riiish Beai Off Axis Assaults ^ * *★★★★★ **★★★★★★ ★★ ★ ★ ic ik k ® — — Americans Vow Vengeance For Execution Of Fi ii- jjr' jii. Several Tekyo Raid Hkrs Dead ■icral Arnold Calls i. n »J. o. Air Fighters Cestroy Guilty Japanese War Lords "V: !iii:vti ii, April 22—(AT) \ ! t v. liui iiinjr cliallt ii^'i !■ r ivuiijri1 inili' Willi Aiiiir: i„ • air I ijriitfi s in till? 1'ail tic i -. .. :*i* called 1.11 by their i ra! il my 11. Arnold. : . ii > .Japanese war lonl: \ . > ' : .\i C'.lteii ri'ViTal o! ; .• c iiaraih-s" in vioia l:s i«i' what Arnold t«• i nn* I \ t ry rale c.f military procrd ii: . i;.l . vi'rv coliei pt of lui ::s;i:< (liceiicy." !':!• iitrnt llnittovrir-i aiuinun r. lii.r }rslrriluy that Mime it t: iiniiiean filer* who help i ti ( • a.l) niililar.v tiiritets in .la I :i '.isl \i\ir had In-.-ii put to rlcctril'ii-il and allocked the and the entire iniinlr>. ; Mr. itooscvctl's a « ■ . .t these "diabolical ci .ii.o-' a America n.ore dole. :i . ii tuaii ever to "blot out Hit lit.it.-in i'! Japan" v\eie . i. . nn. til.- a- liic.-e: :i S "; it.I !•: Illinois, o! • . i; isc rule* committee: Co:; il..itilia.>le. .I..tr..;'f • I ti.at when the time eomc.-. we .• \v iu> mercy." : i{.iv1111i n: "Urue mi.i'." Kai Slick: "This late t V ioi'.illlltl lit llltt-Ml.itloll.il la a - sii. uId .-tii-l the de :i oS tin- L'mtid .\'atu>:«, t > nudiately t.i k tin* en 1 • i.tinvs'nn iavv out !>i ..tc ■ i.-.-.n ii-:.- : .J.ij. m. ,-i • r-.:i Sv\ i- tl:|il 111;.: . iitnl luaiie public ai Hit Ii >:• e >c*tcruiiy. said the ■ t-.- eventually -..ill I ! 1 .III-.- I •; llif t'M i ll'.. >:t W: i!v- Iltm>e released tn.' tin eMf itauis ii tiie t■ •; Mi . ■ t by tiii- I'm- idem, re < » I nun a slop on his war cam a i: i :.i m y :it l'nrpti> I'lu ■ • arid a 1 .null vvuld ii..tt- . ! j':.i ti.e State department. ■ it !!•• nlticers and men v.:. • -I:.i>ii!5 with .Major (ietie. .1 II. Dentin If la.-1 April, tl. • ailment li led ei«ht a.- pri p.e \imed prisoner* id tae ■i i- ..-id two . i■ ii:ny. FORMER MICHIGAN GOVERNOR IS DEAD < • 1 -1U-. Mich.. April 22—(AIM ~ 1 'iit Cover nor Linen l>. I)irk •II died I 1(1,iy at I> liinn home ' i ten iit the* aRe ni j'> l year-. i 'i cI .i heart attack WVdncs I tin- uiivciti •: - up'ii tl>i> death i>l C5«iv»-:"iti«r l> I*"itZii«*r;iId iiml .-erved nut : tii 'iiit failed u( re-electurn t ■ j signing! Dcinucrul Murruy '»• • .!i Wagoner. Mine Dispute Certified To WLB " h April 22 (aim •—Sce '• •: 1ii>->r IVikui- announced •"day dip !i.i«i certfiicd the tiH'l w.i'i- depute tn tho Win* lahor I•' ' ■■ vlcfloiim the lailnro "l no ! ' iti 'i... which hiivc hern nnd'T > i N< w York since March 1" !!'<• .-aid: "Ii 11 in ! mc I nhntild have Int.* i '' i t-i wnil patiently for t;»*• ' ' i". • * •! thin conference l« tv»rk '1,1 i tlima construct i\o. i»nl : iitinl |i» ihc priwcul in" i ■" •1 !>(•<• C'MilHC'e-. C •*" liiUi'ii mi »> vital a matter. I an err Ihiv i- iS(. (in. national wa. labor hoard." '•iMtlMrnlion omhrac>. ";o v - 'In Appalachian toitimmviUi pio* '' " lift area, north and south. Gardner Announcement Leaves i^ield Wide Open Without Candidate Opposing Reynolds Shelby. April 'JJ— (AT) — !•"< rnuT i iiivtTii'ir t >. .Max (Janl iu i* Ixday iL l initi-ly lvinitvcil i.iin.-iir as a ramlitlaii' l'i.r i!i,» I S. Senate in tile 1'.'1 I state \»nU- Diiih iraiic primary. KmDial withdrawal "I' the pr. iv.iiu ut North Carolinian now h.iic- that field wide open •a!;;ot> miiced caiiiliuai ' to 1 Sill.itor Hubert 11. :ii \ i'oi(t>. (•.miner »aW tli.it liix health would nil permit him to make the rai'. i'lirmi'f (iiivivtt.-ir t'l.vJr 15. I w lin li.is I ecu urueil t» make lin* race. was .1- Ueil it he w piiW1 run. lie would make no definite l innmit-iii :its hut left liim-eil available if the call eame to inn attain*! Iteinolds. 1 low evpre-sed keen |»rr«.onal di>ap |.ointment tliat (iartlner li.ul de rided not to he a candidate. •| have dec.dec! ii"t to becomc a card date t.-r the l\ S. Senate in 10 l-l." G:i: d: cr -aid in a statement ism led at his home here today. "In e to mv friends a: «i to the • .. |..ii,;:c. I Icel .| i:.y duty to Miiiic tiii> aun«>;i:»«I'liici'.l without de lav. At;, decision is final." I! ry .1 "the decision < I C. .ve nt '* rdner i- .. |jcr onnl disappoint Mil'. I v. i- an. on the lir.-t llie Senate. I lull that by reason «»f his ability t >1 pre t ye. hi' would ;v .iSle t.1 Iindi !' tile -tall .. d 'lia lii.n diiliiict service th ~ nio>t i re :.e.d iier.ixl in wi.rlii hi ■lory."' Peiscn. Gas Threat Met British Government Asserts German Use Of Gas Will Bring Reprisals in Kind l.ondnn. \pril '!'!—(APi—As •■eriini: il li.nl recoi* oil reports lli.it "Hitler is makiiiK prepara tions tor usitiR poison gas auain-t till" K'ls'i.tn I roil I." tin* ISiilish Covcrrnictil vowed Itxi.i> lli.it any ti-e of «.is liy either <»er iii.iiiv or lire salellilis would hriin: inniiediite rcprisiK in kin.I an litis! military objectives "tliioiivliollt llir whole expanse ol tieriilaiiy." 'I : i IV n ■ -;iviii(* that (jc. y .• ' >n(i l»y ;i pledge lji\>'!1 I. : \e 1 • il she would use n n|i i .iilv • • e i ies used • • • Ti . i. . •. *• i- irdcd by the A." «K nted I'ri ■ i d Berlin pen l.t* lii i ii ( ir.iieh ill's dec* * iiji "pp •vocjitivi'." I'l'e government >1 .'•lenient was i • I \ I*i mil' Min.-ter Churchill 10 Downing nlreet sutd newxpn pe:- men were e.illed 111(0 an extra rd i'> -<• s-ioii <■ I.v this morni u ■il tiie in.:i:>11y ol information to hear it. Poultry Price Level Revised Washington. April 'Jl!— (AIM- - I :.c office dl |>! iff ada..ni-l;.r:n price f:!fh !>;«• ol i> • '*: \ ...id cuts '.:i • Clirre.it prices i.l tt. ;i a I: .11.d «i fn/cn pouliiy by i.nt- to tin lent. per pound. icil iiu'if.«-fi i quick liw.en broilei aiul trier.- i>y me and one-halt to two cent.- p.. pound.-. The new priccs \vt' • • d "ii ci t country shipping point};, rcplac mi! a former system id on e i d!e;\ < \ to i.u ii ■ id y-itn'i. !i.i>f. . ■ . :I•t*!i* , ■ could legally offei v.uyinn price- t . the Hume prices on tin* farm, ami ..i l.fi.ils >••:«I th, «'i!> : i .'i d id.ii-;> market ac'ivitie.-. Stocks Agair Edge Higher New York. Ami! L'J IA Pi i •: stock market, on t.i r .-i/i t >■■ continued t" ed^e ; "ii.-r.iti \y ■■ er today. Fractional :ai\ .mee- wric well di trilmted .it tin- - ;,,i! ml u w ere plentiful . e . s > .1 TWELVE ARMY FLIERS KILLED IN ACCIDENTj Kvaiwville. 11 ui.. April .'J -(.'Pi —An An. y a.v.tianc e a <1 •. • ii. making a landing ' the I n-> lie municipal airport t'\ ■ ■«*'. e !..-! midniuht and t\vlice and local ulfirow seat to the tield -.'id the pi. no 1 • : :ie.l after the crash. Names <1 t!«,- vie timj) are i»e:ni! v.i- In Id |"" I ni« n> tification o< tin r nest kin. Raleigh Politicians Predict Twc-Man Race for Governor Iii I lie Str Walter Hold, li.iilt IHspatch flitrrau, |{> I.VW MSIH T. i- iuh. il Willi near-rut. II ml ".'I. .innM'itH'cnicnl.o "f , .11• i i , i • u<•"> «•! 11'm liaviiij; liccn led In Wil "ii Wailick. It' ilpli Mrl>"ii iM .ui'l CJitku Chen v. I li, v. im|" rclilors and political nl> ..«• < i i I li; 11 ll|c ii.-ls hit plilC ti« il!> < !•••«•,V (lit* flH'l I! i:• I llK* jll I:m i ..i n pmm,^ from (he <"int Ik'iicIi. wlilfo MfU'innlri' • i.i• i :• ••mi itu'luditl in., iwitfliiitmii Irmn I lie iiiiivitmIv i. - cully. While ci.iv i. -tin ,i inciu tier "I I lie Sli.lr -in.ili ;n<• until In- in . <--it i. ••Ii rii'd ,uin qitiilitirrl. In .ill intent;- .ntd |iuip-.v(« (Continued on P.ige Three) DIVISION OF MARINES SALUTES PRESIDENT AT PARRIS ISLAND At tlii* Parr".:. t*laiu'; in i!h- I States Muri um, tl.e li.st *lop I'resiririu K-.iosevelt's (our ol l!ic Souliieu».t. a t'.ivi-.'iiit liaUi u.i- launched here this i.'.oniiir; I kith Itir ways ul' Ihr MimIp-:iii Shi|ilini\liiiK ami Dry l>i'i!i in. allvr >lr-.. .1 a mr> Aiayuii .tones ul llcinlcrsiin. X. ( . hail christened Ihr vessel in rail iolic l eremimies. < Sumnierall. ■:.i i ui tin- l". S. ii- i •! The 1'it.i i< ! ■ - ;.. inc.piii ;iciiI i '' • i- i i Captain (1. Wvsti I'h - lie I i>l tl»e ctim ' • i' ship. and Cap \ !' I.'i i i ev i alive vice pre-s i ; !: i I. l.niii- (iri-eii. i r i - .ii : !: i lii'M. ueteii •i i i anil (iiit-i 'e.i t:. Ti! Al.»n ■ is i i 'i for on India i . i-. I u-ually are (( • 'i Pajse Three) Jap 'i hreat Says Raiders Will Be Killed \ - •eiattfl !': ess > i T execute i-M.y • • .i v ;lier captured iltii • • u "I -lapan was mi ; >pagandu broadcast today mill il was ii • ' .lap in wmild "Ii a\ e • , ? n ir t-i |>rev flit .. rep i • • 'm- allien air attack" il I- up! re lasl A pi it. ••Ah ! ; v iiie way. tluii'l lor .-aid an Knjjlish ! i . iilca.-t recorded by the fede eninnninipallnn* ciin - take .nirc thai c\cry 'In- • ■ -incs this way has a •.pi I I ' hell aval re-1 a - * rift ly a one-way t a'i.i ' T \ ile- I' beamed e • United Stales Ml • tempt minter the dlicl • li11 • li :i! Ilii'i ev ell that • i • ernim I had ex ■ ■ • >t the eight Amcri iptured after Ma . - i ■ .tninr - II Ii milt tic. t i ntciiant colonel. led !! C II • .lapan and that il heen Indued. A I' broadcast recorded !>\ ! ' '< deel 'red "the .tapa ln- '"feelly jiislitied ri ftevc ihlng American fll i • fniiiid Riiilly lit fuirp ely ran vnm out \\ union <•" innocent civilians, hi.M s at. I .-clionls." WEATHER I OK NOKTII C AKOI1NA. Harimr lonuht and tonior rotv. House Votes For Recess Wellington. Ap.-.l "JL* AP'-Tho lluu c vntori lnil;iy i . an V n was* until Mil> :t. S|h ;or Hay Iv.irn. To\as Ih-ni rrat. n* tho imdy would liavo ;. lin.d i-how il'*\v 11 on that dat,. ..11 i,,:,-j.,, taxation, with ail..tin- \ ,t,. ,.n Ii;t«li! iod J,* 11 (; 1 pla.: t. ski|> an in n»mt» tax yeur. Mon '»»•»> i«s H'uan l> .\ i:ii» fnr their h.>nu> d-tra-t.- . >pi-iui the East or Kvmin. s i... t« ■ rnncurroncc ill the rctV'S resoltitinii was i*e inhors. wing • : :.ir nortn «. ml. •' eavily (lamar;i i i t.,|i. ■ » Xa. • t -I,. d. Wrdne.-day. tin- \ - nci today. and iestn yod a-. /.. , : .• to. ■ All A.ia-r ,• : de ti j"lh anl .. n ..liter plain In lii»- ii..i ta |I . . A tny |,1 mes i11i»t-cl and . t ' ; n i n :i KUkil It't tin , . day. dan afl ■ hal Aknitii.n •• nd Tin- Al< tit fir toreo ha. n, u hit Ki-ka 113 times Cotton Prices Trend Higher \|V . \] 22 -( AI*) I ■ I "!i I ' n • .• icuts a ij e lower > It i ier. x vii ■ • 2 t rents .i Ii'glioi ' 1 . May 2i'.2"< Jtll> 21 (Ml I t ...f |t| ill. l'levions Tiidav' l ill t»|»OH Mav . 15 20.II. .Inly l!li»(i !{»:«. Oot"<»i>or iit.it!: hi.!;;: Iloooiv.lior . l!i K.» March I !• H'J Mt.H. Parleys delations President Roosevelt And Avila Camacho Conclude Conference At Corpus Christi Corpus Christi. Tex., April 22 - ( A1')—Rotations between the I'nited States and its dose | ■ ijriiln.r across tin? unfortified | nicr to the south seemed more | t< nu nted than ever today in the | v. ake of historic meetings be* , t ■ ceil 1're-idetH Roosevelt and xien . •'!• ideiit Avila Cama •.no. Stressini; continental neifchlmr linc-s aid military solidarity, tlu* euntereiu*es «ere held in hoth lands—at Monterrey on Tuesday ami at Corpus Christi amid tin* constant roar oi w ar plant's yes terday as tin* naval air cadets ol several American nations carried j on their «rim training duriii; the i unprecedented parleys. ' l'min the point .if view of con-1 :mental defence and unity ol pur*| ; ' I'lv.-iaeist lii>o-e\c!t i >ki tliej . ii• !.e a:.d tlu* Mexiron . i 1' . .iciitivc Uiiu'hoti v.th liiem d i:v;j ;s:sjH.c*...m of the naval air 'iv'r, ! tenter, "this kind ot military I training means a Wide and long step 1 u rward ::i the relations of this hem- I isphere. Let the good work ton-1 linue." !t<- ho happy to greet I A\ la I'.. : .itli*i at the t imrm <•••11-j 1 1 .,i-e a !.iiii'* 1111111 *if M«*.\ ! eailets art* anii'iu t!i" y..uih.'"tt| 111 t; i re and tci ni* >1 t't r. i ..!!••• : :: . :: t'ml'fl Stat. •■••it ' •»»«• | the meat American historical | Reef Lines Held Firmlv Germans Maintain Unceasing Assaults On Soviet Positions in Kuban Delta Momow. \pril '!!—i \1"* —'The <.crin.in- kepi up nitre*! ms .is -.niils i-i the KiiImii valle of the < au< i-ii- ilurill.T the litiiih, tr*i|iK \% itli .1 treat .teiyln el men. (,'iiks and planes to rraek the lied Arm* lines from tiiv- snu.aeru shores of the Sea ol \/<>v Iti the HI.irk sim at Xovorossisk. A1 their effort* failed, ulthoughl - in>' instance* itronps of uxl* \\ ( e abli t> ■ each tile 1 it'--1 1 ■ 1 the Hed army's defen-os. ' ' ' • rut down by murderous I e no i.lie and mortar fire.! • c:'mau* were] 'id '•> hiiM' »' upwards of! in the last - t hours. Til, i'<« Ti.tii an 11u t e. mtvtiv.'hilc. i . enuaRcd :i nmi of !!•.«■ i ■ ii :\ ;.ir battles ot 1 lie earn j Ull a- Ittuisllin I .elite: planes mot i ■ .. ..ttcmpts tn (i vc bisnib the I . iny's t-rotind troop- into sub T e two day scire of piano de-1 . i i. in th sector was reported | !' '•■ I.' 'i i e l< inn's favor, and ] lied army's aviation was inerea<- i the number of its attacks on > u; ml poop.-. Rabson Advises War Workers To Prepare for Labor Crash 15% llinrr \\. IItvim ItiiH I'jirl . \l -. April i'i In ]<»:'!» 'hen • T.. .VIC soiling .1: (■ u'll ' ' c 111 1 (•!•' |'l ■ I l.ijfl I hill IIiom* i" km • I >li Id itii' pus-il>h hold p . nd li.it .1 )>1 <'".||,i|v-c w iIiinkI I! f.irrl.v i-.inif with ■' hi u I'i 1 few mnnthit t».■ !«•«• (IrnplH'd IM» per con; ,ind 111 )\vi» yc.ir.- .ill '!io h n!;:- wore cl<> ivl with t« ptv IIP .. httlo i-r c< 103.' "r • C I'.t. wlltrll Ilion I -Ifl jit ill'*' iit>oil' i!" i>llt 111!- :■ f.> 1 lri>:ii tin* hiuh of ;!•>.'! in If*-'!' 11. Ihi- now*]* prr> voulfi ,• I'li'li tin- .ivcr.itos, tho -.imc •!n'\ publish the -''Mi. flvi'ijiui's v.'llvit V"Uld thin !.ln>\\ ' I'll till ymi (Continued or. Page ci::) &l IN a 2 s .V ^ #* oi .Lit, In lumsia kre Heavy Freeh British Gains Declared Firmly Held Against Hard Attack By Rommel's Forces Allied I It si(l<|U:irU :- in North Africa. April —(AIM—l!ri i.«h int:tinvyin -n. tanks aii11 til' J7 sinks and ~i"0 (It*r nstns in ii;t .'hd,: :-i'»ab sic <>r al<>iif, 1; wti ;t.;iniunct.'(l to lay. Fresh liritish ir.tins on tho southern front wore dec-Wired firmly la-id. iit'ttvmt <10 ami SO taul.s ami at least five battalions it! Cler nun iiilantry. iiorhaiis :;.0(ltl nifii. struck tiy mtnniii-iht Tuo-tlay it in III at tin- imimUiisw <>t l.iou ti'iiant (it ivral "• !'iii • ..in'■» lir-.l army in the ir.tiliiit.'.iiniti-. area <>t Mpd.i«"/.-ol-!tali. >: til t;.~> mill's soulliv.osl til' Ttini'. The assault lt».v i- - i :n cl ht"'o as some "1 the be:-t ■>; Marshal Kr* win Rommel's ! t n in Anita. nu'i by heavy lire Tinv • utfeiod considerable rasualti ind ti c sup* Vi\ -• Wt'.l' V. I. ciKiammicpie said. Am :t« t: r w ri'ckotl lait'ss t: oy > ' ■ i ore iw.i »( (he 60-t« n : : . Mai;; t: Ot U. Sir p. !. Ihc if-'" l. "1 T '■ >1 ' : p.. nl tor. is ml ff.-s — with a iu-av> I - '• ■ axis. "tMi: p.>-:T: n# \v« <• ic illy i'r. proved and . ; y - Ui.' tin i'.nvi nitiii.. • i (it iifia! Miiniv ioii'Ii s lin n, v hit lat e It :i milt's nl f\i;enn'l> iliiTictilt hill ciiin'.ri in flirir 111 - fsj pus's -ir«l 'I •in!'.. Iiavi* il rrady driven through throe miles that miff liii»tlfd Willi r.a/.t do fen ^aid'.fs.- t'l tho »• in tr.>ps and materiel. T it.- (•■ < . i . . : to I mt> •' rcg fonts hi i the t; i • • • r.!ren;i diors in the t n, . ii t.u fir 1 ..rmy ar.d tht \ > U « 11 i o. tht • front. Ts iik •■•< ■■■ . v. h.-h had ;«ro \ i''.i ly mi •' • l : ,o tia''.I'-•' '•! Ka.- t n- i' - t M ■ t. v thri'\vn into tiio i >. Tv or.'v * ' ! 1 i ••• liinkji tv< til'.-!: .yo.l . .1 . >nk« ni: n ' •* , ■ . . boon It i'i i".'. ... • n ;:."iiiii liuw .10 fiij:is air fields and • ii. I * 'ii». 1' ■ tor !;#s»t up (licit" .'it"- ... sweeps over ihc fror.t arc sis yctcrdsiy and ten enemy pl.tnc «f"i' •! ti.irint; iiu Detention Of Indians Held Invalid NY\< lvllii. V>v| L" \P>~A federal (•'•tr! riili-I :i\.!.d ! day ■ n i>l tlv flctpixc «'f India vr_: lllati"n- iiiuici \vli:. Il s ••• JI.MU'i priMMier*. lurludini; U- i<" - i>( •' • (' (tiati >n »1 i* i v. «•••!•• delninpd in <"ir ■ "i u Ih l..-t year'.- dMntbanee-. In di ! \rrlng 1 mi- i |gn f. s M.i ii it- Gwydcr. e tic! ju lire ol India. <-a:d "mil' •-• sibly embai^a.-*.'! e"'. < • ?i ; trmnoiMiy. '<> the i '.<•< • author* ity."' 1ym <-!nv>iti« daln-n i*f • -e<*ti > . f 1 f the ' "!*:i d# frti-M* ither All In dia rntiRrmn pinly l. tidii hove Iteelt ditainrd cU's"d .I" |>read speculation u I'.' 'an tod v. 'nit in forn-ed quai-v i:d 1 >t th<' re lease of (Snndhi nnd the ether.-, was "xr.ust vsnltlicTv '*