H tersott Bailit SfsffSGrh gpg Til 1 RT11ST1 I YEAR I.KASK.. «,ur. SK|;V|IT UK , 5 ' "'I- ASS'" ia»i:i. „:,,ss HENDERSON, N. C., MONDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 22, 1SMU ,'u'$,',s,K^iiA>'st-N.^7,iUNUUN FIVE CENTS COPY m Ml ■ AMERICA TOWARD TUNISIAN COAST ★ ★ ★ ^ * Forde Predicts Jap Attack O % # Stralia Army Nipponese Concentrate Above island Allied Victories Intensify Japanese Determination, Says Australian Minister (/•'// Th< Asxiiciith </ I'l t sK) ■in. u aiiaii \ my Miuisifr Irani* is I ir.l • iitc.an il mtlax that .Japan u;i- mnv t nii.i (it L«» ai<.ack Autfalia ihan i-wr 11'!lire »■..-> 111• ■ raiij'r u!" (Iriicral Diiujrla .Mar inInir !»« ini»iixjv attat'K < t'i 'ti.; ./.< ! !ii :• .w in I'nlU'l lit 1 ill ii.M ni lii IIIV Jin .\ ■!' m tin- island mi tin- friiii-v •.! tile 1'itiiliih lit. "Tin- iiUird virt rii-~ .it llir S'il cnum-. N'i'«' <iu iica anil Itis mart-k r;i merely Mit.-usit'irri Ja pan'" .I' lrrni nation In invade Australia." laid:* ?ai«l. "It t-itii only In- a-.-ui.ird tli.it wlu'ii I In* * an* ready. tin* Japa nrsi* wil iaii'vli an attack on Australia *.inrc ferm inn-. than M'l «'V|ii'iiriiri'd i'i tlie I'aeil'ie." Mill-Art: u all u-k-. jflovv il)!; t.l U'l? 11.:: . i U I Austral c nicnil ":i t';i|M.' Vtaidr;v r!i i t! Jl X (ill nr.i v.iiriv hi.nili;, Hni: «l: • ■{>; if 1 ;ir«im.l tivn vi t! . ,ii.d a i.i- 1: ivc-r in i mvn". Ill the :.!•« a !i : I iwc> I Alt tr.u.a i .I.i ■:'•( t- ill- tr-yei was sent li:n|i i:»K ■ • a ti-u.: ■>! two !*■ -!ul» hit In-iii an sittari; in the S !••::. n oi. Avi'lhi i i ::i y . !i ' • a-:t i:i ink nc fumiit II .Il I". • :-«■-» li.i.v In i in- u: i:ii- j.i-i. (i.i- :i: :> in1 *•■ nil . •. and T .y ■ I S new |iapt- 1'ravda a ri'd today thai JajiaiH i» tics', pap»«r r»ri:« thai i Si'vii I h n n tin* i .. i id Ihm-ii .Mi' 1 »y A i"i:i . : > :tl.i: iiif \vi :r !al e. heven Persons Die Violently ('li;irloll<\ M.irtli '!'!—(AIM— At Icm-1 srvcii |utm>ii> lied b.v vinti-iiir in Nnilh C.iroliii.i nvrr tin* wrrkcull. Arch,.- IS! I' fi.it:vt? •1 I M11>1111 our ly I I pi ■< ii ' t:i;i > ■ I :ri Nr\\|i"!t N'rv. . V \\ !■ i Vd in tif tlv i;i ii" fit' •I" 'it in ,ir K ii ' Ciiin-iKv I! !!. .Hy -i ' "< 'I v. hen In . 'I 'in t: i 'i ",<• till«' ' II.ill'. 1' ! .1* 1 r.lMHT Alr'i'. 'Ii■ iw ii' i| :n fiilin r • i ;.. in- I»utm. Wnitli c. Ari.,., . )»• u > MlffflTll .m "ill- ■ i<l I •"•'"I City. I lr v. :i. . •: •«<i ti. • M 'i mi- It.i !• :,t Chi i v !' • ' IViV.itr I ji t CI , ■' S «'r. member ,i (Mi'iir'int • l> «ft • ! 'I ii lint \ imii ii ■ " Hitln'trcl v.'liilf "'i tluty. ''4.: ii.iblii- r< .it ii I'm IK-Cfl. ('•• (> I'il! A!«-\ I. 1' iif.i. -Ii 'II, 11; 11,(1. WI . M.I nil1 ' ' 'I •' N'cv l;i< ci v .i i n. , b.v .i i • uloinid)lc iiftd i it.iilv injured. A iii ific-i "s Jury divided I e n eident >' • ii> ,H"i(l;ililc. I(iil|)h Am'y. 27. ,i Glen Alpiti" '"fiiilttff worker, \viu lottud ikvi I itl<- ;i riiilroiid traels M >i t 1 ■'I'd .i ciiri'itci'.. jury .• .i 'I ■ ' "I' ll I;iIl«-cl l»v .. tliiill Far Reaching Changes Mc.ciz. in School Machinery Act Daily DlMtalrii 11; thi* Sir W.iHit Hotel. By I.VNN XIWIU I M.mii L'J Wli ' nW» 1 Ii|f UMcinn.: in ' «' ' ' i limit • >1 k -iition "i *• ■' wns. ..i course. ••xl«wi«"i ' Sljilc . j,| |,.,i ' nltiv. |he rci'tMit (li'i;i \ ' |,,v irniMwIcd I he marli n«' y i ■' ■ '•! ,i! i't!nT piii tic '!.i I" ' 11 -,,n!h in in j. ,..i • • ■ in* "r tiir governor iji j; cn auth" ' 't '.ill tClili In l Jill .: -l it- itinui I • n l'agtf two) zi r-:sv; j:r? AnipliiM.ttn jeeps, lo'.i/ n.ciancd, ^pccd a!o.i<j a liighucv, AMr..ifllAN JEEPS, c.-.i: cd 1 v tin. anry 1 II.c : t |Y\!'. '.r now r-.nehinc of the war," arc pictured tiurini; a scric: - i t< t: near Oct; tit. Tlicy aro i-tetred the s:>!t;e tri water ;:s on lan.l. I- iy-m.n:r.cil, I he new ma chines proiwl themselves 11j it>•:::) thron It a fnst-ilowins stream. Tliey o:e nov.: in ::t war zuiui ail c.i. liio t.'.-oe. (J Urnutiunulj Government Is Expected j& To Enter Mine Dispute Stale income Taxes Hoar i In ;i Witii IcM in II Itiivf :;i < .1! Ml 1,11 < ierai Conciliation I , Caiiei! Logical i' o iSibi lily' Now by IV.in'ors and Owners \iu Yn.!. v • h : •—<,m»>— ! Sin.I. i I l.i- -uiilhri n en 11 i.id I'm I nilcd .Mini* Walker !ii\i iiiniiMml .li.il III' • i -lire! t!i;- ilil'iliniMlt I'll- ' It <<I l«-:!a ' i! toncili.iliirs into ■.1t:•.•••( i i • i.'i . i.on-, iiivnlviim I l< : ;mi!iiiil!» I n Id \ •. !•<■• <• tun • 11 ex • • (•:■ !«•(! yv - •il tv" 1IV • idi-lli <.f 11 If hi ,. ••<-i.it i >11. ; '! ■ <i|.< • ■ el. .-ciil tclo I! "> <-vi !1 iind • •• .i!s which . . i: i plied ,i .ii" i ... -. i. . nloi'veiil <ni. j Mi Ji.j- im «; t- I iirv fur u $2 ;. «' r. v ..'i s". diiily ( IV ill • :n- • • ill Hit1 I . • ;i! lit : 1 ' • -?!-■' iii'iH1' V i' nttti ( ill ■ ALLIED NOMiNATION IS DENIED APPROVAL •' (A!' • Thy 111 'l<< ll'llllic | •• IihI iv i • r^|H»rt ' If"- • M-l! •■••■II V Mli-i'd. l.innct' i .<•1 ih' f nii WW: A v •: i ii ( \i:oi.ix \ i i i. .'in- d < •il»|: Ih .h > in kill in im; I (Mill ill. Post-War Economy U rider Study George Heads Group On Problems; Taxes, iiiiiation and Draft Hold Capitol Stage Washington, March "J'i — (Al'j—As olficial W ashington .1- -it.Vfd I'rinie Minister ('liurcli i! - 'd'lia'.lcast tli-ciHioii of war and ponce. a sp» cial tfioitp of tt i' .si nators was calicd toj-otho.' today to organize a study ol th:s cM'.ntrys roll' in tin- post war tire. While income taxes, the strug gle against inflation and tlrall itctciineiiti highlighted the imme diate In.me front problems. < hairntan George. Democrat of Georgia. sa'.d his special Senate (•'iiiiimtee mi post war economy would explore :i broad program link.li!> together liu-iness. finance, iaiior and agriculture. For ex pi rl advice ir. drafting roc • minciidataiis t>> Conurc.-N. (i.-cge ;.;.i I he expected I" i»L» authorized I > name an unpaid advisory gron.i o. national Ic dors—men • •! Hi* t-.»t <>t lie: naril M llaiach: "practical minded pc •pie." lie said, "with .-onie tea I experience." Among the problems to be studied. !i« ..-i.»;. development of comir.crcial av.aliiu. v. ild commerce <i< well a world relict and I ehabilita? ion. re conversion ni war plants to pcace tiine opiraiions. and the '-iK tpics ti-ni ol how rapidly the armed lorcei should l>c demobilized. Hut that is for the future. i'°or tlie present, a Mouse suhe imniil tce was studying ways of get tin»: more men into the Arni>— parlieiilarl.v men now employed h.v the government anil given occupational deferments for that reason. UMh a view I" recommending i; .nge. . 11a- c immittce, headed by • .set l.t.vi I'oslcll". Democrat. Cnliforni i. called • >:i Selective Serv ice Director i.ewi 15. Iler.-hty tor .m explanation of draft deferment practices. Ihords <«l all leder.ii agi licy ;• lets dele: led bceauc they work i■ «r tin' government ar. expected I i be in the committee' hands : oon. The pay a- ym-j«ii iicmc tax h.il tie waged v. ilicr as il headed I 1 ward a free lor all ilehate i n the House II Nine Hep ibl.can na hers i ' the ' ay arcl :i • in* commit' tee who <■ • .pained tin Until i|> a year pi a at who wivi outvoted by the la 1 '< aiocr.it c and "lie other Republic at embers, denounced the bill product i b> the committee ma jority as " ■ !• <1. misRtcdcd and tai (Ctniniiiietl on Pane Two) Sabotage Hearing Postponed (1:1.1 .1 .1 ii-eh (AIM IVi" limitiiiry tiu I'M I >i 11>.• I. ,il"-i llilllM'l. .1 (iiiV KllpCI illll'llllfllt Hie CI.i >:ili hero. i'(i .i I'll IIBl ur siibnl.c w .i.-l |»'isI|m>im-i1 hore today in.' -v-l Moiidny iil'iTii'Min :il tin- !'c<| .• • «.r A.sisl.inl I); tint Attorney A M. Nicholson. I'. S (' MOlll'l lilMIiilll; Cilpp.s will (undi ' tin* l»c-;«rifin. The ('■ 'Mi1 oiriee "I the led •Till bine nl iii\ Iiu;itinii ;iti iiiitmn (i lp i idiiv that 11.in el ii.iti Ikwi iii- ' i and icii-ased niidei 82,000 i" : i A «•••: ; signed Assistant Hist net A" '<■.'• NichoUi.n aliened Hint II. • haiijjod lln- ur.ir <>t 38 comb ni ichlfico. lowering their proline' Nicholson said evidence showed H i i'i 11ii(I in.idc di-par.ii; inj» i ••)>> .mains! Die »;■ i\ ei nincnt iiiid the eliorl. POPE IS REPORTED ILL; NEWS DENIED (|S\ III.' \ss«ici,i(c(l I'rrw) I'r.jic |' \ll Was reported today iiv tin- I"*' radio Iii lie -illIcriliC fnuii ;i i vcrc cold and confined t • bed vv.lli .i hiijh fever. lull I ho I'.rilih i ii .i broadcast roc <i-dod hv CHS 'i ."'<'il ii Romp .him uiiifo Di»Mil " " " 's "ii'y sliuh'ly i di-po.-ed d • ^.it hi- dorters "any ' there : ■.aiiic :or anxiety." 'SOFT U'-:S2».3EU.V OF THE AXIS' ....... . unuMj ur ir.c ALUtb and Iho Axis are walchiri:; cluscly the lij.litin;; i.uiv _ n.: 0:1 in Tunisia. The outcome of the battles is c>£ the utir.ii.-.t . ti aliv. j i u i lance, for the Allied Nations can launch an attack on Sicily, Sardinia, continental Italy and France—"the soft under-bclly of the Axis," a: it was d- . cril.d by Churchill—the nio nient Axis troops are cleared out of Nor.h Africa. Air-nii'e distances to yonie *>f the pors.blo invasion points are shown by double-lined arrows pointing from North Africa to Europe. (International) German Scl asii movi*» Hood Kept As Bank Head l: Xt;ii« I . I rviipp liiili ti tun ' il.iv l. i:i »7.' ?.!• Mix an !! li I. . ni l: "i.v. i;. I i;. r. I.!. ! '• i: M M.i-'l I ci ;if .1 • April. I!»:sl. ! n li IIIt rl.v v. .11 \V .. , Butter Fats Sales halted All Edible Fa Ls Frozen f<»r Weel; Before R .lioniog; Re staurnni. > I xempl U.l'liii;;:l • i. M imIi '—I \I*» — ItHilil 11 - * ' lillil I M • 1 !• hit It I'll In 1.1. ell.I'll Ml l.l«| niidnlultl ,i i i >i■ ■ i ' ••-iitu ••il nit, i! i .i' ,".ii i '•'.ii. :n- \ I M'unlit.v. S.i||-« in hi i 'in I.ml ,iml ill lirf I'll • mi i"'v u liitli will u<i iiinl''. in • nl i.niiHiiim lllltltc Milll III' it- 111 I i'lll'l'*l'» til'xt «i'i'k .11 *i Mrir iki/i ii Im I In1 »..i mi' i" i i"il. Ki < , Iho Mi di lni'ii'i- ..ikI • .i \vh"V~ ''i MiiVi.n . • ... . .I (In injjs in i "' 'I iii i' hi ,in lint i'-ciu. • 'I In- ni tni it >iii.' .iilniiiiKlr.i I mil vi ill : . lllllll'li .i ' m i us lll-rilli'll I'll lii'i ill r ••li'ri.s nil liaml iire mil l.irar rumn.h "t.i Mipiinrl In i' > 1'iitil i ' : • n. ll.K (Ci'itm u :i1'ii;l'Tw ) Twenty Killed and 70 Injured in Revolver i'Jt-ht Among Soldiers Disputing News Reel i.oMliin. March — < Al'i—A II It «»*• I»*4 ill hrlUt't'l! two nf (••-nttaii in a I'.tiis nunir 1;>i||si> in uiiiih '!7 n.(/is were Kiil<il .mil 70 «i>uti:l ••il ua> mxirl <1 IniJ.i\ In lit-r n.ir«l >. 1 iiu ni'iii*. scrrclary nl* l!n- I nilcd x^ iKi.iliiiii nl (irral r.ril.iin .iikI I ram •Slid. I: u SGlli U. S. RAID MADF, ON JAPS AT MUNDA ■ m . .. <i"iu Ni t I--". i l .ii I I >i ' in . .i r :-'l rtirmy gun pisitioiiK. n 1 >l(i nlMt bombing V la ..I'd Kallili. Ui-MlU* Scores Gain In Offensive U. S. Armored Forces Advance Within Sight Of Maknassy; Rommel I May Be in Flight Allied llt'.i;|i|ii.irt«T* in North \ I l ira. .M.iirli i!—(AIM—A1 ili tary (INiiati'iir-. s.iiil intiay tin* lirilisli i •»il!i .iriti> al!.uKcil llit* .Alari'lii lint- ««! .1 >ix-inilc limit Ii r ( \\ r r it tlii- mm ami tin' Iin.iin in.nl iioin .".I'liruiiii' In tlit* vill.i::i' i>! Marl-til .111.I cnrnuii I tcri'tl >trt*ni* ■•iMmMtinis. (Ilil 'I i, I I :.>r til fill I 'l'l ss) American armurcl l'< >rco> J \v< ic it p.iiti-ii within sitflit of M;il.i.,i-. <hily .">2 miles from t!»«• coast. ;i!i<l thf l!iitish eighth army v..- officially itcclarcd to i« making proj-riss in peiictra P-.ri ■ >:' i::i furniiilaMr .Man-Ill iin<- fortification- i nlay in a rapidly i:n 4"« >1« i i offensive fn ni south and west to smash i .Marshal Uonnni ! ami drive tin' axis from Tunisia. Striking in u under a widespread ran ipy id planes \\ Itirli blasted at forts. Kim em placements and airticlds, the Americans and ltrili-li were driv ing to destroy t!ie head of tile a\is in southern Tunisia and ;>i.svjhl« It t:l forced Kmiiinel In In--, !i alrcaib the withdrawal of I li's Cerium div isinns. I With a swill attack which lorced | Italian- to flee i:i such haste as to leave prepared meatball.- and spaR hot11 belli <1. tin1 Aim ricans had paved the way fur a unick thrust - the Tunis..ill •' t'leneek by sei/i-i1; Seneu s'al :i yc-terda.v, while Ihe Ions prepared offensive of Gdieriil Sir Bernard L Montgomery ng against the M ireth lltHt in tin- .■.muh i.n Saturday. In the ii'irlli. Iiowver. I lie l»ri ti-h tirst attm was driven frnm the station at Net's a. 17 miles southwest !>t Hi/erte and only tun mile- I rem l he vital allied pitMlice at ll.ieliel tdnid. by the iiilrn-itietl operations nl (iermau flrneral von Arnini. "ITm pi •:i•: lit;- 1 ..i• I. mine! vva wit d'MUitiu I:;(Sermon divisions v . .•■• ■ i:: i- "ill by a German Inch i'i n nand eonimuniti ic which aid :-tin 1' • ^.il Aim : can force; id ill I' an p isitinns' in I ■ i * 11 1leroto f • c i: i i wa\ lott Italians i'i .. . i w m ti beginning ;- • • 't the 1'>n:; i' i d In-ndquar •« • • (!•. ii.il Mmt 4 • \ • i in.-!. tig >ati.~ :hc : I'limts I > •ik ' ' ' • ' - • '■ 1 ii i ■>! tiie "I. :: c . - .til . d that \ .• .'i ■ • •• ■ l*!i ee-tral Tu . .i < rei se\ eial Mic* 1» -p t?• lie» from the front s,ii:l \nicrii an in mil*, under an ad vaneinii enrtaiu nl .iM'llerv fire. It •(! ero-si-il ••siioie of tin- qrrat i-t natural milil.tr> defenses in ■ lie %• in Id in a daw ii-to dllsk thrust M'sti|d.i\. This plmiKC lliritiii;li it,e hills placed forward elements lr-» than 111 miles front tile poi t of (tabes. • ■ I. inn pal . it . i i i n command ■ I ( icl <S • :•.• S |'„|| .n. .1; . i i ■ . Inward v • H throttle M ■ It in<. by blocking hif ■ i .' • ;• ■ •; r-c Aneri • <i i'i aifantiy • i i .. ;n i Ihrec pi •.,' 'I drive ir ••!■ i. with one t• ;i ' i i .inn ;iprnncb||ia M.i!\i'.a. - v in the iM-t north of (Sabcv. The i nisei like Ainet c.iti column! ( Cunt in i icd on Pane T wo) Devastating Floods Feared In Southeastern States i l»v Tile \ssmi i,ilc<1 1'rpssl ' • i . • • c«*<I i h rr, sl'ivviy cit )»l <l-irit;i ■ • •11- < r»U J'xl.iy .11 • • i'iiUkvi lorn forcing 1 • iviii'«'s 'i > ' MM; . il'lll l*li flCIIVV I v « ilc i>ic;nl t! ">il Hito;its iii N ' '■ ■ >. ( il . I .■.111,1 ilfl'l M p|»J •• .. .i rl iu mv.ii'd re • **\ 1 h 1 led <• t enycd fcarx i' '1.; to ' *jt i< ■ -. cr. I i li, . i 11 .(■ ! - ln« l.did. 1 ..r 1 r=.n....;. ili;. -w-. M •'I (hoi hnnn\, iinflrr Red CrOrg fftipcrvipion la( iitpht " I■ ' vor vcpi fr.>m it bnn'<«. M -- IV ■ i Kriuli h. Kci Croi ■ nl« | n iiil .it I l«iltif'itii 14. .-..,,1 orgiilt vili'Hi w.i- pl.niiiii'i; In f m.iiiv litiiulmlx ill cvhc icc* ;ii !• iblic build* • fills Ult'll'. S '.flici - M |mi: tilitbw.iy workers lo*l it iniwlbsig : ..M to !:«•«•,» ••pen Uic liijthw.'iy north M.iilic. b ii c to Me lion. M Muddy wn y 'idi> ic- |i|;ifi"l • _oim i ig| wily t'dfiw through (ho I'n ii' iitid I11 ■ ivcr lowliilirls. K.stcn.- '.r .fl riff co thrc i*. (Contiir.ad on Page Two)

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