Buy All Tlte Bonds Yon Can In The Second War Loan Drive Henderson Hathj UtspatrJj THIRTIETH YEAR Ti^MATOiiKS'.iy HENDERSON, N. C., MONDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 12, 1SM3 I,u,,h,s,KxcEFTKsJNFIVE CENTS COPY Allied Forces Capture Sousse Russians Return To l>ur\ Their Dead SORROW LINES THE FACE5 <;f those n n wr: i-tt a ' >• r< f.irn to their village in the Ukraine after it had been retaken from the Nazis L>y Ktc! Army hv ( s. Taken from»an ofllcial Soviet ne\v?rcel, the phito was made shortly after the women had buried their u.en folk at a mass (uncraL (International) Accent on Father i In Capital News Draft Regulations Followed by Bill Proposing Deferment; Debt Limit Increased Washington. April 1J—(AIM — i In- accclit was on l atiuT in tlii- capital today. A new .M-li-eliw st-rviec* >rdcr was issued •■ivinjr thousand- • >.' dad tlnir !'ir.-t draft dHVrnn 1:1111- and a n>'asiuv n> dil'.-r all of tin >11 <«|u iu d what may 1'f i:; f • la si \..rk of ("onirrcs.- ov i'orc r.i.-tt r. -M !'.i i.w liilc. i new law lifted 1 (••• nation tl di*ht lid nearly a hutdiid Litlinn ilnh.ii- iiiM in limr In 1(1 in tin* l'u*ttl*> Iriirt I!»«• i'.tralvsl war bond drive in In >.r\ ami inllatinti. piist-war trade a»i:l lives n< v. I>'i>!ilcisis tin < apitol Ilill. I I. ■ >|| ,1 (I: ..!! Ii«\tdi| i.n ■' < : i !<■ v. c t nut *• > local imar-i iiy .i- i.iihciv nil Uii. »• who- ■ I ■!: I'll v t . r born lit ' !|'l! l.l.-t Sf I n lii <r> scrvice call until Iii -■••it to ;'u hoard . Tin I: i ' ' ■ ' : >• 11f liit ir. ,i« '|" 1 > '1 '' ' •> ■i n " I • ««,. <:•. >■ »•«• -nswl 11 1 l i ' j .f-jiti n. (:i) r< ■ «m I'M i ' i vlj ' • itlipi k the 8*A clii ' 11 < < t« (I n new moiiji. I >. :■ ilcloi rn! of ■ 'hardship I'.i ii " (a) i •:! i. • ,1 t• n• profpi'i i «l dr v ic <• L' I' aiul '! i;t.' • v.«" (• let I i lad. fo'ini; c\rn further llian llial tin* dialt deferment hill nl IJrp ri'M'iitalivo Kildav. Te\.t» Ihni niral. which would iirrM'iil li declii>tt nl fathers until all child less turn of drafl am* in 111** same stale had lii'fii eallctl. was •»!.»> l«i •-(.»«»ff w hat ciiiturt'^sltHi il leaders hnpe.l was their lasl business work lirfiirr a scltcdtilpil lim-wi-i'k l/islrr rcce-s. Apart from (h<* rtnift rii'vH pmriv I'ii- i- \ ,. 'dcr ■ If m i I'M id. • I' . . 1***1 .in. • —. n tile mc »l lii<* Tt'• n■■'"v' (MMI.IIIIIIVi'l w , , li| . i.. .'4 lit* li ul Mr m 'I i'.'i :i |i i ■ • in* ! ,i • lite national i!< ; i i • it fr Sl2flj fMIII.IM|| 1.111)11 t., S>'.' 11l.ttlo>.<II><t.1 Ktlt )i> i" • '• a l.iw w iliioul h - .-imi it ll«' d 'I not sittn ii bct-uiw '• •' I'ii'd . rider which repealed lit - ev • i.' ,r nidi - limiting s:» 1.• f;<•>- 1*• ■*" 1 f"1" after i i\i . tmt •• n dor in * • tmiiai ;•.!> out |o our war I inane ({"otriinipd oil Pane l'ivel NAVY PH OT killed IN CRASH OF PLANI N •' lit. \ i. Ani il 1:' <"Al*> r- nut William K. Seltuh '• ' Till < i;.| , V liillr'l S.llll' I iiffit'UKiii when a Nflvv plane I ■ v I'll "ling or i *-1 • »*f l in Httatwki' 5*ni»n< ' ' Iron N »«•, Head. N C. ' ■ ''"ii ii;i\al (li tint announced ticio; Yv ithhoiding Levy Urged V.\ 1 ; . • .11. ,\i .1 IL' ( \l') S|it'iiki i Itayblirn. I'« \.i i >c . f.. i >. < : ' if«l 1 *.*i i\ : i.. lit k'liuHTiit it Ht'iiiililiciin action tu nsiel i|uickly a j>t'r ccul wiih cl.iin., ' tin- 1 i\:.l>!r ■ : I\< ii . ■: v.. t;< . ::ii ,i! iin-> as . urc ■ t;.' iwevi'tit jntl.i t II • : t J.I* V .... I .* * .!: « ■■* - I II •!!«, ! . ! "i • * 11 «• ••..,! • till.' I lc.ak-r-l.ip I t but!i ! • * v. iM Five Persons Die Violently ( \t' <:*. i .ltd ll|>S V. I'll li lt. Clark. ok'voii. <•! lite w ,i- fatally ;:i ■ i ,.jn thrall r. Buy More War Bonds Today Hull Pleads Fcr Facts Secretary of State Urges Trade Treaties To Demonstrate U. S. Post-War Cooperation W.t-hiiisMon. .%|>ril 1!—(AIM — Sccri'iiU'.v iii Stale Hull Imla* uracil rri' ol (In* m-iproral traili* ajriTiiirnls lav in ortlrr. >ai(l. n> ilrtuonslralc Dial Hit* I iiitrii Stairs will <oo|>i-nilc with nations not <ml> in war liul in the |ica»T to <-omr. •Thi' i:*:•;.>• iK-iipIf win' look t<> anl :!:• onintry vviJh II iii I I tin* w..v .1 nit-;i s i- mii !. \\ i in v ("in f.|Hi t u> ;.i ti-lli.w. "*!!( |>.i(!.;i1:<ifi ..| ti « pi. i • . tIK'll'l .1 C'lMI" !!:<lll . ' li'll. .11 V. •c.inii. ily. \vi .1 !• wiiirli i- vit. Ily ;i> - il ill liu |> i . i i>l t!n> r. ★ ★★ *★★★ ★★★★★ ★★★ ★ Japan Opens Air Offensive Large Scale Attack Made On Oro Bay Twenty-Three of 45 Japanese Planes bhot Down; Hit £corcd on Ship A new Japanese aerial of fen sive which "may attain consid entl)l«' . ("tie of effort" has beei launched in the southwest l'a c.fic. (ieiieral Douglas MacAr t hiir s headquarters announce! nula.v. The announcement was haset oil an aback I>y 15 Japanes; raiders on Ora May. south o! Iliina in New (iuinea, the secoiu larjre scale aerial effort the Jap anese iiave attempted in fiv. day. Twenty-three of the planes were shot down in a sub-stratos phere battle with l-ichtniiiKs and Kittv Hawks. it wus announced, and the Japanese did little dam agr except to score two direct hit; on .1 2,000-ton allied mer chant ship which was beached. Allied aerial losses were describ ed a:. insignificant. -• As in the attack l>v !H> Japanese I. -t Thursday, in the Guadnl <■ area. I'mled Nation* an- mince" incut- <aid ili«' Japanese objective wt•• i allied shipping. There was no allied announce ment. however. concer-.iing llie si i: ■ >! the .11(I .-hipping eoncentrat:• >"i. The Japanese have claimed to have suv.k ten transport- among othoi s'iiiii- in the c; :ad;ilcanul nciian. The ,\.iy yesterday, in a recap!) nlat ■ n. .-aid illied losses in the lat ter biiitle were .. destroyer. corvctte and tanker s nk. a small fuel boat damaged and seven planes shot ilow!'. while .lapane e plane losse. had mounted to ::;i. Mac.\rthur\. I" ml>ei\- ineanwhih «-• ■:iTittiit-rl tile . runs over Jap anc <• ! .! ••- tr. I nio|- to the north west nf A istl'i ha to New Ireland i: t! norlhea-t. The l.'AK 1-..I • I its a .-alilts BRITISH CARGO SHIP IS SUNK IN ATLANTIC Wa.-Sui-gt-.n. \--d II!. (Al') ! I ( ■ d today III it •mall It'it ;-h iiant ve.-sel wa ll t i cd' '-d I by ,i siib-oai 11>• c.n Iv m M i: the Atlaniie oil the ii 'iM:< ii . of Soulh Amer ica. Siiii\i'i- been landed al Miami. Ha. Draft Reclassification Ordered; 3-B Eliminated Deferment for Men With Collateral Dependents and Wives Only Ruled Out; Other Changes W"..-Mil! • • A • I ! ii iii11 i<'it <■1 iliMii iKk-m v t .i (• lur <k< rci'llllY.t l<".' ;;u•?i wllli colliitcml de pendent (I \r ivcepi i;i till! eiise I't ITll'M lll'l ■ .1. y t'l <ltl(l <*:ii il« iilv < ii * • : ril i ; tir«* «>r in < i-c- wtii'rn i <1 rente hti I liip und I»• !% al •"! v • I ■ ' v. nii"Uiir !• f 1(1 v ! • I 'Ii • I ul V. Mr \iilt i.f lii' war iii<im|h>\\er cm mis-ioti. Mai«': !>• :i1 . tin new pn'lira ill, ii ■ titlmeil iiK'iivMMiula 1' .vt.i:<• dlrrc'«»r.« by Mtijm Cftnenil I .t .. > - II. Ilcv-nc''. ft rrrt • «»( oleelivc ncrvlcc. m lulled 1 Klillii'ial i"M , ■! cl.i -- "15. 1 Ii:• - liei i !"tm e u-e'l fin el.i. fiea« ) 'ii nf li'iMi U Ml l«"ia nil' ilejieil drills Willi WW ii' at •• efll|;il!('(| ill nc i". iliey ee • iillid !•> Ihc -• 'i'I"t of llie Wiiref!"!' V" re::i Irani will lie Jil-ieed M II ' 'as ! e eaflei'. I 2. lll'V -I' ll "l cl :i-.\. herel'i I f ii«c for men u■ i irt d< in 'drill ■ ;• i! who tww nn| e nMjted Itt mi I nrlivily e frnlinl i<> i ipporl "I the w»r effort. Ilenrelcrfh I hi rla will be u&cd lo» any . who irant;. lide family rcl.i tionship child in* childrci l> •. ;(i<-I with regard !• the w, I prior to Decern In- i:• i two exceptioii t(ii(j 11 iry to tind rcgti '.i ly eilK «ucrt Hgrlctllturc \\ hi *».i\ •ciulont.H will con 10 l \ 3*C. RrfMnml v.1111 ;in i leirrrable activitie ore j'.i! •••> unated as Mich !>' the \\ v i! er commission wil hp reelasMl ed without reference t the l.i ' tl ■■ ' • v have children. Creation fliWs -l-D. n nc\ , ill bo placed an rer. -ti it therivi-e deferred i il i ili■*< ■ • 'I that h's inductio :it • tlie i ■ -I ' aval forces won I 11 ill m ■ i <■ hardship and pi vati<>n in .i « •«'. child or paien w it!) u: maintains a lion fide i in v ■ • "tiship in his hom aiwi >> r< "ii "f Mlctl detenu iialioti. t cnii>'dered advisaM that lie l»c tie'erred. 4. I'. m of the "immincnc (C .r.n.ied '.»n Pngt Five) WKO SAID JAPS DON'T GIVE UP? WOUNDED JAP PRISONERS at nn American prison camp in the South Pacific area belie the sum-Mai fervor to which they ore driven by the todc of Bushhlo. The.-e Nipponese seem pleased to be out of it all •s they lir.c up for medical attention. (International Sou?nfp!ioto) Major Revisions Made for Draft Storms Strike In Alabama r.innini:h;ii!i. ,\l.i.. April 1-. —(AP) Fo H JH?I !. «.\ <•.. .. 11 ofl .111(1 i it: it-. - .:i|1 !•» <l.i> .'.in n .n.- tru< ■ tin- • 'i liiwil nl 1 l.ll'kU iltll'g Villi:!!-.11". TI:o Ini.-11h.• . crti- 'ti >•! Icburk. !Mi link'.- <it" r.irmnuli.iiii. w.i- <(:"i»yt*«l. .1. Cntni', I."' if • field I t-p;. olitntivo. .-;n I 'I 'All |iri.«iii w I 1 jil ItM.-i ii duM'M inj ■ < • ' Vitio tlinnl. 70 n.l!< ■ 111 ■ til "1 I ill - iniimliiiiii. iiiul silfii' 'in- -lino <1| t.inoo IM I '.I II .i-:.!t l'iiru. I t-It*| illl »ll«» Cult II II Ill both ouiimiunitio v :i. Pay-As- Y o u-Go Revival Move Is Rejected WiislllMK' >11 A ' ' (AP) ; ;.' 11 \ "tod il • vii !•!;•:' ' ■ > ;■ 11 r ity iiir.c II|h* ib| «• »htk «» 1 ii|t<*11 r n-jil" iy .i j i. | t i\ Ii :: -l it -1 Tin1 !»«•;> i. ti ' > rc.ijf >i I ho billcr i. in . ' ■ tillered i.v Hopio*ont;iti\ ■ U • • \-v. York llo public.111. M 1 I i ' ' V n! S' •(»• , Hull .»:•>••<! • ' ■ ooiniulllo • WilliIliU tn |>!>.• !"r i\l. mihi of Hit' !•• ; ■ . : itlo agree ments l.iw. Hood .i k< t in it too l'i t'l i t-i tlio !.i\ in . ■ i itoly ..I 1 Hull Ii .(I u : • cloVr , ' riproi'.il t . do • h i .i' 'ii< inti! tlio O'Vlitl'MtOO l I 'l "(«t\ |l.IV il- Villi II' AMERICAN Pl.ANES BOMB JAP BASES i U'luhlnsltn. April 12 (AP) ' Two bun lnnc m o.m iiij: lionvy CXpln-nili- .itul ' Ii t 'he •Innnitcw nlrl' 1 ' M iimIii mi lite S(i|nli|iitls ivcrc ii p*"tiii 1 nil.iv tiv tli' Niivv hi :■ r m11in mm|iii• \v111cli 11 >1(i ; 11 Si i 'it .1 I.I'll "11 Klllllli. .mil tv." Iminliitill flxMiti I on Ki I..i itl tin' A lt*n t i.i 11 ViATHfl roil \(ii: i ii < m:oi,i\ \ Slinwrr> .mil tliiiinler*|ornis this iiflrrtlimn .mil r\lr'-inr iniM rrn |inrli"ll r.itb toniclil; rnnlpi iii 1'ii.irrii .uitl western puritan* | tonight. Virtually Every Physically Able Man Otherwise Eligible Will be Drafted Washing tun. April I?—(AIM— .Major revisions in draft classifi cations «ere made today to fa cilitate I he task of providing llir aimed forces this year with vir tliall> every physically able man hctwceil IK and I!8 years old who lias no cause for individual de ferment. Selective Sen ico Director Lewis I 'It i v .'id M .• power Co:r. "Her I'anl \". !\4i Nutt lold a i c n ic! cure that drafting mi . .1 . . <■ w >111(1 he necessary t > i \ ; the ui'iil ot 10.o00.0U" men in torlii ixoic next Jatitial'y I. The only grounds lor deter incnt alter the han against call iiiv lathers is lifted—possibly Mime time around .tiilv I—will lie farm work, individual es sentiality in iioii - agricultural work, and (lie possibility in duction would mean "extreme privation and hardship." ller sliey and McVull said. Tncy added tliat the nalion ha v I i mill iiihi |>11\ .(ally lit men j>i lit-1 • ^i: 117 brackci. v ith .ij»•«.it iimher ah cail.v in ;!:•• ..lined dices. i 1 '• c • nil!ii tig 7.'i'i0.iit»t. 1 ncv i :: • 'i.iiiiu v ■11 lip deterred f• ■. ! 't'lMiip t'V the end c yiMi- and I he ret v ill i>e nU ' ,c next true iii'•nth1 MeXutt .-aid Hint as a ru tilt of ■ ic new classification revision: 'i !\ li.iHKi iiiKi i hitdlcss 'iii m u t ce in.i- reel.' "*i to v iiilulilc !••!• rail « In n ii m 1 •(-1 ,iir icached i li • \ jire tiece.x ivy to the rn il • w. «*!f(»rt "i tlieit' induction i • . i extreme hard. lui' to de A! c th .ii n.ulin.nnti. n rl.v ••• i d • • take in Ih'iti: and- at tin dad. between the l!'t I Hid last SeptciH't • « V a -Hied a ftllthei breath' ' . :>i : >re coll on IhcirgniitptitgliM. Two Trainmen Die In Crash ! hid M.i|Kdi>. April I:'—(AP) -An id. Hie Knur tt.iilr«>ad pa ' 'ra*ii collided with an Ind it: .> • t'tr 'ti Hailwav li'»»tr>«"»tiv** .rid i >!• • • c at a west side c'-o-iinj! here |'"day and two railway eirplny<e. ' c ( - led and a third was believed I dead mdor the > reel;avr. V i At"C" iven were itmml X" - "it the Big Four trfiii i wei c hurl. Axis Troops Also Flee Kai sfonan Final or Siege Phase Of Tunisian Campaign Nears as Rommel Prepares Last Stand (I'll 'I 'll .-Is*ftcinltil ) Powerful allied i\,i ivs drove at a lijrhtniny pace toward «. ii;• final or siejfe pl;;..-v >1 ihe Tu nisian campaign "'>si;... a* C.eii eral Sir JJ. 1,. i\l mtirotnery's eighth army warriors captured Sousse. only To mil« — north i»i Tunis, anil axis troops fled from Kairouan lo tlie southwest iio fore other columns. Destroy i:!g stores us Ihcv evac uated Kairouan. the Arab lioly city and an important air base, anil leaving ruined anil aban doned equipment litterbin the roadsides. Marsh;:! Irwin Kom j mel's badly punmicletf men were I being furred rapid I v into a nar row square behind tin- inoun l tains of Tunis and Bizrrte where it was believed they would at tempt a final stand. I The Italian nad German radios, in ;tnn<»uiH -r;g the c\ .it nation ot' Kairouan. ."ii irulcs .ill: i:-i "T Soussc, indicated that city .... n dened shortly alter A < !'■. tish ard French i ii.~ had thrust lhniii«:i the ;ril . . ■ at Kondoiik ami bci: i a . . i t >ward the coast. A second eighth a: y t .i■ i vancing on K;.n .:..n l. • »• ,.: i had b.v-pased Fa:d IV. . . i in ■ f the iir.-i American defeat T and trapped f > were le:i 11 111:.t .-t:on ; ■ i. Frwii h I ground lo the ".i r: i n tin- l' - -«• 11: ■ ter:-il<>ry, while Lit i. •: (inn ..1 I Ander.-'in" lJr i .»h I;;-. ■ ■ rm\ in. .:«• iurther advances 11 i'i Medio/fi lial > ana. :1a miles .-"iillnvivi of Tun s. | Americans •• 1 ieutinant General Go >rge S P..:' : . t< <>i. V ml I Pas w it: al • '1. Some am- ed re <•( .VI.,r I shall lo'M-.ii.o!'- . .r>v u. re lav.,;., ,1 out in the enu-t.-i-nici : rt!;\vest of Kairouan ; ::.i ten t. iks were de» ! j-Ip i\'« d. Thi* Irrril'ie pare <•! the Bri I air olieleivc of the past few days was increased even further, and 11 enemy planes were slim down yesterday al a !•«>-( of 11 allied planes. Thirty no . . t :r e'iciny I,, I We:e oijj t': m- i l"red .In, fcrrs [ which the Gern i . have been n n*j 1: at i ' ' i ' !'.i d prcs: I'd I'. - n• • . t Vie e ' iumbet iiiR I ! ; . en . ce<»iin1 - eil lor i t •• s ,• ' ail n the 1 ..-t - \ day ?•. .Ml i t ..ii |'a* ' ' i oifd lii lenrth.- !.• thei , •, weh; up in fiai'ie- after an attack by Warhawks Flying Forlnu'es. Wellingtons and medium again smashed .it (('ontir.ied on I'age Five) 15 Axis Ships Sunk bv Subs Lftnrlou. Apr I fj i AP)-—Fifteen n "i f :i\is vr».«cl.- Iijivp "«■( n (k'sli'ny crl "f 'liHUilRCtl tl till' "\!c(|itiMT;im m i by British gubmniiiwn, the ndmlntlJ.v i aiiiiotinrci lndjiy. | The I5i I'ish miI>:h;ii im . ciniliniinii: In liiir.i*- t'lietny shippitii' ,iM< ni|>lmi: to Ml|>pl> (it llUltl- it t If I II ; liutiiinu ft>r their livi in 'I'uni *i. • u ci i fleel.ncd |ti h;i\ i 'ill!; ei^M Vc>sel Tl'e-e v.cie lifi<<! .. ivvti n <• tliiini >i*eil supply ship-. one 11>«■ - ! diuiii t.mkcr «ilid live . iimII t mipply ship ••Seven 'Hie v'ssclf. including 1 llnct' l.nCi Mippl.v .--liips «ind n hirw? ' tanker, were iiltncked nnd hit by i<>r I |icilot's," tiir ncln n'iiHy iini«jini« . - | nicnl

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