ft Hmitersmt Uatln ifepatrfo $1 1RT1ETH YEAR 't!^RiLv.««« ok . - — 111|thk Ass^Vvrfai'VuK! HENDERSON, N. C., FRIDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 23, 1943 1 uh,'1siiexcis^'V«unuay EKNUON FIVE CFNTS CORY Pr©ss Closer On Tunis *********** _ U. S. Legation Leaves Helsinki No Reason Announced For Move Charge d'Affaires ktmains; Minister In Washington ^iiice December i! ! • i11'<i, April 2:»—(AI') — 'llif man body of tlu* staff of li:t i iiitcd -States legation loft t::.- Mnm.sli capital suddenly ti:i> afternoon l»v airplane for M: ckhnim. UuiKTi Mill .s McCliittock, c :• »;•>• d'affaires, remained in ll. isiiiKi. Ihe American minister, H. 1". St lioeiifold. left here for \-; i i iir.vt <«n !ast December and iliii not return. Vfillirr American nor Fitmisli Ni.iikr-mcii wnulil Rive any rca m u lor the departure. .MrClintiick .said all lie know w;'s lliat lit' had been instructed to riid (hi' legation staff t<> Sti :!.!;«ilni imnictli.itcly. Tin* fui cimi olfico said its notice of !••£ Aim riraii decision came .vcslcr ««ir >. (L'ni.U.c'r.l quarters in London i:l 1c itori the? sudden departm"* i [' thu :-.si body of the American ->t iff si.- :i strong hint to the Finnish k >v i . i.td btCak.uj.Ui the a\ii :.nj kc a separate peace whiTe then* v ■ ye: t me. The British fo"e i;n o!t ce declined conmunt.) V shinittr.n. April "-3 — f.\P)— S; • <ii j»: intent officials. o :. i.vii !!.•• inUi reports of th.' denar ii « • .'ine per-onnel «'t Ihe I'nil'.vl S' ' leuatio: . dc-cr:bed "he acti "ii t d. y as "a.: adirunl.-lrativ .• ii:>ve." A'; l otions on tile p s-i.i'e b:-i.v'• i' .• cli a move on United K*..le • w.th Finland met vi"- tl. • i; t : the State de'iartiiv' *.t had !' : new on that subject. !'• . .!. likewise would n»t <!'-• Naelly whieh members o. the <•-' ii staff had left tin- r'.nn.sli c.'l'it .1. Wheat. Loans Due April 30 V.'. -iijn^t >n. April 23—(AP)—The vi iimu'iit will come into posses-i ,-i <f i •■lit lilii.iinii.iinii bushels oi wl.eit ■ i •> ill; from today unit's- several lui '1? I'll thousand farmer-borrowers i tin' meantime pay oft $225,000. '""i :i loans extended on the drain la-' year. T e Commodity Credit Corpora tion di-ilo>ed today that loans on : ii' Iliii.dlili.OOii bushels of I1I12 fir wn wheat stored in commercial < ' v.itiir- and warehouses and 20. iHm.lHill bushels of 1041-Brown wheat '" 'iid on farms will fall due April 3». The loans will not be extended, tii ial- sad. Brain rot redeemed by that time will be taken over by the r >v< i mint as full pavmcnt of the loan*. (train officials expect the bulk of the wheat to be turned over to the j'.i vi i niTicnt. They explained that t,:"' ' n' market price- of most type.-' "I wheat are a few cents below the '■ an value. Hence, if the farmer paid off his loan, redeemed his wheat and sold it at current prices, he would lo o money. WRECKED FLAGSHIP OF THE CCGLITTLE FLIGHT Flar.ship »( Hie ;K(:c»t l". S. Army lioml-e-s thai -m -!;.•»! I!•«« Iu.:vt i f .f;tp;:n. the plane ttown l>v General Doolittle is shewn after its crash <>n a hillside sum 'Where in Cliinu. The i l;i;i:s took Iroin the earrier llarnet. the Shangri-La of the presidential ani'imiec-snept. < International Sound photo.) Meal, Drink Prices Set Eating and Drinking Prices in Southeast Region are Placed Under OPA Ceiling Atlanta. April —(AIM—The regional ni l ice oi" pri.-e auminis Irulion today placed ceiliiiK pliers, effective April '!(>. on all nivaK a"d lood items. iucltitlitif! uiiirs ami other alcoholic liner aces, sold in eating and drinking ptaees in lite M»ailu,a>terii states. North and South Carolina. Georgia. Florida. .Mississippi, T; Jinessee. Virginia and Ala bama a:> et'feeted by the order. I'ndei tlit> order, i sued l>y .lames ('. Dcrii i\. regional OPA dirwlnr. price- will In1 limited at a point 111 higher than the hif;1 e ' price ciia'Ki'ii fur each meal, food or dri i ; :t»-:n during the week of Apr ! 1 Id. Subject In the order .ire all rc-tau rants. hotels, cafes. dclicat.'-t-en stores, soda fountain-. hoarding house.-, and "any other eat'ng or drinking place." Bulla tide club. >c: \ lig mil" nice hers or p.embers" y. >t are exempt from the order along with church and other rcligio organizat •his: meals erved 11 liosp t ils other tliav to \ i- *01 >. eji pluye;*- and private niir.-e.»: aiiil real - serv ed oil railroad (i tiers or by peddler.- aboard trains iii<It* - the p< .Idler's territory i- re stricted t" the eight slates Ih OPA re-j;i In -u- e se tin ::' sales are regulated by the order. 'Hie ! I lit* I'M" de t1 .11 ."is? n.ers ; shall lx> plainly in for n ■.■■■ ■ n n chin or by c ••-! irtir»u< not.ee That price-; (il il'ui ii 1 «• at or bci'iw the <t ed I ceilings. llecords nf charge* must [ be kept itid iitfldc available for "its#* Unliable e\ mi- at ion by patrin-." After a ceiling price *el lindei , the order .1 •>:»> not be altered ex cept | , be ' ' i : ed !>> c imply with future Ol'A price nders. \IAV III NT \I*I:A Washington. April 23 (AP)—-The office of price administration on* I iiuoneed • • lav reiil ceil tig in II defense-rental area . ell-ctive May I, Among the new areas, where icuts may n-*t exceed those preva lent on March I. IW42. are: Moore I county. S ullterr I'ine-. N. C. Georgia Prison Conditions Aired in Legislative Report Atlanta, April 23.—(A P)—lit# li 'I'"" Mill and lilllc stilU. vice. gam V'"1' 'J1'' revolt were common i ' I'iney woods marbi model penitentiary before U."> |)ti i - took control one iiiu'>t I" Uei !;. i;..ik,.(I themselves with f"" "depnrted hilariously." a le^i-l. w,"nnit(eo reportI'd today. I lie ciimmiltec told Coventor Kll Aiii.iH that the new warden w!i ' ' •• over from Hie pfcV'ioUH admin ist rat ion recently h»5 utipp c < ''"tiddioiiK, but .added: "Ihe conditions were so llafirat •Hid for reaching that he has n< e\en vet had time to discover an can-# ct an that has been going "it All except eight of the fugilivt - have heen ; eruptured. In ;i wiitieti repnrl. I ho mniniil i lee .ud Hie "'-"-v wsirden. W. II. I)u e ' Villi, f<'"tti.tl tin-: i" h.id lircii in - I mi-.eie- I" Mvit'll men pris'iiu r> iilld ( iIiiim* hi I he WKinenV serlinn. I "When t!>e women wiiuled e«m pafiy. iill Ihev hild In do was In a.-k for mi I'lcelrieiiiii nr .1 plumber, and it -iv lie lliiil el tin* prisoners II were cithei eleelnei»in> 01 plumbers. - P11 oner:- I'oidd luiv iiiireiilie^. ped [I die lidiinr iind operate Kfinhlinc table-." 1 In I he pri.-nn ranninK plant. Dil 1 \'iill fniind a liquor distillery using i f.ljile-nwncd supplies. Ihe leiiinliltnrr •• -jikI. There \vja another olill 011 the 4 sixth lloor. Americans Occupy Islands In Ellices Solid Fuels Under Ickes j Washington. April T.i—(AIM— ; President I{.mi-cvc1i by execu tive order today conferred broad new authority over solid fuel- on Interior Secretary Ickc.-. includ ing the power to determine j whether coal rationing t > civilian useis should be in-iit'.iUd. The Presidential order ubo| i-hed the purely advisory ot ficc of ,-nl.(I iiK'is coordinator i tor war and created in it .stead a mi!id luels aduiini.-tralioti for > war uith Ickes as administrator. The order sets up the r.ew ail- i ministration within the Interior department and authorize-, it to j | e-tablish basic policies ;..d ; • formulate plans and programs to assure the "consci'.atioii and most cftcctive development and utilization ot sn| d tut I-" in the United States, it lo:i :"..i i |jo-sessions. A second executive ".-.a.- , makes Ickes a niemoer o! :• war produetior. board, w.t.i which ho is to advi-c before de termining "the area- and lie times within which such <c.\ ian solid fuels) latinni g -ii .;i! i be effective and the at: it solid fuels available for . .ic i j Deadlocked Labor Board Issues Ultimatum Threat To Refer Strike To White House Nrujrk. X. .1.. April T.',— (AIM —The national war l;il»or board and district 50, tnilcd Mine Workers, wore at loggerlir-.uK today over a strike at the t'ela nese Corp. of America's plastics division which the government has ordered mded. Two rapid developme I last night brought the dispute el lo a show down. The Wl.lt -in d an ultima turn calling for cancellation oi the i walkout "at once" or Hi case would I lie referred lo Hie White II use — usually a preliminary to intervetl- j tion bv the aimed forces. ] Strikers had cheered the rending, df a telegram to Wl !! a< rrl ng thai, 1 it board wa leaking "unwarranted threats" and offei'ng to go bad toj work only "if icmiu'- - given lli.it (rlcvuncPi will be adjusted.'1 Pittsburgh. April :!:t (ATM- A walkout of rn".c than 2.»>fin sott coal miner*, prnriut .ng I2.f>0n tons of fuel daily by war bu y steel mill (ContinuPd on Page Two) Action Is Revealed Iii Navy Communique Telling of Attack On Installations Washington. April "It!—(AIM — Occupation of islands in the Ki ll cc croup in the south Pacific by 1 nihil States forces was dis closed liv the Navy today in a r(>nininiii<|i:c telliui; of an enemy iicmliin;; raid on American in stallation* there. The K i> is approximately 1.1011 ni:!• • t id tin- Solomon is 1.' I- ;i! (I i -upplv lines to the .'.!i 1'. i'kI Australia. Ti - I it I it* Maiul urotip of nine petitioned in :■ Navy n. ! < »i-t 'her. 1942. when ■ • I a ' .«■«■ eiifjafjemenl there, I' v. ■: • (I l'»«• ii that the Jap anese had e<( in. pos-ibly with I: M-l on . To;l v's i i.i :!ilini«|iie said that !.> American per •«'!v <•! wi ii i ifd and minor dam . ;i- ..as i: ' d in tile bonibinu raid. Ka:a!u!i. the .-cene of the • I a rue.-1 i-lancl ill the pinup. •* The v 'i ■ and is covered with c .in : m: and the principal \i"a; i- i anchorage beside a lav ii'ii. X . I .i en said that the oc i i land by United was ii" lPI>"sed. The ■n wa> not Riven, i that ii the Japanese 'i they were in only -in: :i . 1. I ted groups. No Decision Is Reached On Refugees II iiuilton. It'-nnuda. April 23 — (Al'i—llriilnh and American delciate- to the conference here on the I'urepcan rcfuetc proh lem w ri e understood today to lie con-i(l«-rln* Africa as a ma jor p..-ihiliU for providing ha vi'it I hi I inopean refiiKces. lint il atO" ired that final decisions tnichl he left to a later confer rr.ce. Altln lift. ils were announc ed. t' ■ v - reported toward (he fi'invit; 1 ■ <•! a program for con -i(i i-.it t future date. "\! i % iderations were be < eliminated any possi b • i|v , • "' Uiillations with the (Jer :■ n i ii K ill for the release of Jewb i ••• ' "in from Gcrroan-oc* eupii' l le i ' ry. Another private prop .il i".i! (Jerniann interred in allied i be exchanged lor .lew- : nih'. na/.i control appeared in h i e been excluded from further «ii-CH-S"ll. It v,.i made clear at the outset of ilie i ferenec that the blockade again.-! the axi- would not be lifted to pcim.i "• d reacli oppressed people annble to leave Europe. Germany's Kuban Army Reinforced Men and Planes Thown Into Assault But Russians Hold All Their Positions Moscow*. April 2."J—(A I*) — The liermans hourly have rein forced their land armies in the Kuban and have shifted hun dreds hi their bomher and I'ijrht er planes into the Crimea for use in the north Caucasian hat ties. hut despite incessant at tacks hy these new* forces t'te Germans have failed to dent iho Russian lines, it was decla:v.l today. Itcd Star, the army newspaper, said the iui/is were employing r.uincrous Ituniaiiiau troops and that during the last few days had forced lliem to spearhead the assaults which are costing tlirm hundreds of dead. The noon communique told of 500 of flic enemy slaughtered in two Kuban sectors alone in (lie last twelve hours, bringing the toll for I he last 20 hours w ell above 800. North i»l Chuguov. mi the Opiums river, a group ol Germ:.n> atten p'.ea to cross to tho ea-tern hark ij;:t Soviet gunfire iimwul then. <i- »\v:i it the water's edge. D.-zeits ol dead were lelt on the hank. it war. as serted. This was no effort to cross the Donets in force but appeared to :»• ar. attempt by a strong scouting parly to establish a foothold on the Rus sian-held bank and hold it until »*o inforecment.s arrived. But the battle of the Kuban :*o mained the principal conflict. The Germans are employing their rein lorced armies from the region >. I Ne.vorossisk to tho .-ea of Azov, al | though the Soviels nave not ,ivi: ! eated they believe the enemy lore.-. 1 yet are numerically .-aperior. The German losses approximate 1 4.0110 dead -iree tiuv began tliei/ att^ei-s in the Kuban, it was esti mated. Oil Dispute To Congress Solons to Referee Je f fers-M.il i ta ry ( Tug of War Over Rubber Program Washington. April 'i.'i—(AIM — Congress was called on today to referee a bitter (lie of war be , tween military authorities who want to hiiinb iia/i lairope to a pulp and Knbher Director Wil liam >1. Jeffries who wants to keep both military and civilian machines rolliiiK on synthetic tires. •Tetters dem.ai led. and g.'t. an in \ cstigatio: yi da> .liter Undersec retary <•: \V.. l'.,-.crson was quoted as saying that tin• aerial offensive w as being rota <.i been i»e materials needed to pi • I<i ■ ..tion gasoline were bcivg it >■ '• <i !•> the rubber program. Chairman (I Iowa IV ■ in t. of the Senate .culture siibeom (Continned on Page Two) It's Bond Day In Wall Street New York. April l':! (AP)—Wall Stieet ;iband"ned its long established custom ill observing Good Fr day as a holiday today and devoted it I undiv ided attention In the sccona war loan ctf i\ e. The slock exchange, curb cn i change and outside securities mar j kets were closed as usual but I throughout the district broker-' ol I fices were open, most of the slat! was on hand and every worker, from I top to bottom. g"t an early start "ti I prev ■ usly mnpped |>la s l<> net th - | highest possible total of war bo d j ordci ■ before the day was over. WEATHER FOR XOItTII CAROLINA. Occasional rain and show err. tonight, somewhat warmer. Chcscn cs TypicuJ SELECTED AS tlic "typical American business girl " Auxiliary M. PCcliy, daughter of iMr. and Mrs. Georfjo Kelly, Bcrcsford, S. D., is now in basic training ot tlie First WAAC Training Center, Ft. Dos Moines, Jap Island Arc Bombed Allied Airmen Raid Japanese Positions In Southwest Pacific And In Burma Washington, April 23.—(AD —Major General .lames !■;. I>oo~ lilMe's prediction that American fliers will bomb Japan ar.aiu "soon" was followed today by in Ms ul" widespread aerial blown asaiiisl Japanese force', in Ihc southwest Pacific and in Itnrina. fieneral Dmiizlas MaeAi'tliur s* in . -aid United Nations .:i. men rinded I..ill a <!• •/.<•<i enemy base. in fiii' iire <>f i.- lands a Dove At.sl.aiia. concentrating • >ii the re gum (if Nassau bay in northern New Cifiincu. Allied bomber. inflicted heavy ,i . .im• mi aiieadv deplett (I .l.ipiin e.-e .»ti|)))lioj ;hi<I C4|ui|unetit in I tie it •.. • ,.i ii i n 11 <1. hi.nibiii!'. aim .-• aii:i-' .ii.i- .'i the bay .nut viI I:.Ui. • i.l-.tJf: tile e. tjieniy forces in Hit' area were dc cuilH'tl .. bc5ct i >■ lark fiwid and medicine. with numy troop* ill and inincry At alliefl headquarter.* in north Airica. M.i.ior Citner.il Doohtlle <1« — flu red that ..hen l". S. fliers hit Ti .... au.iin it would Ik .i " • vastat mji attack lhat will emit .ia> until tin .1. puncse i npire jtiii . ilw and they bet; lor merry." In Washington. tiie War depart ment -aitl ye-terda\ lit i«'> Ti kvi> were a deeiiieci !»a« n !ity. on tin liurmn front. I i ! -i tioad qtl.iitr r|> i ted that allien ••iliib ei> renewed tlie assault on ilangnnn, i,, ... I : ui eiietey airdrome- and , i • . .i ,.nd machine gunned Japan t m' titi'ips ii: the upper t'liiiniwin GIRAUD REINSTATES FRENCH NATIONALITY I .« iiid<in. April -.1. (AP) — The Kit neh administration radio station at Algiers broadea t an announce ment today that (tciicral Henri C.i .. il h id ri-tmcd French nation ality tn all person* who had been deprived ul it becau.-e they lied Ihc Vichy adn inisfration in France. The broadcast, recorded by the As-i-eifted Press, also said that (■ ,il C. r.iud had reinstated all cllieials who had been dismissed lor rtasons other than those connected wilh the service itself. TwentyHuge Shot Down Six-Engined Planes Carrying Nazi Troops And Freight Downed In Bay of Tunis Allied Headquarters in .North Africa. April 2:'>- (Ai'l—Tin* Jiritish eijxhth army has cap tured Takrouna ami pushed >i:< miles from Knfidaviile toward l.ou Fichu in twin drives north ward and the Ilritish first army has stabbed a!ie:td three mile.-* ayrainst stubborn axi- re- istancc in a sector mi the western Tu nisian front, it was announced today. coupled with iicriui action dur ing which Kitlx haw ks and Spit fires shot tfmvi every one of 20 six - eneincd >i:-sserschmiU transports, some carryinti troops and others la.'leiied with freight, and ten of their escorting light ers encountered over the Ciuif of Tunis. The giant Messorsehinitt Irnnspnrts, which dwarf Mich carriers as the Junker.- transport- upon which Fit-id Marshal Erv.'in Komniel ha-- relied largely fur rcir.forccmeiV. ■ : nd sup plies. are designed i" carry !-'• sol diers or almost '.••II toils i'! cargo. The transports we e carrying gu— olinc and personnel t<> Turasia and "flu- entire for ii \\ destroy ed, an official .".alcineat aid. "Although r.ot many aircraft were -hot down, the size and importance of this victory ranks along-ide the success of last Sunday when 77 ene my planes, including 51! Junkers trareports. wore destroyed in ..no en gagement." the ail- :• <v aim. unc.-d. In all .IS axis planes wer.- shot down during the ilav. acainst an announced less of five allied air craft. The oa'.'le with the 'i -i ie aarded here as the nv>s*. important stroke against enw y supply line* inre the .-t.i.t of !!•'• war. lasted le--. than ten minute-. Flani'-.- - i from many of tlu- ureal earr it- as tivv were hit by the fighter bur«t*. All >f the transports and t!ie t -n lighters hopped i:- the sp i kling <• tin- ei ipproai-h ii Tunis. Troops who broke clear of the w-.-t ekago wer.' een «tri:• !ulimt in the water. Tl'.e ground aelion ugain was on i large scale. Li<>iilei;a:it Rener.il A: dor.-on at (CVnlinard on Page Two) Miners Reject WLB Order ' Xev. Apjil 23—(AIM—A pioposal thut the iwithern Appa lachian c al wage cience rccc "• In answer the sumiiioi.. •>) tii • war labor board to appeal in Washing ton tomo row was rejected l>y the miners today. The operators, however. announc ed . t the < !'>-e of ihi morni -g*- sc. sio- tii.it tiny v (1 N \e for Wash ington th:s afternoon. ar.d- the min ers prepared convene at 'J p. in., whether or not tin- operators ap pealed. C'harle.- O'Will. spoke man for the operator*. fiiid that n« for as the op erators were conecrncd. the confer ence was recesscd. i bject to the call of t-'./ra van it n. uu> chairman, and that the operator- exported to leave for \V,. ut in tli! atlernoon. The decision ol the miners to con vene al 1! i' m . wa announced by John I.. I.ewis. preside.it of the Unit ed Mi-ie Wo'kcrs. Japanese Broaden Ihreats Against Captured Fliers W.i'liiiiRtnli, Apr.I 2-1—(AIM- A\U ; '>roadcast.- indicated t"il i.v that Japan I Ii;ic! broadened the scope <•( her "se-1 \ ere ptmij-hment" of captured Amei IC.IM lln:> to include all ;n*d i-icw "who !»;•%•»• been f^und Kiiilty ■ • having committed cruel and in human acts" anywhere in Jiip'tics." !'-i :•• • /lines "il ipiincsr w.ir operation*. The Tokyo radio .• l.-»• c|>i«*1«-rl ;i panose litbinet i>p<i!.( ..man a.; >a( ing: "Japan can nevci a.;ree with the >ii ird iind gruuhdle . content!-"' that 'lip mere (act that enemy sol j dicr .ire wearing military uniforms makes them immune from responsi I bility of willfully committing any and .ill html.* ot inhtin >n arts." A Tokyo dinpateh, bruudrmt by tin- Ilci'lin iadit', said tin* Japane r* uwerr.ment hnd notified the United Stales {government <>f •(.- intention tn polish "with death <>r severe pen alty" members ol ctmv ■ tnki n prl*» oner "lollowinu attack ■ Japanese territory, Manchtikuo ard teas of Japanese military operation-" ;in(i I "fonr.d uniity" of itihu an art*. The enemy's new sl.ow of con tempt for international law earns I less than 24 ln ur- iiftor Major Gen eral .fames II. I > "little, who led the American raid on Tokyo and other Japanese cities a year ago, called on the United States to bla<t the Japanese empire "until they beg for merry."

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