thirtieth year iuntitersmt Siathj Ifepatrlj LEASED TV1KE RKIIVIKU « ^ASKU W1KE 8EHVICE OF> nit. ASSOCIATED I'HESS. HENDERSON, N. C., TUESDAY AFTERNOON. APRIL 20, 1943 1'UIU.ISIIED EVEHY AK~ UNOON EXCEPT SUNDA . FIVE CENTS COPY Buy Government Bonds Now; Help Vance To Meet Its Quota More Nazi Planes Shot Down PRISONERS BAGGED BY YANKS IN TUNISIA Here aic some <»f the hundreds of Axis prisoners taken by the Ameri can forces in the recent Gafsa-Gabcs push in TunMa. They seem h'Pl'y ahout beinc bagged by the Yanks. General fcisriihowcr. the Allied commander-in-chief in North Africa, announced that in the period since March l(i. -1.630 Axis prisoners of uInm ISO were Germans, were captuicd by the Americans alone In Tunisia. (International Radiophuto.) Russian? Declare No Major Success Scored; German Losses are High Moscow. April 20.— (AIM — I i rye vale German at larks have increased in tlie Kulian ili'll • area nf I lie Black sra roast, ami repurls today saiil the Germans lud attained numerical super i< »it\ ill sumo places. I»ul despite I lie weight nf llieir attacks tliev were reported to have gained neither any major success nor anv new territory. Sh.irp midnight assaults. support ed I y ;i :(|uadi'on of tiinks. ga\c • i!, ;i wedge in Soviet positions in • i i nm'.i cl'iscd sector but the llus -l»n . 1(1 they had IIiimwii the (»«•: in.ili i ii:t. The Gorman- lo-l 4>M» do kI in one sector. said tlie mid day < •iiiiiiuiiii|ue. "I 11»• iiiizi iitt.ieks were inoilllled Ii'mii, i the Sea of A/.ov I" lac Im i ii' ni NoviiniM'i.ik and Ilit' Gcr in .ii air I (tree continued '<• lend tin. ; > • 111hI tronp. heav y Mippoit. The • ■ill: hi. were however. I>y d '< ' Plied Kus-ian an ic.-ir the liist timo m a long time a Clerinan loree. although nt xuilheast of Leningrad activity that nnj'.ht be a prelude to offensive ac tion by either side. Spirited aviation activity continu ed all along the front. Fighters Bomb Kiska Wa hington, April 2». tAl') AmericatA fighter plane.-, doubling i,s light bombers, dropped 17 ton- oi cxtilo i-.cs on Japanese positions on Ki-ka in (he Aleutians, the v ic I'orted today. I'i the south Pacific American ;iiuI •'apiineso planes exchanged bombing •it'acks sol up ;in iifirucy to assure productinn .iik) distri bute -n hi needed supplies to ci\ ilians. Strongly opposed i>v \v;ir pro ductioii Ijn.iid .:11;• 11 Donald M Nelson .Hid w.ii manpower Chi. I Paul V. MoNuIt. tiie 1)|II v.i "Id (>iii|Mi\ver a civilian siip ply ..;!:i ;iii-li.iloi- to determine liei ! lor i ;il !■ ■ Asilhonlativ. p ! -■ n< who w.l.theid the use ■ I tin i!' :i; iik .a: t. however. it hart the>; o! ec■ ■ n• •:11if stanili v.ali •!! Director Jamc.-. F. IJyrnes. Rcxcbel Hit At Least Five Dead In Siorm; Property Damage Estimated Near $200,000 I!fell Square. April "JO—(.AI'I — A tiirn.idn that lasted less than tun miniilr* laid waste Hie heart ill' Kovotiel. Ilertir county rntti ii)miiIy (»f less than 100. killed at least live persons, and wrought pioperly damage estimated at nearb S200.000. i v liniliiiuvwo'lh. Jr.. :i news papcrnian who m .led the scene two hull!.- alter lite Iv. tor -truck in mid iiltci tio 'ti yesterday. -.lid .ill the dead were Nou " ' identified litem as 1. nr.y H'ish. and 15; lite Hush. .'Id. si-lci-'. iid llcrlhii W.vmiin and her two -•>■; M children. Fifteen or twenty persons were in jured. Ilolliinsswoi'111 : >id Stale highway p.ilrolmen and hti-ine.-s melt esli 11 .lied the damage at $175,000 to $21)0,0110. Kasletit area and district officials of the American Hod Cross in a con ference in Charlotte at the time the storm ftruck. promptly dispatched representative* to provide medical need'. (<« d. clothing and shelter for the vie! ins. ,t. II \Vcaver. Hieh Square lawyer 1 who went t" Ho\ohe| after the slertn. J said 'I cut a 50 yard -wath through . the hu. *es di 'rlcl. demolishing Iw > two - torv building', the Methodist church, several other bu-ine*a house. (Continued on Page Six) Tornado PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT TOURS SOUTHEAST ArmyCamps, War Plants Are Visited Trip Started April 13 Carries President Through Six States; Soldiers Found Fit Aboard Ko;»scvelt Train. Ap i"f 1 —ts—(AP)—President lit e\c;l is makinjr a second aiajoi* inspection of Anu-rica's expand ing war effort and tias seen 'Lens of thousands of lit. bronzed troops which, he indicated, will be used to hammer out or main tain a second trout in Kurope. Weaving through (lie south (tii stales by special train and motor, he lias visited a Marine Corps base. a H'A.VC training eenter, and five Arinx posts, and reviewed division after divi-ion of fit looking lii;111inu men. villi months of toughening In-lund tlieni. Aiieau in mem may n<- giory <11 the Kutopcan ronliuonl. "Tlie troops you have seen \\ il! do a good job in Europe?" a reporter asked at ti pre>s euniorcuce aboard his train. Mr. Roosevelt replied that he would say so from what he had seen of our troops in north Africa and here back home. The Chief Executive permitted an announcement today ih.-i ne had toured Virginia. North Carolina. South Carolina, Georgia. Alabama and Arkansas as a seipiel t«i live swing which look him from border to border and coast to e 'art last I.ill. checking ui> on military ami war pro duction cstablishme s. He left Washington April IS. The Chief Executive told the press it was hard to pick out what impressed him most, lie thought it was the ureal improve ment in troops of all kinds. a< compared with what he had seen on his trip last September. He said he thought the couutr> was turning out snappier troops in better physical condition. Morale in general be described i. very, very high, and he asserted liv. • men looked awfully lit. He .-poke. I too, of the permanent value ol the educational and physical trainin., programs in military camps. The officers and men. he id. arc eager to get in the show and K«'t i! over with. East (all. Hie Chuef Executive .>. ter sense of proportion and pcrspec (Contimied on Page Six) Three Stills Discovered In Prison ReidsvillC. Ga.. April 20—(AP)— How three whiskey still-, were lound in Georgia's .-late penitentiary prior to the mass escape ot 25 of the in stitution's toughest conv icts w;.- re veil led todav bv Warden 11. II. Ou Vall. UuVall. asked about report- that prisoners had been making whiskey, said one still <>f 50 gallon capacity was found in the nn on cunning plant, in a wing of Ihe main build ing, and that two smaller on< . had been found. The di coveres were made March 10. just after he took over as warden. DuVall said. One of the smaller liquor plants was foiled In a tunnel leading from the boiler room to lite main btiild'ug This disclosure came alter DuVall told how convicts planned week- in advan>;< for last Friday's mas* break working hour after hour to cut thrngh specially hardened bars with steel wire, then put them back i place with soap. Confe sion by uv « recaptured prisoners aided in the rev elation Eleven of the 25 convicts who fled the prison remained at large today. ALGERIAN CONVENT IS TARGET FOR NAZI BOMBERS lifts-en nuns were killed and several others were The nuns were killed and injured while at prayer, nearby air raid shelter. (Official I'. S. injured when Nazi bomber* blasted Ibis convent Alciers. Sixty orphans housid in the convent were sale in a Corps Uadio-tclcphoto. (International Soundiiboto.) Anniversary .Luxembourg Radio Goes OU Air Today; Night Raids Made On Nazi Transport I.niiddir. \|iril '!0.—(AIM—Tin* Luxembourg radio went off tin air sliortl* alter noon today. Renter* reported. indicating that allied lionihrr* iniislil lie oli-.eiy iim Adolf liitler's alln birthday liy a daylight bundling of f.u ropeau targets. Tin* main Danish radio station at Kaltiiuiliiirq al«• HAK fii'hter shi|is ranged • ' na/.i rail lines ami road.- li l> i'tan.v. thrmiuh !>■ >rtit ern Franco and llnlliind and into n »rthwcstei n Germany, and Whirl wind bombers attacked shipping in llie channel. Two aire ill wore missinu from the night i'•lis. the news hcivico said. The I. < c Iliu bombers were be lieved ' • I e remained at then ha e- < 11.11' t! >• night. Itrih-u leatiwhile. en.i »yed .1 raiidlc.-s nii:lit. PRESIDENT TO MAKE RADIO TALK TONIGHT \V . • April 20— (AIM —president Rfiosevelt will id dreys tl*e nation tonight at II n'eloei; FAVT m a speech l> he br«>a<'i over all radio net work . 'lie White Hoilsc has an noiinceil. Suli.iecl of his lalk was not given in the While House tin roiimniieMi. i-sued lale last night. WEATHER I Of; NORTH CAROLINA. < ontinurd cool, with Mightly lowcr temperature tonight. Hitler % Hi rth day Gives Little Cheer \ Ghost Voice Interrupts I."lifliiti. A|i. pnWt'l'lllI J{l|ii:t till- I'.I'I ill: i (A I')— A < . rii|iU'(l ■II .ik iii i r day by shun tin "Tin- 1*11* ;r» riiifv li Wi«S lllllll." II.II I '1 Till- \ • • 11 <• i " Till - h< in |K»\V IT III i l I iiw.-:. rillllf til 11: Uiinc I ' I\'. I fiilltu. < 'li (l<>\\ III.ill. 11 it It : .v ..I I lit U v.ill lie dVf .>ll ]Ik- hUi Tin W.lVI' it'll, it i id Hit Hill- tl.; llllibli Nazi- furk Pact Signed Commercial Treaty Provides Exchange Of Important Goods By Two Countries Ankara \|»rll Pi (ililawili— i Ai'i—\n nltirial <' that Tlirki-> ami (> siKin-il a now <(• atrci-incnt to r\ i lianur ciinil* rmiivnli-iit to alioiii Sltn.OllD.IHlti i arli ill tlif ni'%' ,vr i;-. Ill I ■ \V (I "i fit' COIIIIMll K|i II I'ii ;. w II 111111 h (ii'l'ti jitiv ' : n\ ■ -1.■ 111> i" which Ocrinniiy ni | tin-lie p.' 1 I' llfi ni|> -i'(;iin c ' .ni'l I (Sri'iiuitiy will > i • i nl Turkey "iitriii? til.-il u«•<•«I ■ I I'i'itiruliii- inij" rliiiu'C (Otu> Tiii'Ui h i'.iw in.ill poll,ml In (tinniinv i dir.• ii'. l»,i; there v\.u no -pvi-ific indication that t ■ Turkey,' (Continued on Page Six) German Broadcasts Offer Grim Then. T o Indication Gi\«n Of Speech by Hitler f.'iiidon. April 20. — (AP)—• \. arinir* i.'i ihi- defensive ill I'urope and ils milinots. an ailiiress to the nation. I •• IV: .1 radio pictured him I. 'Ik : \ f nl Iik bh'thci; y I It: .-. the location >>l uiiit.M-losrd listening to tl . i marked the* boRin ■ . • i (»< *i';:iiv - ;,n:> i;i| tribute tn i • I'lielm • There .-till was no in itimi, liuimw, whether Hitler i !t \\ ulfl speak. I I lden>1 brought pi'O . t- i>l I't ..pai;atula .MilH< .||(i lit ; 1:111,11-1.ill Ciiil'l' •n iiipi'-Hif". :ind !' wns ■ v till r. a tliuy outid i ii : In- n •!i<»n. ! iii i' 1 riiirtIi year anrt v il hai
  • i ii wiiy out nf its hur iti- . id -ulleruiK>. an* ;it present > In i in -i^lit." (I 'i*l»b«*ls »aid. • 11 th< |ie(i))le must nhmilder great pi i ,'iii* tl eir evidence.'" sir .1 i ■ better i" I .mi the devil ii ;iljt ; ill di.-C'nd ami to con , !i Hsidtastly mi ;i lii-torical n I; tt at be I'ins t<* bo found • ' si !.•• liic* htcinninu ol trie 1 Our inn i- '"I'd a imiutamiitkm to > . \ ii !iu' pi .tplc h.vlmy J lit - • :> in l i>l(ii< ol (lie veieh " \v,* v.'ll j-hnw tie wot Id our ■ • . U I:,i that IHI. .ii I'iiniint In* nM|i i'ii'(l iind our certainty of tin; ! eternal HK'iilncss nl (rri many." Iio i more hopeful ! til. II CioeblH'Is. REPRIEVE GRANTED CONVICTED MURDERER I; ili iyh. April 2ft. \l'> Paroles < "i> inner liaHiav.iv CrnjM .tjnd 1 'i • > i :<<» dav rrpi ve had lie"11 i'ii i Clyde tii a .''.I. eon. iHca (" t il i n !*■ Mint\ laid ' H lobcr of i .iiul m'IiHiu'mI I i die, Grass i. ' i have died Ktidn.v. I i i ?a ni thai new evidence had oeen reported rnd n rnnlion for a I new trial probably would be made. 70 Junkers, 42 Fighters In New Total Allied Air Offensive In N orthern 1 unisia Continues Scorching Pace of Victories Allied Headquarter- in North Africa. April l>o—(AT)—The allied aerial offen ive. contimt iiiK its .-rorchiri'V pace against the axis air ferry mute and warplane nests. cut down -1 more enemy planes yesterday, brinjrinjr the -IS-hour total to 112 of which To were Junkers 52 transports, a communique from General Dwijrht i>. Eisenhow er's headquarters announced to day. Raising its total on the flatn ShiiAiv battle over tile Si cilian straits, where troop-laden German transports tumiilcd out of the sky like leave* in a forest fire, allied headquarters said three more enemy fighting planes had been aeeotmted fur by Amer ican pilots and their UAF and South African allies from the desert air force. This ini| the total of enemy losses in that sin gle battle at eight transports and til fighters. The tierce, but .-*• incwhnt slark 0"!i'd offensive '.vi! I-. ntin id yester day against Marsh;.! !'.: . , It.iimnol's aerial ferry route ami resulted in the dost met.<»r. >»! Uvelvi • • .1 Linkers 3L\s and tigli:. • <• i.niiuii <|i:e yaid. Four more axis j>l:n<-. destroyed in other lighting ■: i> •:id eleven in rto.l . . *i .»i - s unlay brought t;ie twe-day toll t.• 112. Auainst these losses, the com muni(|iie saiii the allied had twelve planes missive vesterday. Kleven were announced missinc the day before, a two-day total of 2.1. (.\ V; lta o'Memtejiciue said two Junkers 52 and two Jankers bombers \* t |i do , u by .Malta Spitfires yesterd; y. and Valletta dia patcho; .:i2 H as accounted for l»y Mouiuito bombers from the fortress isle. (In I.i'iul .n, it was a.-sumed these three wen1 i:i add'! n n ih< tigare of the allied he.ido larkr e ' iinurn t|lie. bringing the two-day total t • 72 ax's transports or 117 pianos. im- r.""'nn. nir t ■•'rniiiiis nioiMiIrd a roimtrr alliclt in the rcnlrai foitiir against French fnrcfs holding Out-rt Iicbir. snulli of Iti'ii Ar.ida. I>n ( I lie French off the u'saull easily. The •, :r i o .t — Ocnerol botiRlns MiicArllun's hend <|li; rHv- announced 1 *•»I■ • v llial ti lled wiirpliincv. o|h rating alone de spile lite enemy' mi' ntiliK ininl strenjj'h. iiit.ieked 11\ • • Japanese bases vesteiday hi tin r land abo\«: Australia. < >ti bulb >id< the Ircincndoun sirunule control "l ihe «<>ntb\vest Pacific .-kic.- bad sl.'rk» ned appi ciahly. Targets hit l>y mule l.'nited Na tions plane-; included tinny alt drome- m Dutch New (tallica. New Britain. and New (iuinf.i A .-mall .lapaiie-c hip .do was bombed nil Tranimbor island. On the Burma front. British bca