Iweivr-sliip convoy ami shot iloun 75. ami perhaps 1I!0. i-iirinv I'laues in one nl' llic sre.ite*! aie liallles of the south west I'aeifie. A.- a ii ill of Hint action the 1 pain- i- attempt to reinforce Lac w:i.> believed larnely ahnrtivo. '1 now .la;.ane e attempt !<• shove •• fvi' (• fiws !" hold their north* ■i , \. tl ilea bases de.-pite a iu'!: -.duhlt allied air blockade pus \ v.-a ■ an vet ti« allied thrust which have pu-hed the Japanese hack IS". from Wat. and cliMC 'ii S .1. maiui. 20 miles s<nilheast i>( I at;. It . !l<wkI 24 hours an official rnait; ■ <»• Hfi'.i! AlacArthur fli.it the .lapane-e were conccnlrat iny their main stre-atii in the islands fii.r^i- -4 Australia to the north and lio: 1 invest .Meanwhile, allied hitmhanliers took a eraek at numerous Japan i>e airfields and shipping. from \V:iiti!>apoe. to points in New Guinea. They stral'ed trails in the Aliiliii area south of Salaniaua. and croiuid palruK surprised and de«lro\ei| a eiilleelioii of Japan ese liarces at the inoulh of a river ,iu>l south nf Salaniaua. Auslndian Wsir Minister Arthur S. lira ;el rd said in- lielieved the .lap .ne i' preparation n the southwest <Continued on f'age Five) Value Of Raids Is Questioned Washington. AS. 2 — (AIM — \ ,y Sect clary K1 -\ 't icstioncd to day whether aeri.. •••biiia "I <>er .111 siininar ne lia i tin the llni'tti • : ii fi>a t nt l-'rance • e doing direct damage 1 •. the I' holed up there between luray- ml ' Atlantic. Kt ox. est in it > 11 • -i.it the enemy had .'inn in |im >ltli n presently available, told a pn- ninference he was unable t" -a> •« effective the bombing iiltaek wi e "in direct hits" and empha.-i/ed t! t "some ol the -tails (in which 11 ■ • a ncs are kept) | lire hea\ i'v pp-ici '• i Tile secrctai v v. asked ii starl ing the disc a. -m i-tlier Hie bomb ings had in-! n effective and he re plied: "Well. > ii put it that way.. I'll sav 1'n-y are e lective. They I certainly are <l n: nine damage— if nothing mi- c II ' disrupting the life nl (lie enir-iiumly.'' WHEN ALLIED FORCES CAPTURED DE SENED, TUNISIA Allied lisht. medium and heavy tank- arc show, adv^m-im; on the \\is stroll ;hnlil of l>e Srtliil. Tunisia. Tile town was raptured hy the Allied I' rees and with i' maw \\i, pris-nters. I5iiti-li and Ameriean soldiers examine the ruins of a l)e Sene | strueture I bottom > alter the lieav.v assault on the town. HalltraeU on rislit was the type ol conveyance cd 1.1 liriitRiuu t'ie tae*i to liie front. (International.) Kerr Urges Fast Action House Considers : Education Measure And Appropriations Bill; Senate Busy .March •>—(AIM—The Iioiim*. iirijeil li.v Speaker John | Kerr. .Ir.. In spi'i'il its mirk anil • complete (In- iiitrmliii'liiin of lo I cal hills liy Wednesday. consul I cretl thi- education aini'mlnii'iil I TmI (inlay ami also prepared to I iii'l on tIn- SI 15.0110.000 hit'iiilial I ai>i»ro|»ri;ilions measure. | Kerr. who appointed :i calendar [pnmniillcc In hurry cm lder«»tl< now bill*. -aid the General As cm ' I»ly prnbnbly could :idjimrn Saturday l if represent at ics In! .1 ' .-to! price. Now bills 1 1 niuht " tuuinhcrcd llio measure^ passed The rn;i!( . koopinu ah: oast of il Woifc. held th oe .-■o.-';i«>ii< atd »Ii posed <>f 11 larue variety ■! !•!!-. in chilli- n :i house mea- re mlliori/ nu use nt pri i" '.il>i>r mi fa'iv.s if and when the jiovornor hold that ;• n cniorue'c\ c\: t itl farm l.ii'or e n il lions. Tin- 'i II. which will I'l-cme law upon ' 'icalinn. |ir» dc- ' ii Iho rate .i! p.iv In he ; hv the Stale II nhw v' and Public \V nl; Cimimi si'>t ■ • ieh Khnll hav« el •••.• nf the ciitj■ i. 's w ?11U- Ilie.v arc en gaged iri I., m tvnrl; Also na . <1 by the -en.it.• wa : house I'll -i -i i/i :i est. >1 ; of an in-i 'ii* -n I' dnlhupicnt .%'<• tin mi l- ippMipriatinK >:! ■ '"•n for its n ;i •• 'M"ce GENERAL DIVISION REVENUES INCREASE Ilalei.'l; M-ireh *J (AIM The Slide's l'i 'in ' 'In Mi re vent ley In creaseil ' !••• -i • • . the! I'NtflUm nit • . . ndipu Kohi uarv 28, ci.ii i i"i |be same pi inil ending I'- * 1 !•!:'. hut tin gasoline il i repm-led 't r<< "line flocrca-i-II limine • lie same |• I. tic mut-n- whicle dopartiin i t <\«iuic. 11■ <>p{>• -iI i>v Record Appropriations Measure Passes House fliilt'ittli. Miinli - — (AC) — Tin* )><>,-■ rrl ;itul ' pruvich' !"i 1lt«-ir up-1 |>ii,-i .(• in ■ d"\vii i-rim i- tn iiinctul poiiiimci ' ch I "M <1 -t> Uk< $|i; Mill mm ;nici .11 ;ippi"pn,i Tlw lei • hretikilltf |K*IhIJ|»H Will I i. ' "I \ ;ilul piissod lite iiiim pii.~scfl im • ■■ voir ;iI !• -1 li'rprr.-rn mi' fii tiiuil tr.idilii:. tiitive '|'..i- ;■ .in.- "I .l;irl; • mmiuIiI j At 11 « lni'i' thr house* piisscd In c*li«iiil.4* 1 w 11 i•• • 1.1 clirdulr ! i.- 1111,11 • iilinu ii lull In filter the In provide '.11 I • I" Slulr 1111 •; ■<•(! "| Ik hi rd .iiiietidinctil rmpliinyc n i!>r I'UVi'r in nrkrl'.. A ilcpli-il ll<' people liist Nnvcrn llif lull w ippt'iiM'd in llir house. h i I' 1 • •vidr.- iinotlier voir in the it would provide SI"1 .1 n<>nlh Imi , .! .t ic- .I I'li'flion In rli.jnge Ihp' method <>1 electing njcinbcrs ol the (Continued on lVijjc Five.) Ifulciali. M.nri, > - (AP) _ The !'«' ' !■ in ' 11<»wii elliul In ,'imctul tin M' ii'iii.iiiiii neneiil <'i|i|iruprj;i line* i. ;! : "i y aii<l imwcd (lie men* lire i-ii I iti.il I At n < 11»t>*• Ihi' hmisc pnssod liliiii ' <i11;i lull In filler tlie mi-: n il i-ii" I Imiird iittiendmenl dcpii il i-v ii i- ii|»l»» Ijist Nnvcm h i I' | ide> !inollici- in ||)(. ■ .( .<'io-.ll clerlirin »r. rli.jnRr t|,e method 'ii fleet my members ol the ho; i I'd ;111>I pl'o\ iflc |ni Ih( ir ;ip |>'>mlnn,n: !ii» 11• «ii d ,!i ' Till1 rcc 'ic.ilii' u j><•• i< 1111ImII pilsscri i*'i ir«* vt»lc ;ilt**i IC<*)m r.-rn 'illivc T >itis <•: .fuck • ■■ soiiitlit> I» chunk!!' I lie win* lionii* M'licdnk' In piYH'idc Imuor |m> i.i ni- i.. Hlnin rmploovc i' I'll1 '«i\v t-i- l>i;ii-krls. As tll«» lull w.i. .ippi'ivod in Ih«» lituiso. it would provide si"» a month ho (Continued on l'age Five.) Sbeitla Captured By Allied Forces Gandhi Nears End Of Fast Poi.na. March U—<AP) —With only nut* more night t<• survive With".it food tn ci .11 jilclr his -I- | day !a.-t. Mohandas K. (iamlhi continued in hold in.- «>\vn v. The >«■:.! old leader was ce inn 11i.- last \ isiturs today. tor ;it iS a. in. tomorrow he will re- ! turn tn !. !at!.- .1- . political Jner whom tin .mi- ij. |nv nnlKd In \ i-it. Gandhi- friend- will imt he permitted I., .it;.- (i 11 if }ji'. ill;; prayer -< • > ai r ill..' ii for tmmirrow morning, to pre cede t 111' 11. c;i . III, "t In - I Today'* nfl ■ ■ .! btiliolin d: "Tlll'l I' I> I: r: :U« 111 t i .11(1: condition aril In- in Rood spirits" ll was iv|>"'•'«.(I that Oamlh planned t" • •«• '. in Irnig fast at !( a. ni. t ii • i111 :tn p. m. Tuesday nicl t. ! W'l > wlien Mrs. , Gandhi v. ii <: ' ill; .i . ' nf nranm ;r. i • . • me j if. Island Base Swao Talked Ty dings Pro pares Bill Authorizing Permanent Transfer Of British liases \V;»«.lli'ii:liiil March '!—( MM —'1 ilk nf ;i |icrtii;iIll-ill tlilll»fpr •n ilii- t niii'il i.ijoi wi'vtrrn hriuUphrrc Ii i>.rs Ir.o-cil fr*im tl»c llritisii I'ioIi top h^line |ml.i< in rr pi-n ill in: I.iv. Iilmr .mil in i ii pnw ii* IrrMaliuii <m 4 .1 |iit ii I triii. Sella! • 'I"\ i • V ,i' vl: • (1 ! »• ■ era I. <1 i'|i .1 dt fiiv .n 'IIIH'IKlll'CMt < ' <i Ii at ': MihlCh Wo lid I'll It the v.av for ill . Icritnliiiifci . ap| nt ' 'i '"( > — lea-cd the I n ti'll Stale- Ml [■schanKc ■" a cr.iue ili !i-oyi" before this ( \ i •I'cinl the war Semite r ' 'r Ihr l» ll finning lend ' «e i".' another year WOjt espi rti 'l ' I ' d ir !•' the I loi I,-e ,11'f . i • i " i i • Memiwhile. - t• i'11«• i.- ni thr llunil I plan lo tax J'Ciif ftouulit t > • ark such . n "iitn withhold ! Inis le\ v law: I." 'ii invest Ration Uol Hiirit \i \ in in tli Imu.sc-. ,i il Se-iate I ■ anp >we mole (Can'..:' icd on Pagf Five) x Island Base Swao Talked Tydini»s Prepares Bill Authorizing Permanent I ransfer Of British Bases M.irrli '!—I MM —'I ilk of ;i prriii iiH'iit Inillvfrr (it (lie ( nilril *»t.i !«■«• i»l MT^Icni linnNplirrr h iv«<«. ii' •«-«•»! t r'ini thr ft—ilivii I'mk i"|i li"*line |i»il.i« iurr itniilhii; i.iv. 11!»«»»• .mil til rr I«■: l - III r«> 11 nil (,i|iit<i| triii. Sriin! • 'I'm M.i• yl.■ • ti ! '• > rnil. »l I-;. .1 ili • n in i'IICIkIii CM' I I I 'III ll ill ' I which w I '< 1 • n v > ' <r ti Icriuili• »ii. . ii|■.>it fi»i 11k1 mm* -"leuwd !■• On? I'liitcd si iic in I'M'h.mi!!' II AiT.iW ill 1 I'l'fuic |li:s i \ I'Ti'i• t'l'i 1 thr \\,ir Kriiiilo • if the I.ill i'ii' liliuiMU li'H'l ' '' I' .iiinllcr \imr Wli.« ••spri'lc I ' " rl.ivcri lit lil tin llllll.-c . n'l .1 • ' 11 'I 111 '» I' I * Mi ;hi\« ! i 'i i ill ,c linn I*l«iii In ' \ > I' ir •«»li::lil I > I nek kiicIi . onln 11 Withhold init In v l.iw: .i I.ti•• «i invi «l u.itnni U«»t Hllfil \< V i'l i" 111 It'Hl.sC-. ;c (I Sc:ijito h i !• i■ 11111fi\vc mill' !. (Con!.:' .cd on Puge Five) A.dvance Continues From Kasserine in Tunisia; Aerial Activity Increases Allied llciihiiiuileis in Nurlli Africa. >1 ;■ r«-!j '!—lAI't—Allied 1'i.ices in continued advance in ceitral Tutii.ia have captured Shcitla. IX miles frmn Hie town <■! Ivasseriii;*. an allied headquar ter-. eo!iinuiiiic|iie announced to il.. ^ 11 the far smith. the war Iwl le'.in said. fighters attacked ob jective* in the Maretli line, hut Ill-re was mi aillililllicetllt'lll ot l.i ii.1 action. tin the ii' In-n Timi- an hatMi ■ whi rr :i\i 1 ures were -eek In drive >ii I'.eia In Mark tin M'-d li;i>.. ! M rli'Vel li.ili. the nvmi'i ic : i• • ■ Hacks hail I - < :uli]. In el : i'ii!cl , '*•• fall «»f Sljeitla war 1. diet.ii ■Tin' city i: mi . ir hands. All «•<! ■ • . c intivniir; • 5n■:r successful ad •tie(. *ir the area 2n miles linrthea-t **,| Shcitla Marc!, i tcil m the north allied head <•■ i niv ra tine..' (I IV:, ' • r y price 1(1 ha I. e . .ii iilc ih|. ;.s has been rl all led ai • ■anued 'lie flneli te mil • i i- and oi <\NT1 R ArK FTF.F.RING MFASURE APPROVED Washington. March 2 (\P)—'Thel II .• i'i e'e- e'l the vnv tiflav for i llnttsc \..te pcili- i :i 'ly Me* ' V. <« tin ll-.Mw avti • 'i r'i '■ '>eell l)il - 'rrlv nppi«il| liv .•••i:ani/ed lalmr. ciriii II v.. 'I • Illinois saiil • » •• ' v <•!<• mi the n* 'i.i i * * • ir added the ,1 IV *te V as n 'I llti iTtiniotl". The li'll W'» il .m.'nilnienl the l!i" I iiit ■ ela 'ei a ' hv <jvc ' eal \ >)e' i nr; ! • <•*>• *d <*\t<r1 inn ii inter t >te cen inr <■<•. The new lef v tinp lalmr «|v.l;i -nen have •nniptnlned. would •• :il c I.u*i* .11- snhl'r' t.. j>.r .■ flif (tick •Ii• : "i utile* inlawful activities. *VF ^TtSM? tot: NOItTII t MJOI.IN V IS tin near the const and snow mixed Willi rain in the interior ♦ in ifIrrniion n«rl t«iei-|it ( old er Iniiijht and curb Wednesday. Huge Fires Are Started In Nazi City Bomber Raid Called Heavies; Yet Made On Berlin; i9 Planes - aii to Return I •-.Ion, March ■>—( \i»)—1„ a wiumu ioi:- prologue to an inva I iuiipc. tlic royal air t. iHinilicrs last " -li! gave (tcrliu tin- (kmvirsl ' " ; ii r iiH ever luapcd upon t." 'icrnian <-:• 1*1 <.»I. da> Mm iiii.- i:t ollcnsivc |lv J lr »«■*«• '.(I Ii.v 1 S,.11(.s M: : v> horn Iter-. M !|i, [, culininat "I 'II >a,l iif iiC- |,||/,. „f ,JP. Mnictlun (IV(.,. It,., ||t. xv;|s |lt,. v<>iitrc(| !t\ Cai'lain Il.tiolfl |$a|. .T' uinli'i>r< rctar> .it stale for air. as "iir-parnm the- wav f,„ | i'H< i! Va|i,,n> lor.-i*, |<> invade I.M'Ope. "IIUs;. ;,r,. hut t|„. opening ^ hu h uili rise t„ ((„. ,.n.. scesu.o ,,f march „„ K„r..pc," !"- ' I 'K d in an address m« Itriiani's "wiiiKs fur victory" war savi ic campaign. I can .V:"' ,i""- »l>< » • lifti* will |i,» llo ||„|,r „f jj|(. 4|ay "'"J" tlic a\is can rest om the swoop f .,||i,.(| aircraft." ri1 "V* V' -— c A l»j — 1 ill' K.\I\ colliiiniinjr t|„. offensive "-r;.ii»>t Bump... l,om!» " l>< rlin . ml targets in Ut.s|. i n 'lermanv !:i<; ui^ht in raid-" which !!• planes failed to '''< fir ministrv an nounced 1<i,lay. I lif 11nil Merlin was de cnlicd as ,i "Ileavv concentrat <1 sill.-irk carried <m in clear I>-. : and I ?„• results were -ani i« have I.trood. "Merlin got it heavier last nieht *•" '■ •'«- ever liad so far" « a|M.tin Harold (Salfour, under xfcietarj of stale for air de clared.. Thoiisandi of tons of honihs were cra-licil on the Herman c»p'?al in a hall hour's lime, il Mils di-closed. "■'"I I'. -i ' - ' • ■ I .minsters, iV t'l r"1 —t«"»U part J to lir-t w »vc " bombers started r '• mi Id • 11 "H !'< ictnni! the ' 1 i '■ '■ Hi" 1 lie v, v !i crow* . ' '"'e i!'• Hitmen and (•ritjsli plane* also carried .nil intruder patrols oter occupied I ranee nul laid mines tp enemy «atcr», |ii< cMniniuiiKiuc report •' " • I'M l: M S sjv||| s|l(.. u s r> .• .r iii <ii laiiiiuc over the ennli"! ,it. • te.l Hi ,1 Her (Cell! , ,| ,t, p.,,,,. Senate Committee Defers Showdown On Bill Halting Draft of Farmers W;i*hln«tftfi. Msirelt !.— (AI*> —S-nale inilil irv .ilf.iirs <-<>( 11 lit ill •••■ .«•; .1««» |iiisl |Hiiii'il hulay a hIiow<|o\t 11 vole on ,i hill l<> halt iniliii'iioti of farm workers into I lie .i t itled M-i viee- as selee llve srrvlee olliritls joint <1 lite War «|e|i.i> linenl in ti|t|iosil ion to • lie measure. nniliiilU*' \ •'••<1 Id lietir lo>. Iltiiiiiiy from C*oI<hh'I Ih'Wi IV Sim ile: -eleelivi m i v tei t'X|H i i. nl .hi al't't'lUMtn •• <n»n .tiler S.iti'lei.-i pre sett'eil i -l.i'emeiil ;i-•«-1 ' 111u Ihiit p.i 'iiuc of (lie lull would not solve fill'ltt I:il>iH slim I.iU' "■. The miltce taller! IJepre.-C'lllll livc Wart wmili. New Yml. Ucino (Contmucd on Page Five)

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