Quits UNC • i His Resignation Accompanied by Word That He Will Run For Governor in tlip Sir Waller Hotel. Daily IMspaUii Bureau, IVv l.YNN NISBKT. Kalviijh. .vp.il II!—Announcement • 1 11 >11 trom the University ;:n\,f.v ot I):. Halph McDonald. long :i iorrny petrel i:> North Carolina I i i. is .'teoinpaiiied i>v Ins state : : that tie will l>e in the race for1 ■ i r.o.- "I North Carolina next \o:r\ I'lie announcement hasn't Hi? ti« ws value thai such a statement 11*;«,ht lie e\}K*cte(l l«» carry, because it had been -o thoroughly antic: put tic. I T i« doctor has been "running" | ' i .'.hi til . dc-pite all the prote.-ta- ( • :s i (iovernoi lloev. 1):'. Frank Grahani and other responsible for j fisity rnuiiectiini that Mc-i ! ;• :ikl had promise 1 > > "he good" so! i;ir .i- prlitii il activ ity w.i< concern el The eu/.vnl •-tatement doe- not. "vi'vi' :> .natii s» as vice-president <>' !•'<' No th fa i-'. ..I Teaciiers' A.» s. ei ti n t> wIt rh McDonald \yag re n't'llv cie'.'tcd. and it presumed t1 •: * J iie will held thai pot lor awhile. ■ :.t least. The teacher's association has been ti" !; (!. en .ii p-li'.ics all the while. I,u; ;:Iiv "re or le— on the side I e . Whether :• ti association ofii i .1 would i'.ain or lose political sup in r' '>y n ason il his office has never i ceii tested. It may lie put to the :«• t m "w. l*"«.il!• »\vilit" the 1031* gubernatorial i i wluii McDonald came i i i •! .i ha: 's breadth of winning 'lie tt'-initiation— and thousands of \'i th Ca ■•!: :;;!i 'till believe lie did wit' il :::if 1 was v nulled out—he -uf Han't ;v>iss our "£rightcn-up I); celebration! Cvcry r. ;i!i o." anything in r.i»" move will rcc.ivj a 1 :.cki". of . liolcL- I* lower •' ud —.iisolutciy tree. Take ' troai our selection i.. . i l. iitirr • growing iicrt Time Only! Cc.-.jc to our store today. Ut:r supply of those "BriRht u! up b.iyj" seed packages Js limited. B; sure to get yourj! S-W FLOOR $Q 70 ENAMEL • £• W PORCH $1 .1 b PAINT 1 «{l. swp HOUSE ' $0.50 PAINT "Gal. i/ANCE COAL AND LUMBER CO. Phone 30 '•The Number for I.umber" ill limner Street in-Williams 'AIMTS VdWt I L)\2I 'Onn't sniss our "hirightcn-up calck;::tioii! II very r. .il; ci^.er o." nnyshinj; .11 r.i»" kjo;v will rcccivc a 1 :.-:kct of . hoicc I*'lower : —.'•i-.olutciy free. Take ymtr pick from our selection • • sure-grevvin;; hsrt Tine Only! Ccmc to our store today. Oi:r supply ot these "Brisht «.« up Dnyj" seed packages .'s linrtcd. Be sure to get yotsrs! S-VV FLOOR ENAMEL .. S-W PORCH PAINT SWP HOUSE $0.50 PAINT jOmI. ■/mNCE coal and LUMBER CO. I'hoite .10 "The \ij!jiIkt for I.umber" ill I lot tier Street SHtttwui-Williams '■ Paints fered a physical breakdown and :i' period ol Soon ;i he wa> auio to go back it. .w.iiv. he was given llu* post as as-Uta n dirci tor of extension education at the university. At the time Governor lloey and l)r. Graham were severely criticized, but they said the doctor was through with politics. He wu-n't. In the 1940 campaign he issued a public statement calling upon his former supporters to rally around Broughton as their best friend. He and the governor have not >ee i eye to eye oil evry proposition but generally have worked together very well. Biggest split was when Mc Donald backed Dick Reynolds for national committeeman again t his former opponent, later his benefac tor. Clyde Hoev. whom Broughton supported lor the honorary post —and who wi t it. Taken with the definite -tatement a few days ago by Judge Wilson Warlick that he would be a candi date for governor and the generally understood candidacy of State Sen ator Gregg Cherryy. the McDonald entry virtually assures a lively three way contest next summer. Home Folk Cooperate Ill Hie Sir W.-iUcr Hotel. Daily Dispatch Bureau, By LYNN NISBI T Raleigh. April 1C—In tin* mid t o :i world :ii war when interna!ional cooperation >eems at its lowest ebb it..- many year.--, the page< of tlailv ! nt wspapers carrying inimerou; -i .| k- of a cooperative spirit among the people of North Caroli ia. 'i here is the story or a conference :;t Kli.il College when some :J.i tili11 • it-is of tiie Iwar.gelical and Itolorm c.l church met with the l'icdmntt ciu'.cience oi Congregational Chti-. Jian churches lo discuss pians lor a merger of the two denominations. There is another story about a Mu..11 town church who-c pastn-'had bee >, callt tl into active duly :i< an Ai:v.y oiu.plan. oflcring its house oi vol ship—'with heat —t:r n * rival church of another di nominal i . t with a good pastor but no fuel oil. T'i-1 | congregations got together very ha;> •jily. Other -tones, well authenticated, j deal with a tanner who had ;:!! • ' mules bill needed manpower >w::p 1 i i iv with the neighbor who ha.l »•.*. tra help but .o mule-: with a farm \vo:v.;n who needed woo:l cut but had no saw. trading with a e '•••li ber who had a saw but needed s m - other equipment: of several {armor.; pt.oli.ig community needs so that on • trip to town brought back a few bi'lot of bay. .-iinie bricks and sum • seed corn—thus saving two wagons •rd learns a day's time. These homely instances, illu-trat i:i? a soiri; of reighbcrlv coupe: a (•' !•. hv.tv sod upon the large story r.f ;j Hobal wr.r. print the v.-r. v t • ward solution of manv problems which the wiseacres in Inter ational '•funcils might study with profit. GROUP BACK FROM B. & L. CONVENTION A group of building and loan of- j ficials who attended the annual con t venticn of the North Carolina Build ing & Loan League in Raleigh Wednesday and Thursday returned j home late in the afternoon Thurs-1 day. One of the group who has at- I tended numerous meetings of Ibis kind -aid it was tiie best convention . he had ever attended. In the party were \V. A. Hunt, nresident: .loei T. Cheatham, secre- t tary-treasurer: Frank B Robads. | vicc president, and Jasper B Hicks, attorney, all of the Home Building I & Loan Association. Mrs Hick- ac companied her husband to the me t ~OUNTY SCHOOLS TO GET EASTER HOLIDAY Schools fo Vance county will h::v i raster holidays during the week-end next week, but cach L- left t > t own choice as to whether lo lak * C,it:d Friday ard Ea ter Monday, or either, or neither. Superintendent K M Rollins said today City school* ; white and colored, "ill have both the holidays off. Principals of the rural schools may mak;* their own decisions a- lo holiday hours. Regains 20 Pounds On Retonga; Feels Fine Had Lost His Appetite Aid 30 Lbs. In Weight. Felt Undernourished, Achy, Rundown, States Well Known Farmer. In gr.'itcftil praise <>i Ketonga. thou-1 iinds of v.vll k own Carolina men j and women are telling of the blessed i iclief thi.- purely herbal gastric tonic j and Vitamin li-l medicine broitgnt 1 them. For in.-'anee. Mr. (»• W. Ap ple. veil Known farm owner of H. !•' i>. I. Sumcrfield. N. C.. declares: ' I must have beer, the most mis erable and d^.-ouraged man in North ' I na eryy thing I ate seemed to turn to Niair xa* in my stomach and j <1 iso pre »urc thnl sccmod to almost , cut otf p y lire ith. I felt weak and i nnde; n »uri-he;l and I went down] from 1 ft") to l.'i.'i pounds. Every mil cio scrmcd I • ache and I hardly | had the will <• energy to do any j ' n?. Ci 'tipati'Mi forced me to ' '<(• f'reng I ixative-. my nerve '•ere jumuv and :leep wa- next ' impossible. "My relief through Ketonga was, wonderlnl I-r-nt three quare nioaij ' I MR. Ci. W. APPLE ii day. 1 sleep soundly and gel in ready for n big breakfast and full day's work. 1 have regained Uvent;. pounds. I hope anyone suffering a.-i I did will Rive Rctonga a chance t> prove itself." Rctonga is i -.tended to relieve such dl.'tress when due to loss of appe tite. insufficient flow of gastric i'li'.'Cf in the stomach, constipation a:"l vitamin B-1 deficiency. Accept no substitute. Retonga may be obtained ai PARKER S DRUG STORE. u.lv. WAR JOB TRAINING OFFERED TO YOUTHS Recent placement -l youth com pleting training in the Ralegh. LJree.isboro. and l)..r!iain "iVA c n lers have created more apeitigs s:t the training cen er» lor addit: <;uil souths, it w. s stated today. Anv youth between the age IU and 25 years, dc.-iri'g t > arlJ to Ihe war effort and to equip Vm ei! ivith a trade for a peacetime may acquire in! trm:iti:m >y writ mg the Youth Pers isintl Officer. Boy. 1983. Kaleigh. Training is offertrl I>y th • Na tional Youth Admi istrala>n-\Var M npower Commits' n in r;rli >. aircraft trades, and nv '.ii:' • . welding and related rades. Training is free. eluding free roam and board. and a small .-.alary is paid while in training. Placement >n w r jobs i< offered imim d atel.v m com j>:i .:;»n «ii • x :i:Miii«*. .« «i I "ti.Ml.il i,V on {amis, and L";>ly. AROlM) TOWN ONE I.ICKNSK A inai't'iuKe limtse was Mild Thurs day l>> till* register of deeds tn ;i culumt eon pie. .1 i .c.s I'arliam. <>i Townsville, n:l l.noy I'miw Tar ry. ;»l ClarksvilWv TAXICAR III!! ShorU'ircuil wires caused mo ther tii'e on a ( .,y I uxirub CuMipituv cab ear the corner <>t Carnett anil M n:«ameiy street* Thursday ■. with the alarm to firemen ill at 11:15 p.m. ,\u reportable d >'i was listed. Canning Tops i Food Problems j In (he sir Walter lintel. Ilailv IHspatch Bureau. By LYNN MSBI T. Ilaleigh. April 15.—With wartime 1 need lor conservmK every item <>i loud supply enhanced l>v prospective • ■hurl fn li and vegetable crops due | !■> late cold weather, most govern- 1 nit i-t.i! a-ioncies are giving serious . tudy • iiic lKii 1'iHid canning pro* , blt i. Without « verlouking foiimitr 'ci.il p!. in.-, emphasis s- being placed i-ii hoiiii- vanning. "I'i i • |i< ! nt- IVOIlOmifS division of Si;i:i' Ci.ilom. i.". i about IU.WH) |)lCs< sure running outfits tliis year. Ap plicat.uts huvc already been h'iti, kI lor mutt' tiiiin ii.tiiMi l'niiii just I' counties. Anticipated shorlaee in creases ui;-d tor a neighboily spirit in making tidiest use of available outfits. The stale oil tee of price admiuis tralion announced this week t!iat tlie fuel oil ration system would be ad justed i" assure home winners of nec essary keresene and gasoline ioi eanniiig operations. Vivinii Whitfield, representing the Farm lluieau and the Stall- Depart ment <>i Canservation and Develop rm lit in pron:olion of dehydrate•»! and eoiiiiii' rcial canning, was in llu i< igh UVatii.-.r'.av speeding up ell'orls '«» ni'l all po.s blc canning plants in operation during liie summer. The cabbage dchydratinu plant a! Mt Airy has c-ti mi successful • iiiiitNi .■ tlu»t ii tin only • ".V ■i.icv.' Ii S*H», e. w.i liccnsc. 1 !•' was adiadg^d giiil'y lined S5 and costs. ! Eugene Pcrkinpnn. white. >vj< ! charged with care Its-- and 1 «ckl<-s . drivinu nd wi» r«».- ft n<.f i.i.iltv « * • wuith this delicious streia.se!- filled mm mw mm rars aas? & STREUSEL-FILLED COFFEE CAKE I'/a cops sifted GOLD MEOAL "KVfcI.en-tesIra"' Enriched Flour... 3 Isp. Baking Powder .. . \'i tsp. L Salt. . . % cup Sugar . . . Vi cup Shortening . . . 1 Egg ... 'A cup Milk... 1 tsp. Vanilla i i SIFT the flour, baking pow der, suit and sugar together, and cut in the shortening with two knives or a pastry blender (or rub it in with the lingers) until the mixture is like fine corn meal. Then, blend in the mil beet tot egg. mixed with the milk, lilc-nd in the vanilla, and beat just enough to mix well. Then pour half the batter into a wcll-greascd-and-flourcd heavy "N baking |>an (8" square or 6 :: I (> ), and sprin- » kle with halt the Slrcuscl n:i::ttuc (recipe he 's low ). Now add the remaining batter and sprinkle remaining Strensel mixture over the top. Hake 25 so 30 minutes in a >;itick n/oe/cr ulcon-ii (3"5°) STRCUSEL FILIING-TOPPING 1/4 cup Brown Sugar ... 2 tbsp. GOLD MED/vL "'Kitchcr.• tested" Flour ... 2 tsp. Cinnamoi' ... 2 tlisp. Melted Butler . . . V4 cup Chopped Cstt MiXtlii'S'ijir "im:» . cinnamon together. lilend itit?i-i. ' ■ ' r. >iir in the chopped nuts. Ms* well. I -- .nlxd above. Makes a grand "uot coo rich" iu iMPOPT/rtT: Perfect resuf't guaranttrc o.ily with GoJa Medal "Kitchen-tested" Enriched F/our t "*' iimiii—imii i xszzm r\ > *aarv.'. .>4! » Here's on interesting coffee coke with a compnny look! Grand to greet the family with on Sunday morning ... $ or to have handy when guests drop in for .'riendly afternoon or evening visits. It's i recipe you'll cherish. |j It's as easy to make as "falling off a log." Mighty easy to eat, too! TNF BI-TTY CROCK I:R recipe above is so easy to follow that even a child in school could make this toffee cake! And get perfect results, with Ciold Medal "Ritcbeu-U'Stei/ Flour. That s the heautv of all lktty ( rocker recipes. The secret of their excellence is the exceptional testing they get. Plus the fact that they are adapted to alw.iv s de pendable Gold Medal. When you use this combination — Ciold Medal I-lour and Hetn ( rocker recipes—you don't need to worn about your results. They're a "team 'that delivers success to even the inexperienced cook. Gold Medal saves you monev two ways. (1) It helps cut down baking fail ures. (2) Sincc it has just the right gluten quality for all-purpose baking, it "goes further" than inferior flours. You may have noticed that Hettv Crocker recipes call for less Jlnur tli.m main similar reci pes. So. . save monev bvusing Gold Medal Enriched Flour in till vour baking. Re member , , . its vitamin-.iml-inineral en richment means that tut* thing you make with it is more highh nutritious. Ask for a sack todav Find out for yourself why it's the most popular brand of flour in the countrv. Join the millions who will use only Gold Medji "Kitcben Icstctl" Fnrichcd Flour. It's made by General Mills, Inc.. Minneapolis Minn. Big Gold Medal Flour Sale This Week In Henderson BUY NOW!! * l>o?on« o1 new licit? krr r«'«-|pt*a .(i In .1 >«-»»c. Ilrcl fi"» In th« *»• in«frlo are 11 l»- sk»l!.«l tin* I I •«>|ti M h i nun • iiml ntm< Mil ' I It* nirl. h< mriM I n«»l »ilTri »r«l ImUi ij >|UJiltles Ir. Cicfd MeAa& \ Why Not No-w "KITCHEN TESTED" ALSO AVAILABLE 'M °LLf-RiSiNC Buy From These LeasBIsig Grocers W. B. HIGHT NORTH HENDERSON RAWLES GROCERY & MARKET GARNETT STREET THACKER'S MARKET ■105 GARNETT ST. HESTERS CASH GROCERY % 509 ANDREWS AVIATE ' J. M. BAITY ANDREWS AVENI E AT STAND PII'E S. B. ROGERS NORTH III NIIKRSON WILKERSON'S MARKET 111 N. GARNETT STRKKT A. & P. SUPER STORE QARNEIT STREET BIG STAR STORE GARNETrSTREET SANITARY MARKET GARNETT STREET WESTER'S MARKET GARNETT STREI'T M. G. EVANS (. \RNETT STREET TURNER'S MARKET GARNETT STREET E. G. DAVIS & SONS CO. GARNETT STREET NEWMAN & SEAMAN SOITII HENDERSON PERNELL & SINGLETON SOI TH HENDERSON H. A. CLOPTON NORTH HENDERSON GRISSOM BROTHERS SOI TII HENDERSON L. B. HANNON SOI TII HENDERSON R. M. LYLES SOITII HENDERSON HERBERT S YELLOW FRONT 109 N. GARNETT STREET