THIRTIETH YEAR Hrnftgrgmt Bmlij WSHHY WEWOftMH.) LlOAtiKD WlttR SERVICE OK THE ASSOCIATED I'HKSS. HENDERSON, N. C., THURSDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 1, 1943 I'UBMSIJ ISO EVRItY AKTEKNOON EXCEl'T SUNDAY. FIVE CENTS COPY FORTRESSES BLAST AXIS DUNKERQUE FLEET' RCM/ViEL RETREATS IN TUKIZ: \ ALLIED FOPCES CONTINUE to kick the Axis around in Tuni: !a. It<. ° rod's trcojv, Luck on G;.bcs (1), wire shelled by naval tin.13 from the mm. 'iY:i;.ine and Matmata (1!) arc in the .hand. Mont &>mcry'i lJi.^hth Army. Americans arc |u:_hi 'V ior . .. .Mil ?'id *'titiiinit ««t" I.I G::cttur (3) and cast pi' M.iklu»>s-'. >'••« I.- i. !< .i* Ousscllia (4) have banged n salicnl ' iU tSv G > . li.ic i# Koi .i: c: it close to Bizcrte, flu i' t- i;.i» i irst .-vrmy, jicitj b> Frcnch troops, arc hammering en*. .'a5; ;£ Taharkr. i'j 48-Hour Work W eek Generally Accepted Order Into Effect In 32 Areas; Fourth Term Issue Injected Into Ca-pitol Talk Washington. April 1 — (AIM — Tin- Capitol cvi «| c.irlv fffpi'ts of the JH-lioiir work week whirl) wrnl into el'lrcl in 1!! luhnr-short areas across thr rounlrt today, while increased < in tcre-t indicated new action on such issues as a fourth term, an allied food conference. an anti sahotaKe l>ill and farm prices. A y ' I aftccN i .'i< -h >\vcci compliai cc with the 48-hour week w.v. .1" !•> -Jimi ; ■ ! ccnl." war manpowf i ..mi', iiddri:: that no ciirtv- i I • pen dt" fiance !i • ! In en fit '■ I. K>:cinj> tlon ll'iilli-sti were lew. Another angle ■•! the general tabor picture was the prcotetinn of com petent ob>erver* that . r.radual li(| uid.itn'T! .,r the 1' tfliiftmn board's lab .r product.i.n di Impending. Two rew unit i "man power !..<:•»»" and the now «m;m. ageincnl . . • , 1IM ; • ....... , , c| cd to obi »rb the lew r meti • . which rema n l • the div;-- -n Til#. flkllff I. 4 _ „ , Ml <1 ill ^ ils forced 1» I lie front as Republi cans angled fur Democratic sup port before introducing a Sen ate resolution proposing a con stitutional amendment limiline a president's tenure in office to two four-year terms. Senator Duller. Nebraska Republican, who saiti he and other Republi cans planned to offer the resolu tion soon, added that an informal canvass indicated "several" Dem ocrats would support the meas ure. Congressmen exhibited a vcarnin" to sit in on a t'mtcd Nations con ference <>n post wai fond problem lute thla month, which Pre id en I Roosevelt previ>u-ly bid indicated would be Strictly ;hi executive ses sion. If.fl'ienti il lawmakers of 1> >th major parties said they Iclt Congress (Continued on P.i«c Two) C'flARTKR IXSI'F.D l'rtlriub. April 1 i AT> -Secretary of State Kmc today issued >< ehnrter of incorporation to C. *C. Hatchell Packing Co. of l.umberton. to carry on a slmiRhtrrina business; authorized capital lock. $25,000; sub scribed stock. S4.onn, by C. C. Hat ehell. .T. L. Hatehell, Sr.. and Dav'd H. Fuller, all ol Lumberton Soions Pi&a Visit To Front W.i-hinjjlMi. Atiril 1. (AIM — !'ri>i*lfi»! !:«.• .li wjin ivpmi < <1 !" havcMven tentative approval to ii propositi 1 iiiit ■ncttiljt'r.s i>! |hc St-|kiIi* will' in \ o.ilifialmy ci>miniHoc inal;e «n in*pecti mi trip to ihc Ainci ican licld li i 111 HI Mm 111 Al Ilea. ill li lit r< In c< c-^ional If..• U-i -. the resident wji j-.iid In li:«\ t- tilled i! nch ;i trip i- made. Ilir in.s|K'i*tiun i;reiip he limited to i 'iir members <>i the O'llllliltU't'. \sltirli i- headed liy Senator Truman. Missouri De mocrat. Wallace Gets Big Ovation \ alparniso, Chile, April l--(AP) — Vur President Henry A. Wallacc wn« acclaimed by <-ln>w(etl "vivas' frism lame ai'.d enthusiastic crowdt n Chile's second city today. Accompanying hint were Pn idenl Riots and other officials of Chile. II< planned to return ti> Santiago tonighl to attend a -reception in h: honor An inspection of Chilean naval fa cilities hare officially terminated Wji 11,ice'* tiiit to Chile, hulled l>v President Uios a^ havinij opened new phase of under?landing in Chi lean-Amor lean relations." I* ★★ ★★ ★ ★ ★ ★★★ ★ * ★★ * Axis Beset By Invasion Jitters' * Chute Base is Reported Lin Norway Allied Parachutists £aid Established In mountains; Italy J>hows Invasion Fears I„:.ndon. April 1 — tAP) — Siiiiis di increasing axis inva sion jitters irom the ISulkan i rentier to tiie .Scandinavian '(Hiun^ula were highlighted to uay by a roundabout report that allied parachute troops had established a base in the Xor tn unta.ns and had sal i:«.-t out in raids on nazi-con r< iU i! factories. Tin- Norwegian Roverr.mcnt in-exile here—commenting on the report—declared that "Quis liiiK ami the Germans appear t-.» !u- generally alarmed" but said i> could not sive any confirma tion. tin story came to l.< ■ ! St. ;i: patcues whirl > i. Ilied uaraehutc ba-e wax « iw ! •) tiie Hardanger mount: .'area, a . ideal district toj •! . . { . and i: was eqtti| I. mi tent->!'» i i-it-. -'lid to be British •' j ..i-gi^r.t-. (In the southern hordci <>' • " allied invasion arc. meae . the Italian prcpacania i»d:iNier announced tiiat Sicily, i.if »f.e toe of the Italian boot. I come "a fortified outpost .1' ■ liitropean continent itself . au.\ and all attacks comii • •>;> the Mediterranean." Or' ■> ~ t« relay Italy announced mobilization law to be ap • '< event of invasion. I i»e I >.ri\ jvjan -a>ci in ? j from Madrid thai .'iaO.OOO . iirh shipping immobilize ilfiTaiH'iin shut- the I occupation •! .-outlurn Fi ll. con ordered sent t.> Gc I i ther p ' Ms In Saidinia j:;c "The obvious inference U._L .. | Ii inkcrqur ti- being collected ;<>r liomtnol." the Mail said. Emer gency crew.- of Italians would man tl.e ships, the paper said. STATE'S WAR LOAN QUOTA $62,000,000 Richmond, April 1.—(AP)— Hnitii Leach, pie-ident of the Fifth P. du al Reserve Hank at Richmond. iiri today that the district's quota !"i- the second war loan campaign • open April 12 would be $.150,000. ooo. exclusive of the investments to |i>e made bv commercial banks. North Carolina'* quota is $02,000, ! ooo. NEW RATION BOOKS FOR EATING HOUSES Washington. April I—(AP)—OPA aid today it plans to issue a special type of ration book for use by small !o(id-serving establishments. The new book will be similar to the meal-calined goods book now i:i use by householders, and will elim inate a complicated certificate sys ' tem of ration points for the small eating establishments, although larg | or places will continue to use (he j certificates. CRASH VICTIM Oastonia. April 1—(AP)—Tom Mc C'M'ver. 31. of Shelby, died in a bos pi In! here today of injuries he suf fered in a collision yesterday be tween an automobile and an Army truck. Hubert Wright. al.< i of Shelby, wn> kilted in the accident. National Political Scene Overshadows State Races Dalit Dispatch Bureau. In tIn* Sir Walter Hotel. By I.YW VI S MKT. Raleigh. April I Capital i ily ie i# dents .'irifl vi>jl<>i:i who have display ed hiiv interest in politics during the pn.*t work hfivc devoted ut'ention lo 'national rather than state affairs. Ai | most nothing has been heard about governors, lieutenant governors or | house speakers; a flood deal has been I said about prospective race* for the tTnflod States Senate and House ot Representatives. Those in hi eh enough positions to make a cpiote bv riiiinc of mi.v value arc just as reluctant to be quoted on the senatorial situation as they arc a bruit the governor, but "off the record" thev talk a little more freely! One man from an eastern county whose reputation for political acu (Continued on Page Two) DIRECT HIT ON ALLIED CONVOY VESSEL IN PORT nANGER-~jr THt VITAl MEDITERRANEAN CONVOY RUN nrc riot over oven when ottr ships arrive hi port. t hit on a convoy vessel in an Algerian port endangers not only the bombeil ship ' - s and gasoline cargoes of every convoy member berthed nearby. In this cn a •. v! vaves of Nazi planes raged all night. (News of the Day from International) 7» 'j |[ ^ . .. . . 1 • A I eaee Sia&i U..J Jt'fi.f-rCJ-1 «*# -P-.V.-, A »• * •"'.j'lvv Nri^r oiv.y \ "■ ■ •! 1 ■■ *. — •r .• ii jii' • ry • .!,( i •) ' •.(»■ • ( ne ... ■ . in s .••••!• :-. »j»*i < .Is i • • •. i: • i> .: ■ »»-»* .■ of * .• i.'.f.i, he •! • < • . Of Oil Welles, in an addres.- to the Cham- j ber of Comnivrti1 <>! the state ol New York, declared thai our a!lio; , remember that U'ter the victory >. 1918 the United "withdrew | from almost cveiy I>•■"in ol praclic:•! operation" with friendly nations in the reconstruction tasks, and "made no effort to win he peace." "Our allies an a king thcnise've. now whether wi will again follow that same course.' Welles said. "In a very real senst tlie decision !! at will be made will regard to the re newal of the tradcugreements act will be regarded bv pe 'pies throughout the world as an fcid te t of our Ii ture intentions. "Tlie.v will set in that decision a ; clear indication js to whether Hi" people of the I liited States have < determined upon 3 policy of interna tional coopcratio lor the future, or whether they \\ II once more turn i back to that roar I of isolation which leads to inevitable disaster." Welles -aid thlt the creation ol reliable and permanent pcace is th • greatest single interest and objective of the nation, hi! voiced an opin ion that the greatest obstacle to suc cess in the nevt project was de featism. LaborDemands Rigid Ceilings Washington. Afcril i—(AP)—La bor leader? "inssted" .it a confer ence with Pre-iiont Hoosevelt t" day rit d > lings be established on all priccs ' retail stores and a.-ked for lai" representation "at the top" on v •tnmenlal aRcncics. particularly tli war production board and the ui r manpower com mission. Those presen! onipriscd the com bined labor win board, representing the CK), AFL d railroad brother hoods. They said P lident Roosevelt re ceived Ihoii \ i and took notes on what they said. _ i WEATHER FOR NOKTH CAROLINA. Continued warm tonight. TO**91* CHINESE CRUSH 13 JAP ATTACKS JAP BASES AT KISKA AND ATTU ARE RAIDED \Vashingl"U. April 1—(A!') — American bomber.-' ami ' inhiers ••aided .lap.iiie.e !)■•?.ii us on Ki. ka island in I hi* Aleutians twir.: Tuesday ;u;d attacked Attn is lan.i (iiiiv. tin' Navy reported l<>d;iy. One bomber w.y losl !<, 1 aircraft I fi e. Fourth Term Query Refused; Wu.-hinyt 'ii. A!>:• i 1 —(,M')—K . ■ Walker, !>»•:.- •ciatic national cuaii' I man. said too; y ;t wa- too early t »| cliscu> candidates that he wo-..',il like to n ail iii'. > e | :nent between 1 lie two !• i<»r pti'-ics lor late lialii ' a! i ••>n\i -i :u>,ls and a! >iiort 1!>14 camp. . I. Iu'P 'iIiHk So . |> i ii-nU'renee on i a trip thri'°.ii'h a dozen v.'cs'.-'.i states. \Va':;»r • id il hi v int j .■! ol the i sib'lity of Govcmoi John W. Drickcr hi Ohio or M r "fiell Willi; a* be:".; the Republican candidate next year. 11" reported tli ! I)> m.'iratic |>:iity pi\ peels for 1S»M ''looked very go uI to inc." FOUTItlSS ItAll). London, April 1 (AIM • The I na/i-conlrolU'd l»u'ch i.idio said m a broadca»l retorded by the A«>- 1 elated Pre.-- todax inat I."ill persoiis were killed. -Itic injured and thous and.-. made honiele-s bv llie U. S. Flying Fortress raid yesterday upon Rotterdam. Counter Attacks Launched by Chinese; Allied Planes Active On Far Flung Fronts (By The Associated Press) Generalissimo Chiang Kai shek's Chinese armies have crushed a series of K! Japanese attacks ami launched 17 of their iiw is during the nasi work. a Chi nese spokesman saiil today, while on other far Pacific fronts the alties striiek al I lie J Milanese by air freni iiurma to the South sea. i"!.«* Chinc.-o spoki > iiai> s vip,Ti indicated ih..I Japan was making lit ,le headway in her now all out i»i cp ive to k:>ock China out ■ >{ the Ai off i 'I summary declared thai ; c , :i :t .-'iiitheni llupch. in •••iilral China where tlic Japanese •,.\e in en uitaiking in in cightcoi ai"ii drive, had been "very mueh -l.'i'ili/.i il and improved'' ,-inee last ivcek. Kir !• Ii.«■ west. ;.t China's "back I.i, along the YuanaulSunna fron i r severe fighting e. a- reported li re the Jiijk ■ esc attempted in ca p*i:"i• the t-iwn oi Talo. south •1 the Murina l\oad. Oi> the Kill ma front. 1J AI' war pi, ilies hl.olcd railw.i> yards at the .latiiini'se - oeeiipied temple city ot .Mamlalav and set oil fires racing in other towns in that see tor. in the southwest I'aeilie. Oenerjd Douglas MaeArthur's Iicad(|uartei\ 111j • • • ft ci that allied plane, carried :t i deva laling three-hour assault n the hig .lapanc.-c ha-e at Sala iiiaua. New Guinea, and al.-o attacked Lea. Direct Imnili hits' tore a iiule in the new ITill foot Japanese ■aipply bridge across the 'l imber riv er in New Guinea, a communique ■aid. heavily damaging the span which forms a link in the enemy's U'cwak-Medang coastal supply roado. Babson Analyzes Activities Of First Quarter Of Year r,\ mx;i;it \v. h.aksox Copyright—19 n—Publishers Finan cial Bureau. Inc. Washington, April 1—-The first quarter of 1943 wa - marked by sev eral outstanding events in busine.-". anrt finiinee. .Sumo <■!' these are re sulting i:i vital chaoses in our eco nomic anrl family lilo I have spacv to comment upon just a tew ot '.hem. < on*rcss Rcliiw Standard We entered Ifi-t.'t with a.better |> litlcal situation than had existed for some time. There has been con tinued evidence the caliber o! Congress has improved It remain . however, below the standards of the democracy it represents. This mayl ii il be the tiiuM of t\>ngrc*«. itself Iml the limit til Hit' voters who eled the Co'igi-oss. Kvoii in those strln-j r< nt I mos people 1 k'. I price cc'ihnK . Inflationary force* are set for .1 good ride and (Continued on Page Two) Many Ships Nearly 100 Fortresses Have Begun Smashing At Axis Ships; Allies Advance in Tunisia Moseovv. April 1—(AIM—A Tass usspateli iroill f .;uisailiii\ Stvil/fi'luiiil. r.riimk-a-1 today l>»" the- uiUu, »aid that cttn rci!lr.i!iir.^ of and hos pital .itil railway trains had hei'n obst rved in ports of southern Italy. "Tlii'ir is I'vrri indication tliat Italian authorities are iirrnarinj; 1'or mass evaluation of axis lumps from Tunisia," the dis liateh said. It said al*i. that hospitals which w ou!i! accommodate al least t)0.(il:U patients liad been set up in Na pies, according to Italian reports. (I'll 7i ly.-'ncitili<' /'reus) Allied headquarters disclosed today that ail armada of nearly I . S. Klvinjr Fortresses, tin- largest sinjrle force of its type ever massed, lias beguu smashing ;it axis ships off southern Sardinia in what ap peared to be an attempt to wreck an enemy "iMinkerqtie" fleet f< : i .-cape fn.nt Tunisia. I >;s>>atche.-< said the trivat >1 i*ik iiiff f«>;ve< oi Fortresses, stroii-rly escorted I»y fijxlitevs. attacked the Sardinian port of Cajrliari yesterday, hitting five merchant ships and 21 smaller craft. In (tic allied raiders c!estr<\\cr <>i dam.isrd ">T air < t: ;• 1>se S.:i*;li.m V.nri'HWS, 111 - tacUiiv; a • .ix-\ e-.-i-l c- ' ivny with thiw .<• nits: .i Inrw merchant ship .Mink. anotli.-r !•■:: I.him and sink in:;. tv'n «'t' i :i flame*. a large ' m'.i'i.u i t\v 1 Six liniiN-'s w!- i :: .»t * - ■ ; ■ ' 11 in inter cept the Rlit :h< !•■ .. . re shot d »\vn in tlje sen. A'i al lied slants retimed from Ihu • ■ in . the comi unique . aid. Mear \\ liil»*. allied military m the Mnreth lino. In tlie north, the British first army (( <1 n I'.iije Three) Rommel Still Rated Strong Stimson Says Force L.irgeiy Intact and May Join Von Arnim In Northern Tunisia Washington, April 1—(APi — Secretary of War Stimson said today thai German Marshal Er win lioinniet apparently still has tin? hulk «if his TuiiMan force intart and that a .strum; chanee remains lie ran el feet a tini.m with axis forces under General von Arnim in the north. In such iin c.eiit. tin.* >cfrcl:iiv It>ld a pres.-. ctiiilorencc. the vneiny ,11 Tunisia could oiler strong resist ance and "befo:-. thr filial phases ot the north Alrican campaign. there will ill all probability bo a g"od deal '<1 heavy lighting." Honimi1: -u'io ri , n •npoitint >if Miilish (Jen < t;il M'ii it t;< ti. v ,iii(l I he eoiifbo ot In IIritish eighth army. !. Iinialfs i>( i. - I 's-;cx arc incom plete SIi•:i < I'litimii'd in a rev iew "i the vva:. i'lit larjjc Pimibci'i t»l" (ici'ivoi and II ili in sohiTcrs 1'iSiV" : ceil Killed, several thou.-.ind wound ed and taken prisoner. and the al lies have captured and destroyed large amounti of axis equipment.