Urniicrann Daily tHspatcli i \M-4iiNt l ■■ It'll Ciiliti-lii <1 I mm-. \ i in muni I M fpi -i.inl.i> l>> IIIM»! ilhl'\l t II CO.. INI* it I "• N i'UII4 Mivet i , ,«• v< -..t 'Ml IMU»M t>! il t»! 0 \ i: in > [ est \Ve Forget T;rcss «hall make oo 1j > rrspcjting <sn estab lish:-..*i: ct religion, or pr> !• : c :he trte exer cise ->t. or abridging Ithf frt-- of ipc.fch or of the rr?s*. Fourth rerm an:i '.Jnity i Pre-. . : arc calm t '■ M ■ ov^r, < i"l. the .id •i - i »itt» if dcr;:: iund cam •; iis own ends. • v i 'lament tli.it v mid itself !'ii .<•' ■ ' i.linu fourth term t 11 ■ •.: i inccntrute on win inn:'. ' <• n c • reh toward vic t• ■ ry v. I " :yeatly arcclenited . wl d« • i' ■ the "iiemy brought n"m 11 ( ,11 s • It rm i- fourth term amt.it> << i .rrietl 'n officially or otherwt-e there i.< not U'»inu to be C('lli|ilete iin;• v mi the ('lilted States. «nd W.i hinitli'ti should have no il lusions "ii tiut sc 'ie. Bioughtou »?. Cooley S .■ u..i > i <•....» Bi ui*hnm • -f v' i , <• I' v'. II llCSt \<*al S l>l!UiVl.lt . IJIIIU.U.I the . uitli ilisti ;et will h;n e ••uv 'I i .iiut • '»t mv 1n»>• i' .1 ■- .. mi* .1 r tlivMi !' ii- j'.' i«|av< • ny 1' •> K'\. . \ !>..!» :>• :wj»e: - ho « . « "> *..i St..to. Kiv. -i - :ce :i -1 Uii-:iii .j' i:iuii r u. >.•!■: .i i ill.inn-. Ho • i ■ :i : ' o.lp't.il the n- •• : t «t : hi* N . 111 '.\l'o V.'t ill" *.> i !i i i:i Hto .tit*'ij.i! t to: ' • \\outd : o ;» »• >» v t mo:.! . use the ii erini Iwttvi < un .>t ;i « tvmi • Rover". ^ '!I4.~>. kI hp Hire v < Ketuth H;t leyV pre* term : i ' 1» ♦.tt which me 'lie | ■ • . < ' o\eo:;!;\e ■ |'o- t«> u<" ' ••«'*< S:;.te lie. It •> l\ :>;it.'le .niii < ■ e».»;try to ' . > e |io..|.U . . v f' t> W • St/iuito. i eoti i lh.it !t;i ley ' .ir.i ..it « *1 ■: :n Wile:. . •o.tiMt. runs • - \ yr.i - , l t«-I'll m..lit!:- • j . v .. mo mi't!. n. •! t.o .. . ' " st..: t '..iking when . '> • i-.it ,!l ( 'i.IIRIOS S ' there ,-u ' v. - lie.it, it : i ' ;i!\-!::ia r. . ■ i v I:nkod CV v. ami d.;ii :• ■ ingress t»> t: «• • I: -aid imr e.'i.: • tfit .1 con-id<' ' < w-papers in • > .ritry The : '< : ne county : dit ■ a'.e nn:- : or i' who aiwav* : : .<• representative • ther way ' \ « was given i' JiihT* •?> Ii - .in .. : ..ne. ' :n.i. .••ui.-K. I : l-lcni Vlanv [H ; iiy'.v ;»• a jina: rr.jny c.t./in Mr. :. t: h:.- f:ie*.uis ■ ; • #u * »» i,. « • tth as * een p :i.m i ... :•»: *':u ••cifiiteci .» politic t the rai. Drafting of Labor a ot wkic!. • .t.-.,:: .. l.ibvi: : : . wa; miners e.»>wn *.iie t.nat i !.) its dist'fi uiMriiii! I'ti. • • u ' -e lig'te ,ii>..ins: !: it atter .'I ii:ntt .•I' lo.-inj war anil be laves f>n hundreds ol years \ IS an-wcr unhe-iUi'. at !i; m.i'.ive. I*:.if s . »• .1 t*r. .«* .15 tii.it. i»t" in,: ...-r upon icsun .•» :.ut. i. procedure might be • ;<nc.ont gun ent. a d n . r;.' m .did basis. that it 'he miiii nt ha - authority tn draft :: • . :i;;ht .nil to die. .t similarly 'iht' r.ght to order able-bodie.t './< : < 'i civilian endeavor whore . pi.i ta:.t and direct bearing . v.e common objective. Hut Nazi '..ctics ■ '. commandeering workers ci :pied Europe to do .-lave labor n. • easily dismi-sed troni the muul. a'.th gh it i- very different f: mi .■ hot i. proposed here. The greatest hazard n the pro ct'dure in this country at this tiw the precedent it would -et tor '.he future. We think nv> t Amora if. have come around to the point via • they are willing to do in-' about (anything they can or ar" < liled apo to do by way of c ntrib ' ■ J t > . tory. Many, though, i ..n't csr.ip' feat - of possible offe< ' • u; t•, years to coire t»y ,vav >f y- vo'nnv n' controls and interferon wh > !i might hp fa.-tened 'ipon then as ;i I ermanoncy Few ordinary laymen are capable o| -ayi-g whether or not the emer gency Justifies or demands an ormv of such proportions as has been pro posed by our war-making leaders Some oppose it. and others cling to »;.«• v A. A . I s»PI'!.v,ilf. , I "I IMtwil • "I'll. «* l- « t.-Ut I M'»U.,V 't. ' ' I ' lb;: J.i.*: J Would llfWt Ul'»s .. , . J UJJIII I •'dttinti. A I w.„.m nip*i.«-'bV Dfspiu : •* ":;'I I:!..! l^-.Uh ,jlm> < ■•«'! \ . i;- . ••♦•rvUv. J; .. ' : .; 'tM* ■ '"■tui- m t;., • M'ltSf f,„. ,, ; t ;nv 1),, ■'•'Ill ii!V • \it tiu • %l1 * • tililll in* v T *' Ui'-V W'C urn: Would ; 1 <' i>l|J \il{% ' 1 ;.<nilhi \V »n-| J. • IU" ;:t '> it.JJy S;. _ A hc.ilth colli!! a: thr • \» v n« prize 4 »t s« i*s-- to the v. ; -!\\ ar J..ys \v»i v.vi WAVKS ! .i.\ nv>ei D th». Ik;! v .»el> Wv'liul . tlie e\* !' ivjitt. iK'h itiii> . ! policy i ted .. «t t .•!!». \\ \ ade *t<: ;ip \\ hat Do \ on Know About North Carolina? i!> u. mw \\ iiiit . .iv . p-u . i u \ . ■ < : ■ In t. ■ ■, tj % • \ J|{ !)«•;• . Intut I • I v; ly • years Id. wv < tin i ■ it'W \ • : - 3. "\V:, \\tho <!• ..\4at ' ' r "• ■':» Sh- i • nvfi:* i. .irui :,i- ,.t< ii <■ 4 .it . . ii :il, c • • ■ m X.ir'.h C'aiuhna w.. and upt'i'uti'd i'V W. v • 1 Mow :;.;ii!i (lul • } ■•nit: > im : dia :«.» :s»;i ti> n;ci t«. 1 «(>'■ tl. Who was tltc X • <\n ' na .'.!n> w.i Xi.lt li t'iii "i.lia p.ii fli in n.Mida" ANSHI Its. 1 S:N t< <" lasiii- "I 1 .-11 -l ... : i ■ • I I tiy tl.f N : tii C;ii. t • • \iM icultii . Ai r->n! t . tin* !!»I i .1 IJI ..! tin . ,• . |\ 1.1| in i i • - ' . i i Hi in, al ill | . \ i-li t SIGNS OF SPRING ' . i v|ii.5"i(i. A Nil nf oh! i r school roo icuvei ing tin* . - troni 1!!44 '.fit!. inclusive. ::>■ counties, i.ese old record- i tolind in a ■n!i..|«» iif an do<U in the • i t of «in«* ■ ■ ■ late builil li.-. No .>no ktii'V many yo.ii> • y had been thcr< A!bin \\\ Toll . deieisate irmn • ;:..rd canity. <■ ..;ed in an al- i «.iti«'ti with l'.. .1. I'nwles. <-ident • >t tin- « t-iiiitm. I'nwles Itim arrested charge ••! dia- ' !<• :%• ' ndilct. T. . • e ap|>eait-d tn j .1 o invent a >il \\i: voted to iv-I .•-t hi.- rt-losiM' l'l-lircce was 7!.« hati : farpetbagners j came 1" Xi-rt:. C.ii.ihna alter i ..i \V. . Ilie was I ' 'v.i •. !It- . . - made a mi-I r court judge ... remained on j . until 1874 when lie lo>t. I :: in- St ,te >li My nr.e.wards. ; !. :>!>.::« College, at LouUburg. ' h l';..-ima. acquired by' • iv i;e ir. l.Siii. and was •t ated •> in until hi# death in «>T Si n alter inn death !u< son. i . .• N" i na\e the in.-titu • • tin N :'it i'ari>lina Methodist it!* i n.-,- The college now is co .i..i•.• i.:«• ,iM'i h.i- • tuiiei.! bodv . Ml 'lit .»!>!• -I T a i;„..,an ke« report IU» : i «o iint- each .ti Itt'iJ. . • c | : ice had increased t«• Sii; .n 18t54 t" sM. and m 1B05 t>• | '• i Cnniirr^inaii William Augustus | u •• ii ..• eh. son General Law* j i • i i •'!:. v • r. i! 11 • v. Iii■ .il- • fei - 1 ce terms a- a N.uth far congressman. C'ongre= man w. ! \ Kralici: \va» bi in i!i !M7. in h. ••• !•'!• d.i where hi- pa: - nts li\ed :«•! al> •' U»n years before - l,, Ua!e -h it: 1KW Dui.nu i ' i -i .i i .11 the t otiiederalt \i • .v a i'ii .ruT .•:» the stall • : . . i: I' ii -ke. He was v. f m .... -i | !•' .Johnston at '• :e •!.( ! . illicit i'lae«". • •i Attei tin- v.... ■ | ml . Sc.. CoUuty. . lid !■ m to US' i i . . <• i ' tvt ni- in e< tic.: e s ).. I . U X. V. X - ANSWERS TO DAILY QUIZ i'iie Ut li. M-.e. t; I SALLY'S SALLIES ( Cfrvfcl A (ToiM.U^; BE SlLL/l (f« kelp 1H' wolf /r *RE?1' I fP-)M DrtAD h *NY WOLVES | ,H [)OOR> ( AROUHDrtE«t - ■•■■' - ' ' ' FARM BOARD MEETS ON TUESDAY NIGHT Tho V.iih'c L'KDA the t|;itui|k>l t:.t,, •: , board uill meet in .»< . day night at • '•! • AAA <•: I u-t . ii . to the t;.i lor (artn-iWiHHl . «• I'Hiv .j» !1 '<• !li< ■ ill thr r.nutty I he iiu-r TWO CARS OF L \ME ARRIVE IN COUNTY Two I .H i. .;u -~t«>ISO \ eii In d:.«!: :t»i;r. AAA Kianl-. .illtn I'd ! \ ! etaiy ti,<• i '(:«• •. The i I run Muidl.; »Vatkin>. GAME MONDAY ENDS SEASON FOR PANTHERS Motidav v.ii'ht w.'.' i tut ' ,.i the bsi.-kei'.i*ea>« n u tb« i;. >. tTwhW'ilv. S :w11 11 Thi' r !o. »*iiiti;il>" .id. v.!u> p. < t.. bo t"-> ;• nch ! r the mighty <°:ii:i;.| Hutitei teatr.. I Tl.i-v tii; led 'he ut<..ck iC'iii i>: j ■ hen Hawkins • i.| ol Warrettf • iwit-e mi tder the I \r:( l TOKS" \OTK I . 11..', v.; ((. ..lii: :ed iai i ..!<•! r.f | li t- A■ : Mr-. M. Kerry. (!<- \ rea.sed. late of Viituv foounty. North j I'.it.-lma. ti.i- to n..tiiy all I foiis having «•!.:.! »s against tli»- cstate I 111«• i.tuit-i ,'rin i "ii • licfmv 11 j«- ■ I'.'ti: |I.I\ M.il'( ■ 1. 1!U1, Ml" It)!' I III lii'i' w.il lie I'lC.nloi !>;ir <■' l!n>;i ^ recovery. All perMins indebted t<>. .ml i' ' ito Will pK'.i.-c • mi: .i >■ t-ttlcmt'lil. Tin *1 ii' 1 i!111 i! v . ! Miiivli. liitf . i«ll\ C II Al .1.. SAM C IIAI.I.. rscculors ««f tlio l.:i ' Will mid | ;n>d ..ii.flit nf Mr. II. Pony. lVivuscd. oxford. Nul'lll (*.l! I'lllKI. James C. Cooper Rial l\St i:\\'( i: Sirvicr IMionr HOt-.l Henderson, N. C. CALL 3 6 6 MM (illl.lN CITY TAXI ? 1 Hour Srrvlrr B. H. MIXON Contractor and Builder "Unihh llrtlfr ntrifrlinftx" Al.«'i \V:ill I'.iprrinc. PnintliiR Itimfini: an (I CSrnrral Rciiairlnc. PHONE 7 Tin* (I . >• troop iii the ii wd States gani/ed March i!HJ. ami • • <■ than twenty •• !>«■!- T> .! v • t <• are more than .'uui :> « ■ : ;in " alumnae" • 'll|> ill <• : I..ill a million. WANT ADS Get Results WoopS" SF.Fl). Sl'.KlJ. p...—;e -nil. union .-els. peas. i><super corn, all varieties, ps n\i (vr pint and quart. WatKlns ll.is .lv. .»t i* l". lii-fil i i;i:k n«»fsk paint: onf. c;ai.- I i n :.ir with e\ cry five three gat- ! !•. • t- with every ten .it regular ! pi .n .it S2.44 lor while outside ' pi .nt. F«»ur grades ot r«»ll rooting, I •'!"> t.. !•■■ pound weight $1 ;ii> to :.i : < : 11 Wc-t. :n Auto As- j ciate Store. opposite Post Ofiiec. , ltl-llti , KKMTC NK WALL PAINT IN ALL «- K-: • S- 03 p8er gallon. 80c quart, easy ..poller.- fiilc. IV« a room foi ' W.itkins Hardware Co. ;: .\<>UTF TlIK NF.W PK1XCIPLK ,:i p.i.nting. We have sold hun ched- ot gallon- to sati-lied cus tomer.-. A one coat job ovei wall p.iper and pla>teied walls. No si/ .rig icquiied. (.juicl; drying On.* gal i does the average room on;. SL-..0 jH*r g;ilIon. Be luliful colors. Alex S. Wilt kins. 21'- 1 >. IDS IKK F.KI »S WITH ol*R I'iKD -i..v- We iiiive both new .uui ,i • i-}:«.•»I uile-. 11 K Satterwhittf Son. near lire .-t.iti"ii. Phone S iti-J. It; tf i- ii.wi: thf. v::ky thing for g;i:den. Smith 1 >■ !.i Victory (tardea Fertilizer and ...i Uiii(1- "! se.-d- Also llowet M-eils. Rawies Grocery. 1 tl-itt M.W I5F.LKNAl'" TACK ON WALL papei S'Hc roll, l.'t beautiful pat tern.-. oii-y to apply with colored ...i!;.- t ' match. Watkins llarware Co. 15-Gti 11 u; 11 i-.s'i" pricks i'aih for hides, scrap metal, steel, iron, and uil iier. Lets give the axis the i.n ■ lon.i I.low. Henderson Junk (' n.pany, phone 300. I(i-ti Ccii-KK DRUM >-LATORS. Dou ble boilers. Many items id c.»e:: in ; ware. Watkins Hitrdwiirt* Co.. Main Street. l!i-(i!i «■ i*i: 11mi: is v» >ru time. can t:< il iV i'iU rationed, fats are next, I-lit not J|ei hurt's time. Success ! .i coiwluc' of l)ii iih-.-s In meet war dem. nils means extra el fort and 1-I: hi-s elm iiif* those critical • . Thai's why you will find 11«•! In': t's really to serve yon with ■ i e.its. enorgi/.ini; Kroecries. Ireh t ill its and vegetables at all liable hour*, l'hone 430- Free tie . i'i y. Herbert's Yellow Front. C-tf J'l!< -GRESSIVK OWNERS OK GOOD property are not only increasing their insurance protection <>n ae . tin' ot increasing cost of replace ir.ent-. many ot them are reducing their insurance cost* by injuring v. itli us in Noll-assessable Diviit ef.d-paying Mutual Companies. lu re with us and save the differ ence. fates Insurance Agency. 20-tt FRUIT JARS. RUSHER TOPS IN' all i/< - Also extra lids for 'Kerr' tars. sealer type tin cans. Wat kin- Hardware C'o. 15-Ct PYREX V.'AHK <>!•• AM. KINDS i ".I; with I'yrex. desirable when other wares are plentiful. Watkins Hardware Co.. Main Street. 19-0t SAVE SOME OK YOUR SUGAR for canning this summer. Use (K'chriti Thousand half grain sacclu in 89c. Thousand one grain sacchrin SI.Oil. I'arker's Rcxall Drug Store. bd PLOW POINTS. PLOWS REPAIRS, and all kinds of chilled casting'. Watkins Hardware Co.. *1 n It Street. 19-fiti WANT ADS Get Results VLEHT PROPERTY OWNERS AUK increasing their insurance in view of higher replacement costs ns check your policies. Insurance Department. Citizens Bank and Trust Company. U_lt JARDEN TOOL SI I S. oNt; handle set <>t 3 tool> $l.5u. hiiiul trowel.-. iake>. weed cutlvrs every kind n.udeit tool. Watkuia Hardware Co. la-titi X'ST — ONE HENDERS< IN HK.Ii school ela» utiu 15U:>. uut:aU W. B. 11 inside. it louuu pietist return to UtUy 1 light. "19 North c;..tiutt street, or 1 light's Store. -u-ll 0UNTE1) HYTEX STATIONERY available tot four dav only March IT. 1«. lit. Ji>. |>t..Y. v..ur orders now. AltordV I'l'mimg ,\£ Office Supply Co. tU tt .'ANDLER-PALMER MuTwi; ni", offers uood u.-ed cars at ua •naliiu prices, llt-tl Studebakei l'otninatt iler 1SK1U Chevrolet Sedan. I'.tJT Ford and a number ot Standaid Chevrolet cars—lit;'I and tttU5 models. 'Ml ii<11>es see rs l'oi: v« >i it wr.nl iliujt Announcement.-. or imita tions. Einest nuality at m>.ilt-iate prices. Also ^ i.>ttinu t aiais t<»i the Graduate. Henderson lloolt Co., phone 1 HI. 17-tt WANTED DRIVERS uVER ^1 yi-ats old. Seaboard Ta\i -!"-"Jti KOR SA1.E i»NE INDIAN .Motorcycle. tiio. niotoi A-t condition. $25inni «». I). Ellis. .It -. Macon. .% » .. i'li"in i'-l-i at Macon. lS'-2u l IRE llEADOUARI ERS-- W i: HAVE the latest official int.nination re garding tire inspection ami appli cation tor new tires anil tul»e? Let ii> help voli with yoiu *. Ilctidet>ni Yuleani/.ing Co. "-tf \VK SKI.I. VU'Tt IKY CJAKIM-.N IT.lt tih/.i-r ami all kinds hi iii-lil ami lawn Rra» Set- us imw tor y<>ur ih'«-iI>. I!, M. \cu muli liii'fwy, Wvehe and Mu-i-k eni uljie t-treets. l.)-ljti CANNING HACKS l'oi: 1M M\ ln lial jai.-, list- ill any i-..ok;:iK v«-si-i hi la id tin. at ;»Mr i.iii. WutUin* Hardware- Co.. Main Siin!. BIG STOCK OF OOuD LATE model used cars ;it .Miit jt Sales Co., Henderson. X. (J. JAW Kl'liUKKS. Tops. KUI/1T iai:-. pints, quart-, hall gallons. Kveiv laiimiiK need. Only ;m pound i-oveivd tin.- In: imiimi'i.*. WalUin.- 1 tardware t'o.. Main Street. lU-titi YOU WILL ALWAYS LOOK YoUK best it vnu putroni/e our .ship. Modern service, experienced op erators. Phone 2UU tor appoint ment. liridgers Beauty Shop, over Puttier's Drug Stole. -J-tf SHELL NO RUBBING FLO< »R WA.v i- self polishing, fur hard and .mi wood. lilt*, linoleum. rui»hei tut-, al.-o all painted. varnished of shellacked floor?. Sa:i. II. Allen. 7-11 Shell Serviee. next White liniisr Restaurant. Ji'-Uii WIIKN Yor THINK OK ("OA!, l all -till. I ><'tin and I! :i 1 appreeiate your orders. II Kalknet & Soil, phi «K- -lit'. IJ'-tt USK VIT/. "Al; FOIt YOUK M AT paint job. here is no paint ln-tiei Yet it is the lowest priied (polity paint in town. Tanner Itootm^t'n. APPLY NOW KOU SI I AUKS IN IlioM., .■ -V- I . >1 I - opening Api il l. I'.iy I. :\ir and ;">()(• weekly lot shato- n..T :• lllf' ,l! SIllO llel'.UcrSOIl i'.! l;!l|{ L' an Asm ciation. AI. I'.. W. !<•:, Si'ci I'liirv. I .i-l.Mi I WK WANT To »L"Y Vol'l! Coi<\. ( .111 handle any quantify, . ,.c • >r small. Let us (In yoiir en-ram giiiuling <>l meal and in .I llni cUthiiii Milling Co.. fornioi!y S Evans Milling Co. T-T-S-tf : F()R QUALITY M< >NUMKN ! S \ND markers at reasonable pi ire rt\ fall, 11 r write John W Mac. H.'U I Nidi*.las St.. 1'hoiio 71C-.I lleiicler son, N. c. n;-i?i»-:*n-2V BATTERIES CHTAIIANTEEI > i WO years foi Fords, I'lytnm 1!. and Chevi olet-i din ini! sale !•■: • rily Sfi.:»r» and your old ImPe \ W . . >i spark plugs in srt< only at each. Weft cm Auto A vi.ite Store, opposite Post oi.iiv Ifi-llt WANTED CIIM. TO TI.MN K"it telegraph operator Mil t b. ce some knowledge "f typi: 1;. I' Telegraph Company. I!' »" WANTED TO IJUY. SMALL TK.V tor on rubber, also one 11 \ «■-1 • •••* double dise harrow. Mn-t »e in good condition. Will pa> '• W. Eaves, Henderson. N C DON'T MISS OUR BIO 1 I PAY sale now going on. Big value- 111 home furnishings. men's wear, fiirin equipment and an'" supplier Western Auto Associate Stoie. 11» posite Post Office. Ifi-llli APARTMENT F<)R RENT T(' COt - pie—two rooms, kitchenette, anil bath upstairs. Front entrance anil private rear entrance. <>n Umwell avenue. Phone 740-W. OFFIC IAi/tIKK INSPFCrioN STA tion. Cars washed, lubrieajejy polished, batteries recharged. Ouif gas and oils. L. T. Il.uti '*u" Service Station. Oarnett and I nor Sts., phone 1198-W. 26-W INSURANCE — RENTALS Ileal Estate—Home Financing Personal and courteous atleiitU'-' to all details. Phone 139 AL. R. WESTER 39 Mrf'ol" WW

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