FDR RECEIVES BOMBER MODEL ijg363MeaBBH»t=— Hit' IVoilR''!•< Aircraft ( umpuiiy plant at I tilsa. Gkla.. Vl'i'sidt !ll E'iidm ;v!t ircrlvis a modi'I of \ ! nic to you for hip. I know I enn tiust you. ' ii r.t e - outside where wc can talk." A young man at Ihc table fiiM inside the door was regarding them i uciour.ly. tl.T ti iteppril out on the sidewalk! v..Hi In r. She illi v; him away where i he v. :i?t auro I hey could not lie ( ovo I- til "<• in cone's installed a( ' r. plvu-.e in Clemuntlne'n room." | - I I: • -il IIIPlltlllrii.lly. "We 1 ti' .. in follow the wilt- I 1 ■ .ii I (.-.' a 1114' mnii who'll lis-, trull •• In." Ii- frown. <1. ''But why rnme tci, r.t Why not rail the police .'" "N'». no! t.i l'r keep l!ic polh . OH' ''f il They fuupret Clrmanline. It i ay In- tjir puiicv who keep up with hi.; sun! stii ! •. | "Don'L say a word win n you ge there!" she directed him. "CMi'mnn tine n:ii! I wil! tali; a.-; though fi i is iio one cIfo in the room. You jbusy following the wires." TaUing hi r advice t'> i> • fjiiiol. 'v tlpdoed up the stair? I liin,l her Agatha trwl a:: heavily . In omli to rover any sound In* made. CI mantine was lnini;'.i,rr; a liir." | inside the room. A;;athi lit "Silo';; got .-•pun!;:" ;>he v.;.. pivu (if her daughter. I The giri'.s fee colorc.l a lilll.- :>.• I fin appeari d in the t! ->r.v.:v, I<'!i J tlio hiiinminj: ■ {i> 1 not :.toj». Sin point.'d toward !!••• «>::> k • t!n rli set In ii.dii :tif t'i lni .iiit ll oi Itlip mierfpluaic. To Agatha slii .iliil, "l>:d they have a in . ; :i|,«-! Iat 1 he siore?" "Xo." n ,'l:''d Agatha. !:• . >ir up tin- deception. "You v.vi. i . lit .' I: •iloMiin' paper.; have Imii sold i it. I ami the .iliii.nn papi «#. haven't come. IVth.ipj: we can ;;ei I In ne.\. on I he radio. You have one. h.iveii'l you'."' | "One or I hone porta hi- Sets. It's pretty ;.oi .i |ii>n'i \i>u ieiuenilior? Yi.i: gave it t.i me." "oil. I did. Well. let's turn il 1 o:«." The radio would In- a life ■ :-.ivcr. It w.mld relieve tlni.i from | (In- need to ki ep l.-ilkilig. Tlie radio sal in (lie lioltorn of the closet. Clcimmtine niaiie consid erable unnecessary noise reaching I past Hans' knees to net it noise lli.it served to cover the sounds of his moving I he el.it lies aside ns he peered up at the wire disappearing over the top 'if the shelf. Certainly anyone listening at the othrr end of the line would he confused by the dragging of the radio case across I lie floor. Hans poked the air with n fincer to indicate that the wire went into the next room. Agatha's heart quickened That was the lal girl's room. Was it possible . . . Hans tiptoed out the door and down the hall. They heard nothing further from him for a moment no voices so il w.M logic;'! to as sume thai the rat girl had departed for In r clnssert at Inst. ("! :i';inllne wiiji fooling villi the radio ilia's. "There'll he a lot of sialic. I•' - very tioh y." "CSoctlJ I m.vn I don't HI.' Uu.'c quiet radios you have to ,r.iiu >"iir can; to lir.ir." • It t.ikcs n minute to warm no." Agatha was listening for liana' fooUlepa in the next room, unU •h •[•inr Ihe fnt pirl wouldn't catch :• lhole. Sin- heard a window .< ;«i!l}r open. He'd probably I Ir.- ' i'l ih<* iH' oulsid* the house a It t ' V. she decided. She was glad. ! !! \.i>ald in- awful to know that . •im i a* in I bin bouse was spying • : !i Clii.tanline. 'IT radio enine to life in the mid I surprisingly heavy, al though he liad not seemed unusu ally l it; e. A, . U'a v tnemliercd he i w; the football captain. "No iicf.(l to worry about that microphone any longer," he told litem, not in the slightest short of jbreath. :ilt hi.n;;li lie had taken the fstcp.i three at a time. "It's not con | ncctcd." I Ai:atha stared at him in disbe lief. "Arc you sure?" asked Clcman tine.