THIRTIETH YEAR Hmtft resort Bmht Htspatrh : ' * L 1 t'm k K,\ sj socW , N. C., FRIDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 2, 1943 — l'UUUSIIKK KVKItV AKTEKNOON KXCEi'T SUNDAY. FIVE CENTS COPY First Army Smashes Nazi Lines W XT**** ★ ★ ★ ★ ★★★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ BOMBERS BATTER JAP SURFACE FORCES TOMMIES' VICTORY SMILES STILL SMILING, even though battered and patched, arc tlio^o liritish Tommies, members or Ihe British Eighth Army. Tliry wore photo graphed just after the victorious assault on the Marcth I.ine in Ttmi. in. This photo was radioed from Cairo to New York. (International) Politics Boils to T op Of Legislative Dispute Fourth Term Tax And Reciprocal Trade Issues in Spotlight Of Capitol Stage Washington. April 2—(AIM — Politics boiled tu tlx* lop of (he Capitol cauldron today on fourth term, lax and trade agreement issues—with hot legislative un dei currents concerning labor leaders and war brokers—but the heat was temporarily turned off manpower draft legislation. ](<>;>■■ i >1 K-itit - replied l<> rational Democratic Ch;..rm«m Kr;i..k Walk er's suggestion f"i' a shoi 1 ISM I cam paign v. Mh tin.1 retort Now Ileal, ers had already picked President Rotisevell lor tiieir eandiilate and naturally were ready lo go. Said Ilaiii^on Spangier, OOP national chasimoi, "it i-. a matter ol regret that New Dealers have waited I > m.'.Ue the propositi ol late political conventions until alter their candi date has already been selected." Possibility that party-lu.e ditlor encc., over ircome tax abateiueiit might he settled i>y a rendezvous down in Dixie was rumored mean while. The town talk iiad it that Chairman Houghton. North Carolina Democrat, of the House ways and means committee and Kepre dilative Klilit.'on, Minnesota Republican, op posi: g tpiaiierbaeks in the cpiarrcl over the Kuml skip-:i-yoar lax plan, would g<> into a huddle lor harmony Somewhere in the south. Diughton. whose Democratic lineup licked the plan on the lloor. headed for hi ' North Carolina home and KiiutMiii for Florida. Another ign of potential political, harmony ol a purely temporary .sort (Continued on Page Three) 1 Mosquito Planes Raid Nazi Cities Lu::(lnli, A|»til -—(Al')« S|Hvily M<> <111i 1 ■ liomix'i" i diivvii chit Ti i r ;.it • .ill (cct .iikI sped ji\v:iy while Cior mnns i Jiic :. t ww 1111 gupinx lit thetn ill i i«»n :• i. ItAK |>ilu!< said Ihrir bombs smashed lit rough t!ie r<»ii <>f ;i railway wui'l: ..! I r .u:l |Ml\VUr ?l:i! r.m rd. j>.! ■' and it w:ii> lielicvori .> jjasfiliiu* dump WJI • 111!. N' in- i>i Hit Hi ; 'i ill tu \ ll»t ;illlihl!!liin. Apiil : — (Al'(— Nine loinili !«•«., hit liiiiiut: Soviet Jftisvii .ilri'.iiix li.iv •• ariffdrd tlit* I'liitcil Stall's invitation to a ((.'icitiiiiU'd en I'.km- Throe) Revenue Receipts for March Justify Legislative Optimism Dally Dispatch Bureau. I In the Sir Walter Hotel. By I.VNN MSBirr Raleigh, April 2 -With titles tax collections tip 000 or about .'{."1 per cent, and income yielding -SO. 570,0110 or 43 per cent more than in M >rch last year, t lio monthly report, of the State revenue department would seem to support the optimism « f Governor Broughton and a ma jority of the legislators as expressed in nearly every action except re fusal to lower the sales t.ix rate. , I"i every classification of general 1 fund revenue whieh can l>c forecast ■ at .11. except in Schedule M privi lege taxes. I!M3 March collections were well ahead of I!»Ili. Privilege collections fell off about Sll.oon. There was a drop >f more than a hundred thousand in Kift taxes, and a jump <>f nearly five thousand in inheritance taxes; but these iwcif items <• n n«-. «•, he ••slni .tlcf. They are j isl Ktie -**''• Tulal (iivcnil !ii'kI n'cipti f• »i March i'i mc '!•• )>li< Mm <••'. ! i <,( $23,506,027.01 on norease $7,131,874,20 Ma roll Iant year, a Jump "I 3 per ••nil. Kur the nine month ■ the enn;ont fUcal year March 31, ■ • ! >t i| take s.i'i ;!'•!>.'>. O.fiO. ( cvfii i million ( . or ovt'r 1'"' 1 i'>l""l'lin:j >.) • Mir prev i >us ye,if ((iisol.iU' last's r itili: < ■ downward trend, f,.il rig thrcc<(|iiar. tern <>f !• million dollar undtr March—which Hxoll had 1 illon be low the March be loir -fur ,i
  • "1 T15.ll! per ornt Thr -ijln i fiM, n Ki'-^oii <• revenue • ■ (121.02010, «ir Xd.07 in • cent. Thi." continue*! flrclm,- \\ n,>i nnr\pri |. (Continrcd on IVge Three) Fighters Shoot Down 16 Zeros Results of Attack On Ships Not Noted; Japan'? Air Losses Mount to 902 Planes \\ ;i-Itiri.i.rt«.11. April 2—(AI'J I —American bombers battered a Japanese lorce of rive destroy < i'> southwest ol' kolombuiiKura almost at the same iimv iij;lil< r plane.- were engaging "5I> !>. I'» .1 apanese Zero t'ljrhters ; and sh"n»uiijLT down l(> of the (!•« liiy planes. the Navy report ] 11> imiay. in tli" Solomon islands eit in iits. six I'nited States planes wen* lost in the aerial e<>n.!>at. fought northwest ot iiuatlalcai'.ai island. but two ol tin* pili.ts were rescued. Kcsiilis i»C the attack by bumlicrs on tlir Japanese surface I'orce u ere not observed, the Navy ri ported in communique No. wliieli told also of two more attacks on the Japanese base at Kiska in the Aleutians. Si".tiling il >wii <>t Hi Zeros in the I aerial iln.Ltiul:! oil' Guadalcanal I in i.nght ii Kti2 the number of Jap •u- ■ plane announced here as lo.-l :.i She Solomons. '\< nil i i;i! explanation ot lh<. t «_- hi tin- Japanese lorce in Hit i in.til.- ir,, area was given. Il wa> jin-s iMic.l because «>t the prcit'nci jit a caruo v...-el in the group '.hoi it v.a> engaged in carrying .supplier In i ne iif the Japanese bases in ih«: Si'li'inons area, possibly thai al imieh , battered M inula. Missing Pigs Are Mystery I'hieaxo. April 1—ju. riii- tup ye Iciday was Sl(». ' we witt si ivciird breakiI-g 1942 . p; in-.; p ■; crop and buyers at tin" market have awaited an expected IIimkI .>i porker.- (lady .since lllf lir.-l ■ l!:t- year. Wlnif salable receipt* i March were Moderate, they were v. Is.>:!-uadc'iualc to meet demand ; and i : were held at consistently Iiij'I. level*. I.:\estoek experts were unable .(lvalue (ieliintc reasons as to why the lii>:{> were not; marketed in laruc ituinhers. "The piji.-' were horn alright," they •aid. "..nd the usual number grew to niatn ity. The tanners have held back oinf to latten them up. Ixit can't no on lorever. Maybe, the black markets are siphoning oil a con; idcraMe supply. Anyway they'll not coming to market." Jap Convoy Survivors Captured l.'jndon. April 2 (AP)—lieu* te . in di.,latch frnm an advanc • • I . !l c:l Im c hi New Guinea, repot i") today that special Aiis a p trols on (SondcnnllKh ' .iTid Hie T r o l> t i a n <1 island, 'it captured hundreds of .lap a'ic-e .-tfvivoifrom smashed eon\oy«. hi the Ili-mark sea. M i i i!i in I no Japane-e wore llril t,< I hey offered resis i.itieo. the dispatch s id. (Allied airmen have smashed repeated Japanese attempts in ]■( ii nth to reinforce K»'ar in hi orthenstern New (»ui , in , Mod notable was the do liurtioii i| a 22-ship convy in the P. >i ai l; sea early in M reh. ,i a !1 of which allied head entailer- estimated that some 15.* (100 Jap met death, President Vetoes Bankhead Measure As 'Inflationary7 V A Lick at Axis » AN ENGLISH GIRL 'Iocs her share for the war e.iort by sticking sav ings stamps on a 500-lb. : < !> at Trafalgar Square, Lone'.-.. When the liomb is fully covcred with stamps, it is to be taken over Ger many on a raiding plane and delivered. (International) Reds Join Feed Parley Russia Will Send Representatives To United States I Conference Mo-cow. April 2—(AP)—Tin* Soviet I 11 i<>ii has accepted an in vitation from the Fuitrd States to send representatives to a foiled Nations eontereiiee on posl-war I'ooil questions, is was announced today. President lloosevelt announced ! plan.s lor I"- conference several \v< <■!; ago Washington. indicating Ihen liiat it Id be limited strictly to executive -cssions. Peliber.i: ■ over Mich problems a. lood iir.•(i,i< tion and distribution', nuti't • n. 'i commercial and finan cial .< •cits for the entire pro gram are m-: edllled to begin April ■J7. at point as yet undesignated. The State department recer.tly an | iioiinced th 1 governments have been invited send their technical expert* tin conference. While it vas known that Hus-ia had been in ted to participate, to. day'* .i announcement was be lieved to l»i the first indication of the Suv ie! < lion—and it immedi ately gave e to speculation con cerning otl.i conferences on varied posl-war p 'Cms. 19 CAMP DAVIS MEN ARK MADE CITIZENS Wiln - April 2—(AP)—Nilie*J teen en I * < <1 "en from nearby Camp l>a\i wen- naturalized in superior com I hcr< ■'tt(l((e .John .1. Iturney ainini-tccil tin* oath ol citizenship, M AV MARSItAI. (Srcen*l»'>: •. April 2—(AP)—Major : Kd'-e.v Uidnc of (ireen>horo today Vftol; live" !)'< duties of I'. S marshal f >r the • I- e district ol North Car olina loll' "g his official appoint ment vesle flay by Judge .Johnson .1. Haves. WEATHER FOII M»nTll CAROLINA. Colder tonight. Bill to Exclude AAA Benefit Payments From Parity Formula Returned to Senate Washington. April 2—(AI' > —Branding it inflationary and dangerous. President Uoi.sewii vetoed today tlie Kankhead bill to increase farm prices by e\ cludinjr payments in fitruvii; ■: the farm parity price formula-. Itcliirning tin* measure iii!>i;M ed to tin* Senate. Mr. Kmisrvt'l! said in a mes-age: 'I am compelled to this action by llu* dei*|i conviction that t'ii-» measure is Inflationary in «•!».«i _ aeter. It breaks down tin* bar riers we have ereeteil and whii I* we must maintain in order to avoid alt tin* disasters of in'ta tion. It is wholly inconsistent with our stabilization program and. therefore, dangerous alil.e to our constructive farm polio"' and to our wliole war effort." Adn'iri.stration opponents "l the l»i 11, which won ea-.v victory in » i 11 Uou*e and Senate, have estimated it would add approximately 000.000 to the nation'* anmi:.! i > >ct •.ill. It takes a two-thirds vote of both the House and Senate t'i override the President ami make a vetoed tiill law. Tin* Kallklicail measure originally p:i»sed llr* Senate by a vole of "I. 't'ti • House showed a standing vote hi its favor of 1 111 to III. l ew •>;> posed it in debate in cit'icr chamber. At the C'apitol. Dem icratii- 1 .• . Iiarklcv ol Kentucky .-a id the S« n.. .■ might vote next week I" overr t tin* measure. |x-niti:tu out tin* socall..; "city" vole is much largi r :h*i\. Senator llankhead. aullmr ol ;>■ measure, said a dcternnm .1 effi * would in* made to override the despite the President's .; -• exclusion of In*, elit payments limning farm price parity : m Would !>e i'.ll: >; i' ■! Iv ill elie*' and "dangerous aliki* t" our con structive farm policy ami to <•...■ wliole war el fort." aIr. ItiMisevelt i litendcd 'i.< nn :u;e would go lievond Ihe jjo, 1 of parity Income am! give farmer* "an uinvarra: led honu.- at .«■ e\pen. e • i tin* consume:*." in- sain mi' funnel is tially In-tier nil' than in (lit- !;«»l H ;>r lull w on Id nut remain sn "if wo sot Iiiiim* an inflationary (i fat orable |i< iti i <>f A":r; funnel's. hi1 -..ill. ran !>e hi- .1 .. > if Ihe general stabi! at inn , iittverak ami tiii- will .-nr.* •■•{! "• ly n' all groups pmi'|)! those i -i \ ei v margin "I ;>-t:teliee .h ■ w i I i'V 1" recognize t: it lor tho il rj*.it n l'*f> not only ear not expert I > i pi mi Ihoir I ■ us Ktniulu •»!>. lilt ir.iiil indeed Ik* u llinjt to !>«>..r then f. snare ill the i • ! >>f stabi.i it i Mr. Roosevelt himself e~<> inted llu bill might »wclI Hit* iwl r iiv in^ more than ■*' per cent .i ai a id i.dr more than s 1 .iiiiii.nini.iinii i riHiKiimvrK* budget unci wr i! Irihdred million dollars tu '.m • r hi feeding Ihr ar <*d force- an ; • ..;i |:ly niir allies. I'rgilig adherence to the -t i! / i 1 on program. Mr. Kooseve't rtided. "I appeal t" the eonsideroci jtld.J 1 n( 111 i>l the Congress Jo ro.i«s t the HanUhead Itill which I jim .o',i;, in : Unsigned. II will li"t help I ho ■■ \\ iiti his inured.ate war dM.i .lt It \\ II make it infinite!'.* h i • for the fanner to protcct i m;r] from wartime nila' nn and po t-wnr eijao . It W ill add to the ■> uf thii -i* most heabily burdened. I <\ill in.ike the v anting uf i,.o w mine diflieult • »! gravely in-.p.-nl {.iir chances <•! winning the iicaie. ' BANK'S DEPOSITORS BEING PAID BY FDIC Hlaek Mountain. April J (AIM Thomas A. (' iivvfnfdi fpprp en e the Federal Deposit liisnranee C >. poiation .is |n| laling ngen' . >i tin Hank of Mlaok M Mint m \\ h , ,: • I'd March If!. Iia> begun payment «.. elftinw tn deposi' The bank held held deposits i bout >5|.nnn.nnn at 'he time of »i..« inc -ind it i.« estimated that prai rally the entire amount is eovcrcd by :hc FDIC. Finds $13,901 • * * - 1 O.N THe LOOKOUT f.,r metal scraps i;i n jiuili yard in Now York City, litUo Frank KominsUy. 13, came ncrons it wooden box. Inside the bo-j was a tobacco tin containing $1.1:101.31. Frankie turned it over to the police. If the money isn't claimed in ix month:.. it will be re turned to the boy. (International) Sales Agent Under Fire Navy Asks Congress 1 o Aid in Crackdown On Representatives Infest ing Capital WashiiiKiitn. April 'i—— The .Na\> iiffii-ialy a»l»cd Con. gri*** toii.o fur aid in cracking ilimn mi manufacturers' repre sentatives wiiu "have their of tices in their liats" and sales "of little ability" recoiv :»t.: "■'tilraueoits fees" lor produc war contracts. j>. . .. . . .lacob K. Da ■ .. . !•' tilt* under. \ o! tr.< N".i\v and a former 1 c r« |iiv c.i'ativ c from ()hu>. . ' i! .-«> n.n ,il committee: ; ...1 ..I: aitent should :<■ i )lv :.n- inti'odue i{< .i new . (I tint • d artifle to the :i i he hi I-.',! receive ■ I. ti c il . the emergency 1 !;. the l.ict tliiit siibse - • 11 r«.- wliich ho i :>i turn a ingcr. well his !I 1 . ji>tl'oli<>:v.ieal tiK* t I i i' i\:n v t-cll had el it lo ajji-lit.- rep • • i: i ■ e i 1'iHt lactur. .- and said their annual ins ; aliped from $20,000 iii of oia- half million dol .:i the case of a few. i ; Id ",i,e (.• iMiitlee the ureal '> ■ i ■ auetils originally I c ployeil because ol their la r:tj with government procure . 'hod- "their know-how in mi.en' 'Ir.or than because ... ty and experience prod els they \iere at. I .'i : to sell." Anderson's Army Drives Near Mateur German 'Dunkerque Escape' Threatened By Gains; Americana Join Eighth Army (11 y The Associated Press) British first army troops havu smashed (loop into the vital Ger man defense zone in north Tu nisia. an Algiers broadcast said today, and are storming toward Mateur. only 18 miles south of the enemy's potential "Dim kerqne escape" port at liizerto. The radio said Lieutenant General Anderson's forces were now "pressing on the retreating Germans in the vicinity of Ma teur" after a thrust from Sed jen.aiie. 25 miles to the west. A bulletin from allied head quarters save no details of the first army advance, but declared: "Our troops continued to push northward and eastward beyond Sedjenane." * British vanguards. spearheads.i !.y .fierce tribal warriors ol French Mo rocco, were reported to have driver, six miles east of Sedjenane two days ani>. and yesterday's allied commun ique said General Anderson's offen sive was making "good progress." Today's war bulletin from Genera! Dwight D. Eisenhower's headquar ters said the front was "generally quieter yesterday." but "our patrols were very active over the whole front." Field dispatches said Marshal S> win Rommel was flying in fresh troops and battling for every toot of hi.- dwindling north African hold ings. In the south, an Algiers broad cast declared that I". S. troops driving eastward to the sga from Gafsa had met the British eighth army as General Montgomery pursued K o m m e I northward along the coastal highway som» •It miles above the Maretli line. '•Junction between American and British forces is now complete." the radio said. In the skies, allied warplnnes swept in waves over Rommel's lm«* of retreat along the Gulf of Gal>e< coast, inflicting havor on his ar 1111 red columns and spreadii g ' spring bogged down operation-. Dispatches said the entire front, extending from Leningrad t ) ihe Black sea. resembled "a great slits'-r lakc." with transportation drive, s working night and day to keep si ply lines open. MCRKAY CHARGES Washington. April 2—(AP)—C'lO President Philip Murray charged to. d v that lives of American and al lied fighting men "are being en dangered nnrt Jnst because of mstif fieient supplies, or delays in slip plies reaching the armed forces." In a statement on overseas ship ping. Murray said "waste, confusion and lack ol planning are holding down the efficient use of our avail able shipping resources to an alarm ing degree." Nazis in Africa Expected To Fight to Last Man LiikI.ii. Ajiri 2 — (AIM—The .. :i Id i- .t Klyinjj Fortress | (i . S i <1 . w - interpreted today .-1l»lc • ■ c 111«I |• >t>.11>]«■ late if any axis iit'i , ! tn duplicate Dunkcrqiic in a' I iclii •' fi iMii Tunisia. I>i11 unofficial i ., ... ,.r. nnnciitcd it was more like- j I Iv the na/.i would liKh*. to the death I tinder ordcrt* (nim Adolpta Hitler lo : buy nui'c time for defense wt the ; continent. Mr pile the c -t i men nd mater ial. and its effect oil the morale of the (icman |K'o|ile. such a stand wn .'I lit the recent defcnse-mind • (.•!<•■ ri plivi-d I iv Hitler mid his :< i .it sliil I wlx'i faced with the I: '• .ii;; pmver • «t tin- allied on-' si. IWJ. . i|i of doom fo. Colonel f»en i i i' .I'irj'en von Arium'« hnxtilv-fln-1 , 'h« «-rt amiv and Field Marshal! ; Ei win Rommel's veteran Afrika Korps wmld bo dictated by these ncccssit ics: 1. An attempt to delay the allied mopping up of north Africa to the last minute, taking the heaviest toll in the hope <»f gaining time against tlie inevitable invasion of the con. tinent. 2. The need to husband whal Is left of the Italian war fleet again-t invasion day, rather than risk the ex treme losses that powerful allied air and sea concentrations might inflict on covering vessels as well as any evacuation fleet. Reports reaching here from Bern indicate that Hitler already may have given Marshal Rommel orders to hold to the last man, but Rom mel probably will not be sacrificed. These reports indicated Rommel would be named commander in chief of the wholp southern European coast and would direct defenses iroiti the Italian shore to Spain,