600 Bombers Raid Nazi Cities ★★★★ 'Vigorous Local Activity' Reported In Tunisia Air Attacks Furiously Patrol Action Only ivcportcd trom Area by Eighth Army South of Tunis Aliiril IKiulquartcrs in North Ainca. .vprit l7—lAl')—"\ oiMiis i«>e;tl activity is taking !.'i UK' lulls north i>l Ai•.•ii ,|i i. » ,tj J'.llll ill i lie WVSlct'll i n i <»i liie Knl'iuavilk* line, the allii..l headquarters coninniniq<u •tniiDciiCt.'U .t.day. tmiy patrol action was rc hi a In in the eitrlith army'. 11; (ir i'ii i In* sou! Ii. r.tnnharilnicr.l til' axis positions luerauhilc cimtiiiued at a Iti liiti.s pace as allicu a v line, swept uvtr enemy airlift.!* on l.oi'i sides of the Sicilian strait-. 'till1 aii port ot Oudn.i. south nl 'i'uiiis, was covered with liiuul' l.iii^s in ov.e of tlie»e operations, \iii lo I'alri mil docks and sliip l ii:; were Masted again l>\ Fly i:;i: "limes es. Mils were -cored "ti fn'ir .;','ip.-. 1! e ui.ci\ ..mm iir.il the power ii.n.s.' :n ill.' Palermo ra.d. and two more .i:clei1 merchant vo.-sel- wi'.v in i it i!u 1 i.i'.i i;:n c.uisi. One larij ' h"c L!uv up in the latter a", tack. m : enoinv planes were de-Kov • i ! ye teitl y. while the all es li>st tiir-v, tl:: c :nrn'.in;<i;ie Miid. 1 iu> tcti ii /.urih oi Medjei-i.! !,;•:» . ... . i- i.ily was -ii She d >. •. .it :• i ■ heights where Britirh inf«i<*try. j till t'v massed artillery. hut \\ if ■ . i i yap in the i ii :•! al'-ns; the roi.d t<»w aril Tmns. I'hi- (ii.in..n rad:<>. 11■ .i limadcii-t j Mr nil i liv Keuier.- in !.• nfi i i. ac l.n i\vled:f.(I "the situ.itii..i nl a\: i i.l. -i.i rem.mi.- rr iic.i'." hut d: "Some people already ..■< '::1 about a see.'lid Dlin i > ;• r• • V .nisia. hilt the f!e."man ;i* It ■ troop- intend to I'ight ">i> tie '.rri ct.d." 39 SEEKING OFFICE IN CHARLOTTE RACES M l!,.. April IT. ( \IM Tl ■ i) iiiin- candidate* tnduy hart !il''! i■ • participation in Chiiilotli ' i' n . rti'.iin inimici|Mil priniin',* clw • i • Annl Tl..- election. ii*s"— in. I- v. v. ill he held Miiy -I. Tii11 Iv- .lit- were li.->ted a- cam!! il .'<• Ii : the fit" council "I eleven ti ■ i in : tvv > imi mayor: and -i\ Iff Hit- : cliool board "I lour iiifin Late Freeze i Hurts Crops 11 uck Crops, Berries And Other Plantings Suffer from Latest Cold in 57 Years Italcigh. April 17— tAIM—'The Stale Department of Agriculture repined today that frrrzinK tem IM-iatures of Hie past two days checked the growth of virtual! v all truck crops and heavily dam aged straw berries and early plantings of snap beans. It was the latest free/inn date recorded in the vicinity of Ka leigh in the past 57 years, the department said. Freezing temperatures ar,d heavy fii>ts occurred in nearly all princi pal truck crops arm.'. Tin- department reported that mn< a Hi the snap bean crop in Hi' Tali-r city area was damaged and a" pe cent ill iiie crop in the Ml. Olivo urea wns killed. Severe damage w as done In Ii <• s11.iv.!icrry crop in the Wallace arei. the deparinent reported, and lig'at daivajgc occurred in the C'ha<lb"iirn reulon. latle damage was rc|>ortcci I • the Irish pobito crop, t vva~ said. Tin" cabbage crop \va- also reported •!! g""d c»ii dilion. green peas were re 1 "ded hut not severely damaged ' d the loilnrp crop is in fa I" c>ndi Ji 'i although the plants continue to ke smaller than usual. * • 3 DAUGHTERS IN SE-P.VK-j 5! uvwsr,„»» ». T:;=r.c IS A r:,*C WITH TEN STAr.S in the wind ,\v of (he > me Of ] n V. .. t' >..::vn. U.mdn, N. Y„ representing ton chil.i i n in I'u Ril ■: * Si:: beys nrc in the Army, one is in the Navy. Ti-.voe r. iris aic t:> i*; Women's Army Auxiliary Corps, {luicrrju^naii Soviets Open Drive Soviets Open Drive inK u & a nDe I taA re a iliior.g fVmfckiiery Ar.d Bomber Attacks Preccde Infantry In Caucasus Push .Miivhw. \(>r«i > \P>—Tin* Kril .ii tit\ li;;- I :i lint, lull ll:;i|<ni:.h ilrivc in llir K'lli.iii lit'iij i.i tin- ( .iiK.i-.ti-. \\ lili sii ..i . .H t lli i '. ,i'.i! luinb.-i lire |).i I .it mii pi i ri'diiiu .in i ii I a ii Ir.v .id-, .iiuc nil . (ii'iniaii |insi tii'li". tile Uii->i;i!i* si.nl l.iilnv. inn l!ic pii-li n.i\ momriiiai it\ .»|i»««•(! ,i> i...in-, uci. . ii'i-ii.i;.,it iil .III! IM'W (l|N'l'.lti«l!l |liV(> ('I'll. Till! <;»•: r 1 • >«>]ii<■ lei . . : i n. Ilu.ssiiin n.i> .ii 1.1 <v .i!■ .i ,-ti'i ■ III ick mm < • ;• t »•••.:<". i .. . int i tn I . II | i'!lill .11.1. fled St.J . Ihc \. • • • ; ijie . :« pi I :':" : clflrnso '• t t, • In > r-li r.ia> s i ii'. iini.; li.iitlr. ilcd s*. if I'm* i.m lumber, iril Snvi.'l arUllet.i Urnl im .: .steady put'tnllii.: iii On' (•rrnt.ili* rear ?!i"-!l«'iii> u liilc liie irlantrt funclit iK u.iv ii:ii> tin- (•••iiimii li.i-.ir poil,:-. Th" I !* ' II:' «" i'M tt . S in >.in' m iililv I i Still t.i ml! .. IliK'k .1 M — Tin- :i ii! l{::i ill }).i March Liquor Sales Gain Rnlf Aj>i ' IT t Al*>- Milt'c'i11 liquor • <• •-•' w >'! <•" nilic: tut.'led 'i ncrcii-c o: j nppn'\i■ ■ . • s> or Mnr«*h< i 1042. mt'i i liulil im rciiso m or the | Sl.iV" I!' I1' .1" 'I I'Vinu i' ,v n! Cii . vi StJll M'-i' < Ini 'n.ni ("ill i Willi t"da.v. S itn m Inde'l: li • • ' li»: I s",Ola: KdutvnmlH*. $08,-! 5fti],ltd; (i • •»• <•. sn 11/»-in; Lenoir. sVit.l 18 N'nsll. $.12,733.20: Wince. srnt.L':':': Win in S20.70K.fla: ;md Wil 1 Mill, SIS-UH'I.Vll. CLAUDE STAINBACK MAKES HONOR LIST I. Hitalnirg. April IV t'l mile Stnin- | I'iii'k. tl'iu ' '*!' •*! Air .mil ,\i: "t ( !. S' ' 1 ! 11 III i. ;. \\ i ,i tifiim tli'.'i .it- tit! ht«» inlrt omen trr hioimlilp mention H.«t ;it 1/min t< !•;£ <"'»! «■•;« S r it i. I . i iii-n ■ in r imp i! 1 ' «• vini< liceti i<• t|. p., jH, .i• , r \]pi, p: Kp«ilnp n;i on:tl hon.iary ierre-1 tarial fraternity. Peace Feeler Is Rejected W.i-nin. :• i An; ! 7 Al' A <iu.ik i■ • i ■ isle •; . W • i . '( .. ' <1 .\ Mll'lv end !«>r i:ie |> n irmve launched in S|wiu b> Gcnenil i-.-imo Krunii>v > Fi iu ttitv yn ^Set i't y ' S! Hell's briifquo rejection :.i hi* ■ • - . • u ;t;. tii" . . !.»• Infurmntion Elmt;r !>;«vis nitld 1 ito I;.. I 'ii ! :: ' ""Kin i■■ »• i ■ littered with tiie wiM-ks !<•: • "ii- tl-.il • • • II ■■ onulv be pea re \v:';i I! ' ' I Mvis prcdu'.ed Tli. t "w • are going t" net plenty I- i ! ■ :< i' peace In !' i - ii K.i .• i ■ months, stunt* • •! i".<• inmi • ••• i. lely worried . t .. . clearly in 11:»y •: <• . 66 Persons D» <■ ir%-, t% f " ie hi x raAnc Dunns?- Month K April 17 -( \I• > Kilty •r\C'l .. hi It!. I.llfll «■ pel ••ll» Mm Vi l . n;i i'.i^rw >iy l.;:.t month twelvi less thiin were killed in high way wrecks in M rch. 1942. Motul Ycllk'le (.'• i 'I.. • II I'. (1(1 it Will I ii I (1 v. Ill the ri.' t tli; ; ■! lii vr;,.• 1 "iii pc■■sen.- .ii >ii .ii tli iilghwii.VH, Ward miid, v . i; ; i < •« I will 22V n tiic Minn' !>« ;"il ' i.-i year .i tcdiicii< i «»f III." p' f will. Nine ' till? M i cii ili tli hit ir*«* in Johnston c mnty. which had thi heaviest! loll. Seven pt'Miiu wcri I ilicd in On.-I 'ity ..ml tour l.i talitie. win- i- '•! ; • i K-ii -ytli ll:u i tl :i'id W .. ■ • (' iiii'i" •. W.tyiK had three deaths, n I Am on. Hciiv.x wi'li, Cin-toii. Il"itrl< i ii. \lcri;len Inii't; unci New 1 iii!.• >\ c;• ' id Hvi cacti. THREE KILLED. TWO HURT IN ACCIDEN'I Viild«><l .. Gil.. April 17 (AIM— Two fly n.4 (i ■ cei ind i younj wop'nil wei'f*killed mid .i s -Id or iinc another vie u v oinaii were •• inrer i in ti'it i.fcnhile .undent on tin Mii'ilv '■ ili *i P1 a lic.r liere liitl la*) night. The ilrul an- S-tomiI Lieutenant W im ii < Ire :• i ". ■■ 11 y i11k in- triicl ii .it Moody field, s ennri LUnitcnn William i.. y>. on. ;'s -'aM ensin ccriiiK "I (i at Mooriv Kield. i> v>i i.f Air . H Mi W. I,. Mann nl Alheniarle. X. (': .ml i>oris Kcndvi of tlonvi v ille O i. The cause of the aendrnt wai not determined. Eisenhower Lauds Work Of U.S. Unit Second Army Corps Captures 4,b80 Axis Prisoners, 150 Guns And Other iMaterial AUird Hi'adipiarh'rs in North |Alru:i. .April IV—(AT)—tun lent: l >. Kisfiiliowcr d;s c.o. ni ituiay that t::<* Sn'oinl I . lis. .\!hiy corps had captured •l.GSd prisoners in rccent linlil in^ «.n tilt; Tunisian front, <!c ' <>r captured tiS". axi.- vt • liii n . ilt -I royt-u or dauia.uctl Oil ! .iii.I cuplund 1 -"»«» jriins. Ai : in- sain.1 iniu- lu ra wu il i i >;it 11 .hi » .n'ji casualties \vi"v • ki.i' d. xvouiidcd and miss | "The 't'c-oiui \mcr.cait c:irp« I jivi hotl what it st'l mil tt» etc. ilruu ill;; oil ill Hit* eighth arm.v and. .it tin- time in tlii | \i ii'-n (•fiicrul Sir It. i.. •> 1. ^ > in «• i" ^lorn* iirt.kc lit v.a-. holdint; approxi mately 115,0110 axis troop. i;i tSi> i.l lii.rtar-Maknassy area," tin: (Uinaiaiulor in chief declared at 1 ni- of his rare "on the record" p.cvs conlerer.ces. i !:. ;..Uii::i n ! > the prisancrs Mid j ni in v 11 i.ilj, laktn. the •ru.ihif 1 ti'-i »it ti !.-.i achine guns and Did land mines. A: ;■ r 11 allies wort* lir'.od by I I-'.i-t 1 ■ il'iM 1; lied. .!.0ii1 j . -'it-1 .ii>:i :::,!i .• ! ' \it 11 .! Si.- Ami ov iiiVwne C11 e 1 ..Irs that liy i- iii!»:i!-(l I allied and air action. appro>.i-1 | ni.ilcly '"i per (till < >1 t!ie sliippiiH, ; crar\ itr; :jiplie Africa have ■1 Hi '. >td. CulliTui K..-elliimV t-aid. ••Tin- :t- -I;. m tin- air have '.veil 1 ;; ii.' !• r example, mi April . 1 ;i 1..1 ■ ilesti"Vt-tl «3 (ii'f- ! ■ j i . i- . .-ank "'it- I ...i n i- i : ; 1111 i^cti another.' \"AIM I - I> BOM BKI). r. • 1A I') • Heavy 1 , . : • \n.Idle EaM fun- ! 1 -11 i . .main Thin >day | infill. , • on the ciUiiy*. : 'il llie harbor. .1 j 11 •. -11 i- : :■ announced in- [ Tom Harmon Reported Safe I II I I I \ \NT II \RMOV W . April 17— ( At')— l.i : r»mmy lliirmon. A- y <1 famou.s on All An i iKlbnll pliiycr. who missinK on'ilmht in* * Ai lias been reported mfe. 'I > W department said lo ci > « « ii advised of lliir n: i"' troni ii pliino er.i.»li Ameiiean juii«le. It f.'ilH • irt irenrhed n South A i ' e. M,, (|el,iil- n| c.'i were available in iciirhiiiK here from the An'.' • air task ferrp head quar:er» in San Juan, Puerto Rico. CHINESE WOMEN BUILD RAILROAD BY HAND In I In* inncuiost rouiolis i<* !\r< w.nicn of I ho coolie elaas licl|> to liuild .1 raiiro;«d i>. ii.i-.:! In tin- piclsitv above. tliey grade and piri .IK- tin- road bed lor v Isicli have been salvaged I mm rail roads in Ja|i-hetd leritory. Hand-hewn. eaeli stone is transported by shoulder yoke, (international.) ¥ap Convoy Fleet From U. iVc Plan Four Cargo Vessels Sunk or Disabled By Bombers; Five Ships Escape .i•ncii l{t-.ii!:|ii.irl<r>- la ,'tus tiv.il.i. April !7.—«.\5' •—It■ t:i li.utls ill a .l.i|).iilc--r rouvnv licit aril from HVu.ik. Ni'\\ Guinra. Iixlai out •>]" raw?*' <>l lniii-rneiiii'il illirit liuniii rs wllirll "•.'.Ilk l\lu X.IIIIO-i :>|| I'm my ships. forcril ■ .*>.ll(iii-1 oil vrssrl In !>c lic.M'hcil .Hid rrutlrml Mill atiollu-r S.OI!(i-|c ii h orthy. I >i . pili- lie f|i. i. ■ •iilt 1h«« itiIn—h111 liil-li T' *I'< >d.i> it tfi.ii nu clow !n- v. ;it i t'|„. •Xll ii lliicArt •ltd .l.ii 'Ivnm 1' in il'f nil do lltl'l n >1 uitiv •ii r M ship iitiM-a - . ' i iiK irtinu lll*~Cl;i> ■liMiit : c.| p.. - I : |. ■ iri'i odod in I Mil i ill m«»n fl.il til? !:.( i »111* hat !>••• ;il 'V. Aiiiur.u t'r ■ !«■ ;ma> Mere .■ lieli: Mro>i*r a Minliu.it chanlinrii l.'M » ii init < Ho .lipatir ll|lpIlO • lilt V V> >••• ii hii !i riil rrtlivrr. :i il.1 iml i\i.i . im: hi tIn* -■I mil. 11 !if t.iv.rtf . direct Iris "ii lhc >it'll1 h»* ri"-ti1" 'i! •d the ; ip Three Persons Die In Crash K tit;.-- M'Hinta:n. April 17—(AIM — ; IV1 1 \n : of il.i"ltr Kl . VI:>.» I'.'li V i . ' 1<".. of K '' J Vlmintnii M Mildred l)>iy HM-v. i»J. •• Khelhy, were killed hmllv lifter lumhl last nijjiil .vlion their car and a southbound' wis^rncor *t.• ii c :::dod at a tirade1 •fo■ ■ ii 111 tin' Imm/I of the town. Till' WlClllfl ,Ullo|)V>l)ilo Wil Hviiwm . uaitlf' ' i <• ••'! rr iv | •d lot fm 1 itin the crossing, bull lo dim' ill Ihrin w.i.-. hurt. HIAIIIIP FOK NOKTII CAItOI |\A. (|rn<.||i|iil litrlit i,tin »"il ' nhi"vrrs f ititiK lit j mi Mind.iv afternoon. IVisivcl Raids Hit New Peak V. .i: 1,41.<11, April 17— (AD — !ti:-i.m.s aerial offensive Japatc i'oree< <>n K:-k;. il • ■ 1 .in..liicr peak of niton - , 'J'1!. l!w Mavy (I: lios «<i '{Jay. w i.i-ii l)i>r.>l>ei*s of tli«* A!i ill •!!• entniiiaiid raided the (i linii's. eaiistou "runner- , . ii> tires and explosion.-." "On Apr I II." said the eom- , r. aiicpif .\*>. :>Hi. "two addition wire made by Army " .. and Lifjhtninn iight • • ni'-i .Japanese in«tal'a •••■ , t Kt-!;a. rai^ini,' lo ten tin* i • • ' v..a. in-r ol attack* oa that ' ! **i ■:> Apr:' l.i. Japanese in.-tal .i: Ki-ka were attacked i y formations ot U. S. ] . i*r*• " od :: the j •i .'I i- * <1 and *:i !:m» : in»• :■>' . -I i. 'i ar areas, e.iusin^ mi i • : ■ ii- ..it* and i \p!n-i'>n». ( me I • y boil brr was .-n >t dawn by i . < y ,n ; a.reral! t • e." 23 Convicts btill At Large! — . I 1 *id . c. Oil.. April 17—(API— ; • * t ty-tlircc ol the '.'•* nitivirU who i Tattnall ;.* itr prison yes-| • ■ iin ii .it i 'day and •i mi.ad v.i <• imrter sa.-- < * i *i ml i,u .01 u*f. Ii(*,-ition. •' i; l: l\i\ . . oit.ee re- f I !: i*il i ■ i d'dy ; i h i nij tin* in a li c ta'e iiiiii'ii Hi pri.ons ]* * i inv hi today were i;« P.. ( M 1*1 nil. W K. Ocer-11, t , <1 A: \ .sin t-v. the war- > iK i an neement id. | u M ,e. liu*. . '. ay palrolincn. | riitt > and iioln e officei.4 lliroilKh | ii the state kept ;> jliarp wateli , to rtie escaped conv^etx, thief of j ; w '> *n v. e:e erviii". life terms for; 'virder. I 'E' AWARD IS GIVEN TO DURHAM COMPANY . H; '■■iili. Aprl 17 < AP) — Tin* I > Navy • T." priKltHtllott av* . ■ ". pri'setiifd tod,*iv t'. Wrijjli. ^ vj i | ' " Mr ehiiierv Co. a ' rliam. j | ak'-r.v iif pri'( I-i(i|i li t ,cnti vi-j i lid lo the war eflort. 'f 55 Plane 5 RAF Night Operation Against Mannheim, Ludwigshaven, Pilsen Largest of War London, April 17 — (AT) -- Mori; than <>'!>• ii cnhei's r<r :l >ut in m«.i)ii!i;,hv ia-l ni^ht to .strike heavily at Mannheim, Ludwijrshaven and i'ilsen—ihe latter iii German - occupied Czechoslovakia. tlic home of the Skoda munitions works — in what tlio air mini>lry today jailed "tlie hiytrest night opera tion this .war. Fiity-iivc planes are missmjr in the raids, it was announced. Manlirim and l.udw is;shavi::i arc on the Kltitit*. in souihwvst ern i.jcniiai'.y. emintclt'd 5»y a liridm* across the river. "Preliminary reports iiulir.itr tli.it both attacks were eoncvu tratcd and siicecssl al." The bomber k> -v. i t 1 iii:;lit'o ipcration unc . :.e .• : t . 1 >y the B: ;ti.*n in liiis v.as Although the loss <•! •">•"> bonioel'S approached 10 per con*, "i tiie r :ng force. the a ir.it \c view was il.nt the losse.- wore i.i i cut i>i pro portion td the damage done ' > ;in jortani target^. A i'» !<■•: e: : . • as K*en cf'inmoiily regained . - .<• . ex ait ravagart. i susta i . !, period. for 1j:e ci'iii riaation nf nffen.-h e. "i h' Cit'l'liliil! an l.ree. ii.ick a! Knglancl. • lour :> ..IjcC .! London as tla Mr.- a capita! ae«rd t:~ third ail* raal i week, nil only .1 lew ene v pi. : el > • •nough lo the city to drop >omo lifih explosive bomh.s. They cued ittle damage and tew t. -u.i!ti< he suburbs. SOUTHS ARE FREED BY PERQUIMANS JURY Ilei tloni. A|>! i1 17— iAPi-A jury oturned .. verdict yesterday acq (til ing three yo .:ii- clta Red with as au!l Willi intent t.. rape alter a 1 lal ii: IVrq.i mat.:. . j court. TIlC charge.- were litoituIiI i»v ,t otint! uirl as the rc».ilt oi an anlo ' !» -(• Ii- t! d i:;e IligiiL I J.tntiao i!-. ^eveivtisst jfavyFcrmed Cr One Unit Arsigned ' o Au IraJa.'i Area, Strongiiie:;ir; ; Hope For Stri/n:^ Force WashiMStnii. Vi>ril 17 — — Iteura.iiit/.ilion «i tin* failed Stales \iiv* iiin> seven flpels with our .!• Mimed to the \ustra lian air.i. sirrncltirnvil the pos sibility linhi.\ lli.it sln»iy rein fiiriTinfiih iniulil l>r de-dined for (tcnrrnl Onuclas Mm \rlhnr, Meanwhile. .. «•• 1 :**-^n»n:iI contro crsy concc/n'iiy l\.c tic iiiul n\< * 11 illicit -troteigy was highlighted i>\ ciill from Scnotor Geo i.e. ('.c m .'i icmtml. for shipment Au«(rali:i nil I'hinn ill ".ill t'li* ;olili'ioiu.l l ines needed I 1hn e fi " There \v:is <• t ir1 • • c .il c•.n ien| from the N •. n Secretary litnx' disclosure (• . ■ ! re >r* iini/.-ition. l»nt i' v. .is jfmptly loilltcd ii.it c! e\«. lice 1h.it the n ave been ■ pir. i.m i<• t>■ • t> • • t in.lor iir. ft ii.i.;i ti'-ci liv M;ie irthm. Koo'i ii ithly i»l • .1 "Ij'orverg Iresscd t'l.it t i 'i./iilion ii»!hl lie nno "I "c ■ or.ic nee only"' iivolvinK no import ni ' ;it cr of c i iiiiwc'-. r.nl 'In ,i • '• ilycfl li.it heretofore (lie nntiv ' fleet" htl< ei n re ervi'H foi ' mv n;i\ .1 unit, 'he pomlbillty tli it u ii i t • <•(• tin* ;>> "led tn MarArthnr tufted imncfli itc spcculat on jk to whether he allied hiuh command ho decided o eh.inm I into the sn ithwc.f Pacific liore fiiippurt—both on hind and e*'

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