tttt* A4 Buy War Loan Bonds And Help Win The Victory Over The Axis Henderson HatUj Btajratclf rHIKTIETH YEAR ITinrAs.WA"rKi,K,^»OIr HENDERSON, N. C., THURSDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 15, 1943 ''L'l!L,s'V::ir^s^.^KT''"NOoN V&iWMstr NOoN FIVE CENTS COPY British Storm „ —__— , * * + * + Enfidaville Line * * * + + + + ^ _i_ - i^ost War Flans, Taxes, Farm Funds \ FJem and A it en tio n i Secretary Hull Opens New Debate in Pledge To Small Countries; Bond Drive Gains Washington. April 15—(AI') —Accompanied by reports iiiai . tlii' Japanese have shitted iVom to "jiK^ressive defense" | ai>;l new assurance that Amer ica will champion the rights ol bilk- count ms. a tiio ol quar • I ci ' u inp. . »-«l tile lapitol niel-; oily lot,ay unite the >var bond j drive roi'ed oil past the $4,000, MHi.OOo Mark. 'i he squanbles centeivil on , posl-wnr plan-, taxes anil 1'arni unds. I'cples Hi mk..11 v.atious ihi' w.irl I ever h:.d it straight I'rum Seen t.i. v of State 1 In 1! thai Uncle Sam will i c tiiinc to l>»i>U nut f,jr the little! k!low. Speaking be lure the IVu | American Unit n last night. Hull vin hi o.i.-iy advocated worldwide atten .ii to tne good neighbor policy as a s '-'l "I global Magna Carta. He ,-tre. s< tl the importance of the prin e pits "i.11 which the solidarity of tin hemi pherc . based." and adde.l |>• iiiUdl.V iiie.-e principles "arc • i exclusive property of the c 'lit: nc: is ol the Americas . . llis niivieii.s rcfirences to international pi'.-: war planning had a reverse p .:: lit I .n the statement of Kenat'ir II . m W. .1.mii-on hi Califi'i'ii.a. one of the original Senate "irrecoiicil ;ii;h s" who defeated Amerrran :ul here ce to the League of Nations titer the last war. A member of the Senate foreign relat • lis committee whieh will pas on several pending resoluti.>ns in \i-h .ng Senate commitment on po t vrar world collaboration. John.-on told reporters: "11 iw can we possibly t«*l 1 what c n(lit';o-.> will be when this war « ds'.' I: is foolish to say now what v.e will (!■• Thi« mat tor should not !i.i\i- I'l'in br light belore the Senate Klsewheiv in the Senate, seven He pii' i'i H.emliers •>! the finance ilicc night I" dynamite the "i ' ii t again Kuml plan lr«>m the I Ion - * • ways and ineaiu .'"niinit t< <■. lisir.irg the fuse with an m •1' ' ••••e l (.) tiie v.-te l■ t njj.iiic 'ii:e ta\e.- -ti a pay ;is■ vn:i go basis. Hepresentativ »• Kiml mii. Minnesota liepubliean. " hi i nig i>f lie publican -u:»p< •. J .> the plan recently rejected .11 tile Hls«» plagued (hi1 £707.040.844 Agricultural depart nn"il iipproprl'itio:) lull ii>r the fi (C'ont ntied on Page Two) OP A Delays Price Limit Ceiling on Cotton Will Not be Made While Market Open To Normal Trading Washington. April IS.—(AIM — OI'A said in a statement toda> no aniiiiuneenicnl rpgardinc pot ion prieps "will l»p made duiine Hip cotirsp of trailhiK in tin- pot ion market in wrdrr that thprp lip no intprruption of normal trading." The statement was issued. i — fnlIy. to cnuiili'iiict report* Hint > lidden nnnonueeinenl <»l I. Hunt con'ml mi eottiin priee- iniuiit be made today. Priee Aditiinisl i ator I'lcnti^ '• " ii aid la^l week that, inni' J' ( idi nt Hmisev ell's "hold the line ordei. hp \va- prepming ewitrol: 01 < • .iiul the prinetpal i|Ur.«tn»ii • : the l nt few dnvx hii.- born Ihc f some annoiiiieeiiieiit t<» nuyinfl "if nnv jdntotnenl w in ..e 'h • maikef'." CoMipreiiees between the wai l""'l ndniinlntrnliriii on dei.nK were* un der .lood to be holding up the order. 'iucv/ii io the Ssr/ EzLISVcO TO Be YHE YOUt:C23r "r ever to have on ser icc in tiie I-'- • • N*' • I' ''.if. 1/ 11 {Jraham, 1.' J! jUilon. I . . i i...i;ii hoin» r. •— % c»n>i:intl v ini reusing fiiiu of i'.ircr.iil and ulin-r miliI ll'y --«ii» plies was premiM-d tuda> !>'• Sc: retar.' War Stimso.? for III.' Fiirccs iif Cm-iii Dnuithi" \rllltir in Ihe *t»nt!i\\I'aiiin. 'I in • :ii/.i!i'v t hi. pit i "ii i U m'ihv i.| , i( t ii' | I.-... Iron. An.— trnlia f'ir addiiioni'I planes to hicm tile I! ••!'. .1 '.-'.'■l -• .'-IP lIU'-l I activity ..i rec nt week*. Sliinson •; nl •"we will ';t-«'|» <>ill* American I and An.->I .•! i lliers supplied »il:i mifficirni planes mil wily to replace 111!!' Iil. (> lull to bltiM ll|> Oil! .11!' Icraft in counter th« increasing enemy j.ui ; ttacU.-.'" !'i .. . > !... y I Ihllt tiell ap pt» |j (or additU i id material ran <• ho till .HillI> Ir«oi' all theatres of {operation'-. added that p Mir hi* J fioial »I 1 t * win* \v«iii Id 1m n I • » Mm clulU* 11 IhfV t i!r(« » »>n>- till'i (irinaiifis. | I \ , | st ■ t*n 11«* tin til lied roajl.Mu <1 rliii-lN «»l -ti»l t. «hnrtfoci WitS iff flu* ovraill • ec|tiiro incuts ol all llie I lilted Nations, Ims 1 the "uiv dillu'i:I' la.-K" "I allm-at ,,u. ;i limited supply i • meet large demand Draft Eligible U.S.Employees Under Fire Wa-h n-1 ill. April la—* (AIM— •I'j.,. 11, I \ al lati s commit* it-il t-'ii.iy that Selec ti\ «. Si n h < Director Lewi* B. Hoi kIiov ii " rwtlve lo .ill drafl ' t»- .;»•«< - I" re*'a*-.* then file, "with a N |(.u ] , , Mini* all delei'inetil- <•! £.,.\ c mil* - < ployecs not lli"i 'ii«h |V iu. mipporling evidence." ••(i ivei'i" 1 made )" - '1 '(ju ,.v,r ,. " iiicrcp>rt cn-ie ted. ,n iic leileral cm'oi; mciit m hav j inn adopted Hi nerol policy "i hlf* in>i "drail elmiMc e •■n hi the HI , in .'!!! ipniip oil a Ii t «a miss l>a~i-i. with little nltempt lo define fl policy w hereby n < n or women led subject In (tie draft" W'i'.ld !»<* given put erencc in hirinu. The e'lm-niia-e'. el; r|!e was eon 1.lined i" i repml of special - ill ci'i nillt' i- -tlldy :'i! deli'i 'cut piill i cic of Government ogcneic^. Mac Arthur Japanese Assaults In Southwest Pacific Result in Losses Nearing 30 Per Cent (/'it The \.wt'iuh I'iWks) (h ik imi l)Mijjias .>!ac.\ri lull's headquarter disch <•.; unlay that suicidal lo--cs raniriitu uj> ward of :'.0 jut c\ nl weir in riit'ti'd i.n a •!a|iaiu,M> a iniad;^ oi 7"> to 100 pianos aiU'inptin# in raid Millie May. N« w (iiiiiK'a. Init simultaneously new official warnings wcr.' sounded on ilu* need for jsivaWT allied stron.irth | in tin* south Pacific skies. A spokesman for General .Mac Arthur further declared thai a Kreat Japanese enmhat fleet was concentrated in the Trtik area "within three days* sailing dis tance « had ai>!>rt.\im.ilelv 1)00 tons <»f merchant yliininis tiased at Italiau!. New I'.ritain atone. •"Constant convoys iprraling be yond rnnpe <■! mir nir-"•'•ree a,-e being pushed forward to rein -rce the •. nein.v." the poke man dee! rod. Striking in force fo- 'iii tliiif! ';nv in four days, liie .lap.; lese I --'; la planes detinilely shot down and 1 > others were so badly damaged Ihcj prob:d>ly failed to re ie i .eii ba-es :n yeterdav's ra.d Milne !" v :t was announced. Previous attack-; included S :nday" 45-jilane raid • n Oro IViy. N'cw (In nea, where 24 were >i > ; down, .md Mor day's 100-pla e assault "r; Port Moresby, where 37 were destroyed. The .Tapane-e also lost 30 aircraft ;r. -i <><:.,..tiwL- .... rin ./i .! •. Renews Call nal Mnnd in the Sol<■ t»i> >ns. on 7. makine ;i cumulative eight-day total of 130 planes knockcd out of action. Meanwhile. new drvclnpmrnts :»rose in the \V.isliiimto*!-.\ustra Ii:i discussion of allied -lratri;> in llir soulliwr^l Pacific—lunched •iff li\ ( sir Thomas V. Hl'imcv's disclosure lliat Japan liail • masked '20 J.OOO lirst lint* troops in the islands -.hove Vus tralia and mav l»o ovpfclerl t > launch a rnmi'linc!; offensive at any moment. In Washington, military . utli > tic.- expressed bcli( ' that Ihr Japu ih' had passed from i ic otlen \ e to "aggrcsjivs defe'w" and declared liicri' w.i- little* danger thai the en emy would attempt I > . 11-■ k«• ag.i <' Australia or any iIn-.• important al lied citadel. Ill Melbourne, I' i • M I'ster •' 'iin Curt 11 said that the .l.ip.i'if.-e had been bt'ildinu tip air l.'i iv-jlh in the South mvi- theatre ! r the la t tv 1 month aid that itt V- 01 Australia e Id be osiieclo.l -0011. Retail Trade T 0 Improve Babson Says Outlook For Buyer and Seller Js Gradually Clearing Despite Pessimism Itv W. H MtSON Copyright—IJM3—Publishers I'i naneial lltirr.m. Inr. New York. April 15—At one llw; ill his lift*, my lather way a -mill town merchant. Ilcnre. 1 have a. ways been interested in and j«vn 1.1 tailors. All "I II* come iii'm closer thetic toward the iirablciiw of routed \\ ' 11 the busine-:. .1 retail iiiU v\ e do with any o!!,ci i.vpi* o< enle: pri-e or illdtislryy |-'r iii" cradle to the grave. ue are ail cii.s Corners of relil store . Appreciate Vmir Itrtailrrs The re'ail h<>:ild ti'i| iv thought 01 bring confined s >lelv In department slow, d 'iig stores, sperhlty shops, grocery chains and (Cor,tinned on Page Three) SFAX NATIVES RIDE BRITISH TANK The natives of Sfax afforded the victorious armies of («rm:al Montgomery a rousing welcumr as tin- pur suers of Koimnrl entered the city. Above, jubilana ctansbcr aboard one of Hie tanks tliat routed the Afrika Korps. Official 1'. S. Signal t'wrp* 1'hoto radivrd trom Algiers. (International Kadiu phii io.) RAF Raids Stuttgart Nazi Industrial City Is Heavily Bombed; 23 Planes Missing; London Has Alert l.lllltilltl Britain' hiillliiti •> lia/i-litSll (rikr ,;t rit'. nl SI rciilrali'ii'ti •• I III 11:1>tI \ J** 11 Mi* . t • III ^ pril 15. —lAl'i — pitM it! ii| l°itiir i'!i!:iiii'il i.11 til 100 mil'-. aero** lniiifM- last ifi-lil «•» r . . li-rmun imlii-iriai • m i.1 in a hivlili coil ;nl l r<> iii whirl) I ii!. il li» .-rliii ii. llir air iii.. niirril I till .i >. . utliei allteii p'. ■ i d • be H11 - ~ I • i . - llll t.. Iiaxe till . I in: : <•( I At !<• I'l - V. « big I: •riiv ' wiuit nifilil . 11 i\VII - ttiK a I : timlil age jiih! lite i ■ llir • .< Tlmr reported ait' 'Hit t: v atilU'iau . en', irk i*|»• n St 'ill: . " .iiki mil* "i t!cr , -i t;1111 cni; ii"i i1 be.ivv." I'lif laiuot nliliftl.' iiiiiii iitins tin- raid \\ a ■ I WejltluT. (il'I Mlail I ;llt Ii;' 1 I ~lmt d'WIi l>\ tie I I s. iiir IWee. whenii <•1; at lint.i.n \\ Ii Ka.-t An«lia in.'I •niiisr eMu.t \ . - in l.'-ndoli it . . -! Mnreli it. Sn'i >• it.r - cs were eauMxi by (ill tin bt•!! 11 It'll 111 tormmt plane > >vrre »i <>\cr Ii it.i ii und bn.«e lit Fiance. BROU HVON DENIES CLEiV'tL.iNLY IO NbGRO \ I 15—(AIM (1 i\i-i i declined today in in l i t' «>f .lohii Henry g Ihc execution 1» l9-year-o|d Canidfii it \\!it» wiii c»tiviclcd "t ■it mother i-i Camden N< iilcinber 20. VIATHIR I (>l! NOHTII ( AllOMSA. < nutitltt'-rl eold hui wilh v|ii;liil\ In hrr Ii inporalnrrx in llir inleti»' loitiglil. s|k\\ |v t-i, i ii u Irinprt a lit lt'» l"riil,i,\ aflr r IIOOII. OWI Men Charge ' News Suppression a r Raid Record Gu-aud Plans Army r'urge AIkUt-. A|»; t! »•"» AI' >— An ini 1 M<>I t..-> • :VC . I U'lil.V i» .1 ';t-iii" >! 1 li i" (• '' "'t "i 'I "• •'1 puiKf till* I army. 1: I deitxl ci'iiuiMT'dcr.s "I the land, mm ,il tiul11 "ii , *hf II ii. 'i.i i re c "I JI if «il !«•»• . i '•• M - ..I 1V1..M ; Olfii ; - • 'I■ • ••i i* ci nsideted un it fur <1 iJ\ i'' t f i'1 iiii iifft 1 > i . ' m lift?, ui IhU v.. cull I (iiliMrd unlikely In viwv ol Clin id's (ii el ;iU'in that 1 he Knnch I should I'f -in.ill I'll! Iiifch in <|'i;.lily. I'OSTM \ ST Kits \V;i>.lun;:l"ii. April l.v < AI * > :■ I Senate ••••i'In n ' rt liie>c X >i t ( , •* .11*>IIII• I I W IP-'lMll M,ll . '. ill', i. ! Wilbur A. Tike rikewllc. riUeen otafr IV,.en Resign, Declaring a hey are not Allowed To Tell Full Trutr» i < .!(• »• uf mir lorvielion that >: • impossible fur us \ \ \ to t.-II the full truth.'' t; .>>«• the state-i i ill..'i Iv denied jy OWI ! . IT I ).i\ I WOI'O Milt did > •:. n ;:u. New York book puo •i.l lifiu v i-'. Pi ingle. Puilizor j : <- wriicui; author. | i - i- .» ••nly one is>ue—I lit* deep : .1 'I n: t-iiiiil ••!»• i.f li■ "tio-t pros- | i ••!) ->i \ iir intm inution," their | >t. t. lll. nt said. • i t .i pros- i iMifi-renco yi'« it l.e l>«lie\ed I lie* resigna \< <• dao ' ■ ,. el.».-h i»l pci- j • "J "'t. i «*n: hoped most uf v.i i • it.-ti;iieii would reeon- J Thr ••-inning employees said.) • . t1..11 pi-i -"ti;i|;ties wore ti"l , ■ .<• In; their resignation and 1 added: V • vr detiie> that promotional ti- 11 , i 'mm ;i p- nper and power- 1 ■ ■'! ii lolling the story of j r.ut «c fie it, the HC- j • • >\V I on the homo front ! n ih il i-v Ihu'ii pi ossuto i protoi sliel; salesman- I •< information. TIiomj would treat us stupid am! • - i~i e.Iho men and wo- 1 i I'ii.ted State They \ die. April la—(Al')—An \ i n sint plane era hod in a • < ilea notilh of het«. in o p.l<-1 to an undetermined e\ telif. ; itier v. is brought to City Me p . ;n 'IIimiiij.'H lllo. He ...I ' <• plane era: h( d bernu.-o miles below Tunis, and that German and Italian prisoners captured since March 20 had risen to 0.000. "Our troops continue their advance on most sectors of the Tunisian front." a communique from General 1 hviyht I). Eisen hower's headquarters announc .ed The war bulletin ».ii i» operating. Field M. las' .-traw gra.-p bridgehead v. > assault in ;it I tors, and :t \va. axis chieftirn \ ■ .I' dwindling ;n lies rct'n:(iv;l :r plant's destroyer least l!l iixij ail and others de-t ye.-terday. All mi; with !l: advance in tin fliiarter.* ann< . Montiicnu > lian 1 i- Ui-i miners \; ican • pil:cil the ill enemy iiid.iv. At shot'dow ii Ihe ground .re fenx's on the I: Mi "French I succcsiful advunee hills t > the we-t < line, niid ye.-terd. •l"tl pr..—>iin -I • t|ue said. Front il:s|)i! (gardens in the east was not Uclivvitl great. in many ill litem, and --in 11 cmp corn, tobacco and cutton. veir - aged by heavy mid luiil. The strawl erry • utlnok pointed 1 > ;i 42 pel- cent reduction tlnoiiiftiout Hie -tiiti*. while in I'.e Wallace area (jnmi'i> reported that be;i\y trusts of the Inot three weekt had eut the crop by inure II ;in i pi < • ni The pencil ei op ot 1 In■ -;ni;> >>( peaches." and added nac i of the loss was ttot vet jlp|i.licit. nice the lull extent • •' the dame'-a* could not l>e deleimined until green peaches appear Inter in the pring. Production of cabbage and Ictt" ce was expected to lie approximately 12 pet cent less than I, t ?< n- Al though low temperatures ol Kebiti iirv and March eon idoi.ibl.v d img ed the wheat crop, the injury lias largely beet overcome, Paiker said,