British Sweep On Past Gabes ★ * * RAF A ttacks Berlin and Ruhr Valley do dembers Are Missing From Raid Attack on Berlin Ir 60th of War And liecoiid Assault Within Three lNights Stockholm, ."ti.r.c'i :S0—(,\P) —rk>,r iViliii! cut > < - lit <>l u in.t.I'n • iiiiii is-, n ;>.i)/■'!' sai l tliai t i.i i n.i' .t in ..:n..ii4 Gt mi ni ji to iimiu s British I.nil mi lii" <>crin.tii c:ij> 1,1 u I tslitL "pii this air OlICMilVe I.! II k . t.'ll- Ill 'iilllil-.S Oi the invsi-i oi II;'' •.iiio;vaii ronliiirnl." illl'M' ' r ItCMIM It V.VI C Ijll )tc:l us saying: "Wo iiavc no itln itiiis any more aliotil •li.-iiiir: kin lisiuiii ed." London. Mairh .;n—(Al') The UAI"' attacked Merlin an war plants in iite Jltihr valle last night with :t l«».ss of •"> bombers. tin- air ministry an nounerd today. Sweeping nv, :• i h<• na/.i eapi tal for tie .if ltd time in thro nights, tlio llriti.-h fliers in dieted heavy dan age and los 21 bombers. while anothe twelve we're missing from th sweep over the llnhr. tin- com mimique said. It was the <>1 tia raid of tlic war on fJeilm. Saii:i.'.»v i '.i..i the F!A1-' tailoaoi •! MMI toi.,-. of hoinlis in Hi!- greatest i.uil ol the war oil the n.i/.i e.tiiilal. 'Inr litK which iiinv bombers wcr* lost. It was Hi" ;-v< iilii air attack on Merlin tl;is year. Hi-chin:', .n i:i !•• ': "i" '>■ t"» and ci'iil center in I i I.' . >> ly 'i miles oil t i'. I < n. v..i 'ii the tarKft.. •lit. Last !i «hr> I. • c w- re l1 .■ !i ;:;i rst tin- IIAK hi lift ii J 'i ' mid .. nee Si- IT. •' when •• - «•• led t r« from v. •(! ;-i • •: .! • ' If ' ' ' Observi i s i o:n-lii'i"(l I isl nielli's assault either was ma Ii by a much lir-i-r ton-e of lioir.'i ers than ir nut or that the fences ol the «-»t v had been strengthened greatly. SEVERAL ARE INJURED IN TRAIN DERAILMENT (.'.illcndon. P.i.. M.iich (AIM While ;• ii:; «!• iif.ii llii. iimlli \v»'. i«'i n i'• ii -w .■ i't.i .1 .it limn r.pred. 1»:« ! i »■ ■ ml ev< n c :irs <>f tin* tVlill vlv.rii.i 11.111l"i Not Un til ; ii. iled I ■< i; i V and injured ;i (>111111-< i ill pel'.-(ills. !■'. It i >.i\ i . r >1 Mipcrinteii tli-liI fit l|u> 1'i i.i - iim tlii'l il division, suiti at hi liuffuio, V Y.. iiKici1 il »\ . ii •' i' i! mi'cIv Utmwti how ni' 11v v. ere ii: i. i : lull ii riin ductor 11 |I '.i• i: .• " . iii ;ni>' were ev< l> ; i irc<i Soldier Makes Wartime Call On Governor Hli (AI')Therc'it • d .ii Seymour ;■ • i. 1.1><>)(> who'd .■ ikiwew grunt !l> the Ic.u Xhe spot I i.i ii iKh List ved lij piano .v.mted t uvl nd ii> o.;e!< ll.'ilci^li. March otic soldier ' '• Johnson field heard of i: v ; ' cd CJovc: no; " isl;iturc. The soldic • v night. Ii - i:.••!« i. from New V i . married oil the today. Tito s :di< : u.i i imiliar with tne Suite's m.ii-i i-'.!' laws. l>;;t he'd heard tl •• ■ ernnr had been Riven the pnv.-i • : in "a emer gency cunccrninu ' welfare and happiness '•! 'lie piopli- of the state." He e led the i xi t \c munition abon; II i'e| el; He v .Mited a mil rraige license in I lie v...tilled the governor to see that he u-*t it "This i .in i nte u.ticy." he --aid. He was |-e!ei i( il In 'lie Wake coun ty registc ill deed . imi the p 'kes man a; tite mansion couldn't say how the situ, lion turned out. WHEN U. S. TROOPS ENTERED MAKNASSY, TUNISIA r* v — « fBft -»<-*V* "" ONE Or THE FIR5T ACTiON PICTURES to he received I'iMin the Maknassy, Tunisian sector shows Atiici iean soldiers passing tbo rnilr« ad sir.:,on <.| ihe central I'imisi.-in town of Maknassy. They had just completed tiic job of giving Rommel's men :i trounring at K;is: crine I'a»-s. In litis drive, the northernmost of a t\v> oronged thrust into enemy territory, U. S. forces raptured El Guettar. OWI Radiophoto. (International) Planes Fire Jap Vessel Fighters Attack Japanese Destroyer At Low Level; All Planes Return Safely Washington. March :!!»—(AIM —Atnriicau lighter planes, at tacking at such low altitudes that one craft lost a tl»rcr-l'«n»! section or its wins against a mast, strafed aril set atfre i destroyer i:i the nortliuestrri Solomon islands on Monday, t:»»■ Navy renorteil today. 'I lie damaged plane an i .1!! olli. • .11 the kii'.'i ain >n mi 11 i:ii| ...ill-!.'. I my were credited v. 111 .1 ■.:: 11:: .r l:ve In seven Japani'M- pl.aie- 1: addition l<> Ihe daii a^e . .; . vd 1 the de.stroyer. The cmnmimiipic made »m limi of operation^ 111 the Aleut 1; \\ Mere, according In Navy n: anc- ( inent Sunday, an Aineneaii 1 . 1 Inree had discovered and dive. ' • j «i* least temporarily a Japan)' <■ Inc.'' llile: I Upon deliveiill^ nppii' I the er.cmy hast- on Ki.-Ua i-l X'aval spnke-men said liny !r- i 1 llirthev informal.on .1 1 • wliel !lie American Inree li .<1 In en .-ire CPs fill in pres i»i« an altael; 1 the Jap ships. Some Stocks Show Strengtsi New York, March :!(»- (AT) - S: Icctivc strength persisted in j.i\ .. stuck market. Bond- wit,, el<>i;ily, eonnn tlities steady. Stocks f»i\ inu ,i }•'"»;) account <•! themselves inel ded (; . Klve.i . M •:it l!OllR'| Ward. St.Hill.II (I ( ) I i. \ .1. .iikI Oc'icmI Motor.* Slipping teti-l deiieies wi If shown I>v r. S Sled. Bethlehem, Chrysler. United era It ; nd International Haiw to:, i Cotton Futures Up at Noon New York, March :e» <A1 *> -C"t ton futures ojM.'iK'd iiticli iiii'cd t > .'{t> cents a bale hij*lioi. Noon values wen :• < < mI .i bale higher. May 2"..'!7, .Inly md October UO.ou. Mn.v .... •July October December March j English Coast is Restricted Londoa, March 3d — (AP) — Anticipatai;* the possible "use of tins cuantiy as a base for of len i\c i>i>'.Tati >ii.->," llerbe-t • >1 Dsn:., liniiie secretary and iiiim 11 r hi home security, a'i iii iitued hi I In- hou^e of ciiiu iii lis today 11 litt the whole ami smith coa.-ts to a depth of ten miles inland would become a ieluded area oil Thursday. April 1. .Uo;;. .ii announced nn general prohtb li n almost vi-itinn ir tliis area, but lie said "access to paiticular place, might be Inim time I i lime either restricted or completely barred without pr1' •:* :ii.t.ce by the military aulhori'.y . a: y |»urp • e.-. ' Copper Mine Strike Voted .<■•. !: I..- la- City. Maich :»» -(.\V> - Tin liid- pendent A -oc .ition ol Mill V/crkvrt |>re|mr«! today fi»r a w:tlk • i a a undisclosed time tl*sl !il 1 i.iIt ;ipprn\i't .itely a fourtli A'- I 'm'.. <■• |>pe production. \- oci.ition meio'oei . employed ill L'li.h Copper Co. mines at neuvby nnd Arthur, v -tI »7T •» 110 to :Vj!;o in pi- !i--t auainst a •.va" '..i i" 'maid rel'.i d 1 1 consuiii mi rea.-e rei|tie t. W Weed n-m er .ii. .. nc.ation p <■ leir. explained WEATHER roi: N'OIt'lll ( \UOMN.V Slewl> risiii!. (riHpi'ratlin* this .ittcriiiion .mil tonight. Draft Dodge Probe Asked Senator Accuses Federal Agencies Of Harboring Men in Non-Essential Jobs »t .i-winimim. >1.11(11 —( m*i —Arrusins federal dcp.ti (men1-, nl "slii'llcriiiK <lr.ill iloduers en eased in in>ii-c>s«'! activities." Senator llolman. Oregon liriwii liran. urRril I lie American i.< K »n anil other patriotic orsuo /atinns today In "clirrrt tln-ir it ten I inii to a Itioroiislt ImtiM-rlcan ins" <>l' so\ eminent aceneies. I Spi akl ^ .it a Si n..'" 11:1'• *. - j cnminiltcc hearim; on tin- An ':11 i VViiflsw nth Dili t>> (; men I Women nit" war jolts. Il"lman < , prosed " n idci.ildc lai n: i ■»' : liie present wa-te "f manpower." • | am (• i' tienl.irly alai me I." h< ' aided. "a the w.i '■! m n . power l>.\ i i.« llcram nl ii. . ' »!• ... i ROls in teiii ii (lep.irtiiifiit c .•.a.'iil in non e- »•;.*...11 aetivitic. "1 wish the Amei icaii I.eRimi anil ot!n r pati •' e nrRanizat :on> w • 1I1I 1 (lireet tie '.ration to a tie' ■ ' ^ hnuscclcan • ( FURTHER RATIONING j' INDICATED BY OWI ; Wa.-iiiv •• March .'50 ( MM.-JSa- ' ! tinnini! i< > : <i that now m ofrt ' may lie ••:.<• a), the "t I u e <>; >• inl'ir 11.1t id rated .11 .1 lm • j ptililuhed ' I iv. , ^ lltrfi* ■ ■ e 1 ,.t • .:i '11 •!;«. I<> i>«• pi 1 id the I >\V I pn 1 tiori. wliic . "Id "Willi the •• I I it will i» 'I, i i*m:i !'ii 1 : without , . 1 I' III•: re." Cordon Surrounds Shanty Where Preacher is Hiding Loxingt 11. K> March 3©—(AP)— A «?<>.■;! :: K.i.wie county police i'i'i '.in IJil It».- «>1 ' \i '.iu'li.v militia t ki.iv .MMTounrit 1 'lie ni'im . in wiiiit jIn. wile and 11 . ! children were l.iari I'ildctl. Pullet* nfliwr* have plnycd flo d Jif;ht> in " -hanty .ill nipit !•' liar any cm . |«i' 11"onipt. Kivi' i i t>' >! Chief .1 \V. McCnrrt k.i :d tile I.innrr-prcacnc:, Kr 'ii. !l 15. had fled in his 'i• 111*> ml Ivirricaded hun-oll ;md lii f;i n!y .iltcr a jmii <1 <"1 in which tr;i •: a ■! land owner. wa.< killed* \i drew ' • Picrsnn. Lexington con* S ;n lie yhanty with ! 1 ■ »p • v nn ): •> wife und four cli Idrcn !" r i' uht and c*l«*\ en. A ■' <•' -I u s apprehended .i.- >lie erf a p nt of \vhi-kev itid an »< •' ii ' iv. -1rd 'ho lanvly home. She t-ild polirc her father had sent he.-, siddlng: the 'm- ! - of guns." i Dr. J A > (Srny. .1 imn iktmni* i tuition lat s i>n'<>n |»rc«icner. I he w ly t person w.tli llo|>k>n- ww I IMt* .-In 1 ■ ' Id C'hlrf MrCo'.'d til ! the bai: it* iried in.1:1 iidiiinant ^ in ) 1 ircl il to j-urrender I). Orny ! (pioted il ' • .111.- .1- ; 1 \ 111 ".!< ii- I died. (I (In' lie'' Why't we'."" t Dr. (;■ v -iid Hopkins told Inn he I Wits wot tr Hod in the right rhcut !■•: I j thiit hijt •. e h<d removed the bullet 1 I with .1 l> it.-ln-r knife. •I. I. (Jieen. a f.i ni-r t ( ' Pic nil ui. ' I Chief Mit'ord I Hopkins iid Piermin enjoined in .1 - li.ittie i . ••• >;-1erdiiy -n rniuu .»!• J llopkm- ''teil .il I'lcison. "tin • I Vihi are and I .<111 emu 11K 1 and ■ you" j ! Thou* ndM of poison* milled n* I ' round ".<• -rone during 1he n u;r. i ! jpnlice wo 1 ifine:.nit I" ' > the shanty •> 1 :ni fe:i ca- hi ' t .beenUse "I 'he p ' log the • ll.iUiUn i I P ay-As-Go Tax Battle Nears Vote House Still Split Into Three Factions; Land Renomination Stirs Senate Fight Washington, March 150 — ' l*ay a \i.11 -v" taxes and Ili«• i • .ti.|><i■ 11111u i11 i.f Kear Ad niiia! l.iijuiy S. Land as mari time commission rliairman were t\v<> issues slated lor finish fights • .ii coi'vsessional floors today, while |>o t-war and labor It VM -latiou oinmanded the off sla^e ;itte!iti<>u on Capitol Hill. Alrunw hil". Irom tin- ol'licc of war mlorin.e.urn tame the report that the :;;i/i party had Mild nut I ii«a middle i-tass <«erman l»ii"i iii'm men to the "nazi-eoiitrolled II lists, monopolies and Riant ceniblnes." ()\V1 c!i:irgcd that tl.o nazi re .jnt- h;.(i \ .••!.«".v-1 il.< |jri>i!' tti the (■oMiiati iivipli [ui- the "creation and maintenance t.l a healthy middle da.-."—a |)ii.ini.-e piomiiiuated in lSJjo as a cardinal point of the nazt ijifam a il declared by Hitler tbea 'o lie uiiiltvraiili'. It said that i:i niie.eiable bti^ were be i:.;i Inmd t" close down. ■flic iiia-n-su ..i nine 1 l.0(i(\':tt;i American taxpayers conccntrated »> • till* I Inline >.' l»f|ll.-Clltal l';. VV.HTC [.■it" ji.> ilii! 'y • an ai>.-"l;i!e ,lcid ■d. grew ingvr us the IswuiMltcri| i . tli i-.idy i i , ute <»!: |iay-«i?.-yoii go i ... . la!, in. I'll til-halt* sat\ I lie chamber still I split in three Ntiiblnini tactions: I 11) liuinl plan advocates of I i-!K a lull >cat s taxes. most i>l ulioiii an- Kc|>Mhlicaiis, I'll sup porters ol I lit- \\ a.\ > and means I committee plan providim; no 1 abatement.!> Democrats anil i.'ii >i hi-p-irlisaii him- seek in.; a compromise caneclliai; part of our la\ .war. Tin- •-.«•! . : ..till- •. tin a-Vfl-l" I !• V l Si :i,ite 1--' t| 111': I il II 1 l'i- ilfiit i; iviiom' .•■li l..iii>: 'il l.'u- • »| »i ■ i (I by i bliM \ urli a **!'.j-»t j ■ tiii il" 111<111:i v in: ■ tun ■ l>y i m >1: '.lie; none : . n' • million i-l • I!. in |> mis 'ny tie ni.sioiv. Wh • Lund's |Kr«i>t i! .n-l ;i y hii.s : re I i| .i M i ill-' I. I ! '•.<• «oiuilor: j»;'.-inn immediate! mil rmatioii his r«'a|i|>i>intmtiil I - I'tied jinx • ■ .1 nn c l.ivit i>n 11 if ri'im. -i ,-h'iuld li :<' l Ik'Iiui ' l . .en the l.ilivc j rone, >i . i »"l I • - :«• till -t I.. II ye. ' <''! t" ii It tempo],.i : jy cd by .in i ii extC! Jin dead I .• • w .i. f le Iwccii Hie .11 Appal;.ehi:i!i I ei1 ii). :nl tin <• Woi l.i- Ami'! ii-; . Wallace Wade To Butner ! • >. :i mi. M ::n— '•»|.»iu'| \V A . 1. . I .11cr!,v il i'« J*i|- 'I in .id 4 'Mcii «■: otbnll wt !' • fit .!" ■ ly, will beI Rinyftrml ' < » Hi tnor attached I • .in ...; . w.i- liMi'iu'ii ■ M ninht. iliul ivh< I iTiliir (Kitfit C\ilnncl, I'adr w, I 1 ...In ,v n.': tir I'l'inincd ! ' 1 i.«\\ o\ it. the iinner I).. <•' i Iijja;v \\ ii! i>i\ ! C.imi|> Itiitm early in May. From t!'.( K;ilI 1931 tin -i;uii the iMitbiill mm- ■ 1041. C mm!i Wade it.f(l Dill.i ' c i|».u'ity (ic. r.'tor i-' * * <i!u1 l'i\( 1 ! nut I tall (Mfli. A . It Wnrld War N" . I'lMCh V. • I ifld c!ri| III > prvlet' a> • e« a tit in Ilir fpriitK IIM2 lie wits i : !• Fnrt ii a8n i . • :• milli .nifl later erved • ' ■ '< Wr ti-.n l)i\ j'iu ni 11 « \ iii\ '••>li>all train. At !h» el - 'iw fcnice hmtball all m- i - 1 i W .all i el in nt'tl l• > P| l»|-;n;.: .' llC r i i-m.iinril n.. il ji lew I ci'ks ail". <\ !•<*■ a lit \\. !• I III h(lit hill. ' »kla.. till ..(1 I, M ristnictioii .i .utiilL.. ,<i t i . i El Guettar's Captor Ii_. mm iwmw ♦ COMMANDER of the U. S. Fir., t Di vision. Major Gen. Terry Allen who led his men acr.>s the Tunisian des ert. capturing El Guettar, is shown surveying the battlefield. Manv ri vCi0 takon Prisoners. u.w.i. Radiophoto. (International) U. N. Fliers Punish Japs Fires Are Started In Raids Extending Over Wide Territory Of Pacific Theatre Allied Headquarters in Aus tralia. .March 30—(AIM—(ii-n eral Douglas MueArtliur's liouili ers ranged out again .vesterdav tu punish Japanese iiiisitious in Xrw Guinea ami New Krilaiu and to strike at enemy eiineen. trations on Australia's northwes tern flank. Fires v.-.iile !•>.■ ! "> •: !i - v. c: started in .1 |i»w U-. • bn:i bing ai i 11liifili114 t 'lining aV.u . i' liii- Kit> islnnds. •! the .> I«tniutoer and \Valt.*ek ill , uu chine gunned. head<| uii'tei .1 ' day. In Neu* l<i t drome l C li:.itn nd c t • ico.-t bombed. ir il • \ 1 • • nea ill if a! th. ! ■ " . h"re install.i" I.e.. coast Iiet'.veen ; dang were sti bumbed. i-« hi i: • • ni.i|uc .1 ipancse l»<« ;• ' . linn... S \ '«• I •' 111 JiV l".l' !'■ ' <• Il • .. II ci:' ii. Vegetable Prices Fixed Atlanta. M • v! ::<> . .ti.iI . !•: teeth e Ion. •! .nd eel its ni i ahhnge. snap • ,>iii !>■>-(• .i| "e ! • present cont i ' • . I. iile.-" aw ay 1 ■< ■ l:ets to utile; m.i; < . e i are highe:." The ef'i i' . e . • tier, rep! u • i ■ . . .1 . iT. i: ciudc. :he I" The 11|'.\ an: .imcivv.cnt price.- at lc <• . . i inclluh' U retaiie \v , 1 I 1>< L.ised on m..:!. ;> -n m« ' country | Cabbage. *5.8.i |x ... d v cent* per |H>und. Snap be Mi . s.'i "... pe. i>. i „ ceiil- per pound ) leas. $4 per bushel til.J cc.i'.' ;v." pound > PAROLES ARK GIVEN TO 15 PRISONERS i.'Mfigh. March (AP>—C I1 t'!.. k, com rted in IJobeson uttr> 1 i'l August. I • ' cc«.r »l i ii'iodet and .sente < . . : .... ai Ii. it lo .It* yi't*' .is out.* of 1 "*i ■ ■ 'iiicrs pa re lea k Um lil'MIIKIIIO,,, .Ms<. paroled mi 1'ed 'it ell. <on-, vtetwi in ttii ii'u i mi,i.i i. tH'ltiU'i'i 1(1.10 .f .-• If. nt lie ;i toi ., ,lt iCiliOl.CU tv ^ Axis Forces In Headlong Flight North Port of Gabes rails Less Than 24 Hours After Full .Collapse Of Mareth Line Mlied 5• ■-.!ti«iu.u Iits in Nnrlh Al i lea. ,\!ar« it .u—t ,\!' >—\ lion hi tw-ni the British eighth a"n', American lories ol j.i'r. ( ii-iiitjI («corue S. 1 alio!), ii. appeared imminent Unlay ;i, (in- HritUh stormed through (..tin-, .iiui i i |lamina in IHiiMiu hi Die l iceing Alrika Kuril-. (/; < <• ! rika lv t«>\var<l ; I'rimi i.. ii' iitsfom liritisji ri^'hth ri porttMl ?.■ ; 11;.' it tj alt <> ;nhaiiu.' fn ni . pursuint; in llnmnu-l's \t" n Ik a'iiou^r fli-rl t t* norm. Minister ( lisirrliill an nouii(•(•<! tii.. iaII i>i (fain—>. with in 21 hours alter it was (lisciuscd the British eighth army had smashed through the Marellt for tifications, an;| declared: "\\ e luve every reason to be sali-lied wiih the progress al read> made by our superior fortes and superior and reso lute commanders." A 'ers JOth G.i: tho \vt >.v tlio S.OftO. In *!•.• A >\< D. !•: (! i: ml : General hi-adq-iar . captured !i:i m i. UK miies a ;>i i-oners . cized aliic? i»<i\v totaled •• General • ■" • y slrtirk ■ m <■ 'imtr.v in - *.! ■ \i . rap* Biz« te-Tunis area. Ifcc comm un American tronps tinder l.ieu li nar.t (■< neral George >. 1'atton. Jr. were also reported advancing e itv. ard Irom I.! Cuctar, thrust iiii* toward the »ea alter heating oil avis eounter attacks. A M "• <ri •• -a d Amcri •i <•: s*ax. i • rmill prni-oi mi• • :u . riv.inro : j H^'iunr' • • i » ' n.: 1o>m > in mci .• i « ijii 'y.' 1 'rti' ti and Pi cohk-d." -aid. i !•:: II -- fc'i a I . I "liunn • V.- •< have ilivfuly i j.vuna •-.! in L'p:i;1 in. * ? >i!lnw <lu»l vtiirms ma«l: "H ilitflit tow.iril l!ip 15 irili* wiili* <>;lbr*> "i**.r;i|»i* can" nmtir ll*.* uiiii* ill alliril **'*iti*; v.iii'ii \M*ri* rr|i'>rtr«l In h.ixi* *.Jirllcil (».il>i**i .mil li.islru i*I Homini*!'- v1 itlulr.iw al from kr* null |i.'rl • i •<>.«• h<~* is** last • • . ■* *: d o , th" V! • • ■ ; • i, t;-n« Chtivch • : . • T ' lr, Cu:i c • '!i end rt ihe J si-1 -.,1 Uommcl U*r; .-.i i"ast * ■ « - nd hunrl: i !i^ i ciivd Itvi : ; the battlefield. whii" nheaH ' ■ ; ,i w i - ' I . iri iiioi* ; i ;oin •Hut n*.. fnm*. in tin* north. Ov •>„* 1,. •- «?ovirt [• mi* iiui ; !*.!. .*.i ret 1 day *. th*.' Red ormios had stormed Into tfuee • i new : • . - ' . Sn\n* lcn«k. • eyet me banc 239 miles i\ist -' Mi'-r \v. The whole cumpniffn npttfirvd * • have slowed «. wn its u ie-uU :<1 th# *]l. l!lg 'h.iv.. N \/l* TO SI KIM A Ank > March 3D—(AP)—Exlen s:\ *• battler between YUfJradliv Pfl* i iot.« mid Clem in forces <1 th* ' tir-M ('.• • ;,a troop* it) v • ■ i!•; tr i i .fjaj- in well in' . '*rl !'■ ' i|iuntor.-. i i \ *vt n S .s'lerillsi- were • Hi*-.ti yrd ,i niilway Illc near Kt w oURPvntch. In £'■ ,11k S< i Patriots were ro uiirti'd battling »!**ru; a 33-mlkn lin* between N";>'i and P.r-*t agaimt I' til Uciman a:.d Bulgarian resistance.

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