J Society News \ Till-: t'l.Orill.ANDS. Over the earth. Kathered in v;».st crowds Of turning billowing limits that slowly move Across the deeps ot heaven. as if to prove The sky flic litte.-t place I• motion —clouds. The lovelie.>t moving things in all the broad Expanses of the world, will alwajs ro\ e. And in their bright pro^re... ion till With love All those who :-ec them, being a . it;n of (Sod. The siillc I pools 111 ilent woods re fleet Upon their miiToting stirlact'.- these shapes. These lime-white cloudlands ol the upper air. And those who look upon the pools eolleet Within then e"e the iiuiny hays ami c»l»e< . Qf realms mo. t gloriously strange "and lair. ltojter Challis Jr. Ilicli I'.-T. ,\. The .lunioi llittli I'. | .\ will In.Ill its reiiiilar t»i«iv »»•«■«•!itui \Vednes dfiy aitfriiiHiii at ..'clock .it the soil oil. All tncaiiicr.- arc iitui'd to ;i( ti'iul. I'raycr MiTliiic Hand. Tla* prayer meeting hand will mod till.- evening iit I! o'clock ;il tin* homo ot Mrs. I'A a liubcrt.-on mi C'havas.c avenue. The Hi'V. K. Norllect Gard ner will In- trader. T« Canada. Mr. ami Mr.-. M. I.. Kdwatd.- will liM\r l"iin'ilow tor I.anv.tmi. <>n tai l1. I'.hi.i.i.i. I'<>r .1 lu-tHWtvks \ i -:' .it tin- 11.>ii•• "i Mi . Kdward-' pa. ■ « .it. ,\l: ami M: 11 • >1 I I'.'ii;4liiu i BiitluhiN Supper For Mr. I I;i\ worn A : urpri !• hi Unlay -upper wa J'lVCIl S..I i'i|. \ IIIK1-' ''I ';l i All II tier a\ emit- 11 >t ttlf* \V. II I lav w < >■ >< in hi .>::>(! In: 11 u I. • v. 1 >.«- .ill.ur v. «ii.i-•>«.-«I i .i tiutiil.cr of 'ri« ini jiii - • ni 'I in- t.ilili- was m i v ail' .i•:i\«• I\ ai ..Ii• • i■(I . n i tin- cahc w a ili'n >. ali il III nil. while, .ml hli'i*. at iioi.v i.\xon:xTs. lii-v. la-iciKtcr !•'. Kent. rirl»r ■>' St. I'an I s rhnri'h .it I«mtishtirg, wil < •ndi.ei tin- ; , ,, c Il.dy |lm, r I • i ■-« •■ -| >. 11 .lurch Wi iliif-day v\cn ini4 •" "'clm-l.. Air. Hint will iea\. l.-i|ii>hnr;; --"'iti alter Ka-ti-i tn |IMi 1"'! "''I l"ii<- a- a chaplain. Il> will In- jjicallv mi- , (| ni l.>uii-htn 'i here lie nas !•. i I) •■)>• ;!ar and Weil hi.i d. and ;.l-u !■>■ n,«.•:•- ,>i l|, | Inn.iri lit - church heir to whom hi (ani.il .'liil alt.active manner appeal HIHI.i: STI'IIV. Milile tiulv v. ill he lii-lil at tin I " ' l'l.ipti.-t church W'cducsdav flllll-4 .it i; n'rli i«-|v ,.|| til,- lt.ii.|; . I' tlui Hns hiHik ronunrnionitcH tin I*eaM .a I'm iim, ..ni- <>i the scvi'ii K ' >1 ti 'ual- ot iho llehrew people iVh;.l> will |.e ol.-cived .-hortly hy .1. \v-■ I In" v.. u ,,j ijiitvn K-tlii'i aim •he I" will lorin .he ha-1- Inr tin uri .11ttI build up yuiir ointidciieo. It': I'.iitrrn !K!21. and there's a lotij I front panel. a Intel; 'l.u l panel .nit ia I;. | II-111 IK Kirdle lt>:' linlirr ll.it t fi y Star (lower.-, done I i iim the transtci ittern. add a color note. Pattern !> J JI mav In- ordered milj i wniiion's sizes :>ti. :t". -Il». 12. -1 i I .iiiil I!!. Si/.o l!t> rct|Uire> ;> yard: ■ :t"<-i:ich (abrio. Send SIXThKN C'KN'IS hi coin •r litis Marian Martin pattern .'lite plainlv SI/.K, NAMK, AL> iih.NS itui STYl.K N't MltKlt. ^••nd v i(ir order to !> i:lv l>i«niteh .!tt«":i heparlmen:. \V. ll!llt S;. ;cw York. X V. Ilecause ,>f the slowne-s tif tin nails, delivery of our patterns ntai •ike a few days longer Uiatt usual Methodist Church Plans Easter Rites I'..i t«T Wri'li acttvi'ie ;■! the Kir.-! Vethoili:.t clinch were • >nt!ii>• cl In (!.iy by the |i.i-Ior. I ho II. K Kins:. .! iiu I Mliim the ciir..-'.cuius; i>i i l.mt . i'»■<••. |>1 >ii iii'n the church new inenihei -. 1-1.i.-t i iniiMc. .i I ei . ce plumed .iikI p: t onted !>_v the Youth I >.vi.n mine . i r\ ice mi Iv.ster ■ ii.or: 11in. .inil |>.irtm-i|>.11itI in Holy I Week lllii.>n . el vice-. 1 Cliri tciii'i:; ol cli lilren will t.'ilse pi.ice ;it church ,»cr\ ice., to I'.illll Sunday. next S'liiilii.v I' ..; nuts;, the i piistnr All p.n 1'iit.- v\h'> wi-li It) ||.|\ e their I' il»n ch: te- ed ;ire .i Ui'd to n «tily Mr. K d u ins: thi - week. i On Monday. Tin' d.iv .uid U'edne.; 'i Easter atT&vmek!? I he Very Cream Of Easter Dress Fashions! \ ,-,4 \ ) L . 9 New Navy Sheers! <> Itayon I'ritit•>! © I'llnl And -Plains' 7.90 •A truly classic cir —v. ill take part in the Kaster ma ir. New members will he received into the church at this time. Services oa Faster evening will he ( in charge of the young people ol the church, who are saiil to be plan ning an impressive Fa. ter program | lor tli.it hour. On next Sunday morning. at the 11 o'clock service. Mr. King \vl! preach the la I ol a series of -erme:s on "'riie Meaning of the I'ross." Mr. King will . erve with pa !• »r.s <>l other chin dies of the city in cui ilueti :g the noon hour service- at the Stevenson theatre during limy Week, and the First Mctlmdi t elm c i will be host t-i the three-hour union service on Good Friday, from noon until 3 p. m. Roach Will Speak Before B-P Meeting l!cv. .1. I'. ISoach. pa.-^tnr of XVw Lti.'tlicl llapti t church .it !-.|i .urn. litis county, and ••! liic Nullum Itaptt-t church. I - t i i.i- kuc : jnaUcr at the ■ C'S | It 'I •Mlc. ilt . ; . 111., illul some titty icMuaii !!. ha\e been ::ia ie ulrtady. it wa- .'atcd. Mi-. .1. Kiani.hn Mui.'. w ..cl.iv lot fifteen year* "i t:n- Sli ••. iliitl esi cla-o "I 'he First llapti ct i1 : in I ICil.'.C! oil W ill I <• I • • . I'll: I • I \ I M-..I i II W ill i «• . IJl'N I' iN-i-t (i.uilmr. pastor oi the First ISaptist church. One "1 the leaturc- ol tin- miv'ai^. in addition to report* n »tas-e. in clturcho.- •! li e thro i-->uiiih .-. W lit In "11- I'llHl.ii I M l'! I ll • ! .: cits. Present nfficci . in addition t• • Mis. A Hi u. arc: O.arhc ..I Ili ti.li .-in First llajiti i citurcli. i i1 vice-president < now in the Aimy): Mi . . \V. 1.. U'o.mI. Hi Win • ici.tiit. >i <•. itii \ tci !>.•«•- idcn:: Mi.~ 1 IJeck> John All I Is, ' ■ i llendt: • ii. «*i • 1 iv.-p luiiui; sccrclaiy, an.I ,\i S. i ' Murphy. ui Kp-om. '.hi- county, i • • i io|i.'tiiliiiii recrctarv. with I'hatic ill. Mainnr.it iMml. trca-u:vr. : All I;..I: I- I a- t Phil it'.. . llil... classiv ill the till«'t I •untie.'. ;. c la \ tied lo scad rcprcsicnl it r. i. '.•• t!u nccting. Local Soldier "S T' • ° in 1 unisia | Sergeant Tin ma> !•' SIcm-ii . I I'll I'l Mi>. I!. II. Ay.-elie •'I ill-ill, |-nil rmilf wa- mil- • ;i ■ |> . ; t niliil Stale Air ■■ n n <'■ | l».v an Asmti.ili'l I i . ..!.•!i wi.t, recently a- j:nant AI • ■ 11111 I. ' >\ i rl.inl.aii; 111«* Is. **t • i)■! i I'lllll-ia, hcfiir t- 1 la , \ :ri-i i".ir -!; • >I Ifiiivc put limit': w iv. Tl.f : ■ Wa> ili'tiii'cii ,i •'ii.i'ii a • i i i Iff nnile liv rain u.iln ilsppa. ; I'l l II11 I llC* I'lK'k-." Mi ni inn i'l 11n- '.•■I-.-! -i-la.'T \ 'ii ciiiiiii ell'ti v. ilit ;.t-i- • 111it .1 !i.. • iT;;catit Imiih Hit- Kenral.y :.i win ii- ill lit: it'll nan t- \\ Ii ■ eye • a .s(|iuiTt-l tlit-y v. .mi I i.i 1.iit•■.it i- i\ un: I'lit if S.'i .. i. i' l>y I a ii nl. mi; nil t\vt> (iirmatt \\ ■•lit' iiiilli-l. "Tlieres no ii. c Wii.-ting atnmtitii , II n it '.'Hi t an liuila- y • , :ii' tvoi k overtime." I In- a^nxiIciI l*n> \vi iter 11 hi «i • ,i. I it • i»i ■ i i,l \ S i ScrKeanl Mt-K in lll.it-Mitn n. "a. • | i'iiiil(l\. Kv.. wliti ] hi I It I l!n- 11; • [••I In- lIHKt Spriiifiliclil 1 mi' «iiid ' i. I I two Gcriiiuii.s M|iiiiniiiK innii .. reci i j ■ iiiiissiiiHt! mill"iit-yt-i-• trying !> . ju-i« . iia1 American inlalitiy. "We w ere withdrawing ilirnir.:!) ■ K.i critic w hen 111 • - - • ■ uu> ih"\c |> i liliiKili;: V.e well- 'hen " • n men.- ! .nil Iliad.hum. "I molioitcd l«« I -1 n ii i l1 tit I hi n.aii n. m-il ain. until ii|>|>;iif 1111v w t-i e dea:l I en- In re bluenl mi bnth nl them, i-in wt lidn't stop in check a- wt- wen u.i ler niiiehine gun ; ire oiiiaUc ami liail tn cniilnine tlie w itluliiiwal." Aliiilher Ketituckian C | Dillard Prillt. 21. nl Ka/arH \ . h •n tlu- wiiv nut w 1111 the nam • | i it. ■ ink a pap with his Springliiitl 'it ind dipped ii German limn iiiii'thei auti i| eviir alllt yard- a v. a> . FIFTY BIRTHS, NINE DEATHS LAST MONTH 11 if i 11 hiiih.s n| .{i while 1 .line ,m«i I colored liable wee teim l. il v'iimcc rowdy during the iiKiuih .a 'liireli. ;• ikI rlealhs nl 11inr v. Iiile pet mi.- and !i\e \'iT:rnc- wii■ icp■ • •d fi»r tin- twiiie period. iieetirdiiiK l« he monthly -imim.iry • >t \ ii.ii i it| ies niiide pnlilie Imlav by I) A. !i • rcijg. Viiliee rcgi tiar ol ut.il t.,. i. ilial nh.-l ruction. InlieiciiIim • and •iilieer of the liv it. The lTnr,cd Stile- normally im i iorts from Id to 2n per ccnti of it* '.irinuiil > 'i'i'l.v o| tats. Joins Marines When Mi s Jan< t L wrio, abow, w.i:; five she iucd .'i S.mto L'o niin;; > ami t\\ > M. . cmiiiv t(» live with . « i .mi ly Id tcci them against alive ,batuiiU TIiu ,\\u 1. »• m-'.- only slay er I I .Vc (i :itV iv.it :!icy wore "mi ji«» 1 I:i»J»" th:.t l!'t-y made a la.-tinu i.Mipn >•! .hi her. That's wit. when M Lmvric. who i.s cor oc'.f.l v. ' i ! :o Amoi ic in embassy in Cuba, : mud ..it that thi- U. S. Jiarlno C'i«rp.-- was en listing \\ ini he •• ■ ght a plane in Ilavan .1 MiHi'in'yivl 1 <••■() mik t • .At ':r- i. < i >. •<> j i.n l.u! Icatheri iccli.,. War tund Committee 1 o Oiganize In tin- Sn Wallvr Iloti-r. I».iii> It: |>.m.i i»iur.iu, IS> I.* \\ v!>j;| •. .1 i:> Tin.- I ") in. uumi y l. .« ra K. .iii;;nt in , rvlili-..: • w.II Iik-i Cut-.! ... I \t All II.;.,V I • l.i » Ullilw lion . : I .1. !.11.1 1|IU>1 !..:i war illii j. ji .■ i-d (-..iiiija j*, ■ .-.I wi'.ll U.e CM. . i IC ... HI it i.i.il til.: ii'UitC, .1 a:le • III >1 Cl>dc i\. IlilVj a.i 1 !i.- !.u:ii-ii i-:-, . .i { .t o: ill i.i-i .■ .: .-t i 1 ■ i. ,\1. 11..:.. i n t-.» .in- I iv.era I 3xA liaise, i..illlli.i.gi i t ;;.i i i .1.1 v. .'f ,i i I , '. !: r lli-ii Cl - i i- .tin- !W•• .*. ; . ;;r..m.s i i till ll 1 L'ilC'f, this, 'II.; .-. Till: year the : i < ni i iiit- Na i i;>a git, «i:ii o i- will iiave j:i . i i; r Hilly nr. ■ • ... c ii . .. :id It \e c; >■. i • i. Mii-ii it il l;. rh . man. wilii (irid • r.i.i :i!iii (• iir ev I I . • • -ii > ICC c:i:iii':ii-.'ii. *T!i .• ll . r 11« ■ t \\ five i' « ... i .11 nc ciuntic.. i* <4 I -trii l i Ii.itiii. . IV ,.|||| ;>|t|> ll iiliv c i> • [..lined: .1 !. • ••! !•' anlilhi. I i J > I !«•. I tctii v W i| i >n I (I. (iter i.f Tii<»:11,i li. Sim.-. >.f Cjij-' hi ;• ' i . ' .' ii «■ I I •iirlmj:! ii. M i !. mn . ■ i:: 4. tii > » ■ -lr.. .1 li'. li'inli. .I i.i.!' . alll'tll'i 'W II. I' K. V. .1 M. Mi!:i:ii V. «l">lii "i i ami VV. C. C'l.i.ther < mniitle ri ;M( ■ : • i.'ii i >1 N ■ . i i i «| i i |»»-« (Inn hi.nice nl ••!>!• i real, the il: |K i i> i,> lul u ll: 11 * e! idc'l. c 'in • tie prole.- . ll I.iic «• - i\ b.iiiUe.'.- II..if-: > i euan. .!• r Si ■ .111«I ! - re are line* m.nri: c il. fur il le; MiKv.e • • * I II . tertll./l 1 1111(1 •'• •( "i. I :.e:e are tv. > pmvei emu* • > l>1 ti\t - IJ.r . :'i f'<; • I Thorpe 1 ; N i1' nil . • ''W -p.ipei-r . I ■> e\ei : .• •. miry morcliai » with cmx! i ' innnuftKiin :n j rimiu" W l re a Inwyci i< 8ij»lat«»r jiiwi ( . i «•: .ill orpli;in:i::e upcr ilto.i . ' 'li..| nil far:! . ni> ropve lal^iir .mil n i \\iiinan an i\ffdinquj)'uhf} Mr\, h''icnil /ir.'.' s liriiif; rasa anil comfort to cxprctant mothers. Aio r ii 1: n • R \\ ■ "H nii. nn pre - IMTrrl • Mii'l'll HI. |n for f h«* bwlv ♦• • m »>. iinqiiiiK nr hurnmc nt n' "'Kin . . for f hi* f if I'd hnrk " < : "*ip-l!kr ivitns in tin* Icr^. • I ]< Mother's Friend • rrt ..||, .. n,| ! 1 »«•• «iii .Inn; i let Mother* ificiu he «ki:: hhlcjul Tiy ll tonight. ] baptist CI ass Honors The Late Miss Draper A mcnmiial service in honor of i Mi- Can ie Draper. who died last week. was pint <>l the prop-am :it the uiohtlilv meeting "I tin- Shiiw I'lula thca cla«s hi the First Uapli.-t church held at Hie ehui ch Monday evciiiiin. aIi.-s Draper was one of the oiliest member- "I the class in point ot .-civ ile, and had served the group at dit f'erent times in different eapaeitu - ovi r a long period. Mis. \V. l". Slainback. pre-entcd Mrs. ,1. V. Alderman, former teaehei .»i ttiu elass and now substitute | teaelu t , who reviewed the hi-tory ot the elass and Miss Draper's sor\ ice. She charactcri/ed the deceased j member as "personifying the real attribute- o| a true I'lulathca Mr . ' .1. Franklin Mills, present teacher. ; .hi Mis- Diaper was the t• :lit a> I tive memher to die since -he had ] oi i n teacher the past liiteen years. ■ She concluded with a p"cm which he said was fitting to tin- hie o| Mi s Draper. A bcuHlilul ha-lic' of i io.-es decorated the speaker'.- t.ihlc. The class voted to turni.-h an ad ditional ^.> stars to l»e placet i n the el.inch's service flag, wiiieh now con tains 111 .-tars lor men Iroin tiie con gregation now in the armed I 'ice.-, f'he tlag was tpun.-ored originally by the Shaw class and another 3 roup. Mrs. C. D. Allen, president of the i I i > oinuy ifanica-i'hilatlieu Union i of Vance, Cram ilie ami Warren counties, announeed the quarterly | dinner and inciting ot t it; ".n ni|i t> Ike held at lite Capitol icstaurant i here Thursday evening ot tin- week. She said reservations aheauy num 1 nereil about tilty. unhiding a lai'fci ! number from the First U.ipti t cnuren. m.jf<er\ iie rum :i i< V.lllL'll I..nl .in' I'.'l.!-.. ll'f.vei .lid other rill-, l<> the .-leu. and h.it; .i i pi.nit nun.eroiis \; it . Ihi.itiH thi.' di\j^ii n.il |u 11 kI. led by .1. (i. Fnikin-r, . ii'.' !i .hi . ('■ii... "The l.i-t livii.ii. atlv. \vi r ..ii . K. li. hmiw "Jitnii, ■ .<<. >it .\Jv Soul." Mi.-. .1. It. ( '.ii i(i v.., i crcncd a> a new nember. S njiui;. el Die I'hilathea hymn opened Uk MllVlUlK. Later Mrs. Albert Kdward.i jjavi a piano solo, and M -. Mill., real several liumnr uis poems. Committees tiir the eominR inonil v.ere named a. |olli>ws: I »• u . Mr.-, CiinrSf Davis. Mr.-. II \'. C'udd room, Mrs. John S. Milne. Mr.-. Mar vin Davis; sicU. Mrs. W. II Kim ball. Al:'-. I-.. (• .-iba'.v. personal serv nr. All.-. .1. II. Iiinton. Mis. It. K. Satterwhite: aiut May ho:.te->si . Ale-dames \V. SiainbacK, K. I' liairier. .1. Franklin Alul.-. W. K \Valker ami A. A. Stumbaek. Attendance ot memoer.-. v. as lartji ..!■•! .. nunmer ol visitors were a 1st j)ic.-( lit. Mrs. .1, StainbacU, tht : ( - ll|( III. )i t .sided. ! •(-•■.: - i-n the central inir.it tee i.. '»d.i ;.ti's that the jsovern >r knee, these groups would do "the r damn I v. :ih«mt oitie . I rer ii;ii ti mi. J!, tikrr.-. ma 'ulai-turei.- .nut | j e, ci inp. ny men will hi* aide i . i ,i largo mdi\ id .al renti ib.itinn m Ienu-e they've ^"t more money p-.\ e;i|i'a. A.:u i-iiti • ■! tilt ir d<>;iat :i I will not m.iteh the aRisresale :r ' tl:e ' thcr sjrotipr. ihe.v have '. j h.e d i d ,i ' It;.- .. earcitilly liiiideir..?ly. wh■ ■ e it n ,.y be i f! early to mihi*(.-: t. nlveription. this war fund are deduc tilde !i n • iiu-oine taxes a.- the eurteiit 1 i -. Tii < amp Ul.mdinc. Sj;t. .|o|m \.ii|,aii Kim". Jr. return ed tn Camp liland njj. Florida Kimday ; niuht alter -peialmu a ten-,1 i.v tin !oiij:Ii \\ nil 1.1 i,i . \j,\ and Mi .lohn \ K i11^;. ..| the I I.it oel; The hostesses i<>r tin- meeting. Mesdann-- Cn:a I)avis. M .1. Wond hel. K M Kdward>, .J I.. Kiiu'Ii .ui«! (iciii^i- Slarj.. imil sandwiehes. eakes and drinks. CLUB DIRECTORS, GOVERNORS MEET The I toil I'd III I>n eetn: : and the Hi1.1.(I nt Cii\ 111it>i - i,i We.it Knd Country Club met .it t• lt- elub Mmi lav eveniiiK u ,:h H e president. 1). Boyd Kimball, |>.«-idinj;. T. \V. Mi Cl .K-HIMl U I< elected VICC'III'M 'lint i't the orgam/atinn. Alex Wiitkins and S. II. \V:itkiiu» weie I'lertni the board nl dirce !ni tn m.ai v\ • t} i If. ti. Kittrell, E. F. Shaw. T. \\\ McCracken. J. \\. Jcnkin.i. and I), lloyd Kimball. Two new members •■! the board ni ! jjnverni'i's. I C l.'iimhlm and K. I.. Waddill, w i : i named. ()ther ini'in bers ni Ihe board include Hylton T. Webb. \V. K Laws, M. W. Wetter, (J. | i. t\ii Kiand. and I. u. N ilert. Aycock Bests Epsom 14-13 The Aycock I).ill cluli defeated Kp som mi the Aycock diamond la t Kri dav by a score of 14 to 13. in a 'lip and tuck battle with K|t"in leading most ol the way. A.veod: «>|>«*ii<-tl the scoring in the 11r>t miu'i« wi'h »v\«» runs, and most ol Kp>«>in\ -hiiiik! came in the fourth. Harris was the bc.«t l"i net tinp lour hits out ol live tii|> to inc bat ;.nd being credited with "lie dou ble and three .-mule-. Kittrell, ol the Ay cock nine, not three hi* a homer and two single- -out ol li\e trips The game was the I ir.-t lor EpMim and the third lor Aycock. A return match lias been scheduled to be play ed al Epsom. AT FIRST ^ C-666 •64 TABLETS. SALVE. NOSE DROPS We* re Putting a Bee in Your Bonnet Don't Miss the I\'ew <*> * 9b V A It I! II W IIII \ E Y CO Mil Sb E \ S E M It L E \ \ rE.1TVRF.lt IS TIIF. JVXE ESOVIRE It's tlir finest approach to summer von could have! The shirt is a handsome self-striped. airy inr-li. llial \cnts off liody heat. keeps \ on a^ cool as »»••II-water during summer's liollesl da\s. Moreover, it's Milo^a fitted-to-vu can't have too many suits this season foi your luisicr-than-ever life servo you smartly all through spring. Come in t<» day and choose from our new shipment of Shetland and iral>anlines in the small est cye-eatchinir pastels. Lijjlit blues, hie.ue. >hi imp and cinnamon. Marvelnusly priced for your budget - All sizes. SI 9.95 $32. SO £. G. Davis & Sons Co